BUS 526 UA The CAPM & Alternative Models Index Fund with Tesla Stock Discussion Writing Assignment Help

BUS 526 UA The CAPM & Alternative Models Index Fund with Tesla Stock Discussion Writing Assignment Help. BUS 526 UA The CAPM & Alternative Models Index Fund with Tesla Stock Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a accounting writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.
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Use the CAPM model and its alternative models to analyze whether an ETF S&P500 index fund with Tesla stock is a worthwhile investment and analyze it risk return(500 words or less,Contains data calculation procedures)


Understanding of portfolio theory and asset pricing models. Show a comprehensive understanding of the modern portfolio theory and asset pricing models.

Show an ability to criticise the modern portfolio theory. Ability to use standard asset valuation models(CAPM).

Show a comprehensive understanding of CAPM.

Show an ability to criticise CAPM and an understanding of various alternative models.

BUS 526 UA The CAPM & Alternative Models Index Fund with Tesla Stock Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SDMC Distribution of Ages Between the Award Winning Actors Histograms Comparison Mathematics Assignment Help


Please help me answer these 2 questions based on the graphs and the ages data I attached. Please answer the two questions separately and don’t copy from google.

  1. Describe the distribution of ages of the Best Actor Oscar winners. Your description should include: shape, center (a typical representative age), a typical interval of representative ages, spread (overall range of ages), and any outliers (unusual ages). Be sure to embed your histogram in your initial post Please do not submit your histogram as an attachment.
  2. Create a second histogram for the distribution of ages, and adjust the bin width. Try both smaller and larger bin widths. Choose a bin width so that your second histogram does not look like the first. Upload your second histogram to your Stats-Class folder. Also embed your second histogram with your initial post. Indicate which histogram is better for analyzing the data (your first embedded histogram or your second). Explain why.


Troy University Wk 8 Cultural and Institutional Contexts of Pharmaz Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Working with your Team, please complete case #7: “Balancing Values”. Please designate someone to submit your Team Analysis here before midnight Thursday.

Next, please also post your completed case in the Week 8: Team Case 7 Discussion forum.

After case analyses are posted, all students (on both odd and even teams) must respond in the Discussion forum to posted cases of two teams (not their own).

#7 on page 325

Case Analysis Rubric (2)




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAppropriateness of Structure

5 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProblem Identification

10 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis

25 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

25 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOptions

15 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePersuasiveness of Recommendation

25 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

25 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences: quality; APA Style

10 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEditing: grammar, spelling, syntax, typos …

10 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

10 pts

Total Points: 100


BUS 401 UArizona Wk 1 What Is the Primary Goal of An Equity Research Report Ques Writing Assignment Help

For this discussion, you will explore the elements commonly included in equity research reports and compare those common sections to the requirements of the Week 5 final project.

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,

In your initial discussion forum post of at least 200 words, address the following questions:

  • What is the primary goal of an equity research report?
  • Who are the typical readers of an equity research report?
  • What are three required elements of the Week 5 final project that are commonly included in an equity research report?


GCCCD Effects of Employees Creative Self Efficacy on Innovative Behavior Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Answer the following questions in 300-400 words:

  1. Applying what you know about effective teams (pp. 159-166 of the textbook) or any of the other reading/videos about groups/teams, what other than Randy is not going well for this team? and
  2. What have you done in the past to make teams you have been a part of more effective? Or what will you do in the future to make teams you are a part of more effective?

– attached is the article that you only can use for the discussion and (module 5 team effective slide ) from the book



San Diego State University Purpose for Professional Profile Discussion Writing Assignment Help

ere is the document for this assignment if you’d like to download it: Research before Writing.docx


It is also down below; be sure to scroll all the way down to see the whole assignment. I’ll be posting a recorded lecture later today, or early tomorrow, along with the prompt for the professional profile. Be sure to ask questions early on if you have any. 🙂

Research before Writing

In reading the PROMPT for this professional writing assignment, you must first determine your PURPOSE in writing your profile. Once you’ve determined your purpose, you’ll want to brainstorm for relevant information you already know; in addition, you will do some light research for relevant information that will reinforce your knowledge (and thus appeal to your audience’s ethos) about the field/position that you envision yourself working within (or are working in now).

