BUS 499 UMES E-commerce and External Environment Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

BUS 499 UMES E-commerce and External Environment Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. BUS 499 UMES E-commerce and External Environment Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Respond to the following:

  • Can any firm beat Amazon in the marketplace? If not, why not? If so, how can they best do so? How formidable a competitor is Google for Amazon? Please explain. What are Amazon’s major strengths? Does it have any weaknesses? Please explain. Is Jet.com a potential concern for Amazon? Why or why not?
  • Given the importance of understanding the external environment, why do some firms fail to do so? Provide examples of firms that did not understand their external environment. What were the implications of the firm’s failure to understand that environment?

BUS 499 UMES E-commerce and External Environment Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENTR 427 American Military University Regulators for Technological Innovations HW Business Finance Assignment Help

Challenges (CO1, CO6)

Discussions about the challenges you will face from the industry and their regulators for your technological innovation; e.g. approvals, adoption, regulation, etc. are this week’s topic.

Just because you believe you’ve created the “greatest thing since sliced bread” doesn’t mean the current sliced bread industry and its regulators want you to succeed (just speaking metaphorically, unless your innovation actually is a new bread slicer). What are their issues and concerns and how will you overcome challenges from the industry and regulators about your innovation? What agencies regulate your product and, or service and what is their agenda? How does your agenda fit or not fit with theirs?

APA format

I will attach all necessary documents to complete the assignment.


ENG 1102 Troy University Effects of Video Games and Movies in Children Behavior Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

Essay #6: Research Paper Requirements

Start working on a 1,500-word research paper on one of the following topics:

  • Are cell phones dangerous
  • Are test scores a good indication of a school’s competency
  • Should children be diagnosed with ADHD/ADD under the age of ten years
  • Home school students should receive a diploma just like student who attend regular school
  • Should home school students be able to participate in public sports
  • Are professional athletes and actor/actresses paid too much
  • Video games and movies cause violent behavior in children

Standard Requirements:

  1. The paper must be at least 1500 words and at least five well-written paragraphs.
  2. The thesis statement should still be listed in the introduction as the last sentence.
  3. You must use at least FOUR sources in your paper: one book (not on line), an Internet source, a journal, and another source of your choice.
  4. No more than four quotes per body paragraph, but it must contain at least three.


Marymount University Boschs Painting of The Garden of Earthly Delights Paper Writing Assignment Help

Part 1:

Bosch - The Garden of Earthly Delights.jpg

Directions: After exploring “The Garden of Earthly Delights (Links to an external site.)“, answer the following questions about the Early Modern World’s notion about Hell in 1 full paragraph:

1) What are your first thoughts about Bosch’s painting of The Garden of Earthly Delights as a whole?
2) Examine the left panel (Hell), what sort of details does Bosch present here to show that it is a hellish landscape? (include specific details).
3) After looking at this piece from the Northern Renaissance, how do you think Early Modern individuals understood the idea of Hell?

Part 2:

One of the means by which the Reformation ideas spread was through the printing and propagation of visual propaganda in the form of “broadsheets”. These broadsheets were large pieces of paper that often contained news, political discussions, and woodcut images. Martin Luther’s cause had many artist supporters, who helped spread the message of Reformation.

Directions: Examine these 2 pieces of Reformation propaganda (see Lecture 9) and answer the following questions in 1-2 paragraphs.

“On the Origins of Monks” (Links to an external site.)

“A Fitting End for the Most Satanic Pope and His Cardinals” (Links to an external site.)

1) What are these images showing us? (be specific)
2) With your knowledge of what the Reformation was about, what do you think the meaning of each picture is?


Glendale Community College Uniform Crime Report Program Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

For Reflective Project #2, you may choose one of the following three options. Please ensure that your paper is around 3 pages, double-spaced, with a heading (your name, course info, etc.) and a creative title. Remember that you must utilize ideas and concepts from the textbook, class lectures and discussions to illustrate your point, so the prompt that you choose to write about must reference any of those corresponding chapters, lectures, discussions, and/or activities. Lastly, factors such as spelling, punctuation, and grammar certainly count towards your reflection paper grade, so be sure to edit your paper beforehand.

