BPMN Activity model Writing Assignment Help

BPMN Activity model Writing Assignment Help. BPMN Activity model Writing Assignment Help.

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  • 1.Data Analysis : Two Pivot tables.
  • 2.Prepare BPMN Activity Model. ta.

The objective here is to produce valid financial analysis of various data properly accounted for in Excel. Use appropriate financial formatting and analytical conventions. Focus attention on numerical formatting conventions and data organization, e.g., text justification, typeface consistency.

a. Using the PAYROLL table, prepare a Pivot table that displays the following as columns:

– Gross pay

– Employee fica

– Employer fica

– Federal tax withheld

– State tax withheld

– Net Pay

1 Pivot table

Below the columns all values will be summed up as totals.

Using the PAYROLL table, add the following rows to the above Pivot table:

– Jan

– Feb

– Mar

Add emp # as a Pivot filter.

b. Using the Pivot table data prepare a Pivot clustered column graph that depicts:

– Jan data

– Feb data

– Mar data

Each month in column style bar graph, vertically with legend.

1 can be a Pivot table: BUDGET ACTUAL

c. Using the Budget sales(Budget) & Cash receipts(Actual) tables, prepare a budget variance

analysis by month & total displaying actual, budget, variance amount & variance %.

– Jan data displaying Actual less Budget & the variance as $ and % of budget

– Feb data displaying Actual less Budget & the variance as $ and % of budget

– Mar data displaying Actual less Budget & the variance as $ and % of budget

– Total for 3 months & variance for all 3 months.

Company: Sy’s Fish Company

After gaining an understanding of Sy’s business processes, document each current process with a business process activity diagram using Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). You should have five different processes and five BPMN activity diagrams. Using PowerPoint, Word, Visio or Excel.

Use Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) as your guide for BPM

N diagrams. This can be done in PowerPoint, Word even Excel or any CAD program. The diagram will require the use of shapes, lines, notations and proper BPMN symbols. You may use 5 processes: Selling Fish, Purchasing Fish, Paying employees, Purchasing misc. supplies and Providing refunds to customers. On landscape paper.

a) is already completed. the answers are in the attachment. only BPMN Model is required (5 )

– For each process try & think of the 1st activity and the last one

– Then think about which employees or departments are involved

– Establish swim lanes

– Keep it logical and sequencial.

– Keep the BPMN rubric in mind

BPMN Activity model Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Crime Mapping Assignment Humanities Assignment Help

Paper must be 2-3 pages in length (DO NOT GO BY WORD COUNT) Use proper APA citations throughout, 12 point font, double-spaced. Make sure to include subheading between sections. Use references provided below.

Crime mapping can be used to analyze and predict the most likely locations where future crimes will occur so that law enforcement can allocate resources and prevention activities accordingly. The information provided by crime mapping also can be used to identify and apprehend likely suspects based on geographic crime data. While there are many crime prevention and law enforcement advantages to using crime mapping, there also have been challenges. Law enforcement agencies must evaluate the benefits and the challenges to using this technology and determine whether or not to utilize crime mapping.

For this assignment, consider how law enforcement may utilize data from crime mapping to prevent and/or address crime. Then think about the challenges and benefits of crime mapping and how it might promote social change.

The Assignment (2–3 pages)

  • Explain at least three ways in which law enforcement may utilize data from crime mapping to prevent and/or address crime.
  • Explain any challenges related to the use of this data to prevent or address crime.
  • Explain how crime mapping as a technological solution might benefit society and promote social change.

Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.

Submit your Assignment by Day 7.


  • Course Text: Taylor, R. W., Fritsch, E. J., & Liederbach, J. (2015). Digital crime and digital terrorism.(3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
    • Chapter 13, “Digital Forensics”
  • Article: Alison, L., Goodwill, A., Almond, L., van den Heuvel, C., & Winter, J. (2010). Pragmatic solutions to offender profiling and behavioural investigative advice. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 15, 115–132.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Academic Search Complete database.
  • Article: Bichler, G., & Balchak, S. (2007). Address matching bias: Ignorance is not bliss. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 30(1), 32–60.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the ProQuest Central database.
  • Article: Chainey, S., Tompson, L., & Uhlig, S. (2008). The utility of hotspot mapping for predicting spatial patterns of crime. Security Journal, 21(1–2), 4–28.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the ProQuest Central database.
  • Article: Rogers, D. (2006). Map quest. Law Enforcement Technology, 33(1), 60–64, 67–69.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the ProQuest Central database.
  • Article: Wallace, A. (2009). Mapping city crime and the new aesthetic of danger. Journal of Visual Culture, 8(1), 5–24.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the SAGE Journals Online database.


Theme essay- “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant Writing Assignment Help

As discussed earlier, theme is often defined as the truth about life as an author sees it. However, because of your experiences you might discover any number of lessons or truths in a piece of literature. It doesn’t matter what message or lesson you discern as long as you provide EVIDENCE to back up your position. The problem here is often that you might glean one idea and head off into the wild blue yonder without much evidence. Remember you are arguing an interpretation. Make your claim in your introductory paragraph then build your case in the body paragraphs of the essay through examples and quotations from the piece.

Be sure to support your positions with specific, concrete examples from the story.

Theme – the controlling idea or central insight. It can be a revelation of human character but a theme is not the “moral” of the story.
A. A theme must be expressible in the form of a statement – not “motherhood” but “Motherhood sometimes has more frustration than reward.”
B. A theme must be stated as a generalization about life; names of characters or specific situations in the plot are not to be used when stating a theme.
C. A theme must not be a generalization larger than is justified by the terms of the story.
D. A theme is the central and unifying concept of the story. It must adhere to the following requirements:

1. It usually accounts for all the major details of the story.

2. It must not rely on supposed facts – facts not actually stated or clearly implied by the story.

E. There is no one way of stating the theme of a story.
F. Any statement that reduces a theme to some familiar saying, aphorism, or cliché should be avoided. Do not use “A stitch in time saves nine,” “You can’t judge a book by its cover, ” “Fish and guests smell in three days,” and so on.
B. Theme— Another look…
Theme has to do with what you see as the story’s point, message, function, or implied view of life and conduct. The “theme” is always a generalization gathered from the collective effect of all elements of a story. Remember that there may be multiple themes in a story that often reinforce, but sometimes even contradict each other. Enjoy the pleasure of making compelling connections and the responsibility that comes from questioning and critiquing the story as a whole.

MLA format- 12 in font- 1” margi


anthropology writing -8 Writing Assignment Help

For this week, answer only one of the following three questions: Word count: 350

1) Write 1-2 pages on the “moundbuilder” debate of North America. What were some of the early hypotheses for construction? How was this debate finally resolved?

ReadingL https://archaeologymythbusting.weebly.com/the-moun…

2) Write 1-2 pages about Otzi the iceman. What types of artifacts or ecofacts are found with the iceman? What types of analytical techniques were performed on his remains? How do scientists believe he died?

Reading: https://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/10/1…

Reading attached file, title Anth 145 Chapter 2

3) Select one survey or sampling technique reviewed in the readings. Write 1-2 pages discussing your selected method including how it has contributed to helping archaeologists identify sites.

Readings: http://la.utexas.edu/users/denbow/labs/survey2.htm




anthropology writing -10 Writing Assignment Help

For this week, answer only one of the following three questions: Word count: 350

1) Write 1-2 pages on the “moundbuilder” debate of North America. What were some of the early hypotheses for construction? How was this debate finally resolved?

ReadingL https://archaeologymythbusting.weebly.com/the-moun…

2) Write 1-2 pages about Otzi the iceman. What types of artifacts or ecofacts are found with the iceman? What types of analytical techniques were performed on his remains? How do scientists believe he died?

