BUS409 North Park University Core Assessment – Research Exercise Writing Assignment Help

BUS409 North Park University Core Assessment – Research Exercise Writing Assignment Help. BUS409 North Park University Core Assessment – Research Exercise Writing Assignment Help.

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Project Rationale

This project will give you hands-on practice in a context that reflects the real-world. Projects may span several months and you will need to check in with stakeholders to present your progress. This project is due in Unit Seven and you will have the opportunity to submit ungraded work-in-progress for formative feedback from Units one through six.

Project Requirements

Part A Overview

  1. Task: Contact a Human Resources Department Professional of your choice for any available materials regarding the Compensation Management System: i.e. hiring practices, current position(s), policy, procedures, etc. used.
  2. Follow up: You are to develop a position provided by the HR Department Professional, or one approved by your instructor by completing these nine steps. There are questions at the end of each step. Answer each question in one or two sentences in a word document.
    1. Job Analysis
    2. Job Description
    3. Job Evaluation
    4. A Point-Factor Method of Job Evaluation
    5. Surveying Market Pay and Compensation Practices
    6. Designing A Base Pay Structure
    7. Team-Based Pay
    8. Measuring and Paying for Performance)
    9. Conclusion
  3. Resources to assist you:

Part B Overview

  1. Task: Design a Compensation System.
  2. Follow up: Complete these six steps to develop your compensation system. The regression analysis can be done in Excel, or some other appropriate software (SPSS, etc.).
    1. Get a sample of jobs in a job family
    2. Analyze those jobs for their relevant KSABs
    3. Score those jobs appropriately.
    4. Regress the scores against salary data.
    5. Write an analysis of your results.
    6. Conclusion
  3. Resources to assist you:

Due Date

Submit a word document with both Parts A and B by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (CST) Unit 7.


  1. All writing is to be completed in APA Format. Summaries should include 3 to 5 references. You may select from Reference List provided.
  2. Proof Read and Spell Check your work. Spelling and Grammar are critical in all personal and professional documents. First Impressions really do matter!

Project example steps

Part A: Nine Steps

Step A1

Job Analysis: Determine the kinds and levels of knowledge, skills and the number of qualified employees required to achieve organizational objectives, and that promotes organizational success and profitability.

Job Analysis involves the identification and description of what is happening on the job. Job Analysis is the first step in designing and implementing a Compensation System. The objective in completing a Job Analysis is to identify the content of the job, the knowledge and skills necessary to perform the job successfully, and the conditions under which the job is performed.

There are Five Procedures commonly used for collecting Job Analysis information:

  1. Interview
  2. Questionnaire
  3. Observation
  4. Diary/Log
  5. Combination of any of these

Whatever method is used, job content must be identified clearly and concisely through the use of activity statements.

There are several Job Analysis Methodologies: Department of Labor (DOL) Methodology 1934, the U. S. Employment Services (USES) began a study to identify through Job Analysis, the common denominator of jobs, regardless of industry. The USES and the Employment and Training Administration of the U. S. Department of Labor (DOL) developed a methodology for analyzing and classifying job content.

The DOL Methodology first classified job analysis into two major categories:

  1. Work Performed
  2. Worker Traits or Characteristics.

Work performed is further sub-divided into:

  1. Worker Functions
  2. Work Fields
  3. Material, Products, Subject Matter, and Services.

Worker Traits have five sub-headings:

  1. Traveling Time
  2. Aptitudes
  3. Temperaments
  4. Interests
  5. Physical Demands and Environmental Conditions.

O’NET: Over the last quarter of the twentieth century, the U. S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration undertook a massive effort to update and refine the 60-year-old Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT). This effort resulted in the production of O-NET (Occupational Information Network) System. By November 2003, the O-NET System included the O-NET Data Base. O-NET Online and O-NET Career Exploration Tools.

O-NET is an easy-to-use database that runs on a Windows-based personal computer. It contains comprehensive information on job-requirements and worker competencies.

QUESTION: Why is it necessary to perform a Job Analysis?


Step A2

Job Description: Design jobs that (1) support a desired organizational structure that in turn ensure organizational effectiveness; (2) are compatible with organizational culture and philosophy; and (3) permit each jobholder to recognize the relationship between job activities and the common purpose of the organization.

