BUS 161 Stanford University Cisco Systems Evolution of Structure Case Study Writing Assignment Help. BUS 161 Stanford University Cisco Systems Evolution of Structure Case Study Writing Assignment Help.
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This is a group case study assignment, I’ll send you the assignment requirements and materials, all you have to do is to finish my part( The cost and benefits of each design strategy),No need to write it as a whole essay, 350-400 word is enough.
Assignment requirements and grading rubric:
Read integrative case 10.0, “Cisco Systems: Evolution of Structure”(pages 683-688 in Edition 13)
Applying what you have learned from lectures and readings, write a four to five-page (double spaced) analysis of Cisco’s organizational structure. Be sure to address the following in your analysis:
- Changes made to Cisco’s organizational structure and reasons for those changes.
- Specific organizational designs implemented (define and explain each using readings and lecture materials).
- The costs and benefits of each design strategy (using evidence from the case and/or discussing potential costs and benefits suggested by theory).(This is my part!)
- mportant: Please focus on the questions/issues above (not the questions at the end of the case in the textbook).
Here are some guidelines and tips for your analysis:
- Do not just restate case facts. Rather, you should use information from the case to support your analysis, which should be explicitly based upon theory learned from the course thus far.
- Make sure you clearly define and explain specific concepts and frameworks.
- You may organize the paper how you see fit, but there should be a brief introduction and conclusion. The use of headers may help in organizing your analysis.
Formatting requirements:
- The write-up should be four to five pages. This does not include the title page.
- The analysis should be in paragraph format.
- All text should be double spaced, using 12 point Times New Roman font and 1 inch page margins.
You may not use or search for any outside information. All you need is the textbook, lecture notes, and case itself. Do not use verbatim text from the book (use quotes if you are referring to a specific passage in the case or textbook, but quoted passages should be used sparingly). All papers will be automatically run through turnitin.com software.
BUS 161 Stanford University Cisco Systems Evolution of Structure Case Study Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of Nairobi Factors to Diabetes Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Choose a statistical study about which to write a meaningful paragraph. The paragraph must include all of the following terms: population, population frame, sample, explanatory variable, response variable, confounding variable, random selection, random assignment, outliers. A “meaningful paragraph” is one continuous piece of writing, which uses all of the listed words and in which the sentences make sense and hang together. That is, the ideas in the paragraph must illustrate you understand the new terms in a way that allows you to write meaningfully about them in context. You may choose the context in which to write your paragraph! It can be something we’ve discussed in class, in your OLI reading or anything else! You may not simply write seven sequential sentences, for example, that merely define the terms; sentences must demonstrate appropriate relationships between the terms.
Columbia Southern University What About the Religious Practices in Oceania PPT Business Finance Assignment Help
Unit V PowerPoint PresentatioN
- Due: Tuesday, 02/23/2021 11:59 PM (CST)
You discover that a religious group has begun on the other side of town in which you are staying. You begin attending some of their worship sessions and find that the people are quite welcoming. After attending a few sessions, they invite you to live within the community they have established. It sounds like a great opportunity, and you begin to consider the offer.
While talking with your neighbor, who attends church regularly, about the new religious group, she informs you that this group is most likely a cult. She has witnessed the members beginning to build large walls around their compound and bring in supplies, specifically weapons, on regular accounts. She also points out that this group resembles a cult, based on her knowledge of previous incidents.
She concludes by cautioning you against moving into the newly formed community, noting that cults tend to have vary drastic views and practices compared to other religions. You assure her you will take her cautions to heart while making your decision. In the end though, will you join the cult?
For your presentation, you must include the following components:
- Create a chart to compare and contrast the view of sacred items, practices, or areas of Oceanic cults compared to that of one religion discussed so far in this course.
- Create a bulleted list of assessing why members of religious groups can be divided on new beliefs or topics.
- Explain the values and practices surrounding cults.
- Justify your chosen action based on the provided scenario.
Your presentation must be a minimum of five slides, not counting the title slide and reference slide. Remember to title each slide and include an introductory sentence per slide. You do not need to utilize the notes section or audio for this presentation. Include at least one image in your presentation. Remember to review the rubric to compare it with your presentation before you submit it.
Texas A&M University Comparative Income Statement and Reconciliation Excel Task Business Finance Assignment Help
PROBLEM 15–18 Common-Size Statements and Financial Ratios for a Loan Application LO15–1, LO15–2, LO15–3, LO15–4 Paul Sabin organized Sabin Electronics 10 years ago to produce and sell several electronic devices on which he had secured patents. Although the company has been fairly profitable, it is now experiencing a severe cash shortage. For this reason, it is requesting a $500,000 long-term loan from Gulfport State Bank, $100,000 of which will be used to bolster the Cash account and $400,000 of which will be used to modernize equipment. The company’s financial statements for the two most recent years follow:
Garrison, Ray; Garrison, Ray. Managerial Accounting (Page 757). McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Kindle Edition.
