Bowie State University Katherine Patersons The Bridge to Terabithia Essay Humanities Assignment Help. Bowie State University Katherine Patersons The Bridge to Terabithia Essay Humanities Assignment Help.
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must read the source that I assigned below only. outside sources that I don’t provide are not accepted and I will request for a refund.!!!
I need it to be an analysis, not a summary its a literature class
?the assignment is this below ?? ?
In the Class Meeting 12 PowerPoint and the YouTube video of the Katherine Patterson interview, you learned about the author’s writing interests and you learned that she wrote this book in response to her son’s loss of a school friend. She says she wrote Bridge to Terabithia to “throw light on the chaos”.
Her description does not seem to lead to an explicit moral or didactic meaning to the novel. Rather her phrase seems to invite reflection upon a tragic event which, no matter how sad, must be coped with by the family and friends who remain. Having read the book and discussed Jess’ character with your classmates, how would you describe the “light thrown upon the chaos”? If Jess is supposed to be the character whom a reader primarily identifies with, what light has Jess found by the end of the book?
Bowie State University Katherine Patersons The Bridge to Terabithia Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MGT 517 Grantham University Week 1 Organizational Development Intervention Project Business Finance Assignment Help
Project – Topic Selection
The project revolves around you diagnosing a process/structure/environment in an organization that you’re familiar with and that needs improvement and designing an organizational development (OD) intervention to achieve positive change. Organizations such as your place of employment, community groups, volunteer groups, school committees, and even city/state/Federal governments are areas to consider.
Using APA formatting requirements (12 point Times New Roman font, double-spacing, 1″ margins, title and reference pages), write a 250-350 word paper introducing your chosen organization and the associated process/structure/environment that needs improvement.
Additionally, your paper should discuss the following:
- why you have chosen your organization:
- a diagnosis of why the change is needed:
- proposed organizational behavior concepts from the text that might apply as you work towards an intervention
- I have attached this week’s lecture where the book for the course is listed as well.
NGR 5209 Florida Agricultural Role of the Social Cognitive Theory Questions Writing Assignment Help
1. Based on the definitions provided in literature write your own definition of health and state the rationale for the factors you considered in developing the definition.
2. Interview 3 persons at varying points in the life span (adolescent, young adult, elderly person) to obtain their perspective on health and the health promotion strategies they perform to stay healthy. Ask them to identify any personal, social, and environmental barriers to pursuing a healthy lifestyle. Suggest health promotion strategies to help them overcome the barriers stated by the interviews.
Answers to interview:
Young adult- I view health as taking care of my body and mindset. in order to reach my optimal health I write in a daily journal about foods I eat, I drink lots of water, and research healthy diets to meal prep. I also have a goal calendar for my daily workouts, where I workout 5 times a week for 30 minutes to an hour each day. The interviewer reports that being a single mom can be identified as a barrier to pursuing health goals in regards to not having enough time in the day to implement health goals.
Elderly person- I view health as doing things to keep your blood pressure down, cholesterol down. being in great health includes participating in activities such as exercising, and eating right. Strategies I perform to stay healthy include eating right by going on a plant based diet to stay moving and healthy. I also garden and drink spring water. Barriers that I have to pursing a healthy lifestyle include having the will power or not being motivated to do the right things to stay on tract.
Adolescent- I view health as living a long healthy life and not being sick. strategies I perform to stay healthy include eating healthy, social distancing, and exercising. Barriers that I have to pursuing a healthy lifestyle include having a sweet tooth.
3. Choose one social cognition theory described in the chapters and use it as a guide to develop an intervention to address a selected behavior change for you. Identify the stage of change you are in currently as it relates to the selected behavior.
4. Write one long-term goal to obtain the behavior selected and two short-term realistic, measurable implementation strategies to begin to achieve the goal.
BSU Bridge to Terabithia a Fearful Character Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Jess Aarons is the most complicated child character whom we have met so far. He is more complex that characters such as Squirrel Nutkin, Fern, Fanny, Gluck, Little Thumb or any other character. We learn so much more about him and his life than we have previously learned about a protagonist before. One reason this occurs of course is that he is the protagonist in a novel, not just in a tale or story.
