Boston University Steps to Create and Compite a Simple C Program Thesis Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Boston University Steps to Create and Compite a Simple C Program Thesis Paper Computer Science Assignment Help. Boston University Steps to Create and Compite a Simple C Program Thesis Paper Computer Science Assignment Help.

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1. Write a program that prompts the user for an input integer and then computes the factorial of that number using a for loop. The program should report an error if the input number is negative and print an error Message. Test the program for increasing values of the input. Can you explain what’s happening? Repeat the calculation using double and try again. [5]2. The accompanying file compute_sum.cpp has a function compute_sum() that computes the sum of n numbers which is passed as an argument. The function is called by value from the main function. Build and run this program and make sure the output matches the values shown in the program.Adapt the program compute_sum.cpp so that n is called byreference.Now check what happens to the value of n. [5]3. Write a program that reads two strings and report whether the strings are equal or not. Next, change the program to report whether the strings have the same length and if not report which is longer. [5]4. Write a program to read strings from the standard input, concatenating what is read into one large string. Print the concatenated string.[5]5. Write a program to strip the punctuation from a string. The input to the program should be a string of characters including punctuation. Print the string with the punctuation removed.

Boston University Steps to Create and Compite a Simple C Program Thesis Paper Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Keiser University Week 3 Chief Nursing Officer Interview Paper Writing Assignment Help

Instructions: Write a detailed summary of the Interview (Use APA format)

I.Contact the executive assistant of a CNO to arrange an appointment for a brief interview.

a.Prepare questions prior to the interview and manage the allotted scheduled time wisely.

b.Do your homework; know the organization, CNO biography, mission, goals, current ratings, Joint commission status, and other pertinent information prior to the scheduled meeting.

c.Examine your organization web site, publications, and newsworthy articles for discussion.

d.Discover the CNO Nursing philosophy and vision for the organization.

e.Distinguish your organization from other competitors


a.Create questions prepared in advance to understand the organization and Nursing leadership

b.Share the agenda or questions with the CNO prior to the interview if possible

c.Explain your academic and professional goals

d.Offer to contribute to the organizational goals through academic preparation and study.

e.Offer to contribute to solve any present or future Nursing issues deemed important to the CNO

f.Summarize the evidenced-based capstone final project which can contribute to promote best practice outcomes for the organization and may lead to recognition, presentations, and/or publication. Provide examples of projects (fall prevention, reduction of infection, improved safety, patient, staff, physician satisfaction, et al.)

g.Ask for permission to explore opportunities to improve nursing for the organization


Send a thank you note for the interview within a week, include your contact information, university, university contact, expected date ofgraduation. Personalize the note to reinforce or highlight any important outcomes.

Yoder-Wise, P. S. (2019). Leading and managing in nursing (7th ed.). Elsevier, Mosby.


NLC Information Technology Oscar Awards Nominees Organizational Scheme Research Paper Other Assignment Help

1. Find this year’s Oscars nominated movies in the following categories: Actor in a Leading Role and Actor in a Supporting Role. Write down the movies titles (not actor names) from the above categories in a list.

2. Research the metadata for these movies. Then You need to create two organizational schemes for these movies using the metadata.


The 1st of your organization scheme needs to be based on 1 factor.

For example, Oscars arranges the movies in different Category: nominated for Actor in a Leading Role and nominated for Actor in a Supporting Role.

The 2nd organization scheme needs to be based a combination of two or more factors.

For example, I can first arrange the movies by decreasing number of nomination received (Continuum), then by the Alphabetic order of the movie titles.

3. You should describe the two organizational schemes in the following format:

(a) the list of movies from Step 1. (5 points)

(b) A list of movie title resulted from applying your 1st organizational scheme (5 points), and explain in details how your scheme works – how you arrange the list of movie titles from Step 1 to the result, what is the metadata used. (10 points).

(c) A list of movie title resulted from applying your 2nd organizational scheme (5 points), and explain in detail how your scheme works – how you arrange the list of movie titles from Step 1 to the result, what is the metadata used (15 points).

No matter what organizational scheme you create, the organizational scheme must be able to identify each individual movie.