Reading: https://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/10/1…

Reading attached file, title Anth 145 Chapter 2

3) Select one survey or sampling technique reviewed in the readings. Write 1-2 pages discussing your selected method including how it has contributed to helping archaeologists identify sites.

Readings: http://la.utexas.edu/users/denbow/labs/survey2.htm





Filling Up Your Tool Kit Business Finance Assignment Help



In your main post:

  • Describe the sources of the data used by the USSS NTAC and FEMA in the two resources above, relative to recognizing and preventing targeted attacks.
  • Assess the accuracy of the data in those two resources, relative to recognizing and preventing targeted attacks.
  • Explain how the information you have learned in this unit can be used to mitigate threats to schools in your community.
  • Create a short description for each of three resources (other than two listed above) you would include in your tool kit. Be sure to include a link to each resource so that your peers can also review your choices.
  • Reference

    BrainyQuote. (n.d.). Edmund Burke quotes. Retrieved from http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/e/edmundb…



In your main post:

  • Identify the implications of the Beslan and Mumbai attacks relative to the phenomenon of school violence in the United States.
  • Explore how the Beslan and Mumbai attacks can be assimilated relative to contagion of violence.
  • Elaborate on how the information presented in the “IS-907 – Active Shooter: What You Can Do” lessons from FEMA relates to the information presented throughout this course.
  • Describe how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) suggestions relative to schools’ utilization of CPTED can assist pre- through post-secondary educational institutions.
  • Summarize how the information you have learned in this unit can be used to mitigate threats to schools in your community.

Filling Up Your Tool Kit Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Trackers, Hunters, and Explorers Business Finance Assignment Help


A good Web presence will satisfy all three types of behaviors. Using the Amazon Web site, identify which areas on their sites satisfy the hunter—the person who does not have a specific product in mind but knows the type of product he or she is looking for. Examples might be a smartphone, a pair of pants for travel, or a musical instrument.

  • Which areas would satisfy the tracker—the person who knows exactly what he or she wants?
  • Which areas would satisfy the explorer—the person who doesn’t have a particular item in mind, but rather a need? For example, a holiday shopper or someone who wants to redecorate a room.
  • What recommendation can you make to improve one or more of these areas to make them more “delightful” to customers?
  • While these behavior patterns are attributed to online shoppers, do you think that they can also be applied to traditional shoppers or are they differentiating patterns?


. Persona creation can be used to visualize customers and help marketers realize that customers are not always mirrors of a company’s CEO or marketing director. The supplementary reading titled “Your Secret Online Profile” paints a different picture from a customer’s point of view.

  • As a future or current marketer, what is your opinion of data mining for customer profiling? What privacy concerns should inform marketing decisions?
  • As a consumer, do you have a different opinion? If you do, how can you reconcile the two viewpoints in a marketing career?


Consider this scenario:

Aybeesee Corporation is a bricks-n-clicks company that sells electronic toys and gadgets. It has recently seen its online direct sales and affiliate sales soar, resulting in rapid company growth. It has built seven new stores in three new states, bringing the organization to one flagship store in New York City as well as fourteen stores in New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware and now North Carolina, South Carolina, and London, England. Aybeesee Corporation was originally founded in the 1970s by a single entrepreneur, Jane Smith, who has a background in marketing and still holds tight control overall. A new VP of marketing, John Jones, wants to revamp the company’s marketing plan, specifically in the area of social marketing, which is practically nonexistent for Aybeesee. The lone Facebook page only has brochure information with directions to the New York store.

An upcoming meeting is scheduled to “sell” Ms. Smith on the benefits of expanding social media marketing. John Jones has asked his staff to each research a different social network and bring ideas for a new media launch to the meeting. He is especially interested in networks besides Facebook. Select one of the other popular social networks useful for business marketing (Twitter, Googleplus, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Flickr, Instagram, Foursquare, Tumblr, StumbleUpon, Ning, CafeMom, Ryze or any other you may find in your search) and prepare a report showing how it can be used to foster social relationships with customers or company partners such as suppliers or distributors. (To view information about them, go to the [About] or [Learn More] link at each site.) Be persuasive and convince Ms. Smith that social media is absolutely necessary in Aybeesee’s marketing future.


Once a company is active in social media marketing and is successful creating “buzz” about itself or its products, it needs to develop a social listening strategy. It needs to know what the “buzz” is saying and it needs to be able to take action: whether that means responding to customer comments or complaints, or taking note of customer feelings and desires.

  • What are some strategies that could be used to “listen” to what is being said about your company or its brands?
  • What are some tools that can be used to monitor the frequency, location, and content of comments made on social networks?
  • How can you identify “influencers” and once you do, how can you leverage their opinions to your advantage?
  • What can you do about negative comment or reviews? How can you repair damage this type of public venting can do to your company’s or product’s reputation


Discussion and Written Assigenment Computer Science Assignment Help

Hello I need help with 2 tasks below:

Taks 1:

Written Assignment: In approximately 350 words, answer the question below. Follow APA guidelines.

Question: Relative to STRIDE, which aspect (i.e. Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, etc) can be effectively

addressed using the “wait and see” approach and yet still not expose a system to more risk.

Task 2:

Discussion: Please write at-least two paragraphs, write discussion on question below. Follow APA guidelines.

Question: Make an argument for or against custom threat mitigation approaches versus standard threat mitigation approaches.

Note: I need two separate documents for both the tasks and please mentioned References for both the task 1 and task 2.


Aftermath of Targeted School Violence Business Finance Assignment Help

Using examples you see in the Responding to the Threat of a Targeted Attack media, supported by your assigned readings and Internet research, address the following:

  • Evaluate the overall response of the Riverbend City School System, Riverbend City Police Department, and the Riverbend City Threat Assessment Team to the potential incident of targeted school violence portrayed in the simulation.
  • Identify the role contagion of violence played in the simulation.
  • Analyze how contagion of violence could spread and be mitigated in future acts of targeted school violence.
  • Diagram the steps educational administrators or personnel should take from receipt of a credible pre-warning communication through activation of a Crisis Response Team and Professional Threat Assessment Team.
  • Identify the tactical advantages and disadvantages the Riverbend City responders had to consider, prioritize, manage, and implement relative to their response decision relating to overall public safety.
  • Explain the importance for students, educators, parents, and law enforcement to be able to recognize possible pre-offense offender communications relative to response, mitigation, and prevention of acts of targeted school violence.


