BU 204 Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Podcast Questions Economics Assignment Help

BU 204 Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Podcast Questions Economics Assignment Help. BU 204 Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Podcast Questions Economics Assignment Help.

I’m working on a macro economics discussion question and need support to help me understand better.
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As you listen to your chosen podcast, pay particular attention to any discussion relating to how the Federal Reserve System tries to control the money supply. After listening to the podcast, answer the following questions:

  1. What important new things did you learn?
  2. How did this new knowledge relate to macroeconomic measures, such as how the Federal Reserve System tries to control the money supply, that is being explored in this unit, and how does it impact the entire economy?
  3. What action, if any, do you think the government, or society, should take as a result of what you have learned?

BU 204 Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Podcast Questions Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SOWK 6347 OLLU Reduce Or Stop the Consumption of Chips Single Case Design Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

This assignment is meant to help you gain a better understanding of planning, implementing, analyzing and

discussing evaluation in practice with clients.


You will design, conduct and analyze a single case design using yourself as the “client”. As you think about

developing and undertaking this, be sure to keep in mind feasibility, measurability and time constraints. The

assignment will consist of the steps below and will culminate in a PowerPoint presentation due in Week 6.

Step 1: Goal Identification

Identify something that you would like to change or improve and explain the reason(s) for

choosing it. Goals are rather broad, but the possibilities are endless such as improving health,

sleeping better, or reducing stress. Please do not attempt to change anything that could

negatively impact your health or requires medical supervision.

Step 2: Objective and Dependent Variable

This critical step involves narrowing your goal down to a specific objective and deciding how you

would measure it (dependent variable). If the goal was to sleep better, the objective might be to

get at least 7 hours of sleep each night and then the number of hours slept at night would be the

dependent variable. If the goal was to improve health, the objective might be to lose 5 pounds

and the dependent variable would be weight.

Step 3: Intervention

There will be multiple interventions that you could implement to reach your objective and begin

to accomplish your goal, but you identify and choose one for this assignment. If you chose to

get at least 7 hours of sleep each night, you might choose guided meditation as the intervention.

If you chose to lose 5 pounds, you might choose to eliminate sugary drinks from your diet as the


Step 4: Implementation, Monitoring, and Data Gathering Plan

For whichever intervention you select, you will need to develop a plan to carry it out and gather

necessary data. This needs to include how you will monitor implementation of the intervention

(e.g., what is the strategy for completing the intervention) and the plan for collecting data on the

dependent variable.

Step 5: Design Type and Data Illustration

Identify the type of design that you have chosen for your study; it will likely be an AB, B, or B+

design (see Chapter 13 Rubin & Babbie). Briefly explain the reason(s) you chose that design.

Create a graph or table (do not hand draw) which visually depicts the data on the dependent

variable you selected, being sure to use appropriate labelling and indicate the point at which the

intervention was introduced (if you have an A phase). You may also choose to visually depict other data you may have gathered, but this is not required.

Step 6: Data Analysis and Findings

Describe what you would conclude about your intervention and findings. Was it effective? Why or why not? What obstacles did you encounter during the study and what threats to internal validity (see Chapter 16 of text) may have impacted the results? What would you do differently if you were to do this again?

PowerPoint: Your PPT should include at least 1 slide per step. Incorporate at least two professional references into your PPT.


University of the Cumberlands Investment Risk Modeling Research Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Your task this week is to write a research paper discussing the concept of risk modeling. Please also evaluate the importance of risk models. Lastly, construct an approach to modeling various risks and evaluate how an organization may make decisions about techniques to model, measure, and aggregate risks.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.


HRM 4481 Troy University Succession Management at General Electric Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Case Study 1

Read case study, “Succession Management at General Electric”.

Answer case questions 1-3.

Succession Management at General Electric

General Electric (GE) is widely recognized and respected for its leadership talent and its succession management system. One of the best examples of succession management is how GE’s former CEO, Jack Welch, shaped and elevated the company’s philosophy, practice, and reputation for developing leaders. In a 1991 speech, Welch stated, “From now on, choosing my successor is the most important decision I’ll make.” GE’s commitment to developing leaders from within has yielded positive results for both the company’s employees and for GE. In fact, the program has been so successful that it’s been widely emulated by other global organizations.

