Boston University Chapter 11 Google Is Not A Monopoly Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help

Boston University Chapter 11 Google Is Not A Monopoly Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help. Boston University Chapter 11 Google Is Not A Monopoly Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help.

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For this report:

Review topics presented in Chapter 11. As you know there has been intense debate about “Google” is being monopoly or not for a quite some time. Here are a few selective readings on the topic:

-See attached pdf file (or this link:, copy of this article is also attached) …..2009 …..2016

b) Write a report (clearly typed in a MS-Word file using MS-Word). Your report should be broken into two sections:

Section 1 (first paragraph): Summary of the topic covered in these sources; Do not copy/paste excerpts from the textbook or various web-sites. Summary should be in your own words and should be based on your understanding of the issue covered in those sources.

Section 2 (at the most two-three paragraphs long): Your thoughts on the topic. Critically evaluate authors’ findings. For example, tell me why you agree or disagree with the authors or their points, by supporting your own points by giving examples, or by providing convincing evidence for your points. You could also highlight the shortcomings of the articles. (e.g., Do you share or do not share any the points outlined in the article? Why? Why not?).

Boston University Chapter 11 Google Is Not A Monopoly Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

New York University W 5 Impact of Urbanization Industrialization and Agricultural Practices Paper Health Medical Assignment Help


Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit.

Urbanization is when the population grows causing migration to cities and towns and could lead to mega-cities or metropolitan areas. Urbanization causes an influx of transportation which causes an increase in carbon dioxide emission. Urbanization also leads to sanitary issues which can cause water contamination and diseases such as cholera. Urbanization also leads to land development for housing and commercialized business which can lead to flooding issues and soil erosions (Wang et al., 2018; Yazdi & Dariani, 2016).

Industrialization is a factor of population growth, such as processing natural resources like lumber and coal and advanced transportation systems like airplanes and trains. However, industrialization causes depletion of the earth’s natural resources, such as deforestation because the lumbar is used for furniture manufactory and etc. Also, industrialization causes increased greenhouse gas emissions resulting in air pollution, and improper waste disposal leads to water pollution (Bhandari & Gard, 2015).

Agricultural practices are beneficial for humans, but cause a negative impact on land and water. For example, agricultural practices can cause soil erosion, degradation, vegetation loss, overgrazing, overfishing, and deforestation. Also, the use of pesticides and various fertilizers can cause water contamination which is dangerous for human health (EPA, 2015; world wildlife, 2020; world wildlife, 2020).

Advancement of technology leads to alternative transportation and energy system that does not release harmful toxic chemicals that result due to urbanization and industrialization, such as solar power infrastructure, tesla vehicles, and go green methods. For agricultural practices, guidelines and restrictions are enforced such as fines on overfishing, using chemicals that are not harmful to humans and the environment, and agricultural practice such as crop rotation or planting tree uphill to prevent flooding and soil erosion are used to promote human and environmental health.


Bhandari, D., & Garg, R. (2015). Effect of industrialization on environment (Indian scenario). Medical Science, 4(12), 281-282. Retrieved from

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2015). Protecting water quality from agricultural runoff. Retrieved from

Wang, L. Y., Xiao, Y., Rao, E. M., Jiang, L., Xiao, Y., & Ouyang, Z. Y. (2018). An Assessment of the Impact of Urbanization on Soil Erosion in Inner Mongolia. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(3), 550.

World Wildlife. (2020). Forest Conversion. Retrieved from

World Wildlife. (2020). Soil Erosion. Retrieved from

Yazdi, S., & Dariani, A. (2016). CO2 emissions, urbanization, and economic growth: evidence from Asian countries. Economic Research, 32(1), 510-530. Doi:

Respond to the bold paragraph ABOVE by using one of the option below… in APA format with At least two references and a minimum of 200 words….. .(The List of References should not be older than 2016 and should not be included in the word count.)

  • Ask a probing question.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
  • Offer and support an opinion.

  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posting.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this class

To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.



New York University Wk5 Water Pollution and Climate Change Essay Health Medical Assignment Help


Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit.

