BUS 508 Capella University Week 3 Product Development and Operations Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

BUS 508 Capella University Week 3 Product Development and Operations Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. BUS 508 Capella University Week 3 Product Development and Operations Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.

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BUS 508 Explore Activity Assignment 1 Product Development and Operations Week 3

  • Week 3 Banner: Operations
  • ACT

  • Alikay employee filling bottle with product


    Due Date

    Week 3Note: While representative of possible situations faced by Alikay Naturals, all scenarios in this assignment are fictional.

    Real Business

    Let’s roll up our sleeves and use what we’ve learned this week in a real-life business situation. Each week, you’ll encounter a scenario where you will assume the role of a business person at or who works at a national discount retail store, like a Walmart or Target. These companies provide important, everyday staples for millions of people across the country and have become very successful businesses in the process.Discount retail stores have locations in communities across the country. They often have strong and recognizable brands that are household names. We will explore how business works throughout this course by taking on a few of the many different roles at successful companies like these.

    Your Role

    This week, you’ll assume the role of a Category Manager for the Beauty Products category at a national discount retail store.


    Category Managers are responsible for related groups of products (for example, baseball equipment or laundry detergents) for a retail business. They use research, information and insights about the category to change shopper behavior and increase sales of the products in the category. They also work with the suppliers of the products in their category to ensure that good products and services are available to customers. As a Category Manager, part of your role is to analyze data and information about how well a product is selling to help the maker of that product improve the product and consider introducing new products. Rochelle and her team at Alikay Naturals have asked you, the Beauty Products Category Manager, to review one of their products and determine where it lies in the product life cycle. Additionally, they have asked you to recommend ways to improve the product in order to increase sales.


    Click DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE and DOWNLOAD RESOURCES at the bottom for all of your assignment materials!

    Step 1: Product Life Cycle

    Read the Product Report for Alikay Naturals Moisturizing Black Soap Shampoo. The Product Report contains important information that will help you to identify where the product stands in the Product Life Cycle and give you clues about what changes customers might like to see. Respond to Rochelle and her team at Alikay Naturals based on the information in the Product Report.

    • Identify where Moisturizing Black Soap Shampoo is currently positioned in the product life cycle and describe the rationale for your position.
    • Compose 3 questions that Rochelle should pose to her team to better understand the product’s positioning and potential at this particular stage in its life cycle. (E.g., if you have determined the product is in the Introduction Phase, you might suggest the question: How have competitors priced similar products?)

    Step 2: Product Changes

    Based on what you’ve learned:

    • What recommendation(s) do you have for Alikay Naturals to improve or replace Moisturizing Black Soap Shampoo?

    Step 3: New Product Development

    Read the New Product Proposal, which contains three examples of possible products that could be developed to replace Moisturizing Black Soap Shampoo. Based on the information in this proposal and the customer feedback in the Product Report:

    • If you had to recommend one product, which product would you recommend they create? Explain your decision.
    • Determine which type of innovation this represents from among the four main types discussed this week. Briefly explain why you chose that type of innovation.

    Note: You should complete Step 4 after reading the material in Week 3

    Step 4: Production Methods

    Based on your understanding of Alikay’s position in the product life cycle and expected sales volume:

    • Which production method do you think Alikay is using for the Black Soap Shampoo? Explain your rationale.
    • If Alikay chose to keep the Moisturizing Black Soap Shampoo and launch your recommended product as a ͞limited time only͟ trial, what production method should Alikay use for the test market product? Why?

    Step 5: Real-World Application

    Choose a product at your company or one that you are familiar with that is in the mature stage of the product life cycle. Briefly describe the product, why you believe it is in this phase, and what improvements could be made to change its current path.Download templateDownload resources

  • BUS 508 Capella University Week 3 Product Development and Operations Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    BBA 313 American School of Business General Motors Change Management Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

    Students will deliver a critical analysis focus on the core concept of the organization change, how it works,
    diverse factors which moves organization to change, steps for change, resistance for change, change forces,
    change management approaches for this specific case study of General Motor (GM).

