BSHS 415 University of Phoenix Field Experience Nursing Volunteer Discussion Writing Assignment Help

BSHS 415 University of Phoenix Field Experience Nursing Volunteer Discussion Writing Assignment Help. BSHS 415 University of Phoenix Field Experience Nursing Volunteer Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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The assignment is for field experience with an agency that offers support to senior citizens that are on hospice. Please keep that in mind when you answer both questions

1 Please read the file attach label smart objectives then answer the question on the file BSHS_415_r5_Student_Learning_Objectives

. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: the agency is something up base on what you would do as a human service student, most of the staff is working from home and I will be doing mostly intake)

2 Please describe the services your agency provides and how you will be involved during the COVID19 pandemic. How has the COVID pandemic affected the way your agency delivers its services?.

BSHS 415 University of Phoenix Field Experience Nursing Volunteer Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ITS 5317 UC Most Popular Spreadsheet Software for PC Questions Computer Science Assignment Help

Discussion 1 (Chapter 8): Excel is probably the most popular spreadsheet software for PCs. Why? What can we do with this package that makes it so attractive for modeling efforts?

Follow the APA format.Write a “Post” with a content of 200-300 words, & paste in a Word doc.

Discussion 2 (Chapter 9): What are the common business problems addressed by Big Data analytics? In the era of Big Data, are we about to witness the end of data warehousing? Yes/No Why?

Follow the APA format.Write a “Post” with a content of 200-300 words, & paste in a Word doc.


Temple University Comedy and Humor Questions Humanities Assignment Help

1. please document at least three examples of comedy, the comic, humor.

These can be image and/or sound (or one text-based observation); unlike the curations, these are you own observations, using whatever expressive medium. These could also be places that hold particularly comedic memories or experiences for you, singular or serial.

We’ll consider these evidences of comedic presences & happenings.

At least one of your documentations should concern the “industry” of comedy, as a particular geographic space or place, where comedy is “manufactured” or produced/performed.

For each case, please include the place, time, how you came to document what you did, and your reasoning therefore.

2. Please post 3-5 (or more, if you’d like!) memes that either stick the mind, hand an impact on you, or remain in current use (for you).

Discuss your understanding of its meaning, your initial experiences with the meme, and how you may use it.


FIN 351 Pace University New York Principles of Investment Project Economics Assignment Help

It needs to use Excel and Word for analysis. You need to download the data from the specified website, and use the relevant knowledge to perform computational analysis and answer the questions.

Download data on prices, times to maturity and coupon rates for SIX government bonds maturing in consecutive six-month intervals.

Using the bootstrapping method, calculate the first six elements of the term structure of interest rates.

For all deliverables you need to show formulas in symbols (not Excel formulas) as is done in lectures.

Details to be done in the last Word document


UTS Managing Communications Managing People and Organization Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Write an academic essay of 1500 words (+/-10% excluding references) in which you critically evaluate and draw conclusions about one the following topics. You will need to support your argument with examples provided in the course or choose your own examples.


Organizations in situation of crisis cannot control the impact of their communication on receivers. Discuss and evaluate this statement, illustrating your argument with examples.

We expect you to not just describe material from your sources, but to analyse and critically engage with this material. You should put forward your own original argument in your introduction and then compare it to arguments made by the other scholars working on your topic.



RWS 305W Grossmont College Various Scholars in Business Related Studies Writing Assignment Help

Reflecting on “Discourse Communities & Communities of Practice” by Ann Johns and the lecture(s) from Professor

write a 4 to 6 page paper (not including title and reference pages) that analyzes the rhetorical and linguistic norms of your field based on two (or more) typical texts from your discipline. NOTE: You are not merely analyzing these two (or more) texts! You are analyzing these texts AS REPRESENTATIVE of your field. In other words, while you definitely want to comment on what these authors do, make sure you keep your vision and analysis about how this represents the field as a whole.

It is important to note that a rhetorical analysis should not take a stance on the topic(s) of your text(s), nor should it make value judgments about if the rhetorical norms in your field are “good” or “bad.” In fact, try to eliminate all “praise” or “condemnation” language from academic writing. Instead, just observe and examine the choices that the writers in your field make to appeal to their audience.

