Brite Divinity School of Texas Christian Social Science Literature Review Writing Assignment Help. Brite Divinity School of Texas Christian Social Science Literature Review Writing Assignment Help.
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The topic is holistic treatment specifically of African American students in student health centers. Focus is on physical wellness, not mental wellness, though we can touch on mental health a little.
So, a review of holistic treatment, how it’s applied, benefits, how it impacts people, how it’s been used among student centers. Finally, we can describe the negative history between the medical and African American community (rooted in incidents like the Tuskegee Experiment). (21 peer reviewed sources between 2017-2021)
COVID-19 and systemic causes of suboptimal black health confirm that
African Americans has the highest rate of health disparities in the USA,
manifested from a somber legacy of years of racial and social injustice and a
formidable challenge to equitable health care for all (Kullar, Marcelin,
Swartz, Piggott, Macias, Mathew, & Tan, 2020). . Blacks and African-
Americans face systematic barriers that impact their naturalistic gift of balancing their
academic, physical, emotional, and family spiritual, mental well-being, and personal
stability due to the 2020 Global Crisis and COVID-19 pandemic. Students at Historically Black colleges and Universities
need access to Holistic and African -Centered support from on-campus student
health centers.
Brite Divinity School of Texas Christian Social Science Literature Review Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Alabama Southern Community College Economics Demand and Supply Essay Economics Assignment Help
Economics: Supply and Demand
USF issues parking permits to allow students to park on campus. The price of the permit is set by college administrators at their discretion, they do not consider market conditions. At the current price, some students complain that there aren’t enough spaces for them to park.
Address the following three points in a short essay:
- Describe this situation in economic terms and describe what this implies about the market equilibrium and the price of a parking permit.
- Should the price of a parking permit be raised or lowered to fix this problem? Why? Explain.
- Use the supply and demand model to describe how a graph of the market for parking permits would be affected by a change in price. You must include a graph and reference/describe the graph in your essay.
The body of the text (DO NOT use header/footers/by lines on pages with text) must be at least 2 full paragraphs (no more than 3 paragraphs), double-spaced, 1″ margins, and size 12 Arial FONT. File type must be doc OR docx OR pdf. No other file types are supported, especially .pages. If included, title/title page is not included in page count. Graphs, tables, figures, images, and bibliography page should be included at the end of the text and are NOT to be included in the paragraph length requirement.
This is a short essay and therefore should be entirely of your own words and thoughts, do not paraphrase or quote others. If you reference other sources to gather ideas the bibliography page should be included.
San Jose State University Finance Report Economics Assignment Help
Please read the slides before you answer the questions.
Background: You are in charge of allocating capital (thereby risking your firm’s capital) across a multitude of projects. You
have already decided on a few projects that have the risk reward profile. Your job moving forward is to take a look at the
economic landscape and access to see if it makes sense to engage in any of the projects that you have already-deemed-
worthwhile. The following are weekly charts of various indices. Review them thoroughly. Formulate your opinion of the current
economic landscape and answer the following essay-based questions. The time frames have been removed as to not
bias your analyses.
WRT 391 UMGC Wk 1 Depression in Highschool Learners Research and Summaries Ques Writing Assignment Help
Your first writing assignment will be a Critical Annotated Bibliography, which will require you to locate five (5) scholarly sources and analyze them. This discussion will help you get started.
Here’s what you’ll need to do:
- Watch the video, “How to Read and Comprehend Scientific Research Articles.” The video is linked to the Content for this week.
- Review the “Template for Taking Notes on Research Articles.”
- Read “Searching Basics” from the UMGC Library to learn how to get started on your own research.
- Optional for this task: Watch Library Tutorials #1 and #2. They’ll help you in your search as well.
Then, respond to this discussion topic by answering the following questions.
1. In your opinion, what is the most important step to take when reading research articles? According to the material you’ve watched and read, what is the most important step to take when reading research articles? Answer in one or two sentences.
2. What research topic do you think that you will focus upon for this semester’s work? Why? Answer in one or two sentences.
3. After reading “Searching Basics” and/or watching the first two library tutorials, please find one (1) article on your chosen research topic that review and give the findings of a research study. In responding to this discussion topic, give the author(s), the title of the article, and a brief one- or two-sentence description of the research study and its findings.
(The activity in this last task will help you get started on your Critical Annotated Bibliography, which is Writing Assignment #1.)