Hyperbolic Trig Substitutions and Standard Trig Substitutions Problems Mathematics Assignment Help


  1. Read about hyperbolic trig functions here (Links to an external site.)
  2. Reply to this discussion with your thoughts on this essay and the theorem. Here are some guidelines and suggestion:
    • Your reply should aim to help you and other students gain deeper understanding of hyperbolic trig functions, in particular, related to integration
    • Can you derive any identities relating hyperbolic trig functions?
    • Can you derive formulas for the derivatives and antiderivatives of hyperbolic trig functions?
    • Can you use hyperbolic trig substitutions in a similar way to standard trig substitutions?
    • Can you find a reduction formula for the antiderivative of the nth power of a hyperbolic trig function?
    • Make sure to add something to this discussion. In other words, try not to just reiterate what the article states.
    • Keep in mind our Netiquette guidelines
  3. Reply to at least one classmate. Here are some guidelines for your reply:
    • Again, try to add a new thought to this discussion rather than just re-phrasing what someone else stated.
    • If you think someone made a good point, let them know! Just make sure to also reply with your thoughts in addition to this compliment.


Southwestern Community College Communcation Discussion Writing Assignment Help


Part A

Before posting on this Discussion Board, please read through this description of grief from “An old guy” on Reddit. Reflect on what you read.

The “old guy” writes:

As for grief, you’ll find it comes in waves. When the ship is first wrecked, you’re drowning, with wreckage all around you. Everything floating around you reminds you of the beauty and the magnificence of the ship that was, and is no more. And all you can do is float. You find some piece of wreckage and you hang on for a while. Maybe it’s some physical thing. Maybe it’s a happy memory or a photograph. Maybe it’s a person who is also floating. For a while all you can do is float. Stay Alive. In the beginning, the waves are 100 feet tall and crash over you without mercy. They come 10 seconds apart and don’t even give you time to catch your breath. All you can do is hang on and float. After a while, maybe weeks, maybe months, you’ll find the waves are still 100 feet tall, but they come further apart. When they come, they still crash all over you and wipe you out. But in between you can breathe, you can function. You never know what’s going to trigger the grief. It might be a song, a picture, a street intersection, the smell of a cup of coffee. It can be just about anything… and the waves comes crashing. But in between waves, there is life. Somewhere down the line, and its different for everybody, you find the waves are only 80 feet tall. Or 50 feet tall. And while they still come, they come further apart. You can see them coming. An anniversary, a birthday, or Christmas, or landing at O’Hare. You can see it coming, for the most part, and prepare yourself. And when it washes over you, you know that somehow, you will again, come out the other side. Soaking wet, sputtering, still hanging on to some tiny piece of the wreckage, but you’ll come out. Take it from an old guy. The waves never stop coming, and somehow, you don’t really want them to. But you learn that you’ll survive them. And other waves will come. And you’ll survive them too. If you’re lucky, you’ll have lots of scars from lots of loves. And lots of shipwrecks.” (Reddit, 2014)

In your initial post, please address the following questions:

  • Is this an accurate description of grief, in your experience?
  • What is an example of a “piece of wreckage” that you have or could hold onto?
  • How does reading this help someone who is grieving (if at all?)

Part B

In addition, read over the helpful tips in the module. In your initial post, please answer the following questions:


  • Three things you can do to help someone who is grieving
  • Answer the following question in two or more sentences: What is something on the list that I think would have actually helped me when I was grieving and why? OR, if you have not experienced any significant grief, what is something on the list that you think would actually help and why?

Remember to answer all questions in your post.



UMGC Cybersecurity Threat Landscape Machine Learning Data Analytics & APT 37 Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

Machine Learning and Data Analytics (3 pages)

  • Describe the concepts of machine learning and data analytics and how applying them to cybersecurity will evolve the field.
  • Are there companies providing innovative defensive cybersecurity measures based on these technologies? If so, what are they? Would you recommend any of these to the CTO?

Using Machine Learning and Data Analytics to Prevent APT 37 (3 pages)

  • Describe how machine learning and data analytics could have detected and/or prevented APT 37 you analyzed had the victim organization deployed these technologies at the time of the event. Be specific.


-APA Citation

-6 pages

-Times New Roman

-Single Spaced

UMGC Cybersecurity Threat Landscape Machine Learning Data Analytics & APT 37 Essay Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UCO Core Factors Cues to Quality & Interpersonal Factors of A Products Discussion Writing Assignment Help

This activity/assignment will help students understand customer evaluations, perceptions of quality and customer satisfaction.

Activity: Discuss how core factors, cues to quality, and interpersonal factors of a product influence your buying decisions. Explain with supporting examples.

The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to be in narrative form and should be as thorough as possible. Bullet points should not to be used. The paper should be at least 1.5 – 2 pages in length, Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins and utilizing at least one outside scholarly or professional source related to marketing management. The textbook should also be utilized. Do not insert excess line spacing. APA formatting and citation should be used.