Also be sure to do the following:

1) Identify the target audience of each piece. Do not fall into the tempting trap of oversimplifying your readers as the “general public” or “common people interested in the subject.” Rather, look at specific elements within the text that show what assumptions the writer(s) hold(s) about their readers. Focus less on concrete signifiers (i.e., don’t worry about stating exactly how old you think a reader is or what level of education they have) and, instead, try to identify the values this group of readers seems to share – and how you can tell. (This paragraph requires cited evidence.)

2) Identify 3 to 4 strategies the writers use. Each of these strategies should be analyzed according to their appeals (ethos, pathos, and logos); however, APPEALS SHOULD NOT BE MISTAKEN FOR STRATEGIES. In other words, if the writer tells a sad story, you wouldn’t say, “The author uses pathos.” You would say, “The author tells a sad story to appeal to the readers’ pathos.” So, one more time, DO NOT USE APPEALS AS YOUR STRATEGIES.

After you identify the strategy, be sure to find a quote/paraphrase that illustrates the writer doing so, and then analyze how and why it would likely persuade someone in the field. (These paragraphs require cited evidence.)

Your grade will be earned based on the following characteristics:

a) Genre expectations. This is a formal, undergraduate, rhetoric essay intended for an audience of academic readers who are not members of your discipline.

DO: Use the academic voice (Links to an external site.). Write focused, effective introduction and conclusion paragraphs (Links to an external site.) that meet the expectations of this genre. Have a strong thesis statement (Links to an external site.) that organizes your main purpose for your reader. Structure body paragraphs (Links to an external site.) according to academic writing norms, with specific topic sentences, contextualized evidence, and relevant analysis.

DON’T: Use casual language; mistake speech for writing norms (such as the dreaded One Word Opener or Second-Person Question); skimp on analysis (if you end a paragraph with a quote, you are not doing what is expected).

b) Formatting requirements. This paper must be formatted according to APA Style 7th Edition. You can have all of your questions answered by visiting this Introduction to APA (Links to an external site.) resource, and if you have questions about your citations or references page, see the APA: Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) or Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) pages. Know that you are in complete control of these points, so be extremely mindful of your revision.

DO: Have a title page with your paper title, name, institution, course name and number, instructor name, and due date – formatted correctly. Have a references page with the word References bold and centered at the top, all of your resources alphabetized, double-spaced, and hanging indented, and meeting all other expectations. Do have one-inch margins, correct page numbers, and correct in-text citations for quotes and paraphrased material.

DON’T: Use MLA formatting, APA 6th, or anything else that is not APA 7th Edition; forget citations for material you quote/paraphrase that is not original; leave out any of the above elements and expect to get an A!

c) Minimum assignment requirements. Four to six pages does not mean 3.5 pages. It also does not mean 7 pages. Part of good writing is editing to get it where it needs to be. A two page range is HUGE, so please find a way to get your work into that window. Additionally, there should be a title page and a References list – these do not count toward the 4-6 page requirement.

d) Grammar, usage, and mechanics. Revise your paper as you write, but also look over it before you submit. There have been excellent papers that have lost entire letter grades due to typos and lack of care. There have also been poorly written papers that gained points due to high levels of revision. Again, this is an area completely in your control. Go to the Writing Center; use Grammarly; ask a friend to read it. There are ways to get this part near perfect.

Please be in touch with any questions, and carefully watch the lecture videos that help with this assignment. It regularly frustrates students who do not seek outside help to see how “harsh” the grades are. The grades are not harsh if you take all necessary, mindful steps to achieve them. I will say this one last time: THE RESOURCES ARE ALL HERE FOR YOU (including the professor himself), SO DO NOT EXPECT AN ‘A’ OR EVEN A ‘B’ IF YOU DO NOT TAKE THE TIME TO TEND TO ALL ISSUES ABOVE.

Below, you can find the attachment you will need


My Major is Business.

RWS 305W Grossmont College Various Scholars in Business Related Studies Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HLS 405 Trident University Security Agencies Interaction Discussion Response Law Assignment Help

A substantive comment should be approximately 350 words or more.

Cite sources within your comment to support your statements.

Include at least two or more reference, properly formatted, not just a link.


