BU345 Herzing University Online Reflective Essay: Key Components of Project Success Business Finance Assignment Help

BU345 Herzing University Online Reflective Essay: Key Components of Project Success Business Finance Assignment Help. BU345 Herzing University Online Reflective Essay: Key Components of Project Success Business Finance Assignment Help.

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In this assignment, you will be composing a reflective essay based on your learnings from the course and experiences managing your project.

Topic: Reflect on the key components that make a project successful. Include factors in planning, implementing and closing. Be sure to discuss documentation, stakeholder updates, and managing expectations.

All assignments should be completed in a Word document using correct APA formatting (Headers, one-inch margins and double spacing, title page and References page, etc.). Please complete the essay in a Microsoft Word document. Essays that are pasted into the Assignments area will not be accepted. The length of your essay response should be no less than 1000 words. Points will be deducted for incorrect grammar, punctuation and spelling errors. All assignments should be uploaded in the Assignment area

BU345 Herzing University Online Reflective Essay: Key Components of Project Success Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ESL223N Grand Canyon University Language Acquisition Factors Essay Writing Assignment Help

Language Acquisition Factors

Each scenario in the “Language Acquisition Factors: Scenarios I and II” includes at least three factors that affect the students’ language acquisition. Think of the language factors present for each student. Choose one scenario, and answer the following questions in a 500‐word essay:

  • Identify what you see as a positive or negative force in their English language acquisition abilities.
  • How might any of these factors also affect the rate of language acquisition?
  • What other contributing factors can you identify as an obstacle or asset to your selected case study acquiring English proficiency skills?

GCU Style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.


C Programming Applications Project Programming Assignment Help

C Programming Applications
Project 1

A botanist employs a recording device to help catalog measurements while out in the field. While the
device can store individual measurements, for example, heights of Black Cherry trees, the botanist needs
a quick way to generate histograms of the measurements on the device. A histogram is a graphical
representation showing a visual impression of a distribution of data. A histogram consists of tabular
frequencies, shown as adjacent rectangles, erected over discrete intervals (bins), with an area equal to the
frequency of the observations in the interval. An example of a histogram for the height of 31 black berry
trees is displayed in the figure below. You can find more information about histograms at
www.mathsisfun.com/data/histograms.html or on Wikipedia.

Write an application that will allow the botanist to enter a series of measurements and then display a 5-
bin histogram of those measurements. It is recommended that you complete this project in phases.

Phase 1: Get Measurements (Data)

Begin by asking the user to enter the range for the expected measurements. For the example of the
heights of Black Cherry trees, the minimum and maximum of the range of measurements is 60 and 90
respectively. This information will be used to determine the range (size) of each bin for the histogram.
Make sure you perform input validation:

  1. Minimum of the range can’t be greater than or equal to the maximum of the range
  2. The difference between the maximum and minimum value of the range should be more than 5

If any of these two criteria is not met, the user is asked to try again.

Data can be entered in batches to save time. Ask the user for the number of measurements available for
the current batch. Once again, perform input validation: the number of measurements per batch must be
at least 1. Next ask the user to enter input measurements, and then repeat for the number of measurements
in the batch. Input validation must be performed on each measurement: the measurement must fall in the
range between the expected minimum and maximum. After a batch of measurements have been recorded,
ask if another batch of measurements will be entered. Since we are not storing all the data values in arrays
yet, for the time being you can simply discard each measurement after its been read. Hint: remember to
clear the input buffer after every input.

Phase 2: Implement Histogram Bins

After the user enters each measurement, you need to make a decision of which bin that measurement
belongs to. Based on the expected minimum and maximum value, figure out how large each bin will
have to be and then increment the bin counts as measurements are read.

Phase 3: Display Histogram Plot

The y axis of the histogram plot should include only even numbers. The x axis should be defined by the
expected minimum and maximum values for the range. Finally use ASCII characters to display the
vertical and horizontal lines for the graph (and the boxes for the histogram bars). When complete, your
sample data should be displayed as follows:

Once you are able to get the appropriate graph, uncomment out your previous code so the entire program
works as displayed in the video on Black Board.

Extra Credit (+50 Pts):

  1. Create a border around the graph and add a graph title (see figure below)
  2. Graph bars should be 4 characters thick
  3. Graph should take up most of the screen and the y axis should be normalized (between 0 and 1)


Your program should create and make use of the following functions:

  • GetNumMeasurements() – Returns the validated number of measurements for a batch
  • GetMeasurement – Returns a single validated measurement from the user
  • UpdateBin – Returns the updated value for a given bin based on a measurement (this function
    should be called 5 times, once for each bin)
    The use of global variables are not allowed!