The PURPOSE in Writing Your Written Profile Assignment:

Displaying your professional accomplishments and interests are the “pith” of your profile which can increase your profile views, and help you build your network, thus, connecting you to new opportunities.

For this assignment, you must first consider your purpose in creating this profile for so that you can tailor it towards a specific audience within this current context (or a future context if you choose). Remember, a professional profile is meant to speak for you…much like your IceBreaker slide did. It should tell your professional story which is comprised of your personality, character, values, and achievements/milestones.

To write this profile effectively, select a specific purpose in writing it by selecting from the following options:

My purpose in writing this profile is to create and post a professional online profile that introduces me and…

  • …highlights what knowledge, experience and/or skills I have at this moment in time; knowledge, experience and/or skills which I am actively learning/gaining; and knowledge experience and/or skills which I plan to learn/gain.
    • While this approach may appear seemingly generic in purpose because it is not being used to actively seek a position, it is not. In posting this professional representation of yourself, you must still consider the general professional context in which you are hypothetically posting this profile, and you must make intentional rhetorical decisions about what most effectively represents you so that you can achieve your purpose in professional self-representation.
  • …allows me to seek out a position in the field in which I am studying, and/or plan to work in.
    • This option would be useful for those of you who are looking into entry level positions in your fields of study/interest after graduation.
  • …allows me to seek out internship opportunities that will facilitate my educational and/or professional goals.
    • This approach might help increase your range professionally in helping you get noticed by companies, employers, organizations, etc. and, thus, gain needed experience before obtaining a position in your field.
  • …facilitates networking opportunities within the field (or fields) in which I am studying.
    • This option in meant to forge professional connections among those working in your field of interest, and to generate opportunities in alignment with your future professional goals.
  • …and showcases my professional services and/or talents to build a client base for a business I am currently running, am creating or plan to create in the future.

If you envision a different purpose for writing your profile, simply let me know so we can discuss it. You can easily tailor your profile, and SHOULD tailor it, accordingly as you gain experience, knowledge and/or skills. In other words, it’s important to keep it current just like you would a resume.

THE RESEARCH component: Worth 50 points

Questions to Consider when Researching your Intended Profession:

Cut and paste the numbered categories and questions below into a word document that you will submit through this assignment on Canvas. For each of the applicable* categories below, and using a bulleted format to organize your content,

  1. FIRST, insert any information you already know in response to any of the questions for each category. Doing this first should help you determine what you need to research so that you come across as knowledgeable.
  2. SECOND, begin your research; insert relevant information gained from your research using the questions below as guidance to your inquiries. Be sure to cite your sources (see criteria at bottom of doc).

*Your PURPOSE will determine which questions below will be applicable. Skip the ones that are not.

NOTE: Please understand that these questions are not meant to be responded to in a single sentence touting one source; they are meant to generate your thinking and research endeavors so that you may gather the information you need to, not just do this assignment, but to get a clearer idea of your professional direction. With that said, cut and paste ANY information that you deem useful. Avoid LARGE chunks of information and, instead include only passages/facts that you need.

  1. Identify your purpose for writing this Professional Profile in ONE sentence.
  2. KNOWLEDGE about Position being Sought:
    • What knowledge do I already have that will allow you to undertake this position?
    • What specific knowledge do I need to have to excel in this position / field? (insert research)
    • What knowledge do I still need to gain (or plan to learn) to be able to excel in this position / field?
    • Are there any perks and/or benefits that particularly attract me?
  3. KNOWLEDGE about FIELD: Information you include in this category can be effectively used to fulfill the “About” section of your professional profile.
    • What is happening in the field right now that reflects real or potential growth in my field?
    • What is happening in the field right now that reflects changes due to the current context (global pandemic)? How has this influenced my perspective? Changed my goals?
    • Who are some noteworthy people (2) who have worked or are working in this profession / field?
      • What are they saying that intrigues me?
      • How are they contributing to / shaping the field?
  1. PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES: Knowing the answer to these questions will help you determine what to include and highlight in your profile’s “Background” and “Skills” sections.
    • What will/does a position in this profession/field entail?
    • What tasks will I perform on a daily basis? On a long-term basis?
    • Which responsibilities will I have?
    • Is there potential for upward mobility in my position?
  2. SKILLS / TRAINING / EDUCATION: Knowing the answers to these questions will help you focus in on those which make you stand out, and will help you determine what to include and highlight in your profile’s “Background” and “Skills” sections
    • Which specific skills are needed to work within this profession?
    • What type of specialized training is needed to work within this profession?
    • What type of specific education is required to obtain a job in this profession?

