BUS 508 Strayer University WK5 Finance & Accounting Senior Accountant Analysis HW Business Finance Assignment Help

BUS 508 Strayer University WK5 Finance & Accounting Senior Accountant Analysis HW Business Finance Assignment Help. BUS 508 Strayer University WK5 Finance & Accounting Senior Accountant Analysis HW Business Finance Assignment Help.

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BUS 508 Explore Activity Assignment 1 Product Development and Operations Week 5 FINANCE & ACCOUNTING

Week 4 Banner: Finance

  • customer handing credit card to cashier


    Due Date

    Week 5Note: While representative of possible situations faced by SunsTruck Sunglasses, all scenarios in this assignment are fictional.

    Real Business

    Large discount retailers like Target and Walmart employ large teams of Finance and Accounting professionals to help measure and understand the financial health of the business. Financial and accounting information helps these businesses make educated financial decisions, such as whether or not to continue partnering with a retail supplier. While often smaller businesses, it is equally important for these retail suppliers to use financial and accounting data to make educated decisions, such as the best approach to gaining additional funding.

    Your Role

    This week, you’ll assume the role of Senior Accountant with SunsTruck Sunglasses.


    Senior accountants take ownership of reporting costs, profitability, margins and expenditures for a given business. They use the principles of accounting to analyze sales information, create financial reports, make recommendations about the financial health of the company, and more. They are also responsible for training junior accounting staff. For the last six months, SunsTruck has partnered with the discount retail store to run a pop-up sunglasses stand in their stores for a big summer promotion. Due to the high customer purchase rate, the store has requested stock for five additional stores. SunsTruck needs to increase its capacity to meet the additional demand. In order to do so, SunsTruck needs additional money.In this assignment, you will need to help determine which type of financing option is best for your company and train your junior accountants on the accounting cycle and financial statements.


    Step 1: Financing

    The junior accounting team has assembled a Financing Report that (a) offers three options for securing the additional funds required to meet the new order; and (b) details the criteria Shaun, the owner of SunsTruck, would like you to consider when choosing one of the options. Based on this report:

    • Identify which financing option you think is the best option for SunsTruck to pursue given Shaun’s constraints. Explain the rationale for your decision.

    Note: You should complete Steps 2,3 & 4 after reading the material in Week 5.

    Step 2: Accounting Cycle

    A junior accountant is working to get everything in order for the new financing and has come to you with a question about what do next in the accounting cycle.

    • Read the email the junior accountant sent you and identify the best next step to take in the accounting cycle. Explain your reasoning.

    Step 3: Financial Statements

    A potential investor has been identified, but before it is willing to commit, it has requested information about SunsTruck’s current debt from the junior accountants.

    • Identify the correct financial statement for your junior accountants that will provide the investor with the information it has requested. Explain to your junior accountants why you are giving them this financial statement and where the debt information is located.

    Step 4: Financial Analysis

    If you were the type of financier selected in Step 1, would you invest in SunsTruck? Explain the rationale for your decision.Download templateDownload resources

  • BUS 508 Strayer University WK5 Finance & Accounting Senior Accountant Analysis HW Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Need for Information Technology Governance & Computing Environment Paper Writing Assignment Help

    Need for IT Governance

    IT governance has increasingly been implemented in the modern IT and computing environment. There have been increased regulations by the governments in improving the status and utilization of the technologies (Joshi et al., 2018). There were some critical factors, which led to the emergence of the IT governance and especially ensure more regulation. Cyber security and need for privacy could be some of the key drivers to the implementation of the IT governance. Notably, with increased need for ensuring data protection and enforcement of human rights to privacy, there are continued measures by the government and other regulatory bodies in ensuing the need for IT governance (Rubino, Vitolla, & Garzoni, 2017). More regulations related to ensuring that there is more confidentiality and protection of the critical infrastructure could have led to the emergence of the increased IT governance regulations.

