Blue Mountain College Big Bang Theory Essay Writing Assignment Help. Blue Mountain College Big Bang Theory Essay Writing Assignment Help.
I’m working on a english multi-part question and need an explanation to help me learn.
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- In this unit, you will write an essay that fits the prompt for a scholarship or admission to a university. The essay will show the scholarship or application committee your critical thinking skills and let them get to know you better.
- Even if you never apply to a university or a scholarship, being able to showcase a good quality about yourself in a specific, memorable way is a crucial skill in job interviews and in cover letters. You will also need this skill when applying for promotions.
Important notes:- As always, work hard on this assignment and get started right away.
- Keep this essay after you leave this class. You might end up using some or most of it in an actual application.
Application Essay Assignment
Attached Files:
application essay instructions.docx application essay instructions.docx – Alternative Formats (23.246 KB)
Follow these guidelines carefully (students who do have much stronger essays):- The essay instruction sheet is the attached Microsoft Word file above.
- You won’t remember all of the essay instructions with one or two read-throughs, so have the instructions in front of you throughout the writing process.
- If you can, print out the instructions, so you don’t have to go back and forth between screens.
- If you don’t have a printer, download the instructions onto your computer. Then copy and paste all the words from the instructions onto a blank sheet in Microsoft Word. Do your prewriting and draft on this page. That way, when you’re working, you don’t have to go back and forth between screens. When you’re ready to turn in your essay, delete the instructions from the document.
- Follow the instructions very closely. To be fair to everyone, I have to grade by them. Students who follow them closely earn higher grades.
- Actually use the instructions as a checklist. (I’m glad my boss doesn’t have to chase me down to redo work because I’m careful the first time. Just like everyone, I occasionally make mistakes, but no one likes having to deal with carelessness in a supervisee.)
- Read the sample essays while comparing them to the instruction sheet. It will help you understand the assignment more deeply.
- Sometimes students rush through writing essays. However, students who take the time first to understand the assignment and then use the reading and writing processes from the Groundwork unit are much better off long term.
Sample student application essay: “Seeing Beyond the Surface”
Sample student application essay: “Seeing Beyond the Surface”Attached Files:
Another strong sample essay
Attached Files:
Tips for choosing a creative work
Tips for choosing a creative work
- Choose one specific creative work. It must be a work that you haven’t already written about for this class.
- Past students have written successfully about songs, books, short stories, poems, movies, a character from any type of story (including a character from a comic), paintings, and photographs.
- Calling a person a “creative work” doesn’t fit the spirit of the assignment.
- Choosing something that you already love and connect with will help you go into depth.
- Don’t search the Internet for inspirational works.
- Instead, brainstorm in writing about things you love.
- Related to #2, avoid choosing an unmemorably worded inspirational quote because you just like the idea the quote is conveying:
For instance, here a quote from Ben Carson: “Through hard work, perseverance and a faith in God, you can live your dreams.” The idea is pretty general, and I don’t find its wording special; therefore, I can’t write well about why this particular quote is special. In the past when students have chosen generic-sounding inspirational quotes, they haven’t written good essays.
- Avoid the cliches of application essays: Some amazing individuals from history have, unfortunately, been written about way too often in application essays. Quotes by them are also overused.
Examples: Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., Helen Keller, Gandhi, Rosa Parks. Honestly, I haven’t read a good essay about works by any of these figures yet. I’m not forbidding you from writing about any works by them; I’m just warning you that many, many students have used them as “default” subjects, and that’s a big mistake because their essays tend to be too broad.
- Remember that you are going to focus on one aspect of the creative work, so you can be specific.
- Notice how both sample essays do this.
- Another example: If I were going to write about a book that I love, Flora & Ulysses, I would focus on how the book celebrates the opportunities for unexpected connections throughout our lives. My first body paragraph would be about how the book beautifully develops this theme (I’d describe one great example of how the story conveys this message). My second body paragraph would tell a short story about how I have tried to be open to unexpected connections. I wouldn’t list all the ways I try to do this because that would make for boring reading. (Avoid lists.) Instead, I’d go into depth about one example.
- In your essay, explain what you need to, so someone who isn’t familiar with the creative work can understand your points. At the sample time, leave out what you don’t need. In other words, if you are writing about a movie’s theme, don’t give every plot point of the movie. Focus just on the part(s) you need to make your point.
Discussion Board: Application Essay
Discussion Board: Application Essay
Purpose:This discussion board will help you share and get ideas for your essay.
Here’s how you go to the discussion:
1. Click on the bold heading above “Discussion Board: Application Evaluation.”2. Click on the thread title “Instructions and Sample Responses.”3. Click “Reply” and write your response. 4. You are also welcome to respond to 1-3 of your classmates’ ideas. Above all, be especially polite because tone can be hard to interpret in writing.
