BUS 4044 Capella University Employee Privacy Article Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

BUS 4044 Capella University Employee Privacy Article Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. BUS 4044 Capella University Employee Privacy Article Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

I’m working on a business question and need an explanation to help me study.
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  • Write a 2–3-page article review in which you discuss privacy in the workplace. From an HR perspective, the topic of privacy in the workplace is often related to pre-employment background checks and the use of technology. During the pre-employment period, privacy can become a concern because employers investigate criminal records, check credit reports, contact former employers, et cetera. Once employed, an individual’s use of company technology—and what is permissible and what is private—can also be concerns. These topics are very important for HR practitioners and all members of management to understand, because privacy violations can be very costly to an organization and can result in negative press as well. By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
    • Competency 2: Analyze trends and changes in the laws on diversity, gender, and harassment.
      • Discuss personal opinion on privacy in the workplace considerations.
    • Competency 3: Apply the laws and safety issues in the workplace.
      • Identify the legal impact of the information.
      • Describe how companies can act in accordance with the privacy laws.
    • Competency 5: Create strategies for recovery from exposure to liabilities.
      • Describe how companies can recover from violations related to the privacy laws.
    • Competency 6: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the human resource profession.
      • Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the human resource profession.
    Competency Map

    CHECK YOUR PROGRESSUse this online tool to track your performance and progress through your course.

  • Toggle Drawer


    The right to privacy is an honored value in the United States and has always been a complicated area of the law. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, questions have centered on privacy in numerous circles, not the least of which is the workplace. During this course, you have explored the balance between privacy, safety, and fairness. In this assessment, you will review the emerging issues specifically related to privacy and consider their legal implications.Most discussion on this topic revolves around technology and pre-employment inquiry, but health records are emerging as equally important. Personnel records and criminal records—even academic records—are becoming relevant when decisions about the pursuit and retention of employment are on the table. Try not to restrict your thinking to personal ethical issues. Rather, try to see how the law is shaping policy in the workplace and then look at the diversity of personal lifestyles.

  • Toggle Drawer

    Questions to Consider

    To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

    • Use of illegal substances in the workplace results in significant cost to employers due to lost productivity, absences from work, and workplace accidents. In your opinion, what is the most effective approach for employers to take to try and eliminate illegal drugs from the workplace? Are pre-employment and random drug testing good deterrents? Are there privacy issues that you feel might exist with these practices?
    • Have you ever encountered a case of wrongful termination, and if so, what was your reaction?
  • Toggle Drawer


    Suggested Resources

    The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom.

    Library Resources

    The following e-books or articles from the Capella University Library are linked directly in this course:


    Course Library Guide

    A Capella University library guide has been created specifically for your use in this course. You are encouraged to refer to the resources in the BUS-FP4044 – Legal Issues in Human Resource Management Library Guide to help direct your research.

    Internet Resources

    Access the following resources by clicking the links provided. Please note that URLs change frequently. Permissions for the following links have been either granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication.

    Integrated Materials
    • Walsh, D. J. (2019). Employment law for human resource practice (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.
      • Chapter 15, “Privacy on the Job.”
  • Assessment Instructions

    Use the Capella library and the Internet to find an article related to the issue of privacy in the workplace. Look for a case that is specifically related to human resources. Try to find the most recent instance of such a case.Then, write a 2–3-page article review in which you discuss the following:

    • Identify the legal impact of the information in your chosen article related to privacy in the workplace.
    • Describe how companies can act in accordance with the privacy laws addressed in your article.
    • Describe how companies can recover from violations related to the privacy laws addressed in your article.
    • Provide a rationale to support your point of view.

BUS 4044 Capella University Employee Privacy Article Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Southern New Hampshire University Safe Zone Training Mission Program Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a social science exercise and need support to help me understand better.

