BUS 3061 Capella University Capital Budgeting Questions Business Finance Assignment Help. BUS 3061 Capella University Capital Budgeting Questions Business Finance Assignment Help.
I’m working on a accounting question and need an explanation to help me study.
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Assessment 5 Instructions: Capital Budgeting
- Perform calculations and answer questions related to capital budgeting.In this assessment, you will explore capital budgeting, which is the process of evaluating the feasibility and selection of investment projects. You will examine basic capital budgeting techniques, such as payback, discounted payback, net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), profitability index (PI), and modified internal rate of return (MIRR).
This assessment focuses on capital budgeting calculations.
Complete and submit the Assessment 5 Template [XLSX].
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
- Competency 1: Analyze financial environments and concepts.
- Explain which capital budgeting method is superior—NPV, IRR, or MIRR.
- Competency 2: Apply financial computations and processes.
- Calculate five capital budgeting problems correctly.
- Competency 3: Communicate effectively and professionally.
- Convey clear meaning through appropriate word choice and usage.
- Competency 1: Analyze financial environments and concepts.
BUS 3061 Capella University Capital Budgeting Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
AACC The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Interpersonal Therapy Questions Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.
Modules 65 – 69: Therapies
Please complete the required readings first, then bring in information/research (at least 2 key terms/concepts) from the required readings to answer the questions below:
After reading Modules 65-69, you learned about Therapies. While therapy is typically associated with people who have a diagnosis, therapy is also a tool for other non-clinical situations. “Even if a person is already doing well, therapy can be a way to promote personal growth” (Trull & Prinstein, 2013). Using the content from the required readings:
- Recall the different treatment modalities discussed, pick two of these treatment options to compare and contrast. What do these treatments have in common? How are they different from each other?
- Describe how “Cognitive Therapy” is intended to help clients. What are “Cognitive Distortions” and how does a therapist help clients to identify them?
- Review the basic counseling skills that can be used to engage with someone who is struggling and pick two that you could utilize the next time you have someone in your life that needs support. What makes the skills that you selected helpful for someone in need
*Remember to use in-text, and full reference citations in APA format for all content that you bring in from the readings. Your textbook should be your PRIMARY source of information, not an internet search. Feel free to express personal feelings/views/opinions, but also remember to use an academic voice when writing your post and responses.*
Gentry High School Survival Guide to Created a Book Around Algebra Questions Mathematics Assignment Help
I’m working on a algebra multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me study.
My Algebra Survival Guide
Your mission if you chose is to create a “How to Book” with the concepts or ideas we have studied this year. You must choose at least 10 out of the list to complete the book. How you complete the book is up to you. Some suggestions might be: a comic strip, cartoons, pictures, or another way of your choice. Make sure you make this visually interesting and mathematically sound.
Requirements: -Must use at least 2 equations or word problem per each concept -Must have the correct solution for each problem – Must have a cover page and a table of contents – Must have at least 1 page for each concept for a total of 12 pages – Must be neat and accurate.
Topics to Pick From:
Absolute Values Coordinate Plane Domain and Range Exponent Rules Factoring Function Notation Graphing Linear Equations Graphing Inequalities Inequalities Parallel and Perpendicular Polynomials Quadratics Solving 1, 2, & multi-step equations Systems of Equations The Number System
If you think of a topic that I left off of this list that you would like to include, please ask before just doing it. Most likely, I will accept it, but get permission first!
Basic Understanding (6 pts) Followed no directions
Following Directions
(12pts) Followed 25% directions
(18pts) (24pts) Followed half Followed the directions 75% of
(30pts) Followed all directions
8 Solutions
12 Solutions
Less than 4 Solutions No Creativity
Solutions Creative
All 20 Problems All 20 Solutions The best I can do Complete Cover page and TOC
Some Half creativity imagination | Half sloppy
Partially complete cover
Page/TOC 5-6 errors 3-4 errors
No Cover Page/Table Ipage/TOC of Contents
1-2 Errors
No Errors
7 or more errors.
Time use
Not neat
Somewhat neat Half pictures
Some pictures
Visuals to go No pictures with each problems Presentation Refuses to
Missing some pictures
Turned in on time Takes Pride in his/her work Every problem has a picture Presents accurately
Presents problem(s) inaccurately
CNL 515 ATSU The Skilled Helper A Problem MGT and Opportunity Development Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need support to help me understand better.