In this discussion I’d like the class to explore his development as a character imagined by Katherine Paterson. What are the various things that we find out about him which reveal his personality and worlds which he inhabits (i.e. home, school, town, etc.)? What are the important things we learn about his thinking and psychological make-up: his relationships, interests, hopes, fears, secrets, ambitions, etc.?
When you make your initial post, you should focus on ONE ASPECT which readers learn about Jess which has not yet been commented on in a previous post. When you make your each of your two (2) response posts, please respond to a classmate who discusses a characteristic which you judge a very important part of Jess’ character. Try to add some detail or analysis to what was previously said about Jess in the initial post. Each of your follow-up posts should discuss a different aspect of Jess. This process should enable us as a class to construct a very rounded understanding of him.
??the second task is to reply or comment on my classmate’s discussion with 50-100 words ?start the reply with the first sentence is that I agree with or I like or I think or I actually etc…
Sara response =(((Something that immediately stuck out to me about Jess’s personality was his relationship to fear. At the beginning of the book he is fearful of a number of things. At first he is fearful that he isn’t good enough. He’s fearful that is not a good enough runner to beat everyone and he’s fearful that he can’t draw well. He’s also fearful of his father and everyone else around him judging his love of drawing. This fear also presents itself and the way he goes about his relationships. The reader can see that his closest connection at the beginning of the story is the one teacher who likes his drawings and he feels that he can be himself around. He is afraid of his own fear because he believes that he shouldn’t feel that way. This is probably brought on by his relationship with his father. Later on in the story we find that this fear also shows how he finds his value in his relationships with the people around him. When he gets closer to Leslie he seems to grow more as a person. He becomes more caring and by the end of the book his relationship to fear changes. This presents itself in his relationship with May Belle and his own father. His father comforts him and his grief from losing Leslie, and that is also it starts to help him realize that it is okay to be afraid or upset. It also presents itself when he helps May Belle from falling and teaches her that it is okay to be afraid and that everyone is afraid.)))
Sam response =((( The things that struck me about Jess were his fear and his insecurity about his identity. To begin with, Jess enjoys painting and drawing, but he is fully aware that this makes him a “sissy” in the eyes of the majority of the world, particularly his father. Furthermore, his family is so strained by poverty that he has few opportunities to truly explore his own identity during this formative era of adolescence. He has so instilled in himself the value of winning, believing that there is at least one thing he is brilliant at that will not earn him the unwelcome title of “sissy” or “female” in the eyes of his father and classmates, and that will allow him to shine in his own right. Every morning, he practices, fantasizing about his forthcoming victory. When it came time for recess races, a new girl, Leslie Burke, who had recently moved next door to Jess, boldly crossed the boy’s side of the playground and defeated everyone, Jess and Leslie became friends.As a result of his concerns, Jess’s self-hatred is also shown in this novel. He despises himself for being terrified of the creek, believing that he is inferior to Leslie because of it. Jess despises being afraid of anything, which is likely owing to his father’s well-known expectations that he will be a “real man.” As a result, he is unable to express his anxieties with Leslie, despite the fact that she could most likely have reassured or soothed his anxieties. He’s gripped by shame, and he appears to fear that if Leslie knew he was terrified, she would lose respect for him. This is almost definitely not the case in reality. Leslie was revealed to be terrified of Janice Avery in the previous chapter. This story is one of my favorite, it is about battling within self and friendship. A story where you can get so many moral lesson. )))
University of Texas at Dallas Business Privacy Policy Paper and Powerpoint Computer Science Assignment Help
Develop a fictitious company, make yourself officers, and create a privacy policy document for said company.
Your fictitious company must create a privacy policy document (6-7 pages). The document shall include an introductory section, such as an “Executive Summary,” or an “Introduction.” and Policy Statements and a brief Conclusion.
The Assignment document will include policy statements. The policies need to focus on governing your company and its employees. This is where the work comes in. Your need to give evidence in the policy section of your knowledge gained in this course. Inc.
Prepare a 8-9 slide PPT presentation on your privacy policy.
