BUS 100 College of San Mateo Business Trends for 2020 Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

BUS 100 College of San Mateo Business Trends for 2020 Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. BUS 100 College of San Mateo Business Trends for 2020 Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Business Trends
100100 unread replies.100100 replies.
Be sure to have read chapter 1 of your textbook before attempting this discussion:
By midnight Thursday, September 10, please go to THIS site, https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2020/01/02/top-12-business-trends-for-2020/#1eaac4a22b59
read it, and discuss Business Trends for 2020 by picking one trend (or two, or more if you find them interlinked), and examine it and offer your own analysis by writing a substantive post. Further, in your post, address how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the trend. Since we’re 2/3rds through the year, did the trend pan out as forecast. Be sure to cite any research (APA or MLA).
Explore trends here in video before you write: Business Trends
Then, by 11:59pm Sunday, September 13 read two of your classmates posts and reply to them. Replies to classmates must also be academic in nature to receive points. Further the discussion, offer a counter-point, validate another’s thinking or analysis.

BUS 100 College of San Mateo Business Trends for 2020 Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Saudi Electronic University Dictionary Object Program Project Programming Assignment Help

Critical Thinking Assignment: Handling Dictionary Data (105 points)

Write a program to provide the following tasks for a Dictionary object:

  • Create and print a dictionary
  • Accessing items in a dictionary
  • Looping items through a dictionary
  • Change a value in a dictionary
  • Check if key exists in a dictionary
  • Print a dictionary length
  • Adding Items to a dictionary
  • Removing Items in a dictionary


  • Maximum four to five pages in length is required.
  • You must include program code and results.
  • You must include an explanation about how the program works.
  • You must show your work for full credit.
  • You must include a minimum of three credible sources. Use the Saudi Electronic Digital Library to find your resources.
  • Your paper must follow Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, as appropriate.


UH Product W1 Strategic Management & Decision Making Simulation Analysis Essay Business Finance Assignment Help



To begin you first need to first run the simulation using the Default Decisions. In other words, use the prices and R&D percentages that are already there (do not change any decisions made by Joe Thomas). Simulation link: https://forio.com/simulate/michael.garmon/wonder-co-simulation-v2/simulation/

Capture or collect the results for each product (W1, W2, and W3) for each year that you run the simulation. Copy (using Excel) the financial results and marketing results, as well as the information provided by the Advisor.


Read the following scenario carefully before you proceed:


It is December 31, 2016. Joe Thomas, the VP of Marketing at the Wonder Company, is smugly patting himself on the back for how well he has done with pricing and product development of the three company products: W1, W2, and W3. Of course, Joe knows his strategy was not creative at all (i.e., he did not change any prices or R&D allocations over the past five-year period: 2012 through 2016). But he is certain that he really did not need to change anything anyway, and that his overall performance is proof of his good work.

Sally Smothers, the CEO of Wonder Co., knows better, and she fires Joe (but why did she wait so long?).

On the same day Joe is fired, you are hired to replace him. And so…here you are, on December 31, 2016, as the new V.P. of Marketing of the Wonder Company. You are ready to move the company ahead into 2017. Your boss, Sally Smothers, expects you to make intelligent and informed product development and pricing decisions.

Assignment Expectations

Write a 6- to 7-page paper of written analysis (not including cover and reference pages), using Sally’s instructions, which follow:

Sally asks you to review Joe’s decisions from 2013 through 2016 to see what was going on in terms of product development, sales, pricing, and performance. Your final report is due on Sally’s desk by January 15, 2017 – you have only 2 weeks to run the simulation, analyze your results, and write up the report, so you had best get started on this now!

Using the default decisions (i.e., make no changes within the simulation), analyze Joe Thomas’s decisions and results, and then write the report that Sally is requesting. Access the Wonder Company simulation and collect the data for each year. Determine where you believe Joe went wrong, and propose a new strategy. Support your revised strategy using financial analysis and relevant business theories.