3 pages



complete the multiple choice questions correctly. Mathematics Assignment Help

  • What are some of the unique advantages to using a case-crossover design in environmental epidemiology?
  • Which study design is not feasible with rare exposures?
  • What study design may be appropriate when it is not possible to estimate an effect on the individual level?
  • Which of the following best defines external validity?
  • Ensuring a valid study is most often determined at what stage?
    • The design stage
    • The analysis stage
    • The interpretation stage
    • The generalization stage
  • Analytic statistics are used to assess the distribution of data.
  • Which of the following best describes the null hypothesis?
  • Which of the following best describes statistical inference?
  • Reliability refers to the consistency of the result.
  • Incidence is a better measure of disease risk than prevalence?
  • Prevalence is influenced by which of the following?
  • What type of measure is appropriate for assessing the association between two dichotomous variables in a cohort study?
  • Which of the following statistics indicates the percentage of the disease in the population that can be attributed to the exposure?
  • Which of the following statistics reflects the excess risk of disease among the exposed group attributed to the exposure?
  • What type of measure is appropriate for assessing the association between two dichotomous variables in a case-control study?
  • Which of the following influence the width of the confidence interval for a relative risk or odds ratio?
  • Which type of regression model is most appropriate to use when the outcome variable is categorical?
  • Automatically controls for confounding from time-related factors
  • Yields incidence and prevalence data
  • Effective at studying the effects of short-term exposures on the risk of acute events.
  • Requires less time, money, and size
  • Cross sectional
  • Case control
  • Cohort
  • Two of the above
  • Case series
  • Cohort
  • Ecologic
  • Experimental
  • That component of accuracy reflecting the level of systematic error in the study.
  • The extent the results of a study are relevant to people who are not part of the study (representativeness).
  • The extent the results of a study are not attributable to bias or confounding.
  • Two of the above.
  • True
  • False
  • A best guess formulated using a statistic
  • What is currently believed, the status quo
  • An informal basis for a statistical test of association.
  • Drawing conclusions about the population based on a parameter
  • The use of descriptive statistics to draw conclusions about associations
  • The investigator decides between two hypotheses regarding a population, based on sampled data and probability to indicate the level of reliability in the conclusion.
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • Incidence
  • Mortality
  • Cure
  • Two of the above
  • All of the above
  • Relative risk
  • Risk ratio
  • Rate ratio
  • All of the above
  • Risk ratio
  • Attributable risk
  • Attributable risk percent
  • Population attributable risk
  • Population attributable risk percent
  • Risk ratio
  • Attributable risk
  • Attributable risk percent
  • Population attributable risk
  • Population attributable risk percent
  • Relative risk
  • Risk ratio
  • Rate ratio
  • Odds ratio
  • Level of significance
  • P value
  • Sample size
  • Two of the above
  • All of the above
  • Linear regression
  • Cox proportional hazards
  • Poisson regression
  • Logistic regression

33. Which of the following best defines causal inference?

  • A conclusion about the presence of a disease and reasons for its existence.
  • A conclusion about a population based on sampled data.
  • A conclusion about relationships supported by probability.
  • An indication of the level of reliability in the conclusion.
    • True
    • False
      • Consistency
      • Temporality
      • Biological plausibility
      • An experimental study design
        • True
        • False
          • A review of a real health events grouped together in time and location
          • A review of an unusual number of perceived health events grouped together in time and location
          • A review of an unusual number, real or perceived, health events grouped together in time and location
            • Confirm reported disease cases.
            • Determine if there is a higher than expected level of the disease.
            • Identify causal relationships.
            • Two of the above are true.
            • Three of the above are true.
              • True
              • False
                • Point source
                • Continuous source
                • Propagated source
                  • Person, place, and time
                  • Ecologic, individual, and time
                  • Age, period, and cohort
                  • Age and time
                    • Age effects
                    • Cohort effects
                    • Period effects
                    • Two of the above
                    • All of the above
                      • Person
                      • Place
                      • Time
                      • Latency period
                        • True
                        • False
                          • True
                          • False
                            • Cohort
                            • Case-control
                            • Case-crossover
                            • Cross-sectional
                            • The definition of environmental epidemiology includes the study of all of the following except:
                            • Which of the following best defines the personal versus ambient environment?
                            • Exposure information from a diary is an example of an indirect measure of exposure.
                            • Accurate assessment of outcome assumes which of the following?
                            • Which of the following best defines risk management?
                            • What word best represents the following: Anatomic, physiologic, biochemical, or molecular substances that are associated with the presence and severity of specific disease states and are detectable and measurable by a variety of methods including physical examination, laboratory assays and medical imaging.
                            • Biomarkers are traditionally used to measure which of the following?
                            • What is useful to avoid recall bias?
                            • Which of the following best defines study design?
                            • What study design is best for answering questions about exposure-disease relationships when the latency period is long?
                              • Cross sectional
                              • Ecologic
                              • Case-control
                              • Cohort
                              • Experimental
                            • Which of the following best defines case-crossover?
                            • Which of the following is not an observational study?
                              • Experimental study
                              • Case-control study
                              • Cohort study
                              • Ecologic study
                            • What are some ways to improve the internal validity of a study?
                            • Confounding is a threat to which of the following?
                            • Analytic statistics are used to measure and test hypothesized associations.
                            • What type of measure is appropriate for assessing the association between two continuous variables in a cross-sectional study?
                              • Relative risk
                              • Regression slop coefficient
                              • Correlation coefficient
                              • Two of the above
                              • Three of the above
                            • Which of the following statistics is used to indicate the percentage of disease cases attributed to their exposure?
                            • An important aim of environmental epidemiology is which of the following?
                            • What is the best study design for establishing a time sequence of events?
                            • It is not necessary to have a complete understanding of the causal factors and mechanisms to develop effective prevention and control measures.
                            • An advantage of maps is that they are not influenced by confounding factors that cluster spatially.
                            • Which of the following best defines age-adjusted rates?
                            • Which of the following study designs is best for establishing a cause-effect relationship?
                              • Case study
                              • Case-control study
                              • Ecologic
                              • Cohort
                            • Which of the following study designs is best when you want to study the relationship between a single exposure and several possible disease outcomes?
                            • Distribution
                            • Determinants
                            • Application to prevent and control disease
                            • Frequency and pattern
                            • All of the above are captured in the definition
                            • Routes of human exposure to contaminants through solid, liquid, and gaseous environments.
                            • The inner body is protected from outside contaminants by three barriers: the skin, the gastrointestinal tract, and the lungs.
                            • The avenue or mechanism by which it affects people.
                            • An environment where a person has control (e.g., diet) with the ambient environment where they have little or no control (e.g., pollution).
                            • True
                            • False
                            • A standard case definition
                            • Adequate reporting
                            • Both of the above
                            • Neither of the above
                            • A tool to integrate exposure and health effects in order to identify the potential health hazards in humans.
                            • An array of techniques to measure or estimate whether the exposure poses a threat to health or the ecosystem.
                            • Integration of recognized risk, risk assessment, development of strategies to manage risk, and mitigation of risk through managerial resources.
                            • Surveillance
                            • Monitoring
                            • Biomarker
                            • Determinant
                            • Absorption of an agent
                            • Bioaccumulation of metabolite within the body
                            • Hazard rate
                            • Two of the above are true
                            • All of the above are true
                            • Meta-analysis
                            • Diary records
                            • Disease registries
                            • A program that directs the researcher along the path of systematically collecting, analyzing, and interpreting results.
                            • An approach used in answering questions.
                            • An approach that may involve experimental assessment.
                            • An approach that involves collection and description of a public health problem.
                            • Presence of risk factor(s) for people with a condition is compared with that for people who do not.
                            • Exposure frequency during a window immediately prior to an outcome event is compared with exposure frequencies during a control time or times at an earlier period.
                            • People are followed over time to describe the incidence or the natural history of a condition. Assessment can also be made of risk factors for various conditions.
                            • Examine the relation between the intervention and outcome variables in a cohort of people followed over time.
                            • Matching
                            • Restriction
                            • Multiple regression
                            • Two of the above
                            • Three of the above
                            • Internal validity
                            • External validity
                            • True
                            • False
                            • Risk ratio
                            • Attributable risk
                            • Attributable risk percent
                            • Population attributable risk
                            • To identify environmentally caused public health problems.
                            • To identify reasons for public health problems.
                            • To develop effective prevention and control efforts.
                            • All of the above
                            • Case-control
                            • Cross-sectional
                            • Cohort
                            • Ecologic
                            • True
                            • False
                            • True
                            • False
                            • Weighted average of the age-specific rates.
                            • Proportional age averages of crude rates.
                            • Crude rates weighted by age and season.
                            • Age standardized populations.
                            • Case report
                            • Case series
                            • Case-control
                            • Cohort

                              71.An observational study may involve which of the following?

