BU Human Activity Not the Main Cause of Global Warming Discussion Science Assignment Help

BU Human Activity Not the Main Cause of Global Warming Discussion Science Assignment Help. BU Human Activity Not the Main Cause of Global Warming Discussion Science Assignment Help.

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post two or three sentences of summary text and a link to a website that contains an argument disputing the scientific consensus that human activity, specifically the increases emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, is the primary cause of global warming over the past century.

This is one of the few Discussion Boards where you can read other postings before you put up a posting. But please note that the postings are on a first come, first serve basis, and you SHOULD NOT use the same website as anyone who posts before you.

“” i’ll provide the websites that were choosen by other students so you know not to choose those””

BU Human Activity Not the Main Cause of Global Warming Discussion Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UCR Importance of Vegetarian Diet for Body Nutrition Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Have you ever been on a low-carb diet? Did you feel like you had enough energy, or were you tired? When someone is on a low-carb diet, what is missing from his or her diet nutritionally? Would you recommend that someone go on one of these diets? Why or why not? (at least 275 words)

Comment these post (at least 50 words)

1. Yes, I have been on a low-carb diet.When I limited my carb intake I noticed that I was very tired and irritable.I would take naps throughout the day which is abnormal for me.I also found myself increasing my coffee intake to help me stay awake.After reading this chapter, I understand that limiting the amount of carbs that I ate made me tired because my body was not receiving enough energy in the form of glucose to function properly.Since glucose is our body’s main source of energy, by going on a low-carb diet, you are essentially cutting-off your body’s energy supply.Also, by cutting-out carbs you are most likely decreasing your intake of fiber which provides you body with important vitamins (vitamin B), minerals, and phytochemical that promote good health.I would not recommend that someone goes on a low-carb diet.I think it fine and healthy to decide from what foods you obtain the carbohydrates that your body needs, but I don’t think it is healthy to drastically cut the amount of carbohydrates that you are consuming.The DRI minimum intake for carbohydrates is 130 grams per day for your brain to function properly, but our caloric intake should consist of 45% to 65% of carbohydrates.Getting carbohydrates from fruit, vegetables, and whole grains is a healthier options than getting them from processed and refined foods.Apples, carrots, leafy green, oatmeal, and lentils are just a few examples of food that provide healthy carbohydrates.The saying that “carbs are fattening” is just a myth and is not in fact true.Anything in excess can be considered fattening so there is no reason to completely cut carbs.

2. Low carb diet simply means restricting oneself on carbohydrate consumption which is relative to the average diet. I have never been on a low-carb diet. All foods high in carbohydrates are limited and replaced with higher fat, protein and low carbohydrate foods. It is obvious for people on a low carb diet to often feel tired, this is the obvious reason for not including enough carbohydrates in their diet. This is due to an alteration in their blood glucose levels hence the reason for the general feeling of lethargy. Also, the ones who do choose a low-carb diet they may not get enough of certain Vitamins and minerals. Other than Vitamin, there are important nutrients that lack in a low-carb diet. They include Vitamin C, magnesium, iron, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Calcium. In order for your body to function well you might want to consider micronutrients. It is important to note that severe deprivation of carbohydrates which is less than 0.7 grams a day, can lead to a condition called ketosis. Ketosis is when your blood lacks enough glucose for energy, so your body breaks down stored fats leading to the buildup of ketones. Low-carb diet is nutritionally deficient in vitamins such as vitamin E which creates muscle weakness. A low carb diet has a lot of significant health impacts such as weight loss, management of diabetes, metabolic syndromes, cardiovascular diseases as well as blood pressure. Therefore, it is highly recommendable for the people who fall in the mentioned categories. So, I wouldn’t recommend someone to go on these diets. Especially because they’re bad for your heart, which could increase your heart disease or certain cancer may occur.


SPC Design a Structured Interview for This HR Training Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

You are to design a structured interview for this HR Training and development specialist position in Mexico City, Mexico. Define the selection process and format of a structured interview (directive, sequential, or situational) you do not need to include specific interview questions. Recommend a hiring strategy and determine whether it would it more effective to hire local talent or assign an expatriate to this position. Remember to write objectively and avoid using first or second person and to support your recommendations with relevant research.

In order to receive maximum credit your paper must:

    • A separate page Abstract at the beginning of the paper.
    • Include references compliant with the APA format .
    • The paper must be between 450 – 500 words, using double-spaced, Times New Roman font.
    • The paper’s last paragraph will have the heading LESSONS LEARNED in which you will generalize what you have learned from the week’s research and readings.
    • Your research must use a minimum of two outside resources. Do not use the textbook as a source.
    • Include the paper’s total word count at the bottom of the last page. Do not include the cover page or reference page in the word count.


