BUOL 635 8 Week Final Project Business Finance Assignment Help. BUOL 635 8 Week Final Project Business Finance Assignment Help.
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BUOL 635 8 Week Final Project
Provide the final project plan for completing the project described below on time, on budget, and turned over to the owner. Expect a total of 15 pages.
The full project
You are the project manager for a $10,000,000 construction project to build the first buildings on a new satellite college campus. The construction contract calls for an eight-month construction time with a $1,000/day late penalty. The project is to build:
- a 2-lane entrance of.25 miles
- parking for 50 vehicles
- water and sewer connection
- a classroom building on a 60’ x 60’ single solid concrete slab for classrooms
- 6 classrooms configured with sound reducing sliding dividers that can allow for 2 large presentation rooms, each classroom is to be equipped with a ceiling mounted projector, an electronic screen at the ceiling (5’ x 8’) a fully electronic white board, 20 chairs and tables to accommodate the chairs, and a teaching podium with computer and electronic connection to enable displaying content on the screen, and a document camera also linked to the display system.
Develop a complete production plan including a detailed work progress schedule in Gantt chart format, materials list, subcontractors needed and for what work, your overall management approach, risk management plan, cost management plan, scheduling, resource management, control and closeout. The owner expects to hold weekly update meetings so a complete work breakdown by week will be required including all materials and subcontractors needed, and the cost of work completed each month for payment.
Message from the Professor: I expect all tables, charts (including a detailed Gantt chart), graphs, such as a WBS to be exhibits after the text.That means the text will focus on explaining, describing, etc. the appendices and describing how the numbers, details, etc in the appendices were derived. For example, if your plan calls for X amount of material, you need to provide details on how you arrived at that number and the source for your information – if your materials list calls for 200 pieces of 4 x 12 drywall, you need to show your source for how you arrived at that number using a source that tells you how to account for waste in your calculations. You will also need to provide sources for information such as the steps involved to install and finish drywall. If you have experience, or currently work in the construction industry, be sure to make it clear you are using your experience to develop a materials list, etc.
BUOL 635 8 Week Final Project Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
14 double spaced pages Writing Assignment Help
attached below
This is a research essay; tightly structured and argumentative essay to proceed via the support, discussion and interrogation of your research. 14 double spaced pages,12 pt. font
Film theorists have attributed different political and social functions to cinema. How and why cinema inevitably confirm the ideology? Discuss in relation to at least two theorists and use filmic examples.
you must narrow them down in order to provide your essay with a specific and argumentative thesis that can be convincingly pursued in the space available to you.
Please write in a clear structure with thesis statement and avoid plagiarism & generalizations
Reading response on fences play (must have read) Humanities Assignment Help
Please answer the following questions fully and thoughtfully. Each response should be at least two paragraphs long. A paragraph is five to seven sentences long.
1. The relationship between Rose and Troy is central to our understanding of Fences. Please analyze the course of their relationship, beginning with Rose’s ultimatum to Troy (what does it tell us about Rose? what does his response tell us about Troy?) and continuing with Troy’s treatment of Rose during their marriage and the ways in which the relationship changes by the end of the play.
2. The climax of the play occurs when Cory tries to “step over” Troy in Act Two, Scene Four. Why does Troy insist on Cory saying “excuse me?” What is the result of the climactic moment? Where is the point where everything changes for the family? Why is this interesting and important to the audience?
health and medical Health Medical Assignment Help
In this assignment, you will calculate confidence intervals for the quantitative variables in the Heart Rate Dataset.
- Open the Heart Rate Dataset in Excel and identify the quantitative variables
- Make sure the data is sorted by category (e.g.male-at-rest, female at-rest, etc.)
- Use the Data Analysis tools of Excel to construct 95% and 99% confidence intervals for all 8 categories of the sorted quantitative variables. Excel will calculate the margin of error given as the “confidence interval” in the output. Use this margin of error to create your 8 confidence intervals by both adding and subtracting it from the sample mean (calculated in unit 3). This creates a range of values that is the confidence interval.
- Create a Word document, and use your calculated results to explain what the confidence intervals tell us.
- Compare the 99% and 95% intervals and explain why one is larger than the other even though we use the same sample mean value.
Additional Instructions:
Your assignment should be typed into a Word or other word processing document, formatted in APA style. The assignments must include
- Running head
- A title page with
- Assignment name
- Your name
- Professor’s name
- Course
final project development Business Finance Assignment Help
BUOL 635 8 Week Final Project
Provide the final project plan for completing the project described below on time, on budget, and turned over to the owner. Expect a total of 15 pages.