Topic 3 DQ 2 (Obj. 3.2) CNL-515 DQ 3,2 |
What is the difference between confrontation and a gentle challenge? Read and complete the “Challenging Practice Session.” Apply appropriate evidence-based strategies and skills to demonstrate a client centered approach. Describe the skills you demonstrated and why. What did you discover during the practice session? What did you learn about yourself as a new counselor to be? If using a volunteer, be sure you obtain a verbal consent from the volunteer. Include at least one scholarly reference in your response.
This discussion question is informed by the following CACREP Standards:
2.F.5.g. Essential interviewing, counseling, and case conceptualization skills.
2.F.5.j. Evidence-based counseling strategies and techniques for prevention and intervention.
UTSA In the Place of Justice Novel Author Wilbert Rideau Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing project and need a sample draft to help me learn.
What are you going to take with you from this class, and how will you use it within differing local, statewide/national, and global contexts? Intersectional justice is a journey of the past, present, and future, with constantly evolving viewpoints and challenges to traditional thought. Over the course of the semester, we have discussed the US political system within the contexts of race, sex/gender, sexuality, ability, class, religion, and nationality; how political media affects the identification of our private and public selves; how advocacy and cultural movements can redefine power, status, and authority. This final assignment is a showcase of your individual research and analysis.
2. In the Place of Justice – Wilbert Rideau ——- THIS IS THE BOOK !!
Throughout the course of the semester, you will be responsible for reading your novel of choice and writing a research essay, completing a multi-disciplinary analysis. A minimum of 4 sources (peer reviewed &/or news) in addition to your novel are required and must be cited using APA citation guidelines (ie: in-text citations and a reference page).
There will be three major sections for this paper:
- SECTION 1: Novel overview and analysis of character(s)
- Summary of the novel – cover the basics: who, what, when, where, why, and how?
- How did your character(s) environment play a role in their individual health, wellness, and social connections?
- Character(s) growth: how did the social condition(s) presented in your novel impact the development of your character?
- SECTION 2: Historical context and current status
- What is/are the major social problem(s) introduced in your reading?
- What conditions allowed for the formation of the social problem(s) introduced?
- How does intersectionality play a role in the development and continuation of these problems?
- How does that inform our modern social, political, and economic conditions of the social problem(s) introduced?
- What is the relationship of privilege and oppression within your social problem, analyzed on micro, mezzo, and macro levels?
- SECTION 3: Current interventions, best practices, and future consideration
- What campaigns and/or programs exist to address the social condition(s) addressed in your reading?
- Are these interventions working? Why or why not?
- What are the best practices for intervening on the social condition(s) addressed in your reading? How do you know, and what evidence exists?
- Is there an existing intervention that demonstrates these best practices?
- Call to action: what changes need to be made to improve conditions in the future?
Pennsylvania State University Biometric Sensor Interoperability Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Throughout this course, you have looked at the various phases of the SABSA model and how it relates to secure system architecture. For your final project, you will take the role of a security architecture consultant that has been hired by Informatics Inc. to design an enterprise security system for Intergalactic Banking and Financial Services, Inc. (if you chose SABSA Layer 1 or Layer 2) or an affiliated business represented with case studies or system diagrams identified and approved during module 3 by your instructor (if you chose to research Layers 3 through 5).
Using the case study detailed in Chapter 4 of the course textbook, or feedback from other case studies you provided to your instructor throughout the course, and the information you’ve learned through the module readings, presentations and assignments, produce a paper of no more than 8-12 pages highlighting the following:
- Describe how the architectural layer you selected in module 1 of this course relates to the business and security needs presented in the case study.
- Identify and define the deliverables for your architectural layer that you would employ for the client.
- Produce the appropriate deliverables for your layer of architecture based on readings from the textbook and feedback from your instructor throughout the course.
- In cases where deliverables are dependent on preceding layer inputs, describe in detail what you’d expect as input, how you would process that information, and then develop a representative output deliverable either using the anticipated information or describe in detail how you would go about developing the required deliverable. You may replace the development of an actual deliverable based on a case study with a detailed description of your anticipated development process and a mock output template.
In creating your final project, feel free to incorporate graphs, charts or other graphics if you feel that they will add value to the project. Be sure to refer to and cite specific examples of these deliverables from the textbook and other resources you have accessed throughout the course in addition to previous assignments and discussions.