                              a. Case-control

                              b. Cohort

                              c. Cross-sectional

                              d. All of the above

                              72. What is the best study design to assess an accumulative dose?

                              73. Assessment of reported clusters should include all of the following except?

                              • Evaluation to determine whether an excess of the health problem has occurred
                              • Case evaluation to assure that a biological basis is present
                              • Evaluation of some or all of the suspected cases to describe the epidemiologic characteristics. These may be performed in order or concurrently.
                              • Identifying information on those supposedly affected
                              • All of the above

                              74. A time-series analysis may involve which of the following?

                              • Ecologic data
                              • Longitudinal data
                              • Both of the above
                              • Neither of the above

                                II. Calculation Questions (30 points) (use much space as needed)

                                • Indicate an appropriate type of epidemiological study design.
                                • Enter the data into a 2×2 table
                                • Calculate a risk of developing hepatitis A due to having eaten at restaurant X
                                • Interpret the data
                                  • Enter the data into a 2×2 table
                                  • Calculate a risk of developing Salmonella infection from eating tomatoes
                                  • Interpret the data




                                  complete the multiple choice questions correctly. Mathematics Assignment Help

                                  • What are some of the unique advantages to using a case-crossover design in environmental epidemiology?
                                  • Which study design is not feasible with rare exposures?
                                  • What study design may be appropriate when it is not possible to estimate an effect on the individual level?
                                  • Which of the following best defines external validity?
                                  • Ensuring a valid study is most often determined at what stage?
                                    • The design stage
                                    • The analysis stage
                                    • The interpretation stage
                                    • The generalization stage
                                  • Analytic statistics are used to assess the distribution of data.
                                  • Which of the following best describes the null hypothesis?
                                  • Which of the following best describes statistical inference?
                                  • Reliability refers to the consistency of the result.
                                  • Incidence is a better measure of disease risk than prevalence?
                                  • Prevalence is influenced by which of the following?
                                  • What type of measure is appropriate for assessing the association between two dichotomous variables in a cohort study?
                                  • Which of the following statistics indicates the percentage of the disease in the population that can be attributed to the exposure?
                                  • Which of the following statistics reflects the excess risk of disease among the exposed group attributed to the exposure?
                                  • What type of measure is appropriate for assessing the association between two dichotomous variables in a case-control study?
                                  • Which of the following influence the width of the confidence interval for a relative risk or odds ratio?
                                  • Which type of regression model is most appropriate to use when the outcome variable is categorical?
                                  • Automatically controls for confounding from time-related factors
                                  • Yields incidence and prevalence data
                                  • Effective at studying the effects of short-term exposures on the risk of acute events.
                                  • Requires less time, money, and size
                                  • Cross sectional
                                  • Case control
                                  • Cohort
                                  • Two of the above
                                  • Case series
                                  • Cohort
                                  • Ecologic
                                  • Experimental
                                  • That component of accuracy reflecting the level of systematic error in the study.
                                  • The extent the results of a study are relevant to people who are not part of the study (representativeness).
                                  • The extent the results of a study are not attributable to bias or confounding.
                                  • Two of the above.
                                  • True
                                  • False
                                  • A best guess formulated using a statistic
                                  • What is currently believed, the status quo
                                  • An informal basis for a statistical test of association.
                                  • Drawing conclusions about the population based on a parameter
                                  • The use of descriptive statistics to draw conclusions about associations
                                  • The investigator decides between two hypotheses regarding a population, based on sampled data and probability to indicate the level of reliability in the conclusion.
                                  • True
                                  • False
                                  • True
                                  • False
                                  • Incidence
                                  • Mortality
                                  • Cure
                                  • Two of the above
                                  • All of the above
                                  • Relative risk
                                  • Risk ratio
                                  • Rate ratio
                                  • All of the above
                                  • Risk ratio
                                  • Attributable risk
                                  • Attributable risk percent
                                  • Population attributable risk
                                  • Population attributable risk percent
                                  • Risk ratio
                                  • Attributable risk
                                  • Attributable risk percent
                                  • Population attributable risk
                                  • Population attributable risk percent
                                  • Relative risk
                                  • Risk ratio
                                  • Rate ratio
                                  • Odds ratio
                                  • Level of significance
                                  • P value
                                  • Sample size
                                  • Two of the above
                                  • All of the above
                                  • Linear regression
                                  • Cox proportional hazards
                                  • Poisson regression
                                  • Logistic regression

                                  33. Which of the following best defines causal inference?

                                  • A conclusion about the presence of a disease and reasons for its existence.
                                  • A conclusion about a population based on sampled data.
                                  • A conclusion about relationships supported by probability.
                                  • An indication of the level of reliability in the conclusion.
                                    • True
                                    • False
                                      • Consistency
                                      • Temporality
                                      • Biological plausibility
                                      • An experimental study design
                                        • True
                                        • False
                                          • A review of a real health events grouped together in time and location
                                          • A review of an unusual number of perceived health events grouped together in time and location
                                          • A review of an unusual number, real or perceived, health events grouped together in time and location
                                            • Confirm reported disease cases.
                                            • Determine if there is a higher than expected level of the disease.
                                            • Identify causal relationships.
                                            • Two of the above are true.
                                            • Three of the above are true.
                                              • True
                                              • False
                                                • Point source
                                                • Continuous source
                                                • Propagated source
                                                  • Person, place, and time
                                                  • Ecologic, individual, and time
                                                  • Age, period, and cohort
                                                  • Age and time
                                                    • Age effects
                                                    • Cohort effects
                                                    • Period effects
                                                    • Two of the above
                                                    • All of the above
                                                      • Person
                                                      • Place
                                                      • Time
                                                      • Latency period
                                                        • True
                                                        • False
                                                          • True
                                                          • False
                                                            • Cohort
                                                            • Case-control
                                                            • Case-crossover
                                                            • Cross-sectional
                                                            • The definition of environmental epidemiology includes the study of all of the following except:
                                                            • Which of the following best defines the personal versus ambient environment?
                                                            • Exposure information from a diary is an example of an indirect measure of exposure.
                                                            • Accurate assessment of outcome assumes which of the following?
                                                            • Which of the following best defines risk management?
                                                            • What word best represents the following: Anatomic, physiologic, biochemical, or molecular substances that are associated with the presence and severity of specific disease states and are detectable and measurable by a variety of methods including physical examination, laboratory assays and medical imaging.
                                                            • Biomarkers are traditionally used to measure which of the following?
                                                            • What is useful to avoid recall bias?
                                                            • Which of the following best defines study design?
                                                            • What study design is best for answering questions about exposure-disease relationships when the latency period is long?
                                                              • Cross sectional
                                                              • Ecologic
                                                              • Case-control
                                                              • Cohort
                                                              • Experimental
                                                            • Which of the following best defines case-crossover?
                                                            • Which of the following is not an observational study?
                                                              • Experimental study
                                                              • Case-control study
                                                              • Cohort study
                                                              • Ecologic study
                                                            • What are some ways to improve the internal validity of a study?
                                                            • Confounding is a threat to which of the following?
                                                            • Analytic statistics are used to measure and test hypothesized associations.
                                                            • What type of measure is appropriate for assessing the association between two continuous variables in a cross-sectional study?
                                                              • Relative risk
                                                              • Regression slop coefficient
                                                              • Correlation coefficient
                                                              • Two of the above
                                                              • Three of the above
                                                            • Which of the following statistics is used to indicate the percentage of disease cases attributed to their exposure?
                                                            • An important aim of environmental epidemiology is which of the following?
                                                            • What is the best study design for establishing a time sequence of events?
                                                            • It is not necessary to have a complete understanding of the causal factors and mechanisms to develop effective prevention and control measures.
                                                            • An advantage of maps is that they are not influenced by confounding factors that cluster spatially.
                                                            • Which of the following best defines age-adjusted rates?
                                                            • Which of the following study designs is best for establishing a cause-effect relationship?
                                                              • Case study
                                                              • Case-control study
                                                              • Ecologic
                                                              • Cohort
                                                            • Which of the following study designs is best when you want to study the relationship between a single exposure and several possible disease outcomes?
                                                            • Distribution
                                                            • Determinants
                                                            • Application to prevent and control disease
                                                            • Frequency and pattern
                                                            • All of the above are captured in the definition
                                                            • Routes of human exposure to contaminants through solid, liquid, and gaseous environments.
                                                            • The inner body is protected from outside contaminants by three barriers: the skin, the gastrointestinal tract, and the lungs.
                                                            • The avenue or mechanism by which it affects people.
                                                            • An environment where a person has control (e.g., diet) with the ambient environment where they have little or no control (e.g., pollution).
                                                            • True
                                                            • False
                                                            • A standard case definition
                                                            • Adequate reporting
                                                            • Both of the above
                                                            • Neither of the above
                                                            • A tool to integrate exposure and health effects in order to identify the potential health hazards in humans.
                                                            • An array of techniques to measure or estimate whether the exposure poses a threat to health or the ecosystem.
                                                            • Integration of recognized risk, risk assessment, development of strategies to manage risk, and mitigation of risk through managerial resources.
                                                            • Surveillance
                                                            • Monitoring
                                                            • Biomarker
                                                            • Determinant
                                                            • Absorption of an agent
                                                            • Bioaccumulation of metabolite within the body
                                                            • Hazard rate
                                                            • Two of the above are true
                                                            • All of the above are true
                                                            • Meta-analysis
                                                            • Diary records
                                                            • Disease registries
                                                            • A program that directs the researcher along the path of systematically collecting, analyzing, and interpreting results.
                                                            • An approach used in answering questions.
                                                            • An approach that may involve experimental assessment.
                                                            • An approach that involves collection and description of a public health problem.
                                                            • Presence of risk factor(s) for people with a condition is compared with that for people who do not.
                                                            • Exposure frequency during a window immediately prior to an outcome event is compared with exposure frequencies during a control time or times at an earlier period.
                                                            • People are followed over time to describe the incidence or the natural history of a condition. Assessment can also be made of risk factors for various conditions.
                                                            • Examine the relation between the intervention and outcome variables in a cohort of people followed over time.
                                                            • Matching
                                                            • Restriction
                                                            • Multiple regression
                                                            • Two of the above
                                                            • Three of the above
                                                            • Internal validity
                                                            • External validity
                                                            • True
                                                            • False
                                                            • Risk ratio
                                                            • Attributable risk
                                                            • Attributable risk percent
                                                            • Population attributable risk
                                                            • To identify environmentally caused public health problems.
                                                            • To identify reasons for public health problems.
                                                            • To develop effective prevention and control efforts.
                                                            • All of the above
                                                            • Case-control
                                                            • Cross-sectional
                                                            • Cohort
                                                            • Ecologic
                                                            • True
                                                            • False
                                                            • True
                                                            • False
                                                            • Weighted average of the age-specific rates.
                                                            • Proportional age averages of crude rates.
                                                            • Crude rates weighted by age and season.
                                                            • Age standardized populations.
                                                            • Case report
                                                            • Case series
                                                            • Case-control
                                                            • Cohort