    With the increased need for the IT security, ISO regulations came into play to ensuring that organizations abide by these compliances. ISO 2700 is one of the key regulations, which play a significant purpose in not only ensuring information security but also the network security. ISO standards brought transformation to the network security (Joshi et al., 2018). ISO standards practices related to monitoring and certification of institutions in ensuring network security. Besides, increased certification and more regulation requiring continuous auditing and other practices as stipulated by the ISO standards affected the network security(Rubino, Vitolla, & Garzoni, 2017). ISO standards further had an impact on ensuring that there are continuous improvement practices from the organizational management, which could improve the overall network security.


    Joshi, A., Bollen, L., Hassink, H., De Haes, S., & Van Grembergen, W. (2018). Explaining IT governance disclosure through the constructs of IT governance maturity and IT strategic role. Information & Management, 55(3), 368-380.

    Rubino, M., Vitolla, F., & Garzoni, A. (2017). The impact of an IT governance framework on the internal control environment. Records Management Journal.



    1) APA format.

    2) 150 – 200 words.

    3) At least one scholarly source should be used

    4) Use proper citations and references

    5) 0% plagiarism.


    Shoreline Community College Amusing Ourselves to the Death Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    Learn Actively (LA): Learning is a personal, interactive process that results in greater expertise and a more comprehensive understanding of the world

    • (LA) Identify movements and cultures of resistance which produce political and social change aimed at reducing inequalities

    Think Critically, Creatively, and Reflectively (TCCR): Reason and imagination are fundamental to problem solving and critical examination of ideas

    • (TCCR) Analyze and critique the production, reception, and circulation of cultural texts

    Purpose: The purpose of this online assignment is to help students develop a well-organized post to an online task.

    Skills: This online assignment will assist students in practicing the following skills that are key to college success and success in professional life:

    –Composing a clear, concise, post to synthesize chapter content.

    –Apply prior learning from course materials (e.g., readings, lens, terms and or/ concepts)

    Knowledge: This online assignment will also assist students in becoming familiar with the following relevant content knowledge expressed by the Humanities ( as a discipline ).

    –Use of proper APA citation guidelines for capturing direct quotes.

    –Apply evidence from a specific reading to a well – developed claim or argument.

    Tasks: To complete this assignment, students must:

    –submit a 300-word post for each response.

    –share ideas, perspectives, and insights emerging from a specific communication and diversity leadership topics

    Instructor’s Questions:

    After reading the week two-chapter “Typographic America (AOD)” Amusing Ourselves to Death “respond to the following set of questions:

    1) What is the relationship between the lack of diversity in America’s Newsrooms to current reporting practices covering the Black’s Lives Matter movement?

    2) How is this dynamic associated or linked to power?

    ( make sure to include direct quotes and page numbers )


    Asheville Buncombe Technical Efficiency Benefits in Agile Project Management HW Mathematics Assignment Help

    Write a 5-7 page paper that reviews the assigned and outside articles from the first two weeks. Use the assigned readings and at least 5 additional related PRJAs in your paper.

    Your paper should present a point of view in a clear/concise thesis statement that describes the purpose of the paper. The purpose of the paper is not to describe what was written in the articles, but to synthesize the ideas from the literature into an original concept. The paper should be organized into sections with headings including an introduction, body and conclusion.

    See the “Scholarly Writing Part 2” before beginning your paper. Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

    Scholarly Writing Part 2 Video

    Assigned Readings

    • Gablas, B., Ruzicky, E., & Ondrouchova, M. (2018). The change in management style during then course of a project from the classical to the agile approach. Journal of Competitiveness, 10(4), 38-53. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.7441/joc.2018.04.03
    • Gerardo David, A. P. (2016). Strategic management cultures: Historical connections with science. Journal of Management History, 22(2), 214-235. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/JMH-12-2015-0212
    • Mandysová, I. (2019). Classical management biases and behavioral approach comprehension. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice.Series D.Faculty of Economics and Administration, (46), 114-123. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/2299381655?acc…
    • Zawila-Niedzwiecki, J. (2015). Structuring knowledge management – classical theory, strategic initiation and operational knowledge management (part I). Foundations of Management, 7(1), 253-266. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/fman-2015-0041