    Elements to address by your case study analysis and grading distribution:

    1. An analysis of the background of change for the G.M. (20%)

      You need to identify the change in the environment as described in the case study focus on the external
      and internal conditions.

    2. Selecting the appropriate Change Strategy (20%)

      You must describe the four change strategies and how to select the most appropriate for this case study.

    3. Dealing with Costs & Resistances (20%)

      In the process of change, there will be resistance a cost. The objective of this task is to develop a specific
      plan how will reduce this level of resistance and what it will be the cost for the change implementation.

    4. The role of communication in Times of Change (20%)

      Every person in the organization must know the objective of the change. Describe the communicating
      procedure for change through the organization.

    5. Change in corporate and business culture (20%)

      The most challenging thing to do in bringing about change into the organization is to improve the culture of
      the organization. Describe the actions G.M should address in the culture and create a fresh strategy to
      succeed in an unattractive industry.

    Wordcount: 2700


    University of California Theory and Educational Autobiography Essay Humanities Assignment Help

    Theory & Educational Autobiography Outline Format

    1. Opening paragraph that summarizes your paper, articulating the concepts from the readings you will use.
    2. A short background on your educational experience (i.e., where you grew up, went to school, a possible theme that ties your memories together, etc.)
    3. Theory/Concept/Research Finding #1
      1. Identify a specific study or concept from the readings
      2. Identify a specific example from your experience
      3. Describe how they are connected
    4. Theory/Concept/Research Finding #2
      1. Identify a specific study or concept from the readings
      2. Identify a specific example from your experience
      3. Describe how they are connected
    5. Theory/Concept/Research Finding #3
      1. Identify a specific study or concept from the readings
      2. Identify a specific example from your experience
      3. Describe how they are connected
    6. Summary & Conclusion


    Miami University Infancy and Toddlerhood Observation and Analysis Health Medical Assignment Help

    Observe about private spaces for families with babies.

    Private space

    Submit your assignment with the following structure:

    1. Proof of observation
      • Include a selfie of you in both locations you visited
    2. Description of observation experience
      • Describe what it was like to visit these locations while looking for these specific things.
        • For example: Was it difficult to find anything you were looking for? Did it feel strange looking for something like a changing table if you don’t have children with you?
    3. Analysis of observation
      • What did you notice about the safety concerns and/or facilities?
        • Be detailed in your analysis and incorporate course concepts as you examine your notes
      • Are there discrepancies in services/facilities by gender or other factors?
      • Compare what you observed to topics covered by the course so far, both from a child development perspective and as if you were a parent in these places.
    4. General Reflection
      • Provide overall opinion of the facilities/locations of observations/activities (as appropriate).
      • Provide your assessment of the observation/activity process and experience (what you learned, what you wished you would have learned, what you would do differently).
    5. Conclusion – Wrap it all up!
      • What did you learn?
      • What are key takeaways from this observation experience?
      • What more might we want to know about safety and facilities needs for young families?
      • Is there a need for any sort of action or advocacy?


    Miami University Infancy and Toddlerhood Scenarios Short Answer Prompt Health Medical Assignment Help

    Short Answer Prompt

    Imagine you are leading a group session for parents of infants and toddlers. Those in the group have children anywhere from 0-3 years of age and come from a variety of backgrounds. Your job is to address common concerns in parenting and provide reasonable, evidence-informed suggestions based on the context of the family. Respond to the following scenarios:

    1. A parent arrives clearly distressed. She has been breastfeeding exclusively but, after consulting a lactation consultant, has realized she needs to supplement with formula. She is feeling disappointed and like a failure. What do you tell her?
    2. A father is complaining about how down his wife is feeling after having their new baby. He thinks she’s just overreacting and will be fine once she “gets over it”. What do you recommend and how would you support your recommendation with evidence?