Measuring and developing talent lies at the forefront of GE’s business strategy discussions. GE’s operating system, referred to as its “learning culture in action,” entails year-round learning sessions in which leaders from GE and outside companies share best practices with one another and generate ideas for new practices. Harry Elsinga, manager of executive development at GE, notes, “We really have a tight organization around how we combine our leadership meetings and how we approach our business. We have a constant cycle going on throughout the year where we talk about business and people at the same time. How do we develop talent in those businesses, how do we make sure that we have the right people to open a particular plant or to do an acquisition, etc.? Those discussions always go hand in hand. And it’s not a one-time kind of conversation; this is a constant, ongoing process.”[ii]

GE’s succession management system is fairly simple. GE managers and executives are moved from job to job every two to three years, and each job change or promotion is a well-thought-out process that provides managers with much-needed experience and exposure to certain elements of the business. This has allowed GE to build a management team that is very knowledgeable and experienced.


  1. Do you think that GE’s approach to succession management would work for all organizations? Why or why not?
  2. What are some possible disadvantages of moving people to new jobs every two to three years?
  3. Why does GE’s succession management approach work so well?

Case Study 2

Read case study, “Hiring FBI Agents” located on page 325

Answer case questions 1-3 on page 325


UCM GE Agency Costs and Governance Financial Management Project Report Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting project and need an explanation to help me study.

I will provide you with what I have completed so far, the explanation of what needs to be done, and an example of what needs to be done. The company for my project is General Electric.

Part III Agency Costs and Governance (Length: 2 – 3 pages, 12-point font, single spaced)

III.A Capital Structure
(Discuss any valuation, governance, and agency cost issues arising from the capital
structure of the firm and the firm’s optimal use of debt.)

III.B Board of Directors
(Describe the composition and other characteristics of the Board and the implications for
good governance.)

III.C Executive Compensation
(Describe executive compensation design and its incentives. Make sure to focus on how
the compensation is divided into cash pay, equity pay, bonus, etc.)

III.D Impact of the Board and Compensation Policy on Agency Costs and Stakeholders
(Be sure to include managerial and board entrenchment (among other issues) here.)

Part IV Conclusion (No more than 1 page. Summarize and offer suggestions. You may also comment about the
company’s current situation, future prospects, stock price, and a brief summary of your previous
findings in this paper.)



Reducing the Usage of Plastics & Labor Costs Stakeholder Analysis Economics Assignment Help


I will provide a previous assignment related to this assignment and you need to use it for reference. You will need to use the same Idea for engineering soloution ‘ Using Bioplastics’ and the place ‘Tampa, FL’. And you need to use these three ideas as costs:

1- Workplace costs

2- Labor costs

3-Manufacturing costs

And these three ideas as solutions:

1- Reducing the usage of plastics

2- Reducing The carbon footprint of manufacturing

3- They are biodegradable and compostable

I will provide the assignment too for reference.


The purpose of this assignment is to:

  1. identify a stakeholder audiences that will impact or be impacted by your project in some way
    • a stakeholder is any person or group who would be impacted by your project and the decisions made as part of the project planning and implementation, including private citizens, nonprofit organizations, small businesses, etc.
  2. assess how you will communicate with this stakeholder
  3. contribute specific information to your team project


In addition to identifying and analyzing project costs and benefits, project planning also requires identifying potential stakeholders who may be positively or negatively impacted by or interested in your project. This identification step may take place repeatedly throughout a project as you find that new stakeholder groups become impacted or interested in some way, but the sooner you can identify stakeholders, the sooner you can consider their perspectives and begin planning communications with them. Stakeholders can often be identified through the assessment of project costs, which is why this step is positioned second in this assignment.

Required Content and Structure

1. Problem Statement and Solution

As part of this assignment, you will develop a problem statement and a solution statement. The problem statement and solution must be clearly and directly connected, with the proposed solution clearly and directly alleviating the stated problem in some way.

You will specifically direct your problem statement and solution statement to your stakeholder audience. Although the problem and solution will not change from audience to audience, the way you describe and relate the problem and your solution must be targeted to your stakeholder audience to achieve the best outcomes.