CRITERIA: Must be followed to earn full credit of 50 points

  • 5 different, credible sources actively utilized/included/cited
  • Submit this assignment in a Word doc through Canvas.
  • Follows the organizational format as indicated in the description at the beginning of assignment.
  • Avoids cutting and pasting in BIG chunks of information; only includes what is needed.
  • Includes citation information for at least 5 credible sources in total.
    • Citation information will appear below/after the source being used and includes the following:
      • Website / Source name (must be a credible source—4 in total)
      • Name of author (if available)
      • Title of article (as applicable)
      • Date of source (to indicate how recent it is)
      • Link to the source (just cut and paste in)
    • The types of sources included should vary since there are so many to choose from. Here are some recommended options:
      • Online and electronic published books,
      • articles from a relevant/credible magazine,
      • newspapers,
      • scholarly journals (obtained from an article database such as EBSCOhost or Proquest),
      • TedTalks,
      • YouTube videos,
      • pamphlets,
      • reputable websites,
      • documentaries,
      • speeches,
      • podcasts,
      • etc.

Note: Subject specific encyclopedias such as Encyclopedia of Careers and Vocational Guidance are acceptable; however, generic sources and encyclopedias such as Wikipedia, Encarta, Britannica, World Book, Ask.com, About.com, or Questia.com are not acceptable as the sources for this assignment (however, you MAY use them for your own personal inquiries).

San Diego State University Purpose for Professional Profile Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

The University of Texas Decreasing Unnecessary Emergency Room Utilization Paper Writing Assignment Help

  1. Create a title/cover page.
  2. Include on the cover page the name and link of the funding source (identified in Week 2). Inclusion of the title on the cover page is optional for this submission.
  3. Make sure to clearly identify the funding source as private or public. This information will indicate to the instructor which proposal format you have chosen.
  4. Instructors reserve the right to not grade any submissions without the private or public designation information included.
  5. Confirm inclusion of all required elements (found in the table above) for the type of proposal being submitted (private or public).
  6. Verify accuracy of APA formatting. For the purposes of this assignment, please follow the guidelines of the APA 7th Edition Student Paper Checklist.
  7. Make sure to use APA formatted heading and subheadings throughout the document.
  8. After final review of the grading rubric, please upload the completed document into the assignment link.


BLD 446 MSU Week 2 Innate Immune Cells Expressing FCgammaRIII and Pathway Case Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

BLD 446 Case Study 1

Elizabeth McEwen is a 47 year old female. She was called back for
further imaging following her annual mammogram. It was determined that
Elizabeth likely had breast cancer and was immediately referred to an
oncologist for treatment. Fine needle biopsy confirmed the breast cancer
diagnosis. To personalize her treatment, next-generation sequencing was
performed on a portion of the biopsy sample. Interpretation of the
next-gen sequencing noted that the tumor did not have BRCA1 or BRCA2
mutation, nor mutation of any of the genes commonly associated with
increased breast cancer risk. The only notable mutation in the patient
was in the immune gene coding for FcgammaRIII.

For your case study writing assignment this week, answer the
following two questions, again with about one paragraph response per

1) Which innate immune cells express FcgammaRIII and what pathway of tumor immunity will lack of FcgammaRIII impact?

2) How will this impact tumor immunosurveillance in this patient?

