BUS 225 Southern New Hampshire The Current US Automotive Industry Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. BUS 225 Southern New Hampshire The Current US Automotive Industry Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.
I’m working on a business project and need a sample draft to help me study.
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You are the sales department manager for a U.S.-based company that builds engines for the automotive manufacturing industry. Your company is considering diversifying into other business opportunities where your motors can be sold in order to bolster the company’s portfolio and increase revenue. Based on your knowledge of the national sales landscape, your manager would like you to conduct preliminary research and prepare a presentation with your recommendation for opportunity in a new industry that will allow for this diversification through a new sales division and increased sales. You have been asked to make your presentation at the next stakeholder meeting, where you will address internal stakeholders from across the company as well as external stakeholders such as customers, investors, and suppliers.
As a preliminary step in developing this presentation, your manager would like to see an executive summary of your research findings and evaluate your decision modeling.
You will first conduct research on the U.S.-based automotive manufacturing industry using the Shapiro Library database links provided in the supporting materials section below. Then, prepare an analysis report that addresses the following:
- Define the problem.
- Explain the type of qualitative and quantitative data you will be targeting in your research.
- Provide a broad description of the U.S. automotive manufacturing industry and its net worth. Include:
- Total net worth of the industry
- Sales by region
- Sales by fuel type: electric, hybrid, and gas
- Describe the current trends in the automotive market.
- The trend toward different types of motors for the vehicles being made and sold, such as electric and hybrid
- Trends in customer demands such as vehicle color, extra features, and styles
- Trends in the body types of vehicles sold (SUVs, trucks, sedans)
Choose another industry, apart from the above industry. Now, using industry-specific and scholarly resources to inform your decision, prepare an industry analysis report that includes the following:
- Provide a broad description of the new industry.
- Describe the overall attractiveness of the industry.
- Is this a growing industry?
- Is this an industry that has a lot of growth potential?
- What outside factors are affecting its growth?
- Identify the factors that have allowed competitors to be successful in this industry thus far.
- Summarize the overall net worth of the industry.
- How is the industry currently trending?
- Summarize the sales by region.
- Define expected growth areas.
- Describe the overall attractiveness of the industry.
- Describe the current market trends for the new industry.
- What products or services are trending?
- What are some current customer demands?
- Perform a Porter’s Five Forces analysis to determine the potential success of moving into this new industry.
- Explain your rationale.
Compare the two industries and summarize your findings.
- Perform a Porter’s Five Forces analysis to compare the two industries.
- Summarize how your findings address the problem.
What to Submit
To complete this project, submit an executive summary report of 3 to 4 pages using the provided templates. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
Please use the templates!!!!! attached
BUS 225 Southern New Hampshire The Current US Automotive Industry Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
West Los Angeles College Coloratura Soprano Music Questions Humanities Assignment Help
This assignment will provide an opportunity for you to explore the human voice. The sound files below are excerpts from operas, each of which features a specific type of voice. Listen to each example, and categorize the voice. There is one example of each voice type. Here are your possibilities:
- Coloratura soprano
- Dramatic soprano
- Lyric soprano
- Mezzo-soprano
- Alto
- Lyric tenor
- Dramatic tenor
- Baritone
- Basso buffo
- Basso profondo
Here are my suggestions as to how to approach the assignment.
- Give yourself an open, calm, relaxed half-hour, and listen to the tracks straight through. The goal here is simply to enjoy them for the great opera moments that they are. It will also serve to initially familiarize yourself with each.
- Identify the basic range of each voice. Just get in the ballpark as best you can. Remember, the idea is to enjoy the music.
- Now try to narrow down the basic range you’ve identified, using the subcategories we’ve learned. Does the soprano have that amazing coloratura flexibility, or does the lyric beauty of her voice touch your emotions? Or does the singer, and the music itself, seem to express intense emotional drama? By the same token, for the tenor voices, does the voice feel quite bright, but perhaps not particularly powerful, indicating a lyric tenor, or does the voice, and the music, have the dramatic qualities similar to those found in the dramatic soprano? Is the bass singing a comedic part, a basso buffo, or does he seem to have a really extremely low basso profondo range?
- Don’t stress about points on this particular assignment, just give it your best shot, and above all, enjoy the music. As you get into them, the selections may make you laugh or cry, amaze you, or transport you with their beauty. If that happens, then the assignment, and your performance on it, is a success.
Remember, each of the 10 voice types is represented once.
Example 1 is shown below:
Example 2 is shown below:
Example 3 is shown below:
Example 4 is shown below:
Example 5 is shown below:
Example 6 is shown below:
Example 7 is shown below:
Example 8 is shown below:
Example 9 is shown below:
Example 10 is shown below:
ETH 560 Ashford University Week 7 Leadership and Global Ethics Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Please select a peer-reviewed article from the GU library on the topics for the current week. Analyze the article and correlate to your personal ethics assessment results. You are encouraged to share some specific examples of your assessment results to support your opinion. However, if you would like to keep your results private, you can speak to your results in general terms.