For Example
  • A proposal for a new community recreation park and nature preserve that includes a playground, splash pad, dog park, nature trails, exercise trails, sidewalks, an outdoor restaurant, pavilions, a campground, and water access has a wide range of stakeholders. The project managers will discuss their justifications for this project differently with different groups. Consider the different perspectives of the stakeholder audiences below, and think about how the project rationale and approach would be discussed differently depending on each stakeholder audience’s particular priorities and concerns.
      • Nature and wildlife conservancy organizations will have a particular set of concerns and priorities related to new construction, runoff, foot traffic, etc., and will need to know why the project is important (e.g., what is this project solving/helping?), and how your approach positively impacts the natural areas and wildlife that the recreation park encroaches on.
      • Local government officials will have some overlapping concerns and priorities, as well as some distinct priorities and concerns about some similar topics. This stakeholder audience will need to consider costs, leases, land use surveys, patron safety, potential local economic impacts, and public health and safety concerns and precautions (e.g., sanitation, restroom facilities, bears, etc.).
      • Community members will have a variety of overlapping concerns with conservancy organizations and government officials, depending on their perspectives, backgrounds. This stakeholder group will also have a variety of interests, concerns, and priorities about the park, which may include topics such as increased traffic to the park through adjacent neighborhoods (and the related need for new sidewalks, stop signs, speed bumps, etc. to improve pedestrian and road safety), hours of operation, patron safety, accessibility, noise levels, and property value.
  • Even though each of these stakeholders requires different kinds of information and assurances about the impacts (i.e., the costs and benefits) of the project, the project itself and the overarching rationale of and approach to the project (i.e., problem statement and solution) do not change.

At the top of your submission, include a problem statement (~1-2 paragraphs) followed by a description of your engineering solution (~1 paragraph). Students’ problem statements and solutions must be written individually — this is not a collaborative assignment.

**Remember, the problem statement and solution must be clearly and directly connected, with the proposed solution clearly and directly alleviating the stated problem in some way.**

2. Potential Stakeholder

Provide citations throughout.

  1. Identify 1 specific potential stakeholder associated with your project
    • Your stakeholder must be specific.
      • “Farmers” is not specific enough
      • “Dairy farms” is acceptably narrow
      • but “independently owned dairy farms,” or a specific business like “M&B Products” is even better
    • Although “Tampa Bay Area citizens” sounds very broad, they are a specific subsection of Florida citizenry who may be similarly impacted by your project
      • However, the broader the stakeholder group, the more difficult the analysis.
      • Instead, you might focus on a particular subsection of Tampa Bay citizens, such as “Tampa Bay Area children.” A more narrow focus will allow you to focus your analysis in a specific way.
  2. Research your stakeholder and identify the following (use full sentences):

1. Stakeholder background and cultural considerations (~2 paragraphs)

      • Provide an overview of your stakeholder’s background. Offer clear, specific information that provides a holistic sketch of your stakeholder. For example:
          • Example:
            • Founded in 1930 by George Jenkins, Publix is currently owned by X and has a net worth of y, with ___ of their ___ stores located in Florida. Publix is the x-ranked/sized food retailer in Tampa, with x-number of stores in the city serving approximately y-number of people. Publix’s values and philanthropy includes x, y, and z. Publix was recognized by the state of Florida for their outstanding commitment to ___ in 2008, and were nationally recognized in ____, _____, and _____ by the non-profit organization Feeding America for their local and statewide contributions and continued dedication to ending hunger in their communities.
            • Concerning culture, Publix’s corporate culture can be summed up by this sentence from the “About” page on their website: “Taking care of our customers, communities and each other is still what Publix is all about.” Publix’s community outreach, focus on sustainability, and belief in people and their potential strongly shapes Publix’s business practices and decision making. Publix believes that their employees make the business, and that the communities shape the people, so Publix not only trains, supports, and promotes from within, they also invest time and money in employees and their communities. As a result, Publix tackles global issues at a local level through civic engagement and sustainable practices.
        • Remember that “culture” includes multiculturalism and cocultures, and that you cannot simply assume that a person, group, company, region, etc. will think, act, or value the things that you believe are most important to the dominant culture. The perspectives of your stakeholders may be very different from yours.

2. Stakeholder interest

      • Problem: Why does this stakeholder care about the problem as articulated in your problem statement? How are they impacted by the problem as articulated in your problem statement? (~2-4 sentences/~50-100 words)
      • Solution: Will the stakeholder find your solution clear, familiar, and easy to understand? Why? If the solution is outside of this stakeholder’s likely realm of understanding, what will you do to make your solution more concrete and easy to understand? (~2-4 sentences/~50-100 words)
      • Cultural Considerations: What cultural considerations discussed in A above might shape this stakeholder’s interest, or affect the way they understand the problem or perceive the proposed solution?