Requirements for this paper:

The key aspects to this assignment that are required to be covered in your paper include:

  • A review of each product – W1, W2, and W3 – its life cycle, and how each product stacks up in terms of price and performance.
  • Financial review of each product – W1, W2, and W3 – sales, costs, profitability, prices, unit margins, etc.
  • Market review: New Sales, Repeat Sales, Market Saturation, etc.
  • Propose an alternate strategy: A general idea of how you might do better with these products: what pricing and R&D allocations, etc., you would have put in place over the last four years, 2013 – 2016. In short, what would you have done differently than Joe Thomas at each decision point? Be specific.


Please note the following tips and suggestions:

Include a cover page and reference page, in addition to the 6-7 pages of written analysis described above.

Use section headings as appropriate. Use graphs, charts, or figures strategically – but do not use these as “space fillers.” Include large tables or graphics in an Appendix instead.

Cite and reference all sources that you use in your work, including those that you paraphrase. This means include citations and quotation marks for direct quotes, and citations for that information which you have “borrowed” or paraphrased from other sources.

NOTE: You will be asked to make business decisions under conditions of incomplete information and uncertainty. To do so effectively, you will need to make assumptions based on how it relates to the ways in which markets operate. To this extent, you need to rely on models, financial analysis, and theories. In addition, the simulation will give you some additional market information as you progress. Crunch the numbers and present your data analysis professionally by creating some simple tables, charts, and graphs.


PHIL 100 UCLA The Happy Warrior Article Questions Assignment Writing Assignment Help

Phil 100 – Fourth Assignment

Write a 3-5 page paper in response to the following prompt. Your script should be double
spaced, 12pt text.

The Happy Warrior: Why does Nussbaum want to pose questions to psychology
– what does she think the psychologists might have got wrong? Why is
Wordsworth’s happy warrior relevant to this? Do you agree with her critique? In
answering these questions, you should consider carefully what she says about the
concepts of pleasure, life-satisfaction, happiness and well-being, and their inter-

Before writing your paper, make sure you make a plan. Also, it may be helpful to review
the “writing a paper” checklist slide that we discussed in the first class (available on the
course site under files/slides and handouts).

Papers are due Sunday September 26th by 11:59pm. As always, you should explain the
ideas you are discussing in your own words. If you use someone else’s words in your
paper, be sure to indicate this clearly (e.g. with quotation marks), including a citation of
the original source of the text.


California National University Panel Consensus and Econometric Method Discussion Economics Assignment Help

Course Paper: A research paper on managerial economics is required for this course. The course paper must be at least 10 pages in length double spaced. You are encouraged to contact me during the first week of the course regarding the topic and objective of the course paper. You may write about any of the three specific topics listed below or conduct a Market Analysis for an area of your interest.

For your paper, you may choose one of the three areas indicated below or choose to conduct a market analysis for a market of your choosing, approved by your professor. Feel free to ask for additional interpretation of that information or of the following alternative.

Select any one of these three topics for your course paper. Empirical papers with data analysis will receive maximum credit.

ØGovernment Regulation and Commercial Banking

ØThe Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 on Commercial Banking

ØSmart Phones: A Comparative Analysis of Apple and Samsung

Managerial Economics is applied microeconomics; therefore, a macroeconomic focus will not be accepted for your course paper. Importantly, data analysis, charts and graphs will enhance the quality of your paper. I will be happy to review the progress of your paper and provide inputs if you contact me with an outline before the end of first week.

How to organize your paper: First, select a topic and an appropriate title of your paper. To do so, conduct a literature review on the topic of your paper. Google or other search engines, scholarly books and relevant journal articles may help you conduct a literature review. Second, specify the objective of your paper. Usually, this is the most difficult part. Be specific and reasonable. You cannot address too many issues within the confine a short course paper. That is why reviewing works of other authors may help you address an area which has not been covered previously.

