BUS 4474 Alabama a & M Union Carbide Corporation and Bhopal Case Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

BUS 4474 Alabama a & M Union Carbide Corporation and Bhopal Case Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help. BUS 4474 Alabama a & M Union Carbide Corporation and Bhopal Case Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Read the Union Carbide Corporation and Bhopal case that begins on page 384 of your Business, Government, and Society textbook. In lieu of answering the questions that follow the case, you will respond to the prompt below;

Consider the concerns as described in this case and prepare a memorandum that addresses the concerns described below. Your memo should be completed in narrative form (you may use headings if you choose to do so for organizational purposes, but do not list your responses in bullet form). Maximum page length: 10 pages (double spaced).

Identify all of the potential ethical issues you see (if any). Describe and analyze the implications of each issue, including who or what were affected by the company’s response. In identifying issues and addressing their implications, your discussion should be as comprehensive as possible—you should consider any economic, social, or ecological implications.

Additionally, your analysis should thoroughly identify and discuss at least two potential courses of action that the company could have taken with respect to each issue you have discussed. Clearly demonstrate your reasoning process—identify and explain any ethical principles or arguments you are relying on; do not simply state unsupported conclusions.

If you apply any approaches to ethical reasoning that you learned about in this course, clearly state what they are and how you are applying them to this case. Of the possible solutions you identified, which would you recommend that the company should have adopted as a resolution? Again, fully explain and justify your recommendations. Finally, explain how you would implement each solution you have recommended.

This assignment accounts for 10% of your overall grade in the course.

If you can complete this assignment according to the trevino framework, it is better.

BUS 4474 Alabama a & M Union Carbide Corporation and Bhopal Case Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Concordia University Chapter 13 Group Leadership and Organizational Dynamics Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Describe in a two to three page paper a group context or situation in which a leader was very effective. Using the terms and concepts that you found in Chapter 13 of the Harris and Sherblom text, what skills or characteristics were apparent in his/her leadership? Where would this person fall on the Managerial Leadership Grid (Harris and Sherblom)? Explain why you selected this example and how it may have influenced your understanding of leadership.

Reply to the papers of the two classmates

Harris and Sherblom (2011) explain “leadership is about developing dreams, visions, goals, and objectives that help focus a group’s energy to engage in its tasks and accomplish its mission.” I have been involved in a variety of groups, through school, work, and extracurricular activities. While participating in these groups I have had some great leaders, and some not so great leaders. At my former job, within a college, our department of four was considered a team, with our manager being the leader. She was an appointed leader, being hired as the finance department’s manager. This manager was extremely effective at getting tasks done to help push towards the college mission. Leadership is valuable for any and all groups. Whether it’s a designated leader or led collectively. Leadership is the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives (Harris & Sherblom, 2011). As with all groups, there was sometimes conflict within our team, however, our manager was usually aware of it and had ideas on how to constructively resolve it. She had an “open door” policy and met with the individual group members, as well as the entire group regularly. In these meetings she was sure to listen to each of us and encouraged all of our different ideas. She was always there to guide us in the right direction if we were unsure about anything.

Based on the Managerial Grid I would say that our manager was “9,9 Team Management (Collaboration)”. She was constantly concerned about the members of our team as well as the task at hand. She had mutual respect for all of us, as did we for her, and a strong goal orientation.

When it comes to transactional vs transformational leaders, I would say that she was a little mix of both. On the transactional side, she did offer rewards, like team lunches. However, she was more transformational in the fact that she had a strong sense of mission and the ability to attract loyalty and commitment (Harris & Sherblom, 2011). She motivated us by being inspirational, and by being such an easy leader to follow. I also feel as though she was a “leader-as-coach”, she explains, demonstrated, and leads, rather than ordering (Harris & Sherblom, 2011). She did not tell us what to do, but rather helped us do it.

In all of my experience, this manager was by far one of the best leaders I have ever encountered. She had a vision, which gave our group direction, credibility, making us want to follow her, and communication competence, efficiently and effectively communicating with the group (Harris & Sherblom, 2011). She influenced my understanding in leadership by helping to show me what a leader should be like. Her commitment to the group and to the goals was profound and inspiring. She was charismatic, yet always stayed focused on the tasks at hand. If given the chance to be a leader ever, I hope that I can be a leader like she is. I hope to be a leader that on the Managerial Grid, can be a “9,9 Team Management (Collaboration)” leader.