    • Domingues, J., Valter, A. V., & Agnihotri, R. (2017). The interactive effects of goal orientation and leadership style on sales performance. Marketing Letters, 28(4), 637-649. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11002-017-9436-3
    • Jiang, F., Ananthram, S., & Li, J. (2018). Global mindset and entry mode decisions: Moderating roles of managers’ decision-making style and managerial experience. Management International Review, 58(3), 413-447. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11575-018-0348-0
    • Jiménez, M. (2018). Leadership style, organizational performance, and change through the lens of emotional intelligence. Foundations of Management, 10(1), 237-250. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/fman-2018-0018
    • Krzakiewicz, K., & Cyfert, S. (2013). The network concept of strategic management and its limitations. Management, 17(1), 19-n/a. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/manment-2013-0002
    • McIntyre, N., Woodley, A., Danoucaras, A., & Coles, N. (2015). Water management capacity building to support rapidly developing mining economies. Water Policy, 17(6), 1191-1208. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.2166/wp.2015.017
    • Milhem, M., Muda, H., & Khalil, A. (2019). The effect of perceived transformational leadership style on employee engagement: The mediating effect of Leader’s emotional intelligence. Foundations of Management, 11(1), 33-42. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/fman-2019-0003
    • Organ, D., & O’Flaherty, B. (2016). Intuitive decision-making and deep level diversity in entrepreneurial ICT teams. Journal of Decision Systems, 25, 421-435. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/12460125.2016.1187406
    • Paik, Y., Lee, J. M., & Pak, Y. S. (2019). Convergence in international business ethics? A comparative study of ethical philosophies, thinking style, and ethical decision-making between US and korean managers: JBE JBE. Journal of Business Ethics, 156(3), 839-855. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10551-017-3629-9
    • Radosavljevic, Z., PhD., Radosavljevic, M., PhD., & Anðelkovic, A. (2015). THE NECESSITY OF ELIMINATING CLASSICAL CONCEPTS AND INTRODUCTION OF NEW CONCEPTS INTO STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS. Ekonomika, 61(1), 23-42. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1708858197?acc…
    • Shahri, M. H., Khodabandelou, R., & Moshkdanian, F. (2019). A bibliometric analysis of open strategy: A new concept in strategic management. Iranian Journal of Management Studies, 12(3), 361-377. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.22059/ijms.2019.267204.673348
    • Verhagen, T., & Bloemers, D. (2018). Exploring the cognitive and affective bases of online purchase intentions: A hierarchical test across product types. Electronic Commerce Research, 18(3), 537-561. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10660-017-9270-y


    Troy University Chapter 12 Amazon Inventory Management Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

    You must select one of the following four case studies, each of which is identified with one of four key chapters in the textbook. You will need to create a formal Word document answering the questions thoroughly, in narrative form, and you must use, at a minimum, the textbook and at least one other source (Internet sites are acceptable). The Word document will need to be submitted in Canvas. Although this is not a formal research paper, please include all references and citations within the Word document. Please note that you WILL be graded on proper use of grammar and sentence structure!

    NOTE: ALL papers submitted will be evaluated using “TurnItIn.com”. Any papers that are duplicates of other papers in either this or any previous class will receive an automatic zero. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE! This should be your own original work and every paper must be unique.

    Case 1 – Chapter 8 (FedEx)

    1. Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
    2. How is FedEx’ operations improved by its location?
    3. How does FedEx’ location strategy differ from its competitors?
    4. How has FedEx affected the Memphis, TN area (include positive and negative aspects)?

    Case 2 – Chapter 11 (Arnold Palmer Hospital’s Supply Chain)

    1. Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
    2. How does this supply chain differ from that in a manufacturing firm?
    3. What are the constraints on making decisions based on economics alone at the hospital?
    4. What role do doctors and nurses play in supply chain decisions in a hospital? How is this participation handled at Arnold Palmer Hospital?
    5. Doctor Smith just returned from the Annual Physician’s Orthopedic Conference, where she saw a new hip joint replacement demonstrated. She decides she wants to start using the replacement joint at Arnold Palmer Hospital. What process will Dr. Smith have to go through at the hospital to introduce this new product into the supply chain for future surgical use?

