BMGT 364 UMGC Management and Organization Theory in Manufacturing Discussion Writing Assignment Help. BMGT 364 UMGC Management and Organization Theory in Manufacturing Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
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Initial Post
This week’s discussion is a case analysis of Smithfield Custom Furniture developed specifically for this course. Your posting should answer the questions posed using this week’s course materials to support your answers. It is important to write concisely and to follow the detailed instructions provided below. Include in-text citations and references in a reference list. For citation examples, use the APA Resources on the Content page.
Case Discussion
It is 1901. Alicia Smithfield, daughter of the founder of Smithfield Custom Furniture, just inherited the company. She is the only surviving heir to the furniture empire her father built.
Headquartered in upstate New York, the company has grown significantly over the past 60 years. Began in a shed built next to his log cabin, Jonas Smithfield’s quality furniture developed a huge following among New York City’s wealthiest residents.
After being educated in the best business schools in Europe and America, Alicia has run the business side-by-side with her father for the past 15 years. During a time when there were many issues confronting the business, a tree being felled took an unexpected route and brought Jonas’ life to a surprising end.
The company had just moved to a facility large enough to house its workers: 10 carpenters; 5 furniture designers; 5 wood finishers (varnish and dye experts); 10 machine operators to assist with the various equipment needed to cut the wood into various designs, polish and sand the wood; 5 mechanics to keep the vehicles (5 trucks) and boats (7) that transported wood from upstate New York and Canada to the work area in good repair; 15 lumberjacks who cut wood in nearby areas and moved it downriver by boat or over the rugged highway by truck; and 5 office personnel who assisted with filing, invoicing, drafting and responding to correspondence, handling customer inquiries, and performing other necessary office functions. More than half of these employees were hired in the past 5 years.
Alicia’s Big Issues
The major issues confronting Alicia Smithfield are these:
(1) The furniture manufacturing functions are very disorganized. It is not clear how to best organize these functions. For example, the varnish and dye experts each use a different method to complete all of their tasks.
(2) The production schedule is a mess. It is not clear which projects should be completed first in order to ensure products are being delivered to customers on time.
(3) The lumberjacks, both in cutting trees down and shipping them by truck or boat, differ on the best methods to perform these tasks.
(4) Tempers are flaring as a result of the disorganization. The office, clerical, and support workers are rude to each other and can’t seem to act as a cohesive work unit.
(5) While the company is financially successful, as it has grown from a small family-owned business to a large and complex enterprise, the organizational structure has not kept pace. Few formal rules exist and the keeping and maintenance of records are haphazard.
(6) Employees are feeling overworked and losing satisfaction in the work they are doing. They believe their basic needs are not being addressed.
Alicia’s Proposed Issue Solutions
Alicia Smithfield is familiar with the writings and contributions of each of the contributors to management theory you will read about this week. She has decided to hire one person from the readings to solve each of the issues listed above. But, she is unclear as to which individuals in the readings are best suited to solve each specific issue.
Your Task for Your Initial Post
You are to answer for Alicia Smithfield any four (4) of the above mentioned six (6) issues. Specifically, she has asked you to recommend a consultant to solve any four of the six issues confronting her. You have been requested to explain to Alicia why you selected the four consultants you choose to solve each of the four issues you selected. Each consultant will solve one of the four issues you identified that particular consultant to address. You should explain the major contribution/idea of the consultant selected and how that contribution/idea applies to the specific issue you have recommended that person solve. You should identify the school of thought that each consultant represents.
Note: You may not use any of the individuals in the readings to solve more than one of the four (4) issues. In the event a person you select is deceased, do not let that inconvenience stand in your way. You may still use that individual to solve a specific issue.
For research associated with this discussion, you must use course materials only. You must provide APA formatted in-text citations and references for each of the four (4) issues you select.
Format for Your Initial Post
You must use the exact numbers and their corresponding headings for each of your 4 selections for your initial post. For example, one student’s post may be numbered 1, 3, 5, 6; another student’s post may be numbered 1, 2, 4, 5; and so forth. Any four of the six issues listed that a student selects to answer will be acceptable.
