Bowie State University Organizational Behavior and Effective Communication Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. Bowie State University Organizational Behavior and Effective Communication Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.
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- List and discuss the barriers to effective communication.
- List and discuss the communication skills? For you, which is most important and why?
- List and discuss the communication media. For you, which is most important and why?
- Define and provide an example (not one in the book) of the following:
- Downward communication
- Upward communication
- Horizontal communication
- Diagonal communication
- Formal and informal communication
- Social networking
- In an organization in which you have worked or been affiliated with, how do you handle grapevine and rumor information?Are you a participant, listener, etc.?How did leadership handle the grapevine or rumor information?Of the communications listed in question #4, which one is the most effective for you and describe why.
- Summarize one of the videos below in 2-3 paragraphs. Indicate in your summary which video your write-up reflects, #1, #2, #3,#4 or #5.
Conflict is a disagreement that arises when two or more parties perceive a threat to their interests, needs, or concerns. Conflict can be constructive or destructive. When behaviors escalate, they can generate dysfunctional conflict which focuses on emotions and differences between the two parties and can degenerate to the extent that the parties forget the substantive issues and focus on getting even, retaliation, or hurting the other party. Some characteristics of dysfunctional conflict can negatively influence employees, workgroups, company performance and lead to depression, absenteeism, turnover, burnout, and negative emotional states.
7. List and describe the 9 sources of conflict.
8. Summarize Friedrich Glasl’s nine state model of conflict escalation. List and describe the alternative dispute resolution process.
9. List and describe the alternative dispute resolution process.
1- In an organization in which you have worked or been affiliated with, how do you handle grapevine and rumor information?Are you a participant, listener, etc.?How did leadership handle the grapevine or rumor information?Of the communications listed in question #4, which one is the most effective for you and describe why.
I had the pleasure of being a new student orientation leader. Rumors were spread a lot. Amongst faculty, co-workers, and even incoming students. In order to solve the issues that were being spread, we would have debriefs that would outline any issues we had during our programs and any issues we had with each other. It was very effective because there were no cut cards. If we had any issues we wouldn’t leave until they were solved. This was a form of informal communication. To me it is the most effective once agreed upon by an entire population. Informal communication is raw and authentic and allows individuals to express themselves in the purest form.
2- Make Body Language Your Superpower
Body language plays a powerful role in how we communicate. Although the tone, visuals, and content of our message affect whether our presentation is effective, our body language also play an important part. Our posture, where we position ourselves, the gestures we use, and how we interact with the body language the audience displays contributes to a good presentation. Never position yourself near distracting items. An open window is a source of distraction because there is movement in the background. Always stand facing your audience, but do not be afraid to walk around. A base posture should be used at the beginning of your presentation and you should end with the same posture after using gestures.
Bowie State University Organizational Behavior and Effective Communication Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
PSYC 4900 Capella University Ethical Issues and Action Plan Capstone Humanities Assignment Help
Case study Lucia, Elena, and Dr. Bhandari:
Hannah, the school counselor at Cargill Academy, volunteers for Habitat for Humanity. There she met Lucia, age 32, and her husband Martin, who are also volunteers. Hannah and Lucia have become friends.
Lucia’s grandmother Elena had come to live with Lucia and Martin about five years before, when Elena’s husband died. Lucia has expressed concern to Hannah about Elena having gotten lost coming home from the daily walks to the park that she so enjoyed. On one occasion, Martin and Lucia had gone to look for Elena and found her two miles away walking in the grocery store parking lot. On another occasion, the police had found Elena wandering and had asked around to find out where Elena lived. Lucia and Martin were alarmed when the police brought her home. They are concerned about the possibility of Alzheimer’s disease and are afraid to leave Elena home alone.
Hannah referred Lucia to Dr. Bhandari, a specialist in aging and memory.
Once Elena learned her granddaughter was planning to take her to the doctor, she was very upset because she hadn’t been consulted first. Also, Elena didn’t have any bothersome symptoms and decided there was no reason a doctor needed to see her. She felt that all she needed was more sleep.
Lucia and Elena arrived at the doctor’s office and the nurse brought them back to the examination room. Elena was displeased, but allowed the nurse to take her weight, pulse, and blood pressure. Once the nurse was finished, she left the room and Dr. Bhandari came in. When Dr. Bhandari realized that Elena did not understand much English, she turned and spoke directly to Lucia. Lucia struggled a bit in understanding what Dr. Bhandari was saying as she spoke with a thick Indian accent. She did understand enough to know that she wanted to order some tests for Elena. Neither of them explained the tests to Elena. Elena was furious and wanted to go home.
Consider the individual, family, cultural beliefs and expectations, and ethical issues the individuals must think about as the people in the case interact with each other. Consider the medical professionals’ roles with the patient.