The full project
You are the project manager for a $10,000,000 construction project to build the first buildings on a new satellite college campus. The construction contract calls for an eight-month construction time with a $1,000/day late penalty. The project is to build:
- a 2-lane entrance of.25 miles
- parking for 50 vehicles
- water and sewer connection
- a classroom building on a 60’ x 60’ single solid concrete slab for classrooms
- 6 classrooms configured with sound reducing sliding dividers that can allow for 2 large presentation rooms, each classroom is to be equipped with a ceiling mounted projector, an electronic screen at the ceiling (5’ x 8’) a fully electronic white board, 20 chairs and tables to accommodate the chairs, and a teaching podium with computer and electronic connection to enable displaying content on the screen, and a document camera also linked to the display system.
Develop a complete production plan including a detailed work progress schedule in Gantt chart format, materials list, subcontractors needed and for what work, your overall management approach, risk management plan, cost management plan, scheduling, resource management, control and closeout. The owner expects to hold weekly update meetings so a complete work breakdown by week will be required including all materials and subcontractors needed, and the cost of work completed each month for payment.
Message from the Professor: I expect all tables, charts (including a detailed Gantt chart), graphs, such as a WBS to be exhibits after the text.That means the text will focus on explaining, describing, etc. the appendices and describing how the numbers, details, etc in the appendices were derived. For example, if your plan calls for X amount of material, you need to provide details on how you arrived at that number and the source for your information – if your materials list calls for 200 pieces of 4 x 12 drywall, you need to show your source for how you arrived at that number using a source that tells you how to account for waste in your calculations. You will also need to provide sources for information such as the steps involved to install and finish drywall. If you have experience, or currently work in the construction industry, be sure to make it clear you are using your experience to develop a materials list, etc.
Group Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help
Company selected: Apple
Complete a simple company analysis of a firm of your own choosing. Though you are free to choose any company in any industry and any geographic focus you wish. (I choose Apple)
- Publicly traded firms generally have more required filings with annual reports, SEC documents, etc., and therefore MAY be easier to get data
- More simplified product firms are generally easier to nail down markets, customers, competitors, etc., for than more diversified entities, ie- Proctor and Gamble sells a lot of different products all over the world whereas Pandora or Spotify are rather focused on their offerings
- U.S. based companies are generally going to be easier to gather data for than foreign entities
One approximately 4-8 page document is due for the entirely. Report should include multiple outside sources all properly and consistently cited according to APA guidelines both in-text and in References. Consistency of writing style as well as proper proofreading are essential. Submit one file as a .docx or .pdf only.
Required Elements
All of the following elements should be properly covered in your report as well as any other relevant information about your company, its market, its industry, etc., that you deem relevant. APA style cover page should include all group members.
- Company Overview
- Basic history of the company, headquarters, key executive personnel, approximate number of employees, growth/decline over time
- Market Overview
- Main products sold, main geographic markets targeted, price points of products, key customer segments, primary and secondary competitors and position in the market place against them (ie- is your company number 1, 2, 3, etc., are they new and growing in market share or old and defending against erosion, etc.)
- Financial Overview
- Revenues, profits, funding sources, growth/decline, outlook for the future
- Strategy Overview
- Is your firm new and growing, expanding or contracting, operating as a cash cow, old/outdated and struggling to survive, etc.?
- Perform a simple SWOT analysis for your company
- Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
- What is the outlook for your company for the foreseeable future?
- A PowerPoint presentation summarizing your report
- Approximately 6-10 slides
- Slide design, what to include, making it engaging, etc., are important parts of the effectiveness and persuasiveness of a presentation
- This should NOT be simply parts of your report direct copy-pasted on a slide– make sure the structure and flow of the slides are relevant and appropriate
- The group submits 1 report and 1 PowerPoint presentation
- The separate individual video presentation should use the PowerPoint presentation, but you do not have to actually include the slides in your video.
Relevant graphs, charts, tables, etc., are admissible and if included should be well done, properly put together, legible, and properly APA cited as needed.
Group Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
IT-255-T4687 Intro to Linux Operating Sys 20EW4 4-2 Final Project Milestone One: Navigation and Tasks Programming Assignment Help
IT 255 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric
Overview: In this milestone, you will demonstrate your ability to navigate the Linux directory structure and run common tasks. Complete this milestone in one
session to confirm that the history log file that you will create contains all of the commands used. If you log out before you complete this milestone, your
command history will be reset. Review the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document to see how this milestone will prepare you for that assignment.
You will complete this project in the Codio unit titled “Milestone 1: Tasks and Navigation.” When you complete this milestone, you will download a copy of your
script and upload it to Brightspace. Refer to the Codio instruction set for information on how to download your history log file.
Prompt: Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Navigate: The first step that you will provide evidence for in your log file is to view the following using Linux commands:
a. Current directory b. Current user
II. File Permissions: Locate the “whoownsme.txt” file and confirm that all users have the ability to execute the file.
III. Create Files: Demonstrate your ability to utilize various Linux commands to create text files in unique ways. Create these files in the workspace directory.