The 2018 edition of the United Nations World Water Development Report stated that nearly 6 billion peoples would suffer from clean water scarcity by 2050. This is the result of increasing demand for water, reduction of water resources, and increasing pollution of water, driven by dramatic population and economic growth. The strain on the water system will grow by 2050 when the world population reaches between 9.4 and 10.2 billion, a 22 to 34% increase. The pressure will be aggravated by unequal population growth in different areas unrelated to local resources. Most of this population growth is expected in developing countries, first in Africa, and then in Asia, where scarcity of clean water is already a significant issue. The problem of water pollution is a weak part of the WWDR. Pollution is becoming worse, especially in the last few decades, but seems to be inadequately reported. Pollution of water is correlated with population density and economic growth. At present, 12% of the world population drinks water from unimproved and unsafe sources. More than 30% of the world population, or 2.4 billion people, lives without any form of sanitation. Lack of sanitation contributes to water pollution. 90% of sewage in developing countries is discharged into the water untreated (Boretti, & Rosa, 2019).

Impacts of climate change-induced water scarcity on health and well-being are involved. About 80% of illnesses in developing countries are attributed to unsafe drinking water and waterborne diseases. In many parts of the world, water scarcity results in inadequate access to safe drinking water, and this can lead to the spread of infectious diseases through fecal contamination of drinking water (waterborne diseases), such as typhoid and salmonellosis. Safe drinking water, as well as freshwater resources, are severely hampered by the effects of climatic variabilities, such as salinity intrusion, drought during the dry season, and floods during the wet season. As a result, an overwhelming majority of the people are struggling to get safe drinking water. Among them, more than 50% are affected by various health-related problems through waterborne diseases. However, reliable drinking water measures and health care facilities are inadequate compared to demand, as the existing number of limited health centers that are present (Abedin et al, 2019).


Boretti, A., & Rosa, L. (2019). Reassessing the projections of the World Water Development Report. npj Clean Water. 2(15). doi: 10.1038/s41545-019-0039-9

Abedin, M.A., Collins, A.E., Habiba, U. et al. (2019). Climate Change, Water Scarcity, and Health Adaptation in Southwestern Coastal Bangladesh. Int J Disaster Risk Sci. 10. pp 28–42

Respond to the bold paragraph ABOVE by using one of the option below… in APA format with At least two references and a minimum of 200 words….. .(The List of References should not be older than 2016 and should not be included in the word count.)

  • Ask a probing question.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
  • Offer and support an opinion.

  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posting.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this class

To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.



New York University Week 5 Population Growth And Its Effects Essay Health Medical Assignment Help


Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit.

Population growth is a factor for developing countries, however, population growth increases the demand for water and food. However, this demand causes issues such as water scarcity because of limited water resources and sources, this can lead to dehydration and other morbidities for the population; climate change, such as a drought is also a factor in water scarcity for developing counties (world wildlife, 2020). Lastly, population growth equates to industrial and commercialized growth, an increase in transportation, and international industrial trades. These factors lead to air pollution, such as emission of carbon dioxide and other toxic compounds from various types of transportation such as industrial ships which result in increased health risks such as respiratory-related illness (Popul, 2019). There is also water pollution caused by sanitary issues resulting from increased urbanization, therefore, leading to water scarcity and waterborne diseases. Also, the increased population means the construction of cities and neighborhoods, which results in deforestation. However, deforestation leads to landslides and flooding which causes water pollution, therefore resulting in water scarcity (Mapulanga & Naito, 2019). Therefore, population growth coupled with pollution and water scarcity has a negative impact on the populations’ health.

There are international efforts aimed towards reducing the negative consequences of population growth such as the implementation of the air and water clean act by the EPA aimed at controlling and preventing air and water pollution. The clean air and water act were created to ensure that the population is breathing and consuming health air and water (EPA, 2015). There are also standards implemented on the number of toxic matters that can enter the atmosphere which is enforced by laws through inspections.


