BUS Ashford University Governance in the Spotlight Article Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

BUS Ashford University Governance in the Spotlight Article Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. BUS Ashford University Governance in the Spotlight Article Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Part 1

List two characteristics each of real, intellectual, and personal property. Do owners of real, intellectual, and personal property each have the same rights under the law? List how each type of property is treated under the law. Explain why it is in the best interest of society to treat these types of property the same or differently.

Part 2

Read the article Governance in the Spotlight: What the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Means for You. In this article the author outlines provisions companies are now required to implement. Consider the requirements imposed by Sarbanes-Oxley on corporate boards of directors. Do small businesses and privately held companies have ethical duties? If so, to whom would they owe this duty? Employees? Customers? Vendors? Should the law impose ethical requirements on small businesses or privately held companies or can the marketplace police unethical business behavior? Provide support to justify your position.

BUS Ashford University Governance in the Spotlight Article Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

BUS 375 SULCO Wk 11 PMP Certifications Knowledge & Experience Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

You have reached the end of this course. Many of you took this course as part of your concentration in project management while others took it as an elective. Project management as a profession is not a “one size fits all” type of position. Looking forward, you might find that a particular project management niche or focus would suit you best.

Based on what you have learned in this course and your exploration of Project Management Institute (PMI) certifications, think about how you would describe your future dream job. Then please answer the following questions.

  • Of the certifications available through PMI, which ones interest you and why? PMP Certification is the one that interests me
  • Which would best support your current position or future career goals? my future goal is to become an event planner and own my on venue
  • How does what you have learned in this course support your current position or the position you hope to attain?


St Petersburg College Project Charter Merchandise Sales Question Business Finance Assignment Help

Project Type: Retail business (merchandise sales) – Open a new location to expand business and service additional customers.

Instructions and Information:

The background of the business or organization and the details of the project will be determined by you by using information you know, performing general research, and/or developing the details on your own. All information for the project must be developed by you only for the individual assignments and by you and your team for team assignments. YOU MAY NOT COPY PROJECT INFORMATION from any other sources except if you are substantiating a topic with data or facts.

Remember you not only are describing the project in your charter but justifying it in order to formally authorize completing the project.

Please review PMBOK for Project Charter Output requirements. The project charter must include all 12 elements of the output requirements; project purpose/justification, objectives & success criteria, high level requirements, assumptions & constraints, etc.

Remember to always properly reference. Since this is a project document, you may add a References page at the very end of the document.

Also, you should review the grading rubric for this assignment, this is attached


Florida International University Law Community Standards in Mass Mail Question Law Assignment Help

In 400-500 words, answer this question. What would you change, if possible, in the Miller Test, in other words, in the definition of obscenity created or decided in the Miller v. California case? Would you delete or replace any criterion of this definition? Make sure you explain what you would change in the Miller definition of obscenity.

Read Chapter 13, Indecency, Obscenity, and Pornography before answering. Provide the “word-count” at the end of your comment. Please note that the answer should be longer this time and that it is worth five more points (15 points in total).


Zoology Osmoregulation and Function of the Nephron Question Science Assignment Help

View the videos below on*Function of a Nephron* and *Osmoregulation* in order to gain a better understanding of kidney function. If the Canvas link is problematic for your setup, go directly to YouTube to view the two videos.

Use two colors of clay to make a basic kidney nephron and it’s supporting blood vessel. One color will represent the blood vessel and the other will represent the kidney tubule. Use the clay model in your video or labeled narrative on nephron / kidney function. OR you can draw a diagram of a basic kidney nephron.

Explain what happens in each of these locations with just a few simple sentences. Be sure to include the following terms: glomerulus, capillaries, convoluted tubule, collecting duct. Include a summary of the role that the kidney has in maintaining salt and water balances in all vertebrates.

SUBMIT your assignment as a document with photo of your clay model or graphic design. Use your own words. Use your own images. No google cut and paste.



The University of Texas at Dallas Computers Intelligence Questions Writing Assignment Help

review the video The Turing Test: Can a Computer Pass for a Human?—Alex Gendler and answer the following questions:

  • Is Turing’s test the right way to approach the idea of intelligence? In other words, if you have a conversation with a computer and you believe that you are talking with a human, would that computer be intelligent? Why or why not?
  • How are human thinking and machine computing similar in function of memory? How are they different?
  • Do you think it’s possible for computers to ever think or be as intelligent as humans? Why or why not?
  • How do either of the concepts of human intelligence or artificial intelligence apply to any of the following programmatic course themes:
    • Self-care
    • Social justice
    • Emotional intelligence
    • Career connections
    • Ethics

The University of Texas at Dallas Computers Intelligence Questions Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Organization and Staffing Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

the document is just a guide so you can follow. I sent you the instructions

14 mins ago

describe how you will control each of these operational functions:

  • staff
  • inventory (donations)
  • revenue


The final function of management you will carry out, and one of the most important for the overall success of the event, is leading. In this week’s proposal section, describe how you will lead/manage your team. You also need to evaluate and summarize your test results from the week one ungraded/survey-type quiz, and explain why you agree or disagree on if the findings truly represent you.


ACT 460 Colorado State University Starbucks Corporation Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Option #2: Cost Identification within the Manufacturing Process

Find the website for a beverage manufacturer/packager that describes the manufacturing process. Then use Microsoft Word to complete the following requirements:

  • Identify the company, its website and what it produces/packages.
  • BRIEFLY outline or flowchart the production process.
  • Define cost object and identify the cost object in the selected company’s process. (There may be more than one but stick to one for this assignment.)
  • From the process outlined in step 2, identify and list 15-20 costs incurred in the process (e.g., maintenance on machinery).
  • Using the cost object identified in step 3, group the identified costs into the following categories: direct variable, direct fixed, indirect variable, or indirect fixed cost.
  • Conclude your assignment by explaining what each category of costs is used for in calculating the costs of goods manufactured.

