BUS 509 Trident University International King Company Policies Case Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

BUS 509 Trident University International King Company Policies Case Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. BUS 509 Trident University International King Company Policies Case Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Assignment Overview

Read The King Company Background and Total Rewards to review information on the Company.

Case Assignment

Address the following in an essay format which includes an introduction and conclusion (not a Q & A format):

  • Companies often have several policies on time away from work. What are some examples of time away from work policies found in private-sector organizations today? Provide employer names from your research.
  • Click on the video below to learn about “unlimited vacation” jobs where employees could go to work whenever they feel like it.

(CBS This Morning, 2015)

  • As you see in the video above, some employers have an “unlimited” vacation policy. Others have an “Employee Time-Off Policy” that allows employees a set number of paid days off regardless of the reason (instead of individual absenteeism, sick days, vacation, short-term leave, long-term leave, FMLA, and other policies). Would it be better for the King Company to have an Employee Time-Off Policy, something similar to the unlimited vacation policy discussed in the video above, or something else? Why? Support your response with research.

Utilize information from at least two Trident Online Library sources to help strengthen and validate your discussion.

Paper length: 3-4 pages (not counting the cover and reference pages).

Provide private-sector employer examples of HRM programs, systems, processes, and/or procedures as you address the assignment requirements. Provide names of the employers. Use different employer examples in this course than what have been used previously in your other papers and courses.

Bring in related court case decisions to help augment your discussion, if applicable.

Make reasonable, cost-effective assumptions in your paper. It is not an option, however, for you to hire additional help (temporary or otherwise). State your assumptions in the beginning of your discussion.

BUS 509 Trident University International King Company Policies Case Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Moorpark College Samuel Beckett Poems & T S Eliot Poems Discussion Post Writing Assignment Help

1. Choose one of the Samuel Beckett poems discussed on the previous page, the one that speaks to you the most, and read it again, even more closely than you did the first time. Then, explicate the poem in a well-developed paragraph, describing your interpretation of the poem’s meaning. Be sure to identify textual evidence to support your interpretation, but quote no more than one short but representative passage from the poem. (250 words) ( My way in the sands)

2. Choose one of the T. S. Eliot poems discussed on the previous pages, the one that speaks to you the most, and read it again, even more closely than you did the first time. Then, explicate the poem in a well-developed paragraph, describing your interpretation of the poem’s meaning. Be sure to identify textual evidence to support your interpretation, but quote no more than one short but representative passage from the poem.(250 words) (The Hallow Men)


ENGL 120 Cuyamaca College Rhetorical Analysis of Between the World and Me Essay Humanities Assignment Help

4 Pages: Typed, MLA Format

Prompt: Choosing a handful of specific passages in Between the World and Me, make an argument about how Coates is using rhetoric. Specifically, what moves is Coates making to convince his readers? Please note that I’m not necessarily asking if you find him successful in this task. The greater question is simply how is working to make his readers understand him and grasp what he’s trying to communicate. More than anything, what I’m looking for is for you to really dig into the details of how a text impacts the readers.


Recyling Machines Developed by San Jose State Engineering Students Discussion Writing Assignment Help

1) Address a memo to one of the speakers with an idea for a joint project involving his or her company and San Jose State Engineering students.

2) You may need to explore the company’s website to get more information.

3) This write up is just about an idea. You can make it a broad topic.

4) The format is a memo, 12 pt. font, single spaced. It is 1.5 pages long.

5) You’ll have a purpose/introduction, discussion and conclusion with next steps.

In the purpose/introduction, let the recipient know why you are writing, and that you saw the GreenTalk of October 7.

How to do it:
In the discussion, propose your idea for a joint project. Include the idea, and some specifics about it. Take about 2-3 paragraphs. Some ideas might be anything such as

  • the company hosting a seminar or class on one of its processes
  • the students helping to address some environmental justice issue

How would the project benefit San Jose State and the Company?

In the conclusion, thank the reader for taking time to consider your idea. Let him or her know that you have some classmates who are interested and ready to work, and that you’ll follow up with him or her.


BUS 509 Trident University Employee and Labor Relations Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help


Click both The King Company Background and Employee Relations to review information on the Company.

Also read:

Green, N., Ryan, K., & Levy, M. (2017). The correct way to terminate an employee. Retrieved from http://www.humanresources4u.com/cms_files/original/How_to_Terminate_an_Employee1.pdf


Address the following issues in an essay format which includes an introduction and conclusion (not a Q & A format). Utilize information from readings and research to help strengthen and validate your writing.

  • What should have taken place before the decision was made to terminate Lyle Jones (email 5)? What should be done now regarding Lyle’s termination?
  • Concerning Tonia Putt’s termination (email 9) what should be done now?

Utilize information from at least 2 Trident Online Library sources to help strengthen and validate your discussion.

Provide private-sector employer examples of HRM programs, systems, processes, and/or procedures as you address the assignment requirements. Provide names of the employers. Use different employer examples in this course than what have been used previously in your other papers and courses.

Bring in related court case decisions to help augment your discussion, if applicable.

Paper length: 2-3 pages (not counting the cover and reference pages).



California State University Great Migration & Epicenters of Black Culture Essay Writing Assignment Help

From the 1910s into the 1930s, Black Americans migrated to northern states/cities in such large numbers that it is termed the Great Migration. Harlem became one of the major epicenters of black culture and experience. For this week’s discussion, read through the websites linked below and choose one (1) individual that is mentioned (from either website) to research further. Share with the class a short biographical sketch of that individual and how they contributed to black culture then and what, if any, impact they have on society today. Please include (or link) an example of their work (song, art, poetry, etc).



