BU An Analysis of How American Popular Film Culture Is Shaping India View Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

BU An Analysis of How American Popular Film Culture Is Shaping India View Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. BU An Analysis of How American Popular Film Culture Is Shaping India View Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

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2 part assignment

part 1 – paper proposal due Monday. attached is the rubric for the assignment and the citing criteria

part 2 – professor has not uploaded the rubric but given us very little detail in the syllabus: Final Paper of approximately 10-12 pages due on the last day of class, December 10. You will also be expected to give a brief presentation (approx. 8 minutes long) of your paper in one of the last few meetings of the semester. (30%) It should also be uploaded to the Assignments section on the course Blackboard site. Due to the wide scope of this course, there will be several areas we will not be able to fully cover in depth. Consider a topic that we may have discussed in class briefly or possibly did not have a chance to cover during formal class time for your paper topic. It should be a topic that stimulates and engages you, but is narrow and focused enough to be covered in a paper of this length.

BU An Analysis of How American Popular Film Culture Is Shaping India View Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENGL 1301 The University of Texas at Dallas Online Classes vs Traditional Essay Writing Assignment Help

It’s about virtual classroom this is an essay where you will be addressing your position (your side) and the opposition (the other side) as to the controversial topic

Imagine that your reading audience to be educated readers who are interested in your topic and what you have to say about it; therefore, make sure your have a formal tone in your paper.

Do not use slang language.

Do not use contractions. Example: Say should not instead of shouldn’t.

Point of View for this essay: Be objective. Do not use “I” in this essay. Do not make this a reaction essay! (Avoid these phrases: I believe, I feel, I think, in my opinion, etc.). You cannot use any form of “you” in this paper. You cannot use the following words: we, me, my, mine, us, or our. You may use they, them, and their.

MLA heading and formatting are required and double spacing

Note: I’m gonna attached you A sample of this essay I need it the same of the sample. and I’m gonna attached the resources to use it in the essay

intro paragraph (with a thesis statement) one body paragraph for your side, and one body paragraph for the other side. Also, make an effort to integrate at least one of your sources , if you are inserting quotes and paraphrases properly per MLA citation rules. Using sources in essays is a requirement for other college courses as well

Use this thesis statement :

Are online classes as beneficial as face-to-face instruction in a traditional classroom?


CIS 450 University of Guam Information Security in a World of Technology Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

  1. The textbook discusses several education methods. Discuss each method with an example of how the method could be used in the organization. Then discuss how you will evaluate the method and learning.
  2. Healthcare continues to be a lucrative target for hackers with weaponized ransomware, misconfigured cloud storage buckets, and phishing emails. Discuss how an organization can protect patients’ information through:
    • Security mechanisms
    • Administrative and Personnel Issues
    • Level of access
    • Handling and Disposal of Confidential Information
  3. You are providing education to staff on phishing and spam emails. Using the different educational methods discussed in Chapter 12:
    • Provide examples of how each method can be used
    • How will the method and learning be evaluated?

Assignment Expectations:

Length: 500 words per essay prompt/section (1500 total for this assignment)

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimal word amount for this assignment. All APA Papers should include an introduction and conclusion.

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims.


Florida State College of Jacksonville Description of Athlete New Day in US Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Background: This assignment is extracted from “Debating the Issues” section of your text and the issues discussed are controversial, subject to different and differing opinions. The authors of your textbook observed that “These questions generate conflict among experts and laypeople alike for two principal reasons: First, even when the facts are not in dispute, they may be interpreted differently. Second, and more difficult to resolve, equally worthwhile values may be in conflict.” Therefore, as you respond, note that there are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers per se to the question(s). It is all about your ability to carefully craft a claim and effectively support it.

Assignment: Read “Athlete’s New Day” by Paul Marx (pages 470-471). Do you find Marx’s argument in favor of paying student athletes convincing? Explain.


HLSS212 AMU Terrorists Biological Weapon and Nuclear Weapons Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Discussion Questions: State your assessment of the findings and postulations tied to biological weapons being “that terrorists are more likely to be able to obtain and use a biological weapon than a nuclear weapon….[and] that the U.S. government needs to move more aggressively to limit the proliferation of biological weapons and reduce the prospect of a bioterror attack,” (World at Risk 2008 xv) based on researched facts. Focus on the Bio portion of this question not the nuclear weapons side.

350+ words

APA format

– cite







HUM 101 CSU Global Campus Critical Thinking and Critical Reasoning Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Option #1: Critical Analysis Essay


Using the concepts learned through the readings and interactive lecture pages, write a critical analysis essay that answers two (and only two) of the following prompts or questions:

  1. Describe the differences among inert information, assumptions, and inferences. Describe an assumption that you have made in the past that had important consequences.
  2. What is the difference between activated ignorance and activated knowledge?
  3. Why does critical thinking demand high levels of intellectual autonomy?
  4. Why are concepts, theories, and ideas central to good critical reasoning?

Your essay should include a brief introduction and a conclusion that sums up your ideas.


