BIO 131 Cuyahoga Community College Observing a Birthday Candle Lab Report Science Assignment Help

BIO 131 Cuyahoga Community College Observing a Birthday Candle Lab Report Science Assignment Help. BIO 131 Cuyahoga Community College Observing a Birthday Candle Lab Report Science Assignment Help.

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Skill Check Exercise 1: Introduction to Scientific Inquiry. NAME:______________Lab Section__________

Activity 1: Observing a Birthday Candle

Observations of unlighted candle (use data sheet photo to make observations











Observations of Lighted Candle (use video link on data sheet to open and watch video_











Question 1-1: How did your observations compare with those of others in the class. Do you believe that the observations of others in the class are more or less valid than yours? Why or why not?

Write three questions that you would like to have answered based on your candle observations of the burning candle.




Activity 2: What you see is what you get…or is it?

Question 2-1: How much sugar is found in each serving of the soft drink?

Question 2-2: What is the total amount of sugar that would be found in the entire bottle? (Hint: multiply the amount of sugar in one serving by the number of servings the bottle contains).

Question 2-3: Can you see the sugar that is in the soft drink while it is in the bottle?Why or why not?

Question 2-4: If you cannot see the sugar in the soft drink, how could you go about proving that it is there?

Activity 3: Chemistry and a Burning Candle

Observations (use data from the data sheet to answer these questions)

Results with cold beaker held over candle for 10 seconds

Results with cobalt chloride test paper

Results with beaker held over candle for 30 seconds

Results with bromothymol blue indicator in funnel

Results with 250 ml beaker covering the candle

For step 11 in the procedure, What happens to the candle? Why do you think this occurs? What might be present in the air that the candle would need to continue burning?

Activity 4: The Candle-Human Connection: Observations

Results of plastic bag covering hand and arm.

Results of blowing into bromothymol blue in beaker

Thinking Critically: Analysis of Data

Table 1: Analysis of Results of Activities 2, 3 & 4

Test Performed

Results of Experiment


Was a

reactant consumed?

Was a

product produced?

Identity of reactant or product

Cold beaker/cobalt chloride test paper

Beaker held over candle 30 seconds

Bromothymol blue in funnel

Beaker covering candle

Plastic bag covering arm

Blowing into bromothymol blue

Preparation of Summary Statements and Chemical Equations

Summary Statement 1: The three products produced by the burning candle are ___________________, ____________________ and _____________________.

Summary Statement 2: The products produced by the human are ______________ and _______________.

Summary Statement 3: One reactant required for the candle to burn is _____________.

The equation for combustion of a candle

WAX + ____________ _____________ + ______________ + _______________

The equation for cellular respiration in a human

FOOD + ____________ _____________ + ______________ + Energy

Activity 5: Communicating the Conclusions




BIO 131 Cuyahoga Community College Observing a Birthday Candle Lab Report Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

KU ?Definition of Decentralized Organizations and How They Work Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Essay of accounting of 3 to 4 pages about: Define decentralized organizations and tell how they work and how they measure the performance of those charged with management. .Essay must contain minimum or 3 or 4 pages with more or minimum of nine (9)long!!!! paragraphs.

Essay accounting from book: Noreen, E.W., Brewer, P.C. & Garrison, R.H. (2020). Managerial Accounting for Managers. 5th edition. Chapter 11: Performance Measurement in Decentralized Organizations

Also can look information from: Walther, L. (2020). Retrieved from

Need to be minimum 9 long paragraphs. With references: Articles from 2009 – present only. Use the University online library, searches like ProQuest.

No Wikipedia, BLOGS with Ads from Yahoo,;, or sites that challenge as they present a biased opinion. Google Scholar is also accepted.

Could use information from The Big 4 CPA firms’ websites provide current (published in 2017 or 2016) publications relevant to this course. Here are the Big 4 CPA firms’ websites:

Format everything, including references APA Version 7th.( Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th ed. (2019, October 1). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association ).

References: Articles from 2009 – present only. Use the University online library, searches like ProQuest. No Wikipedia, BLOGS with Ads from Yahoo,;, or sites that challenge as they present a biased opinion. Google Scholar is also accepted.


University of Phoenix Wk 2 Recruitment and Selection Strategy Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

Choose three discrimination laws from the following list that apply to employee recruitment and selection:

  • Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • ADEA
  • ADA
  • Equal Pay Act

Create a 12- to 15-slide presentation with speaker notes using Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Prezi®, Microsoft® Sway or a similar tool to summarize the following:

  • Determine how the three U.S. discrimination laws you chose from the list above could be violated in the recruitment and selection of employees, and explain how to avoid those violations.
  • Identify components of negligent hiring and compensation practices, and explain policies and practices that can be used to reduce claims.
  • Summarize minimum wage and overtime requirements under FLSA.
  • Compare at least three categories of employees (such as full time), the advantages of each of the categories compared to independent contractors, and the disadvantages of each of the categories compared to independent contractors.



