Buns Bakery Master Budget Case, evaluate the alternatives in the case by using assumption changes Business Finance Assignment Help. Buns Bakery Master Budget Case, evaluate the alternatives in the case by using assumption changes Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Read the case material and files, Buns Bakery, on budgeting. Then, complete the assignment.
You are a staff accountant at Buns Bakery and have been asked by Nicole to evaluate one of the alternatives suggested (in the case).
Using the information in the Buns Bakery Case and the above Excel file of the Buns Bakery Master Budget, choose one of the alternatives described in Part II of the case. Highlight in the spreadsheet (using comments in the respective cells) on what assumption changes you made with respect to that alternative.
Incorporate those assumptions into the spreadsheet to report the dollar amount of the after-tax operating income for each of the four quarters as well as the total for the year if Buns Bakery adopts that recommendation.
Then, at the bottom of the reported numbers, explain two flaws of the spreadsheet itself and/or the assumptions used in the analysis. (you can review the website information of Roger CPA Review Section BEC 6.01 or similar review material on master budgets to finish the question).
Buns Bakery Master Budget Case, evaluate the alternatives in the case by using assumption changes Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Carefully review and read both case studies found in your textbook from Pages 131-132 and 182-184 Sharda, R., Delen, D., & Turban, E. (2015) Business intelligence and analytics: Systems for decision support (10th ed.). Boston: Pearson. Computer Science Assignment Help
After reading and analyzing both studies, address all case study questions found within the case studies in scholarly detail prepared in a professionally formatted APA paper.
When concluding the paper, expand your analytical and critical thinking skills to develop ideas as a process or operation of steps visually represented in a flow diagram or any other type of created illustration to support your idea which can be used as a proposal to the entity or organization in the cases to correct or improve any case related issues addressed. This is required for both cases.
When developing illustrations to support a process or operation of steps, Microsoft Word has a tool known as “Smart Art” which is ideal for the development of these types of illustrations or diagrams. To get acquainted with this tool, everyone can visit www.youtube.com using a keyword search “Microsoft Word Smart Art Tutorials” to find many video demonstrations in using this tool.
Minimum Paper Expectations
- Page Requirements: The overall paper supporting both cases will include a minimum of “4” pages of written content.
- Research Requirements: The overall paper will be supported with a minimum of “3” academic sources of research and one of the sources can be the textbook.
- Application Technology: Microsoft Word will be used to prepare this paper.
- Professional Format: APA will be used to prepare the professional layout and documentation of research.
- Important Note: Do not fall below minimum page and research requirements
Professional Development Plan Writing Assignment Help
Business 103
Assignment 5 (Professional Development Plan and Presentations)
This assignment is worth 25% of your final grade.
The assignment consists of an individual plan for continued professional skill development and both an informal and a formal presentation. The intent of this assignment is self-awareness, planning, action, and reflection on your professional skills. Your professional development plan should be 5-7 pages, double-spaced, and include at least three sources to support your arguments.
Professional Development Plan
- Introduction
- Industry Skills Requirements
- Individual Development Needs
- Action Plan
- Workplace Values and Career Fit
- Reflection
Discuss why you are interested in pursuing a degree in business (or your chosen field). What major (accounting, finance, information systems and operations management, management, or marketing) are you most interested in and why? What would be your ideal job upon graduation? Try to provide more than just a surface-level discussion—do some serious self-assessment here.
What specific skills are needed for the job or career field of your choice? Your response to this question should be based on research. Plan to utilize databases such as the Occupational Outlook Handbook (http://www.bls.gov/ooh/) and O*NET (https://www.onetonline.org/) and be sure to use APA-style in-text citations to indicate where you got your information. Use at least three different sources for your information.
Choose ONE of the skills that is important in your field and that you feel you need to improve, and answer the following:
- Why have I identified this skill as one I would like to grow in?
- What knowledge/competency do I currently have in this skill area?
- How have I already developed this skill through this course and other opportunities?
- How will this skill contribute to my personal success?
Create a table that shows how you will go about gaining experience and knowledge in this one skill area for each of the following timeframes: by the end of the fall semester, and by the time you graduate. For each time frame:
- List some resources/activities (specific classes both in and out of business, workshops, events, work experiences, online tutorials, readings, etc.) you will use or engage in to advance your skills in this area.