Your paper should be organized into the following five sections:

1.Introduction and Objective

2.Literature Review


4.Summary and Conclusions

5.References (must be linked to the Works Cited in the body of the paper)

National University style guidelines require that you use the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines for formatting your paper and for referencing.

If choosing the Market Assessment, you should organize your paper as follows:

1 Your Demand Curve

a) What does it look like and what affects it (related things)?

b) What is its elasticity?

c) What differntiates your product, if anything, from others?

d) What problem does your product solve for customers?

e) What businesses should we be in?

2 Market Facing Strategy

a) Who are your customers

b) How will you reach them?

c) What advertising/ social media/ etc MUST you have?

d) How will you sell to them? Directly? Through a Channel?

e) How should we compete in these businesses: product differentiator or cost leader?

3 Structure of Your Market


b) # of players

c) Barriers to entry/ uniqueness/

4 What are the government and regulatory considerations

a) Is the good dangerous/ environmentally damaging

b) What good does this good threaten?

c) Does the government have any regulations or policy wrt this good?

d) What taxes/ licenses/ legal issues exist for it?

5 Your Production Function and Costs

a) What resources do you have/need?

b) What technology are you using?

c) What is optimal size?

d) What is likely cost estimate?

Written Assignment Grading Standards


Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling


APA style for citations and no sign of plagiarism*


Clarity of objective, conclusion and strong connection between introduction and conclusion


Economic analysis using economic principles


Empirical evidence that supports economic analysis


Overall quality of the paper




* If plagiarism is detected, your course paper grade is automatically 0. However, it may escalate to a more severe penalty. Refer to National University catalog for policy description on plagiarism.

1. Use Times New Roman font size 11 or 12 and double space your paper.

2. Information on APA style is available at our Library, http://nuls.nu.edu/web/trainingtools/assets/media/APA.pdf or http://library.nu.edu/FindResources/ReferenceTools/citations.html.

3. Refereed papers are academic papers that were critiqued and reviewed by experts before being published. More information can be found in http://jerz.setonhill.edu/writing/academic/sources/journals/index.html

http://www.yukoncollege.yk.ca/~agraham/guides/guidec.shtml. Internet articles and newspaper articles are NOT usually academic articles that fill the bill as a valid reference.

4. To find the academic articles that you need for your paper (at least one), go to the following full text databases in our library: Business Source Premier (EBSCO), Emerald Management Xtra, LexisNexis Academic, ProQuest Databases and ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis. These databases are in http://library.nu.edu/FindResources/ResourceFinder.cfm. Databases have different sources or information, and you always have to combine them. Economists would say that databases are complements rather than substitutes, in other words, try more than one database.

5.Submit your essay under “Course Paper” link in Week Three on or before the due date. Use Microsoft Word software when you attach a file. Word files in .doc format work best as attachment for your course paper.

6. After your instructor reads and scores your paper, the comments and the score will be available to you in your Inbox. You can read those Instructor Feedback comments in your Inbox or Gradebook with your paper. Be sure to click on the “+” box to fully open the comments box.



Saudi Electronic University Volkswagen in Russia Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

  • must be submitted in (WORD format only)
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own work.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text
  • References should be written in APA Style

Case study

Please read “Volkswagen in Russia”, and answer the following questions:


  1. What factors underlay the decision by Volkswagen to invest directly in automobile production in Russia? Why was FDI preferable to exporting from existing factories in Germany?
  2. Which theory (or theories) of FDI best explain Volkswagen’s FDI in Russia?
  3. How do you think FDI by foreign automobile companies might benefit the Russian economy? Is there any potential downside to Russia from this inflow of FDI?
  4. Russia is largely dependent on oil exports to drive its economy forward. Given the sharp fall in global oil prices that occurred in 2014 and 2015, what impact do you think this will have on FDI into Russia?
  5. Volkswagen has signaled that it is going to stay the course in Russia, despite current political and economic headwinds. Why do you think it made this decision? What are the pros and cons of this decision? In your opinion, is it the correct decision?