Job Description is a tool used to help managers meet legal requirements and aid in industry relations and collective bargaining procedures. The Job Description is used in the following human resources and compensation management functions:

  1. Recruitment
  2. Screening
  3. Hiring
  4. Placement
  5. Orientation
  6. Training and Development
  7. Pay Grade
  8. Pay Structure Design
  9. Compensation Surveys
  10. Completion of Performance Appraisals

The Elements of a Job Description include:

  1. Job Title
  2. Job Summary
  3. List of Responsibilities and Duties
  4. Accountabilities
  5. Job Employment Standards – which includes:
    1. Environmental or Work Conditions
    2. Knowledge Skills
    3. Abilities necessary to do the job

QUESTION: Describe the major sections of a job description. What purpose does each section serve? How does Q’NET help in writing a Job Description?


Step A3:

Job Evaluation: Determines relative worth of all jobs to ensure fair and equitable pay treatment for all employees.

A number of Methodologies are available for establishing the worth or value of jobs. The term job evaluation is used to identify various methodologies that provide a hierarchy or ordering of jobs according to some concept of value or worth of the employer. Two general ways of classifying job evaluation methods are those that investigate the job as a whole and those that investigate the job from a variety of components. These components are frequently labeled compensable factors. Major methods using compensable factors are point-factor, factor comparison, and multiple regression-based methods. Seldom is it possible to use one job evaluation method for all employees. It is common to use at least one method for all nonexempt employees; a second method for mid-level managers and professionals, and at least a third method for senior managers and top executives.

QUESTION: What is a benchmark or key job? Why are these kinds of jobs so critical in various job evaluation methodologies?


Step A4

A Point-Factor Method of Job Evaluation: Evaluate job content using a process that is understood by all employees and recognized as fair and just.

The Factor Evaluation System (FES) is the application of a point-factor method of job evaluation, to establish the foundation for a motivating pay plan. Most well-designed point-factor job evaluation methods will produce similar hierarchical results or internal equity relationships. Point-factor job evaluations depend on the evaluators’ knowledge of the job to be evaluated and the evaluators’ skills in the use of the job evaluation methodology. Point-factor evaluation ratings can be manipulated by incumbents, supervisors of the jobs being rated, or the raters themselves. Evaluation methods such as FES have conventions that assist raters in recognizing similarities and differences among jobs. The ultimate strength and test of point-factor ratings occur when all job ratings by organization, by work unit, or by occupation are compared factor by factor. The factor-comparison process is made readily available through the use of spreadsheet software programs.

QUESTION: How does FES differ from other point-factor job evaluation methodologies? Give examples of bobtailing in FES.


Step A5

Surveying Market Pay and Compensation Practices: Recognize what competitors for comparable jobholders are paying in relevant labor markets to permit organizations to attract and keep competent employees.

The compensation survey facilitates an understanding of the competitive forces in the market-place regarding pay practices. Recognizing and relating their own pay structure to compensation trends is useful to organizations in hiring and retaining competent employees, in promoting worker productivity, and in developing an adequate and acceptable pay structure. Steps in conducting a compensation survey include deciding the data needs of the organization, deciding where the data will come from, determining the survey methods, and determining the information collection method. Survey data can be gathered through matching benchmark jobs, classes, or by using the occupational survey method, the job evaluation method, as well as, broad classification methods. Possibly the greatest value of a survey is that it informs the user of what is happening in the marketplace.

QUESTION: Explain why an organization must relate to a variety of labor markets when conducting a compensation survey. What is meant by the scope of the survey? Describe some of the factors that affect the scope of a survey.


Step A6

Designing A Base Pay Structure: Develop a clear link between work required, performance demonstrated and pay provided to each employee.