- Tell how these resources/activities will contribute to your skill development.
- Describe how you will assess whether these resources/activities have increased your capabilities.
On the next page is an example of what your Action Plan should look like. Copy the headings on the side and top but put your own bullet points into the gray areas. You should have at least two items in each timeframe.
Resources I will use and/or activities I will engage in (be specific) |
How these will contribute to my development |
How I will assess my learning |
By the end of the fall semester |
By graduation |
Developing skills that make you attractive to organizations is an important aspect of professional development, but knowing how to assess a job or organization to see if it is worth your consideration is also important. For this section take the opportunity to think about your values and determine if a job or organization would be a good “fit” for you based on those values. Complete the workplace values exercise and identify your top five core values. As you complete this section please refer to the required readings on cultural fit posted on Blackboard.
Culture Fit Link : https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/news/hr-magazine/Pages/0209grossman1.aspx
Describe what you have learned from doing this professional development plan and how you will apply this knowledge to be successful in school and in the workplace. Did you accomplish the things you planned to do during this semester? Why or why not? What challenges might arise in the future as you execute your action plan? What is your backup plan? Why is cultural fit important in the job search process? How can organizations ensure they are hiring for cultural fit while also building a diverse workforce?
Be sure to specify where your evidence came from by including in-text citations and an APA-format reference list at the end of your paper.
Submission Instructions
The final assignment is due on 6.19 and should include all 6 sections except section 5 (to be completed in class). The informal presentation of your development plan will take place in class on 6/20 (bring in one hard copy of the development plan). The formal presentation of your cultural fit values and workplace location will take place in class on 6.17-6.19
Evaluation Criteria
- Thoughtful reflection on pursuing a degree in business, including major and potential job choice.
- An understanding of the skills required for success in your intended field.
- Critical thought regarding individual skill development needs.
- A clear action plan that is focused on developing one specific skill.
- Completion of the workplace values exercise and identification of core values.
- Application of findings from workplace values exercise and class readings to your organization research.
- Thoughtful evaluation of organizations to ensure alignment with your core values.
- Engaging presentation that conveys your career decision-making process.
- Thoughtful reflection on the future application of this plan.
- Writing that is clear, concise, and free of errors.
- In-text citations and an APA-style reference list with a minimum of three sources.
Formal Presentation
Individually research and identify companies that offer a good cultural fit for you based on your core values. Create a presentation (3-4 minutes long, using 4-5 PowerPoint slides or a Prezi) that explains what you learned about your values, describe 1 of the companies you researched, and highlight the evidence that helped you decide that this company would be a good fit. Be sure to use citations on your slides to show where you got each piece of information. Keep in mind that your classmates are your audience. What can you tell them about the companies that would be interesting to them?
For the informal presentation, bring in one hard copy of your Action Plan. Share with your classmates the skill you chose to develop, why that skill is essential to success in the business world, and your action plan for improving that skill. We will do an in-class gallery walk where you will share your information in small groups so a printout is necessary.
Please read below Business Finance Assignment Help
assignment is to create a PowerPoint presentation (or other multimedia
presentation) on a legendary figure, place, item, or event from world
literature (1600 CE or earlier). It should contain roughly 800-1200
words of text and some form or forms of other media (art, music, etc.).
This length requirement will bend a bit depending on the project type,
so contact me with any questions you have.
that all writing in the project should be original; the projects will
be run through Turnitin upon submission, and all distinctive matching
information caught by Turnitin must be formatted as a quotation. DO NOT
copy-paste material without immediately marking it as a quotation and
citing it. Any multimedia (art, music) inserted or linked in the
presentation should also include full bibliographic information.
All projects should have:
- a title page
- MLA style citations/works cited page.
- The project’s text should be 800-1200 words long or so.
long as the project has all of these items, you can let your
imaginations roam a bit to come up with something really creative.
Guidelines for Choosing an Topic
chosen figure/place/event/item should be known before 1600 CE and be
primarily legendary or mythological, not historical. The presentation
needs to include a combination of information and analysis, so make sure
to choose a figure, etc. that lends itself to analysis.
Required sources:
- at least 5 secondary/critical sources; 2 must be peer-reviewed
- at least 1 primary source (literary text, artwork) written/created before 1600
NOT rely on Wikipedia or About.com as major resources for the project.