Finally, be certain to cite any references
you use in the case study. Watch out for plagiarism! Any more
than a 3-4 word phrase without quotation marks is a strict no-no! Make
sure you are interpreting what you read and putting it all in your own


SU Creating a Culture of Innovation & Creativity in The Ford Motor Company Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Creating a Culture of Innovation and Creativity


Creativity and innovation are essential to an organization’s success, and both should be infused into every aspect of a business. Companies with creative and innovative employees keep up with industry changes and have a competitive advantage. Human resources (HR) can foster a creative culture.

For this assignment, assume the role of HR manager. The HR director has requested a business report that details the ideal organizational culture, qualities and characteristics of the employees, and leadership attributes for cultivating a culture of creativity and innovation.


Choose one of the following:

  • Option 1: Imagine you are creating a new and innovative company in the automotive or health/wellness industry.
  • Option 2: Use a company you are interested in from the automotive or health/wellness industry.

Write a 3–5 page business report in which you:

  1. Identify which option you chose and indicate the products and/or services the company provides.
  2. Describe the ideal qualities and characteristics of the company employees in terms of creating a creative and innovative culture.
  3. Describe the ideal background and experience needed for company leaders to foster a culture of creativity and innovation.
  4. Identify the two most important leadership qualities and characteristics the employees should have to be effective leaders.
  5. Discuss the ideal organizational culture and how it would foster creativity and innovation among employees.
  6. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.


SCI 207 Ashford University Human Beings and Nature Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Find a place outside where you can be in nature for at least one hour. This could be a national, state, or local park, a city square with trees and gardens, an old cemetery, or even your own backyard. Be creative. For those of you who may think there is no nature whatsoever around you or you will not have the opportunity to get out into nature, the podcast ‘The Sound of a Snail’: A Patient’s Greatest Comfort (Links to an external site.) will give you get a sense of creative ways to complete this assignment, particularly if you are living in a highly urbanized setting.

Observe: Once you are outdoors, choose a comfortable spot where you can stand or sit quietly for at least 1 hour of uninterrupted solitude. Turn off all electronic devices. Quietly take in your surroundings. What do you notice? Use your senses of sight, hearing, smell, and feeling to take the world in. Be as still and quiet as you can.

Please note: You should plan to complete this step no later than Week 4.

Write: Either while you are outdoors or as soon after your return as you can, set aside at least a half an hour of uninterrupted time to write about your nature experience. It should include both what you directly experienced during your time outdoors and your feelings and reflections on the experience itself. In your writing, consider this question: Are human beings a part of nature, or apart from it?

Please note: You should plan to complete this step no later than Week 4. It is not necessary to share your journal work with anyone, but taking the time to write about your experience will provide you with valuable raw material for the next step.

Create: Choose a creative means of sharing your nature experience, and what you learned from it, with the class. This could take the form of a series of photographs with captions, a poem, a song, a brief personal essay, a work of art, the design for a board game, a video of some kind, or any other creative avenue you can think of. The work should be entirely your own product.

Please note: You should plan to start on this step by Week 4 at the latest.

Share: Share your completed creative project with the class by uploading it to the Nature Experience Project discussion board by Day 3 of this week. If your work is entirely visual or auditory (e.g., fine art, photography, music, etc.), please include a brief statement of 100 to 200 words that (1) relates your work back to your original nature experience; and (2) relates your work to the question of whether you feel you are a part of nature or apart from it. Upload visual or auditory content to an online repository that allows you to share a link to the content with others. Follow the directions for uploading your video to YouTube (Android Upload videos (Links to an external site.); iPhone/iPad Upload videos (Links to an external site.)) or other web-based video platform to obtain the link to share with others. Audio can be recorded or uploaded in Vocaroo (See Vocaroo’s (Links to an external site.) for more information).


https://anyessayhelp.com/ for more information).


https://anyessayhelp.com/ for more information).


https://anyessayhelp.com/ for more information).


BUS 526 UA The CAPM & Alternative Models Index Fund with Tesla Stock Discussion Writing Assignment Help

BUS 526 UA The CAPM & Alternative Models Index Fund with Tesla Stock Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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