    Case 3 – Chapter 12 (Amazon.com)

    1. Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
    2. What differentiates Amazon from other large box retailers (e.g., Wal-Mart, Best Buy)?
    3. What changes is Amazon planning in the future to improve inventory management and distribution?
    4. Describe Amazon’s global strategy for managing inventory between countries.

    Case 4 – Chapter 16 (Toyota Motor Corporation)

    1. Provide a high-level overview and history of the company.
    2. Compare and Contrast the two Lean techniques leveraged by Toyota.
    3. How does Toyota’s San Antonio plant differ from other manufacturing facilities?
    4. How has lean manufacturing affected Toyota’s ability to compete in the automotive industry?
    5. Describe the three components of TPS and their importance.



    MRCH 2760 FIDM Gradebook and Sales Inventory Planning Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help


    Create a gradebook using Microsoft Excel® so that when data is entered the worksheet performs the necessary calculations, displays the calculated final grade and includes a dashboard. Workbook must have a different layout than your MRCH.1950 gradebook file.


    This challenge will provide you with the opportunity to keep track of your grades using Excel®. Our class grades are weighted and this spreadsheet will require applying the the Excel® skills acquired in MRCH.150 and enhanced by skills developed this quarter.

    This spreadsheet is not your official gradebook, so grades missing from Canvas garadebook at the time of assignment submission are not required, but the spreadsheet still needs to have proper formulas present so when the data is entered, the spreadsheet calculates.

    What matters is that your spreadsheet meets the following criteria.


    Begin with a new workbook and name the sheet (tab) MRCH2760. Use the gradebook located in the class eLearning site for all required spreadsheet data.

    Step 1: Plan the spreadsheet

    • Look ahead while planning where in the spreadsheet to input data
    • Review the assignment completely and the resources required
    • Sketch out how you see the data organized
    • Keep in mind how data is best grouped to create charts and graphs (linking and consolidation of data should be used here)

    Step 2: Input data

    Input data from Canvas Gradebook.

    • Assignments will take you to the list of gradebook categories, their weight percent, and all course gradebook items
    • Include:
      • Category titles
      • Category percent weights
      • Title of each item organized by category
      • Points earned for each item with a labeled total for each category
      • Points possible for each item with a labeled total for each category

    Step 3: Formatting

    Format your gradebook to best display the data (easy to read and pleasing to the eye). Keep in mind the requirements of the entire assignment when formatting.

    • The following formatting tools must be used appropriately within the spreadsheet design
      • Boarders
      • Fill cells
      • Bold (ctrl + B) or Italic (ctrl + I) or Underline (ctrl + u) (ctrl on PC = COMMAND on Mac)
      • Cells are formatted to percent where percents need to be displayed with two decimal places
        • NOTE: For cell reference to work in formula or function, a cell must hold numbers only. No words or signs such as $, %, &< etc. in the cell

    Step 4: Formulas & Functions

    Create formulas and use functions to calculate your grade for WEIGHTED CATEGORIES (math directions below)

    • Conditional Formatting
    • Cell reference must be used in formulas and functions
    • Absolute cell reference must be used appropriately where/if needed
    • AutoSum must be used appropriately where/if needed
    • Add functions: AVERAGE, MINIMUM, MAXIMUM of points earned for each category

    Math Instructions for Weighted Grades:

    For this course your course grade is weighted by category.

    Here is how the math goes for your Weighted Gradebook.

    1. Sum the total points earned for each category
    2. Sum total points possible for each category
    3. Calculate the CATEGORY POINTS PERCENT; Divide the total category points earned by the total category points possible
    4. Calculate the WEIGHTED CATEGORY PERCENT CONTRIBUTION; Multiply the product of step 3 by the category weight percent
    5. Repeat steps 3-7 for each gradebook category
    6. Calculate the TOTAL COURSE GRADE; Sum up the weighted category percent for each category

    Step 5: Dashboard of KPIs

    Think of a car. The dashboard displays the status of the key information needed by the driver to operate the car.

    This is the same for our Gradebook!

    Your dashboard should display charts that communicate the key information concerning your grade/performance in the course. Also, it needs to be linked to the data on your gradebook page. Module 5 of the Introductory course textbook explains consolidating data in Excel.