Assignment: Safe Zone Training

Supporting LGBTQ+ populations requires that you first understand the diversity within the community. Safe Zone trainings allow you to develop your knowledge and understanding of LGBTQ+ individuals. For this week’s assignment, you have an opportunity to participate in Safe Zone activities and reflect on your experience. You are asked to complete this assignment with a partner or small group of your choosing to have opportunity to dialogue with others, an essential component of Safe Zone trainings.

To prepare:

Option 1: Go to https://thesafezoneproject.com/download-curriculum/ and download most recent version of the Safe Zone training. Read the facilitator’s guide. With at least one other person (e.g., classmate, coworker, friend, family member), use the facilitator’s guide to complete the activities in the participant packet.

The Assignment

A 400-500-word reflection on your experience with this exercise, including what you learned and how it felt.


AIU Legal Issues in Information Security and Incident Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a computer science question and need an explanation to help me study.

Using the online library, the Internet, and all course materials, research cybercriminals, their motives, and the forensic tools used to track an offender.

  • Summarize who you believe cyber criminals are, and why?
  • What do you believe are the motives of a cybercriminal? Why?
  • What are 3 ways to track an offender? Give an example of each.
  • What types of tools are used in the process of a digital or network investigation?
  • What information can be learned through these tools about the intrusion or other cybercrime?
  • What are the main investigative tools that all cybercrime investigators should have? What are some of the specialty tools that investigators would require for specific type of investigation such as network intrusion or mobile investigation?

    Intro to Computer Forensics

read it

The Basic of Hard Drives & Storage MediaThe Basic of Hard Drives & Sto…

read it

Methodology in Gathering EvidenceMethodology in Gathering Evide…

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read it

Tracking an OffenderTracking an Offender

watch it

read it

hear it

Tracking and InvestigatingTracking and Investigating

read it

FAQ: Computer Forensic InvestigationsFAQ: Computer Forensic Investi…

watch it

read it

hear it

Acquiring DataAcquiring Data

watch it

read it

hear it

Acquiring Digital EvidenceAcquiring Digital Evidence

watch it

read it

hear it

Digital InvestigationDigital Investigation

watch it

read it

hear it

Data CollectionData Collection


Timberland High School Determine the Concentration of The HJa Solution Questions Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a chemistry project and need guidance to help me understand better.

This project is on chapter’s 6 and 7

-Composition of Substances and Solutions

-Stoichiometry of Chemical Reactions

Link to textbook: https://openstax.org/details/books/chemistry-atoms…


-For questions talking about learning goals you must be very specific. *put in own words*


Example: learning goal for a Bohr Model question-

The learning goal for this question is (look at textbook chapter 3.2) to describe the Bohr model of a hydrogen atom, and use the Rydberg equation to calculate the energies either admitted or absorbed by the atoms.

-If the next question is asking for examples, look through the chapter and find an example displaying the topic of the learning objective.

Example: textbook example for a Bohr Model question-

An example from the textbook would be (look in textbook chapter 3.2) example 3.5



An example from the textbook would be (look at exercises in the textbook) example #16 in the 3.2 The Bohr Model section


Thank you!


Grossmont Cuyamaca Community Bird Translation Tessellation Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a art discussion question and need guidance to help me study.


44 unread replies.44 replies.

Tessellations are a means of “tiling the plane”. They are decorative, repetitive works of art made in various mediums. M.C. Escher, the Dutch graphic designer was known for his extensive work with tessellations.

Using examples from Escher, and the weblinks provided to you in Helpful Tessellation Links, search for a tessellation in person to show the class.

Find a Tessellation:

Take a selfie with a tessellation you discover around town. Don’t forget to tell us where the tessellation was discovered in your thread.

Tessellations can be discovered all over. For example, USD campus and Balboa Park have fountains that share some very similar tile work. Downtown La Jolla has some spread about while you walk on Girard. Home Depot sometimes has examples on display for kitchen and bathrooms. Even textiles and fabrics are decorated in tessellations.