Make English Our Official Language Rhetorical situation Essay Analysis Humanities Assignment Help


To begin this assignment, compose your Essay 4 by addressing the following requirements:

  1. Choose an essay that is either well or poorly written.
  2. Thesis Statement: Identify the author and essay title and claim that it is an effective or ineffective essay.
  3. Review Rhetorical Features or Toulmin Analysis Pages above.
  4. Offer material from the chosen essay in analysis to best prove claims.
  5. Offer clear, fully-developed body paragraphs, making sure that the analysis is compelling.
  6. Use the essay that you are analyzing as evidence for your claims.
  7. If you are doing Rhetorical Analysis, you must include analysis of thesis, evidence, and opposition.
  8. If you are doing Toulmin Analysis, you must analyze all 6 elements.
  9. Make use of transitions.
  10. Ensure that all borrowed material, quotes and summaries, from the source essays or outside sources is parenthetically cited to avoid plagiarism.
  11. Offer bibliographic citations for any material you choose to use (it is not required that you use any) in the Works Cited at the end of the paper.
  12. Write 800+ words.
  13. This essay will be submitted to our Plagiarism Checker.


You may submit/upload this assignment as a .doc or .docx


Florida State University Fact Patterns Case Analysis Paper Law Assignment Help

For each fact pattern, specify the essential legal issue(s) involved, describe the legal concepts from the text, decide which side should win, and explain your reasoning and how you used the legal concepts to arrive at your decision. See the Case Analysis Instructions for further information about completing this assignment.

  • Kurt is a disk jockey and loves to play his radio as a stress reliever. He likes to relax listening to his music. Last week at about midnight, he was blasting Black Eyed Peas on his radio. His neighbor, Ima Complain, yelled at him to turn off the music, and he impolitely told her “mind your own business, old lady.” The next day, Mrs. Complain told her son, Officer Vidal, who happened to work for the Saint Leo Police Department. Soon thereafter, the county passed an ordinance prohibiting loud noises after 10:00 PM. That very day, Officer Vidal called the judge, told him how Kurt was disrespectful to his mom and got an arrest warrant. Officer Vidal went to Kurt’s apartment to arrest him. Kurt wasn’t home, but had left the door unlocked. Since it was a hot day, Officer Vidal decided to wait for Kurt in the air-conditioned living room. While waiting, he got thirsty and went to the refrigerator to get a drink. In the fridge he found a bag of marijuana and a bong on the counter. When Kurt came home a few minutes later, he was arrested. In addition to being charged with violating the noise ordinance, Kurt has also been charged with possession of illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia.
  • State v. Ana; State v. Summer
  • Ana needed a car. She had just gotten a job at the nearby mall and did not have a way to get there. Since she needed a few thousand dollars for the car she really wanted, she decided to rob the nearby bank. She grabbed her Halloween mask, a duffel bag to hold all the money, prepared a quick note on a scrap of paper, and headed to the bus stop. On her way there, she passed her friend Summer and asked her for a ride to the bank. Summer agreed to take her. While driving, Ana told Summer her plans, and Summer told Ana that the nearby bank did not have much money, but the one near the airport had loads of cash. Summer offered to drive her to that one, and said she would wait outside to help Ana get away. Ana went inside wearing the mask, duffel bag in hand, and patiently waited in line for her turn. When she got to the front of the line and stepped up to the teller’s window, Ana realized she had misplaced the note demanding the money. Flustered, she ran out of the bank, mistakenly grabbing the duffel bag of the person next to her. When she got back to Summer’s car, she opened the bag and discovered it held $100,000 and a gun. Just at that moment, the police arrived, having been alerted by the teller that someone was in the bank wearing a scary mask. The police arrested Summer and Ana. In your analysis, discuss what charges Summer and Ana should face. What charges did you consider and then rule out for both Summer and Ana? Discuss why you ruled these out, and whether a judge would agree with your decisions.

  • A monkey has been stolen from the zoo! The police have no leads as to who stole the monkey. Leah is a new officer with the police department. While on routine patrol, she drives past the home of Jason. Through the huge window, she sees a monkey jumping on the table! What good luck, she’ll surely make a good impression with the chief! Using proper knock and announce procedure, Leah enters Jason’s home to arrest him. She notices that it is really hot and bright inside, and a quick walk around the house reveals thirty marijuana plants that she could not see from outside. Excellent…two crimes she has solved! Jason is charged with stealing the monkey and possession of marijuana with intent to sell. Jason’s attorney moves to dismiss all charges, and provides the judge evidence proving that Jason’s monkey is not the stolen one the police were looking for, but one he bought last year. In your analysis, discuss how the judge should rule. Which charges, if any, should be dismissed and why? Discuss whether Leah’s actions were proper. Which legal concepts have you considered?