    Stetson University United States land of great opportunities Kyle Minor Essay Humanities Assignment Help

    you will revise the essay conventionally–that is, according to what you’ve learned about nonfiction and the specific feedback you’ve gotten from me and/or fellow students to make that particular essay the best it can be.

    final essay should be between 500-750 words. Include your best versions of the essay along with a one-paragraph analysis for each in which you explain what you learned about writing from the assignment and progression of that particular essay. In the analysis paragraph, be sure to include literary vocabulary you’ve learned along the way when discussing the essay (e.g., hook, point of view, structure, diction, grammar, imagery, dialogue, setting, hyperbole, personification, metaphor, etc.)

    the essay:

    Every time I discussed the United States with my father, he has always told me that the U.S is the land of great opportunities. In several cases, he argued that being born, working or studyng in the U.S getting the front-row seat in a show. By saying this, my father meant that being born, working, or studying in the U.S was one of the great opportunities that any person would ever get in their lives. It is these chats and discussions with my father that ignited my passion for wanting to come to the United States. For many years, I nursed this dream of coming to the land of opportunities, as described by my father. Thus, when the opportunity came, I took the cash and let the credit go. This was after completion of my high school studies and getting a scholarship to come and study in the U.S.

    My thought about the journey made me tensed. At 19 years, this was the longest journey and flight I would take sole. Also, the thought of spending more than two years in a foreign country exuberated the tension. The thought of getting accustomed to a new culture and new ways of life inflated my tension. Nonetheless, this was calmed by the reassurance that I was traveling in the U.S and therefore, I was getting the rare chance of interacting with people who have automatic front row seat in the life’s show, as argued by my father. I knew this was a rare chance, and probably of the greatest opportunities to transform my life. Thus, I was armed with hope and determination to fully capitalize on the chance and make the best out of it.

    The 13-hour flight was the longest tense-moment I have ever had. I envisaged almost every aspect of my life for the rest of the time I would stay in the United States. I dozed off and walk up numerous times before the plane touched down. I breathed a sigh of relief after the plane touched. I was thankful that my dream had come true, especially at a time when I am young and I have enough energy to transform my life for better. This was a great day for me. I will always solemnize this day.

    Author: Kyle Minor

    A Flash nonfiction exercise

    Stetson University United States land of great opportunities Kyle Minor Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    University of Iowa How Soccer Changed the Lives of Players Paper Writing Assignment Help

    I need a very basic research about How soccer changed the lives of players. Also, i want just 2 or 3 sources in the body paragraph and i just need 5 body paragraph and only 8 sentences. Also, i need a basic introduction talks about How soccer changed the lives of players. First a basic introduction. i need 1-body paragraph talks about How soccer can help poor people, 2- How soccer help players make profits, 3- How soccer made people healthy. Finally, basic conclusion talks about How soccer changed the lives of players. Also, just use the sources from the proposal. and don’t forget the references at the end of the research.


    ACCT 112 SFU The Sale of Goods Act & the Nature of Goods Selling Prices Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    1The Sale of Goods Act imposes terms relating to goods matching samples or descriptions, and meeting standards of fitness, quality and title. Explain the nature of these implied terms and their effect on the parties. Indicate which terms are conditions and which are warranties. Explain the significance of the distinction.

    2.Distinguish among a derivative action, dissent and oppression.Explain when it would be appropriate to use each of them.

    3.What is meant by a restrictive covenant?Under what circumstances will such a covenant be binding on subsequent landowners?How does this relate to a building scheme?

    4.Distinguish among an employee, an independent contractor and an agent.

    5.Set out the nature of the duties owed by a director of a corporation.To whom are these duties owed?Who else in the corporate organization owes similar duties?

    6.What factors will a court take into consideration when determining compensation in a wrongful dismissal action?Indicate the various types of remedies that may be available to the plaintiff.

