BSA 375 University of Phoenix Project Selection and Planning Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. BSA 375 University of Phoenix Project Selection and Planning Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.
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After last week’s presentation, the board of directors wants to continue consideration of a new webstore for Pine Valley Furniture. The board has asked you to assist them in selecting and initiating which project to do. They are considering a webstore for one of their three target markets:
- Corporate furniture
- Home office furniture
- Student furniture
The board wants you to help them determine which project to select and get started on the planning process.
Prepare a 10- to 16-slide presentation or write a 3- to 4-page executive summary to help the board choose.
Explain four methods for identifying and selecting IS projects. Compare the characteristics of each and identify the strengths and weaknesses of each method.
Identify valuation criteria when classifying and ranking the three projects, and then rank them.
Summarize the project initiation and planning process so the board knows the next steps.
Cite any references according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment.
BSA 375 University of Phoenix Project Selection and Planning Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Ashford University IT Organizational Plan ACME Corporation Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the Organizational factors influencing the quality of the IS/IT strategic planning process article and review the relevant information from this week’s lecture.
The designated lead for the group this week will assign various tasks to members in their assigned group in order to develop an IT Organizational Plan based on the ISM645 Acme Company Strategic Summary Plan. Go to your assigned group to create the IT Organizational Plan. Your plan should be created in a separate document and must address the following elements as they will be needed to support the corporate strategic summary plan:
- Create general roles and titles for the necessary personnel.
- Discuss the reporting relationships between the created roles.
- Describe the duties of each role.
- Explain the ability of each role to support the various IT functions that help run the company.
- Explain the ability of each role to support new projects and/or additions anticipated by the company in the coming years.
The plan may be presented as either a graphical representation or a descriptive narrative. You may also choose to use a combination of both. Once you have completed your plan, attach it to this initial post to share with the rest of the class.
PSY 626 SNHU Substance Use Dependence Psychological Assessment Report Humanities Assignment Help
Everything needed is attached including Rubric, the two essays needed to expand on, and milestone two example as to how it needs to be written. Please take information from both essays to put together this one.
For this milestone, take your case report from PSY 622 and prepare a psychological assessment report that demonstrates use of objective testing data. How do classic and contemporary psychology theories support the claims you have made in your diagnostic consultation?
Make sure your assessment report accounts for the many possible avenues for gathering evidence in legal situations. You will likely rely on memory in some way, so make sure to discuss any limitations that you will bring to your assessment report. If possible, include measures that you learned about in your previous courses as protective mechanisms against the use of memory. Also, make sure you explain why you are using the assessments you selected. This information is often very important should the report be used in a legal proceeding.
Note: Do not simply cut and paste your assessment choices from PSY 622. Incorporate the feedback given to you in that course and expand or change your assessment choices in order to best fit the current scenario. Remember you were hired by a law firm to create the final report.
Consider this: How reliable is your memory?
Imagine you’re in court as a defendant. It’s June 20th. The prosecutor asks you what you did on June 6th. You’re asked to account for every minute of the day – your whereabouts, your behaviors, who you were with, how long you were with them…It’s difficult to remember days that aren’t significant to you. While the date in question isn’t significant to you, it’s significant to the prosecutor. What if you were on trial for a murder you didn’t commit? How could you prove you didn’t commit it when you can’t remember what you did that day? Lapse in memory can seem like a tactic for the guilty. Guilty parties often suffer from situational “amnesia” regarding days, environments, or individuals associated with the crime. One of the best examples I can think of that represents this phenomena is the interview of young medical student, Philip Markoff – the Craigslist Killer – to Boston PD Detectives.
The detective interviewing Markoff asks him if he’s ever been to any hotels in downtown Boston. Markoff says “yes” but cannot remember the last time he was at any hotels in the area [where the crimes took place]. After probing, he says he may have walked through a hotel at some point that year. Detectives asked what hotel it may have been, he couldn’t recall. They asked if he might have walked through the lobby of one of the hotels without really remembering. He responded “maybe…I don’t remember.” Detectives present Markoff with a photograph of him walking through lobby of one of the hotels in downtown Boston around the date and time the last victim was murdered. Detectives ask Markoff to explain where he may have been going or what he may have been doing. Markoff states that he may have gone to a Cheesecake Factory restaurant at some point, but he can’t recall for sure when or if that was where he was going. Detectives say, “no specific memory, huh?” Markoff replies, “I don’t really remember.” Detectives move past the date of the potential dinner at the Cheesecake Factory and say, “what would have brought you in there to walk through it?” [the lobby]. He responds, “I don’t remember.” So, “you have no clear memory of being there in the last couple of weeks?”, detectives ask Markoff. “I don’t remember, no….no clear memory,” he responded. The entire Markoff interview is maddening. His “loss of memory” in such an exaggerated manner suggests probable culpability, but what if he was innocent?