Each fact pattern must include

The main issue. Identify and write (in your own words, at least 50% original) the central issue to be decided. As much as possible, set the issue in legal terms and concepts.

2. Relevant legal concepts quoted from textbook court opinions. Search the assigned chapter for legal concepts that will help you decide and justify your decision. Once you find the quotations you wish to use, copy them into the appropriate places in your analysis. (example Procedural Due Process – 14th Amendment – Section 1. “…nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; …” (pp. 23 & A-2) Relevant Liberty Definition: “…a vast scope of personal rights. It also infers the absence of arbitrary and unreasonable government restraints. (p. 24)

3. Relevant case law quoted from the textbook. (example Melinda Speelman v. Bellingham Housing Authority “Finally, … both the parties and the public have an interest in ensuring that BHA administers its programs lawfully, Contrary to … contention, Speelman is not asking for an exception to be applied to her case. She is asking that she be given the process due her and everyone else in her situation. Therefore, the equities favor granting Speelman a preliminary injunction.” (p.38)

4. Rationale. Write (in your own words, at least 50% original) a complete explanation about how you used the legal concepts you cited to make a decision about how the case should be resolved.

5. Ruling. Describe (in your own words, at least 50% original) what should happen to the parties involved as a result of your decision


ENG 102 Colorado State University Closing the Gap Between College and Career Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Summary Response Essay


In Module 1, you were asked to review the assignment instruction for the Module 8 Portfolio Project. The themes for this course include:

  • Closing the Gap Between College and Career

You will choose a theme path in this module and will develop and build on this theme path throughout your course of study in this class.

As an academic writer, it is vital to form a working thesis about your topic early, so that you can shape your research and form an inquiry plan about the research material that you will be using. Keeping this in mind, you will need to select and analyze key concepts of the topic early in the research process. As such, be cognizant of the theses or the claims made by the authors who write in your chosen path as you read the literature tied to your theme.


For this Critical Thinking Assignment, you are to develop a summary response essay. This should build on the work you submitted to the discussion board for this week. Be sure to accurately decipher your assignment. Review the following link for more information on this topic:

Instructions for writing a summary response paper are included in the lecture. Be sure to refer to these prior to delving into the content of your paper. Your paper should accomplish the following:

  1. Introduction: Thesis statement, information about the article.
    • Be sure to note key information in the article: author, time and place of publication and article title.
    • Be sure to note the main thesis of the article that includes the author’s key ideas and intentions.
  2. Summary: Your analysis of the article. Be sure to write in the objective third person.
    • Refer to the author and not the article during your examination of key points as articles are inanimate.
  3. Response (body paragraphs): Note where you agree, or disagree with ideas, and points the author asserts in the article.
    • Be sure to paraphrase and cite in-text as you develop academic paragraphs that have a topic sentence, evidence, and analysis of the ideas you are exploring.
  4. Conclusion: Note the main implications of the article, any gaps you see in the research, or where you think you can look further for information.

Expand on your group discussion post in which you summarized an article.

Submit this draft to the Smarthinking tutors. Consider using the live session option as the tutors are available 24/7 and you will receive immediate feedback.

Required elements to turn in with submission:

  • Draft
  • Appendix – following references
  • Feedback from Smarthinking tutors
    • Pattern of error log (Template found in the Module folder.)
    • Turnitin report


  • Length: 2-3 pages (not counting the title and reference pages, which you must include)
  • Use third person (Links to an external site.).
  • Assert your academic voice.
  • Cite at least one source for this assignment.
    • You will have to cite several peer reviewed credible sources in your final portfolio project, so start exploring sources now and start saving them to a reference management system. Mendeley (free) and RefWorks (fee-based) are good resources.
    • In academic writing, it is always best practice to cite credible sources, such as a scholarly journal article. Your work here in this paper can lead to building content for your final paper due at the end of the course, so be cognizant about source quality.
    • The CSU Global Library is an excellent place to search for credible, scholarly sources.
    • The following at the CSU Global Writing Center should help you assess what a credible source will resemble: Types of Sources (Links to an external site.).
  • Your paper must be formatted according to CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
  • You may use the template paper for this assignment.

Refer to the Critical Thinking Assignment Rubric available in the Module 2 Folder for more information on assignment expectations and grading.


Boston University Steps to Create and Compite a Simple C Program Thesis Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Boston University Steps to Create and Compite a Simple C Program Thesis Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

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