    7.Distinguish between an agent’s actual, implied, and apparent authority.Explain why this distinction can be important from the agent’s point of view.

    8.Contrast a tenancy in common with a joint tenancy, and indicate how one can be changed to another.Why is the distinction important?

    9.List the concerns for employers arising from computer misuse by employees in the workplace.What steps can employers take to minimize the risk of vicarious liability?

    10.Discuss the bankruptcy and insolvency process from the point of view of the creditor, indicating how that creditor’s interests are or are not protected.

    Case Discussion Questions

    Respond to the specific questions asked below and ensure that you include in your responses, discussion of the elements in the grading rubric.

    Case 1

    Doug and Bill Tremblett were brothers and, at least in the early stages, owned a fishing boat together.The brothers worked together in the fishing operation from 1989 to 2004 using a crab license that Bill had acquired through a swap and that was held in his own name.The crab fishing license was the primary asset of the business and the main subject matter of the dispute.After the brothers stopped working together Bill continued on with the fishing enterprise, relying on the crab license he had obtained.

    Explain any claim Doug might have against Bill in this situation.Would it affect your answer if Bill did more than Doug?If the value of the license was over $800,000 at the time they stopped fishing together, what would Doug be entitled to if successful given the trial took place in 2012?

    Case 2

    Adams was involved in a direct mailing scheme centered in Ontario and aimed at subjects in the United States.These direct mailings contained false and misleading representations contrary to section 52(1) of the Competition Act.He was charged under that section in the action.

    Explain any arguments that he might be able to raise in his defense.Does it make any difference where his potential victims reside?If this prosecution were unsuccessful under the Competition Act, is there any other legislation that can be used against him?

    Case 3

    The City of Kitchener passed a new statute in its Property Standards By-Law prohibiting the distribution of light that disturbed adjacent inhabitants or trespassed on their property.An order to desist such light distribution was issued to 48965 Ontario Ltd.They disputed the order, claiming that the bylaw was too vague and retrospective.

    What do you think?Was it being applied retrospectively?Can such a by-law regulating the distribution of light be clear, or is it necessarily vague?

    Case 4

    The corporation defendant consented to a judgement against it.The issue was whether its owner/director, Smith, was personally liable.The defendant corporation provided cabinets for Smith’s personal residence.The transaction was with the defendant corporation.The house went into foreclosure but the corporation was owed $250,000.Smith did not give any personal guarantee; he owed $250,000 to the defendant corporation for the cabinets.

    Is this a case in which the Courts would “lift the corporate veil”?Why or why not?

    Case 5

    Smith was an inventor who had patented and produced a tool containing bearings that could better handle the download in well-drilling operation.A corporation manufactured an identical product and Smith sued the corporation for patent infringement.

    Explain the appropriate remedies available to Smith.How would if affect your answer to know that Smith manufactured a tool sold to the industry that contained the bearing at the time the patent was applied for?Note as well that the corporation also claimed that the development of the bearings was an obvious development to anyone in the industry.


    UI Impressions of Lonely Woman Bulbs and Ghosts Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    Impressions of Lonely Woman by Ornette Coleman, Bulbs by Cecil Taylor and Ghosts by Albert Ayler


    As you listen to Lonely Woman by Ornette Coleman, Bulbs by Cecil Taylor and Ghosts by Albert Ayler, write down your impressions. Describe what you are hearing. What instruments are playing and how do they sound? Use your own words. Musical jargon is not necessary. How does this music make you feel? In your estimation, what is the skill level of the performers. Does this music sound as if it has a plan? Do the instruments and parts fit together?

    Describe how the character of any or all of these recordings might have been a reflection of the struggle for equal rights for African-Americans in the 1960s.

    Finally, tell the reader if you liked or disliked these pieces and why. Be honest. All of this should take up roughly one typed, double-spaced page.

    After all the students in your Team have posted their statements, read them. Then add at least one comment (can be as short as a sentence) about each Team member’s statement.