Be sure to embed your image/s (just like in the demo below). DO NOT attach the image/s in word doc or pdf files. Attached images that require downloading for viewing will NOT be looked at and the discussion will earn a zero.

Embedding Images Into Canvas Discussions (Links to an external site.)

Discussion Questions:

Tell us why you chose the tessellation.

What is it about the tessellation that made an impression on you?

What exactly makes the pattern/decoration you chose a tessellation? Provide specific details. Discussing a principle of design or two or anything from the visual toolbox could be helpful.


Your Discussion experience will come in three parts:

Part 1: Take a selfie with a tessellation you discover around town. Don’t forget to tell us where the tessellation was discovered in your thread. A photo with you holding a book or print out next to your face will not work!

Embed the photo to your thread. Avoid using huge file sizes, they may not upload into Canvas.

Part 2: Write a short essay that answers the above questions and provide comments about your own viewing experience. Additions to your thread resulting from any added research is fine. But remember to stay on topic and answer the questions.

Part 3: Respond to a minimum of 2 other student Threads.

Points will be distributed in this manner: Your initial Thread can earn you up to 10 points, and each response is worth up to 5 points max. Maximum points is 20. Extraordinary posts and responses will be rewarded with extra points, making totals larger than 20, but no more than 24 points. Poor spelling and grammar will result in the loss of points. Entries with any errors in spelling and grammar will receive no higher than 17/20. Be sure to make your entries perfect.

*The purpose of this exercise is to promote critical thinking. Be sure to provide detailed and supportive answers. One word answers like “cool, awesome, lol” are not sufficient.You will be graded on the quality of your posts and responses. Failure to respond to at least 2 posts will cost you points. Be mindful and polite to one another, and more importantly, be creative and have fun.



Ashford University Wk 2 EBP Implementation Research Anticipating Results Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I have attached my plagaorised working. Please ensure to submit original good quality work.

Submit a 4- to 5-page paper that analyzes the implementation of the evidence-based practice in your field of practice to determine if you can expect similar results to the research. The paper should include the following:

  • A description of the evidence-based practice that you selected including:
    • The population for which the evidence-based practice is intended
    • The problems for which the evidence-based practice is intended to address
    • A summary of the evidence from the research articles that demonstrate the evidence-based practice’s effectiveness
  • An explanation of any differences between the conditions of the study and the conditions on your practice. Explain the potential impact these differences could have on successful implementation.
  • A description of the steps that would be required to implement the evidence-based practice including:
    • Any factors that would support each step and how you would leverage them
    • Any factors that would limit or hinder each step and how you would mitigate them
  • A conclusion that includes:
    • Anticipated results of the implementation in your practice setting
    • An explanation of whether they will be similar or different from the research results from the articles

Ashford University Wk 2 EBP Implementation Research Anticipating Results Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Duke University Globalization as a Gendered Phenomenon Discussion Writing Assignment Help

  1. Critically respond to the three-part questions in the form of an essay. Devote equal attention to all questions.
    1. a) How is globalization gendered and why is gender an important analytical tool to understand processes of globalization?
    2. b) What are the challenges facing women workers in the globalization circuit and how are these challenges addressed through activist and/or feminist organizing?
    3. c) How can corporate responsibility (Code of Conduct) create better wages and safer workplace conditions?
  2. You are expected to demonstrate explicit understanding and engagement with the materials from Weeks 3 and 4: Hawkesworth, Dominguez et al, Duhigg & Barboza and Funari & De La Torre (Maquilapolis documentary). In other words, communicate your understanding of the questions and how you use the assigned materials to aid in your understanding.
  3. Please bear in mind that your analysis should lean heavily on the essays/articles assigned and not on the documentary. In other words, the documentary can serve as a supporting material to further showcase your understanding of issues within the context of feminism and globalization.

Article (By Charles Duhigg and David Barboza) https://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/26/business/iecono…

Video by Vicky Funari and Sergio de la Torre


DeVry University Effective Institution Career Programs Memorandum Humanities Assignment Help

Formal Report or Proposal Overview

Although there is not a Course Project for technical communication in the traditional sense, there is a significant, multistep assignment beginning in Week 4 and continuing through Week 8—a formal persuasive report or business proposal.