Write a 1-2 page summary on your analysis of the article to your assessment results and how you believe this content has increased your ethical self-awareness. Please include alternatives, analysis, application, and action.
The assignment should be submitted as a Word document and APA format is required. The title page and reference page are not counted in the 1-2 page requirement.
Strayer University Hospitality and Tourism Management Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Careers in Food and Beverage
The following articles provide an overview of the various responsibilities of managers that are commonly found in the hospitality and tourism industry.
- Career Paths of a Hospitality Management Student.
- 6399397/a-day-in-the-life-of-david-lindahl-general-manager-of-daily-diner” target=”_blank”>A Day in the Life of David Lindahl, General Manager of Daily Diner Frogtown.
- A Day in the Life of a Hotel General Manager
Write a 4–5 page paper in which you:
- Describe the various types of management careers that can be offered within each industry (lodging, and food & beverage).
- Compare and contrast the differences between the General Management (GM) positions within the two industries.
- Analyze and describe the growth in overall employment within these two industries and how this overall growth is forecasted within the next 10 years.
- Recommend at least three human resource practices in which each industry can better recruit and retain management talent for their respective industry.
- Use the Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to find at least three academic resources. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites are not considered quality references.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards.
CJAD 720 Ohio State University Criminology Theory for Solutions to Crime Essay Law Assignment Help
This assignment is intended to help you learn to do the following:
- Critically analyze the strengths and limitations of a life course approach to crime control, prevention, or treatment.
- Critically analyze the strengths and limitations of the public health approach to crime control, prevention, or treatment.
- Evaluate the policy implications of the life course and public health approaches for crime control, prevention, or treatment.
- Compare and contrast effective and ineffective prevention strategies based upon either the life course or public health approach.
- Develop a proposal for methods to control, prevent, or treat crime utilizing the approach selected.
This is part of your Theory Portfolio Project. You will use the criminal behavior that you selected in Module 1 from the most recent FBI’s Most Wanted. You will select either the life course or public health paradigm and apply what you have learned to explain the criminal conduct you selected. In this way, you will move from classroom to the real world and back again.
Action Items
- Complete all required readings prior to working on this assignment.
- In four paragraphs, apply either the life course or public health paradigm and describe how it explains your selected criminal behavior
BUS 475 Strayer University Coca Cola Corporate Societal Relationship Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Evaluating a Corporate-Societal Relationship
According to the textbook, the current world economy is increasingly
becoming integrated and interdependent; as a result, the relationship
between business and society is becoming more complex. In this
assignment, you will be researching a Fortune 500 company from an
approved company list provided by your professor.
Write a 4–5 page evaluation of your chosen company’s performance with respect to its stated values. Do the following:
- Summarize the company’s primary products and or services.
- Suggest three ways in which the primary stakeholders can influence
the organization’s financial performance. Provide support for your
response. - Describe two critical factors in the organization’s external environment that can affect its success. Support your assertions.
- Assess the company’s biggest success or missed opportunity to
respond to a recent or current social issue. How did it impact company
Integrate at least two supporting resources from the Strayer University Library or other reputable sources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For
assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing
Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your
professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
• Evaluate the relationship between a business and society based on
external environmental factors, stakeholders, and corporate social
responsibility issues.
BUS 475 Strayer University Coca Cola Corporate Societal Relationship Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
strayer University Emtala Violations Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Examination of Health Care Laws
The health law field currently has undergone, and will continue
to undergo, enormous change. Among the multitude of challenges are legal
implications that come with electronic health records (EHRs), payments
based on patient outcomes, mergers, fraud, insurance disbursements, and
antitrust laws—just to name few. In addition, disruptive medical
innovations, such as biotechnology and treatment research, have created
new concerns over ethics and privacy.
To perform proficiently as a health care administrator, the
current environment requires that you have an understanding of key
health care laws such as the following:
- Stark Law.
- HIPAA for Professionals.
- HITECH Act Enforcement Interim Final Rule.
- Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA).
- A Roadmap for New Physicians: Fraud & Abuse Laws; Anti-Kickback Statute.
- The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008.
In this assignment, imagine you work as an administrator in a
hospital or health care organization. You are being considered for a
promotion and are being asked to prepare a report for senior leadership
that demonstrates your knowledge and interpretation of one of the
above-mentioned health care laws.
To complete this report, select a court case where one of these
health care laws was violated. Write an analysis of the law and the
selected case following the SESC formula: State, Explain, Support, and
Conclude. Be sure to also address how organizational leadership in the
selected court case could move forward to ensure that the health care
law isn’t violated again in the future.
Your report should be at least five pages long and should include a title page and references for a total of 7–8 pages.