Application Essay: Upload Final Version of Your Essay Here
Here's how to upload the final version of your essay:
1. Click on the bold heading above next to the icon of the piece of paper with a pencil and a ruler across it.2. Scroll down to "Assignment Submission" and click "Browse My Computer."
3. Find your Microsoft Word file of your essay and click "Open" to attach it.
4. Click "Submit."
5. Make sure your essay has truly uploaded before you leave the page.
Note: If you need to upload your essay more than once (for instance, if you uploaded the wrong version the first time) before the deadline, you can. Click on the button “Start New” and follow the instructions above. Unless you tell me otherwise, I’ll grade the last version you uploaded.
Blue Mountain College Big Bang Theory Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SU Wk 2 The Probation Process Use & Lead to Probation & PSIR Presentation Law Assignment Help
I’m working on a law question and need a sample draft to help me study.
Week 2 Project
Assignment 2: The Probation Process
You work in a probation office in your city. Your supervisor approaches you to work on a project to explain the system of probation to new probationers. Create a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation explaining the processes that the probationer will go through from the beginning of the probation sentence to the end of the probation. This presentation should also explain the necessity of each step from the viewpoint of a probation officer and should cover the following topics:
- The use of probation and the typical types of crimes that result in a sentence of probation
- The use of the presentence investigation report (PSIR) in probation
- Appointments with a probationer—from the first meeting to the last meeting
- The use of treatment and counseling during probation
- The way infractions of the probationer are handled
- The purpose probation hopes to accomplish through the program
Use generic terms in your presentation because each probationer is handled as per his or her situation and crime. The presentation would be made to a new probationer and to any family members during the first meeting. Emphasize what the probationer needs to do to ensure that probation is completed successfully with regard to the above topics.
For more information on the probation process, read the following:
De Anza College Speech on The Evolution of The Internet Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a communications writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.
Speech #2 is a classic informative presentation, which means that the main goal is to inform an audience about a topic. As such, your first task will be to pick a topic. Now, rather than just say “Pick any topic!”, which I’ve done before and which resulted in some interesting choices, I’d like to offer up the following 5 topic areas from which you can select:
Each of these topic areas is very broad, so you’ll need to narrow it down quite a bit. For example, you might focus on a particular historical event, or a significant technological advancement, or a noteworthy artist. In fact, one easy way to narrow it down is to focus biographically and talk about a person.
As this is an assignment that will involve doing research, please avoid any topic that would be more of a “how-to” presentation. For example, how to shoot a basketball, or how to make chicken soup. These kinds of topics are usually less academic in nature and involve the kind of demonstration that is harder to execute in a speech.
The primary purpose of informative speaking is to ensure the audience’s clear understanding of the ideas presented. The purpose of Speech #2 is to present a clear explanation of complex material to the audience. This is a scholarly endeavor which means you are required to do research and cite your sources. You should use various supporting materials, visual aids, and appropriate language to help make the speech clear and interesting to the audience. Above all, you should add something significant to our pool of knowledge.
The Topic areas for this presentation are: Science/Technology, Medicine, History, Art/Literature/Music, and Sports.
Your topic should be informative and interesting to this audience. (Try to avoid telling us things that are common knowledge or that are trivial.)
The speech should be five to six minutes in length.
Delivery is to be extemporaneous, try to work from some speaking notes rather than reading from an outline/script.
The introduction and conclusion should be fully developed—that is, they should include the required elements.
There should be a definite, logical transition bridging each component of the speech.
Each main point should be clearly stated and developed.
Sources should be clearly cited in the speech itself, and in the outline using a standard academic format. Try to have between 2-5 credible sources.
Use at least one visual aid according to the guidelines presented in the text.
A typed, full-sentence outline (following the correct format) is required and should be submitted on the day of your speech. Here is a worksheet that you can use as a template to get started: Speech #2- outline worksheet.pdf
University of Tennessee Marketing and Customer Experience Presentation Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing Other and need support to help me study.
Assignment Title: |
Marketing and Customer Experience Management (Hong Kong Peninsula Hotel) |
Assessment Learning Outcomes: |
Overview of the Assignment Task: |
Individual Multimedia Presentation, assessing the methods adopted by the company of your choice from CW1, to maximise the customers experience and to gain competitive advantage.Assignment Guidelines Structure You have been asked to produce a presentation. The presentation should contain the following:
Layout Your work should be word processed in accordance with the following:
The detail is attached with the Model Answer Presentation. You should follow the request, strunture and layout. Because it is a presentation, I need a script for me to present ! The presentation will last about 10 minutes. And the Powerpoint content should around my previous Marketing audit and I will attached as well. And some links will help you to finish the work easily. The reference style should use the Harvard style. In text and the last page reference list !!! Useful link: and some usefule materials I think the model answer PDF is very important and should keep the company name as the same. Hong Kong Peninsula Hotel |
SU Wk 2 Community Based Correction Programs & Supervision & Incarceration Discussion Law Assignment Help
I’m working on a law question and need a sample draft to help me study.