The two most common types of formal, longer, business documents are reports and proposals. There are some similarities between the two but some important differences as well. Formal reports are internal documents. They are written to be read by other members of the organization. Proposals, on the other hand, are external documents. They are meant to be read by people outside of the organization. Based on your interests and experience, you will choose to write either a formal persuasive report or a business proposal.

If you choose to write a formal report, its subject will be the improvement of a product, service, or process that the company offers. The audience for this report will be the decision makers at the organization who have the ability to approve your idea. Here are a few sample ideas for formal reports.

  • Assume you work in a bank. You have an idea to make it easier for new customers to switch banks without missing any bill payments.
  • Assume you work for a charitable organization. You have a plan to encourage more donations or to attract more volunteers.
  • Assume you are in the military. You have a plan to improve morale or to enhance combat readiness.

You may base your report topic on your current job or a previous one. If you don’t have formal work experience, you may base your report on the type of organization you’d like to work for in the future.

Alternatively, you may choose to write a business proposal. A business proposal is a plan for a new business, aimed at attracting financial support. You may choose any type of business you like, but it should be consistent with your major and your career goals.

Important note: While reusing and recycling is great for the environment, it is not allowed here. You must use an original idea and original research for this assignment. You may not resubmit an assignment from another class.

Regardless of your choice, the required length is the same, a minimum of 1,500 words. In addition, you will create a presentation based on your report or proposal. It will be approximately 5 minutes long.

Chapters 12 and 13 provide guidelines and examples to help you to write your report or proposal. More specifically, page 416 shows the components of a business plan, and page 417 shows the components of a formal report. Not all of the components shown on these pages are needed for every report. The components you will need to include are shown below.


  • Title Page: Title of the report, author’s name, date
  • Table of Contents: List of all major components of the report and what page each component begins on
  • Executive Summary: One-page overview of the report
  • Current Situation: Make the case for why there is a business need for this new product, service, or process
  • Objectives: Explain how this new product, service, or process will help the organization meets its goals
  • Deliverables: Show what will be done and when it will be done
  • Costs/ROI: Provide the cost of implementing these changes, as well as an estimated return on investment
  • References: List all sources cited in text in APA format


  • Title Page: As above
  • Table of Contents: As above
  • Executive Summary: As above
  • Business Description: Explain what products or services the business provides and where it will be located
  • Business Objectives: List the company’s short-term and long-term goals
  • Market Analysis: Tell about the competition, as well as what is unique about this business
  • Description of Products and Services: Provide additional details about the products and services
  • Financial Management: Give a breakdown of all costs, as well as projected revenues
  • References: As above


  • Week 4: Topic Selection Assignment (50 points)
  • Week 5: Annotated Bibliography (100 points)
  • Week 6: Rough Draft (100 points)
  • Week 7: Final Draft (200 points)
  • Week 8: Presentation (100 points)

For more details on each of these steps, see the corresponding assignment description in the appropriate module.


  • Choose a topic you are passionate about; after all, you’ll be working on this assignment for many weeks.
  • Set aside blocks of time to work on this; ultimately, you’ll be more efficient this way.
  • Stay on track with the milestones; it is easier to keep up than to catch up.
  • Ask your professor if you need help.

Formal Report or Proposal Topic Selection (Week 4)

This week we begin the major assignment for this course: a formal report or a proposal.

For this week’s assignment, you will write a memo addressed to your instructor in which you share your plans for your Course Project. In order to convince your instructor to approve your topic, you must explain what your topic is, why you have chosen it, and how you plan to complete it successfully. You may find it helpful to divide your memo into three paragraphs: the what, the why, and the how. The recommended length of this assignment is one page. See Appendix B, Formatting for Letters and Memos, pages 561–562 to learn more about memo format and for a sample memo.