    When you complete this assignment, you will receive 15 points: 10 points for your statement and 5 points for the comments you add to statements from the other students in your Team discussion group. I am interested in your honest opinion, so there are no “right or wrong” answers. I may take off points if your statement is too short (missing something), if your assignment is incomplete (i.e. you fail to add at least one comment to each statement submitted by all the other members of your discussion group) or if there are grammatical and spelling problems. Do not submit a list. Your statement should be written in prose (sentences and paragraphs, etc.).


    The Impact of Locality on an Individual Humanities Assignment Help

    The other essay I will ask you to experiment with and attack it from an entirely different perspective. I’m not asking for merely a revision of the earlier draft, but instead a totally new treatment of the subject. Perhaps you’d like to take a travel narrative and turn it into a how-to essay. Perhaps you’d like to argue from an opposing side of an issue that you focused on in an earlier essay. Perhaps you’d like to rethink your entire perspective on something that happened in a memoir event. Perhaps you’d like to shift the point of view of the essay. What sort of radical shift you make in the approach to the subject matter is up to you. Be as creative and experimental as you like. I’ll reward you for taking a rhetorical risk and penalize you for playing it safe and sticking close to the design of the old essay. Feel free to run any ideas you have by me if you’re so inclined.

    Each final essay should be between 500-750 words. Include your best versions of the two essays along with a one-paragraph analysis for each in which you explain what you learned about writing from the assignment and progression of that particular essay. In the analysis paragraph, be sure to include literary vocabulary you’ve learned along the way when discussing the essay (e.g., hook, point of view, structure, diction, grammar, imagery, dialogue, setting, hyperbole, personification, metaphor, etc.)

    the essay:

    According to Taiye Selasi, “We are local where we carry out rituals and relationships, but how we experience our locality depends in part on our restrictions

    From this quotation and the video as a whole, I have learned that locality is not about the country where one comes from, instead, the locality of an individual is defined by the rituals or activities that one has carried out in that place as well as the relationships they have or share in that particular location. This does not matter where they have ever visited that particular location or place or not. For example, imagine a scenario where an individual is born in the U.S, specifically in New York, he is left schooling in the U.S while his father proceeds to work in Shanghai, China and his mother goes to work in Vancouver, Canada. In this case, the child is said to be a local of New York, Shanghai, and Vancouver. He or she will be said to be a local of Vancouver and Shanghai even if she has never stepped in those cities. This is because he or she has relationships in those two cities. On the same note, the child would be said to be a local of New York by the virtual of carrying out his or her learning ritual from there. The fact that the student has been taking learning there means that some people can identify with him and they have had experience with him; this makes New York one of his localities. Moreover, from this quotation and the video as a whole, I learned a country does not count as a locality of an individual and it should not be used as such. This is because a country changes and it is almost impossible to carry out our rituals and relationships throughout the country.

    This quotation and the entire video made me think in a new way about my life. To start with, the video made me realize that I am a local in every place where I have relationships and where I have performed a particular ritual. Besides, it made me realize that I am not a local of a particular nation. Instead, I am a local of the town or city where I have had experience with and not the entire country. One of the parts that were motivating in this video is the saying that all identity is experience. This implies that an individual’s identity is the set of all their experiences. Based on this part of the video, we are the product of all the experiences we have had throughout our lives and this is what gives out identity. Therefore, the identity of one individual varies from that of another individual based on various experiences that they have. After this realization, I will develop a strong interest in my experiences since they play a great part in defining my identity.

    I agree with all the parts of the video. I found the video enlightening since it has helped me to learn new things regarding my identity and my understanding of my locality. It is also enlightening since it has helped me to realize that I am a citizen of the world and I am a local of numerous towns and cities across the world.


    BUS 508 Capella University Week 3 Product Development and Operations Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

    BUS 508 Capella University Week 3 Product Development and Operations Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

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