WEBD 122 American Public University System Web Analytics Presentation Computer Science Assignment Help
Note: This Final project will be opened during week 7.
YOUR TOPIC: You are the new Web Analyst for Friends of Disaster Relief (FDR) a non-profit organization. The company executives and the Marketing team cannot figure out why the organization is not receiving the expected targeted donations from the website. The website was created without any web tracking tools or a statistics capability, in other words no way to track visitors or anyone who made donations.
You have been called to the main conference room, to deliver your PowerPoint Presentation; your task is that you are trying to convince the top tier executives and marketing team that having a website without visitor tracking is not acceptable, you have developed a solution of why the organization should be using web analytics and what the organization should be tracking and suggesting the tools they should be using.
The Presentation Guideline Requirements:
- Your presentation should consist of 10 -15 slides with an opening title slide.
- You must include notes to each slide in support of that page (this is very important). You should have 125 words on average or more per each slide notes.
- The notes must be supported by in text citations
- Your presentation must have references of 3 – 5 sources in total.
- Use should use graphics, themes and images to draw your audience into the presentation.
- If you follow the grading rubrics you will do great on the presentation.
- Your Presentation is due at the end of week 8. Your title slide must include the title of your Presentation, the date, the name of this course, your name, and your instructor’s name.
Submit your Final PowerPoint Presentation.
Compare and Contrast Niacin versus Statin LDL Cholesterol Lowering Therapies Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Below is the thread ( what is the topic and what ar the questions required to answer for this topic)
also I have attached 3 examples of my classmates they used Ezetimibe which you also can use please read it see how it is organized with answering all the questions.
also for the references, I need 4 and it should by APA style
Rubric is attached too please FOLLOW IT
Work from the Brown and Goldstein lab provided insights into cholesterol homeostasis that were used to develop several of the LDL cholesterol-lowering therapies, including statins that remain in use today. However, in some patients, statins were not as effective as expected, suggestive of additional mechanisms regulating the LDL receptor. Investigate other LDL cholesterol-lowering therapies (other than PCSK-9 inhibitors), select 1, and compare and contrast the mechanisms of action between the class of drug you select and statins. Include side effects for both types of drugs and information on their efficacy.
Compare and Contrast Niacin versus Statin LDL Cholesterol Lowering Therapies Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Saint Thomas University Management and Business Policy Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business plans case study and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Description The primary objective of the case is to introduce industry analysis, competitive positioning, and sustainability analysis. In exploring the choices that Apple’s leaders, most notably Steve Jobs, have made, the case confronts four central issues in strategy formulation.
Response Instructions Please submit a video (6 min max) of you and your partner presenting your response to the following. Remember to identify what are the key issue(s) in this case or explain what this case is trying to address at the beginning of your Case Response.
University of Western Ontario Linear Regression Function Questions Mathematics Assignment Help
I’m working on a statistics question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Only one short question. You can check the files below and just answer the short answer’s part.
Short Answers
Consider the linear regression function
AHE = β0 + β1College + β2F emale + β3Age + β4Expr + β5NE + β6MW + β7S + β8OR + U,
– AHE: indicates the average hourly earning
– College: is a dummy variable indicating whether the individual has completed college
– F emale: is a dummy variable indicating whether the individual is a female or not
– Age: indicates the age
– Expr: indicates the years of work experience
– NE: is a dummy variable indicating whether the individual comes from the Northeast
– MW: is a dummy variable indicating whether the individual comes from the Midwest
– S: is a dummy variable indicating whether the individual comes from the South
– OR: is a dummy variable indicating whether the individual comes from other regions (other than NE,
MW or S)
(1) There exists a problem in the above linear regression function, due to which the OLS estimators
are not computed. State what the problem is and write down a modifified version of the regression
function to solve the problem.
(2) Based on the modifified version of the regression function from (1), perform a White test to check
whether there exists signifificant heteroskedasticity at the 5% signifificance level. Clearly write out your
test procedure.
King Abdulaziz University Team Crisis Within the Gates Critical Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help
Team Crisis Within the Gates
Axis Global is a giant oil and gas company that owns nine refineries worldwide and is headquartered in Paris,
France. Axis Global’s refineries convert crude oil into gasoline, jet fuel, and other products, and each refinery has
an IT (information technology) team located “within the refinery gates” that reports to the refinery’s
management team. Each IT team is responsible for the operation and maintenance of computers and applications
that are critical to the safe and efficient operation of its refinery.