Pay structure designers must not operate in a vacuum. They must recognize market conditions. This does not mean that it is necessary to follow market trends blindly. The designer must be able to recognize differences in the pay structure compared with what is being presented by market data and know why these differences exist. The first step in building a pay structure is to set midpoint, minimum, and maximum rates of pay, including minimum and maximum rates of pay for each pay grade and for the organization as a whole. The number of grades, range of pay within each grade, the amount of overlap between adjoining pay grades, and the difference between grade midpoints must be determined. The pay structure weaves together internal requirements, and enables the organization to compare itself with its competitors in the human resources market place. The ability to make market comparisons, as well as, the ability to relate to economic changes, permits the organization to raise the entire level of the pay structure when necessary, making it competitive with its environment without changing internal relationships

QUESTION: Why would an organization use more than one pay structure? Describe some of the factors that influence the design of a pay structure.


Step A7

Team-Based Pay In A Knowledge-Based World: Integrate the development and understanding of work and role requirements to ensure team success.

The use of teams is becoming increasingly popular and more widely employed within contemporary organizations. Teams of employees can be delegated the authority to make a wide variety of work-related decisions that were once the domain of managers and professional staff personnel. The team has the authority to determine layout of equipment and design of workplace operations. Traditional job analysis, job evaluation, pay structure design, and market pay analysis practices are being modified to support team operations.

QUESTION: What are the major characteristics of a team? How are organizations using teams? How is broad banding used in designing a pay system for team members?


Step A8

Measuring and Paying For Performance: Recognize performance that supports work unit and organizational efficiency by rewarding employee-achieved results and behaviors demonstrated.

More and more organizations are embracing and implementing some kind of pay-for-performance program. Performance management programs are linking employee behaviors and contributions to desired organizational results. Recognizing merit and paying for performance frequently require some kind of performance appraisal. Performance appraisal within a contemporary performance management system involves a clear understanding of job requirements and job expectations between those doing the rating and those being rated. The performance appraisal is a formal process that centers on the identification and measurement of employee contributions and workplace behaviors during a specified period. The ultimate purpose of the Performance Appraisal is to direct the efforts of all employees toward the achievement of organizational objectives and goals. A Performance Appraisal should be fair, accurate, and objective. Government regulations and court rulings have been applied to performance appraisal in attempts to maintain equity. Performance dimensions should facilitate accurate and objective measurement. The design process includes determining the number of intervals and the descriptors to be used in a rating scale and developing performance standards.

QUESTION: Why is it necessary for an organization to appraise performance formally?


  1. W. Cunningham. T. C. Tuttle, J. R. Floyd, and J. A. Bates. Occupational Analysis Inventory (Raleigh:North Carolina State University, Center for Occupational Education. 1970).

Raymond E. Christal, “The United States Air Force Occupational Research Project. AFHRL-TR7375, “Occupational Research Division, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. January 1974.

Jerry Newman and Frank Krzytofiak, “Quantified Job Analysis: A Tool for Improving Human Resource Management Decision Making,” paper presented at the Academy of Management, Orlando, Florida, August 15, 1997.

  1. S. Department of Labor: Administration, Handbook, for Analyzing Jobs (Washington, D. C.: U. S. Government Printing Office 1972). NOTE: This book includes a complete description of the DOL Methodology. It is a valuable reference for anyone involved in Compensation Management Methodology.

Weighing and Rating Compensation Factors (FES)

1963 Equal Pay Act (EPA)

Lott’s Point Method

Benge’s Factor Comparison Method

Hay’s Profile Method

The NEMA Method

Factor Evaluation System (FES)

Other Job Evaluation Methods:

Time-Span of Discretion (TSD) Method

Decision Band Method of Job Evaluation

Problem-Solving Compensable Factor Method

Benchmark Guide Chart Method

Job Evaluation Methods With Core and Secondary Factors

Using Multiple Regression Analysis in Questionnaire-Based Job Evaluation

O’NET: Is an easy-to-use managerial database that runs on a Windows-based personal computer. It contains comprehensive information on job requirements and worker competencies.

NOTE: Page 128-132 of our Textbook.


Step A9

Conclusion: What have you learned from “Building Internally Consistent Compensation Systems Exercise”? Reference Textbook Chapter 6. In your summary, include and answer the following questions:

  1. Explain the concept of internally consistent compensation systems.
  2. Summarize the practice of job analysis.
  3. Describe the practice of job evaluation.
  4. Give two examples of job evaluation techniques and briefly summarize each one.
  5. Explain how internally consistent compensation systems and competitive strategy relate to each other.

