Build a hangman game in Python Programming Assignment Help

Build a hangman game in Python Programming Assignment Help. Build a hangman game in Python Programming Assignment Help.

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  • The game should choose a random word or phrase from a collection of words.
  • On the first turn, show the user how many letters are in that word.
  • Allow the user to guess a letter.
  • If the user gets a letter that is in the answer, reveal the location(s) of that letter in the chosen word.
  • If the user gets a letter wrong, then they should have a body part of the hangman added.
    • You can do this using ASCII Art.
  • Ask the user for a new letter until either
    • the word is guessed correctly.
    • the user has drawn the entire body.
  • You should have at least 20 words in the dictionary.
  • User experience (15 points): Does your program tell the user how to play the game? Does the game take in user(s) input in some fashion? Does the game let the user(s) know their status as they progress through the game? Does it tell the user(s) when they’ve won a game?
  • Completeness (20 points): Is it possible to play a complete game from start to finish without running into errors? Can the game be replayed without restarting your program?
  • Technical Challenge (15 points): Your game should include at least two useful loops, two functions and should practice common. Does your code contain clean coding practices and passing a linter program like pylint?
  • Extra features (up to 30 points) Each of the following features in your game will grant you an extra 10 points on this assignment.
    • A leaderboard
      • The leaderboard should be saved across multiple uses of your game. The leaderboard may contain the player name’s with the most wins, or the player with the fastest wins (measured in turns or time, your choice). You should save your leaderboard to a file so that it can be used across multiple runs of your program
    • Practice Object-Oriented Programming
      • Add classes to separate what different components of your game should do. Write methods that make sense for your class. If you want to challenge yourself, try to make none of your methods longer than 10 lines to practice refactoring.
    • An Artificial Intelligence opponent
      • An AI opponent to play the game against. The AI should be somewhat competent at playing the game and should be able to play regardless of the game’s circumstances.
      • The user running the program should be able to choose to play against an AI or a human at the beginning.
    • Graphics (using pygame)
      • Use the pygame module to create graphics for your game!

Build a hangman game in Python Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Week 4 Enviromental Health Medical Assignment Help

A pay-as-you-throw (PAYT) program is a more equitable way to pay for collection and disposal of municipal solid waste.

Under a PAYT program, each house is charged for the waste they generate, rather than paying a flat fee. If a household throws away less trash, they pay less. Currently, there are over 7,000 communities that have implemented PAYT programs. Learn more about PAYT programs from the EPA website and, assuming that your city does not currently employ a PAYT program, develop a pamphlet, brochure, infographic, or poster of a PAYT program for your city that you could distribute to the community. You do not have to use your current city. You can select any city of your choice without a PAYT program.

In this pamphlet, brochure, infographic, or poster:

1. Outline the following important criteria for your PAYT program:

  1. Container options (e.g., bags, stickers, containers)
  2. Enforcement options
  3. Pricing system
  4. Ways to incorporate apartment/multifamily housing
  5. Ways to incentivize recycling
  6. Ways to consider/manage special populations (e.g., elderly, lower socioeconomic class)
  7. Outreach/education program
  8. And, discuss whether you will support this PAYT program in your community

2. Cite your sources using APA formatting.
3. Be creative with how you will visually present your pamphlet. You can use Word or another software platform to create your assignment.

Websites with free software for building brochures:

Canva: Free online brochure maker

My Creative Shop: You can try a free account

Vengage: Free infographic maker

Lucidpress: You can try a free account

Note: WCU is not responsible for these websites. You do not have to use any of them; this is a list to provide other options. You can be creative!

Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time)
Points: 100


Write a book analysis on the book, The Elegant Universe​ by Brian Greene. Science Assignment Help


❏ 12-point Times New Roman font

❏ Title page with just the title of your paper in 16-point font bold with your name below in
12-point font italics centered in the middle of your page.

❏ Double-spaced.

❏ Minimum 1,000 words.

❏ Stapled on the top left corner.
Key Elements: All of these elements should be easily found in your analysis.

❏ Who is the author and what is his/her general background? Why might they have written
this book?