Pennsylvania State University Biometric Sensor Interoperability Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Social Sustainability Corporate Governance and Corruption Blog Writing Writing Assignment Help
For the Videos I will send them by email. (4 videos of 3 minutes and 1 video of 10 minute)
Sustainability 4 blogs
This individual sustainability blog will be based on the weekly topics covered in the module.
You will research the topics and upload your own blog posts. In each post, you should give
examples of sustainability concepts and/or other theories covered. (The recordings of the
lectures are attached). Research how these concepts relate to real-life business/es (you may
use your own personal experience in business or other organizations).
We are looking for your ability to transfer the theories/concepts you have learned into the
real world. In each post, you should explain what the examples are and then explain which
aspect of sustainability it relates to. Each topic should be covered in a 400 words blog. A
total of 1600 should be uploaded, with the title of each blog.
Topic 1: Rise of CSR
Topic 2: Issues in social sustainability
Topic 3: corporate governance and corruption
Topic 4: Labour issues
Example: Ethics and business
First of all, let’s begin with the concept of what ethics are. Once in a while, it’s a critical
exercise that one has to go through in order to clarify their values and principles. Basically,
they are the fundamental moral ground rules under which our lives are lived. It’s about right
and wrong actions, with the option of choosing right over wrong.
For many years, companies were only concerned with making money, now some of them are
also concerned about society’s welfare. Sustainability’s forward-thinking revolves around
creating new products, that in the long run will improve society’s ills. Examples include
backpacks designed with solar panels to charge electronic devices or 100% biodegradable
cardboard coffins.
Although sustainability encompasses more than environmental conservation, it is a priority
for sustainability-driven businesses and governments to conserve natural resources.
Companies who work sustainably also talk about their corporate social responsibilities.
Businesses who are economically and ethically conscious report on their triple bottom line,
which is their social, environmental, and financial impact on the planet.
Green marketing seems to be almost everywhere these days, our eggs are “all-natural”, our
cosmetics are enlaced with green labels. Unfortunately, hidden behind these ethically
environmentally driven products, lies an insidious form of advertising, Greenwashing.
Greenwashing plays into the consumer’s desire to lead a “green” life, without necessarily
creating a sustainable product. Greenwashing is no stranger to the fashion and clothing
industry. In 2019, H&M launched its own line of green clothing titled: conscious. The
company claimed it was using organic cotton and recycled polyester. However, on further
inspection, it was found that this was just a marketing tactic in order to make their sales
appeal more environmentally friendly.
Diffusion of responsibility happens when individuals who need to make a decision are
waiting for someone else to act instead. The more individuals involved, the more likely it is
that people can do little to react to anyone else in the community. This helps individuals feel
less pressure to act when they think someone else is going to do so.
Conclusively, to achieve sustainability we need to comply with social and environmental
conditions, meet human needs with ecological constraints. This does not mean that
businesses have to put financial gains last. CSR, ethics, and sustainability interrelate with
each other. While CSR looks at a company’s past performance, sustainability is looking at
present and future performance and ethics regarding the choices being made.
University of San Diego Animals Activism on Animals Project Paper Humanities Assignment Help
This assignment is designed to encourage personal reflection and creative expression about the theme of our class.
Creative Project
Assignment: Choose one of the options listed below.
- Write a story in which you are the hero/heroine (at least 3 pages)
- Write a hero story for young people (at least 3 pages)
- Create a comic book / graphic novel about a hero/heroine (equal to at least 3 written pages)
- Make a video related to heroes (5-6 minutes)
- Create your own unique Artivist Project (music, visual art, infographic, storytelling, or website that advances a social justice cause).
Instructions for Submitting Assignment
- Below is a Padlet. Click on the PLUS (+) sign on the bottom right hand corner.
- Type in your name as “The Title.”
- Under “Write Something,” write a brief description of your project.
- Upload your creative project.
- Comment to 2 of your classmates. Be sure to write your name at the end of the comment.
- Once you’re done sharing & commenting, click to continue.
I’m looking forward to reading, viewing, and/or listening to your creative projects!
LIT 1000 Palm Beach State College A Dolls House Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Read A Doll’s House, from the beginning of Act 2 to play conclusion.
This week’s discussion forum will focus on an aspect of our play that has always troubled audiences: Nora’s decision to leave her children behind her. Why do you think she does this? Is it a cold, callous move on her part or is her decision justified in one or more ways? Before answering, reflect well and deeply upon Nora’s character—who she was, who she became, and why. Also consider the potential fates of the children themselves if they accompanied their mother, given the different scenarios Nora might face on her own.