3. Probable stakeholder attitude toward the project (positive, negative, neutral, adversarial, competitive, etc.) and why (~2-5 sentences/~50-125 words)

4. Include one cost that you think may be particularly important to the stakeholder, and why (~1-3 sentences/~25-75 words)

          • Draw from the bank of costs created by your team in the Costs & Benefits assignment (due last week). To answer “Why,” consider the descriptions provided and how your chosen stakeholder may relate to or interpret the provided facts/explanations/descriptions.

5. Include one benefit that you think may be particularly important to the stakeholder, and why (~1-3 sentences/~25-75 words)

          • Draw from the bank of benefits created by your team in the Costs & Benefits assignment (due last week). To answer “Why,” consider the descriptions provided and how your chosen stakeholder may relate to or interpret the provided facts/explanations/descriptions.

6. Based on your own values and goals, what common-ground do you and the stakeholder share? Explain. (~3-6 sentences/~75-150 word)

        • consider shared goals, values, desired outcomes, etc.
        • you can find common ground with any stakeholder, even if you believe they will have a negative or competitive attitude toward your project

7. How might this common ground help you positively connect with the stakeholder? How can this common ground help you develop shared meaning with the stakeholder? (3-6 sentences/~75-150 words)

Reducing the Usage of Plastics & Labor Costs Stakeholder Analysis Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENC 102 MCVS Exploring William Blake the Land of Dreams Poem Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Composition 102: Writing about Literature


Essay 1:Universal


Due Dates: Response Draft: Friday, 3.5 submitted via Blackboard by 5pm


Essay Draft:Friday, 3.19 submitted via Blackboard by 5pm


Final Draft: Friday, 4.30 submitted via Blackboard by 5pm


  • 3 pages; typed; double-spaced; MLA heading and title.
  • Choose only one of the below options to write an essay.
  • Citing/quoting any of the primary sources, proper in-text citations are required; a works cited page is not required if you are using the assigned, provided editions of the texts.If you are using another edition of any of the primary sources, a works cited page is required.
  • Citing/quoting/using any secondary sources, a works cited page is required.
  • The essay will be submitted to the instructor via Blackboard and returned to the student with comments.The student will then revise the essay submitting both the draft and the revised final later in the semester.Any changes made in the revision process for the final draft in the portfolio should be indicated by either highlighting or bolding the revisions.
  • For any assignment over the course of the semester, I will be happy to work with you on any step of your writing process.If you wish to work with me, I advise you to set up an appointment with me so that I may reserve for you a block of time.It is up to you to take responsibility for your writing and learning, and I strongly encourage you to conference with me.







  • Located on Blackboard is William Blake’s poem “The Land of Dreams” from his Pickering Manuscript.Based on evidence from the poem, should the poem be classified a Song of Innocence or a Song of Experience?Your thesis should attempt to answer this question.
  • Located on Blackboard are “The Chimney Sweeper” poems by William Blake. One is a poem of innocence and one is a poem of experience.In a detailed essay, compare the two poems.
  • Located on Blackboard are several poems:



Discussion may include imagery, tone, symbols, theme, irony or other poetic devices discussed in class to answer this question.




Your interpretation and thesis should focus on answering the questions: what makes one a poem of innocence and the other a poem of experience?What is the poet using innocence/experience to say?



Discussion may include imagery, tone, symbols, theme, irony or other poetic devices to answer these questions.



William Blake’s “A Poison Tree,” Songs of Experience


Lord Byron’s “When We Two Parted”


Edgar Allan Poe’s “Annabel Lee”


Robert Frost’s “Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening”


Sappho’s “He is More than a Hero”


W.B. Yeats’ “No Second Troy”


Dylan Thomas’ “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night”


Matthew Arnold’s “Dover Beach”


Wallace Stevens’ “The Poems of our Climate”


Edna St. Vincent Millay’s “I, being born a woman and distressed”


Czeslaw Milosz’s “Orpheus and Eurydice”


Igor Oro’s “Maybe”


Clint Smith’s “The Danger of Silence”


Dexter Tortoriello’s “Brief Encounter”



Choosing one of these poems (you may also choose to do this with the Blake poems of options 1 and 2), interpret the poem.



You may interpret the poem in whatever way you best see fit, but your essay must have a thesis: a statement that provides a unique argument/interpretation about the poem and a focus as to how you will argue this interpretation.Avoid summarizing the poem.



If you are struggling with an interpretation, consider: while discussing the definition of literature, we discussed how literature should express a universal human truth or emotion.What universal human truth or emotion does the poem express?Interpret the poem in terms of this.