Trident University International Pricing and Marketing Plan Implementation Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Margins & Sales Volume
Different industries have varied benchmarks for margins. For example in restaurants alcohol margins are usually much higher than food margins. In other industries, margins are affected by seasonal demand.
Industry Research and Application
Research your product/service’s industry with regard to mark-ups and contribution margins.
- Describe the industry
- Discuss the margins and markups on goods or services
- Discuss other economic factors that affect the mark-ups
- What marketing techniques can companies use to support the pricing schemes that support their margins?
Use research from quality graduate-level resources and at least two articles from Trident Library’s full-text databases like (Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete and/or Proquest Central). Stay away from consultant sites on the internet.
Do not use any quotations. Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. The paper should be written in third person; this means words like “I”, “we”, and “you” are not appropriate. For more information see Differences Between First and Third Person.
Use the attached APA-formatted template (MKT501 Case4) to create your submission.
Alternative Approaches to Determining Price (read all 5 links on the page)
Low-Margin Business vs. High-Margin
Know Your Sales Margins
Measuring the Impact of Economic Factors on Consumer Satisfaction and Pricing Perceptions
Trident University International Pricing and Marketing Plan Implementation Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
EWRT 1A Deanza College Course Reflection Paper Writing Assignment Help
Topic: You’ve spent an intensive series of weeks focused on the science and art of writing academic essays in a US college setting. Now that we are approaching the end of the quarter, its time to pause to reflect on your growth: what have you learned? What are you still learning?
Pre-Writing: This essay,Essay #5, will be in the front of your Writing Portfolio as an introduction to your work for your audience: the De Anza English teachers who will be evaluating your portfolio. Next in your Writing Portfolio will come your Essay #4: Timed Essay. Finally, you will select a final essay to include in your portfolio: either Essay #1: Freire, Essay #2: Anzaldua VS Tan, OR Essay #3: Coates.Review all the work you’ve done for the class to reflect on your learning and to select which essay your will submit. Consider why you chose the essays in your portfolio and how they show your readiness for EWRT1B or 2.
Task: For Essay #5, you will write an essay of 3-4 pages to look back on your progress in writing this quarter and explain why you believe that you have succeeded in EWRT 1A. Your overall purpose is to demonstrate how your writing, reading, thinking and studenthood have changed as a result of what you have learned in this class. (Studenthood is about your general skills as a student, such as being organized, submitting assignments on time, taking advantage of academic supports, etc.) You must provide specific evidence for your claims, meaning quotes from your essays or detailed descriptions of specific events or processes.
?Discuss what you have learned as a writer in LART 250 and/or EWRT 1A. This might include practice in organization, analysis, development, vivid examples, construction of better sentences, proofreading, writing process, and so on. Give specific examples from these essays to show your improvements. (This is 2-3 paragraphs after your introduction.)
?Writing is learning. To demonstrate how this worked in your case, choose two topics from your writing, and explain how your understanding of these issues changed as a result of reading and writing about them. What did you understand or believe about these two issues before EWRT 1A and LART 250, and how do you see those issues now? How does that impact your personal, career or academic life? Give an example for each topic. (This is at least two substantial paragraphs)
?What still needs improvement? Write about what you’d still like to work on with your writing. All of us are still trying to be better writers, so what are you going to focus on in EWRT 2, 1B and beyond? (This is 1 paragraph before your conclusion.)
Trident University International Effect on Revenues & Profitability PPT Business Finance Assignment Help
Module 2 – SLP
Second part of the presentation. See background information for the Module 1 SLP.
Include the following items in your presentation:
- What about special pricing for some markets or customers?
- Determination of customer profitability.
- Show effect on revenues and profitability based on stated assumptions.
- Potential advantages and disadvantages, both financial and non-financial.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Submit a PowerPoint presentation or a Word Document. A PowerPoint presentation should have no more than six slides and a Word document cannot exceed two pages. Use words, tables, and graphs to make a succinct presentation. Document all sources and provide links at the end. It is acceptable to add another slide or page to list the sources.
Combine the submissions from prior module(s) into one file before uploading to the SLP 2 Dropbox.