❏ An explanation of the author’s thesis: What is the focus of this book? What was he trying
to say?

❏ What struck you or stood out in this book and why? Be as reflective and thoughtful as
you can. This is the soul of the paper.
❏ How does this book change/challenge the way you look at or think about some previously
held belief about the world? If it did not change or challenge anything for you, then
carefully explain why.


1. Choose, describe, and justify your implementation plan for the application you’ve proposed. 2. Create a maintenance plan which describes how each of the different types of maintenance will be handled after your application is deployed. Writing Assignment Help

Part I

Choose, describe, and justify your implementation plan for the application you’ve proposed( the plan is CVS Self-Check-out). In your plan be sure to include at a minimum:

  • How you will conduct training for each stakeholder group and who will perform the training
  • which system changeover method will be used
    • Include a justification for your chosen method which highlights its advantages over each of the others

Part II

Create a maintenance plan which describes how each of the different types of maintenance will be handled after your application is deployed. Be sure to include who will be providing the maintenance.


Examine key concepts of leadership in your place of work Writing Assignment Help

For the final paper, you will examine key concepts of leadership in your place of work, or in a social organization to which you may belong that has leadership concepts (Rotary club, athletic team, scout leader, etc). Include the following in your paper:

  1. Apply one of the leadership theories from the course text to the organization. Explain how the theory works and include an example.
  2. Explain the effect of power and influence that leaders have on followers in the organization. Are the followers receptive? Would you recommend another strategy? Explain your reasoning. If not, why not?
  3. Evaluate the role and effectiveness of transformational and transactional leadership in the organization. Support your (claims, points?) with examples (from?).
  4. Assess the traits and characteristics of an effective team leader within the organization.
  5. Explain how the leadership supports vision, mission, and strategy in the organization.
  6. If you were the leader in the organization, what would you change and why?

Writing the Final Paper

The Final Paper:

  1. Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a title page
  3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
  6. Must use at least three scholarly sources (other than the text), including a minimum of one from the Ashford Online Library.
  7. Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  8. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment



Second post-I need to write code on visual studio code in angular framework with javascript language to detect dates type when i take a screenshot via phone. Programming Assignment Help

Visual studio code – angular framework – javascript. ( mobile application to detects dates types)

I want mobile application for detect dates fruit types. my dataset is ready and I did the retrain model on python. the only thing i need is to write code on visual studio code in angular framework with javascript language to detect dates type when i take a screenshot via phone.

Let me explain to you. I have a project and I want a detection code for my dataset. I finished to make a retrain on python. and i want a detection code for javascript to do a mobile application.
OK. Let me tell you. my concept is I want a mobile app to detect the date fruit name that you took by picture since we know there are many types of dates. I have dataset for (dates fruits) it is contains 1350 images. i did the retrain model in python. and i want to use angular framework ( to be able to use the app in web and android and IOS) with javascript code to write the code.

so the only thing that i need is ( detection code for javascript to detect the images of dates ). i only have 15 types of dates. did you understand my concept? if you did i will write it in professional way and make a request to you. but first thing i want to explain to you what i want.

i will use the camera of the mobile. if you want to do it only for android if it is easier i don’t have problem. and I will send to you the python part (Attached).

My dataset is very clear and i divided the types in different files. So, you need visual studio code to run angular and javascript

I want mobile application for detecting dates fruit types. my dataset is ready and I did the retrain model on python. the only thing I need is to write code on visual studio code in angular framework with javascript language to detect dates type when I take a screenshot via phone.

Second post-I need to write code on visual studio code in angular framework with javascript language to detect dates type when i take a screenshot via phone. Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Harvard Case Study Project. Business Finance Assignment Help

This paper is to be typed in APA formatting and must be 10 pages in content excluding the title page and the reference page. The paper should have the following headings in APA style format: Introduction, Question 1, Question 2, Question 3, Question 4, Question 5, Question 6, Question 7, Question 8, Question 9, Conclusion. References should be on a separate page. The text book and the case must be cited where they are paraphrased or quoted and you are required to use at least two other sources other than the text and the case. USE A FORMAL THIRD PERSON WRITING STYLE (no first or second person pronouns and no contractions).