Case study attached

Saudi Electronic University Volkswagen in Russia Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HCS 465 University of Phoenix Week 2 Readmission Rates Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Wk 2 Individual Assignment: Administrative Health Care Annotated Bibliography [Due Day#]

Wk 2 Individual Assignment: Administrative Health Care Annotated Bibliography [Due Day#]

Assignment Content

  • Use the University Library to locate peer-reviewed research articles related to a research study about health or health care issues, concerns, or trends.
    • The research article must describe a research study, not an editorial or brief.
    • The research study must be based in the United States from 2010 to the present.
    • It is recommended that you select health topics of interest to you or your job, with no complex statistical analyses.
  • Review the Researching Articles in the University Library Tutorial for help finding articles.

    Select at least 3 peer-reviewed* articles to use to complete an annotated bibliography. The 3 research articles can be based on the same or different topics. Topic ideas can include (but are not limited to):

    • Adolescent obesity (select different geographic locales: urban vs rural)
    • Infection rates among ICU patients
    • Readmission rates for congestive heart failure patients
    • Patient satisfaction or patient experience of care
    • Population health management in diabetes care
    • Care coordination or care continuum
    • Patient safety or quality management
    • Cancer screening compliance, such as mammography, colonoscopy, or Pap smear
  • Complete the annotated bibliography based on the 3 articles you selected from the University Library.
  • Review the sample annotated bibliography provided by the University Library. Be sure to do the following for each bibliography:
    • Summarize the research study in your own words (at least 150 words).
    • Include the major areas of the research study, such as the sample, geographic location, and the outcome.
    • Bibliographies should not include any direct quotes or in-text citation.
  • *Note: One research article will be used in the Week 3 Learning Team assignment, Components of a Research Study.

    Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. Remember to alphabetize your annotated bibliography.

  • Submit your assignment.
  • Resources
  • Copyright 2019 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.


Keiser University Training Lab Procedures Questions Health Medical Assignment Help

Download the Training Lab Procedures file. Conduct the procedures described on yourself and a friend unless the procedure only requires one subject. Be sure to warm up prior to starting any exercise.

Record responses to all areas and questions below.

Subject #1:Gender: ___________Age: _______

Subject #2:Gender: ___________Age: _______

Procedure #1 (YMCA Step Test)

Subject #1 Resting HR = ____________ Subject #2 Resting HR = ____________

Subject #1 Recovery HR = ___________ Subject #2 Recovery HR = ____________

Fitness Category: ___________________Fitness Category: ________________

Procedure #2 (Determining Energy Expenditure: Treadmill Walking/Running)

Equation (if walking):

VO2 (mL/kg/min) = (3.5 mL/kg/min) + ( ) х 0.1 mL/kg/min + ( х ) х 1.8 mL/kg/min

METs = mL/kg/min ÷3.5 mL/kg/min

kCal/min = ( mL/kg/min ÷ 1000) х kg x 5.05 kCal/L O2

Equation (if running):

VO2 (mL/kg/min) = (3.5 mL/kg/min) + () х 0.2 mL/kg/min + ( х ) х 0.9 mL/kg/min

METs = mL/kg/min ÷3.5 mL/kg/min

kCal/min = ( mL/kg/min ÷ 1000) х kg х 5.05 kCal/L O2

(you may copy and paste the equation as needed to include data for 2 subjects)

Procedure #3 (Endurance of Upper Body Muscles)

Push-Up Test

Subject #1:Number of push-ups:___________ and Category: __________

Subject #2:Number of push-ups:___________ and Category: __________


American InterContinental University Zappos Organizational Culture Essay Writing Assignment Help

Analysis of Organizational Culture

This week, you have been considering the OD consultant’s role in understanding and respecting the culture of an organization. Now, consider what specific actions you may take to best understand an organization prior to your arrival. Websites such as Glassdoor.com, TheMuse.com, Indeed Company Pages, and Panmore.com are tools you may choose to use to gain valuable insight into employee perceptions of their company culture. How will information like this aid you as a consultant?