CSU Global Campus ?Automobile Industry Financial Statement Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Option #1: Financial Statement Analysis: Automobile Industry

Financial analysts, investors, lenders, auditors, and many others perform ratio analysis to help review and evaluate a company’s financial statements and financial performance. This analysis allows the stakeholder to gain an understanding of the financial health of the company and gives insights to allow, hopefully, more effective decision making.

In this lab, you will access XBRL data to complete data analysis and generate financial ratios to compare the financial performance of several companies. Financial ratios can more easily be calculated using spreadsheets and XBRL. You will (1) select an industry to analyze, (2) create a copy of a spreadsheet template, (3) input ticker symbols from three U.S. public companies, and (4) calculate financial ratios and make observations about the state of the companies using these financial ratios.

The companies and competitors you should choose from are:



Ford Motor


General Motors




Toyota Motor




BMW Group


Nissan Motor


Hyundai Motor








Kia Motors




Suzuki Motor


Mazda Motor




1. Open a web browser and go to drive.google.com.

2. If you haven’t done so already, sign in to your Google account.

3. Go to http://tinyurl.com/xbrlratios. You will see a spreadsheet similar to Lab Exhibit 8-3A.

4. Click File Make a copy. . . as shown in Lab Exhibit 8-3A.

5. Rename your spreadsheet if desired and click OK to save a copy to your Drive. A new tab will open with your copy of the spreadsheet. You may now edit the values and formulas.

6. Referring to Lab Exhibit 8-3B for your industry’s ticker symbols, in the Main Company Ticker field, input the ticker of the company you would like to focus your analysis on and press Enter. In a moment, the value on the spreadsheet will change to Loading. . . and then show your company’s financial figures.

7. In the Most Recent Year field, enter the most recent reporting year. It may be the current year or the previous year.

8. In the Period field, enter either FY for a fiscal year or Q1 for 1st quarter, etc.

9. In the Round to field, choose the rounding amount. 1,000 will round to thousands of dollars; 1,000,000 will round to millions of dollars.

10.In the Comparable 1 Ticker field, input the ticker of a second company you would like to compare with your first company.

11. In the Comparable 2 Ticker field, input the ticker of a third company you would like to compare with your first company.

12. Take a screenshot (label it 8-3A) of your figure with the financial statements of your chosen companies.

13. First, review the Facts sheet (or tab) to determine whether there are any values missing for the companies you are analyzing. Describe what impact (if any) the missing data have on the ratios. Once you have determined whether any data are missing, you have a chance to find some interesting trends and comparisons in the data. You will click through the sheets at the bottom to review the ratios. To aid in this analysis, the template also includes sparklines that provide a mini-graph to help you quickly visualize any significant values or trends.


Submit your Excel file separately. Submit your Word document with the analysis of the ratios and the answer to each of these questions:

Q1. Review the 14 financial ratios and make some conclusions or judgments about the values, trends, or comparisons with the other companies. For example, if one company has a significantly higher debt-to-equity ratio than the other two, what might be driving this?

Q2. Has the company you are analyzing seen any major changes in its ratios in the past three years? Which of the three companies is most liquid in the most current year.

Q3.  How has your company managed short-term liabilities over the last three years?

Q4.  Analyze liquidity, profitability, financing (leverage), and activity for your company. Where is it strong?

Q5. Consider the DuPont framework to interpret the results and make sure you make a judgment about your company’s financial position based upon the data.

Your well-written paper must be 8 to 10 pages in length, in addition to the title page and reference page. It must contain 6 references (at least 4 of which are scholarly/peer reviewed). The paper should be formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).


SOCW 6205 Walden University Importance of Patient Provider Communication Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

By Day 4

Post a description of the
importance of patient–provider communication. Be sure to address the
relationship between patient–provider communications and illness
outcomes. Identify a minimum of three factors that
might lead to poor patient–provider communications. Provide your
rationale. Explain the ways patient–provider communications might be
improved. Then, explain the role culture plays in patient–provider
communications. Finally, explain the roles of a social worker in
assisting a patient to improve communications with other members of the
health care team.