The questions that you need to answer and to submit as an APA formatted document are as follows:

1.)Who should evaluate employees’ performance?

2.)What should leaders do when (individual, team, organization) performance is lacking?

3.)Should the new performance review system at Vitality Health be revised?

4.)What changes should be made to the new performance management system? What type of performance evaluation should be used?

5.)How should the changes be implemented?

6.)Carefully consider the consequences of your recommendations and explain them.

7.)Is the revised performance management system better than the system it replaced?

8.)In what ways? In what ways is it worse?

9.)How important is the relative nature of the new performance management system?

Create your own performance appraisal form based on one, or a hybrid of more than one, from the textbook for this class, such that the appraisal would work best for Vitality Health.

Article Link:

book attached.



PLEASE APA format and need references must Engineering Assignment Help

Last week we discussed “seven hats” so why are we discussing “eight hats” this week. As our concepts and theories evolve, we adapt our assessments to fit the new model. Kirk’s (2012) “eight hats of data visualization design” was influenced by Edward de Bono’s six thinking hats. However, last week we discussed “seven hats.” What changed from Kirk’s 2012 book to his 2016 book? This week we will discuss the similarities and differences of Kirk’s (2012, 2016) hats. (Chapter 2 of the ebook is in the online course room)


Kirk, A. (2012). Data Visualization: A Successful Design Process. Birmingham: Packt Publishing. pg: 45-51.

Kirk, A. (2016). Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design (p. 50). SAGE Publications


Multiple Assignments Writing Assignment Help

Public Administration

Unit 2 Discussion Board

Corruption in the public sector always brings about the outcry of the public to question how organizational members can be trusted.

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

  • How does corruption come about within an organization? Explain in detail.
  • What conditions must exist, or what factors allow corruption to seep into public organizations? Explain in detail.
  • What forms do you think corruption can take within a public organization? Explain in detail.
  • How do you think corruption in public organizations most significantly affects the community? Explain in detail.
  • What are the most effective measures for eliminating and preventing corruption within public organizations? Explain in detail.

Unit 2 Individual Project

You have been solicited to conduct a performance evaluation for a public organization that has been corrupted over issues of personnel embezzling funds. Before actually conducting the evaluation, you—the evaluator—need to know certain specifics to conduct a thorough evaluation.

Compose a proposal that describes what type of evaluation will be conducted. In the proposal, explain the type of public organization. Describe some of the main services, products, and activities the organization provides to the public. Describe the size of the problem, who is affected by the problem, how long the problem has been in existence, and how long the evaluation will take. Also, describe what the evaluation will assess with respect to organizational leadership. Finally, what outcomes do you propose the evaluation will help to achieve for the organization?

Assignment Guidelines

  • Address the following in 750–1,000 words:
    • Create, describe, and explain the type of fictional public organization.
    • Describe some of the main services, products, and activities the organization provides to the public.
      • You may not use the same fictional organization as was used in the previous Week’s Individual Project.
    • How significant is the corruption problem in your organization? Explain in detail.
    • How long has the corruption problem been present in your organization? Explain in detail.
    • How long will it take to conduct the performance evaluation? Explain why.
    • What will the evaluation assess with regard to the organizational leadership? Explain in detail.
    • What outcomes do you propose the evaluation will help to achieve for the organization? Why?
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Unit 3 Discussion Board

Within public organizations, there are various types of budgets that can be utilized.

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

  • Select one of the following budget types that appeals to you:
    • Line-item
    • Program/performance
    • Planning-programming-budgeting
    • Budgeting-by-objectives
    • Zero-based budgeting
    • Target-based budgeting
    • Budgeting for results
  • Provide an example of an organization that uses your selected budget type, and describe the organization.
  • Why does the selected budget type appeal to you? Explain in detail.
  • In your opinion, what strengths and weaknesses does your selected budget type contain? Explain in detail.