  1. Proper use of functions and input validation (20 pts)
  2. Read data in batches – Phase 1 (30 pts)
  3. Correctly place data into histogram bins – Phase 2 (20 pts)
  4. Correctly produce a histogram graph – Phase 3 (30 pts)
  5. Create border around the graph and add title (+10 pts)
  6. Make sure graph bars are 4 characters in width (+10 pts)
  7. Graph takes up the whole screen and is normalized (+30 pts)


Psychology GCU Cardiovascular Disease and Health Condition Analysis Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Each team member should address the following for his or her specific assigned health condition in this order, identifying your answers with the corresponding number below:

Health condition: Cardiovascular Disease

  1. Does tobacco use play a role in causing your assigned health condition or making it worse? How is this the case?
  2. Is sexual behavior a health compromising behavior for your health condition? For example, does it cause the illness or illness risk? If yes, discuss sexual behavior as a cause of the condition or as a contributor to morbidity and mortality for your assigned health condition.
  3. How does your assigned health condition impact a healthy sexual relationship (if at all)? What are the consequences of this impact, if it does occur? Are there effective treatments/therapies that may help with this problem?
  4. How do these behaviors relate to stress among patients, if at all? What of the other factors you learned about in Modules 1(Stress, Coping, Intra and Interpersonal Factors, and Health) and 2 ( Social Factors and Health) may be playing a role in maintaining these unhealthy behaviors in patients?
  5. Be sure to include references and examples from the articles you found.


ESL223N GCU Cultural Diversity and Classroom Learning Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

  • Cultural Diversity and Classroom Learning

    Use resources from the required readings or the GCU Library to create a 10‐15 slide digital presentation to be shown to your colleagues informing them of specific cultural norms and sociocultural influences affecting student learning at your school.

    Choose a culture to research. State the country or countries of origin of your chosen culture and your reason for selecting it.

    Include sociocultural influences on learning such as:

    • Religion
    • Dress
    • Cultural Norms
    • Food
    • Socialization
    • Gender Differences
    • Home Discipline
    • Education
    • Native Language

    Include presenter’s notes, a title slide, in‐text citations, and a reference slide that contains three to five sources from the required readings or the GCU library



    GSJ201 Full Pepsi Commercial Starring Kendal Jenner Video Analysis Essay Humanities Assignment Help

    I need an expert writer with excellent English skills. Kindly follow all instructions keenly and carefully

    Attached are links and all instructions. The paper should be 8 to 9 pages in total. 2 pages for each short answer, 4 to 5 pages for long answer.

    This assignment is worth a lot of marks. So please do a very nice job and make sure all sites are cited correctly. And if you have any questions about the short and long answers i will be here to answer them since we have to be on the same page.

    For the first short answer you have to compare the clip , and choose a clip of your own. Try putting your own thoughts into the paper as well for both short and long answers.

    I need top notch work. no plagiarism no grammar errors. Quality and excellent English is key

    Clip for Short answer 1.:



    Short answer 2: link for Angela Mcrobbie reading:


    GSJ201 Full Pepsi Commercial Starring Kendal Jenner Video Analysis Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Los Angeles Pierce College Musical Film Theatre Report Humanities Assignment Help



    ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS – using this format – (identify all headings and sub headings)

    a. Event Synopsis and Theme

    1. Synopsis: Give a brief synopsis of the story. What was it about?

    2. Is the film or play based upon a true story or is it fictional?

    3. Theme: What message is the writer trying to communicate to the audience or viewer?

    b. Presentation Style : (Provide examples for all your statements/observations)

    1. Did the performers utilize any special presentation style? (Representational or Presentational)

    2. Did any of the performers stand out? Why? Give examples.

    3. Were the performances believable and honest? Why? Provide an example.

    c. Directorial Concept : ( Provide examples for all your statements/observations)

    1. What was the Director’s point of view in presenting this event?

    2. What was the promise of this production? Was it fulfilled?

    3. What would you have done to improve the event?

    d. Use of Lighting: (Provide examples for all your statements/observations)

    1. How was the lighting used within the film or play? (General or specific)

    2. What if anything was unusual about the utilization of light or environment?

    3. Any special use of color?

    e. Overall Event Design: ( Provide examples for all your statements/observations)

    1. Was it the best format (play or film) to convey the story or idea? Why?

    2. What influence did special effects, music, make up, staging/scenery, costumes, have on the general feeling of the work?