** Short Discussion – less than 1 page!

California State University Great Migration & Epicenters of Black Culture Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Positive Relationships and Academia Performance Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’ve provided the introduction of the whole paper, an argument for each body paragraph, and 3 sub-points derived from the argument of each body paragraph. what you need to do is to develop each body paragraph and add a conclusion.

The paper should look like:


Body paragraph 1: Positive relationships can improve student academic performance. 3 reasons. Explain

Body paragraph 2: Positive relationships are good for teenager’s mental health. 3 reasons. Explain

Body paragraph 3: Love in college is the purest. 3 reasons. Explain


Sources: you need to use 1 journal article, 1 book, 1 website

For journal article you need to choose one from what I provided.

Word requirement: the whole paper: 1000 words (work I provided is roughly 200 words, so you need to write another 800 words)


Harvey Mudd College Uber Technologies Inc Business Model Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Start off the case analysis with an intro. In the intro describe what is going on in the case, give an overview. Then answer the following questions. Use each question as a heading in the analysis. Thoroughly answer each question in 1-2 paragraphs.

Uber Case Questions

  1. How did Uber leverage a hub-based business model to capitalize on a “sweet spot” opportunity?
  2. Identify and develop the core objectives the company needed for initial success, including the metrics that would signify that the model was likely to gain traction?

Then continue to conduct the analysis by completing the following: *** put each under a different heading

Conduct the Following Analysis

Conclude in 1 paragraph by giving final recommendations and thoughts.


Global Citizens & Different Rates of Economic Growth Among Countries Worksheet Economics Assignment Help

In this assignment, you will examine GDP for different countries and the factors that lead to different rates of economic growth among countries and you will be asked for your economic advice. Please note that there are a total of five (5) questions (some with multiple parts) to which you must respond – ANSWER EACH NUMBERED QUESTION SEPARATELY. You MUST complete this assignment on your own – failure to do so is a violation of USF’s Academic Integrity Policies. Do not copy the table or the questions into the document you create – provide just your responses and clearly identify the question or part of a question to which you are responding.


1. Calculate the values for the blanks in the shaded areas of the table below (identify your responses in a logical fashion in your document): I will upload it as a photo.

2. Based on the information in the table and your calculations for Question #1:

Do any countries have positive net exports? __________________ Which one(s)?

Which country has the largest negative net exports? ____________________________________

3. Suppose that a country asks for your advice about trade. Policymakers in the country want information about the impact of trade on GDP and whether they should be concerned about negative (or positive) net exports. Using the information in the table above as your guide, what advice would you give?

Economic Growth

4. Based on information from the World Bank, in 2018, GDP per capita was $62,794.6 in the United States and $64,581.9 in Singapore – very similar values (and relatively high values compared to many countries). But, the annual rate of GDP growth averages 2.3% in the United States and 2.7% in Singapore.

Would you predict the United States or Singapore to have a more rapid increase in the standard of living in the long run?

Discuss what evidence/theory from Chapter 7 you are using to support this prediction.

5. The United Nations Human Development Index (HDI) uses information about a country’s life expectancy at birth (health), expected years of schooling and mean years of schooling (education), and Gross National Income per capita (standard of living) to create a measure that ranges from 1 (very high) to 0 (very low). For 2017, the United States had a value of 0.924, compared to 0.926 for Canada and 0.922 for the United Kingdom – very similar values, although not the highest of all countries.

Suppose a developing country (such as Eritrea with a value of 0.440 or Haiti with a value of 0.498) asks for your advice on which country it should try to emulate in order to increase its level of development and economic growth. Which of the three countries above would you choose? Explain what additional information about each country would be important to making this assessment.


Alabama Southern Community College Global Citizens Worksheet Economics Assignment Help


  1. Calculate the values for the blanks in the shaded areas of the table below (identify your responses in a logical fashion in your document):

20-21 GCP table (2).png

  1. Based on the information in the table and your calculations for Question #1:

Do any countries have positive net exports? __________________ Which one(s)? _____________________________________________________

Which country has the largest negative net exports? ____________________________________

  1. Suppose that a country asks for your advice about trade. Policymakers in the country want information about the impact of trade on GDP and whether they should be concerned about negative (or positive) net exports. Using the information in the table above as your guide, what advice would you give?

Economic Growth

  1. Based on information from the World Bank, in 2018, GDP per capita was $62,794.6 in the United States and $64,581.9 in Singapore – very similar values (and relatively high values compared to many countries). But, the annual rate of GDP growth averages 2.3% in the United States and 2.7% in Singapore.

Would you predict the United States or Singapore to have a more rapid increase in the standard of living in the long run? _________________

Discuss what evidence/theory from Chapter 7 you are using to support this prediction.

  1. The United Nations Human Development Index (HDI) uses information about a country’s life expectancy at birth (health), expected years of schooling and mean years of schooling (education), and Gross National Income per capita (standard of living) to create a measure that ranges from 1 (very high) to 0 (very low). For 2017, the United States had a value of 0.924, compared to 0.926 for Canada and 0.922 for the United Kingdom – very similar values, although not the highest of all countries.

Suppose a developing country (such as Eritrea with a value of 0.440 or Haiti with a value of 0.498) asks for your advice on which country it should try to emulate in order to increase its level of development and economic growth. Which of the three countries above would you choose? Explain what additional information about each country would be important to making this assessment.


BUS 509 Trident University International King Company Policies Case Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

BUS 509 Trident University International King Company Policies Case Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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