1. Manufacturing Functions are Disorganized
2. Production Schedule is a Mess
3. Lumberjack Disagreement Methods To Cut Trees/Load Boat
4. Tempers Flare among Office Support Staff
5. Lack of Formal Rules/Record-keeping Processes
6. Basic Needs and Job Satisfaction Overlooked
BMGT 364 UMGC Management and Organization Theory in Manufacturing Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Cigarette Smoking Human Body Immune System & Cancer Related Deaths Statistical Essay Writing Assignment Help
Meaningful Paragraph
Choose a statistical study about which to write a meaningful paragraph. The paragraph must include all of the following terms: population, population frame, sample, explanatory variable, response variable, confounding variable, random selection, random assignment, outliers. A “meaningful paragraph” is one continuous piece of writing, which uses all of the listed words and in which the sentences make sense and hang together. That is, the ideas in the paragraph must illustrate you understand the new terms in a way that allows you to write meaningfully about them in context. You may choose the context in which to write your paragraph! It can be something we’ve discussed in class, in your OLI reading or anything else! You may not simply write seven sequential sentences, for example, that merely define the terms; sentences must demonstrate appropriate relationships between the terms.
NOTE: This assignment will utilize peer reviews. You can not review another student’s submission until you have submitted your own response. To complete a peer review, you are required to leave at least one comment as well as fill out the rubric. Your peer reviews will be anonymous but should follow the general pattern of previous discussions in which you are suggesting how the paragraph has that is well done, might be improved, or is of interest.
Once your paragraph has been reviewed, you are welcome to resubmit it if you would like to include any suggestions that oyu received.
University of Phoenix Educators Code of Ethics Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
Assignment #4: Paper: Code of Ethics, Case Studies, and Consequences (30 points)
Description: In this assignment, you will research, become familiar with, and summarize the codes of ethics that guide your work as an educator (Part 1). You will then apply those codes to determine the appropriate and legal courses of action in response to three case studies (Part 2). You will complete the assignment by discussing the possible consequences for teachers who violate the code(s) of ethics in your school district.
Directions: [Note that there are three parts to this assignment. Make sure that you include all three!]
Part 1: To begin this assignment, read and summarize the codes of ethics for the following
a. National: National Education Association. (2017). Code of ethics. Retrieved from
b. State (Locate your state’s code of ethics. Examples are provided below.)
Florida Department of Education. (2016). Principles of professional conduct for the education profession in Florida. Retrieved from
Florida Department of Education. (2018). FAQ for educators. Generated: 12/29/2020 Page 4 of 15 Florida Department of Education. (2018). What is educator misconduct? Retrieved from
Nevada: Professional Association of Clark County Educators. (1994-2014). Code of ethics for educators. Retrieved from
c. Professional Code of Ethics: Council for Exceptional Children. (n.d.) Ethical principles and professional practice standards for special educators. Retrieved from
Summarize the main legal and ethical components from the national, state, and professional codes of ethics in a brief, but informative narrative that includes a discussion of the following focal questions:
*Who or what is the educator’s primary responsibility?
*How can the educator strive to achieve and sustain the highest degree of ethical conduct?
* What are the types of behaviors (e.g., bullying child abuse, etc.) that the educator should report to administration?
* What are the reasons for suspension of a professional?
Part 2: Review and respond to the following case studies within the context of the codes of ethics:
Case Study 1: You are a new fourth grade teacher in an elementary school and notice that one of your students consistently comes to school in the morning with dirty clothes, body odor, and suspicious bruises on his arms. According to the ethics codes and district faculty policies, what should be your plan of action for addressing this issue (Use the websites below or review your state and district policies as a basis for developing your plan of action citing state and/or district policies as appropriate.