Mapulanga, A., & Naito, H. (2019). Effect of deforestation on access to clean drinking water. PNAS, 116(17), 8249-8254. Doi:

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2015). The importance of clean air to clean water in the Chesapeake Bay. Retrieved from

Weber, H., & Sciubba, J. D. (2018). The Effect of Population Growth on the Environment: Evidence from European Regions. European journal of population, 35(2), 379–402. Doi:

World Wildlife. (2020). Water Scarcity. Retrieved from

Respond to the bold paragraph ABOVE by using one of the option below… in APA format with At least two references and a minimum of 200 words….. .(The List of References should not be older than 2016 and should not be included in the word count.)

  • Ask a probing question.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
  • Offer and support an opinion.

  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posting.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

It is important that you cover all the topics identified in the assignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUT presenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for this class

To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed for this assignments 1) look at the word/page limits 2) review and follow APA rules 3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and 4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.



Glendale Community College Importance of Sleep and Health Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

  1. Watch this video. (Links to an external site.)
  2. Compare your thoughts on the importance of sleep and health before watching this video and now. Explain how your view has been impacted by what you’ve learned and how you will use the information to your advantage.
  3. (Links to an external site.)If you sleep well, suggest 2 strategies you use to reap those benefits. If you struggle to sleep, do a bit of internet research to learn 2 strategies (preferably evidence-based) to promote sleep.



UC Berkeley Global Health Pandemic & the Murder of George Floyd Essay Humanities Assignment Help

In the essays we have read over the course of the semester, we explored a variety of critical concepts that have important social implications. We have also seen how different concepts have been useful to discuss our current social situation. You should be familiar enough with these concepts to utilize these ideas in your critical thinking essays.


Write an in-depth critical analysis of ONE of the issues below. You MUST apply TWO CLASS-ASSIGNED readings (no films) to do a critical analysis of either choice

  1. The murder of George Floyd in terms of race and capitalism in America. Please make this a critical analysis based on TWO of the assigned readings for the term and if you choose to discuss police brutality, please make it part of a broader analysis of how the state and our institutions serve to preserve power for privileged groups.

Give a brief background on the topic if you need to. Please refer to at least TWO ASSIGNED TEXTS we have read (or viewed) this semester in your essay (articles only, no films). No quotations are required, but please clearly connect your ideas to an author or article title.

Your paper should not moralize; this is an exercise in critical thought.

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UC Berkeley Global Health Pandemic & the Murder of George Floyd Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Consultation Dialogue in Action Research Discussion Writing Assignment Help

A- 500 words
Part I:
Acquiring knowledge through dialogue is an important aspect of action research (AR), and so is the iterative, cyclical nature of it. Why is dialogue so important? Explain your rationale and support your opinion with literature by citing 3 scholarly references.

Part II:

Respond to the following questions about your relationship with your client:

  • What steps have you started taking with your client toward generating dialogue and knowledge?
  • How did the client react?
  • What worked?
  • What would you do differently?
  • What surprised you?
  • What did you learn?
  • What are you going to do next?

B – 6-9 Pages
The following sections are in the final consulting report: Introduction to the Organization and Entry, Informal Data Collection, Microdiagnosis, and Contracting. Begin composing these sections in a document of 6–9 pages, not including the title page, table of contents, or reference list. Address the following elements:

  1. Introduction to the Organization
    • Type of organization
    • Description of and information about the organization (e.g., review Web sites, press, and published documents)
    • Number of employees or key members
    • The opportunities that were initially identified or issues the organization faces
  2. Entry, Informal Data Collection, Microdiagnosis, Contracting
    • Description of the issue or opportunity that served as a starting point for your work with the client
    • The process of diagnosing the problem and the agreed-upon objectives
    • The process you used to reach an agreement with the organization


ITS 439 Colorado State University Importance of Virtualization Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Recently, you have been hired as a Virtualization Administrator for a
solar panel manufacturing company. While the company is in Denver, the
growth of the industry has prompted them to offer their services nations
wide. Their current Information Technology infrastructure in their
local data center consists of the following physical hardware:

  • Three domain controllers with a Single Forest Single Domain Active Directory model,
  • Three Microsoft Exchange servers,
  • Ten web servers,
  • Five application servers,
  • Eight database servers,
  • Hardware-based load balancer,
  • Firewalls,
  • Routers and switches, and
  • VoIP infrastructure.