Human memory is not as reliable as we would like to believe. Consider controversial topics such as testimony based on “repressed memory” or eyewitness report from the memory of a child. This week you will be asked to describe how you would account for memory errors when creating reports for others. How would you account for the memory errors of others?
UCLA Ethical Leaders Human Resource Ethics Questions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
HR Ethics: Building Ethics with Multisource Appraisals and Coaching
As business leaders get promoted, evidence suggests that there are more opportunities for ethical transgressions. Companies can do several things to help prevent ethical lapses. (1) Promote an ethical culture. (2) Use 360-degree evaluations. (3) Apply coaching. (4) Discuss the importance of ethical leadership.
- What kinds of approaches might you use to help leaders be more ethical? How could performance management processes be used to facilitate this aim?
- Besides some of the ideas already discussed, what do you think companies can do to reduce the likelihood of leaders acting unethically?
Your assignment is to 1) read the information in the box content, 2) answer these questions, 3) present/defend your ideas with thoughtful logic or relevant evidence, and 4) respond to at least two other students’ posts with other thoughtful analyses. Your posts should be comprehensive (multiple lengthy paragraphs), as well as concise and detailed.
Grades are assigned using a rubric with the following dimensions: 1) logic/support, 2) clarity/conciseness, 3) depth, 4) length, 5) contains multiple postings/responses.
De Anza College Marriage in Region of India Literature Review Writing Assignment Help
For this assignment, analyze three articles on a topic of their choosing, set in a region of their choosing. you need 3 scholarly sources. These are sources that can be found through the UCSB library website (I can give you the login), Google Scholar, Researchgate, etc. Non-scholarly websites are not acceptable sources for this paper. (Anthropology topic base on)
1. Compare the three articles in term of their intellectual strengths and weaknesses, as well as their contributions to the field.
2.The comparison should be followed by a synthesis of the articles that explains their relationships to one another.
3. Finally, conclude by summarizing the state of the research and provide your perspective on possible future directions.
Paper should be 5 to 6 pages, double spaced, not including works cited.
paper outline:
This paper attempts to assess the state of the research concerning _____________________________in the region of __________________________________.
I will compare 3 case studies concerning _______________ in _______________.
The three articles I read include:
(These should be in chronological order, unless you have good reason to rank them in terms of impact.)
1. Title of Article or Book Chapter followed by author(s)
2. Title of Article or Book Chapter followed by author(s)
3. Title of Article or Book Chapter followed by author(s)
I believe these articles give an adequate overall state of the research problem because …
The thesis of article #1 (what the researchers set out to find).
Strengths of the approach.
Weak links in logic or evidence.
The thesis of article #2 (what the researchers set out to find).
Strengths of the approach.
Weak links in logic or evidence.
How does this article connect to article #1?
The thesis of article #3 (what the researchers set out to find).
Strengths of the approach.
Weak links in logic or evidence.
How does this article connect to articles #1 and #2?
Based on these elements, three key aspects to consider about _____________ in _______________ are:
Takeaway #1
Takeaway #2
Takeaway #3
The debate continues because…. Future research should focus on…
The debate is settled because …. Future research should focus on …
TWU Self Inventory Transferable Skills List Business Finance Assignment Help
Complete the “Seven Stories” exercise (You will complete 4 stories.) in Chapter 5 on pages 66-68 in Bolles. Follow the outline in the book with the steps listed in red and follow the example. Include ALL the steps and analyze your stories for your transferable skills that you will include in the Flower Exercise. SHARE ONE OF YOUR STORIES ON THE DISCUSSION FORUM AND RESPOND TO AT LEAST ONE CLASSMATE.
2.Develop a list of your 10 prioritized favorite transferable skills with a brief, 1-2 sentence, description of each skill as it applies to you.
3.Complete the Flower exercise after reading Chapter 5 in Bolles. Describe the results of your flower exercise in a graphic format. (Sample on pg. 113)
TWU Self Inventory Transferable Skills List Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
APC Los Angeles Salt of the Earth a Banned American Film Chicano Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Assignment 1: Salt of the Earth, an Banned American Film
You need to write at least 250 words and 3-4 Works Cited from different sources found in Module or Reading Log or Other Academic Site.
Salt of the Earth is a classic American film. As you read in the module, the film was blacklisted in the United States for its content.