These can be useful as effective ways to get started, but only use them
as a springboard to other stronger resources. The bibliography and
further reading sections of Wikipedia pages can be particularly helpful
in finding additional sources.
Supporting Materials will be loaded
I need help quick please Humanities Assignment Help
I need help as quick as can its due tonight and person that was helping me didn’t finish this so I have it mostly done all that needs done now is the text that they picked needs to have a described of them and cited in mla. Also I need three books for what is going on in the paper for daring, middle and after and need from the books there. Alos there needs to be a bunch of activies and need to decribe them all.
I think in all this needs to be 8 to 12 pages.
Create a thematic unit (as per Stewart’s R.E.A.L. concept) using El Deafo as your mentor text.
Choose a time frame for your unit, ensuring that you justify your choice according to best practices for teaching a diverse class.
Develop an engaging, relevant essential question that your students will be able to answer once they have completed the unit.
Using the information Stewart provides on pp. 43 – 46 in her text, create an appropriately varied text list (remember El Deafo is the main text). By appropriately varied, I mean that you should consider the fact that you will have a diverse classroom, with some ELL students and others differently abled. Consider also the fact that you will have students of varying reading levels in your class as well. All told (including El Deafo), you should have a total of 15 texts that you will use in assorted ways.
Be sure to justify your choice of texts
Summarize how you envision the unit unfolding:
How will you introduce the unit?
What kinds of activities might you have students doing as they work through the unit (be sure to include before, during, and after reading activities, as well as writing, speaking, and listening activities. Don’t forget to differentiate these.
What will your culminating assignment for the unit be?
Reflect on the unit creation – consider strengths, weaknesses of the unit, and why; also, reflect upon what you’ve learned through creating the unit outline
ime Frame: Don’t forget to justify your choice
Essential Question: Please justify this, too
Text List: Please use either APA or MLA citations for your book list. Also, under each citation, write a sentence or two explaining why you chose the text and/or how you intend to use the text. Remember, El Deafo will be read by all, as it is the main text for the unit.
Unit Summary:
Introduction of unit
Activities: Be sure to include before, during, and after reading activities, as well as writing, speaking, and listening activities. Please explain why you chose the activities and don’t forget to differentiate them.
Culminating Assignment: Remember, this should be linked to your essential question. Please be sure to explain why you’ve selected the assignment you have and how you’ve differentiated it so that all children can be successful.
Note: I think it is reasonable to expect that the Unit Outline should be 8 – 12 pages in length (keeping in mind that you will be double spacing everything (including your book list).
I need Help With a Women’s and Gender Studies . I need perfect work , high quality work, good flow of ideas, 0% plagiarism Humanities Assignment Help
please read carefully the instructions before you bid its quite complex
For this Argument Note, I am required to choose 2 from the
following and select up to 4 key points from each reading and summarize
- Pages 35-57 in Feminist Issues: Race, Class and Sexuality, 6th edition (2017). This chapter is written by Carmela Murdocca.
- Pages 62-85 in Feminist Issues: Race, Class and Sexuality, 6th edition (2017). This chapter is written by Corinne Mason. 3
- . Pages 1-36 in the book Bananas, Beaches and Bases, written by Cynthia Enloe.
I have chosen #1 and #2, please base the Argument Note on #1 (Page 35-57) and #2 (Page 62-85).
The most important part of this Argument Note are the 3 sections: Summary, Integration, Questions & Reactions (please see attached Argument Note (In Detail)).
How the Argument Note Paper should look like:
Minimum length is 3 pages. Maximum length is 5.25 pages, excluding title page and reference list. This is approximately 1300 words.