    In business, Dashboards provide the visual communication of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

    Instead of sales numbers, or inventory counts and value, or clicks on the new marketing campaign from all marketing channels, grades are the data used to monitor performance for our course.

    What do you want to monitor as a KPI in order to reach the goal of getting the most from the course?

    The goal of your Dashboard is to tell the story of your data – we usually call this analyzing data.

    Each chart used within your dashboard is a visual display of the data analysis.

    DASHBOARD reports have THREE layers:

    1. Data (like a table, Textbook Module 7 & 8)
    2. Analysis of the data (formulas and functions applied to data transforming the data into information)
    3. Presentation or visual display and organization of the report (your charts)

    Remember in MRCH.1950 where we created the two small data sets to analyzed the greadebook data?

    They were the Min, Max, Ave data set and the Final Grade data set displaying and calculating your final grade.

    These two parts of the MRCH.1950 gradebook are the data analysis layer of the gradebook. The data portion are the gradebook item names, points earned, and points possible.


    Evaluation (see rubric):

    • When working on course assignments your number one priority is following directions, this is what you will be graded on. Following directions will achieve the SLOs.

    ✏️ Student Learning Outcomes

      1. Demonstrate competency in using spreadsheet technology (Excel) entering appropriate retail math formulas.
      2. Exhibit strong information literacy skills by looking up values in a table.
      3. Show expertise in planning and executing a macro to maintain table data.
      4. Demonstrate technical proficiency by enhancing charts to improve the user’s understating of the information displayed.
      5. Combine strong critical thinking skills with information literacy by using the data in PivotTables to make decisions.

    MRCH 2760 FIDM Gradebook and Sales Inventory Planning Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Grand Canyon University Health Promotion Levels Discussion Responses Health Medical Assignment Help

    There are three levels of health promotion called primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary health promotion focuses on prevention before a health issue can arise. Things like diet and exercise and getting immunized. Keeping the body as healthy as possible in order to fight off unwanted illnesses and injury. Secondary health promotion is focused on early treatments and working on giving the patient medical care to increase their level of function and improving proper health screenings. Tertiary health promotion aims to lessen the long-term effects from chronic illnesses. (Ali & Katz, 2015). All three of these are considered a way to approach the promotion of health. Depending on the patient’s medical history is which approach you would take.

    Deciding on educational needs of a patient would start with deciding which level of health promotion is needed. For example, a healthy 65-year-old who comes in for an annual physical would benefit from education on getting the pneumonia vaccine especially in times like these when viruses are running rampant. Educating them on how the vaccine helps to prevent an illness from occurring before they get sick would help them make an educated decision in their health. An example of educational needs for secondary health promotion would be a patient who has a mild stroke and explaining the benefits of taking a low dose of aspirin to prevent it from reoccurring. Teaching them how anticoagulation therapy works and the harm that having another stroke would cause as incentive. As for tertiary health promotion, it’s focus of education would be aimed at the long term affects of a disease like diabetes. Diabetes can affect their eye sight and wound healing. Education for them would be on the possibility of losing their sight or even becoming an amputee and how to manage their blood sugar levels and proper diet to aid in wound healing.

    Upon reading on these three types of health promotions, there was a fourth one called “Quarternary Prevention”. (Kisling, 2020). This particular health promotion focuses on medical overdosing. An example of this would be women taking hormone replacement therapy after a hysterectomy and increasing their chances of breast cancer in the long run. (Kisling, 2020). Even though the medication may alleviate some unwanted menopausal symptoms, the possibility of increasing their chances of cancer should be highly educated. When the bad out ways the good, education is key and leads to the patient’s right to choose and be the deciding factor.


    Ali, A., & Katz, D. L. (2015). Disease Prevention and Health Promotion: How Integrative Medicine Fits. American journal of preventive medicine, 49(5 Suppl 3), S230–S240. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amepre.2015.07.019

    Kisling, L. A. (2020, June 7). Prevention Strategies. StatPearls [Internet]. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK537222/.


    University of the Cumberlands Introduction to Data Mining Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

    Here are the questions:


    1) The rule-based classification can be used to refer to any classification scheme that make use of IF-THEN rules for class prediction. Discuss the rule-based classification schemes and what is Rule Pruning in data mining?