The Information Technology staff is limited to developers, a database
administrator, network administrator, help desk support staff, and a
network engineer.

The Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the company is worried that
with the rapid expansion of the business, the current hardware will not
support the required computing power. The CIO estimated that at least 15
to 20 servers (web, application, database) will be needed. Due to space
and cooling issues in the data center, you have been tasked to develop a
plan for virtual technology. As a Virtualization Administrator, it is
your job to come up with a plan that meets the business requirements.


Define and describe virtualization technology. Discuss why the
organization should move to virtualization of their servers. Your
APA 7-formatted proposal should be at least 2 pages in length, not
including the title and reference page(s).


Faculty of Medicine University Chapter 15 When a Transfer Backfires Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Exercise Content

  1. Your assignment skills – Case Analysis relates to chapter 15 “Selecting, Appraising, and Discipline Employees” by Mosley, Pietri and Mosley, designed to reinforce the learning objectives of the course, and in conjunction with the final exam will provide a measure of your material’s knowledge and critical thinking skills.
    Your questions analysis and preparation will require for you to complete the reading for Chapter 15 * Answer the following questions 1-5, related to Chapter 15 Case 15-1 “When a Transfer Backfires” Each question must be in An APA format, at least 300 words (full page) of writing, and properly cited APA. Also it should be at least 85% Original, the paper requires at least 4 to 5 academic references.


UM The Media Issue and Its Relation to The Theory Essay Writing Assignment Help

6-8 pgs. word count at least 1800.

For your final paper, I am asking you to choose one of the ethical or media theories/concepts discussed throughout the course to analyze a contemporary media issue of your choice. The following is a list of options you may choose from:

Media Representation (Stuart Hall)

Media Framing

Agenda Setting Theory

Feminist Theory & Intersectionality

Commodity-Image System (Sut Jhally)

Ethics of Care

Ethical egoism


Social Contract Theory

Cultural Relativism

Liberty Theory

Citizen Journalism

Please complete the following steps in your final paper:

1)Write an introduction briefly explaining the media issue/ phenomenon you have selected. An example of a contemporary media phenomenon could be current reporting by mainstream news outlets on #BlackLivesMatter protests, and how citizen journalism has aided in organizing and reporting truths on the ground.

2)At the end of your introduction, develop a thesis statement (1-2 sentences), wherein you make a claim based on your own research about the issue. Following the example I provided above, an appropriate thesis may read like the following: “While mainstream news outlets have maintained reporting on nation-wide protests concerning racial injustice and police brutality, the power of citizen journalism has revealed itself as a powerful tool for speaking truth in relation to shortcomings in reporting of the mainstream press.”

3)Explain the theory or concept you have chosen in-depth. This will take roughly 2-3 paragraphs and should begin by defining the theory/concept, and eventually draw a connection to the issue/problem that is of interest to you.

4)You must include at least two peer-reviewed academic sources. These are journal articles that can be accessed through the library’s resources or on GoogleScholar. If you are having trouble deciding whether a source is peer-reviewed or not, feel free to reach out to me via Canvas message or during office hours.

5)Explain the specific contexts of the media issue of your choosing, and how they relate to the theoretical or conceptual framework you have selected from the course.

6)Write a one-paragraph conclusion that summarizes your argument. You should never introduce new information in the closing paragraph. This is the space to nail down any remaining connections that should be made between the theory and the media issue, and return to your thesis to make sure you have supplied enough information to support your initial claim.


UC Berkeley Global Health Pandemic & the Murder of George Floyd Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Consultation Dialogue in Action Research Discussion Writing Assignment Help

A- 500 words
Part I:
Acquiring knowledge through dialogue is an important aspect of action research (AR), and so is the iterative, cyclical nature of it. Why is dialogue so important? Explain your rationale and support your opinion with literature by citing 3 scholarly references.