After completing the assignment preparation study in Week 4, you will work with your teammate(s) to write a 6–8 page paper, in which you and your teammate(s) first summarize the ethical issue and then construct an ethical analysis based on the application of ethical principles and current psychological research. You will use research findings to strengthen the support of your analysis. You will then formulate an action plan to address the problem.
In summary, teams will write up a persuasive argument and plan to resolve an ethical dilemma. Analysis of the ethical dilemma, application of psychology principles, support for the course of action, and ability to work as a team using critical thinking skills are the key areas of focus for this assignment.
**This is a group assignment. I’ve attached my previous paper (which needs to be used as well) and an email correspondence between my partner and I. The email shows how we divided the work. I need to write the intro, write about the psychological ref, Campinha-Bacote model, and NAHQ code of ethics**
Wilmington University Childhood Students Computerized Assessments Dissertation Paper Writing Assignment Help
Chapter 3 Outcomes. What was learned from the study of the POP (Problem of Practice) and what will change in your practice as a result?
• Publicly present findings
o What happened as a result of the plan? o What were the findings? o Did they align with what was found in the literature? o How were the findings analyzed? o What worked? What didn’t work? o What impact did the innovation have?
• Discussion and Implications
o How do the findings relate to the literature? o What are the implications for the candidate’s practice? o What does it suggest for teaching? For leadership? o Candidate’s recommendations for the organization? o What personal lessons were learned?
I attached my chapter 1&2 for reference as well as three excel sheets that need to be used in this portion of the paper for data.
Rutgers University Visual Attention Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I need you to modify one discussion and give me two replies
One student’s
I truly enjoyed reading this chapter. Some of it was new, but there were also concepts that I had learned about. For example, concerning the section “inattentional blindness,” I have watched the video on Chabris and Simon’s website many times as well as several similar ones. I think it is amazing that if it does not pertain to what we are looking at, we simply do not see it.
I also was interested to learn about the correct terminology of when one is not able to see the difference in photos- change blindness. While staring at figure 9.19 (pg. 269), I truly did not see the difference until I read about it. Relating to photos, attentional capture is a term to describe a stimulus that grabs our attention. I see myself doing this with picture books and skimming through titles. The ones that stick out- gravitate more towards us.
I am not sure if anyone else saw this, but in figure 9.31 (pg.280), I did see a rabbit like stated, but I also saw a bird with its peak slightly opened- pointed on the left hand side. This is what is known as perceptual bistability- the alteration of the perception of a static visual image.
Some concepts that I realized were important to distinguish are covert attention and overt attention. Covert attention is in reference to the misalignment of visual direction with our direction of gaze. While overt attention is when there is the alignment of our visual attention with direction of gaze.
Another student’s
Hi everyone,
This chapter for me was easy for me to understand all the concepts for the most part. There were some concepts that I already learned about and some new ones as well. In this chapter I have learned that attention is very important when dealing with perception. It allows us to focus on what is important between the here and now. There are two different types of aspects when dealing with attention called selective which is when we focus on one thing are ignore the rest. And then divided which is paying attention to more than one thing at a time. I have learned that all the information coming in all the time some of it may not be important so we are not able to process it all. Attention is a processor for information and only allows us to process information relevant to that task.
One of the concepts that I really didn’t know about until after reading this chapter was about the Attention as a Limited Resource. In this section what I read about was Attention being used as a spotlight. Meaning when moving that spotlight from place to place it moves your what you are focusing on. For example texting and driving. When you have two tasks that require both high mental capacity your performance on one of those things are going to suffer because your mind can only focus on how to do one task at a time.
As usual combine both and make one discussion and replies for both the student’s. Please label which student.
HIEU 390 A1 Business and Technical College Historiography of Linguistics Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help
Class: HIEU 390 – Modern Europe – “Do-Over”, previous tutor failed this assignment.
Internet Sourcebook – Primary Sources
Use this link to locate primary sources for your primary source assignments. You are free to use other sources to find primary sources, but this includes many European primary sources for ease of access.
Primary Source Assignment Instructions – – “Week 3 Only”. – “Assignment”
For week 3 you will select some primary source that characterizes the change from 19th to 20th century. This can be propaganda, letters, books, newspaper articles (though you may need a range of these), or political pamphlets to show the change from 19th to 20th century.
Please use the attached – Primary Source Assignment Template Form – for the questions.
That is all, thank you
Oakland Community Pursuing a Degree in Finance and Job Search Strategies Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
- Describe your past experience with job searching .How is it similar to and different from the strategies in the PowerPoint? If you have never searched for a job, describe how you plan to use the information from the PowerPoint to formulate an effective job or internship search.
- Using Glassdoor and the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, identify a reasonable average salary for a career that you would like to pursue after graduation .Include the specific link to your research for reference.
- If you have to choose ONE of the 9 strategies for being a successful intern/employee, what would it be and why?