CUNY Lehman College Boomerang Theory Case Study Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a Political Science writing question and need support to help me study.

Click the link and read the case about human rights movements in Chile (Note: don’t read the parts about Guatemala). After reading the report, you’ll have to use the case to describe the boomerang theory. The boomerang theory attempts to show how governments which violate human rights may be subject to internal and external pressures to conform with human rights standards through a five-phase process. In this essay, students must use the boomerang theory to describe the process by which the Chilean government came to conform with human rights standards. The essay should be approximately 500 words



Florida International University Late Adulthood Biosocial Development Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Late Adulthood: Biosocial Development


300 words minimum

In Chapter 23, page 646, the topic of ageism is presented. For this discussion, address the following:

  • Explain why ageism is a self-fulfilling prophecy in Late Adulthood?
  • Give two examples of ageism and discuss the situation in which they happens

REPLY TO Vannessa 200 words

Chapter 23 discusses ageism and how ageism is a self-fulfilling prophecy in late adulthood. Ageism is described in the chapter as a prejudice whereby people ate judged solely on the basis of their chronological age. The suffixism is destructive. The harm of racism and sexism are well-known, and other -isms, notably ableism (the idea that those with disabilities are less worthy), are recognized as limiting human potential. Individual who suffer the sting of ageism may be blindsided and unprepared to counteract the prejudice they experience. Ageism is unrecognized but pervasive in the media, employment, and retirement communities.

Ageism becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that comes true because people believe it. There are three harmful consequences:

*If people of any age treat older people as if they are frail and confused, that treatment might make the aged more dependent om others.

*If people believe that the norms for young adults should apply to everyone, they may try to fix the old. If they fail, they give up.

*If older people themselves think that their age makes them feeble, they stop taking care of themselves and avoid social interaction, and that itself makes them age faster.

Two situations of ageism that I can think of is my grandmother/grandfather and a very good family friend who just recently passed away at the age of 100. My grandmother (maternal) and grandfather (paternal) are well into their 80’s. For as long as I remember, they have always been very independent. My maternal grandmother was also very independent. They cook, clean, drive, and pay their own bills. My grandparents do not let their age determine how they live their lives. They always tell me that until they unable to do for themselves, they will continue to live alone and solve their own problems. Another example of ageism I can think of is my grandmothers best friend who just recently passed. She has always felt that age was nothing more than a number. She dressed, spoke, and carried herself as if she were always 20 years younger than what she really was. Often times, people made it seem like she needed more than the average older person because of her advanced age. She would always remind others that being older did not mean she could not do things for herself. I laugh now, but I remember the times when I have called older women “senora” out of respect and they would quickly say “no me digas senora que me haces sentir vieja” with a smile on their face.

How ageism becomes the self-fulfilling prophecy is easy to see. When a person begins to believe that they are weak, feeble, or need others because of their age, they begin to act that way and eventually become it. Attitude is everything. The way we see the process of aging and the way we act about it plays a huge role in the quality of life we have as we age. Attitudes towards aging may be one reason that longevity varies markedly depending on where a person lives. For example, Japan has the highest life expectancy in the world, perhaps because of cultural practices such as Respect for the Aged Day, when everyone is supposed to heed the wisdom of the aged.

REPLY to Vilma 200 words

Chapter 23 in our book, presents us with the late adulthood stage and the topic of ageism. This chapter just refreshed my memory with the information that every -ism is destructive, such as sexism, racism, ableism etc.… Ageism is the worst of the -isms because first, we feel free to express stereotypes and we even think we are not being hostile because we believe we are expressing true statements about older people when we utter negative stereotypes. The other reason is because most elderly may be blindsided and unprepared for the prejudice they experience, specially if you are were never a member of a stigmatized group. Ageism is a self-fulfilling prophesy because it is a belief that comes true if you believe it will.

One example of situation where I have seen ageism and the self-fulfilling prophesy at work is with my mom. I have heard my mom say comments of “I’m getting old” or “I am too old for that” since she was 35. I passed that age and I wonder why she would do that, because I honestly feel like I am 25 years old. My mom’s comments made her a victim so that all her seven children will cater to her and she would depend on us for everything. My mom is 65 and she has no excuse to this day for not learning the language, she’s been in this country for over half of her life. I feel that she never learned it because she had us around. I remember I was 10 years old and I had to go with her shopping or do groceries and she would take me only to be her translator. Till this day, my mom still waits on one of us siblings to come pay a bill for her, but she can manage Facebook better than anyone of us siblings. Sometimes the letters are written to her in Spanish and we change all the apps in her phone to Spanish, but she still brings all her letters to us to read to her. She is a great example of the harmful consequence the self-fulfilling prophesy of ageism has on her.