Module 1 – Background
Modular Learning Objectives
Keep the following objectives in mind as you work through the material in this module:
- Define managerial accounting.
- Describe the role of managerial accounting.
- Differentiate between variable and fixed costs.
- Prepare a contribution margin (variable costing) income statement.
- Recognize various approaches to categorizing costs.
- Prepare and analyze a segmented income statement.
Required Reading
Begin this module by familiarizing yourself with the following sections pertaining to managerial accounting while keeping the above six objectives in mind. Click on the three arrows to explore each topic in more detail.
Check Your Understanding
Check your understanding to make sure that you have a good grasp of the background material. If you are not comfortable with the concepts, review some of the material again or go to the optional resource for more examples.
Final Thoughts Contribution margin income and absorption income are two distinct approaches to assess operating profit. Many companies use both approaches. The two approaches have benefits and limitations. Multiple descriptive names exist for the two methods of costing and computation of income. For example, the contribution margin approach is also known as variable costing, direct costing. or marginal costing. Absorption income and costing are also known as full costing, GAAP income, financial accounting income, or traditional costing. Management mostly uses the information provided by variable costing method for estimates and internal decision-making purposes. Variable costing is appropriate for detailed analysis of a product or service. GAAP is required for publicly released and audited financial statements. Management uses both approaches for internal decision-making. Cost behavior refers to the way different types of production costs change when there is a change in level of production. There are two main types of costs according to their behavior: Fixed Costs: Fixed costs are those, which do not change with the level of activity within the relevant range. These costs will incur even if no units are produced. For example rent expense, straight-line depreciation expense, etc. Fixed cost per unit decreases with increase in production. Variable Costs: Variable costs change in direct proportion to the level of production. This means that total variable cost increase when more units are produced and decreases when less units are produced. Although variable in total, these costs are constant per unit. |
Optional Reading
For further detail refer to Dr. Walther’s accounting text and videos.
Walther, L. (2017). Chapter 17: Introduction to Managerial Accounting.
SDSU Advertisements Slowly Became More Inclusive for Women Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
discuss your experience with cultural pluralism as related to the advertising industry, which has been introduced in this module. For example, what have been your most memorable experiences when seeing or hearing advertising? Think about your experiences today, yesterday, every day—when you, like every other consumer in the United States—are bombarded with advertisements to buy, buy, buy, and buy some more. As you consider the advertisements that you have seen and/or heard, have you perceived that you and your racial/ethnic group has been valued and appreciated as they are included in the advertisement because of the diversity that you and your group represent, or has your group been discriminated against or ignored altogether? For example, how has your group been represented in advertisements for clothes, jewelry, cars, food, travel, toys, entertainment, etc .Perhaps you have been employed in the advertising industry. How did your advertising firm or organization address cultural pluralism/diversity and inclusion? All of us, including you, have experience with the advertising industry every day—multiple times during the day. Share whatever examples you feel comfortable sharing with respect to the advertising industry from whatever perspective you have. This discussion will be substantive and informative if you share what your experiences have been and how these experiences made you feel.
In addition to your experiences, please share how friends or family members (your children, nieces, or nephews, mother, father, sisters, or brothers, etc.) have responded to the advertising industry with respect to the diversity that they represent (please do not mention their names unless you have permission to do so).
Trident University International Annie Smith Dance Center Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Assignment Overview
The Annie Smith Dance Center
The Director of Annie Smith Dance Center is asking for assistance with the financial aspects of running a professional group of performers. She wants financial information presented in an easy to read format and a better understanding of the profitability of the concerts and the organization as a whole.
The Annie Smith professional group features three styles of dance concerts each year. Two of the dance concerts showcase a different genre. The third performance is a Christmas Spectacular, which is the most popular and is therefore scheduled every year. The table below provides information about expected ticket sales for the performances.
Lower Orchestra Section (A)Upper Orchestra Section (B)DescriptionsNo. of Seats.Ticket PriceTickets sold per performanceNo. of seatsTicket PriceTickets sold per performanceHip-Hop Performance150$851000$5090%Jazz and Tap Dance150$851000$5060%Christmas Spectacular150$1251000$50100%
Ms. Smith has prepared a tentative schedule for the coming season. The table below also shows the type and number of performances and direct cost per type of concert.