Week 2 Discussion
Week 2 Discussion
The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week on the basis of the course competencies covered. For this assignment, make sure you post your initial response to the Discussion Area by the due date. Provide a detailed response to the topic questions in the Discussion Area. For this assignment, post your responses directly to the Discussion Area; do not attach any documents.
To support your work, make sure you use your course and text readings. When asked, also use outside sources. As in all assignments, cite the sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Complete your participation for this assignment by the due date.
Community-Based Supervision
Community-based supervision is often used for first-time offenders. Using the Internet and South University Online Library, review the research articles on community-based corrections. On the basis of the knowledge gained from all your readings, respond to the following questions:
- Which types of offenders could be considered for community-based supervision instead of incarceration?
- Should community-based programs be used to alleviate overcrowding problems in prisons and jails? Is this a valid reason to utilize community-based supervision rather than incarceration? Why or why not?
- Are community-based corrections more appropriate for a particular purpose of punishment? Justify your answer and give an example.
Grossmont Cuyamaca Relationship Between War and Gender Writing Question Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing report and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Each student will write an interpretive essay of approximately 2,000 words—due on 11 May—on how Life magazine portrayed the relationships between war and gender during World War II. Your essay should incorporate the main course themes and our weekly readings on a topic related to contemporary constructions of war and gender using at least three different magazine issues and citing at least three scholarly secondary works. You should focus on analysis of both imagery and text, evaluating gender constructions in the form of the most popular magazine from the World War II-era. Ensure your essay has a well-defined thesis and a coherent conclusion and that it serves as a broader contemplation of what you have learned this semester.Your essay should begin by describing the historical topic you are investigating and then clearly explain the thesis of your paper. You should to do more than just tell a story—rather, answer a specific historical question with a thesis statement that derives from your evidence. The majority of your essay should consist of your evaluation of the primary sources with an understanding of select secondary works. Organize the material in a clear manner so that the reader can see the links you are making between evidence and conclusions. End the paper with a reflection on some of the broader questions we have grappled with over the course of this semester. Why do your findings matter? How does your research fit into the larger history of the American armed forces and our conceptions of war and gender?
Grossmont Cuyamaca Relationship Between War and Gender Writing Question Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Denver International Airport Executive Management & United Airlines Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a science question and need a reference to help me study.
research paper 3 or 4 pages
Listed below are some suggested questions. However, as we go through the quarter you will be able to develop some questions of your own.
Who owns the airport?
Is there a city or county board (committee / commissioners) assigned to the airport?
What determines who will be on the board?
Who is on the board?
Who operates the airport?
Staff size and positions
Organization Chart
What is the relationship between the airport owner and the tenants?
Current Issues at the Airport
Financial Information (revenue and expenses)
What fees are charged on the airport? (rent, percent of revenue fee, fuel flow charges)
What determines the rates and charges?
Grossmont Cuyamaca Portrayal of Race and Gender Issues Writing Question Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing report and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
each student will write a comprehensive, analytical paper of approximately 2,000 words that evaluates how race and gender issues were portrayed in Black newspapers during the Second World War. These papers are due on Lesson 12.While having their roots in the 1800s, African American newspapers blossomed in major US cities during the early and mid-twentieth century. The Chicago Defender, for example, was founded in 1905 and included writings from the likes of Langston Hughes, Ida B. Wells, and Ethyl Payne. During the 1940s, these newspapers offered a unique view of the United States’ participation in a global war as the American home front was continuing its struggle with basic civil rights.Your paper, focusing on a specific Black newspaper—available via the Historical Newspaper Database through the university library—should consider the relationship between race and gender during a war that influenced a large portion of American society. In the paper, you will be expected to develop and successfully argue a historical thesis based on your analysis of these primary sources. You also will need to demonstrate your ability to evaluate secondary sources—at least five—and to understand your primary sources in the context of these broader historical works. Therefore, your paper should not merely recount what is in the newspapers, but explain and defend your thesis and then use your sources to establish the validity of the argument you are making.
ENG 1200 LAVC Updating the Existing EHR SYSTEMS Nursing Innovation Email Example Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.
Write a 1-page e-mail summarizing the final decision regarding your suggested innovation.