Below is the prompt

1) The Uniform Crime Report (UCR). Chapter 7 (Deviance, Crime, and Social Control) describes several ways in which the Uniform Crime Report may present an inaccurate picture of the demographics of crime. Describe the sources of bias that lead to these inaccuracies. Are these biases better explained by conflict theory or functionalism? Justify your answer. Be sure to also consult the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) website, as well as the National Crime Victimization Report (NCVR) website during this process. Then, consider how this connects to Robert Merton’s idea that labeling can bring about self-fulfilling prophecies; that inaccurate beliefs, if repeated loudly and frequently enough, can become true.

Very Easy to do!!!!!!



Metatheoretical Reflection Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Answer the discussion post below and response:

Meta-theory is a critical exploration of the theoretical frameworks or lenses that have provided direction to research and to researchers, as well as the theory that has arisen from research in a particular field of study. The following article adds insight on the topic:

Social behavior; investigators at free university describe findings in social behavior [What is behavior? and (when) is language behavior? A metatheoretical definition]. (2017). Psychology & Psychiatry Journal, 199.

Part 1: In the first week of this module, research an article to get the main idea of meta-theory in a theoretical framework and answer the following: Why did the researcher feel that this was an important topic? What three critical approaches are offered? What is the most important information in the article? In addition, at the end of the initial post, please pose an actual question or questions that occurred to you as you read the article.

Student Response:

Subject matter experts contend that audit research infrequently impacts practice, to a limited extent because of difficulties related with integrating and deciphering research. The researchers in the article suggests that utilizing the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) as a meta-theoretical framework can assist in understanding the aggregate discoveries within judgment and decision-making research. One of the main objective will likely show the utility of the ELM by translating the outcomes of two examples of studies on subject participation and auditors’ temperaments. The blend of subject collaboration research proposes participation on a current issue influences auditors’ decisions just when auditors need inspiration to ponder the undertaking. Interestingly, a history filled with subject collaboration will in general influence bias even profoundly auditors’ decisions. The amalgamation of mood studies recommends motivational are important, however not adequate, to mitigate mood consequences for decisions.

Three critical approaches in the study is were the elements to the ELM framework, more specifically, the input variables, core mechanisms, and attitude. Without these critical components, the studies that were analyzed demonstrated that certain moods from researchers can in fact cause them to side with their subjects which may present bias. Also, the ELM framework has the ability to establish an acumen that about how a similar independent variables (subject cooperation or state of mind) can connect with various psychological components relying upon the other input variables present.

The question that comes to mind during the review of this article, how is one to explain different studies that utilize the same independent variable but provide conflicting data?


Griffith, E. E., Nolder, C. J., & Petty, R. E. (2018). The elaboration likelihood model: A meta-theory for synthesizing auditor judgment and decision-making research. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 37(4), 169-186.

Metatheoretical Reflection Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Campbellsville Walmart Big Data Analytics with Business Intelligence Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

This week’s article provided a case study approach which highlights how businesses have integrated Big Data Analytics with their Business Intelligence to gain dominance within their respective industry. Search the UC Library and/or Google Scholar for a “Fortune 1000” company that has been successful in this integration. Discuss the company, its approach to big data analytics with business intelligence, what they are doing right, what they are doing wrong, and how they can improve to be more successful in the implementation and maintenance of big data analytics with business intelligence.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.


FIU AMH 2020 Week 2 America in the Vietnam War Global Perspective Essay Humanities Assignment Help


1.The “Jazz Age,” the “Roaring Twenties,” the “Turbulent Twenties,” and the “Dollar Decade” all describe the decade of the 1920s. Which label, in your opinion, is most accurate? Justify your answer in an essay describing the decade’s major events and problems.

2.The actions of AfricanAmerican civil rights activists had a broader effect on activists for other minorities. Agree or disagree. Explain your answer with examples.

3.What role, if any, did the notion of a “balance of power” playin the international relations of a period you have studied? Explain your answer.