DescriptionsNumber of PerformancesCost per Dance Concert
(direct fixed costs)*Hip-Hop Concert10$48,000Jazz and Tap Dance586,000Christmas Spectacular2022,000Total Direct Fixed Costs$156,000
*Examples of direct fixed costs are costumes, rehearsals, royalties, guest artist fees, choreography, and salaries of production staff, music, and wardrobe for each of the concerts. This amount does not change with the number of performances.
Additional costs:
Variable costs associated with each performance are shown below.
Musicians$6,100Rental of auditorium2,500Dancers’ compensation6,700
Annual general administrative and operating costs for the dance center are:
Administrative staff$185,000Insurance25,000Marketing115,000General office expenses90,000
Case Assignment
Computations (use Excel)
- Summarize key financial information in a table as shown below.
TitleName of Dance ConcertRevenues/
PerformanceVariable Costs/
PerformanceContribution Margin/
PerformanceNumber of PerformancesTotal Contribution/
Type of Dance ConcertDirect Fixed CostsSegment Margin/
Type of Concert1.2.3.Total
- Use the information in the table you completed to compute the number of performances required to break even for each concert. Do not include general and administrative expenses. These are separate computations for each dance concert.
- Compute break even for the organization as a whole (include all fixed expenses) and express the result in revenues instead of the number of performances.
- Ms. Smith wants the Dance Center to generate at least $200,000 in operating profit. What level of revenues does the performance group need to achieve to meet this goal? Prepare an income statement in good format to support the computations.
- Give a recommendation about changes Ms. Smith can implement to achieve the target profit. Support your idea with computations.
Memo (use Word)
Write a 4- or 5-paragraph memo to the owner of the dance center to assist her in interpreting the financial analysis. Start with an introduction and end with a recommendation. Each of the four or five paragraphs should have a heading.
Short Essay (use Word)
Start with an introduction and end with a summary or conclusion. Use headings.
- What are some shortcomings of multi-product even analysis?
- How does demand and resource constraints affect this type of analysis.
Assignment Expectations
Each submission should include two files: (1) An Excel file and (2) a Word document. The Word document shows the memo first and short essay last. Assume a knowledgeable business audience and use required format and length. Individuals in business are busy and want information presented in an organized and concise manner.
Module 2 – Background
Modular Learning Objectives
Keep the following objectives in mind as you work through the material in this module:
- Define of cost-volume-profit.
- Understand the relationship between variable costing and cost-volume-profit analysis.
- Apply and analyze break-even.
- Compute break-even in units.
- Compute break-even in sales.
- Analyze target profit.
Required Reading
Variable and fixed costs were introduced in the prior module. Now it is time to examine cost behavior in more detail by familiarizing yourself with the following while keeping the above six objectives in mind. Click on the three arrows to explore each topic in more detail.
Check Your Understanding
Check your understanding to make sure that you have a good grasp of the background material. If you are not comfortable with the concepts, review some of the material again or go to the optional resource for more examples.
Click on the quiz icon for an ungraded, 20-question true-or-false self-study quiz to check your progress. If you are not satisfied with the score, review some of the material again. For more in-depth information, review materials listed under optional reading at the bottom of this page.
Final Thoughts
Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) analysis is a computational method that analyzes the effect of sales and product costs on the operating income of a business. Specifically, it assesses the effect of changes in variable costs, fixed costs and selling price on operating income. Break-even analysis (with or without a target profit) is a common CVP approach. Another definition of break-even is where the total contribution margin equals total costs. A contribution margin income statement shows zero income at break-even.
Several assumptions underlie CVP analysis:
- All cost can be categorized as variable or fixed.
- Sales price per unit, variable cost per unit, and total fixed cost are constant.
- Mixed costs must be split into their fixed and variable component by an estimation process.
- Understanding the behavior of costs makes cost-volume-profit analysis possible.
Optional Reading
For further detail refer to Dr. Walther’s accounting text and videos.
Walther, L. (2017). Chapter 18: Cost-Volume-Profit and Business Scalability.