Response 1

Module Discussion

Classmates and Professor,

This topic brings back memories, not because I was there, but what I was doing at the time. When this incident occurred, I was part of the US CBP’s Tactical Terrorism Response Team (TTRT), (, n.d.). We did not do anything tactical, but we did conduct interviews, on arriving passengers, especially those with questionable travel. We then passed on the information to the CBP’s National Targeting Center (NTC) (Koscak, n.d.), who in turn passed on information to JTTF. You meet a lot of interesting people and get some wild stories.

There are billions of people in the world and alerts are constantly being placed, many are scams or unjustified. However, when a true alert is placed, it should be investigated and followed up on for additional and changing information. When one agency, like the FBI, puts out an alert on a possible terrorist-related person, it will have specific details or questions needed to be answered. When a person like Tsarnaev crosses the border, he meets with CBP, who may or may not be interviewed, by TTRT. If he is interviewed, he may be met with CBP, the FBI, or other agencies, who will gather the information pertaining to that lookout. When there is an alert by several agencies, more people get involved, even the local authorities. If there is no additional information needed, many times the alert fades away, in place for the next person who is on alert.

After the Marathon Bombing, the FBI and the CIA realized that there was still a lack of communication with information sharing. These two agencies both had lookouts placed on Tamerlan Tsarnaev, however, for some reason these lookouts did not link up. The alerts were also months apart, and it seemed nobody followed up or checked or additional alerts. The alerts were also not forwarded to the local authorities. If the alerts would have been combined or coordinated, the authorities could have investigated Tsarnaev and his brother more closely. Because of this, changes had to be made, again.

The government needed a way to help JTTF and the fusion centers, coordinate and cross-reference the vast amount of information. According to Sleeper, “In coordination with the National Fusion Center Association (NFCA) and other federal partners, the FBI developed the enhanced engagement initiative, or EEI.” (Sleeper, 2018). This program was designed to give the fusion centers more information and created computer programs, which can cross-reference other information from other agencies. Once the information is put together, it is then passed along to other fusion centers. The FBI and DHS also created, “Emerging Threat and Incident Notifications document to provide state and local partners with an overview of actions they may expect from the FBI and DHS in response to specific and credible threats or incidents.” (Sleeper, 2018). By doing this, the alerts can be cross-referenced for information and comparison, and if needed should be followed up on, for new information. The information also helps out local law enforcement for other incidents, such as school shootings.

Unfortunately, anti-terrorism and law enforcement are mostly a reactionary response. What usually happens is that information is gathered after an incident, and questions arise. By consolidating, cross-referencing, and sharing of information, maybe this can change to a more pro-active response. This can apply to other criminal activities and threats. Anti-terrorism is getting better, so are the terrorist. Law enforcement is constantly changing the way it does things, to keep up with the bad guys. It is imperative that all agencies share information.


Reference: (n.d.). Arizona Destination Guide CBPO. Retrieved September 22, 2020, from…

Koscak, P. (n.d.). CBP National Targeting Center. Retrieved September 22, 2020, from…

Sleeper, K. L. (2018, April 18). From Boston to Austin: Lessons Learned on Homeland Threat Information Sharing. Retrieved September 22, 2020, from



The Intelligence Community has a history of being Stovepiped.

Hello class!

This post brings back early historical lessons I had as a young Airman completing my Career Development Courses as Communications Signals Intelligence Apprentice/Craftsman. In those lessons, I learned that the Intelligence Community (IC) has a long history of being stovepiped. What that means is that each agency kept to themselves. For example, the NSA did not share their information with the CIA, and so forth. Back in the 1950’s, each IC agency focuses on its specific mission first, and then focused on significant missions an issues. This structure was dangerous because no single IC agency or director was responsible for the overall collective IC mission to protect national security. To bring the stovepiped IC agencies together, the Director of the CIA (DCI) was put in charge of the overall IC. To give the overall focus the IC needed, the DCI left the management of the CIA to his deputy (Kindsvater, N.D.). This made some improvements, but the thoughts of intelligence reform remained throughout the decades. It was after the 9/11 attacks that major intelligence reform became a reality. This reform established the Office of the Director of National Intelligence ODNI) in 2005 (ODNI 1, N.D.).

The primary mission of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) is to integrate the IC to have a “one-team” focus. This focus merges the different agencies’ analysis, collection, and counterintelligence efforts into fused intelligence products to provide top national decision makers with timely analysis for accurate decision making (ODNI 2, N.D.).