CM 220 PGU Child Neglect Effect on Children Discussion Writing Assignment Help
In this week’s readings and Learning Activities, you focused on choosing a topic, narrowing it down, and crafting a thesis statement. For this week’s Discussion, respond to the following questions in at least two well-developed paragraphs:
- Tell the class about a community issue that you have some knowledge of and would like to try and improve. Who are the people in your community most affected by this issue (key stakeholders)? Who in the community is in the best position to bring about a change? What challenges have kept them from solving this problem already?
- Share your preliminary thesis statement.
- Share the thesis that you created in the “Writing Your Problem-Solution Thesis” Learning Activity.
- In your thesis, be sure to identify your target audience, a concrete action the audience can take to solve the problem [solution], and a reason for action [problem/benefit].
- Example: The San Antonio School District [target audience] should provide every high school student with an electronic tablet [solution] because this will encourage more learning outside of the classroom, increase mastery of skills, and increase college acceptance rates [benefit].
- Don’t worry about getting your thesis perfect this week. At this stage, your thesis is more of a hypothesis that needs to be tested and refined as you dig further into the problem you will attempt to solve.
- Finally, wrap your post up with an open-ended question.
For an extra challenge in your peer feedback this week, try to determine the underlying assumption of your classmate’s thesis by using what you learned from the “Enthymeme section” of the Logical Argument Tutorial and then tell the class if you agree with the assumption or if you have some concerns with it. Those concerns can help your peers fine-tune the thesis statement. Hint: To determine the assumption (major premise), you can replace the “action” in the solution part of the thesis with “something” and the word “because” with “if.” The minor premise is the problem statement.
Example: The San Antonio School District should provide every high school student with an electronic tablet because this will encourage more learning outside of the classroom, increase mastery of skills, and increase college acceptance rates.
Major premise: The San Antonio School District should do something if it encourages more learning outside of the classroom, increases mastery of skills, and increase college acceptance rates.
Minor Premise: Tablets encourage learning outside of the classroom, increase mastery of skills, and increase college acceptance rates.
All Discussion posts and responses to peers should be written in complete sentences using Standard English. Before posting, proofread for grammar, spelling, and word-choice issues. Be sure to respond fully to every aspect of the Discussion.
When you refer to concepts from the unit’s Reading, be sure to use a signal phrase like “According to . . .[name of reading].” If you are directly quoting the Reading or another source, be sure to use quotation marks and cite the source using proper APA in-text citations and full references. See the Purdue Global Writing Center Using Sources for resources on APA citation formatting.
BAM 515 California Coast University Organizational Behavior Business Question Writing Assignment Help
Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations
Ricky W. Griffin, Jean M. Phillips, Stanley M. Gully, 2019
ISBN.13: 978-0-357-04250-2
Writing assignments are judged on the quality of the response in regard to the question. Word count is NOT one of the criteria that is used in assigning points to writing assignments. However, students who are successful in earning the maximum number of points tend to submit writing assignments that fall between 750-1000 words (3-4 pages) per question.
All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. Put written answers into your own words. Do not simply cut and paste your answers from the Internet and do not copy your answers from the textbook.
Plagiarism consists of taking and using the ideas, writings or inventions of another, without giving credit to that person and presenting it as one’s own. This is an offense that the university takes very seriously. An example of a correctly prepared written response may be found by visiting the Coast Connection student portal. You can find this in the portal by clicking on Student Resources and then Writing Basics.
Citation Styles
The majority of your response should be your own original writing based on what you have learned from the textbook and outside materials, if applicable. Be sure to provide a citation and a reference for any materials used, including the required textbook. The following points are designed to help you understand how to provide proper citations and references for your work:
- Sources are listed in two places.
- The first, a citation, is briefly listed within your answer. This includes identifying information that directs the reader to your list of references at the end of your writing assignment.
- The second, a reference, is at the end of your work in the list of references section.
- All sources cited should follow APA style and provide enough identifying information so that the reader can access the original material.
IHP 501 SNHU The Role of the Healthcare Professional in Policymaking Journal Health Medical Assignment Help
Overview: Successful professionals need good reflective and writing skills, and journal activities offer you the opportunity to further develop these skills. The journal assignments provide you an opportunity to focus on how you can advocate for global health and policy in your current or future role as a health professional. You will submit journal assignments in Modules One, Three, Seven, and Ten. Approach each journal assignment as an opportunity to reflect upon and apply what you learned from the assigned readings, discussions, and activities, incorporating any knowledge or expertise you have based on past educational and professional experiences.
Prompt: When completing journal assignments, articulate your insights and ideas in a professional manner. This journal assignment does not require references; however, if you do use references, use proper APA formatting. You should also use language appropriate for a health professional and provide annotations to clarify as necessary (e.g., with use of company-specific acronyms). Journals are private between the student and the instructor.
Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Your journal
assignments must be 2 to 3 paragraphs in length. Any references or citations must be in APA format