Correspondence is one of the most common types of technical writing and one you likely already do every day in your personal and professional life. Correspondence includes e-mails, memos, letters, and instant messages, for example. The goal of technical communication is to act, and one of the main reasons that people correspond is to encourage the audience to act on an idea. For your final assessment, you will write an e-mail to your department to provide a summary of the final decision regarding your suggested innovation.
For your final assessment, you will again use all four employability skills introduced in the course to write an e-mail to your department. This e-mail will provide a summary of the final decision regarding your suggested innovation. An e-mail is a form of correspondence that should be concise and contain only pertinent information. Your audience for this assessment is your department. While there were many conversations to reach this decision, this audience just needs a high-level overview of the final decision. The tone of your e-mail should be positive and apply the concept of goodwill: “Goodwill is the value of doing things that create mutual admiration and respect” (Smith-Worthington & Jefferson, 2019, pg. 123).
Even though this assessment is only one page long, that doesn’t mean it is easy. In fact, many professional writers will tell you that the shorter the requirement, the harder it is. Going through the Writing Process—Prewriting, Drafting, Peer Review, Revising, and Proofreading—may be even more important as you work to effectively get your message across while working within the constraints of an e-mail.
For this assessment, write a 1-page e-mail in which you complete the following:
- Summarize the final decision about the innovation.
- Provide a brief overview of risks and benefits assessed.
- Provide a brief overview of the criteria that supported the decision-making.
- Explain why the decision is the best decision for the department.
- Produce text with minimal grammar, usage, spelling, and mechanical errors.
Additional Requirements
Save your e-mail in an accessible format and submit.
- Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
- Formatting: The e-mail is organized and formatted in a way that enhances comprehension and keeps the reader interested.
- References: Any references used should be clearly cited and credited on a citation page.
- Length: 1–2 paragraphs.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
- Competency 3: Develop business and technical writing documents that convey essential information.
- Explain why the decision is the best decision for the department.
- Competency 4: Design and format documents to convey clear intent and concise information.
- Summarize the final decision about the innovation.
- Provide a brief overview of risks and benefits assessed.
- Provide a brief overview of the criteria that supported the decision-making.
- Competency 5: Produce text with minimal grammar, usage, spelling, and mechanical errors.
- Produce text with minimal grammar, usage, spelling, and mechanical errors.
Smith-Worthington, D., & Jefferson, S. (2019). Technical writing for success (4th ed.). Cengage.
PA 432 SJSU Demographic Characteristics are Skeptical About Covid 19 Vaccine Response Law Assignment Help
I’m working on a law discussion question and need support to help me understand better.
Please read The
Below First
looking for someone who does not use Chegg or Course Hero or any online cites to provide your answers. The
professor checks these other sites as well. If you do this to provide your
answers and don’t use your own, let me know immediately so I can choose someone
else to assist me. I have been notified that an assignment was linked to Chegg or Course
that uses their own words, so nothing can be found on the internet.
who does not Plagiarize others work from online websites.
have word documents attached with the instructions.
let me know.
Subjects are:
Criminal Justice
Text books that are
used for this class:
Case Study Research: Design
and Methods, 5th Edition
ISBN-13: 978-1452242569
Yin, R. K. (2013). Case
Study Research: Design and Methods (5th ed.). Sage Publications.
answers will be original?
professor or anyone will not be able find these answers on any online website?
Read all the instructions and let me know if you have any questions about what
must be done.
Your answers will be all original?
Do you guarantee that all your work is original and none of what you write can
or will be found on any online site?
I try to provide a longer time for the work to be completed.
[supanova_question]—may be even more important as you work to effectively get your message across while working within the constraints of an e-mail.
For this assessment, write a 1-page e-mail in which you complete the following:
- Summarize the final decision about the innovation.
- Provide a brief overview of risks and benefits assessed.
- Provide a brief overview of the criteria that supported the decision-making.
- Explain why the decision is the best decision for the department.
- Produce text with minimal grammar, usage, spelling, and mechanical errors.
Additional Requirements
Save your e-mail in an accessible format and submit.
- Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
- Formatting: The e-mail is organized and formatted in a way that enhances comprehension and keeps the reader interested.
- References: Any references used should be clearly cited and credited on a citation page.
- Length: 1–2 paragraphs.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
- Competency 3: Develop business and technical writing documents that convey essential information.
- Explain why the decision is the best decision for the department.
- Competency 4: Design and format documents to convey clear intent and concise information.
- Summarize the final decision about the innovation.
- Provide a brief overview of risks and benefits assessed.
- Provide a brief overview of the criteria that supported the decision-making.
- Competency 5: Produce text with minimal grammar, usage, spelling, and mechanical errors.
- Produce text with minimal grammar, usage, spelling, and mechanical errors.
Smith-Worthington, D., & Jefferson, S. (2019). Technical writing for success (4th ed.). Cengage.