                                                              71.An observational study may involve which of the following?

                                                              a. Case-control

                                                              b. Cohort

                                                              c. Cross-sectional

                                                              d. All of the above

                                                              72. What is the best study design to assess an accumulative dose?

                                                              73. Assessment of reported clusters should include all of the following except?

                                                              • Evaluation to determine whether an excess of the health problem has occurred
                                                              • Case evaluation to assure that a biological basis is present
                                                              • Evaluation of some or all of the suspected cases to describe the epidemiologic characteristics. These may be performed in order or concurrently.
                                                              • Identifying information on those supposedly affected
                                                              • All of the above

                                                              74. A time-series analysis may involve which of the following?

                                                              • Ecologic data
                                                              • Longitudinal data
                                                              • Both of the above
                                                              • Neither of the above

                                                                II. Calculation Questions (30 points) (use much space as needed)

                                                                • Indicate an appropriate type of epidemiological study design.
                                                                • Enter the data into a 2×2 table
                                                                • Calculate a risk of developing hepatitis A due to having eaten at restaurant X
                                                                • Interpret the data
                                                                  • Enter the data into a 2×2 table
                                                                  • Calculate a risk of developing Salmonella infection from eating tomatoes
                                                                  • Interpret the data




                                                                  complete the multiple choice questions correctly. Mathematics Assignment Help

                                                                  • What are some of the unique advantages to using a case-crossover design in environmental epidemiology?
                                                                  • Which study design is not feasible with rare exposures?
                                                                  • What study design may be appropriate when it is not possible to estimate an effect on the individual level?
                                                                  • Which of the following best defines external validity?
                                                                  • Ensuring a valid study is most often determined at what stage?
                                                                    • The design stage
                                                                    • The analysis stage
                                                                    • The interpretation stage
                                                                    • The generalization stage
                                                                  • Analytic statistics are used to assess the distribution of data.
                                                                  • Which of the following best describes the null hypothesis?
                                                                  • Which of the following best describes statistical inference?
                                                                  • Reliability refers to the consistency of the result.
                                                                  • Incidence is a better measure of disease risk than prevalence?
                                                                  • Prevalence is influenced by which of the following?
                                                                  • What type of measure is appropriate for assessing the association between two dichotomous variables in a cohort study?
                                                                  • Which of the following statistics indicates the percentage of the disease in the population that can be attributed to the exposure?
                                                                  • Which of the following statistics reflects the excess risk of disease among the exposed group attributed to the exposure?
                                                                  • What type of measure is appropriate for assessing the association between two dichotomous variables in a case-control study?
                                                                  • Which of the following influence the width of the confidence interval for a relative risk or odds ratio?
                                                                  • Which type of regression model is most appropriate to use when the outcome variable is categorical?
                                                                  • Automatically controls for confounding from time-related factors
                                                                  • Yields incidence and prevalence data
                                                                  • Effective at studying the effects of short-term exposures on the risk of acute events.
                                                                  • Requires less time, money, and size
                                                                  • Cross sectional
                                                                  • Case control
                                                                  • Cohort
                                                                  • Two of the above
                                                                  • Case series
                                                                  • Cohort
                                                                  • Ecologic
                                                                  • Experimental
                                                                  • That component of accuracy reflecting the level of systematic error in the study.
                                                                  • The extent the results of a study are relevant to people who are not part of the study (representativeness).
                                                                  • The extent the results of a study are not attributable to bias or confounding.
                                                                  • Two of the above.
                                                                  • True
                                                                  • False
                                                                  • A best guess formulated using a statistic
                                                                  • What is currently believed, the status quo
                                                                  • An informal basis for a statistical test of association.
                                                                  • Drawing conclusions about the population based on a parameter
                                                                  • The use of descriptive statistics to draw conclusions about associations
                                                                  • The investigator decides between two hypotheses regarding a population, based on sampled data and probability to indicate the level of reliability in the conclusion.
                                                                  • True
                                                                  • False
                                                                  • True
                                                                  • False
                                                                  • Incidence
                                                                  • Mortality
                                                                  • Cure
                                                                  • Two of the above
                                                                  • All of the above
                                                                  • Relative risk
                                                                  • Risk ratio
                                                                  • Rate ratio
                                                                  • All of the above
                                                                  • Risk ratio
                                                                  • Attributable risk
                                                                  • Attributable risk percent
                                                                  • Population attributable risk
                                                                  • Population attributable risk percent
                                                                  • Risk ratio
                                                                  • Attributable risk
                                                                  • Attributable risk percent
                                                                  • Population attributable risk
                                                                  • Population attributable risk percent
                                                                  • Relative risk
                                                                  • Risk ratio
                                                                  • Rate ratio
                                                                  • Odds ratio
                                                                  • Level of significance
                                                                  • P value
                                                                  • Sample size
                                                                  • Two of the above
                                                                  • All of the above
                                                                  • Linear regression
                                                                  • Cox proportional hazards
                                                                  • Poisson regression
                                                                  • Logistic regression