Unit 3 Individual Project

Concern among the public sector is the demand for public organizations to be transparent about their budgets and spending habits. You have been scheduled to conduct a presentation for the State Budgeting Committee about the type of budget that the organization operates under. Identify the type of public organization for which you work, as well as what types of services, goods, or activities the organization provides to the public. Identify the size and scope of the organization.

Construct a budget using Excel that will provide a breakdown of the various budget items. Copy and paste the Excel spreadsheet of your budget into a Word document. Finally, explain how the budget is made available to the public for review. For example, is the budget made available at public meetings, on a special request, published in a newsletter, on the organization’s premises during regular business hours, via the organization’s Web site, or by some other means? If the budget is not available for the public to review, explain why. Furthermore, are there any provisions in place regarding the budget being made available for public view? Explain in detail.

Assignment Guidelines

  • Address the following in 750–1,000 words:
    • Identify the type of public organization for which you work, as well as what types of services, goods, or activities the organization provides to the public. Identify the size and scope of the organization.
    • Construct a budget using Excel that will provide a breakdown of the various organizational budget items.
      • Copy and paste the Excel spreadsheet of your budget into a Word document.
    • Is the budget made available to the public for review?
      • If yes, explain how in detail.
      • If no, explain in detail why it is not.
    • Are there any types of provisions in place regarding the budget being made available for public view? Identify and explain.
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Unit 4 Discussion Board

Primary Task Response: Your first task is to post your own Key Assignment Outline to the discussion area so that other students are able to review your plan. Attach your document to the main discussion post, and include any notes you feel are appropriate. The purpose of this assignment is to help improve the quality of the Key Assignment Draft you will complete next week.

Unit 4 Individual Project

You have been appointed to be a part of a special committee that is responsible for devising policy procedures and a budget for the organization’s earthquake preparedness. The last earthquake in 2003 exposed areas of weakness within the organization, regarding the need for emergency equipment and supplies. You and your committee will need to draft a proposal that will address what earthquake emergency equipment and supplies will be required, as well as a budget that will show how much the items and overall expenses will cost to maintain and replace expired items.

The budget needs to include how many staff members will be needed to operate the emergency preparedness department. You should begin your proposal by identifying the population size being served by your public administration organization and by identifying any other factors about the population being served that are relevant to your overall proposal. Examples of other factors could be matters related to geography, the needs of a particular subpopulation, or regional weather patterns.

Secondly, the committee will need to propose an earthquake policy to address the proper protocols if and when an earthquake should occur. The policy needs to stipulate what emergency procedures need to be followed. The policy should include the frequency of earthquake drills by all personnel and who is responsible for stocking the earthquake supplies and maintaining the emergency preparedness budget.

Finally, the committee needs to include a rationale in the proposal for what challenges the organization may face in implementing and maintaining the operations of the emergency earthquake preparedness.

Assignment Guidelines

  • Address the following in your proposal of 1,000–1,250 words:
    • The Budget
      • Must include a breakdown of the various emergency supplies to be used in the event of an earthquake
      • Needs to include how many staff members will be needed to operate the emergency preparedness department
      • You should begin your proposal by identifying the population size being served by your public administration organization.
      • Identify any other factors about the population being served that are relevant to your overall proposal
      • Other factors may include the following:
        • Matters related to geography
        • Needs of a particular subpopulation
        • Regional weather patterns
    • Earthquake Policy
      • This policy needs to stipulate what emergency procedures need to be followed.
      • This policy should include the following:
        • The frequency of earthquake drills by all personnel
        • Responsibilities for stocking the earthquake supplies
        • A plan for maintaining the emergency preparedness budget
    • Identifying Challenges
      • What challenges might the organization face in implementing and maintaining the operations of the emergency earthquake preparedness? Explain in detail.
  • Remember to support all of your arguments with scholarly resources.
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Unit 5 Individual Project

  • Revise and amend your Week 4 Key Assignment by adding what you learned in the post-DB’s following the task, as well as taking into consideration your instructor’s comments.

Finally, the committee will need to propose policies on training and education for earthquake preparedness. Both the organization’s employees and the public will need education and training for the earthquake preparedness plan to be truly effective.