Florida Department of Education, Office of Professional Practices Reporting Misconduct and Abuse
The 2012 Florida Statutes K-20 Education Code, Chapter 1006, Support For Learning 1006.061 Child abuse, abandonment, and neglect policy. § 1006.061, Florida Statutes – Child abuse, abandonment, and neglect policy
The 2012 Florida Statutes, Chapter 39, Proceedings Relating to Children 39.201 Mandatory reports of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect; mandatory reports of death; central abuse hotline (Mandated Reporters of child abuse as defined by Florida Statute 39.201)… =&URL=0000-0099/0039/Sections/0039.201.html
Case Study 2: All teachers in your school have a laptop to use in their classrooms and for instructional planning at home. When the computer was delivered, you briefly reviewed the district policies during a departmental meeting; however, during the past six months, several teachers have been questioned about their Internet and e-mail use with these laptops. You realize that you must use school property appropriately. Based on the ethics codes and district faculty policies, what should be your plan of action Generated: 12/29/2020 Page 5 of 15
for using the laptop. Use the websites below or review your state and district policies as a basis for developing your plan of action.
Broward County, Florida: Policy 5306 – School and Technology Usage,000.pdf
Miami Dade County, Florida: Policy 7540.01 – Technology Privacy
Palm Beach County, Florida: Policy 3.29 – Acceptable Use of Technology by Employees
Case Study 3: As a new high school teacher, you are assigned to teach an intensive reading class in which three students are consistently not showing progress. After reviewing the students’ records (e.g., academic achievement progress in other courses, attendance ,and disciplinary records, intervention plans, and other test scores ,and state standardized test scores) you develop highly effective instructional strategies for meeting these students’ learning needs. Since your instructional approach has proven to be so successful, several teachers approached you with sharing the students’ background information, as well as your instructional strategies. You are concerned about infringing on the students’ privacy rights; consequently, you develop a plan of action to address the teachers’ requests but also address student records concerns Use the websites below or review your state and district policies as a basis for developing your plan of action.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (Florida Department of Health and Human Resources)
Broward County, Florida
Student Records: Confidentiality and Family Educational Rights http://www.broward.k policies/docs/P5100.1.000.pdf
Miami Dade 2416 – Student Privacy and Parental Access to Information lcies/po2416.htm
Palm Beach County, Florida Policy 5.50 – Student Records
1. Reflect on the application of this case study to your school responsibilities. What must you do to avoid this type of professional and ethical conflict in the
2. Identify and describe three additional resources for use by those in your profession who wish to avoid professional and ethical conflicts Ethics
(Examples of additional resources on ethics for Florida educators include the following:
*Discipline against Educator Licenses… *Education Practices Commission Notices
*Investigative Resources
*Office of Professional Practices… Generated: 12/29/2020 Page 6 of 15 Office of Professional Standards
Part 3: Based on your analysis of the information found in the Codes of Ethics and on your state’s department of education website(s) related to ethical conduct (e.g., Florida’s Sample Policy on Ethical Conduct of Instructional Personnel and School Administrators (… ), describe the possible consequences if,
* in case study #1, you did not report your suspicions;
* in case study #2, you used your school-issued computer for personal activities; and
* in case study #3, you gave the other teachers personal information about a child not in their classes or on their caseload.
Visual Arts Presentation Writing Assignment Help
Click on the underlined title of the folder to attach and SUBMIT your Current Event Presentation for scoring.
Check the Course Timeline and Weekly Assignment Folders for due dates.
Your Current Event Presentation can be modeled on the Example Presentation about the Dr. Martin Luther King memorial (first item in this folder.) You will present visually the results of your research concerning your article. (Your CE paper) The presentation should contain at least three images or diagrams and make the viewer aware of the contents and issues or ramifications of your chosen article. You may use whatever presentation means you choose- most students use PowerPoint, but you may also use Prezi, Google Slides, or any other means (as long as we can all open and view it)
Be sure to include a discussion question somewhere in your presentation- one that promotes thought and cannot be answered in Yes or No form.