                                                                  33. Which of the following best defines causal inference?

                                                                  • A conclusion about the presence of a disease and reasons for its existence.
                                                                  • A conclusion about a population based on sampled data.
                                                                  • A conclusion about relationships supported by probability.
                                                                  • An indication of the level of reliability in the conclusion.
                                                                    • True
                                                                    • False
                                                                      • Consistency
                                                                      • Temporality
                                                                      • Biological plausibility
                                                                      • An experimental study design
                                                                        • True
                                                                        • False
                                                                          • A review of a real health events grouped together in time and location
                                                                          • A review of an unusual number of perceived health events grouped together in time and location
                                                                          • A review of an unusual number, real or perceived, health events grouped together in time and location
                                                                            • Confirm reported disease cases.
                                                                            • Determine if there is a higher than expected level of the disease.
                                                                            • Identify causal relationships.
                                                                            • Two of the above are true.
                                                                            • Three of the above are true.
                                                                              • True
                                                                              • False
                                                                                • Point source
                                                                                • Continuous source
                                                                                • Propagated source
                                                                                  • Person, place, and time
                                                                                  • Ecologic, individual, and time
                                                                                  • Age, period, and cohort
                                                                                  • Age and time
                                                                                    • Age effects
                                                                                    • Cohort effects
                                                                                    • Period effects
                                                                                    • Two of the above
                                                                                    • All of the above
                                                                                      • Person
                                                                                      • Place
                                                                                      • Time
                                                                                      • Latency period
                                                                                        • True
                                                                                        • False
                                                                                          • True
                                                                                          • False
                                                                                            • Cohort
                                                                                            • Case-control
                                                                                            • Case-crossover
                                                                                            • Cross-sectional
                                                                                            • The definition of environmental epidemiology includes the study of all of the following except:
                                                                                            • Which of the following best defines the personal versus ambient environment?
                                                                                            • Exposure information from a diary is an example of an indirect measure of exposure.
                                                                                            • Accurate assessment of outcome assumes which of the following?
                                                                                            • Which of the following best defines risk management?
                                                                                            • What word best represents the following: Anatomic, physiologic, biochemical, or molecular substances that are associated with the presence and severity of specific disease states and are detectable and measurable by a variety of methods including physical examination, laboratory assays and medical imaging.
                                                                                            • Biomarkers are traditionally used to measure which of the following?
                                                                                            • What is useful to avoid recall bias?
                                                                                            • Which of the following best defines study design?
                                                                                            • What study design is best for answering questions about exposure-disease relationships when the latency period is long?
                                                                                              • Cross sectional
                                                                                              • Ecologic
                                                                                              • Case-control
                                                                                              • Cohort
                                                                                              • Experimental
                                                                                            • Which of the following best defines case-crossover?
                                                                                            • Which of the following is not an observational study?
                                                                                              • Experimental study
                                                                                              • Case-control study
                                                                                              • Cohort study
                                                                                              • Ecologic study
                                                                                            • What are some ways to improve the internal validity of a study?
                                                                                            • Confounding is a threat to which of the following?
                                                                                            • Analytic statistics are used to measure and test hypothesized associations.
                                                                                            • What type of measure is appropriate for assessing the association between two continuous variables in a cross-sectional study?
                                                                                              • Relative risk
                                                                                              • Regression slop coefficient
                                                                                              • Correlation coefficient
                                                                                              • Two of the above
                                                                                              • Three of the above
                                                                                            • Which of the following statistics is used to indicate the percentage of disease cases attributed to their exposure?
                                                                                            • An important aim of environmental epidemiology is which of the following?
                                                                                            • What is the best study design for establishing a time sequence of events?
                                                                                            • It is not necessary to have a complete understanding of the causal factors and mechanisms to develop effective prevention and control measures.
                                                                                            • An advantage of maps is that they are not influenced by confounding factors that cluster spatially.
                                                                                            • Which of the following best defines age-adjusted rates?
                                                                                            • Which of the following study designs is best for establishing a cause-effect relationship?
                                                                                              • Case study
                                                                                              • Case-control study
                                                                                              • Ecologic
                                                                                              • Cohort
                                                                                            • Which of the following study designs is best when you want to study the relationship between a single exposure and several possible disease outcomes?
                                                                                            • Distribution
                                                                                            • Determinants
                                                                                            • Application to prevent and control disease
                                                                                            • Frequency and pattern
                                                                                            • All of the above are captured in the definition
                                                                                            • Routes of human exposure to contaminants through solid, liquid, and gaseous environments.
                                                                                            • The inner body is protected from outside contaminants by three barriers: the skin, the gastrointestinal tract, and the lungs.
                                                                                            • The avenue or mechanism by which it affects people.
                                                                                            • An environment where a person has control (e.g., diet) with the ambient environment where they have little or no control (e.g., pollution).
                                                                                            • True
                                                                                            • False
                                                                                            • A standard case definition
                                                                                            • Adequate reporting
                                                                                            • Both of the above
                                                                                            • Neither of the above
                                                                                            • A tool to integrate exposure and health effects in order to identify the potential health hazards in humans.
                                                                                            • An array of techniques to measure or estimate whether the exposure poses a threat to health or the ecosystem.
                                                                                            • Integration of recognized risk, risk assessment, development of strategies to manage risk, and mitigation of risk through managerial resources.
                                                                                            • Surveillance
                                                                                            • Monitoring
                                                                                            • Biomarker
                                                                                            • Determinant
                                                                                            • Absorption of an agent
                                                                                            • Bioaccumulation of metabolite within the body
                                                                                            • Hazard rate
                                                                                            • Two of the above are true
                                                                                            • All of the above are true
                                                                                            • Meta-analysis
                                                                                            • Diary records
                                                                                            • Disease registries
                                                                                            • A program that directs the researcher along the path of systematically collecting, analyzing, and interpreting results.
                                                                                            • An approach used in answering questions.
                                                                                            • An approach that may involve experimental assessment.
                                                                                            • An approach that involves collection and description of a public health problem.
                                                                                            • Presence of risk factor(s) for people with a condition is compared with that for people who do not.
                                                                                            • Exposure frequency during a window immediately prior to an outcome event is compared with exposure frequencies during a control time or times at an earlier period.
                                                                                            • People are followed over time to describe the incidence or the natural history of a condition. Assessment can also be made of risk factors for various conditions.
                                                                                            • Examine the relation between the intervention and outcome variables in a cohort of people followed over time.
                                                                                            • Matching
                                                                                            • Restriction
                                                                                            • Multiple regression
                                                                                            • Two of the above
                                                                                            • Three of the above
                                                                                            • Internal validity
                                                                                            • External validity
                                                                                            • True
                                                                                            • False
                                                                                            • Risk ratio
                                                                                            • Attributable risk
                                                                                            • Attributable risk percent
                                                                                            • Population attributable risk
                                                                                            • To identify environmentally caused public health problems.
                                                                                            • To identify reasons for public health problems.
                                                                                            • To develop effective prevention and control efforts.
                                                                                            • All of the above
                                                                                            • Case-control
                                                                                            • Cross-sectional
                                                                                            • Cohort
                                                                                            • Ecologic
                                                                                            • True
                                                                                            • False
                                                                                            • True
                                                                                            • False
                                                                                            • Weighted average of the age-specific rates.
                                                                                            • Proportional age averages of crude rates.
                                                                                            • Crude rates weighted by age and season.
                                                                                            • Age standardized populations.
                                                                                            • Case report
                                                                                            • Case series
                                                                                            • Case-control
                                                                                            • Cohort

                                                                                              71.An observational study may involve which of the following?