Please note: this means more than simply indicating what universal human truth or emotion is being expressed; you should also include a discussion/interpretation as to why this is an important theme in the work and what the poet is expressing/saying about this truth/emotion.



This question is rather loose, so remember, your essay should incorporate a thesis (unique interpretation and focus), relevant discussion, specific examples/scenes/quotations, and should also use the literary devices discussed in class to support your claims; discussion could include imagery, tone, symbols, characters, representation, theme, irony or other poetic devices.



EDU 621 Grand Canyon University Measuring Instrument of Scientific Reasoning Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I did the writing assignment but I received a 90% similarity rate on the assignment. My professor is not going to take it. The article I used its on the document I turned in as well. I need you to go and make some edits and revisions so that I can resubmit the assignment but 11:59 P.M. (CENTRAL). It should be in APA format 7th edition.

Writing Assignment:

  • Select and critique one peer-reviewed article from a professional journal (no older than six years) related to assessment, assessment instruments, ethics, or test development which includes a statistical analysis. Follow APA 7th edition format when writing your review. Attach a hard copy of the full text article with your paper with this assignment. See the scoring guide in Appendix B for full details.
  • Requirements: When addressing the questions asked in the scoring guide, cite evidence from your article as support for your statements. For example, when addressing the question “Were data qualitative or quantitative?” a simple statement that the data were quantitative is not sufficient to receive the score point. How do you know the data were quantitative? What evidence from the article lets you know the data were quantitative? Reference specific sections, tables, paragraphs, etc., from the article as support for your statement. (It is possible to answer each question in the scoring guide within one or two well-constructed sentences. Each subsection in part B can be answered within one or two paragraphs.)


NSU Nurse to Patient Ratio in The American Healthcare System Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Policy Speech


Welcome everyone for this presentation on the policy brief. In this speech, I am to present a policy brief on the mandatory hospital nurse-to-patient ratio in the American healthcare system. I welcome you to actively participate in this session through contribution and asking questions.


Patient safety and quality care are directly influenced by the nurse-to-patient ratio.

One of the major problems affecting the American healthcare system is the shortage of nurses. This has resulted in an inappropriate nurse-to-patient ratio in many healthcare facilities. At the moment, one registered is providing care to more than 12 patients in one shift. This is opposed to the standards ratio of one nurse to four patients in general medical-surgical units and one nurse to two patients in critical care units and emergency departments. The inappropriate nurse-to-patient ratio has been identified as the leading cause of medication errors and lack of job satisfaction among nurses.


Addressing the problem of the shortage of nurses in America is one of the priority issues for several stakeholders. One way of solving this problem is through policy development and implementation. The role of the policy is to guide care facilities on how to conduct nurse staffing. One such policy is the mandatory hospital registered nurse-to-patient ratio. This policy requires hospitals to have registered nurses to provide care to a maximum number of patients at any given moment or shift. The standard ratio of nurse to patients in America is 1:2 in critical care units and 1:5 in general wards. Hospitals need to adopt and implement these such policies to promote safe and quality care for patients under their care.

Some states such as California have implemented the mandatory hospital registered nurse-to-patient ratio law into practice. This was informed by the dangers associated with a shortage of nurses, and the benefits of an adequate nurse-to-patient ratio in the care facilities. Evidence from previous studies and clinical practice have also supported the need to have an appropriate nurse-to-patient ratio on the safety and quality of care for patients, and the welfare of nurse.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Increasing nurse staffing in hospitals to meet the standard ratios of nurses to patients has both advantages and disadvantage to the stakeholders in the American healthcare system. One of the advantages of implementing the mandatory hospital registered nurse-to-patient ratio is improved patient safety and quality of care due to the elimination of medication errors and other sentinel issues associated with a shortage of nurses. another advantage of this policy is that it is going to improve job satisfaction for nurses by reducing incidences of burnout and exhaustion due to providing care for many patients. one of the disadvantages of having a mandatory nurse-to-patient ratio in American hospitals is the increased cost of care. care organization argue that employing many registered nurses leads to a high cost of care since these nurses need to be paid accordingly. Hence, the burden of paying these nurses will be shifted to the patients through the high costs of healthcare services. Such argument of the increased cost of care due to many nurses is true but this cannot be compared to the impacts and costs associated with sentinel events such as medication errors. Medication errors alone claim about 100,000 lives annually in hospitals and clinics across America. The cost of managing these errors due to the shortage of nurses annually is $21 billion. Hiring many registered nurses is of higher value since it prevents premature deaths and disabilities as well as saving the American economy billions.