Schiller International University Optical Fiber Questions Computer Science Assignment Help
Please answer these questions in no less than six sentences supporting your answers and end it with your own question on the topic. Then reply to two other students’ questions for full credit (5 points) Support your argument with references in APA format (not Wikipedia).
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the three major types of guided media (twisted pair, coaxial copper, and optical fiber)?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of single-mode and multi-mode optical fiber cable?
What are the parameters that dictate where each type of fiber optic cable is used?
Ottawa University Morning Star Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Read the below case study “The Morning Star’s Lattice Structure”. In a 2-3 page analysis, respond to all of the questions provided. Support your ideas with sources in addition to the text. Cite all sources, including your textbook, using the standard APA format. Include a title page, case summary, headings and conclusion in APA 7 format.
- How would working for Morning Star be different from working at a traditional, bureaucratic company? What would be the most positive and negative aspects of the experience?
- Do you think the lattice structure is best for Morning Star? Can you identify another structure that might be more appropriate for the company’s culture of empowerment and self-management?
- Where do you think this type of lattice structure would be ineffective? What would make this type of structure inappropriate or difficult to implement?
Case Study:
The Morning Star Company, a highly successful and growing $700 million California tomato-processing company, was founded on a philosophy of self-management. The company envisions “an organization of self-managing professionals who initiate communication and coordination of their activities with fellow colleagues, customers, suppliers, and fellow industry participants, absent directives from others.” The core of the company’s management philosophy is freedom, which is seen as important to effective coordination. The company believes that freedom allows employees to be drawn to what they really like as opposed to having to do what they’re told, increasing both enthusiasm and performance. Extensive applicant screening for fit with the company’s philosophy and new hire training on self-management helps employees adapt to the autonomy and responsibility of working without a formal boss.
The company’s lattice structure requires a high degree of self-management. Each year every employee writes a personal mission statement that identifies how he or she will contribute to Morning Star’s overall objective of “producing tomato products and services which consistently achieve the quality and service expectations of our customers.” Every employee also negotiates a Colleague Letter of Understanding (CLOU) with the associates most affected by his or her work. The letter creates an operating plan for each employee, spelling out the relevant performance metrics for as many as thirty activities. Employees are also personally responsible for acquiring the trainings, resources, and cooperation necessary to fulfill their role.
As in any organization, disputes arise between employees that must be settled. If an employee believes that someone has not lived up to his or her CLOU commitments, the two meet to discuss the issue. If they cannot resolve the matter, they choose a trusted internal mediator to hear their views. If the losing party objects to the proposed remedy, a panel of six colleagues assembles and either endorses the mediator’s recommendation or proposes an alternative solution. If that is not accepted, the president brings both employees together and makes a binding decision. Reflecting employees’ commitment to self-management, employee disputes rarely make it to the president.
Ottawa University Morning Star Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ASM 345 MCCMCC The Age of AIDS Discussion Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a biology writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
ASM 345 Homework #6: “The Age of AIDS”
Watch segment 1 -4 (about the AIDS crisis in the 1980s) in part I (the first ~55:40 minutes) of the Age of AIDS: Please use complete sentences.
- What were the characteristics of the early cases of AIDS? What were the characteristics of the people with early cases in the US? Were these the same as those with early cases in Europe? What were the major concerns as cases increased?
- In 1983, Dr. Mervyn Silverman said that “AIDS is the most political disease”. Why does he say this? What are some of the social issues and stigma associated with the disease during the early days of the AIDS crisis?
- What were early ideas about the cause of AIDS? Once the virus was discovered, why does Dr. Fauci describe AIDS as the tip of the iceberg?
- How does HIV likely begin and become a pandemic in Africa?
- Watch the following TED talk (16 minutes): What are some of the social issues and stigma associated with the disease that Arik Hartmann experienced and how are these different (or not) from the early days of the AIDS crisis? Why are these issues a problem from a public health perspective? What surprised you in this video?