Ensure the commands in your log file show that your text files were created with two different methods. Create the following files:
a. A text file using the vi editor that includes a paragraph of text explaining what you believe is the most complicated part of the final project
b. A text file showing the current month, day, and time (title this file Time_File.txt)
IV. In the workspace directory, create a new directory titled Milestone_Files.
V. Modify and Move: Utilize Linux commands to rename files and move them to the Milestone_Files directory. Add “_MOVED” to the end of the file name.
Remember that your modified files should use an appropriate naming convention such as “XXXX_XXXX_MOVED.txt.”
VI. Create a log file of all the commands you have utilized to this point. Title this file Log_File.txt and download it for submission.
Guidelines for Submission: Confirm that your history log file contains all of the commands that you utilized in this milestone. Download and submit your history
log file.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Navigate Log file provides evidence that the two
required navigation areas were viewed
Log file provides evidence that one
required navigation area was viewed
Did not provide evidence of viewing of
the navigation areas
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
File Permissions Located the whoownsme.txt file and
confirmed that all users have the ability
to execute the file
Located the whoownsme.txt file but did
not confirm that all users have the
ability to execute the file
Did not locate the whoownsme.txt file 16
Create Files Files were created using two different
methods, one method being the vi
editor, and they were placed in the
workspace directory
Files were created, but two different
methods were not used, or the vi editor
was not used
Files were not created 16
New Directory A directory titled Milestone_Files was
created in the workspace directory
A directory titled Milestone_Files was
created, but it was not created in the
workspace directory
A directory was not created 16
Modify and Move Moved the files from the workspace
directory to the “Milestone_Files”
directory and added the suffix
Moved and modified files, but the task
execution is incomplete or inaccurate
Did not move or modify files 16
Create a Log File Utilized a Linux command to create a
log file that contains all of the
commands utilized to this point, and
ensured all of the commands utilized in
critical elements I through V are listed
Utilized a Linux command to create a
log file, but log file does not contain all
of the commands utilized to this point
Did not utilize a Linux command to
create a log file that contains all of the
commands utilized to this point, and did
not ensure that all of the commands
utilized in critical elements I through V
are listed
Total 100%
3 page paper on current event concerning a Free and Fair Trade issue between at least two countries Writing Assignment Help
Find a recent article ❗ (less than one month old)❗ from a ❗ reputable news source❗ concerning a Free and Fair Trade issue between at least two countries.
- Summarize the article.
- What is the issue?
- Explain why this issue is important to the global community.
- What outside influences might help change this issue?
- What is your opinion?
Writing Requirements (APA format). Refer to the APA manual.
- Length: 3 full pages (not including the title or references page)
- 1-inch margins
- Double-Spaced
- 12-point Times New Roman font
- Title and Reference page required
- APA cite article with link
- Scan/LINK copy of article required
Mini Nursing Care Plan Health Medical Assignment Help
Case Study
G.G. is a 62-year-old white male with a 15-year history of coronary artery disease and hypertension. He had an anterolateral MI 2 years ago. He also has a history of hyperlipidemia, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and chronic renal insufficiency. His father died of sudden cardiac death at age 44, and his mother died while undergoing a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) at age 68. His hypertension is treated with hydrochlorothiazide and verapamil (Calan), and he takes glyburide (DiaBeta) for control of his diabetes and lovastatin (Mevacor) for his high cholesterol. He is a current cigarette smoker with a 45 pack-year smoking history and drinks a beer almost daily. He is 5’10” tall, weighs 229 pounds, and does not regularly exercise. He tries to watch what he eats, but he travels a lot as a computer consultant and it is difficult to maintain a healthy, diabetic diet when he is out of town.
report of analysis of a piece of evidence Writing Assignment Help
The report of your analysis will include all the relevant data about what analysis you performed on it, and what conclusions were reached about it in reference to the crime scene that you worked. This report will serve to inform the lawyers, judge(s), and jury about your evidence, as you are preparing to enter it in as an exhibit in the moot court trial. You will want to make it as detailed and accurate as possible, because it will also serve you as the primary script and point of reference to guide your testimony as an expert witness. If you want/need to refresh your memory while on the witness stand, under either direct or cross-examination, your report will be your best friend/or worst enemy.
I received a piece of evidence earlier and analyzed it and now its time to make a 4 page paper about how this evidence is used and how credible it is to use in a court of law. probably talk about the quality of this kind of evidence today. attached is my analysis.
BUOL 635 8 Week Final Project Business Finance Assignment Help
BUOL 635 8 Week Final Project Business Finance Assignment Help