    2) Bayesian classification is based on Bayes’ Theorem. Bayesian classifiers are the statistical classifiers. Discuss what is Bayesian classification in data mining? How do Bayesian networks work? What do Bayesian networks predict?


    Filling the number of required 200 words or more for the discussion.

    • Providing a comprehensive discussion of the topic
    • Justifying ideas and responses by using appropriate examples and references from texts, Web sites, other references, or personal experience and cited the sources in the correct
    • ——————————————————————————————————————————————————



    TEXT BOOK: Introduction to Data Mining 2nd Edition by Pang-Ning Tan, Michael Steinbach, et al. Jan 4, 2018: ISBN 978-0133128901







    1. The following attributes are measured for members of a herd of Asian elephants: weight, height, tusk length, trunk length, and ear area. Based on these measurements, what sort of similarity measure from Section 2.4 (measure of similarity and dissimilarity) would you use to compare or group these elephants? Justify your answer and explain any special circumstances. (Chapter 2)

    2. Consider the training examples shown in Table 3.5 (185 page) for a binary classification problem. (Chapter 3)

    (a) Compute the Gini index for the overall collection of training examples.

    (b) Compute the Gini index for the Customer ID attribute.

    (c) Compute the Gini index for the Gender attribute.

    (d) Compute the Gini index for the Car Type attribute using multiway split.

    3. Consider the data set shown in Table 4.9 (348 page). (Chapter 4)

    (a) Estimate the conditional probabilities for P(A|+), P(B|+), P(C|+), P(A|-), P(B|-), and P(C|-).

    (b) Use the estimate of conditional probabilities given in the previous question to predict the class label for a test sample (A = 0, B = 1, C = 0) using the naıve Bayes approach.

    (c) Estimate the conditional probabilities using the m-estimate approach, with p = 1/2 and m = 4.


    Grading Rubric :

    • Delivery: Delivered the assignments on time, and in correct format
    • Completion: Providing a thoroughly develop the document including descriptions of all questions
    • Understanding: Demonstrating a clear understanding of purpose and writing a central idea with mostly relevant facts, details, and/or explanation
    • Organization: Paper is well organized based on the APA format, makes good use of transition statements, and in most instances follows a logical progression including good use of symbols, spacing in output


    Boston University Disaster Recovery Plan for A Web Server Essay Writing Assignment Help

    “A Disaster Recovery Plan is the documented process of disaster recovery planning; a plan that shows the organization’s intended efforts in the event of a disaster.”

    Review links on : https://csrc.nist.gov/glossary/term/disaster-recovery-plan

    Review Figure 10-11 Disaster recovery plan outline on page 547 in your Management of Information Security textbook. Remember this is an outline of a Disaster Recovery Plan and not a plan in its entirety.

    Assignment is:

    Develop a simple Disaster Recovery Plan for the complete failure of your web server for a online retail site.

    This document should be 3 to 6 pages in length, double spaced. All writing must include proper grammar, spelling, punctuation and citations.


    Santa Monica College The Enlightenment Philosophers Hume Kant and Emerson Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    Discussion Question

    Answer minimum 600 words

    Hume, Kant, and Emerson – The Enlightenment Philosophers. Reminder: Hume, Scottish, Empiricist, Kant, German, Transcendental Idealism (brought together rationalism and empiricism), Emerson, American Transcendentalist, a philosopher, essayist and poet.

    How can these philosophical frameworks help us to address the hate that is infecting people in everyday experience as it shows itself in mask wearers and anti-mask wearers, systemic racism, the fears and challenges that come from social distancing, etc?

    Extra credit – “Parasite.”

    ‘Parasite’ examines socioeconomic disparity in South Korean culture but we can find a similar disparity in our own backyard, in Los Angeles. How might a return to Hume’s moral feelings, moral sentiments help. Or, perhaps Kant’s moral law within, synthetic a priori principle written into the very cognition of the human mind? Emerson’s guidance that we ought to listen to the music of our souls, the divine gift of genius?