Columbia Southern University Juxtaposition of The Images of USA Presidents Collage Business Finance Assignment Help
Due: Tuesday, 02/23/2021 11:59 PM (CST)
For this assignment, you will create a collage either by hand or digitally, using PowerPoint or another application you are comfortable using. For inspiration for your collage, please read the unit lesson and look at the reading in your textbook. Please incorporate at least five different visual items, whether it be photographs, text, or your own drawing or work into one collage.
Use the Unit V Project: Collage Worksheet to share a picture of your collage and to answer questions about it.
University of Rhode Island Servant Leadership and Practices Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management exercise and need a reference to help me learn.
Please read the Servant Leadership case and then address the Case Study Questions below. Please use APA format as shown in the APA Template provided.
Your Case Study Paper should provide a cohesive narrative fully addressing the questions and recapping the relevant data, problems/causes and outcomes from the article.
- You should include citations to the source article, as well as to the textbook where appropriate, throughout your paper and in a References page on the last page of your paper.
- In-text citations should be in the format (Vanderpyl, 2012) or (Vanderpyl, 2012, p. X) when you have a quote in the sentence for which you are providing the citation.
- Citations for the textbook are (Daft, 2018) or (Daft, 2018, p. XXX).
- Be sure to include both sources in a Reference page on the last page of your paper. You do not need to identify and include any additional references beyond the source article and the textbook for this Case Study paper.
You should aim for 4-6 pages for Case Study assignments, which are more comprehensive than the Leadership Reflection Questions.
- Case Background: Provide a meaningful summary of the case background. This information should be addressed in a chronological and narrative format. Be sure to address each of the bullets below.
- Identify the problems and underlying causes. Be sure to include relevant dates and present your narrative in chronological order of their occurrence.
- Identify the stakeholders involved in this case (e.g., nurses union, media, clients, etc.).
- Describe how Cowan’s predecessor (the leader prior to Cowan’s appointment as CEO in 2001) lead and managed the organization and the outcomes of his leadership.
- Leadership Strategies: The article discusses four major strategies that Cowan used in leading SMHC (listed in bullets below). Choose and describe the strategy that you think was most effective and why you believe it was the strategy that worked best for Cowan in SMHC’s turnaround.
- Get in their face
- Offer to serve, rather than be served
- Weed the garden
- Give the credit away
- Leadership Traits and Communication Tactics: Discuss the leadership traits and the communication tactics used by Cowan (refer to textbook chapter 9) to motivate, collaborate, and innovate. Be sure to provide citations to the textbook when you use concepts from it in your discussion.
- Outcomes of Servant Leadership: Discuss the relational and financial outcomes of Cowan’s servant leadership to this healthcare institution, its employees, and other stakeholders (e.g., unions).
- Challenges of Servant Leadership: Identify and discuss the challenges that make servant leadership so difficult to implement in practice. Identify at least two of the challenging elements of this leadership style for servant leaders.
University of Rhode Island Servant Leadership and Practices Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Miramar International College Oscar Winners Age Histogram Analysis Questions Mathematics Assignment Help
Please help me answer these two questions based on the graphs and the ages data I attached. Please answer these two
questions separately and don’t copy from google.
- Describe the distribution of ages of the Best Actor Oscar winners. Your description should include: shape, center (a typical representative age), a typical interval of representative ages, spread (overall range of ages), and any outliers (unusual ages). Be sure to embed your histogram in your initial post Please do not submit your histogram as an attachment.
- Create a second histogram for the distribution of ages, and adjust the bin width. Try both smaller and larger bin widths. Choose a bin width so that your second histogram does not look like the first. Upload your second histogram to your Stats-Class folder. Also embed your second histogram with your initial post. Indicate which histogram is better for analyzing the data (your first embedded histogram or your second). Explain why.
Academy of Art Unitversity Non Traditional Advertising Campaigns Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Consider your first-hand experience of non-traditional media routes. Think of an advertising campaign that has communicated to you personally, and the ways in which it did so. Television, radio, and press continue to play an important role in most campaigns. Yet increasingly, product messages reach their audiences through other channels such as social media, ambient and guerrilla marketing, and so on. How do you typically learn of new products or developments?
Prepare a 500-word report about your own experiences with non-traditional media routes (i.e., not television, radio, or press), and the ways in which you’ve observed them integrate with mainstream media.