Final AN paper should be 3-5 pages of writing, and 5-7 pieces of paper, as follows:
Page 1: title page with your name, the course name, assignment title and date
Pages 2-4: Use up to 3 pages for your Summary section. Note: This must contain in text citations. (Identify and summarize the key argument(s) or main point(s) of the readings)
Next page: Your Integration section. (Pick
one or two ways in which the author’s arguments or overall points from
each reading relate to other course materials – how do the argument you
summarized challenge, complement, complicate or in some other way relate
to something you learned. Look points of similarity or difference and
be sure to state how and why these arguments relate to one
another. Please incorporate course concepts regarding: feminist
theories, patriarchy and oppression and analyze why this issue/these
conditions exist)
Last page of writing: your Questions and Reactions section. (Summarize
your reaction to the readings. Identify questions the readings raise
for yo – this can be the place to put your specific questions about
which parts of the reading did not make sense; discuss your reaction to
the content, not the style of the reading, focus on items that were not
discussed in this reading)
Final page: Your Reference List. In full APA format. (All sources cited should all be in the textbooks, specifically Mandell,
N. (2017) – Feminist issues Race, class and sexuality (6th edition)
PAGES 35-57 and PAGES 62-85). You may reference outside materials in
your integration and question/reaction sections but the focus of this
paper is to summarize and reflect on the assigned readings.)
NOTE: Please do not include reactions to readings in the Summary or Integration sections of the argument Notes.
please see attached documents
I need Help With a Women’s and Gender Studies . I need perfect work , high quality work, good flow of ideas, 0% plagiarism Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Tutoring on the Normal Distribution Mathematics Assignment Help
Demonstrate the use of the normal distribution, the standard normal
distribution, and the central limit theorem for calculating areas under
the normal curve and exploring these concepts in real life applications.
Frank has only had a brief introduction to statistics when he was in
high school 12 years ago, and that did not cover inferential
statistics. He is not confident in his ability to answer some of the
problems posed in the course.
As Frank’s tutor, you need to provide Frank with guidance and
instruction on a worksheet he has partially filled out. Your job is to
help him understand and comprehend the material. You should not simply
be providing him with an answer as this will not help when it comes
time to take the test. Instead, you will be providing a step-by-step
breakdown of the problems including an explanation on why you did each
step and using proper terminology.
What to Submit
To complete this assignment, you must first download the word document, and then complete it by including the following items on the worksheet:
- Incorrect Answers
- Correct any wrong answers. You must also explain the error performed in the problem in your own words.
- Partially Finished Work
- Complete any partially completed work. Make sure to provide step-by-step instructions including explanations.
- Blank Questions
- Show how to complete any blank questions by providing step-by-step instructions including explanations.
Your step-by-step breakdown of the problems, including explanations,
should be present within the word document provided. You must also
include an Excel workbook which shows all your calculations performed.
Must include EXCEL workbook showing all calculations performed.
week 8 lourdes Health Medical Assignment Help
After reading Chapter 8 and reviewing the lecture power point (located in lectures tab), please answer the following questions. Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references (APA) included in your post.
Additionally, you are expected to reply to two other students and include a reference that justifies your post. Your reply must be at least3 paragraphs.
1. Describe a clinical experience that was troubling to you. Describe what bothered you about the experience and what could have you done differently utilizing critical thinking.
2. Describe how patients, families, individual clinicians, health care teams, and systems can contribute to promoting safety and reducing errors.
3. Describe factors that create a culture of safety.
Case study Health Medical Assignment Help
Case Study: Prescribed Drugs with CAMs
A 35-year-old male, Mr. NX, presents to your clinic today with complaints of back pain and “just not feeling good.” Regarding his back, he states that his back pain is a chronic condition that he has suffered with for about the last 10 years. He has not suffered any specific injury to his back. He denies weakness of the lower extremities, denies bowel or bladder changes or dysfunction, and denies radiation of pain to the lower extremities and no numbness or tingling of the lower extremities. He describes the pain as a constant dull ache and tightness across the low back.
He states he started a workout program about 3 weeks ago. He states he is working out with a friend who is a body builder. He states his friend suggested taking Creatine to help build muscle and Coenzyme Q10 as an antioxidant so he started those medications at the same time he began working out. He states he also takes Kava Kava for his anxiety and garlic to help lower his blood pressure.
His historical diagnoses, currently under control, are:
Type II diabetes since age 27
High blood pressure
Recurrent DVTs
His prescribed medications include:
Glyburide 3 mg daily with breakfast
Lisinopril 20 mg daily
Coumadin 5 mg daily
*****This Assignment may be submitted inan APA formatted paper of no more than five (5) pages excluding title page and references.
Based on the above case study, address each section of the Unit 9 Assignment template. Be sure to first view the Unit 9 Assignment Grading Rubric (found in the Grading Rubrics section under Course Resources) and use it to guide your completion.
- Complete the template, basing your responses on the case study above.