  • Cite all claims and ideas using scholarly sources. For this assignment, you may use the first person.
  • Include at least one scholarly source that can be one of the required or recommended reading for this course. Or find a credible source in the CSU Global Library (Links to an external site.).
  • Your paper should be 4-5 pages in length (not including the title page and reference page). Format your paper according to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
  • Include a title and reference page.

You may wish to review the APA Template Paper (Links to an external site.)for help formatting your essay according to the requirements. If you need assistance with your writing style or you need writing tips or tutorials, visit the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Review the grading rubric to see ho

HUM 101 CSU Global Campus Critical Thinking and Critical Reasoning Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGT 404 SEU Operational Management Holographic Organization Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Assignment 3

Marks: 5

Course Learning Outcomes:

  • Demonstrate and analyze the organizational structure and the capability with organization’s strategies. (Lo 1.6)
  • Define the human, structural and strategic dimensions of the organizational development (Lo 3.1)

Assignment Instructions:

  • Login to Saudi Digital Library (SDL).
  • Search for the journal article entitled as ‘Implementing a Holographic Organization Design: The Case of GABO:mi’ by Jacobi, E. (2015) in South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases. 4 (1), 2– 13.
  • Read the research article thoroughly alongside Chapter 12 in your textbook and answer the questions for the assignment.
  • Besides this research paper use other relevant material to support your answers.

Assignment Question(s):

Part 1:

Part 2:


George Mason University Network Intrusion Detection Systems Questions Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

Reading about intrusion detection(CH9 IN VEHANT BOOK) and incident response (CH14 IN HSU BOOK) . For this discussion, assume that you are a cloud security engineer for Target.com. A botnet, primarily using Russian IP addresses, is attempting to brute force your system to gain access to your customer’s credit cards and other PII. For this discussion, please answer the following two questions:

  1. How do you detect this intrusion (what methods were you applying/tools you were using to notice this attempt in the first place); and
  2. How do you respond to/stop the attack?



then response to one of your peers in an earnest attempt to further the discussion.


American University in Cairo The Current State of The US Medical System Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Submit a well-documented Research Essay (following MLA specifications for in-text citations and a

Works Cited list) of approximately 1,500 words on the topic that you have chosen for your Research
Project. Be sure to include at least five related, reliable, and retrievable sources, including your
reference to an interview that you have conducted with a health care professional.
Students are required to interview a health care professional, such as the following: a physician;
medical researcher; bio-ethicist; university-level educator who teaches courses related to health
care, medical policy, or the history of medicine; or an individual who deals with health care policy


San Diego State University Coca Colas Method to Achieve Sustainability Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Web-Based Research (WBR) Paper: Each student will write a brief paper using web-based research on a company
of their choice (i.e., any company with a website [i.e., public, private, for/non-profit]). Requirements and grading
of the WBR are noted below. The WBR Paper is worth 7.5% of the total course grade

 The primary source of your paper should be the company’s own website for the company of your choice.
A “Google search” about the company is not the same – the objective here is for you to review
information that the company shares online to better understand the company’s operations. This
approach might be something you would likely do if you had the opportunity to interview for a job with
that company, in order to better prepare for an interview. Research beyond the company website and
our text is not required, and actually not recommended – this is your opportunity to learn critical skills to
align your school work and learnings with application in the “real world.

 Formatting, grammar, and overall quality (20%): The paper should be one-page, single spaced with 12-
point Times New Roman font with a one-inch margin (papers longer or shorter than one page will be
penalized). The paper must be well written in paragraph format and should be both spell-checked and
clarity-checked. Spelling errors, poorly structured thoughts, and grammar mistakes will be penalized.
Papers submitted in bullet point format will also be penalized.

 Company information (20%): The paper must include the name of the company, description of the
business, primary goods/services, location of headquarters, the internet address and why you selected
this particular company. You should not select a company where you previously or currently work.

 Two (2) Operations Management topics as listed in the course schedule (40%): If only one OM topic is
addressed, the student will be penalized by 20% on the WBR paper score. Some examples of past topics
used are:

 What is the company’s approach to outsourcing and/or offshoring?

 What type of forecasting & scheduling practices does the company use?

 What are the competitive dimensions / strategies that form the competitive position of the

 What type of production and/or service processes does the company utilize?

 How has the company incorporated lean, TPS, and six sigma principles into the culture?

 What are the company’s order qualifier(s) and order winner(s)?

 What is the company’s approach to sustainability?

 Any other topic covered in this course…

 Three (3) Questions (20%): Lastly, you must include three (3) questions that you would ask the CEO if you
had the opportunity to meet with him/her. These (3) questions should be Operations Management
related; like if you were interviewing the CEO for a newspaper or magazine article. Questions you might
ask them would be about international strategies, past scandals, supply chain / sourcing practices, social
responsibility, company culture, etc. Questions need to be more thought provoking than “where do you
see the company in 5 years,” or “what are you most proud of in your career;” they need to be related to
Operations Management issues covered in this course.


BU An Analysis of How American Popular Film Culture Is Shaping India View Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

BU An Analysis of How American Popular Film Culture Is Shaping India View Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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