CMUL Instagram Insights Projected Revenue & Ad Impression of 2021 Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
– Select 2 of the graphs that we have gone over up to this point
– Create a story, doesn’t have to be a real life example, be creative and put yourself in the spotlight of a company. Your role will be to “Sell the idea” to the client.
– The graphs can represent a new client, existing client, or a new product that you developed or the shark tank
– Tell a story that will be able to represent the graphs that you have in place
– An example of what I’m looking for will be in the lab
– Provide a powerpoint and or equal to that type of presentation (Slides etc;)
– Show the graphs
– Tell the story that goes along with the graphs
– Please use software that allows you to record your screen and show your video of the presentation
– You have an extra day on Monday at end of the day to complete the assignment.
SOC 3020 Johnson & Wales University Japanese Mothers and Obentos Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Ferrante, a sociologist, provides us with 8 principles of culture. She means to help us understand culture. I have provided you with my own comments on Ferrante’s principles. IF you want me to clarify anything, then let me know and I will respond.
Please take note that ‘home culture’ refers to the culture that is shared by people in the country they are born in. So my home culture is American culture. It is the country I feel most at home in. It does not refer to individual differences from one home (household) to the next.
As you think about these, think about how we see these principles getting played out in food. [Make sure you have read the attachment, before you read my examples below. Otherwise, they won’t make as much sense.]
#1 In America, we have fast food, like a Wendy’s hamburger (material – an object), which many of us eat, even though we feel guilty about eating fast food (non-material – an idea).
#2 In America, I live in the Northeast, where a lot of seafood is available, so not s surprise there is a New England clam chowder and a Manhattan clam chowder. Historically, people have come to the U.S. from all over the world, so we have all sorts of foods available here – lots of restaurants providing food from all over the globe.
#3 I have learned that there should be three meals a day, so I always try to eat breakfast in the morning, lunch in the early afternoon, and dinner in the early evening. I have cousins who live in France, and when I visit them, they always eat dinner much later than I normally would, because in France, people have learned that dinner should not be early evening,
#4 In my house, we are vegetarians, but when we visit my brother, he and his family are meat eaters.
#5 As a way to relax, I check out comedians who are on YouTube.
#6 When I travel(led…..haven’t much during the pandemic) I stop along the highway to pick up coffee from McDonald’s. I can’t stop myself from thinking that there food can’t be good because it’s fast food. Likewise, when I go to Seven Stars in Providence for bread, I can’t stop myself from thinking that since it is artisanal bread, it must be good – even before I taste it.
#7 I am happy that in America, when I go to the supermarket, I can find foods that originated from all over the world.
#8 When I am in the supermarket, and see foods that originated from all over the world, most of those sold here are produced in the U.S. and are made to fit American tastes – so not too spicy or too unusual, so there’s not that yech reaction.
Effects of Technology on Elections Discussion Writing Assignment Help
In 1 – 2 pages: Discuss the Effects of Technology on Elections.
Consider Technology used in the past elections: Social Media, Mainstream Media, Independant Media, Polling Data
Find articles that support your position(s) and reference them.
Double spaced, paragraph form, 1-2 references in APA format.
Part I: Find an Article
Choose an article from a major news magazine, newspaper, or credible online source.
Part II: Written Response
Paragraph I—Summary: Write a summary of the article in your own words. The summary should clearly demonstrate your understanding of the material.
Paragraph II—Explanation: Explain how this article relates to what we are studying in the class.
Paragraph III—Commentary: Describe how this article expanded your understanding of issues important to what we’re currently studying, or the current state of computing overall.
Part III: Questions for Discussion
Write two questions that come to mind concerning the issues or events mentioned in the article.
- Must be typed
- Font should be no smaller than 12
- No less than one page, but no more than two pages
- Title Page does not count towards page count.
- Double-spaced
- Reference must be cited at end of the summary
BMGT 364 UMGC Management and Organization Theory in Manufacturing Discussion Writing Assignment Help
BMGT 364 UMGC Management and Organization Theory in Manufacturing Discussion Writing Assignment Help