Harris, T. E., Sherblom, J. (2011) Small group and team communication. Boston: Pearson

Education/Allyn & Bacon


BUS 311 Lynn University Apple Inc Current Ratio Environmental Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help



Each student will be assigned a company for which they will conduct a financial analysis. Included in the analysis will be the following items:

  • Background Information/Environmental Scan
  • DuPont Identity
  • Current Ratio
  • Quick Ratio
  • Inventory Holding Period
  • Average Collection Period
  • Debt Ratio
  • Free Cash Flow
  • Market Value Added
  • Economic Value Added
  • Dividend Yield
  • Required Rate of Return based on the Capital Asset Pricing Model

After calculating the above items, the student will make a recommendation to buy, sell, or hold the company’s common stock at its current price. The recommendation should be based on the calculations required plus any other information about the company that the student believes pertinent.

In a separate section of the paper, the student will describe a situation in which his/her company would make use of capital budgeting. No calculations are required. This section of the paper would be about one to two pages describing the process that the company would make use of for analyzing the capital budgeting situation.

In a third section of the paper, the student should describe how the company would use cost-volume-profit analysis for one of its products. No calculations are necessary; just provide an explanation of how the process works. This section of the paper should be one to two pages.

Grading for the analysis will be based on the following:

  • Environmental Scan/Background 20 points
  • Ratio Calculations 15 points
  • Free Cash Flow Calculations 8 points
  • Market Value Added? Economic Value Added 7 points
  • Capital Budgeting Discussion 15 points
  • Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis Discussion 15 points
  • Conclusions 10 points
  • Quality of Writing and Sources 10 points


Southwestern Oklahoma State Chapter 11 Christian and Faith Curing Questions Humanities Assignment Help



Read Chapter 11 in Bass on Healing.

There are seven questions listed below over that chapter (they are highlighted in yellow below). Choose FOUR out of the SEVEN below. Cut and paste

the questions at the bottom of this assignments and then answer them. There is one question over Jesus that requires you to go the the Bible and recount one

of his healing miracles. One of the question asks about the difference between healing and curing – if you choose this you will need to do some research on the web.

This assignment is open today, April 18th, Saturday until Sunday April 26th at midnight.


“Healing is an indispensable part of the coming wholeness
that God intends for all creation.”


NUR3069 Miami Dade How Evidence Based Practices Relate to Nursing Practice Paper Health Medical Assignment Help


  1. Select and evaluate a research article on an evidence-based practices that relates to nursing practice and health assessment.
  2. Read the Guidelines for Article Critique
    for detailed information.
  3. Your paper should:
    • be typed doubled-space.
    • Use factual information.
    • be original work and will be checked for plagiarism.
    • have required APA format if references are utilized – type references according to the APA Style Guide.

  4. Guidelines for Article Critique:

Assignment Description:Students will be required to select and evaluate a research article on evidenced-based practice that relates to nursing practice and health assessment by providing: The link to the electronic source for the article. A brief summary and critique of that article.Learning Objectives:Describe and summarize the content and essential argument of the article in a concise format. Select a research article that pertains to the management of health for a specific population (i.e.: stage in life cycle, medical condition, cultural/ethnic background). Critique the selected research article related to evidenced-based practice. Practice critical thinking skills in critical reading.Required Format:The assignment must be 2-3 pages (not counting resources) Name of the author (s), title of the article, type of journal, volume number, date,and page numbers. A paragraph abstract of the article to summarize the essential content/ideas. A paragraph describing your view of the article’s balance. Did the writer address both sides of the issue? Was there bias involved and if so, slanted towards which side? What is your evidence of this bias or imbalance?A paragraph describing your opinion of the article’s quality and your own position. Did the writer do sufficient research? Is the article technically correct and clearly presented and supported?Are there elements of the argument that could have been enhanced with more detail or more argumentation? What would a follow-up article contain to be useful to this one? Did you agree with the article? Did it support or change your opinion? If not, then why? The final paper should be typed, double-spaced on one side of white standard (8½ X 11 inch) paper. Proofread your final copy carefully to avoid spelling or grammatical errors.Suggested Sources: Peer-reviewed journals Web Sources -If you’re not sure of the quality of the source, check with the Instructor/Faculty/Librarian first.Not so good sources:Non-research journals -These are not great sources for evidenced-based practice articles, but rather provide basic information and/or explanations of a disease process, medications, etc.



CSU Long Beach I Am Not Your Negro Documentary Discussion Writing Assignment Help

DO not need to write a conclusion and introduction, just answer all the question.


I Am Not Your Negro is not your typical documentary — almost the entire narration of the film is drawn from James Baldwin’s unfinished manuscript, “Remember this House.” Discuss your initial reactions to the film here — 1. what ideas and images stood out to you most and why? 2. How did this film reinforce, change or challenge or perceptions of the Civil Rights Movement? Feel free to write informally, but remember to reference specific lines or scenes from the film in this post.

I Am Not Your Negro: https://csulb.kanopy.com/product/i-am-not-your-negro

Only use the materials I provided. Thank you for your help.