4.From your readings on the Vietnam War, evaluate the American role in Vietnam from 1961 to 1975. Was the United States able to fulfill its objectives?

5.The cold war had profound implications for U.S. domestic policy and culture. Discuss the ways in which heightened tension with the Soviet Union influenced America’s national scene from 1945 to 1989. What were the benefits and losses of this “great fear” on American culture?

Students must ensure that all assignments are typed or wordprocessed. Each essay should answer a question chosen from the list provided in the Course Reader. Essays should be 1500 to 2000 words in length (footnotes are included, but bibliography is not included in the word count).

The bibliography must contain a minimum of six items and should normally include: works from the course reader, the set texts, and at least one primary source. Essays with a weak bibliography will be penalized. Essays without footnotes and a bibliography will earn an automatic fail mark.The final word count includes footnotes but excludes the bibliography. Students need to adhere to the world limit for each assignment and each piece of written work is to be submitted with a clear indication of the word count.

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical ThinkingStudents will make a historical argument based on the use of a combination of the following: primary sources, secondary sources, class lectures.

Students will prove the argument with the use of the evidence above.

25.0 pts


Makes an original argument and provides proof in a skillful and creative fashion.

20.0 pts


Presents an argument of high quality and provides evidence to reinforce the case being made.

10.0 pts


Makes a satisfactory argument and provides adequate proof.

5.0 pts


Shows some knowledge and understanding, but with deficiencies serious enough to suggest that grasp of the subject matter and of historical analysis is limited.

0.0 pts


Fails to make and prove a historical argument. Work displaying only minimal knowledge and understanding, failing to address the literature in depth and with a weak grasp of the subject matter and historical analysis.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten CommunicationStudents will write a paper that has a clear thesis, evidence organized into logical paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Students will submit a paper that demonstrates the ability to use English for written expression at the college level.

25.0 pts


Shows great command of organization and evinces a high ability in written expression.

20.0 pts


Clarity in structure, analysis, and style. Shows a clear sense of written organization and expression.

10.0 pts


Good engagement with essay question, but with limitations in matters such as depth, clarity, rigor of argument and structure; limitations in style and expression.

5.0 pts


Limited engagement with the essay question. Grammatical and typographical errors.

0.0 pts


Lacking in both writing and organization. Work so weak as to indicate that only a nominal attempt has been made to complete the assignment. Poor grammar and awkward phrasing.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent/Discipline KnowledgeStudents will demonstrate an understanding of the culture, events, and ideas of past and present civilizations.

Students will demonstrate an understanding of historical context.

25.0 pts


Shows an excellent and in-depth understanding of past events cultures, and ideas and situates these within larger contexts.

20.0 pts


Demonstrates a keen awareness of past events, cultures, and ideas in their greater contexts.

10.0 pts


Satisfactory understanding of past events, cultures, and ideas in their larger contexts.

5.0 pts


Demonstrates some understanding of past events, cultures and ideas in their broader contexts.

0.0 pts


Lacks an understanding of past events, cultures, and ideas in their broader contexts. Displays almost total confusion and misunderstanding of the subject.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRange of SourcesStudents will demonstrate research proficiency through the utilization of high caliber primary and secondary source material.

Students will satisfy the minimum requirement of 6 sources.

15.0 pts


Wide range of excellent sources utilized; reading beyond recommended minimum.

11.25 pts


Broad range of source material, demonstrating historiographical awareness.

7.5 pts


Good work, reasonable in such matters as comprehensiveness and scope of research.

3.75 pts


Insufficient research. Use of questionable and/or low-quality source material.

0.0 pts


Demonstrates research deficiencies for a college writing assignment. Bare minimum of sources utilized.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFootnotes & BibliographyStudents will demonstrate correct citation formatting practices e.g. Chicago Style and Footnotes.

10.0 pts


Excellent formatting and well-presented footnotes & bibliography.

7.5 pts


Great formatting with minor errors in bibliography and/or footnotes.

5.0 pts


A few errors present, but acceptable formatting of footnotes and bibliography.

2.5 pts


Inadequate or unsystematic formatting of the bibliography and/or footnotes.