Part II:

Respond to the following questions about your relationship with your client:

  • What steps have you started taking with your client toward generating dialogue and knowledge?
  • How did the client react?
  • What worked?
  • What would you do differently?
  • What surprised you?
  • What did you learn?
  • What are you going to do next?

B – 6-9 Pages
The following sections are in the final consulting report: Introduction to the Organization and Entry, Informal Data Collection, Microdiagnosis, and Contracting. Begin composing these sections in a document of 6–9 pages, not including the title page, table of contents, or reference list. Address the following elements:

  1. Introduction to the Organization
    • Type of organization
    • Description of and information about the organization (e.g., review Web sites, press, and published documents)
    • Number of employees or key members
    • The opportunities that were initially identified or issues the organization faces
  2. Entry, Informal Data Collection, Microdiagnosis, Contracting
    • Description of the issue or opportunity that served as a starting point for your work with the client
    • The process of diagnosing the problem and the agreed-upon objectives
    • The process you used to reach an agreement with the organization


ITS 439 Colorado State University Importance of Virtualization Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Recently, you have been hired as a Virtualization Administrator for a
solar panel manufacturing company. While the company is in Denver, the
growth of the industry has prompted them to offer their services nations
wide. Their current Information Technology infrastructure in their
local data center consists of the following physical hardware:

  • Three domain controllers with a Single Forest Single Domain Active Directory model,
  • Three Microsoft Exchange servers,
  • Ten web servers,
  • Five application servers,
  • Eight database servers,
  • Hardware-based load balancer,
  • Firewalls,
  • Routers and switches, and
  • VoIP infrastructure.

The Information Technology staff is limited to developers, a database
administrator, network administrator, help desk support staff, and a
network engineer.

The Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the company is worried that
with the rapid expansion of the business, the current hardware will not
support the required computing power. The CIO estimated that at least 15
to 20 servers (web, application, database) will be needed. Due to space
and cooling issues in the data center, you have been tasked to develop a
plan for virtual technology. As a Virtualization Administrator, it is
your job to come up with a plan that meets the business requirements.


Define and describe virtualization technology. Discuss why the
organization should move to virtualization of their servers. Your
APA 7-formatted proposal should be at least 2 pages in length, not
including the title and reference page(s).


Faculty of Medicine University Chapter 15 When a Transfer Backfires Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Exercise Content

  1. Your assignment skills – Case Analysis relates to chapter 15 “Selecting, Appraising, and Discipline Employees” by Mosley, Pietri and Mosley, designed to reinforce the learning objectives of the course, and in conjunction with the final exam will provide a measure of your material’s knowledge and critical thinking skills.
    Your questions analysis and preparation will require for you to complete the reading for Chapter 15 * Answer the following questions 1-5, related to Chapter 15 Case 15-1 “When a Transfer Backfires” Each question must be in An APA format, at least 300 words (full page) of writing, and properly cited APA. Also it should be at least 85% Original, the paper requires at least 4 to 5 academic references.


UM The Media Issue and Its Relation to The Theory Essay Writing Assignment Help

6-8 pgs. word count at least 1800.

For your final paper, I am asking you to choose one of the ethical or media theories/concepts discussed throughout the course to analyze a contemporary media issue of your choice. The following is a list of options you may choose from:

Media Representation (Stuart Hall)

Media Framing

Agenda Setting Theory

Feminist Theory & Intersectionality

Commodity-Image System (Sut Jhally)

Ethics of Care

Ethical egoism


Social Contract Theory

Cultural Relativism

Liberty Theory

Citizen Journalism

Please complete the following steps in your final paper:

1)Write an introduction briefly explaining the media issue/ phenomenon you have selected. An example of a contemporary media phenomenon could be current reporting by mainstream news outlets on #BlackLivesMatter protests, and how citizen journalism has aided in organizing and reporting truths on the ground.