- 1.Be proactive 2. Search Opportunities 3. There is always something that you can do 4. Ask good questions5.Be humble and eager to learn 6. Go above and beyond 7. Do what is expected 8.Be professional and dependable9. Get to work on time
Oakland Community Pursuing a Degree in Finance and Job Search Strategies Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of South Florida Country Risk & Foreign Direct Investment Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Country risk represents the potentially adverse impact of a country’s environment on a multinational corporation(MNC)’s cash flows. An MNC conducts country risk analysis when it applies capital budgeting to determine whether to implement a new project or whether to continue conducting business in a particular country. This project helps you understand how to measure country risk and incorporate country risk to achieve the maximization of firm value.
- Choose a country that you are considering for a Foreign Direct Investment and the reason of choosing it . ( Belgium )
- Justify Which Of the six common methods of doing international business from chapter 1 is appropriate for your country.
Social Media and Business Retail Chain Amazon Inc Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Down there is information about the whole assignment just to know how the assignment is going on and to have an idea.
But what is required from you is:
Part 1: My section is only Retail chain( Amazon): ( (An example attached)
– Information to provide:
Industry type
Platform used
What type of content [article, photo, video, links, etc]
Frequency of posts
Purpose/objective [awareness, sales, complaint, announcement, etc]
Performance measures [shares, likes, etc..]
Part 2:
As in the excel file, Just for the Retail chain(Amazon) with the same layout, an example of spreadsheet attached.
The assignment information posted by the Instructor :
The tools used for business communication have been undergoing profound changes over the past 10+ years. You need to know how to use the traditional tools and to be aware of these new ones to be effective in whatever organization you aspire to work for. This team assignment will introduce some of the ones you are less familiar with and also encourage you to explore how organizations use them.
In addition to Google Documents, the author also introduces many other forms of electronic messaging and digital media, most newer with business uses still evolving (IM, SMS, podcastswebcasts, blogs, RSS, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Discus, SnapChat, Groupon, LivingSocial, and many other” Web 2.0″ tools).
You will start a team exercise that involves following organizations and seeing how they use some of these tools for communication. Each team will do a “social media audit” of a variety of entities. Your audit should include which social networks are currently being used, how they are utilizing it, and how often. The audit needs to include all the main types of platforms, so some will not be used by all of them. Each team should do a retail chain, restaurant chain, professional sports group, non-profit group, and entertainer or program.
This site has a good description of an audit and how to conduct one. It even has instructions on columns to use in a Google sheet for the audit. “How to Conduct a Social Media Audit in Just 30 Minutes” (Links to an external site.)
This blog entry from Hootsuite (one of the social media management platforms) also offers a good synopsis of how and why to conduct an audit (Links to an external site.)
Teams will prepare a final report [details below] explaining different ways organizations are using these tools. To start, get together with your team and decide what organizations and tools you follow. ** If you do not have one already, create an account on Twitter ( Please “follow” me [mgmtinstr09]. I post a lot of articles etc. related to the class and businesses.
San Diego Mesa College Truths I Learned from Life and Writing Article Analysis Writing Assignment Help
Now that you have a topic and have begun research, it’s time to engage in the writing process. In this discussion, we’ll reflect upon the role of “writer” and how we can become more comfortable as writers.
Prior to completing the discussion, read Chapter 3 in College Writing Handbook, examine Steps to Avoiding Plagiarism (Links to an external site.), and review the discussion grading criteria. Then, explore College Writing Handbook Chapter 2 “Web Resources”—watch at least one item from Inspiration from Successful Writers and read at least one article from Essays on Writing.
Take careful notes as you watch the video and read the essay. Think about your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors as a student writer.
Summarize the video and article that you reviewed for this assignment and cite the summaries in APA style. (See Quoting, Paraphrasing, & Summarizing (Links to an external site.) and Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.)). Compare and contrast the messages in the two web resources, including a comparison of subject, occasion, audience, purpose, and speaker (SOAPS) in each (See Action Words in Academic Writing (Links to an external site.) and Section 1.2 Understanding Context). Share what you learned from the materials this week and identify your confidence in (or concerns about) your role as a college-level writer.
link to question…
all other resources available in question.
MAN 412 Quinsigamond Community College Disruptive Technology Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Hello Everyone,
Before you join this discussion, please Review Chapter 7, Section titled Disruptive Technology.
Technological paradigm shifts occur when new technology emerge that revolutionize the structure of the industry, dramatically alter the nature of the competition, and require companies to adopt new strategies in order to succeed.
For this discussion identify at least one company that failed or did extremely well due to the introduction of Disruptive Technology that revolutionized their business/market/industry.
Explain what happened.
Recommendation: Need ideas about Disruptive Technology?
View MIT Technology Review web site for all the latest developments in the field of technology. I suggest you add this site to your favorites!! (Links to an external site.)
If your example comes from their site, please say so when you post! Thank you!