You must post an initial response to the prompt above and respond to at least two of your peers. Each of your posts must range between 100-200 words. I look forward to sharing in your responses!
Morgan Hunter
Discussion #11
The big picture is that Nora is leaving her kids, but she didn’t do it because she hates them or even because she truly wants to leave them. She is doing for herself so she can find out who she truly is, which from one point of view it is cruel to leave her children but it’s also cruel to herself to continue living in the household where she is emotionally abused. It would be beneficial for the children if she took them with her but it would be a bit harder for her to be able to find herself along with the responsibilty of being a single mother. If they are left with the father though, they most likely will also be emotionally abused and raised to conform to the ideals of what is socially accpetable like their father. I don’t know what the best option would be but I do know that Nora missed the time in her life when she was supposed to find herself and to be in a successful, equal relationship with a man, you need to have that self awareness so you aren’t domineered by his beliefs.
Myong Tongbang
Discussion #11
Nora leaves her family as she knows that she doesn’t know her true mind or have thoughts and beliefs of her own. She claims that she was the “doll-child,” of her father, that she often followed his views or kept her own emotions private. Then she did precisely the same thing when she married Torvald. She needs the chance to find out what she likes and dislikes, what she likes, and if she is right or society is right. At the end of the story Nora was not justified in leaving the way she did. She made no place to find a solution for the marriage. Perhaps worse, she gave her children to a guy she considered a stranger. Her kids’ fate may be jeopardized or be full of resentment as to longing for their mother as they grow up, because having a mother or a mother figure is a great deal in shaping her kids to grow up. I do think her departure was premature because as an adult she should have tried to fix the marriage and her family however, she resorted to leaving, but I can feel Nora’s sorrow because she invested part of her life with a man who didn’t really love her as well as being treated just as a doll.
NURS FPX 4020 Capella Medication Administration Safety Improvement Essay Writing Assignment Help
Communication in the health care environment consists of an information-sharing experience whether through oral or written messages (Chard, Makary, 2015). As health care organizations and nurses strive to create a culture of safety and quality care, the importance of interprofessional collaboration, the development of tool kits, and the use of wikis become more relevant and vital. In addition to the dissemination of information and evidence-based findings and the development of tool kits, continuous support for and availability of such resources are critical. Among the most popular methods to promote ongoing dialogue and information sharing are blogs, wikis, websites, and social media. Nurses know how to support people in time of need or crisis and how to support one another in the workplace; wikis in particular enable nurses to continue that support beyond the work environment. Here they can be free to share their unique perspectives, educate others, and promote health care wellness at local and global levels (Kaminski, 2016).
You are encouraged to complete the Determining the Relevance and Usefulness of Resources activity prior to developing the repository. This activity will help you determine which resources or research will be most relevant to address a particular need. This may be useful as you consider how to explain the purpose and relevance of the resources you are assembling for your tool kit. The activity is for your own practice and self-assessment, and demonstrates course engagement.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
- Competency 1: Analyze the elements of a successful quality improvement initiative.
- Analyze usefulness of resources for role group responsible for implementing quality and safety improvements with medication administration.
- Competency 2: Analyze factors that lead to patient safety risks.
- Analyze the value of resources to reduce patient safety risk or improve quality with medication administration.
- Competency 3: Identify organizational interventions to promote patient safety.
- Identify necessary resources to support the implementation and sustainability of a safety improvement initiative focusing on medication administration.
- Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based strategies to communicate in a manner that supports safe and effective patient care.
- Present compelling reasons and relevant situations for resource tool kit to be used by its target audience.
- Communicate in a clear, logically structured, and professional manner, using current APA style and formatting.
Chard, R., Makary, M. A. (2015). Transfer-of-care communication: Nursing best practices. AORN Journal, 102(4), 329-342.
Kaminski, J. (2016). Why all nurses can/should be authors. Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics, 11(4), 1-7.
Professional Context
Nurses are often asked to implement processes, concepts, or practices – sometimes with little preparatory communication or education. One way to encourage sustainability of quality and process improvements is to assemble an accessible, user-friendly tool kit for knowledge and process documentation. Creating a resource repository or tool kit is also an excellent way to follow up an educational or in-service session, as it can help to reinforce attendees’ new knowledge as well as the understanding of its value. By practicing creating a simple online tool kit, you can develop valuable technology skills to improve your competence and efficacy. This technology is easy to use, and resources are available to guide you.