CSU Long Beach I Am Not Your Negro Documentary Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

El Centro College Vicarious Liability Personal Liabilities IRAC Method Memorandum Business Finance Assignment Help

This question must include the front of the Business organization cover page to answer each topic. Three brothers Tim, Tom, and Ted decide to start their own construction company. They plan to buy a piece of land and build a new subdivision. They will build 3 different types of homes on the property and then sell the houses to make a profit. They also plan to take out a loan to purchase the land from Wolf & Co. lenders. They have come to our offices to find out what kind of entity they should set up for their new business. They would like Tim to handle daily operations of the construction. Tom will be responsible for selling the houses once they are built. Ted will be responsible for all the contracts, books, and records. I have asked you to prepare a memo on what type of entity they should set up. Their main concerns are the liability for the debt from Wolf & Co., liabilities from accidents involving workers at the construction site, and making sure they are all treated fairly when in comes to profits. Be sure to use the IRAC method in drafting your memo for your supervising attorney. Be sure to address the pros and cons of them using the various entity types that we have covered in class (General Partnerships, Limited Partnerships, Limited Liability Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies) AND for each entity type discuss what types of liabilities they may be facing (Personal liabilities as well as entity liabilities for both vicarious liability and the acts of agents).



MGMT 394 Embry Riddle Aeronautical Management of Information Security & CNSS Paper Writing Assignment Help


Here are the instructions for this assignment:

he Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) Model identifies the nine interacting factors that influence the security of any resource. The nine key factors are:

  1. Policy: which deals with info security policies in place
  2. Education: which deals with education of users on security related issues
  3. Technology: which covers the technology used to implement security measures
  4. Confidentiality: confidentiality of info/data
  5. Integrity: addresses measures in place to ensure data integrity
  6. Availability: to ensure authorized users access to information in usable format
  7. Storage: issues dealing with data storage
  8. Processing: issues that cover the processing and handling of data
  9. Transmission: covers issues related to factors that influence transmission of data

Assume you are responsible for implementing a security program within your own organization or another organization of your choice. Apply the CNSS model by identifying the interacting factors you will need to address within this organization. You will need to think about the employees, customers, and all other stakeholders. Address each of the nine key factors and which ones you would need focus on, providing a brief description for each of these factors. The deliverable for this activity should be a brief paragraph for each factor to be included in the model.

Below is a resource to help with this activity:

DBE-IS M01 C02 V02 CNSS Security Model (YouTube, 03:25)

Here is the grading rubric:

MGMT 394 1.4 Hands-On Rubric

MGMT 394 1.4 Hands-On Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent and Development

30.0 pts

(Excellent – A) Content is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive. Major points are demonstrated or clearly stated and well supported. Responses are excellent, timely, and address activity, including course concepts. Content and purpose of activity are clearly articulated.

26.0 pts

(Above-Average – B) Content is accurate and persuasive. Major points are demonstrated or stated. Responses are adequate and address assignment. Content and purpose of activity are clearly articulated

23.0 pts

(Average – C) Content is not comprehensive and/or persuasive. Major points are addressed, but not well supported. Responses are inadequate or do not address assignment. Content is inconsistent with regard to purpose and clarity of thought.

20.0 pts

(Near-Failing – D) Content is incomplete. Major points are not clear and/or persuasive. Questions were not adequately answered or demonstrated.

17.0 pts

(Failing – F) Demonstrates unacceptable mastery of content. Few or no requirements of the activity are included in the response.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization and Structure

30.0 pts

(Excellent – A) Structure of the activity is clear and easy to follow. Demonstrates excellent flow of thought. Activity is organized and structured in a manner that provides a clear representation of a finished product.

26.0 pts

(Above-Average – B) Structure is mostly clear and easy to follow. Finished product is presented.

23.0 pts

(Average – C) Structure of activity is difficult to follow. Product is not finished or if present does not flow from the rest of the activity.

20.0 pts

(Near-Failing – D) Organization and structure detract from the rest of the activity. Points are disjointed and lack in transition of thought.

17.0 pts

(Failing – F) Structure is absent or not consistent. Organization is not apparent and inaccurate. Presentation and delivery are unacceptable.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis

25.0 pts

(Excellent – A) Analyses are organized in a logical manner, clearly presented, and titled properly. Activity is easy to understand by a lay reader and directly addresses the research questions.

22.0 pts

(Above-Average – B) Analyses are sufficient in number, but may not be well organized or as clear as they could be. Analyses are on topic, but may not perfectly reflect the research questions posed.

19.0 pts

(Average – C) Insufficient analyses/reflection are included. Anayses/reflections do not adequately address the questions posed. Analyses/reflections are not well organized or clear.