0.0 pts


Demonstrates incorrect or messy formatting of the bibliography and/or footnotes.

10.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0


Starting and Running a Successful Business Memorandum Business Finance Assignment Help

  • Discuss the financial, economic, regulatory, sociopolitical and technological factors as they relate to a dynamic business environment.
  • Identify the critical business functions and how they interact in order to position the organization to be effective in the current business environment.

Case Scenario:

Carlos Rodriguez is retiring early from his management job in publishing due to a business consolidation in his industry. Because readers are moving to online formats for purchasing books and magazines, Carlos is not interested in staying in that industry. Since Carlos is only 53 years old, he is not ready to retire. He and his brother, Julio, enjoy cycling, running and occasionally entering triathlons together and train together frequently. Carlos has noted that it is difficult finding affordable quality equipment for his hobbies and believes that if he opened a brick and mortar store, he could have a successful business.

Julio has also expressed some interest in being a part of this new business, but he and Carlos have not discussed the arrangement in detail. Julio expressed concern about the role he would play in the business and admits to being hesitant about being an owner. In addition, Carlos is not sure he wants to go back to work full-time and thinks he could run this business without it encroaching on his training time.

Carlos was given a severance package of $50,000 and other than a $1800 house payment, does not have any other personal financial obligations. He is single and his only child is grown and lives away from home.

How to Set Up the Memo

Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document that is single-spaced with a space between paragraphs, Times New Roman 12-point font. The final product will be in business memo format no longer than three (3) pages in length. Write clearly and concisely.

Create a Title page with a title for the paper, course number and section, your name and the instructor’s name.


You are a consultant that Carlos Rodriguez is considering hiring to guide him through the process of starting his business. Since you have a broad business background, you are going to write a business memo to Carlos Rodriquez outlining the different areas of business that he would need to consider to successfully open the business. Use the following business memo format to Carlos and not about Carlos. Thoroughly answer the ten (10) elements below the format using the course materials and the case scenario facts. Do not use external sources to complete this project.

Business Format:





Business Summary- This is a one paragraph overview of the current situation of the client as you see it. This is the foundation of the memo to make sure you and your client are both viewing the situation the same. Make sure to provide an overview of the main topics.

Situation Analysis and Recommendations – This is where you address the following requirements using the course materials and the information from the case scenario. No external sources can be used.

  1. Discuss how Carlos can determine if he is an entrepreneur or should be a small business owner.
  2. Explain how Carlos should decide how much capital is needed to start the business.
  3. Assuming Carlos will eventually need financing, discuss the financial statements Carlos will need.
  4. Discuss the best form of business Carlos should set up and explain why.
  5. Explain why the other business forms would not work well.
  6. Discuss the role Julio should assume in the business and explain whether this decision affects the form of business Carlos sets up and explain how so.
  7. Explain specific types of marketing the business should pursue.
  8. Discuss whether Carlos should hire help and if so, what position(s).
  9. If help is hired, explain who will manage them.
  10. Explain the best ways for Carlos to motivate his employees if he chooses to hire employees.


AHS 6630 Wilmington University Quantitative Research Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

Using the WilmU library database, you must select a research article from established, professional, peer reviewed journals that reflects quantitative research relevant to human services that was conducted in the U.S. after 2002.

Only an article using quantitative research should be used, this means that the research should be using experiments and/or a survey to collect their data. Observations or Interviews are Qualitative Methods and need to be avoided. Ideally, the research should focus on intervention such as programs (no clinical trials) which have practical applications to programs delivered through human services organizations – including community-based, nonprofit, schools, public sector, or faith-based organizations. Only original quantitative research should be used; not on opinion, assessment or summary article of previous research. (Please see attachment below for guidelines on searching for the article and answering the the template attached below)

*Tip: Try to build towards your final project by reviewing an article which can be used as a reference for your Outcomes Measurement Plan & Logic Model Final Project.

For this Assignment:

Resources for Assignment:








BUS 499 UMES E-commerce and External Environment Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

BUS 499 UMES E-commerce and External Environment Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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