Following the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15, 2013, the IC Inspector General (IG) Forum that individual agency IGs conduct a thorough review of the sharing and handling (or lack thereof) of information available to the U.S. Government. Reports concluded that the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) took the “lease intrusive measure” when opening and investigation on Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Two recommendations that came out of these investigations is for DHS and the FBI to clarify JTTF alert procedures, as well as establishing information sharing procedures between the FBI and local agencies (ICIGF, 2014).

Information sharing within the IC can always improve. 9/11 was a big eye opener that the IC did not properly share relevant information to prevent what happened that day. Even through the establishment of the ODNI in 2005, another major failure in information sharing was evident 8 years later in Boston. Constant re-evaluation of procedures must be a top priority for the DNI to ensure the IC can work together to produce timely reports for preventative national decision making efforts.



Kindsvater, Larry. (N.D.). The Need to Reorganize the Intelligence Community. Accessed September 21, 2020 from

IC IG Forum (ICIGF). (2014). Unclassified Summary of Information Handling and Sharing Prior to the April 15, 2013 Boston Marathon Bombings. Accessed September 20, 2020 from

ODNI (1). (N.D.) History. Accessed September 21, 2020 from

ODNI (2). (N.D.). Mission, Vision & Values. Accessed September 21, 2020 from


Response 3

Domestic Intel Sharing Issues (Mod 3/Post1)

Classmates and Professor,

If there are different intelligence organizations, all with different priorities and access to different information, there will be gaps and intelligence sharing issues and/or barriers. As unfortunate as this is, this shouldn’t be shocking to anyone. Everyone has their own requirements and priorities. When they align, great, but if they don’t, there is a; you do your thing and we will do ours. When we are close to the 9-11 anniversary it’s common to hear something to the effect of, come together like we did on 9-12. You can tie this comment to multiple things but this also refers to intelligence sharing and working towards a common goal. No one cared about restrictions and limitations, everyone wanted justice for the terrorist attack and to prevent another one, so information was shared freely.

According to a Rand study, many times the only terrorist intel local authorities receive is from federal agencies (Jenkins et al., 2014). Who determines what intel is shared versus not? Local authorities can only action intelligence if it’s shared with them. The Rand study also notes that there is a lack of intel sharing across the country or between parallel lines (local agencies) but two exceptions were Al Shaba’ab recruiting that happened in a couple different states and the response actions for the Boston bombing (Jenkins et al., 2014).

Lichtblau (2020) says that state fusion centers are bringing together federal and local elements but there is a break in priorities. The Rand study mentions points out that federal and local authorities have different cultures and authorities (Jenkins et al., 2014). This will create a divide in efforts. Jenkins et al. (2020) says the Joint Terrorism Task forces are the only elements collecting domestic terror intelligence and of the fusion centers only 33% are productive. In Lichtblau (2020) article he ties it back to government officials not clearly identifying what domestic extremes or terrorism is (like Antifa), which prevents local and federal agencies to collect intelligence to prevent it.

We must work together to prevent domestic terrorism. If we get back to the 9-12 mentality, information is shared freely between all agencies. Are groups like Antifa domestic terrorists? If so, what defines them as such and are we doing enough at the local and federal levels to stop them? We are in an interesting time where there seems to be confusion between protesting and rioting. As our foreign war environment changes, we need to focus more inside our borders and how we protect our rights and citizens against domestic terrorist threats. We should define domestic terrorism, establish priorities and push intelligence from both the boots on the ground up and from the strategic level down.



Jenkins, B. M., Liepman, A., Willis, H. H., (2014). Identifying Enemies Among Us: Evolving Terrorist Threats and the Continuing Challenges of Domestic Intelligence Collection and Information Sharing. Rand Corp. Retrieved from:…

Lichtblau, E. (2020). In Buried Report, U.S. Government Admits Major Failures In Confronting Domestic Terrorism: The Analysis Offers An Unusually Self-Critical View Of Gaps And Weaknesses In The Government’s Response To Homegrown Terror Threats. The Intercept. Retrieved from:…

Module 3 – Background 3


Required Reading

National Network of Fusion Centers Fact Sheet (2013). Retrieved from:…

National Prevention Framework (2016), second edition. FEMA. Retrieved from…
Read “Intelligence and Information Sharing,” pp. 10 to 12.