The other example is my mother and father in-law. I admire my in-laws for everything they are and do for the entire family. They are very active individuals in their mid-70s, they have 12 grandchildren and they love to be with the family. They both love to cook, and they are always helping me with my kids and the rest of the grandkids. My in-laws make time for everything and I feel they have a great balance. They like to travel, as a couple and love family trips with all 23 members. They love to make dinner or plan a party, for the family once a month. I am truly blessed with them and how active they are and how they stay up to date with what is going on around the world. They take walks almost daily and are both healthy. They are a great example of how attitude affects how you feel about ageism and it does not have to be destructive.

I also want to add what the chapter touches on the topic of life longevity of a person. I believe that those countries that have respect for the elderly are more likely to have a better attitude and helps them live longer because ageism is not considered destructive. I believe that allows a person to age without thinking of it as a negative stereotype but as a person that is wise and can provide advice to the youth.



MGT 321 SEU Nafta as Tomato Wars Internation Trade Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Read the Management Focus on, “NAFTA’s Tomato Wars,” available in your e-book (page no. 620), and answer the following questions:

  • Was the establishment of a minimum floor price for tomatoes consistent with the free trade principles enshrined in the NAFTA agreement?
  • Why, despite the establishment of a minimum floor price, have imports from Mexico grown over the years?
  • Who benefits from the importation of tomatoes grown in Mexico? Who suffers?
  • Do you think that Mexican producers were dumping tomatoes in the United States?
  • Was the Commerce Department right to establish a new minimum floor price rather than scrap the agreement and file an antidumping suit? Who would have benefited from an antidumping suit against Mexican tomato producers? Who would have suffered?
  • What do you think will be the impact of the new higher floor price? Who benefits from the higher floor price? Who suffers?
  • What do you think is the optimal government policy response here? Explain your answer.

MGT 321 SEU Nafta as Tomato Wars Internation Trade Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

DSRT 839 University of Cumberlands Dissertation Course Progression Research form Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a computer science question and need support to help me understand better.

Completion of the dissertation primarily rests upon you, the doctoral student. However, research indicates that self-regulated learning strategies predict the elapsed time along the dissertation journey (Dunn & Rakes, 2015; Kelley & Salisbury-Glennon, 2016). One such strategy is the creation of a timeline. This cyclical process has the learner plan out a task, monitor their performance along major milestones, reflect on their progress, and then use the reflection to adjust the timeline. However, to be effective, this strategy needs to be personalized for each learner’s purpose (Zimmerman, 2002).

Using the attached template as a guide, you are to create such a timeline – a roadmap, if you will, along your dissertation journey. Incorporated within the timeline are major milestones. Build into the timeline goals for each milestone with specific dates. You may also want to include specific contact information as well as possible obstacles that may arise. This will be a tool you will bring to each consultation with your professor/chair. Most importantly, it is to be a useable point of reference along your dissertation journey.


Dunn, K., & Rakes, G. (2015). Exploring online graduate students’ responses to online self-regulation training. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 13(4), 1–21.

Kelley, M., & Salisbury-Glennon, J. (2016). The Role of Self-regulation in Doctoral Students’ Status of All But Dissertation (ABD). Innovative Higher Education, 41(1), 87–100.

Zimmerman, B. J. (2002). Becoming a self-regulated learner: An overview. Theory into Practice, 41(2), 64-70.


PSY 355 GCU Child Adolescence Psychology Brain Based Media Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need support to help me understand better.

Please write a 200- 300 word discussion. If you were a psychologist studying the impact of family relationships on success in school in first through third graders, would you use quantitative or qualitative analysis? Why? In addition, what type of study would you choose (cross-sectional, longitudinal, or sequential study)? What are the challenges to using the type of study you chose? (There are no wrong answers, but make sure that you use support from the textbook to explain your response.)

Martorell, D., Papalia, D. E., & Duskin-Feldman, R. (2014). A child’s world: Infancy through adolescence (13th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.


Harvard University Philosophy Philosophy Concept of God Questions Writing Assignment Help

The following 5 assignments are different and each one should be answered separately:

1st assignment: you need to read Article 1 (in the attachment) then answer the question bellow following the requirements:

In this article Johnson presents the most common explanations given by theists for the presence of evil in the world and then offers his reasons for their inadequacy.

1. What do you understand Johnson to mean by “moral urgency”?

The answer must be at least 5-6 sentences.