In addition to refineries, Axis Global also owns and operates oil wells, pipelines, chemical plants, and gas stations
across the globe. As a result, some IT operations are standardized across the company, and a centralized team
located in Paris makes those decisions for all the IT teams in the company. Recently, the centralized IT
organization concluded that IT services company-wide should be outsourced to a third party. Outsourcing means
most of the company’s IT personnel are no longer employed by Axis Global, and the third party will decide
which, if any, of Axis Global’s IT employees it will retain, replace, or terminate.
Axis Global has recently notified the Tappan Refinery in Pennsylvania of the global decision to outsource all IT
teams. Top executives at the Tappan Refinery are unhappy with the decision because they were not consulted
before the decision was made and few details were provided to Tappan’s executives on how the outsourcing
would be implemented. In addition, these executives are worried that the decision will negatively affect essential
tasks performed by Tappan’s IT team and result in increased costs. The management at Tappan Refinery is
opposed to changing its current IT operations.
Russ Saffold manages IT at the Tappan Refinery and has three members on his team: Alejandro Salis, Samantha
Umbia, and Todd Greengold. The IT team is well respected by everyone in the refinery, and their interpersonal
relationships are solid. All four team members are officially employees of Axis Global and physically work within
the refinery gates at Tappan. Because refineries are frequently bought and sold among oil companies, the
refineries prefer to operate as self-contained organizations (i.e., “within the gates”). They have a bunker mentality
vis-à-vis the larger organization and often see that relationship between a refinery and the parent organization as
“us versus them.” Employee loyalty is to the refinery, not to Axis Global.
The outsourcing news creates a crisis within Russ Saffold’s IT team. Although Russ will remain an employee of
Axis, the other three team members will not. The three team members are now unsure of their futures and find it
difficult to focus on their work tasks. Alejandro Salis (age 43) is fairly confident that he will be hired by the
outsourcing company as he is the “star” on the team. Samantha Umbia (age 31) fears she will be terminated as
she is unable to relocate to the outsourcing company’s location. Todd Greengold (age 62) is worried that he will
lose his stock options and pension if he is terminated or transferred to the outsourcing company. And the entire
team orries about how they will be treated by their new employer. Morale of the team members sinks, and with
the likelihood of fewer positions, competition among them begins to emerge. Russ finds himself in the middle of
implementing a decision that is unclear, is opposed by his bosses at Tappan Refinery, and is creating personal
issues with his staff. He wonders how he will establish a working relationship with the outsourcing company.
—-300 words
– i want the answer as soon as possible
– it will be between 200 too 300
BA 200 University of Illinois Loud Music in Chi Town Business Plaza Letter Business Finance Assignment Help
As the owner of Chi-Town Business Plaza at 1234 State Street, Chicago, IL 60666, you must respond to the request of Michael Vazquez, one of the tenants in your three-story office building. Mr. Vazquez in Suite 322, a CPA and longtime tenant of 15 years, demands that you immediately evict a neighboring tenant who plays loud music throughout the day, interfering with Mr. Vazquez’s conversations with clients and with his concentration. The noisy tenant, Thomas Smith in Suite 222, moved into the suite last month and reportedly operates an entertainment booking agency and spends long hours in his office.
You know you can’t evict Mr. Smith because, as a legal commercial tenant, he is entitled to conduct his business. However, you might consider adding soundproofing, an expense that you would prefer to share with Mr. Smith and Mr. Vazquez. Or, you might also discuss with Mr. Smith limiting the time of day (11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.) that he could play the loud music. Or, some other option that you will determine. Before responding to Mr. Vazquez, you decide to find out more about commercial tenancy. You use the Web to search the keywords commercial eviction for specifics. Then develop a course of action. Your task is to inform Mr. Vazquez of your decision.
1. This is an individual assignment. Using the above and following information, produce a properly formatted and written business message. Add information as necessary.
2. Determine the medium and the tone of this message.
3. MS Word document … Single Spaced … 12pt. Font … Your name and Class Time in TOP Right Corner.4
4. Some thoughts … The document is directed to whom? Anyone a nice to know? How is the formatting of dates and times? Consistent? How will graphic highlighting improve the visual and readability of your message? Need to Know vs. Nice to Know
Brite Divinity School of Texas Christian Social Science Literature Review Writing Assignment Help
Brite Divinity School of Texas Christian Social Science Literature Review Writing Assignment Help