  • Add your responses to the following to your Key Assignment Final Draft:
    • How will the organization address training for employees? Explain in detail.
    • How should the public be trained and educated on earthquake preparedness? Explain in detail.
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

The Laws of Evidence

Unit 2 Discussion Board

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

Technology and its impact on the admission of evidence

Facial recognition software has come a long way in a short period of time, and is believed by many to provide a technological boost to law enforcement’s ability to identify potential suspects. One of the problems law enforcement often faces today is the availability of photo or video images from a crime, but no way to effectively identify an individual shown on the photo or video.

  • For this discussion board, research facial recognition software, its reliability, effectiveness, and admissibility.
  • Share with your classmates what you’ve learned about facial recognition software.
  • In addition to your general discussion on facial recognition software, please answer the following questions:
    • Is there a consensus in the scientific community on the reliability of facial recognition software?
    • Are there any courts that have admitted evidence based on facial recognition software?
    • How have courts traditionally dealt with new technologies and their evidentiary impact on the criminal trial?
    • What, if any, barriers stand in the way of courts using facial recognition software?
    • Do you believe that the admission of evidence based on facial recognition software will ever become commonplace in our criminal justice system? Why or why not?

Unit 2 Individual Project

  • Address the following in 2-3 pages:
    • Identify and describe 5 different types of specific demonstrative evidence.
    • What can demonstrative evidence be used to show? Explain.
    • Define authentication (Rule 901, Federal Rules of Evidence).
    • What types of evidence must be authenticated? Explain why.
    • How is authentication related to relevance? Explain.
    • Thoroughly explain the process of authenticating both real evidence and demonstrative evidence.
      • How are the processes similar? How are they different? Explain.
    • Specifically, how can the following be authenticated? Explain in detail:
      • Pictorial evidence (photographs, X-rays, videos, and automatic devices)
      • Computer printouts
      • Maps, models, diagrams, charts, and summaries
    • What are the different stages in the evidence chain of custody?
      • Why is the chain of custody so important to successful prosecutions? Explain in detail.
  • Use at least 3 scholarly resources to fully support your responses.
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Unit 3 Discussion Board

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

  • Describe and explain the roles of the different types of witnesses, such as the following:
    • Lay witnesses
    • Expert witnesses
    • Law enforcement witnesses
  • How important are witnesses with regard to the prosecution’s case during a trial? Explain.
  • How important are witnesses with regard to the defense’s case during a trial? Explain.
    • How does the role of witnesses used for the prosecution differ from that of witnesses used for the defense? Explain.
  • What qualifications do you think should be necessary for a witness to be considered an expert? Explain.

Unit 3 Individual Project

In this assignment, you will prepare an essay on the hearsay rule and the rationale behind the rule. Explain the 4 main dangers of hearsay, and discuss 2 hearsay exceptions. Include examples.

Assignment Guidelines

  • Address the following in 2-3 pages:
    • What is the hearsay rule? Explain in detail.
      • What major cases were involved in the establishment of the hearsay rule? Summarize.
      • What is the rationale behind the rule? Explain.
    • What issues exist regarding the hearsay rule? Explain.
    • What are the 4 main dangers of hearsay? Explain in detail.
    • What are the hearsay exceptions? Explain.
      • Are there any hearsay exceptions that you disagree with? Why or why not? Explain.
  • Use at least 2 scholarly resources to support your arguments.
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Unit 4 Discussion Board

Primary Task Response: Your first task is to post your own Key Assignment Outline (outline of your response to the Phase 4 IP) to the discussion area so that other students are able to review your plan. Attach your document to the main discussion post, and include any notes you feel are appropriate. The purpose of this assignment is to help improve the quality of the Key Assignment Draft you will complete next week. The Phase 4 IP is the Key Assignment being referred to here.

Unit 4 Individual Project

During trial preparation, you are directed by the Assistant U.S. Attorney (AUSA) to bring the tapes of intercepted conversations involving a prime suspect in your case to her office. You provide the evidence custodian with the necessary paperwork and are waiting for the tapes to be produced. After 20 minutes, the custodian comes back and asks if you are sure you have provided the correct case and exhibit numbers. You verify the numbers and are told the original tapes cannot be found.