- Support your arguments with appropriate evidence from the literature, citing and referencing in APA 6th edition style.
Keys: please make sure there is a template, that it addresses meds pt is takeing. Over the counter and prescribed, and suggestions for him that day prior to leaving the the clinic. Be mindful of the Pt’s economic factors and Listen to what the Pt is telling you
Case study – UAS Case Study 1: Feasibility Study of Inexpensive Thermal Sensors and Small UAS Deployment. Writing Assignment Help
Part 1 Cast study link has been uploaded by way of PDF
Part 1 – Case Study. Select one of the four case studies listed in the Module Topic Core Concepts. Try to select a case study with the fewest responses when preparing your post. In your discussion post, summarize your chosen case study in 150-200 words. Then, in 250-300 words (for a total of 500) identify the appropriateness of the airframe, powerplant, sensor package, C3, and any support equipment, and explain whether you agree or disagree with the choice of UAS for the mission. Using the information learned in the previous modules, justify your answer with use of references or examples. List the case study number in the title of your post. This post is due byday 4 of the module week.
Part 2 – Risk Management. Read all your classmates’ discussion posts. Then, choose at least one post and identify one mission-specific hazard, assess the level of risk, propose a mitigation and assess the level of residual risk. Make specific reference to your reading in your post. This post should be 200-300 words. This post
FOR PART 2 Wendell’s Post:
This case study highlights how archaeologists are integrating aerial imaging and photogrammetry software with low-cost multicopters on the market. Off-the-shelf unmanned aerial systems are showing extreme versatility and adaptability to be used anywhere. So versatile that it was used in the exploration 3D modeling of the ancient Maya port site of Conil, that is located in northern Quintana Roo, Mexico. The aim of the aerial surveying conducted in this case study was to obtain an accurate Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the site that could be compared to a model that was created using a ground total station (Glover 2006) (Meyer, D., Lo, E., Afshari, S., Vaughan, A., Rissolo, D. and Kuester, F. 2019). Using a 3DRobotics Aero-plane, Structure From Motion software (SFM), and a Sony QX1 camera that is attached to the platform is all that it took to create a 3D digital reconstruction of the historic site. In this study the team also used the computer program Agisoft Photoscan Professional to create reconstructions from the aerial imagery that was taken. As a result UAS can provide a better depth and higher resolution than satellite, and they can provide scalable surveying solutions where difficult.
System Used
The 3DRobotics Aero-plane UAS that was used in this archaeological 3D mapping is a fixed-wing single propeller system, partnered with the Sony QX1 camera and the Structure From Motion software (SFM). I disagree with the choice of platform only being that the 3DRobotics Aero-plane cannot hover in place, it has to constantly be on the move making multiple passes to achieve the desired outcome. This can become a problem when the platform has to navigate tall difficult structures or trees. Also, this platform can become susceptible to outside conditions such as high winds. In comparable mission multi-rotor system such as a DJI Mavic 2 in combination with the same technological software will perform better. Multi-rotor aircraft are the most commonly used drone models for making maps and models with DroneDeploy. In fact, they make up 97% of the drones mapping on our platform (DroneDeploy, 2017). On the basis of comparing launching between the two systems, the multi-rotor platform can instantly go into performing the mission as it will operate and any elevation within regulation to perform the mission. The fixed-wing system has to be launched from a ground station or manually thrown in the air, also the system has to elevate to a certain altitude, and make multiple passes before the system is ready to construct a 3D image of the desired site. Multi-rotor platforms have greater maneuverability, lower prices, more compact, easy-of-use, and higher payload capacity than that of the fixed-wing platforms.
This must be ORIGINAL Work NOT Plagiarism I must have this by Tuesday PLEASE.
https://anyessayhelp.com/, and then complete it by including the following items on the worksheet:
- Incorrect Answers
- Correct any wrong answers. You must also explain the error performed in the problem in your own words.
- Partially Finished Work
- Complete any partially completed work. Make sure to provide step-by-step instructions including explanations.
- Blank Questions
- Show how to complete any blank questions by providing step-by-step instructions including explanations.
Your step-by-step breakdown of the problems, including explanations,
should be present within the word document provided. You must also
include an Excel workbook which shows all your calculations performed.
Must include EXCEL workbook showing all calculations performed.