Discussion: Patient–Provider Communications

Research shows that the quality of the
patient–provider relationship (Beach, Keruly, & Moore, 2006) and the
communications between the patient and provider (Piette et al., 2003)
influence a patient’s course of treatment and health outcomes.
Unfortunately, there are many barriers to good communication in the
patient–provider relationship. Health professionals debate about the
best strategies for effective communication.

initial steps of the Generalist Intervention Model support engagement
and building of rapport between a patient and a social worker. Medical
social workers are trained to be effective listeners and communicators.
Given their unique skills, medical social workers are often called upon
to support and navigate the relationships between patients and other
providers on the health care team as advocates, liaisons, and mediators.

To prepare for this Discussion:

patient–provider communications as an integral part of delivering
social work services to patients. Review this week’s resources and think
about how to deliver effective communications within the
patient–provider relationship.

Required Readings

Gehlert, S., & Browne, T. (Eds.). (2019). Handbook of health social work (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

  • Chapter 12, “Communication in Health Care” (pp. 250-271)

Becker, T.D., Lin, H.C. & Miller, V.A. (2018). A patient study of observed physician-parent-child communication and child satisfaction in a gastroenterology clinic. Patient Preference and Adherence, 12, 1327-1335.

Boeka, A. G., Solomon, A. C., Lokken, K., McGuire, B. M., & Bynon, J. S. (2011). A biopsychosocial approach to liver transplant evaluation in two patients with Wilson’s disease. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 16(3), 268–275.

Engel, G. L. (2012). The need for a new medical model: A challenge for biomedicine. Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 40(3), 377–396.

Fowler, J. C. (2012). Suicide risk assessment in clinical practice: Pragmatic guidelines for imperfect assessments. Psychotherapy, 49(1), 81–90.

Kee, J.W., Khoo, H.S., Lim, I. & Koh, M.Y. (2018). Communication skills in patient-doctor interactions: Learning from patient complaints. Health Professions Education, 4(2), 97-106.

Klitzman, R. (2018). Impediments to communication and relationships between infertility care providers and patients. BMC Women’s Health, 18(1), 1-12.

Madula, P., Kalembo, F.W. & Kaminga, A. C., (2018). Healthcare provider-patient communication: A qualitative study of women’s perceptions during childbirth. Reproductive Health, 15, 135-142.

Park, K.H. & Park, S. G. (2018). The effect of communication training using standardized nonverbal behaviors on patients in medical students. Korean Journal of Medical Education, 30(2), 153-159.

Document: Case Study: Biospychosocial Assessment (PDF)

Required Media

Singer, J. (2012). The Chronological Assessment of Suicide Events (CASE) approach: Interview and role play with Shawn Christopher Shea, M.D. The Social Work Podcast. Podcast retrieved from http://socialworkpodcast.blogspot.com/2012/09/the-chronological-assessment-of-suicide.html

Optional Resources

Bomba, P. A., Morrissey, M. B., & Leven, D. C. (2011). Key role of social work in effective communication and conflict resolution process: Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) program in New York and shared medical decision making at the end of life. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care, 7(1), 56–82.

Dransart, D. A. C. (2013). From sense-making to meaning-making: Understanding and supporting survivors of suicide. British Journal of Social Work, 43(2), 317–335.

Findley, P. A. (2013). Social work practice in the chronic care model: Chronic illness and disability care. Journal of Social Work. doi:10.1177/1468017313475381

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration. (2009). Suicide assessment five-step evaluation and triage (SAFE-T). Retrieved from http://store.samhsa.gov/shin/content//SMA09-4432/SMA09-4432.pdf


BUS 4044 Capella University Employee Privacy Article Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

BUS 4044 Capella University Employee Privacy Article Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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