Call to Action

Therefore, there is a need for all states and hospitals to adopt policies that would ensure there is adequate nurse staffing characterized by an appropriate registered nurse-to-patient ratio. Nurses need to actively participate in the formulation and implementation of such a policy since it does not only impact patients but also them.


The shortage of nurses is one of the major issues that is ailing the American healthcare system. It has resulted in an inappropriate nurse-to-patient ratio which is the leading cause of medication errors and other sentinel events in American hospitals. One of the best solutions to this problem is the formulation and implementation of policies that would mandate hospitals to have a standard ratio for nurses to patients at any given moment. Hospitals and nurses must take part in the process of policy formulation and implementation since they are the major stakeholders of this issue. This is because the safety of patients is as good as the welfare of nurses and the operations of any care organization in America.


English Glendale Community College Appeal Admission to University Letter Business Finance Assignment Help

I need someone to write a PROFESSIONAL appeal letter to a university i didn’t get accepted because they didn’t receive my transcripts and the last one they have is from last march i need the letter to professionally say that i spoke to someone at transfer admissions and they stated they don’t have updated transcripts and the newest one is from last march and that “Glendale Community College” Where i am going now didnt send out the transcript and it was a mistake and that i have all required classes and the new transcript is being mailed to them to show i met requirements also that i have attached an unofficial transcript until the official ones arrive and that i hope they see this accidental mistake and understand and be able to offer me admission



Patient safety and quality care are directly influenced by the nurse-to-patient ratio.

One of the major problems affecting the American healthcare system is the shortage of nurses. This has resulted in an inappropriate nurse-to-patient ratio in many healthcare facilities. At the moment, one registered is providing care to more than 12 patients in one shift. This is opposed to the standards ratio of one nurse to four patients in general medical-surgical units and one nurse to two patients in critical care units and emergency departments. The inappropriate nurse-to-patient ratio has been identified as the leading cause of medication errors and lack of job satisfaction among nurses.


Addressing the problem of the shortage of nurses in America is one of the priority issues for several stakeholders. One way of solving this problem is through policy development and implementation. The role of the policy is to guide care facilities on how to conduct nurse staffing. One such policy is the mandatory hospital registered nurse-to-patient ratio. This policy requires hospitals to have registered nurses to provide care to a maximum number of patients at any given moment or shift. The standard ratio of nurse to patients in America is 1:2 in critical care units and 1:5 in general wards. Hospitals need to adopt and implement these such policies to promote safe and quality care for patients under their care.

Some states such as California have implemented the mandatory hospital registered nurse-to-patient ratio law into practice. This was informed by the dangers associated with a shortage of nurses, and the benefits of an adequate nurse-to-patient ratio in the care facilities. Evidence from previous studies and clinical practice have also supported the need to have an appropriate nurse-to-patient ratio on the safety and quality of care for patients, and the welfare of nurse.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Increasing nurse staffing in hospitals to meet the standard ratios of nurses to patients has both advantages and disadvantage to the stakeholders in the American healthcare system. One of the advantages of implementing the mandatory hospital registered nurse-to-patient ratio is improved patient safety and quality of care due to the elimination of medication errors and other sentinel issues associated with a shortage of nurses. another advantage of this policy is that it is going to improve job satisfaction for nurses by reducing incidences of burnout and exhaustion due to providing care for many patients. one of the disadvantages of having a mandatory nurse-to-patient ratio in American hospitals is the increased cost of care. care organization argue that employing many registered nurses leads to a high cost of care since these nurses need to be paid accordingly. Hence, the burden of paying these nurses will be shifted to the patients through the high costs of healthcare services. Such argument of the increased cost of care due to many nurses is true but this cannot be compared to the impacts and costs associated with sentinel events such as medication errors. Medication errors alone claim about 100,000 lives annually in hospitals and clinics across America. The cost of managing these errors due to the shortage of nurses annually is $21 billion. Hiring many registered nurses is of higher value since it prevents premature deaths and disabilities as well as saving the American economy billions.

Call to Action

Therefore, there is a need for all states and hospitals to adopt policies that would ensure there is adequate nurse staffing characterized by an appropriate registered nurse-to-patient ratio. Nurses need to actively participate in the formulation and implementation of such a policy since it does not only impact patients but also them.