The Federal Bureau of Investigations: Just the facts (2017, May12). CRS. Retrieved from…

The White House (2007). Roles of the State and major urban area fusion centers, Appendix 1 – Establishing a National Integrated Network of State and Major Urban Area Fusion Centers. Retrieved from:…

Required Websites

DHS Information Sharing and Safeguarding Strategy.…

Fusion Centers and Joint Terrorism Task Forces.…

Joint Terrorism Task Force; What We Investigate, FBI.…

Required Videos

Inside the Denver Joint Terrorism Task Force. FBI.

Inside the Fusion Center, San Antonio News 4.


CC Role in Supporting the Family of A Child with Special Needs Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Supporting families…

Your role in supporting the family of a child with special needs is very important. The first step in this assignment is to explore the resources that are provided for you in Module 6. They are all related to the parenting experiences in families with a child with a disability.

Then, I want you to imagine you are a preschool teacher with a class of 12 four-year-olds. One of the children in your class has a disability with an IEP (Individualized Education Program). For the purposes of this discussion, it could be any kind of disability.

Using the resources provided in Module 6, discuss some important ways you, as the preschool teacher, can be supportive of the child’s parents. It doesn’t have to be direct support; it could be that you are supportive by being understanding when the parent is consistently late dropping off the child.

Your initial post should be a well-written paragraph (or longer) sharing 2-3 ways you will support and help the family and why you chose them as important.


BUSN 278 Brooklyn College Week 4 Investment Analysis Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

I’ll include already completed previous three drafts of week 1,2 and 3 once the Tutor is selected.


Use the Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx and Budget Proposal Template.docx to develop and present an Investment Analysis for your new business startup. You will be graded on correct analysis, proper use of spreadsheet technology, and business-like presentation of the information.


Section 4.0 Investment Analysis (Draft) Deliverable Points
The cash flows show detailed inflows and outflows, as well as net cash flows. 6
The NPV Analysis is properly calculated and presented. 6
The Rate of Return calculations are properly calculated and presented. 4
The payback period is properly calculated and presented. 4
Total Points 20


SDSU 1974 Estes & Palmisano Food Web Anthropogenic & Keystone Species Discussion Science Assignment Help

Answer the question provided below using the papers attached below

Estes and Palmisano (1974), Estes et al. (1998) – Questions for Discussion

  1. Define a “keystone species”. (1pt)
  2. Explain how the orca-otter-urchin-kelp food web presented in these studies is an example of top-down control. (1pt)
  3. Define “anthropogenic”. What anthropogenic effect is most responsible for the situation with the sea otters? (1pt)
  4. Find and describe another example of a keystone predator creating top-down controls in an ecosystem. Include the predator species, the ecosystem, and how the ecosystem would be different in the absence of the predator species. (2pt)
  5. Estes and Palmisano 1974, Figure 1: What is this graph comparing? Why is there no line shown for vegetation at Shemya Island (hint: what does “coincident with the ordinate” mean)? (2pt)
  6. Estes and Palmisano 1974, Figure 2: Based on this graph, describe the difference in sea urchin size demographics between the two islands. Why are these differences important? (2pt)
  7. Why are kelp forests ecologically important? What ecosystem services do they provide to other species living in the region? What benefits can they provide to human societies? (3pt)
  8. Keystone species are often the focus of conservation efforts. Describe at least one benefit of this approach to conservation, as well as one potential risk or limitation to this approach. (3pt)
  9. Describe a potential strategy for bringing these kelp forest ecosystems back into balance. What might be a limitation or difficulty with implementing this strategy? (3pt)
  10. Write out the citations for both papers using Ecology formatting. (2pts)



CC Role in Supporting the Family of A Child with Special Needs Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Supporting families…

Your role in supporting the family of a child with special needs is very important. The first step in this assignment is to explore the resources that are provided for you in Module 6. They are all related to the parenting experiences in families with a child with a disability.

Then, I want you to imagine you are a preschool teacher with a class of 12 four-year-olds. One of the children in your class has a disability with an IEP (Individualized Education Program). For the purposes of this discussion, it could be any kind of disability.

Using the resources provided in Module 6, discuss some important ways you, as the preschool teacher, can be supportive of the child’s parents. It doesn’t have to be direct support; it could be that you are supportive by being understanding when the parent is consistently late dropping off the child.