2)At the end of your introduction, develop a thesis statement (1-2 sentences), wherein you make a claim based on your own research about the issue. Following the example I provided above, an appropriate thesis may read like the following: “While mainstream news outlets have maintained reporting on nation-wide protests concerning racial injustice and police brutality, the power of citizen journalism has revealed itself as a powerful tool for speaking truth in relation to shortcomings in reporting of the mainstream press.”

3)Explain the theory or concept you have chosen in-depth. This will take roughly 2-3 paragraphs and should begin by defining the theory/concept, and eventually draw a connection to the issue/problem that is of interest to you.

4)You must include at least two peer-reviewed academic sources. These are journal articles that can be accessed through the library’s resources or on GoogleScholar. If you are having trouble deciding whether a source is peer-reviewed or not, feel free to reach out to me via Canvas message or during office hours.

5)Explain the specific contexts of the media issue of your choosing, and how they relate to the theoretical or conceptual framework you have selected from the course.

6)Write a one-paragraph conclusion that summarizes your argument. You should never introduce new information in the closing paragraph. This is the space to nail down any remaining connections that should be made between the theory and the media issue, and return to your thesis to make sure you have supplied enough information to support your initial claim.


UC Berkeley Global Health Pandemic & the Murder of George Floyd Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Consultation Dialogue in Action Research Discussion Writing Assignment Help

A- 500 words
Part I:
Acquiring knowledge through dialogue is an important aspect of action research (AR), and so is the iterative, cyclical nature of it. Why is dialogue so important? Explain your rationale and support your opinion with literature by citing 3 scholarly references.

Part II:

Respond to the following questions about your relationship with your client:

  • What steps have you started taking with your client toward generating dialogue and knowledge?
  • How did the client react?
  • What worked?
  • What would you do differently?
  • What surprised you?
  • What did you learn?
  • What are you going to do next?

B – 6-9 Pages
The following sections are in the final consulting report: Introduction to the Organization and Entry, Informal Data Collection, Microdiagnosis, and Contracting. Begin composing these sections in a document of 6–9 pages, not including the title page, table of contents, or reference list. Address the following elements:

  1. Introduction to the Organization
    • Type of organization
    • Description of and information about the organization (e.g., review Web sites, press, and published documents)
    • Number of employees or key members
    • The opportunities that were initially identified or issues the organization faces
  2. Entry, Informal Data Collection, Microdiagnosis, Contracting
    • Description of the issue or opportunity that served as a starting point for your work with the client
    • The process of diagnosing the problem and the agreed-upon objectives
    • The process you used to reach an agreement with the organization


ITS 439 Colorado State University Importance of Virtualization Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Recently, you have been hired as a Virtualization Administrator for a
solar panel manufacturing company. While the company is in Denver, the
growth of the industry has prompted them to offer their services nations
wide. Their current Information Technology infrastructure in their
local data center consists of the following physical hardware:

  • Three domain controllers with a Single Forest Single Domain Active Directory model,
  • Three Microsoft Exchange servers,
  • Ten web servers,
  • Five application servers,
  • Eight database servers,
  • Hardware-based load balancer,
  • Firewalls,
  • Routers and switches, and
  • VoIP infrastructure.

The Information Technology staff is limited to developers, a database
administrator, network administrator, help desk support staff, and a
network engineer.

The Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the company is worried that
with the rapid expansion of the business, the current hardware will not
support the required computing power. The CIO estimated that at least 15
to 20 servers (web, application, database) will be needed. Due to space
and cooling issues in the data center, you have been tasked to develop a
plan for virtual technology. As a Virtualization Administrator, it is
your job to come up with a plan that meets the business requirements.


Define and describe virtualization technology. Discuss why the
organization should move to virtualization of their servers. Your
APA 7-formatted proposal should be at least 2 pages in length, not
including the title and reference page(s).