Work cited please
The Type of Music Genre that Decreases the Memory Span the Most Experiment Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Meaningful Paragraph
Choose a statistical study about which to write a meaningful paragraph. The paragraph must include all of the following terms: population, population frame, sample, explanatory variable, response variable, confounding variable, random selection, random assignment, outliers. A “meaningful paragraph” is one continuous piece of writing, which uses all of the listed words and in which the sentences make sense and hang together. That is, the ideas in the paragraph must illustrate you understand the new terms in a way that allows you to write meaningfully about them in context. You may choose the context in which to write your paragraph! It can be something we’ve discussed in class, in your OLI reading or anything else! You may not simply write seven sequential sentences, for example, that merely define the terms; sentences must demonstrate appropriate relationships between the terms.
NOTE: This assignment will utilize peer reviews. You can not review another student’s submission until you have submitted your own response. To complete a peer review, you are required to leave at least one comment as well as fill out the rubric. Your peer reviews will be anonymous but should follow the general pattern of previous discussions in which you are suggesting how the paragraph has that is well done, might be improved, or is of interest.
Once your paragraph has been reviewed, you are welcome to resubmit it if you would like to include any suggestions that oyu received.
The Differences Between Art and Commodity Business Marketing Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
1.150 words minimum in response to a debate :
a.listen to her argument in chronological order:
b.Then read his clarifying rebuttal :
The actual quote is: Anyone can run onto the field with “his/her soccer ball” and start kicking goals. The issue as we discussed is from Michael Porter’s five forces model: ease of entry into the market. The point is that having the required capital to start a photography business is less than having the required capital to start an aircraft manufacturing business.
So, the issue is: Is photography more of an art or more of a commodity (like hammers)? If it’s more art, then artists can differentiate themselves based on style and clientele. If it’ s more of a commodity then eventually a price war breaks out when we have too many providers in a crowded market (called an industry “shakeout”).
You seem to argue in the blog that it’s more art…that’s a fine argument. But art and the willingness to pay for it is not in the provider’s hands but in the buyer’s hands (Buyers asking themselves: Do I want to pay XXX dollars for your services/work because they are far superior?… hence the term “starving artist”). Then, the next question is how many of these types of clientele are there in my area? If it’s small, then the income flow will swing wildly. Also, the customers who aren’t willing to pay that much and see photography as more of a commodity will go to a cheaper photographer and the “artist photographer” loses potential business.
A Hermes handbag is a Hermes because of snob appeal (I paid a lot of money for this… look at the label) as opposed to a reusable shopping bag which essentially performs the same service….a place where you can put stuff to carry around with you. Since social class in the US is determined by wealth (supposedly money and merit), then the more expensive items you can afford the higher the social class.
So, the questions are: How do those in need of my services that I provide view the market (hammers vs. art) and how many of them are in my area?
Ok, now you are an independent consultant to provide a different aspect to them both. In at least 150 words, what would you tell each of them? Remember to incorporate the terminology used.
b.Then read his clarifying rebuttal :
The actual quote is: Anyone can run onto the field with “his/her soccer ball” and start kicking goals. The issue as we discussed is from Michael Porter’s five forces model: ease of entry into the market. The point is that having the required capital to start a photography business is less than having the required capital to start an aircraft manufacturing business.
So, the issue is: Is photography more of an art or more of a commodity (like hammers)? If it’s more art, then artists can differentiate themselves based on style and clientele. If it’ s more of a commodity then eventually a price war breaks out when we have too many providers in a crowded market (called an industry “shakeout”).
You seem to argue in the blog that it’s more art…that’s a fine argument. But art and the willingness to pay for it is not in the provider’s hands but in the buyer’s hands (Buyers asking themselves: Do I want to pay XXX dollars for your services/work because they are far superior?… hence the term “starving artist”). Then, the next question is how many of these types of clientele are there in my area? If it’s small, then the income flow will swing wildly. Also, the customers who aren’t willing to pay that much and see photography as more of a commodity will go to a cheaper photographer and the “artist photographer” loses potential business.
A Hermes handbag is a Hermes because of snob appeal (I paid a lot of money for this… look at the label) as opposed to a reusable shopping bag which essentially performs the same service….a place where you can put stuff to carry around with you. Since social class in the US is determined by wealth (supposedly money and merit), then the more expensive items you can afford the higher the social class.
So, the questions are: How do those in need of my services that I provide view the market (hammers vs. art) and how many of them are in my area?
Ok, now you are an independent consultant to provide a different aspect to them both. In at least 150 words, what would you tell each of them? Remember to incorporate the terminology used.