In your analysis, include the following:

  1. An introduction (#1),
  2. Requirements # 2 – 5, and
  3. Conclusion (#6).

Your paper must meet the following requirements:


University of Armenia World Population and Environmental Resources Discussion Science Assignment Help

Visit the websites listed below and post answers to the following questions, elaborating on your opinions. The first link will have you find out the world’s population when you were born. Then, view the World Population video in the second link.

After visiting the website and viewing the video, answer the following questions:

  1. Were you surprised at the current size of the human population or at its changes since your year of birth?
  2. How many people do you believe the Earth can support without dire environmental damage?
  3. Should developed countries help slow the population growth of developing countries? If so, what sorts of methods should be employed to do this?

After making your initial post, read the postings by at least two students and challenge positions that differ from yours. In all cases, cite evidence from the websites to bolster your arguments. Cite your sources in APA or MLA format.



RC Diverse Families Law the Issues Confronting a Diverse Family Discussion Law Assignment Help

I’m working on a law report and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Module 06 Written Assignment – Diverse Families

Think about your role as a paralegal in relation to diversity. Consider the following questions and how you would feel if certain things (religion, ideology, sex, gender, race, socioeconomic status, political viewpoints, etc.) about the client would change your perspective.

  • How do you separate your beliefs/partiality from the legal standards?
  • How do you work with a client when you do not like or agree with the client?
  • How does culture impact the law and how should you handle these changes?
  • When confronted with diverse families, how does your cultural viewpoint compare with the laws surrounding the issues these families face?

Keeping your answers to the above questions in mind, reflect on the course project.

Write a one-page paper answering the following:

  • How would the law treat the issues confronting a diverse family? Cite your legal authority within your essay.
  • How would you overcome any personal biases when confronted with diverse family issues such as if the couple were not married, or if they were a married, same-sex couple and they had adopted their children, or if the couple had used a surrogate to have children?

Be advised: Although this is self-reflection, you are not required to share anything that you are uncomfortable sharing.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:






RC Diverse Families Law the Issues Confronting a Diverse Family Discussion Law Assignment Help

I’m working on a law report and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Module 06 Written Assignment – Diverse Families

Think about your role as a paralegal in relation to diversity. Consider the following questions and how you would feel if certain things (religion, ideology, sex, gender, race, socioeconomic status, political viewpoints, etc.) about the client would change your perspective.

  • How do you separate your beliefs/partiality from the legal standards?
  • How do you work with a client when you do not like or agree with the client?
  • How does culture impact the law and how should you handle these changes?
  • When confronted with diverse families, how does your cultural viewpoint compare with the laws surrounding the issues these families face?

Keeping your answers to the above questions in mind, reflect on the course project.

Write a one-page paper answering the following:

  • How would the law treat the issues confronting a diverse family? Cite your legal authority within your essay.
  • How would you overcome any personal biases when confronted with diverse family issues such as if the couple were not married, or if they were a married, same-sex couple and they had adopted their children, or if the couple had used a surrogate to have children?

Be advised: Although this is self-reflection, you are not required to share anything that you are uncomfortable sharing.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:






RC Diverse Families Law the Issues Confronting a Diverse Family Discussion Law Assignment Help

I’m working on a law report and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Module 06 Written Assignment – Diverse Families

Think about your role as a paralegal in relation to diversity. Consider the following questions and how you would feel if certain things (religion, ideology, sex, gender, race, socioeconomic status, political viewpoints, etc.) about the client would change your perspective.

  • How do you separate your beliefs/partiality from the legal standards?
  • How do you work with a client when you do not like or agree with the client?
  • How does culture impact the law and how should you handle these changes?
  • When confronted with diverse families, how does your cultural viewpoint compare with the laws surrounding the issues these families face?

Keeping your answers to the above questions in mind, reflect on the course project.

Write a one-page paper answering the following:

  • How would the law treat the issues confronting a diverse family? Cite your legal authority within your essay.
  • How would you overcome any personal biases when confronted with diverse family issues such as if the couple were not married, or if they were a married, same-sex couple and they had adopted their children, or if the couple had used a surrogate to have children?

Be advised: Although this is self-reflection, you are not required to share anything that you are uncomfortable sharing.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:






RC Diverse Families Law the Issues Confronting a Diverse Family Discussion Law Assignment Help

I’m working on a law report and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Module 06 Written Assignment – Diverse Families

Think about your role as a paralegal in relation to diversity. Consider the following questions and how you would feel if certain things (religion, ideology, sex, gender, race, socioeconomic status, political viewpoints, etc.) about the client would change your perspective.

  • How do you separate your beliefs/partiality from the legal standards?
  • How do you work with a client when you do not like or agree with the client?
  • How does culture impact the law and how should you handle these changes?
  • When confronted with diverse families, how does your cultural viewpoint compare with the laws surrounding the issues these families face?

Keeping your answers to the above questions in mind, reflect on the course project.

Write a one-page paper answering the following:

  • How would the law treat the issues confronting a diverse family? Cite your legal authority within your essay.
  • How would you overcome any personal biases when confronted with diverse family issues such as if the couple were not married, or if they were a married, same-sex couple and they had adopted their children, or if the couple had used a surrogate to have children?

Be advised: Although this is self-reflection, you are not required to share anything that you are uncomfortable sharing.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:



BUS Ashford University Governance in the Spotlight Article Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

BUS Ashford University Governance in the Spotlight Article Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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