Faculty of Medicine University Chapter 15 When a Transfer Backfires Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Exercise Content

  1. Your assignment skills – Case Analysis relates to chapter 15 “Selecting, Appraising, and Discipline Employees” by Mosley, Pietri and Mosley, designed to reinforce the learning objectives of the course, and in conjunction with the final exam will provide a measure of your material’s knowledge and critical thinking skills.
    Your questions analysis and preparation will require for you to complete the reading for Chapter 15 * Answer the following questions 1-5, related to Chapter 15 Case 15-1 “When a Transfer Backfires” Each question must be in An APA format, at least 300 words (full page) of writing, and properly cited APA. Also it should be at least 85% Original, the paper requires at least 4 to 5 academic references.


UM The Media Issue and Its Relation to The Theory Essay Writing Assignment Help

6-8 pgs. word count at least 1800.

For your final paper, I am asking you to choose one of the ethical or media theories/concepts discussed throughout the course to analyze a contemporary media issue of your choice. The following is a list of options you may choose from:

Media Representation (Stuart Hall)

Media Framing

Agenda Setting Theory

Feminist Theory & Intersectionality

Commodity-Image System (Sut Jhally)

Ethics of Care

Ethical egoism


Social Contract Theory

Cultural Relativism

Liberty Theory

Citizen Journalism

Please complete the following steps in your final paper:

1)Write an introduction briefly explaining the media issue/ phenomenon you have selected. An example of a contemporary media phenomenon could be current reporting by mainstream news outlets on #BlackLivesMatter protests, and how citizen journalism has aided in organizing and reporting truths on the ground.

2)At the end of your introduction, develop a thesis statement (1-2 sentences), wherein you make a claim based on your own research about the issue. Following the example I provided above, an appropriate thesis may read like the following: “While mainstream news outlets have maintained reporting on nation-wide protests concerning racial injustice and police brutality, the power of citizen journalism has revealed itself as a powerful tool for speaking truth in relation to shortcomings in reporting of the mainstream press.”

3)Explain the theory or concept you have chosen in-depth. This will take roughly 2-3 paragraphs and should begin by defining the theory/concept, and eventually draw a connection to the issue/problem that is of interest to you.

4)You must include at least two peer-reviewed academic sources. These are journal articles that can be accessed through the library’s resources or on GoogleScholar. If you are having trouble deciding whether a source is peer-reviewed or not, feel free to reach out to me via Canvas message or during office hours.

5)Explain the specific contexts of the media issue of your choosing, and how they relate to the theoretical or conceptual framework you have selected from the course.

6)Write a one-paragraph conclusion that summarizes your argument. You should never introduce new information in the closing paragraph. This is the space to nail down any remaining connections that should be made between the theory and the media issue, and return to your thesis to make sure you have supplied enough information to support your initial claim.


UC Berkeley Global Health Pandemic & the Murder of George Floyd Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Consultation Dialogue in Action Research Discussion Writing Assignment Help

A- 500 words
Part I:
Acquiring knowledge through dialogue is an important aspect of action research (AR), and so is the iterative, cyclical nature of it. Why is dialogue so important? Explain your rationale and support your opinion with literature by citing 3 scholarly references.

Part II:

Respond to the following questions about your relationship with your client:

  • What steps have you started taking with your client toward generating dialogue and knowledge?
  • How did the client react?
  • What worked?
  • What would you do differently?
  • What surprised you?
  • What did you learn?
  • What are you going to do next?

B – 6-9 Pages
The following sections are in the final consulting report: Introduction to the Organization and Entry, Informal Data Collection, Microdiagnosis, and Contracting. Begin composing these sections in a document of 6–9 pages, not including the title page, table of contents, or reference list. Address the following elements:

  1. Introduction to the Organization
    • Type of organization
    • Description of and information about the organization (e.g., review Web sites, press, and published documents)
    • Number of employees or key members
    • The opportunities that were initially identified or issues the organization faces
  2. Entry, Informal Data Collection, Microdiagnosis, Contracting
    • Description of the issue or opportunity that served as a starting point for your work with the client
    • The process of diagnosing the problem and the agreed-upon objectives
    • The process you used to reach an agreement with the organization


ITS 439 Colorado State University Importance of Virtualization Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Recently, you have been hired as a Virtualization Administrator for a
solar panel manufacturing company. While the company is in Denver, the
growth of the industry has prompted them to offer their services nations
wide. Their current Information Technology infrastructure in their
local data center consists of the following physical hardware:

  • Three domain controllers with a Single Forest Single Domain Active Directory model,
  • Three Microsoft Exchange servers,
  • Ten web servers,
  • Five application servers,
  • Eight database servers,
  • Hardware-based load balancer,
  • Firewalls,
  • Routers and switches, and
  • VoIP infrastructure.