For this assessment, consider taking one of these two approaches:
- Build on the work done in your first three assessments and create an online tool kit or resource repository that will help the audience of your in-service understand the research behind your safety improvement plan pertaining to medication administration and put the plan into action.
- Locate a safety improvement plan (your current organization, the Institution for Healthcare Improvement, or a publicly available safety improvement initiative) pertaining to medication administration and create an online tool kit or resource repository that will help an audience understand the research behind the safety improvement plan and how to put the plan into action.
Google Sites is recommended for this assessment – the tools are free to use and should offer you a blend of flexibility and simplicity as you create your online tool kit. Please note that this requires a Google account; use your Gmail or GoogleDocs login, or create an account following the directions under the “Create Account” menu.
Refer to the following links to help you get started with Google Sites:
- G Suite Learning Center. (n.d.). Get started with Sites. Retrieved from https://gsuite.google.com/learning-center/products…
- Google. (n.d.). ;Google Sites. Retrieved from https://sites.google.com
- Google. (n.d.). ;Sites help. Retrieved from https://support.google.com/sites/?hl=en#topic=
Using Google Sites, assemble an online resource tool kit containing at least 12 annotated resources that you consider critical to the success of your safety improvement initiative. These resources should enable nurses and others to implement and maintain the safety improvement you have developed.
It is recommended that you focus on the 3 or 4 most critical categories or themes with respect to your safety improvement initiative pertaining to medication administration. For example, for an ;initiative that concerns improving workplace safety for practitioners, you might choose broad themes such as general organizational safety and quality best practices; environmental safety and quality risks; individual strategies to improve personal and team safety; and process best practices for reporting and improving environmental safety issues.
Following the recommended scheme, you would collect 3 resources on average for each of the 4 categories focusing on safety with medication administration. Each resource listing should include ;the following:
- An APA-formatted citation of the resource with a working link.
- A description of the information, skills, or tools provided by the resource.
- A brief explanation of how the resource can help nurses better understand or implement the safety improvement initiative pertaining to medication administration.
- A description of how nurses can use this resource and when its use may be appropriate.
Remember that you must make your site public so that your faculty can access it. Check out the Google Sites resources for more information.
Here is an example entry:
- Merret, A., Thomas, P., Stephens, A., ;Moghabghab, R., Gruneir, M. (2011). A collaborative approach to fall prevention. Canadian Nurse, 107(8), 24-29. Retrieved from www.canadian-nurse.com/articles/issues/2011/octobe…
- This article presents the Geriatric Emergency Management-Falls Intervention Team (GEM-FIT) project. It shows how a collaborative nurse lead project can be implemented and used to improve collaboration and interdisciplinary teamwork, as well as improve the delivery of health care services. This resource is likely more useful to nurses as a resource for strategies and models for assembling and participating in an interdisciplinary team than for specific fall-prevention strategies. It is suggested that this resource be reviewed prior to creating an interdisciplinary team for a collaborative project in a health care setting.
Additionally, be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.
- Identify necessary resources to support the implementation and continued sustainability of a safety improvement initiative pertaining to medication administration.
- Analyze the usefulness of resources to the role group responsible for implementing quality and safety improvements focusing on medication administration.
- Analyze the value of resources to reduce patient safety risk related to medication administration.
- Present compelling reasons and relevant situations for use of resource tool kit by its target audience.
- Communicate in a clear, logically structured, and professional manner that applies current APA style and formatting.
Example Assessment: You may use the following example to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like but keep in mind that your tool kit will focus on promoting safety with medication administration. Note that you do not have to submit your bibliography in addition to the Google Site; the example bibliography is merely for your reference.
To submit your online tool kit assessment, paste the link to your Google Site in the assessment submission box.
Example Google Site: You may use the example Google Site, Resources for Safety and Improvement Measures in Geropsychiatric Care, to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like for this assessment but keep in mind that your tool kit will focus on promoting safety with medication administration.
Note: If you experience technical or other challenges in completing this assessment, please contact your faculty member.
Additional Requirements
- APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style
BUS 3061 Capella University Capital Budgeting Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
BUS 3061 Capella University Capital Budgeting Questions Business Finance Assignment Help