                                                                                              a. Case-control

                                                                                              b. Cohort

                                                                                              c. Cross-sectional

                                                                                              d. All of the above

                                                                                              72. What is the best study design to assess an accumulative dose?

                                                                                              73. Assessment of reported clusters should include all of the following except?

                                                                                              • Evaluation to determine whether an excess of the health problem has occurred
                                                                                              • Case evaluation to assure that a biological basis is present
                                                                                              • Evaluation of some or all of the suspected cases to describe the epidemiologic characteristics. These may be performed in order or concurrently.
                                                                                              • Identifying information on those supposedly affected
                                                                                              • All of the above

                                                                                              74. A time-series analysis may involve which of the following?

                                                                                              • Ecologic data
                                                                                              • Longitudinal data
                                                                                              • Both of the above
                                                                                              • Neither of the above

                                                                                                II. Calculation Questions (30 points) (use much space as needed)

                                                                                                • Indicate an appropriate type of epidemiological study design.
                                                                                                • Enter the data into a 2×2 table
                                                                                                • Calculate a risk of developing hepatitis A due to having eaten at restaurant X
                                                                                                • Interpret the data
                                                                                                  • Enter the data into a 2×2 table
                                                                                                  • Calculate a risk of developing Salmonella infection from eating tomatoes
                                                                                                  • Interpret the data




                                                                                                  complete the multiple choice questions correctly. Mathematics Assignment Help

                                                                                                  • What are some of the unique advantages to using a case-crossover design in environmental epidemiology?
                                                                                                  • Which study design is not feasible with rare exposures?
                                                                                                  • What study design may be appropriate when it is not possible to estimate an effect on the individual level?
                                                                                                  • Which of the following best defines external validity?
                                                                                                  • Ensuring a valid study is most often determined at what stage?
                                                                                                    • The design stage
                                                                                                    • The analysis stage
                                                                                                    • The interpretation stage
                                                                                                    • The generalization stage
                                                                                                  • Analytic statistics are used to assess the distribution of data.
                                                                                                  • Which of the following best describes the null hypothesis?
                                                                                                  • Which of the following best describes statistical inference?
                                                                                                  • Reliability refers to the consistency of the result.
                                                                                                  • Incidence is a better measure of disease risk than prevalence?
                                                                                                  • Prevalence is influenced by which of the following?
                                                                                                  • What type of measure is appropriate for assessing the association between two dichotomous variables in a cohort study?
                                                                                                  • Which of the following statistics indicates the percentage of the disease in the population that can be attributed to the exposure?
                                                                                                  • Which of the following statistics reflects the excess risk of disease among the exposed group attributed to the exposure?
                                                                                                  • What type of measure is appropriate for assessing the association between two dichotomous variables in a case-control study?
                                                                                                  • Which of the following influence the width of the confidence interval for a relative risk or odds ratio?
                                                                                                  • Which type of regression model is most appropriate to use when the outcome variable is categorical?
                                                                                                  • Automatically controls for confounding from time-related factors
                                                                                                  • Yields incidence and prevalence data
                                                                                                  • Effective at studying the effects of short-term exposures on the risk of acute events.
                                                                                                  • Requires less time, money, and size
                                                                                                  • Cross sectional
                                                                                                  • Case control
                                                                                                  • Cohort
                                                                                                  • Two of the above
                                                                                                  • Case series
                                                                                                  • Cohort
                                                                                                  • Ecologic
                                                                                                  • Experimental
                                                                                                  • That component of accuracy reflecting the level of systematic error in the study.
                                                                                                  • The extent the results of a study are relevant to people who are not part of the study (representativeness).
                                                                                                  • The extent the results of a study are not attributable to bias or confounding.
                                                                                                  • Two of the above.
                                                                                                  • True
                                                                                                  • False
                                                                                                  • A best guess formulated using a statistic
                                                                                                  • What is currently believed, the status quo
                                                                                                  • An informal basis for a statistical test of association.
                                                                                                  • Drawing conclusions about the population based on a parameter
                                                                                                  • The use of descriptive statistics to draw conclusions about associations
                                                                                                  • The investigator decides between two hypotheses regarding a population, based on sampled data and probability to indicate the level of reliability in the conclusion.
                                                                                                  • True
                                                                                                  • False
                                                                                                  • True
                                                                                                  • False
                                                                                                  • Incidence
                                                                                                  • Mortality
                                                                                                  • Cure
                                                                                                  • Two of the above
                                                                                                  • All of the above
                                                                                                  • Relative risk
                                                                                                  • Risk ratio
                                                                                                  • Rate ratio
                                                                                                  • All of the above
                                                                                                  • Risk ratio
                                                                                                  • Attributable risk
                                                                                                  • Attributable risk percent
                                                                                                  • Population attributable risk
                                                                                                  • Population attributable risk percent
                                                                                                  • Risk ratio
                                                                                                  • Attributable risk
                                                                                                  • Attributable risk percent
                                                                                                  • Population attributable risk
                                                                                                  • Population attributable risk percent
                                                                                                  • Relative risk
                                                                                                  • Risk ratio
                                                                                                  • Rate ratio
                                                                                                  • Odds ratio
                                                                                                  • Level of significance
                                                                                                  • P value
                                                                                                  • Sample size
                                                                                                  • Two of the above
                                                                                                  • All of the above
                                                                                                  • Linear regression
                                                                                                  • Cox proportional hazards
                                                                                                  • Poisson regression
                                                                                                  • Logistic regression