Choose one of the following, depending on your belief:

2a. If you believe that God exists and is good, which of Johnson’s arguments create the greatest challenge to your belief that God is good, and why?

2b. If you do not believe that God exists, which of Johnson’s arguments do you find most compelling to support your view, and why?

3. Near the end of the article Johnson offers his “conclusive objection” to the excuses of theists’ for the presence of evil in the world that is allowed by God. What is that objection and do you find it convincing? Why or why not?


2nd Assignment: You need to read the philosophical note below then answer the question on Bold

For the sake of discussion let’s assume that there “is a god.” This god has the qualities that are usually attributed to him/her: all-good, all-loving, all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-forgiving

Since these qualities express the nature of god and are all positive, serving to enhance the well-being of humanity, why would he/she permit evil in the world and do nothing about it (at least on this side of eternity)?

Why does God permit evil?

The answer must be at least 5-6 sentences.


3rd Assignment: You need to read the philosophical note below then answer the question on Bold

There are many in the intellectual world today who argue that philosophy is dead. The argument goes that the questions philosophy has historically asked have been answered, or are being answered, by science and other related academic disciplines.

In your opinion, is philosophy dead? Explain.

The answer must be at least 5-6 sentences.


4th assignment: you need to read Article 1 (in the attachment) then answer the question bellow following the requirements:

Are wars against terror analogous to conventional wars? Why or why not?

The answer should be at least one-half of a page, double-spaced

Statman claims that targeted killing is morally preferable to conventional war. Do you agree? Why or why not

The answer should be at least one-half of a page, double-spaced

total for this assignment should be one page double-spaced


5th Assignment: You need to read the scenario below then answer the question on Bold:

Our sensitivity to other peoples, minorities, etc. continues to expand. We’re less tolerant of rank cruelty than perhaps in the past. For many people this is based on the idea that we have a moral obligation, or if not an obligation, a moral responsibility to respect the rights of others to pursue their interests without interference, judgment or mistreatment. In short, we believe that humans have moral rights.

Do animals have (moral) rights?

If you say yes, why do you believe this and to what extent do (should) these rights extend? Explain.

If you say no, explain why. And since you believe they do not have (moral) rights, do you believe that we have any moral responsibilities to them in terms of how we treat them? Explain.

The answer must be at least 5-6 sentences.



ENGL 030B UCI Story Waking up To Collective Struggle in Workplace English Odets Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Project Details

The climax of “Waiting For Lefty” comes when the workers stop waiting for Lefty Costello and take responsibility for their own struggle. They collectively wake up to the fact that they were depending on a leader when all they need is their own collective power. The play concludes with them standing up for their rights in defiance of the corrupt and murderous system.

Odets hoped that drama had the power to inspire real social change. Some modernists wanted to jolt the reader out of their complacency and “make it new,” while others sought to shift our ways of seeing and knowing in more subtle ways, through experimentation with form or technique. American society was changing, rapidly, and the very foundations of democracy were rattling and trembling.

Has this always been the case? Is this still the case?

I’d like you to respond to “Waiting For Lefty” in a way that is meaningful to you. Here are some options, but you are free to change them to suit you:


  • Write a one- to two-page dialogue inspired by one of scenes from this play, but set in today’s American life (it could be your home or family, or your job, or a fictional setting altogether). Identify the characters for your reader.
  • Compare “Waiting For Lefty” with Olsen’s “I Want You Women Up North to Know” in a one- to two-page essay.
  • Write your own very short story about waking up to collective struggle in the workplace—perhaps your job or the job of someone close to you. Imagine that awakening process.
  • Find, analyze and write a one- to two-page reflection on a piece of literary criticism focused (at least in part) on this play. Cite your source.


  • The reality of the suffering of the working class
  • Unions and collective bargaining versus the corruption of the bosses and big business
  • The cruel machine of capitalism
  • The emergence of self awareness and class consciousness
  • Misunderstanding communism in the 30s
  • Prejudice, xenophobia, and racism as ideological tools
  • The illusion of patriotism


  • Vernacular—working class language
  • Experimental theatre—staging in actual union halls, in the play, the taxi drivers never leave the stage (they sometimes even sat with the audience); the vignettes occur simply with blackouts, and the drivers always remain dimly visible in the background, sometimes even chiming in with other scenes. When I say the play in Burbank a few years back, the play began in the street as the audience approached the theatre. In other words, Odets’ intended to erase the traditional barriers between stage and real life, actors and real people, and action and audience.


BU Human Activity Not the Main Cause of Global Warming Discussion Science Assignment Help

BU Human Activity Not the Main Cause of Global Warming Discussion Science Assignment Help

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