Write an essay that explains Ramon’s change of heart, what do you think motivated him to make the change, and how does it connect to the idea of being and becoming
For this assignment you need two files winter_lorence and Salt of the Earth.
Assignment 2: Educational Equity
You need to write at least 150 word.
In this week’s push back, the Mendez family pushes back against educational institutions that discriminate against Mexican-American children. Answer the following questions:
1. Discuss the similarities between the Lemon Grove Incident and the Mendez Case.
2. Relate the experiences of these two cases with current educational experiences. The ideas of each case addresses educational equity and access, explain the importance of educational access from k-12 to college.
For this assignment you need Mendez vs. Westminster file.
ISSSC 363 AMU Business Impact Analysis for a Regional Bank GLBA Compliance Lab Report Programming Assignment Help
Please complete the Lab #7 Exercises from your Student Lab Manual.
attached are the pages for the lab #7 Excersises.
Because we can complete these labs on any machine; You may skip steps 1-4 of the Lab Exercises as they deal with setup actions for your environment if you were using the publisher’ lab environment.
For Step 5, you may choose your own Industry Vertical to work from. These Choices are also listed in the Student Lab Manual:
a. Healthcare provider under HIPPA compliance law
b. Regional bank under GLBA compliance law
c. Nationwide retailer under PCI DSS standard requirements
d. Higher-education institution under FERPA compliance law
Then continue with Steps 6-11 in the Lab and complete the Deliverables as assigned below.
Upon completion of Lab #7 – Perform a Business Impact Analysis for a Mock IT Infrastructure, students
are required to provide the following deliverables as part of this lab:
Do Complete
1. Lab #7 – Assessment Worksheet, Part A – BIA of business functions and operations
2. Lab #7 – Assessment Worksheet, Part B – Business Impact Analysis Executive Summary
Evaluation Criteria and Rubrics
The following are the evaluation criteria and rubrics for Lab #7 that the students must perform:
1. Was the student able to define the goal and objective of a Business Impact Analysis (BIA)? –[20%]
2. Was the student able to identify where a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) fits within a Business
Continuity Plan (BCP)? – [20%]
3. Was the student able to identify mission critical applications and access to data requirements for a
given scenario? – [20%]
4. Was the student able to perform a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) utilizing a qualitative
assessment approach? – [20%]
5. Was the student able to create a Business Impact Analysis executive summary report for
management? – [20%]
University of North Florida Staffing in Organizations Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Three-page personal reflection of significant “take-a-ways” from the course on how information learned during the course can be applied to what you do as an employee, supervisor or manager. Use APA formatting as appropriate.
Below are some of the key topics that were discussed:
Discuss legal and ethical issues of hiring and selection
Apply UGESP to planning and staffing
Assess Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and Other (KSAO) human qualities in relation to hiring and selection
Compare and contrast the quality of selection tools and assessment used in staffing
Develop a hiring and selection plan for a department/organization
Evaluate recruitment strategies and effectiveness measures
Book Used:
Author: Heneman
Title: Staffing Organizations
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Edition: 8th
ISBN: 9780077862411
NURS 6002 Walden Updates in Heart Failure 30 Day Readmission Prevention Summary Health Medical Assignment Help
To Prepare:
- Reflect on the strategies presented in the Resources this Module’s Learning Resources in support of locating and analyzing research.
- Use the Walden Library to identify and read one peer-reviewed research article focused on a topic in your specialty field that interests you.
- Review the article you selected and reflect on the professional practice use of theories/concepts described by the article.
The Assignment:
Using the “Module 4 | Part 4” section of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template presented in the Resources, conduct an analysis of the elements of the research article you identified. Be sure to include the following:
- Your topic of interest.
- A correctly formatted APA citation of the article you selected, along with link or search details.
- Identify a professional practice use of the theories/concepts presented in the article.
- Analysis of the article using the “Research Analysis Matrix” section of the template
- Write a 1-paragraph justification stating whether you would recommend this article to inform professional practice.
- Write a 2- to 3-paragraph summary that you will add to your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan that includes the following:
- Describe your approach to identifying and analyzing peer-reviewed research.
- Identify at least two strategies that you would use that you found to be effective in finding peer-reviewed research.
- Identify at least one resource you intend to use in the future to find peer-reviewed research.
Please include intro/ conclusion. Topic of interest/ article is chosen (I will attach the article). APA format. rubric provided.
Goldgrab, D., Balakumaran, K., Kim, M. J., & Tabtabai, S. R. (2019). Updates in heart failure 30-day readmission prevention. Heart Failure Reviews, 24(2), 177–187.…