Your initial post should be a well-written paragraph (or longer) sharing 2-3 ways you will support and help the family and why you chose them as important.


BUSN 278 Brooklyn College Week 4 Investment Analysis Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

I’ll include already completed previous three drafts of week 1,2 and 3 once the Tutor is selected.


Use the Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx and Budget Proposal Template.docx to develop and present an Investment Analysis for your new business startup. You will be graded on correct analysis, proper use of spreadsheet technology, and business-like presentation of the information.


Section 4.0 Investment Analysis (Draft) Deliverable Points
The cash flows show detailed inflows and outflows, as well as net cash flows. 6
The NPV Analysis is properly calculated and presented. 6
The Rate of Return calculations are properly calculated and presented. 4
The payback period is properly calculated and presented. 4
Total Points 20


SDSU 1974 Estes & Palmisano Food Web Anthropogenic & Keystone Species Discussion Science Assignment Help

Answer the question provided below using the papers attached below

Estes and Palmisano (1974), Estes et al. (1998) – Questions for Discussion

  1. Define a “keystone species”. (1pt)
  2. Explain how the orca-otter-urchin-kelp food web presented in these studies is an example of top-down control. (1pt)
  3. Define “anthropogenic”. What anthropogenic effect is most responsible for the situation with the sea otters? (1pt)
  4. Find and describe another example of a keystone predator creating top-down controls in an ecosystem. Include the predator species, the ecosystem, and how the ecosystem would be different in the absence of the predator species. (2pt)
  5. Estes and Palmisano 1974, Figure 1: What is this graph comparing? Why is there no line shown for vegetation at Shemya Island (hint: what does “coincident with the ordinate” mean)? (2pt)
  6. Estes and Palmisano 1974, Figure 2: Based on this graph, describe the difference in sea urchin size demographics between the two islands. Why are these differences important? (2pt)
  7. Why are kelp forests ecologically important? What ecosystem services do they provide to other species living in the region? What benefits can they provide to human societies? (3pt)
  8. Keystone species are often the focus of conservation efforts. Describe at least one benefit of this approach to conservation, as well as one potential risk or limitation to this approach. (3pt)
  9. Describe a potential strategy for bringing these kelp forest ecosystems back into balance. What might be a limitation or difficulty with implementing this strategy? (3pt)
  10. Write out the citations for both papers using Ecology formatting. (2pts)



CC Role in Supporting the Family of A Child with Special Needs Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Supporting families…

Your role in supporting the family of a child with special needs is very important. The first step in this assignment is to explore the resources that are provided for you in Module 6. They are all related to the parenting experiences in families with a child with a disability.

Then, I want you to imagine you are a preschool teacher with a class of 12 four-year-olds. One of the children in your class has a disability with an IEP (Individualized Education Program). For the purposes of this discussion, it could be any kind of disability.

Using the resources provided in Module 6, discuss some important ways you, as the preschool teacher, can be supportive of the child’s parents. It doesn’t have to be direct support; it could be that you are supportive by being understanding when the parent is consistently late dropping off the child.

Your initial post should be a well-written paragraph (or longer) sharing 2-3 ways you will support and help the family and why you chose them as important.


BUSN 278 Brooklyn College Week 4 Investment Analysis Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

I’ll include already completed previous three drafts of week 1,2 and 3 once the Tutor is selected.


Use the Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx and Budget Proposal Template.docx to develop and present an Investment Analysis for your new business startup. You will be graded on correct analysis, proper use of spreadsheet technology, and business-like presentation of the information.


Section 4.0 Investment Analysis (Draft) Deliverable Points
The cash flows show detailed inflows and outflows, as well as net cash flows. 6
The NPV Analysis is properly calculated and presented. 6
The Rate of Return calculations are properly calculated and presented. 4
The payback period is properly calculated and presented. 4
Total Points 20


SDSU 1974 Estes & Palmisano Food Web Anthropogenic & Keystone Species Discussion Science Assignment Help