                                                                                                  33. Which of the following best defines causal inference?

                                                                                                  • A conclusion about the presence of a disease and reasons for its existence.
                                                                                                  • A conclusion about a population based on sampled data.
                                                                                                  • A conclusion about relationships supported by probability.
                                                                                                  • An indication of the level of reliability in the conclusion.
                                                                                                    • True
                                                                                                    • False
                                                                                                      • Consistency
                                                                                                      • Temporality
                                                                                                      • Biological plausibility
                                                                                                      • An experimental study design
                                                                                                        • True
                                                                                                        • False
                                                                                                          • A review of a real health events grouped together in time and location
                                                                                                          • A review of an unusual number of perceived health events grouped together in time and location
                                                                                                          • A review of an unusual number, real or perceived, health events grouped together in time and location
                                                                                                            • Confirm reported disease cases.
                                                                                                            • Determine if there is a higher than expected level of the disease.
                                                                                                            • Identify causal relationships.
                                                                                                            • Two of the above are true.
                                                                                                            • Three of the above are true.
                                                                                                              • True
                                                                                                              • False
                                                                                                                • Point source
                                                                                                                • Continuous source
                                                                                                                • Propagated source
                                                                                                                  • Person, place, and time
                                                                                                                  • Ecologic, individual, and time
                                                                                                                  • Age, period, and cohort
                                                                                                                  • Age and time
                                                                                                                    • Age effects
                                                                                                                    • Cohort effects
                                                                                                                    • Period effects
                                                                                                                    • Two of the above
                                                                                                                    • All of the above
                                                                                                                      • Person
                                                                                                                      • Place
                                                                                                                      • Time
                                                                                                                      • Latency period
                                                                                                                        • True
                                                                                                                        • False
                                                                                                                          • True
                                                                                                                          • False
                                                                                                                            • Cohort
                                                                                                                            • Case-control
                                                                                                                            • Case-crossover
                                                                                                                            • Cross-sectional
                                                                                                                            • The definition of environmental epidemiology includes the study of all of the following except:
                                                                                                                            • Which of the following best defines the personal versus ambient environment?
                                                                                                                            • Exposure information from a diary is an example of an indirect measure of exposure.
                                                                                                                            • Accurate assessment of outcome assumes which of the following?
                                                                                                                            • Which of the following best defines risk management?
                                                                                                                            • What word best represents the following: Anatomic, physiologic, biochemical, or molecular substances that are associated with the presence and severity of specific disease states and are detectable and measurable by a variety of methods including physical examination, laboratory assays and medical imaging.
                                                                                                                            • Biomarkers are traditionally used to measure which of the following?
                                                                                                                            • What is useful to avoid recall bias?
                                                                                                                            • Which of the following best defines study design?
                                                                                                                            • What study design is best for answering questions about exposure-disease relationships when the latency period is long?
                                                                                                                              • Cross sectional
                                                                                                                              • Ecologic
                                                                                                                              • Case-control
                                                                                                                              • Cohort
                                                                                                                              • Experimental
                                                                                                                            • Which of the following best defines case-crossover?
                                                                                                                            • Which of the following is not an observational study?
                                                                                                                              • Experimental study
                                                                                                                              • Case-control study
                                                                                                                              • Cohort study
                                                                                                                              • Ecologic study
                                                                                                                            • What are some ways to improve the internal validity of a study?
                                                                                                                            • Confounding is a threat to which of the following?
                                                                                                                            • Analytic statistics are used to measure and test hypothesized associations.
                                                                                                                            • What type of measure is appropriate for assessing the association between two continuous variables in a cross-sectional study?
                                                                                                                              • Relative risk
                                                                                                                              • Regression slop coefficient
                                                                                                                              • Correlation coefficient
                                                                                                                              • Two of the above
                                                                                                                              • Three of the above
                                                                                                                            • Which of the following statistics is used to indicate the percentage of disease cases attributed to their exposure?
                                                                                                                            • An important aim of environmental epidemiology is which of the following?
                                                                                                                            • What is the best study design for establishing a time sequence of events?
                                                                                                                            • It is not necessary to have a complete understanding of the causal factors and mechanisms to develop effective prevention and control measures.
                                                                                                                            • An advantage of maps is that they are not influenced by confounding factors that cluster spatially.
                                                                                                                            • Which of the following best defines age-adjusted rates?
                                                                                                                            • Which of the following study designs is best for establishing a cause-effect relationship?
                                                                                                                              • Case study
                                                                                                                              • Case-control study
                                                                                                                              • Ecologic
                                                                                                                              • Cohort
                                                                                                                            • Which of the following study designs is best when you want to study the relationship between a single exposure and several possible disease outcomes?
                                                                                                                            • Distribution
                                                                                                                            • Determinants
                                                                                                                            • Application to prevent and control disease
                                                                                                                            • Frequency and pattern
                                                                                                                            • All of the above are captured in the definition
                                                                                                                            • Routes of human exposure to contaminants through solid, liquid, and gaseous environments.
                                                                                                                            • The inner body is protected from outside contaminants by three barriers: the skin, the gastrointestinal tract, and the lungs.
                                                                                                                            • The avenue or mechanism by which it affects people.
                                                                                                                            • An environment where a person has control (e.g., diet) with the ambient environment where they have little or no control (e.g., pollution).
                                                                                                                            • True
                                                                                                                            • False
                                                                                                                            • A standard case definition
                                                                                                                            • Adequate reporting
                                                                                                                            • Both of the above
                                                                                                                            • Neither of the above
                                                                                                                            • A tool to integrate exposure and health effects in order to identify the potential health hazards in humans.
                                                                                                                            • An array of techniques to measure or estimate whether the exposure poses a threat to health or the ecosystem.
                                                                                                                            • Integration of recognized risk, risk assessment, development of strategies to manage risk, and mitigation of risk through managerial resources.
                                                                                                                            • Surveillance
                                                                                                                            • Monitoring
                                                                                                                            • Biomarker
                                                                                                                            • Determinant
                                                                                                                            • Absorption of an agent
                                                                                                                            • Bioaccumulation of metabolite within the body
                                                                                                                            • Hazard rate
                                                                                                                            • Two of the above are true
                                                                                                                            • All of the above are true
                                                                                                                            • Meta-analysis
                                                                                                                            • Diary records
                                                                                                                            • Disease registries
                                                                                                                            • A program that directs the researcher along the path of systematically collecting, analyzing, and interpreting results.
                                                                                                                            • An approach used in answering questions.
                                                                                                                            • An approach that may involve experimental assessment.
                                                                                                                            • An approach that involves collection and description of a public health problem.
                                                                                                                            • Presence of risk factor(s) for people with a condition is compared with that for people who do not.
                                                                                                                            • Exposure frequency during a window immediately prior to an outcome event is compared with exposure frequencies during a control time or times at an earlier period.
                                                                                                                            • People are followed over time to describe the incidence or the natural history of a condition. Assessment can also be made of risk factors for various conditions.
                                                                                                                            • Examine the relation between the intervention and outcome variables in a cohort of people followed over time.
                                                                                                                            • Matching
                                                                                                                            • Restriction
                                                                                                                            • Multiple regression
                                                                                                                            • Two of the above
                                                                                                                            • Three of the above
                                                                                                                            • Internal validity
                                                                                                                            • External validity
                                                                                                                            • True
                                                                                                                            • False
                                                                                                                            • Risk ratio
                                                                                                                            • Attributable risk
                                                                                                                            • Attributable risk percent
                                                                                                                            • Population attributable risk
                                                                                                                            • To identify environmentally caused public health problems.
                                                                                                                            • To identify reasons for public health problems.
                                                                                                                            • To develop effective prevention and control efforts.
                                                                                                                            • All of the above
                                                                                                                            • Case-control
                                                                                                                            • Cross-sectional
                                                                                                                            • Cohort
                                                                                                                            • Ecologic
                                                                                                                            • True
                                                                                                                            • False
                                                                                                                            • True
                                                                                                                            • False
                                                                                                                            • Weighted average of the age-specific rates.
                                                                                                                            • Proportional age averages of crude rates.
                                                                                                                            • Crude rates weighted by age and season.
                                                                                                                            • Age standardized populations.
                                                                                                                            • Case report
                                                                                                                            • Case series
                                                                                                                            • Case-control
                                                                                                                            • Cohort

                                                                                                                              71.An observational study may involve which of the following?

                                                                                                                              a. Case-control

                                                                                                                              b. Cohort

                                                                                                                              c. Cross-sectional

                                                                                                                              d. All of the above

                                                                                                                              72. What is the best study design to assess an accumulative dose?

                                                                                                                              73. Assessment of reported clusters should include all of the following except?

                                                                                                                              • Evaluation to determine whether an excess of the health problem has occurred
                                                                                                                              • Case evaluation to assure that a biological basis is present
                                                                                                                              • Evaluation of some or all of the suspected cases to describe the epidemiologic characteristics. These may be performed in order or concurrently.
                                                                                                                              • Identifying information on those supposedly affected
                                                                                                                              • All of the above

                                                                                                                              74. A time-series analysis may involve which of the following?

                                                                                                                              • Ecologic data
                                                                                                                              • Longitudinal data
                                                                                                                              • Both of the above
                                                                                                                              • Neither of the above

                                                                                                                                II. Calculation Questions (30 points) (use much space as needed)

                                                                                                                                • Indicate an appropriate type of epidemiological study design.
                                                                                                                                • Enter the data into a 2×2 table
                                                                                                                                • Calculate a risk of developing hepatitis A due to having eaten at restaurant X
                                                                                                                                • Interpret the data
                                                                                                                                  • Enter the data into a 2×2 table
                                                                                                                                  • Calculate a risk of developing Salmonella infection from eating tomatoes
                                                                                                                                  • Interpret the data


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