PHI 1600 St Petersburg College Martin Luther King and Lithium Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help

“Ethics is larger than the Law”

Discussion Forum One ( 100 words)

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., identified the differences in “Just” and “Unjust” laws in the “Letter from the Birmingham Jail”. He also referred to these differences as characteristics. Choose ONE of Dr. King’s characteristics of a Just or Unjust law that you find particularly interesting and explain why you are impressed by it. A copy of the “Letter from the Birmingham Jail” is in this Module. Remember your posts must be detailed.

For full credit you must post one original post and at least one response to another student. You must use “spellcheck” on your posts.

Discussion 2 (150words)

Find a current newspaper, magazine, internet, or television news story about an ethical issue or some ethical or unethical action that someone did. In your DF (Discussion Forum) posting, briefly tell the rest of us what the story was about. Then share your reactions, opinions, or thoughts about the issue or action in the story and at least 3 reasons why you think this is an ethical issue/story. (Don’t forget to look for GOOD ethical conduct as well as bad – bad is always easier to find).

Hint: An “ethical issue” usually involves someone suffering “unjustified harm” or “unearned reward”: and remember “just because it’s legal, doesn’t mean it’s ethical”.


MGT 645 UMT Wk 1 Importance of Making Strategic Decisions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Objective: Explain the importance of making strategic decisions.

1: In his article on strategic management decisions, Franklin (2013)
stated that strategic decisions are rare, consequential, and directive.
Such decisions deal with the long-term future of the entire
organization. To aid in the decision making, he suggested an eight-step
decision-making process that can help business leaders. Found on page 25
in the article, these include:

1. Evaluating current performance results.

2. Reviewing corporate governance.

3. Scanning and assessing the external environment.

4. Scanning and assessing the internal corporate environment.

5. Analyzing strategic factors.

6. Generating and selecting the best alternative strategy.

7. Implementing selected strategies.

8. Evaluating implemented strategies.

order to fully grasp Franklin’s perception of making strategic
decisions and incorporate it in your paper, you must read the complete
article. Find the article at LIRN:

Franklin, C. (2013). Developing expertise in management decision-making. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 12(1), 21-37.

2: Use LIRN to find one more article on the topic of management
decision-making. Your additional resource should focus on new moves
being made by a corporation, specifically strategic decisions. The Wall
Street Journal might be a good starting point to find such a resource.

3: It is time to write! After reading both of your resources, use the
APA essay template available at CIU Writing Center and write your paper
on making a strategic decision at a corporate level. In your paper, you

· Describe the meaning of strategic decision.

· Explain how to determine whether a decision is strategic.

· Provide two or three examples of strategic management decisions.

· Describe the level of these decisions (functional, business, or corporate) and explain your reasoning.

· Argue whether these decisions are effective.

writing your paper, ensure that you synthesize Franklin’s article and
your additional resource from LIRN and provide the references for these
resources. Finally, you must follow APA citation and referencing
guidelines throughout the whole paper.



DSM5 Obsessive Compulsive and Body Dysmorphic Disorde Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help

DSM-5: Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders

1.Briefly define obsessions and compulsions. Are both required for the diagnosis of OCD? (p. 235 & 237). 2 common obsessions and 2 compulsions in OCD (See class handout)?

2.How is the “maladaptive” part of OCD defined? (Criterion B) Note the “insight” specifiers. (p. 237)

3.How does OCPD differ from OCD? (p. 242)

4.What is the “perceived defect or flaw” in Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)? What are some examples of repetitive behaviors and mental acts characteristic of BDD? (p. 242-3) How does skin-picking or hair removal differ in BDD from excoriation and trichotillomania? (246)

5.Why do those with hoarding disorder acquire and maintain so many possessions? What does the accumulation of possessions result in? What percentage qualify for “with excessive acquisition?” (p. 247-8)

6.For trichotillomania, what else is required besides hair removal? What are the most common sites on the body? (p. 251)

7.What must the skin picking in excoriation result in? In addition to skin picking, what else do those diagnosed with excoriation tend to do to their skin? (p. 254)

Reichenberg, Chapter 7, Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders

1.What is the recommended treatment for OCD? What has been found to be more effective than medication? Describe the exposure portion of treatment of ERP. What is the prevention part? Why is it important not to terminate the exposure while the person’s level of distress is high? (Pg. 224)

2.Which is more likely – full recovery or partial remission? What are some factors associated with positive prognosis of OCD treatment? (Pgs. 225-226)

3.How can group therapy be helpful in treating body dysmorphic disorder? (Pg. 228)

4.What prevents people from seeking treatment for hoarding disorder? How can a therapist enhance motivation? (Pg. 230)

5.What forms the basis for most CBT interventions for trichotillomania? (Pg. 234)

DSM-5: Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders

1.Describe the 4 ways in which those with PTSD may have had exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence. (p. 271)

2.What are the 4 main symptom categories of PTSD in the DSM criteria? Note 2 typical symptoms in each. Duration? Observe the lower threshold of symptoms for children < 6 (p. 271-3)

3.Differentiate PTSD from adjustment disorder. (p. 279)