The Information Technology staff is limited to developers, a database
administrator, network administrator, help desk support staff, and a
network engineer.

The Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the company is worried that
with the rapid expansion of the business, the current hardware will not
support the required computing power. The CIO estimated that at least 15
to 20 servers (web, application, database) will be needed. Due to space
and cooling issues in the data center, you have been tasked to develop a
plan for virtual technology. As a Virtualization Administrator, it is
your job to come up with a plan that meets the business requirements.


Define and describe virtualization technology. Discuss why the
organization should move to virtualization of their servers. Your
APA 7-formatted proposal should be at least 2 pages in length, not
including the title and reference page(s).


Faculty of Medicine University Chapter 15 When a Transfer Backfires Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Exercise Content

  1. Your assignment skills – Case Analysis relates to chapter 15 “Selecting, Appraising, and Discipline Employees” by Mosley, Pietri and Mosley, designed to reinforce the learning objectives of the course, and in conjunction with the final exam will provide a measure of your material’s knowledge and critical thinking skills.
    Your questions analysis and preparation will require for you to complete the reading for Chapter 15 * Answer the following questions 1-5, related to Chapter 15 Case 15-1 “When a Transfer Backfires” Each question must be in An APA format, at least 300 words (full page) of writing, and properly cited APA. Also it should be at least 85% Original, the paper requires at least 4 to 5 academic references.


UM The Media Issue and Its Relation to The Theory Essay Writing Assignment Help

6-8 pgs. word count at least 1800.

For your final paper, I am asking you to choose one of the ethical or media theories/concepts discussed throughout the course to analyze a contemporary media issue of your choice. The following is a list of options you may choose from:

Media Representation (Stuart Hall)

Media Framing

Agenda Setting Theory

Feminist Theory & Intersectionality

Commodity-Image System (Sut Jhally)

Ethics of Care

Ethical egoism


Social Contract Theory

Cultural Relativism

Liberty Theory

Citizen Journalism

Please complete the following steps in your final paper:

1)Write an introduction briefly explaining the media issue/ phenomenon you have selected. An example of a contemporary media phenomenon could be current reporting by mainstream news outlets on #BlackLivesMatter protests, and how citizen journalism has aided in organizing and reporting truths on the ground.

2)At the end of your introduction, develop a thesis statement (1-2 sentences), wherein you make a claim based on your own research about the issue. Following the example I provided above, an appropriate thesis may read like the following: “While mainstream news outlets have maintained reporting on nation-wide protests concerning racial injustice and police brutality, the power of citizen journalism has revealed itself as a powerful tool for speaking truth in relation to shortcomings in reporting of the mainstream press.”

3)Explain the theory or concept you have chosen in-depth. This will take roughly 2-3 paragraphs and should begin by defining the theory/concept, and eventually draw a connection to the issue/problem that is of interest to you.

4)You must include at least two peer-reviewed academic sources. These are journal articles that can be accessed through the library’s resources or on GoogleScholar. If you are having trouble deciding whether a source is peer-reviewed or not, feel free to reach out to me via Canvas message or during office hours.

5)Explain the specific contexts of the media issue of your choosing, and how they relate to the theoretical or conceptual framework you have selected from the course.

6)Write a one-paragraph conclusion that summarizes your argument. You should never introduce new information in the closing paragraph. This is the space to nail down any remaining connections that should be made between the theory and the media issue, and return to your thesis to make sure you have supplied enough information to support your initial claim.


Boston University Chapter 11 Google Is Not A Monopoly Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help

Boston University Chapter 11 Google Is Not A Monopoly Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help

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