For this Assignment you will select and analyze a company’s culture in order to identify the elements that make that company a great place to work.

To prepare:

Research one of the following companies and consider the company’s current organizational culture and diversity policies.

  • Boston Consulting Group
  • Costco
  • Southwest Airlines
  • St. Jude Children’s Hospital
  • Warby Parker
  • Zappos

By Day 7

Submit a 2- to 3-page paper written in APA format and style in which you analyze the organizational culture of the company you selected. Describe what it is about this company that makes it a “Best Place to Work.” What cultural benchmarks, models, theories, and/or systems can you identify? Include a rationale as to why these elements help define a “Best Place to Work.” Make sure to support your rationale with references to recent (within the last 5 years) peer-reviewed, scholarly sources and this week’s Learning Resources.

Required Readings

Bartlett, D., & Francis-Smythe, J. (2016). Bridging the divide in work and organizational psychology: Evidence from practice. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 25(5), 615–630. https://doi.org/10.1080/1359432X.2016.1156672

Panmore Institute. (n.d.). Company analysis: Business potential & performance. Retrieved from http://panmore.com/
Note: You can also use this website to research company culture.

Ones, D. S., Anderson, N., Sinangil, H. K., & Viswesvaran, C. (2018). The SAGE Handbook of Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology. London, England: SAGE.

Consulting Simulation Overview and Preparation (PDF): Access this resource from the Week 1 Learning Resources or the Resource List.


Organizational Culture and the OD Consultants Role Essay Writing Assignment Help

Discussion: Organizational Culture and the OD Consultant’s Role

Organizational culture is often an implicit, yet extremely powerful, variable in human behavior within organizational settings. People are the constant in every organization. The diversity of individuals and the culture within which they work have a significant effect on organizations around the globe because organizational culture significantly affects employee performance. According to Brown (2011), “Culture influences how managers and employees approach problems, serve customers, react to competitors, and carry out activities.” It is essential to understand that, as certain organizational culture influencers change, the needs or circumstances of employees, clients, and stakeholders also change.

As an OD consultant, you will typically work as an external expert, entering organizations and interacting with employees and the existing culture. Your practitioner style will have a significant impact on your engagement with the organization and on the success of your consulting. Sometimes the presence of an outside consultant can create fear, anxiety, and/or uncertainty, so it is important that the consultant be mindful and respectful of existing practices, methods, and systems.

Brown, D. R. (2011). An experiential approach to organization development (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

To prepare:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the OD consultant’s role and the many elements of organizational culture.
  • Find interrelationships between these elements and employee behavior and performance.
  • Look for ways to assess organizational culture, both in terms of how it manifests in employee performance and impacts organizational results.

By Day 3

Explain the OD practitioner’s role in the process of entering the organization and respecting the existing culture while concurrently recommending improvements and enhancements. What steps or measures can the OD consultant take to minimize fear and disruption?

Required Readings

Bartlett, D., & Francis-Smythe, J. (2016). Bridging the divide in work and organizational psychology: Evidence from practice. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 25(5), 615–630. https://doi.org/10.1080/1359432X.2016.1156672

Panmore Institute. (n.d.). Company analysis: Business potential & performance. Retrieved from http://panmore.com/
Note: You can also use this website to research company culture.

Ones, D. S., Anderson, N., Sinangil, H. K., & Viswesvaran, C. (2018). The SAGE Handbook of Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology. London, England: SAGE.

Consulting Simulation Overview and Preparation (PDF): Access this resource from the Week 1 Learning Resources or the Resource List.

Optional Resources



Optional Resources



Optional Resources



Optional Resources


BUS 100 College of San Mateo Business Trends for 2020 Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

BUS 100 College of San Mateo Business Trends for 2020 Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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