The shortage of nurses is one of the major issues that is ailing the American healthcare system. It has resulted in an inappropriate nurse-to-patient ratio which is the leading cause of medication errors and other sentinel events in American hospitals. One of the best solutions to this problem is the formulation and implementation of policies that would mandate hospitals to have a standard ratio for nurses to patients at any given moment. Hospitals and nurses must take part in the process of policy formulation and implementation since they are the major stakeholders of this issue. This is because the safety of patients is as good as the welfare of nurses and the operations of any care organization in America.


English Glendale Community College Appeal Admission to University Letter Business Finance Assignment Help

I need someone to write a PROFESSIONAL appeal letter to a university i didn’t get accepted because they didn’t receive my transcripts and the last one they have is from last march i need the letter to professionally say that i spoke to someone at transfer admissions and they stated they don’t have updated transcripts and the newest one is from last march and that “Glendale Community College” Where i am going now didnt send out the transcript and it was a mistake and that i have all required classes and the new transcript is being mailed to them to show i met requirements also that i have attached an unofficial transcript until the official ones arrive and that i hope they see this accidental mistake and understand and be able to offer me admission



Patient safety and quality care are directly influenced by the nurse-to-patient ratio.

One of the major problems affecting the American healthcare system is the shortage of nurses. This has resulted in an inappropriate nurse-to-patient ratio in many healthcare facilities. At the moment, one registered is providing care to more than 12 patients in one shift. This is opposed to the standards ratio of one nurse to four patients in general medical-surgical units and one nurse to two patients in critical care units and emergency departments. The inappropriate nurse-to-patient ratio has been identified as the leading cause of medication errors and lack of job satisfaction among nurses.


Addressing the problem of the shortage of nurses in America is one of the priority issues for several stakeholders. One way of solving this problem is through policy development and implementation. The role of the policy is to guide care facilities on how to conduct nurse staffing. One such policy is the mandatory hospital registered nurse-to-patient ratio. This policy requires hospitals to have registered nurses to provide care to a maximum number of patients at any given moment or shift. The standard ratio of nurse to patients in America is 1:2 in critical care units and 1:5 in general wards. Hospitals need to adopt and implement these such policies to promote safe and quality care for patients under their care.

Some states such as California have implemented the mandatory hospital registered nurse-to-patient ratio law into practice. This was informed by the dangers associated with a shortage of nurses, and the benefits of an adequate nurse-to-patient ratio in the care facilities. Evidence from previous studies and clinical practice have also supported the need to have an appropriate nurse-to-patient ratio on the safety and quality of care for patients, and the welfare of nurse.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Increasing nurse staffing in hospitals to meet the standard ratios of nurses to patients has both advantages and disadvantage to the stakeholders in the American healthcare system. One of the advantages of implementing the mandatory hospital registered nurse-to-patient ratio is improved patient safety and quality of care due to the elimination of medication errors and other sentinel issues associated with a shortage of nurses. another advantage of this policy is that it is going to improve job satisfaction for nurses by reducing incidences of burnout and exhaustion due to providing care for many patients. one of the disadvantages of having a mandatory nurse-to-patient ratio in American hospitals is the increased cost of care. care organization argue that employing many registered nurses leads to a high cost of care since these nurses need to be paid accordingly. Hence, the burden of paying these nurses will be shifted to the patients through the high costs of healthcare services. Such argument of the increased cost of care due to many nurses is true but this cannot be compared to the impacts and costs associated with sentinel events such as medication errors. Medication errors alone claim about 100,000 lives annually in hospitals and clinics across America. The cost of managing these errors due to the shortage of nurses annually is $21 billion. Hiring many registered nurses is of higher value since it prevents premature deaths and disabilities as well as saving the American economy billions.

Call to Action

Therefore, there is a need for all states and hospitals to adopt policies that would ensure there is adequate nurse staffing characterized by an appropriate registered nurse-to-patient ratio. Nurses need to actively participate in the formulation and implementation of such a policy since it does not only impact patients but also them.


The shortage of nurses is one of the major issues that is ailing the American healthcare system. It has resulted in an inappropriate nurse-to-patient ratio which is the leading cause of medication errors and other sentinel events in American hospitals. One of the best solutions to this problem is the formulation and implementation of policies that would mandate hospitals to have a standard ratio for nurses to patients at any given moment. Hospitals and nurses must take part in the process of policy formulation and implementation since they are the major stakeholders of this issue. This is because the safety of patients is as good as the welfare of nurses and the operations of any care organization in America.