    3 What influence did the facility, geographic neighborhood, parking; event staffs have on the General feeling of what you experienced?

    f . Most Memorable Moment (Provide examples for all your statements/observations)

    1. What moment of the event impressed you the most?

    2. Which specific elements were responsible for this affecting moment? (Be specific)

    3. How did you or the audience express its approval/disapproval of this aspect?

    g. Audience/Personal Response: ( Provide examples for all statements/observations)

    1. Did the event or work of art hold your or the audience’s attention throughout?

    2. What type of audience was the event or work of art geared t o appeal to?

    3. Would you recommend the event? To whom and why?


    Ashford University The Electoral College and Presidential Leadership Paper Writing Assignment Help

    Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion question, read Chapters 5 and 6 in American Government and review Week 3 Instructor Guidance. In addition, read What Are the Arguments Made in Favor—and Against—the Electoral College? (Links to an external site.), Stop Blaming the Electoral College (Links to an external site.), and “Swing States, the Winner-Take-All Electoral College, and Fiscal Federalism.”

    Reflect: As the textbook author asserts, the framers intentionally designed a process for selecting presidents that would minimize the president’s political power—the Electoral College. They hoped this institution would insulate the chief executive from the public, because they feared the power of presidents who might be elected by the people. However, the Electoral College has also spawned a long ongoing debate about whether it should be abandoned in favor of new methods, which would ensure that the candidate elected has the most popular votes. The controversy over the Electoral College must be understood to understand better how and why U.S. presidents are elected. Only five times in United States history has the candidate who won the popular vote lost the Electoral College vote. However, this has happened twice in the last 16 years—in the 2000 Bush/Gore election and again in the 2016 Trump/Clinton election.

    Write: For this discussion,

    • Describe how the Electoral College works, select a presidential election from U.S. history, and discuss the results of the Compare the Electoral College results with the popular vote.
    • Explain your position regarding the Electoral College and whether you are for or against the Electoral College as it is currently. Be sure to elaborate and explain your rationale for your position.

    Your post must be at least 300 words. If you are citing statistics our outside resources, please list the website or the reference entry.

    10 days ago


    Southern New Hampshire Importance of Research Patterns Paper Law Assignment Help

    For this assignment, identify patterns in your research, discuss the importance of using the scientific method in research, and consider the future direction of research on your topic.

    a. What patterns did you identify in the research, and what conclusions could you form about your research question based on these patterns? Ensure that you use both qualitative and quantitative studies when identifying patterns. What conclusions might you make about your research question based on these patterns?

    b. How did you use the scientific method to ensure you conducted your research ethically? Provide specific examples. For example, how did you use the scientific method to ensure that you did not project your own assumptions on the empirical evidence?

    c. In what ways would you approach this research differently in the future? How could you expand on this research to consider new developments?


    Grand Canyon University Week 7 & 8 Psychology Paper Humanities Assignment Help

    To prepare:

    • Re-read the Week 7 and Week 8 Discussion contributions posted by you and your group members. (i will be posting an extra file)
    • Note similarities and differences in what you and others found for
      the factors studied both weeks in this module. Why are there
      differences? Why are there similarities? Are they explained by the
      characteristics of each health condition? What other factors may have
      played a role? Draw conclusions from what you’ve read in the Discussions
      and, also, include your own thoughts on what may explain your
    • Organize your findings by factors (culture, social determinants).
      Use subtitles to help you stay focused and help your Instructor grade
    • Compare and connect is a higher-order critical thinking skill. If indicated by your Instructor, re-review the Learning Resource, titledWriting a Paper: Comparing and Contrasting,” before you begin your Assignment.

    By Day 7

    At the end of the module (Week 8), write a brief, focused paper or create a well-organized table in which you:

    • Compare and contrast your findings for your assigned health
      condition with that of others in your team, based on your collective
      findings in the group Discussions.
    • Include in your comparison whether the health behaviors you studied
      caused or contributed to the development of the health condition—also
      whether the health behaviors might be effective treatments for the
      health condition.
    • Draw conclusions regarding reasons for similarities and differences among the health conditions.
    • Cite your assigned readings for the class, so far, as well as the readings you located to support your statements.

    You can prepare this Assignment in essay format
    (with subtitles for each factor you are comparing) or in table format.
    Either way, include a cover page (no abstract) and try to stay within
    2–3 pages in length of text, plus cover and Reference pages. You are
    welcome to create your own graphs and figures if these facilitate your
    understanding and ability to organize the material.


    BU345 Herzing University Online Reflective Essay: Key Components of Project Success Business Finance Assignment Help

    BU345 Herzing University Online Reflective Essay: Key Components of Project Success Business Finance Assignment Help

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