17.0 pts

(Near-Failing – D) Analyses/reflections are partially included, but are not clear or organized.

14.0 pts

(Failing – F) Does not demonstrate ability to analyze assumptions and evaluate evidence, complexity of issues, and alternatives.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat

15.0 pts

(Excellent – A) Activity demonstrates all designated guidelines in a clear and consise manner with proper formatting. Format enhances readability of work. Demonstrates excellent ability to use technology and tools effectively to enhance the finished product.

13.0 pts

(Above-Average – B) Activity follows all guidelines and technology/tools are used to format the activity appropriately demonstrating a finished product.

11.0 pts

(Average – C) Activity follows most guidelines. Formatting is not consistent and does not represent a finished product.

9.0 pts

(Near-Failing – D) Activity lacks many elements of formatting.

7.0 pts

(Failing – F) Activity is not formatted at all.

15.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0


University of Oregon Resilient Energy System Planning in Oregon Paper Science Assignment Help


How can resilience planning and design help Oregon’s transition to a low-carbon resilient energy system along with the implementation of renewable energy? Articulate opportunities and challenges for urban, suburban, rural, and natural landscapes. Mention specific theories, cases, and lessons learned from each required readings and the lecture.


Ko, Y., Barrett, B.F.D., Copping, A.E., Sharifi, A., Yarime, M., and Wang, X. Energy Transitions Towards Low-Carbon Resilience: Evaluation of Disaster-Triggered Local and Regional Cases. Sustainability 2019, 11, 6801. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11236801 (Links to an external site.) – Theoretical background of resiliency and international case studies including Puerto Rico and Oregon Coast W4_Ko et al_2019_Energy transition to low carbon resilience.pdf

Pevzner, N. 2020. Speculative designs for energy democracy. Scenario Journal – An in-depth case of Puerto Rico and how landscape design and planning can respond https://scenariojournal.com/article/speculative-energy-democracy/

W4_Pevzner_2020_Speculative Designs for Energy Democracy _ Scenario Journal.pdf

Pevzner, N. 2019. GND, Landscape, and Public Imagination. Landscape Architecture Magazine

https://landscapearchitecturemagazine.org/2019/07/23/the-green-new-deal-landscape-and-public-imagination/ (Links to an external site.)

W4_Pevzner_2019_THE GREEN NEW DEAL, LANDSCAPE, AND PUBLIC IMAGINATION _ Landscape Architecture Magazine.pdf


MKTG 562 Montclair State University Universal Rental Car Simulation Report Business Finance Assignment Help

Please answer the four questions below based on your experience running the simulation(attached). Your answers should be restricted to a maximum of 4 pages, single-spaced, 12- point font (+plus exhibits as you see fit). Please use MS Word format.

  1. How would you characterize the behavior of each city and each type of customer’s (business/leisure)?
  2. How would you characterize the elasticity of demand in each market and overall? Which factor of demand heterogeneity (causes or sources of variance in demand) played the most critical role in your overall performance?
  3. What pricing strategy did you use as you played the game? What was your objective — what were you trying to maximize? (i.e., profit maximization, market share maximization, meet competition, status quo, etc.). Overall how does price affect demand?
  4. Make 3 strategic recommendations on how a specific car rental firm could gain market share and remain profitable in these markets going forward.


MKTG562 Simulation Grading Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSimulation score

20.0 pts

Top 3

18.0 pts

Top 4 and 5

17.0 pts

Not top 5, but good effort

15.0 pts

Not top 5, poor effort

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrated self-learning

20.0 pts

Strong: Comprehensive recognition of relationships driving performance

18.0 pts


16.0 pts

Below par

15.0 pts

Unacceptable: Poor understanding

0.0 pts

No Marks

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis

20.0 pts

Strong: Reflects deep and thorough or unusual insights

18.0 pts

Satisfactory: Good understanding with insights

16.0 pts

Below par: Superficial analysis. Unfamiliar with facts.

15.0 pts

Unacceptable: Poor understanding

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThree Strategic recommendations

25.0 pts

Strong: All three recommendations are strategic and practical

22.5 pts

Satisfactory: Some recommendations are strategic and practicial

21.75 pts

Below Par: Recommendations are insignificant or do not address main issue(s)

18.75 pts

Unacceptable: Bad recommendations/lack of understanding of the simulation

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation

15.0 pts

Strong: Each sentence is linked to a point. Arguments are presented with concise language and make distinct points.

13.5 pts


12.0 pts

Below par: Paper lacks focus. There is a disconnect between the paper and the material.

10.0 pts


15.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0









BUS 4474 Alabama a & M Union Carbide Corporation and Bhopal Case Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

BUS 4474 Alabama a & M Union Carbide Corporation and Bhopal Case Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

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