4.Note the similarities in the trauma exposure and subsequent symptoms between PTSD and acute stress disorder? What is the duration difference? (p. 281)

Reichenberg, Chapter 8, Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders

1.When should treatment begin for PTSD? In general, what are some of the main goals for effective treatment of trauma-related disorder? In prolonged exposure therapy, to what will the person be exposed? (Pg. 257)

2.Name and briefly describe three modes of intervention in the treatment of PTSD. (Pgs. 257-259)

3.What types of trauma are more likely to cause the development of acute stress disorder? Less likely? (Pg. 260)

*Please note that information on adjustment disorders was included in questions for unit 3 (Pgs. 260-267)*

DSM5 Obsessive Compulsive and Body Dysmorphic Disorde Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

PSY 3002 Lab South University Tampa Learning and Memory Lab Report Humanities Assignment Help


Article Analysis

Using the South University Online Library, find two peer-reviewed journal articles on learning and memory. For this assignment use research articles that are newer (last 5 years). In your synopsis, you will include:

  • A summary of each of the journal articles
  • The main points discussed in each of the journal articles and how they relate to the week’s course and text readings
  • Your thoughts and perspectives regarding the concepts covered in each of the journal articles

From your course textbook, Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research and Everyday Experience, (4th ed.), read the following chapter:

  • Chapter 6: Long-term Memory: Structure
  • Chapter 7: Long-term Memory: Encoding, Retrieval and Consolidation
  • Chapter 8: Everyday Memory and Memory Errors


PS 1010 Columbia Southern University Unit 7 Political Ideologies Paper Writing Assignment Help

Unit VII Journal

Instructions: Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary, but if any resources are used, then please cite and reference them properly using APA format.

Political ideology considerations have increasingly influenced the selection of federal judges. Interest groups on the right and the left have insisted on the appointment of judges who hold compatible views. Presidents and members of Congress have also increasingly sought appointees who will decide issues in ways they prefer. Thinking back to judicial appointments that you have seen within your lifetime, how did you feel about appointees whose views did not match your own? Did it affect your view of justice?

Unit VII Essay


For this assignment, you will prepare an essay in which you will reflect upon the material you have studied in this unit.

Your paper must be at least three pages in length, be double-spaced, and typed in 12-point Times New Roman font.

You must use at least three academic references, one of which must come from the CSU Online Library, for the development of your paper. Make sure that all sources are cited and referenced using APA guidelines.

Make sure that your paper answers the following questions:

§What is the structure of the federal bureaucracy? In your opinion, should the federal bureaucracy be considered, as it is by some, as the “real government”? Why, or why not?

§What is the structure and role of the judiciary system? Give at least one example of how the judicial system can curb the power of the bureaucracy and one example each of how it can curb the power of the executive and legislative branches.

§What is the iron triangle, and how does it affect the creation of government policy?

§What has this unit taught you about the inner workings of the federal government?


South University Excel Database Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

Create a new Microsoft Excel database in which you will be able to enter the following variables:

  • Subject identification (ID) number
  • Age
  • Sex
  • Height
  • Year in college

Name each variable in the datafile. All data to be manipulated (everything except the participant ID number) must be entered as numeric values.

Create data for forty hypothetical students who are undergraduates in college, making sure you have five males and five females in each year (freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior):

  • Subject ID number (You will be required to provide this yourself. For example, subject 1 is P1; subject 2 is P2, and so forth. This should be entered as alphanumeric in your database since it is not a variable we will use in any of our data analyses).
  • Age: Be sure to get variability in your data. Not all students in any given year are of the same age. Be realistic with your data.
  • Sex: Assign a number for each of Male and Female and provide clarification as to what each number refers to as demonstrated in your lectures.
  • Height (convert to inches; 5 feet 3 inches = [12 * 5] + 3 = 63). Enter the number 63, not the formula.
  • Year in college (freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior). Assign a number for each year and provide clarification as to what each number refers to as demonstrated in your lectures.


Academy of Careers and Technology Preparing for A Job Interview Capstone Business Finance Assignment Help

Capstone Project Part 1 Description:

  1. Search for customer service jobs that interests you on LinkedIn Jobs,,,,, or Choose a job that interests you (in any geographic area), include the link in your assignment response, and download or copy and paste the job description into your assignment response.

  1. Highlight the key phrases describing job functions and qualifications in the description. You will be using these to prepare responses to interview questions for this project and in your Capstone Part 2.

  1. Go to the company website (include the link in your response) and/or LinkedIn page, read the company’s mission and the “About” page. Write down 3 things that interested you or made you feel more certain you would like to work for the organization.

  1. Watch one or both of following videos about how to answer the question, “Why do you want to work for us?” and then write or submit an audio or video response following the tips and examples. Your response should talk about the company and how you and your strengths fit the company and position.

3 strategies to answer this question:

How to Prepare Your Answer + 3 Example Responses:





BIO 131 Cuyahoga Community College Observing a Birthday Candle Lab Report Science Assignment Help

BIO 131 Cuyahoga Community College Observing a Birthday Candle Lab Report Science Assignment Help

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