English Glendale Community College Appeal Admission to University Letter Business Finance Assignment Help

I need someone to write a PROFESSIONAL appeal letter to a university i didn’t get accepted because they didn’t receive my transcripts and the last one they have is from last march i need the letter to professionally say that i spoke to someone at transfer admissions and they stated they don’t have updated transcripts and the newest one is from last march and that “Glendale Community College” Where i am going now didnt send out the transcript and it was a mistake and that i have all required classes and the new transcript is being mailed to them to show i met requirements also that i have attached an unofficial transcript until the official ones arrive and that i hope they see this accidental mistake and understand and be able to offer me admission



Patient safety and quality care are directly influenced by the nurse-to-patient ratio.

One of the major problems affecting the American healthcare system is the shortage of nurses. This has resulted in an inappropriate nurse-to-patient ratio in many healthcare facilities. At the moment, one registered is providing care to more than 12 patients in one shift. This is opposed to the standards ratio of one nurse to four patients in general medical-surgical units and one nurse to two patients in critical care units and emergency departments. The inappropriate nurse-to-patient ratio has been identified as the leading cause of medication errors and lack of job satisfaction among nurses.


Addressing the problem of the shortage of nurses in America is one of the priority issues for several stakeholders. One way of solving this problem is through policy development and implementation. The role of the policy is to guide care facilities on how to conduct nurse staffing. One such policy is the mandatory hospital registered nurse-to-patient ratio. This policy requires hospitals to have registered nurses to provide care to a maximum number of patients at any given moment or shift. The standard ratio of nurse to patients in America is 1:2 in critical care units and 1:5 in general wards. Hospitals need to adopt and implement these such policies to promote safe and quality care for patients under their care.

Some states such as California have implemented the mandatory hospital registered nurse-to-patient ratio law into practice. This was informed by the dangers associated with a shortage of nurses, and the benefits of an adequate nurse-to-patient ratio in the care facilities. Evidence from previous studies and clinical practice have also supported the need to have an appropriate nurse-to-patient ratio on the safety and quality of care for patients, and the welfare of nurse.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Increasing nurse staffing in hospitals to meet the standard ratios of nurses to patients has both advantages and disadvantage to the stakeholders in the American healthcare system. One of the advantages of implementing the mandatory hospital registered nurse-to-patient ratio is improved patient safety and quality of care due to the elimination of medication errors and other sentinel issues associated with a shortage of nurses. another advantage of this policy is that it is going to improve job satisfaction for nurses by reducing incidences of burnout and exhaustion due to providing care for many patients. one of the disadvantages of having a mandatory nurse-to-patient ratio in American hospitals is the increased cost of care. care organization argue that employing many registered nurses leads to a high cost of care since these nurses need to be paid accordingly. Hence, the burden of paying these nurses will be shifted to the patients through the high costs of healthcare services. Such argument of the increased cost of care due to many nurses is true but this cannot be compared to the impacts and costs associated with sentinel events such as medication errors. Medication errors alone claim about 100,000 lives annually in hospitals and clinics across America. The cost of managing these errors due to the shortage of nurses annually is $21 billion. Hiring many registered nurses is of higher value since it prevents premature deaths and disabilities as well as saving the American economy billions.

Call to Action

Therefore, there is a need for all states and hospitals to adopt policies that would ensure there is adequate nurse staffing characterized by an appropriate registered nurse-to-patient ratio. Nurses need to actively participate in the formulation and implementation of such a policy since it does not only impact patients but also them.


The shortage of nurses is one of the major issues that is ailing the American healthcare system. It has resulted in an inappropriate nurse-to-patient ratio which is the leading cause of medication errors and other sentinel events in American hospitals. One of the best solutions to this problem is the formulation and implementation of policies that would mandate hospitals to have a standard ratio for nurses to patients at any given moment. Hospitals and nurses must take part in the process of policy formulation and implementation since they are the major stakeholders of this issue. This is because the safety of patients is as good as the welfare of nurses and the operations of any care organization in America.


English Glendale Community College Appeal Admission to University Letter Business Finance Assignment Help

I need someone to write a PROFESSIONAL appeal letter to a university i didn’t get accepted because they didn’t receive my transcripts and the last one they have is from last march i need the letter to professionally say that i spoke to someone at transfer admissions and they stated they don’t have updated transcripts and the newest one is from last march and that “Glendale Community College” Where i am going now didnt send out the transcript and it was a mistake and that i have all required classes and the new transcript is being mailed to them to show i met requirements also that i have attached an unofficial transcript until the official ones arrive and that i hope they see this accidental mistake and understand and be able to offer me admission


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