    JACOB student 1

    Reply Thought minimum 300 words

    A lesson can be learned from enlightenment philosopher, Immanuel Kant in regard to the morality of our decisions. In today’s world, COVID-19 has ravaged the globe, leaving governments confused and people dividing into groups of extreme polarization. People are finding themselves also infected by a second disease, hate. Much of the polarization and hate that has begun to spread is the product of stubborn people with conflicting ideas. The lines of morality are becoming blurrier. In order to find our morals in such a chaotic climate, we can look to the philosophers of the past. A perfect example is Immanuel Kant. Kant believed that morality and moral decisions were rational. Kant thought that it was one’s civil duty to behave in a fashion that forced one to believe only with good intentions. In order to prove if your intentions were good you had to ask yourself if other people may have behaved in the same way and if your behavior respected the goals of others around you. Unlike Hume who claimed, “the rules of morality are not the conclusion of our reason”, Kant disagreed. He believed morality to be rational. Kant proposed that if we used rationality and a method he called The Categorical Imperative, we could then establish a set of rules for which we could follow. The two main rules involve respecting the goals of other people instead of using them for personal gain as well as assuring yourself that it would be just for another person to perform your desired action. If as a society and people, we follow this goal, we may notice ourselves being kinder to those around us as we allow for them to pursue their own goals in life and strive for satisfaction. By following Kant’s philosophies, we can pursue our own goals while leaving others in peace, therefore neutralizing hate. Now, we can follow our heart and inner morals and still use logical thought to assist us in our moral decisions.

    Matthew Student 2

    Reply Thought minimum 300 words

    The philosophical frameworks of the Enlightenment philosophers can help us address the hate in the world in many ways. One way that these philosophies can help is for example Emerson in his essay about self reliance saying, “ for nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure” (Emerson 4). First of all what he is saying is that if you don’t conform the the majority or many people, you will be scolded with hate and will be displeased. How this addresses hate is that when for example someone is not wearing a mask in a shop and you tell them to please put one on they come back and say that they don’t believe in it because they know many others that don’t and someone who is more popular like a role model telling them that they don’t need to wear a mask. They are conforming to the community that doesn’t wear masks and they feel that they are correct because many do the same and thinking you are the nonconformist and then you are getting the hate for saying they should wear one. Emerson is saying that you should man your own star and don’t follow others and instead rely on what you think is right and stick to it not what others say. Another example is Kant saying that people who take too much direction from others is what can make so many people follow bad trends like racism and anti masks because, “ self incurred is this tutelage when it’s cause lies not in lack of reason but in lack of resolution and courage to use it without direction from another” (Kant 1). With people being stuck in tutelage and getting their choices made for them and directions from others addresses where the followings of anti mask and other bad actions come from because once someone starts a movement of anti mask, many other in tutelage will follow and hate between opposing views will continue on. With Kant they can learn Sapere Aude!, and start to have courage to use own reasonings first what they think is right in this situation. If they truly believe that masks are important but others don’t, they will follow their own reason and therefore make better choices and address the problems with not wearing a make for example. When people start to follow Kant and stop relying on teachers and preachers about wrong things the hate will become less and more enlightenment with pursue creating a better environment. Another example is from Hume explaining how analytic priori and synthetic posterioriori can help determine what people should do and think about when they make the decisions they do with racism or not wearing a mask. In Humes Standard of taste he notes, “ blaming the opposite qualities” ( Hume 3). This is talking about how people who wear masks for the safety of others blaming the ones who don’t wear masks for the longer quarantine. Besides logic and reasoning to why wearing a mask is important, there are different opinions about whether to wear one or not and that the opposing views create share between each other. What people should learn from Hume is casual reasoning to determine what is better or right and ease tensions on opinions. They should focus on the relation of ideas and the matters of fact. They should test their opinion that the predicate is contained in the subject and does the opposite result in contradiction. Through this they can determine if their opinion is before or after experience and is analytic or synthetic. Through this casual reasoning one can better determine what is right.


    BUS 508 Strayer University WK5 Finance & Accounting Senior Accountant Analysis HW Business Finance Assignment Help

    BUS 508 Strayer University WK5 Finance & Accounting Senior Accountant Analysis HW Business Finance Assignment Help

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