You immediately inform your supervisor, who is understandably concerned. You have the paperwork documenting the fact that the tapes were transferred to the custody of the evidence custodian. The other agents in the office are asked whether they have any knowledge of this matter. No one has any idea as to what happened to the original tapes.

You and your supervisor call the AUSA and explain to her what has happened. She is furious and tells you not to be surprised if the judge throws out the entire case. You remind her that she has duplicate copies in her possession and that you have your working copies as well. She says her copies were barely audible, and apparently there was some problem with the recording equipment. You decide to do some research on the best evidence rule.

Assignment Guidelines

  • Address the following in 3-4 pages:
    • What is the best evidence rule? Explain in detail.
      • Why was the best evidence rule implemented into the U.S. court system? Explain.
      • What is the rationale behind its application?
    • Review the following cases with regard to wiretapping:
      • Goldman v. United States
      • Katz v. United States
    • Summarize the current status of wiretapping restrictions according to the reviewed cases above.
    • How must evidence derived from wiretapping be packaged and preserved? Explain.
    • How does wiretapping evidence relate to the “fruit of the poisonous tree” doctrine? Explain.
    • What is the likely outcome of your case in court if the originals are not located? Explain.
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Unit 5 Individual Project

During the past several years, DNA testing has become a powerful and well-accepted tool that serves several purposes.

Your instructor has returned your Week 4 Individual Project Key Assignment with comments and suggestions to improve your overall plan. Additionally, you have had the opportunity to discuss your case and plan with your peers.

Assignment Guidelines

  • Revise and amend your Week 4 Key Assignment by adding what you learned in the Discussion Board posts following the task, as well as taking into consideration your instructor’s comments.
  • Address the following, and add your responses to your Key Assignment final draft:
    • What are the purposes of DNA testing? Explain in detail.
      • Provide examples where necessary.
    • What is law enforcement’s role in making DNA testing possible today when it was not possible 15–20 years ago? Explain.
      • Provide examples when necessary.
      • Discuss how the best evidence rule can come into play when dealing with DNA evidence.
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.


EDUC/521: Classroom Management For Educators – Classroom Diversity Visual Organizer Humanities Assignment Help

Classroom Diversity Visual Organizer

Create a visual organizer that identifies 5 methods or strategies you will use to address diversity issues in your classroom.

Include the following for each method/strategy in your visual organizer:

  • Rationale for the inclusion of the method/strategy based on research
  • At least 2 examples of how that method/strategy may be implemented
  • How the method/strategy will support a positive classroom environment

Some clarifying Q’s&A’s

1) What is a visual organizer? A visual organizer is a diagram, chart, graphic organizer that makes information easy to see. A common online organizing tool is an “infographic” and you can make them easily at

2) When you ask for strategies do you mean what is found on page 47 of our textbook? YES and NO. Obviously I’m not looking for you to regurgitate the textbook to me (this is a graduate level course). I’m looking for real strategies, research-based, that can be used to meet the diverse needs of students.

3) Do we need to do our own research? Well, in order to receive maximum points you need a minimum of FIVE SOURCES ( Citied in APA) In our learning activities there is one chapter to read, about 6 articles, and a couple of videos. You might find all you need there. But I always recommend doing at least some research on your own to develop your own learning of the concepts.

4) How do I submit a visual organizer? Create the organizer in a Word doc or if you use an online tool, embed it in a Word doc. Also if you use an online tool and it has a “share” link, you can post your share link in your Word doc with a cover sheet and a reference page. If you are a fan of Google products you can always share your Google doc or slides with me.

Resources that will be helpful a long with the attachments :

If you have other questions, send them to me! Thank you so much!


If you have other questions, send them to me! Thank you so much!


If you have other questions, send them to me! Thank you so much!


If you have other questions, send them to me! Thank you so much!


Build a hangman game in Python Programming Assignment Help

Build a hangman game in Python Programming Assignment Help

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