Answer the question provided below using the papers attached below

Estes and Palmisano (1974), Estes et al. (1998) – Questions for Discussion

  1. Define a “keystone species”. (1pt)
  2. Explain how the orca-otter-urchin-kelp food web presented in these studies is an example of top-down control. (1pt)
  3. Define “anthropogenic”. What anthropogenic effect is most responsible for the situation with the sea otters? (1pt)
  4. Find and describe another example of a keystone predator creating top-down controls in an ecosystem. Include the predator species, the ecosystem, and how the ecosystem would be different in the absence of the predator species. (2pt)
  5. Estes and Palmisano 1974, Figure 1: What is this graph comparing? Why is there no line shown for vegetation at Shemya Island (hint: what does “coincident with the ordinate” mean)? (2pt)
  6. Estes and Palmisano 1974, Figure 2: Based on this graph, describe the difference in sea urchin size demographics between the two islands. Why are these differences important? (2pt)
  7. Why are kelp forests ecologically important? What ecosystem services do they provide to other species living in the region? What benefits can they provide to human societies? (3pt)
  8. Keystone species are often the focus of conservation efforts. Describe at least one benefit of this approach to conservation, as well as one potential risk or limitation to this approach. (3pt)
  9. Describe a potential strategy for bringing these kelp forest ecosystems back into balance. What might be a limitation or difficulty with implementing this strategy? (3pt)
  10. Write out the citations for both papers using Ecology formatting. (2pts)



CC Role in Supporting the Family of A Child with Special Needs Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Supporting families…

Your role in supporting the family of a child with special needs is very important. The first step in this assignment is to explore the resources that are provided for you in Module 6. They are all related to the parenting experiences in families with a child with a disability.

Then, I want you to imagine you are a preschool teacher with a class of 12 four-year-olds. One of the children in your class has a disability with an IEP (Individualized Education Program). For the purposes of this discussion, it could be any kind of disability.

Using the resources provided in Module 6, discuss some important ways you, as the preschool teacher, can be supportive of the child’s parents. It doesn’t have to be direct support; it could be that you are supportive by being understanding when the parent is consistently late dropping off the child.

Your initial post should be a well-written paragraph (or longer) sharing 2-3 ways you will support and help the family and why you chose them as important.


BUSN 278 Brooklyn College Week 4 Investment Analysis Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

I’ll include already completed previous three drafts of week 1,2 and 3 once the Tutor is selected.


Use the Budget Proposal Workbook.xlsx and Budget Proposal Template.docx to develop and present an Investment Analysis for your new business startup. You will be graded on correct analysis, proper use of spreadsheet technology, and business-like presentation of the information.


Section 4.0 Investment Analysis (Draft) Deliverable Points
The cash flows show detailed inflows and outflows, as well as net cash flows. 6
The NPV Analysis is properly calculated and presented. 6
The Rate of Return calculations are properly calculated and presented. 4
The payback period is properly calculated and presented. 4
Total Points 20


SDSU 1974 Estes & Palmisano Food Web Anthropogenic & Keystone Species Discussion Science Assignment Help

Answer the question provided below using the papers attached below

Estes and Palmisano (1974), Estes et al. (1998) – Questions for Discussion

  1. Define a “keystone species”. (1pt)
  2. Explain how the orca-otter-urchin-kelp food web presented in these studies is an example of top-down control. (1pt)
  3. Define “anthropogenic”. What anthropogenic effect is most responsible for the situation with the sea otters? (1pt)
  4. Find and describe another example of a keystone predator creating top-down controls in an ecosystem. Include the predator species, the ecosystem, and how the ecosystem would be different in the absence of the predator species. (2pt)
  5. Estes and Palmisano 1974, Figure 1: What is this graph comparing? Why is there no line shown for vegetation at Shemya Island (hint: what does “coincident with the ordinate” mean)? (2pt)
  6. Estes and Palmisano 1974, Figure 2: Based on this graph, describe the difference in sea urchin size demographics between the two islands. Why are these differences important? (2pt)
  7. Why are kelp forests ecologically important? What ecosystem services do they provide to other species living in the region? What benefits can they provide to human societies? (3pt)
  8. Keystone species are often the focus of conservation efforts. Describe at least one benefit of this approach to conservation, as well as one potential risk or limitation to this approach. (3pt)
  9. Describe a potential strategy for bringing these kelp forest ecosystems back into balance. What might be a limitation or difficulty with implementing this strategy? (3pt)
  10. Write out the citations for both papers using Ecology formatting. (2pts)


BSHS 415 University of Phoenix Field Experience Nursing Volunteer Discussion Writing Assignment Help

BSHS 415 University of Phoenix Field Experience Nursing Volunteer Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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