NOTE: Proof Read and Spell Check your work. Spelling and Grammar are critical in all personal and professional documents. First Impressions really do matter! Submit your work by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (CST) Unit 7.


Part B: Six Steps

Step B1

Get a sample of jobs in a job family.

Step B2

Analyze those jobs for their relevant KSABs.

Step B3

Score those jobs appropriately.

Step B4

Regress the scores against salary data.

Step B5

Write an analysis of your results.

Step B6

Write a conclusion. What have you learned from this exercise? In your analytical summary, include and answer the following questions:

  1. Explain the concept of designing a compensation system
  2. Summarize the practice of sampling jobs in a job family.
  3. Describe the practice of analyzing those jobs for their relevant KSABs.
  4. Give two examples of scoring those jobs appropriately.
  5. Analyze the regression of the scores against salary data.

BUS409 North Park University Core Assessment – Research Exercise Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Ashford University New York City Police Strategic Plan Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

Prior to beginning work on this interactive assignment read Chapter 10 in Correctional Leadership Competencies for the 21st Century: Executives and Senior-Level Leaders (Campbell & Dobel & Katsampes & Mactavish & Yates, 2014)andChapter 9in Police Liability and Risk Management: Torts, Civil Rights, and Employment Law (Girod, 2014). It is also recommended that you review the instructions for the final project in Week Six as the content of this introduction will be a component of your strategic plan.

For this interactive assignment you will take on the role of a leader in the organization you chose for your final assignment in Week Two you will create a five minute maximum screen cast presentation of a PowerPoint on strategic planning. For the screencast portion you may use any screen casting platform you wish. (Quick-start guides for Screencast-O-Matic and Jingare provided for your convenience.)

Your PowerPoint presentation must be clear and provide the audience with an understanding of the purpose and meaning of the strategic plan including the following elements:

  • State the purpose of the strategic plan as a manifestation of strategic thinking.
  • Provide an overall picture of the legal policies and Constitutional mandates related to the organization and how these impact strategic planning.
  • Explain the value of strategic thinking and strategic planning in developing ethics in order to evaluate ethical issues and maintain an ethical organization.

Include visual enhancements in your presentation. These may include: appropriate images, a consistent font, appropriate animations, and transitions from content piece-to-content piece and slide-to-slide. (Images should be cited in APA format as outlined by the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Students may wish to use the Where to Get Free Images guide for assistance with accessing freely available public domain and/or Creative Commons licensed images.) It is recommended that you access Garr Reynolds Top Ten Slide Tips (Links to an external site.) that provides useful assistance with creating successful PowerPoint presentations.

After you have created your PowerPoint, you will create a screencast of your presentation. Your screencast may be a maximum of five minutes. (It is highly recommended that you create a script and/or speaker’s notes for your PowerPoint to ensure that your screencast will meet the time requirements. This will also allow you to practice your presentation prior to recording it.) Once your screencast has been created copy and paste the URL to your screencast into the initial post and attach your PowerPoint presentation to the post prior to submitting.

Please just make an outline for me to be able to make the screen cast.


ENG125 WK4 Ashford Types of Conflicts Found in Literature Discussion Writing Assignment Help


******Discussion 1*********

Prepare: Prior to beginning your initial post, read Chapters 10 and 11 in your course textbook, paying special attention to information on drama’s Greek history, the Shakespearean dramatic tradition, and the components of tragedy in both Greek and Shakespearean drama.

Reflect Icon

Reflect: In addition to staged productions, some of drama’s contemporary forms include television and film. Think of a film or television episode you know well and that you could analyze using the terms you learned in the textbook. Remember that the film or episode may not necessarily come from our current genre of “drama,” as the literary term drama refers to all contemporary forms of scripted theatrical production. Do NOT choose a work that would be called a ‘comedy,’ as you will be exploring comedy in your Comedy and Conflict discussion this week. It might help you to think of a plot that has a protagonist similar to those you have read about in your textbook

Write IconWrite:

Part 1—Answer the following questions and directives about the film or episode you chose:

  • Name the episode or film. For the benefit of your classmates who might not be familiar with it, summarize the plot in two to four sentences only.
  • What is a central type of conflict in the work? You can refer to the Types of Conflicts Found in Literature (Links to an external site.)document to remind yourself of the types of conflict.
  • How does its plot and conflict align with plot structures and types of conflict found in Greek and/or Shakespearean tragedy?
  • How does it depart from the Greek or Shakespearean forms of tragedy?
  • Support your responses with textual details and analytical commentary. Be sure to include specific quotations and/or paraphrases from the work. For help on writing paraphrases and quotations, review the Ashford University Writing Center’s tutorial Integrating Research (Links to an external site.) and the Quoting, Paraphrasing, & Summarizing (Links to an external site.) web page

Part 2—Consider how applying your knowledge of literary tradition and elements caused you to look at this contemporary dramatic work in a new way. Respond to the following questions:

  • After completing Part 1 of this discussion, did you notice anything new about the dramatic work you selected? If so, what did you notice?
  • Did your experience completing Part 1 deepen your appreciation of the work’s complexity? If so, how? If not, why not?
  • Though drama has changed over time, many of its fundamental elements remain the same. What might this illustrate about the human condition?

Your writing for Parts One and Two should be a combined total of at least 200 words.

**** DISCUSSION 2****

Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Sharon E. Cooper’s Mistaken Identity: A Ten Minute Play from Chapter 12 of Journey Into Literature.

Reflect Icon

Reflect: In the Influence of Tragedy in Contemporary Drama discussion this week, you examined how a contemporary dramatic work might simultaneously adhere to and depart from the dramatic tradition, specifically Greek and Shakespearean tragedy. In this discussion activity, you will focus on comedy. Reflect onMistaken Identity: A Ten Minute Play. This is a modern comedy that centers on the quest for love and understanding. Remind yourself the elements of drama and conflict you explored in the Influence of Tragedy in Contemporary Drama discussion.

Write Icon

Write: The initial post must be 200 to 300 words in length and posted by Day 3. In your initial post:

  • Identify a conflict that you see present in Mistaken Identity: A Ten Minute Play. You can refer to the Types of Conflicts Found in Literature (Links to an external site.) document to remind yourself of the types of conflict.
  • What literary techniques draw out this conflict? You might consider such things as dialogue, characterization, and symbol. You can refer to the List of Literary Techniques (Links to an external site.) for a review of the literary techniques.
  • How is the conflict similar to the conflict of the contemporary drama you discussed in the Influence of Tragedy in Contemporary Drama discussion this week?
  • Is the development of conflict in comedy very different from its development in tragedy? If so, how? If not, what differentiates the two genres?


ENG125 WK3 Ashford University What You Pawn I Will Redeem Writing Assignment Help

Use the attached in order to get the information needed for the assignment

Part 1

For this assignment, you will write a two-and-a-half-page draft (excluding the title and references page) of your Week 5 Literary Analysis Final Paper. The draft should contain the following:

  • The writing prompt you chose to explore in your Proposal for Final Paper assignment in Week 1. You can copy and paste the writing prompt directly from your Week 1 assignment. Providing your writing prompt will help your instructor see if you focused well on the prompt.
  • A working thesis. This working thesis should be a revised version (based on the feedback you have received) of the working thesis you submitted for the Week 1 assignment. Again, the thesis should offer a debatable claim in response to one of the prompts on the list and should be developed and supported by your research.
  • An introduction.
  • At least three body paragraphs. Be sure to include some paraphrases and quotations of the references from your Week 2 assignment. Do not summarize the plot. For support on writing your body paragraphs, read the Ashford Writing Center’s Body Paragraphs (Links to an external site.) web page.
  • A conclusion.
  • An annotated bibliography.

In your paper,

  • Analyze the literary work from the approved list of prompts chosen in Week 1 that pertained to your selected topic.
  • Apply your knowledge of literary elements and other concepts.

Review the feedback provided by your instructor on prior assignments as you begin drafting your literary analysis. You may use the Sample Literary Analysis in Chapter 3 of your course textbook as a reference, but do not re-use any information within this sample assignment.

The Literary Analysis Draft

  • Must be two and a half double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages); use one-inch margins on the right, left, top, and bottom; and must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Paper prompt #
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted

For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).

In this class, you have two tutoring services available: Paper Review (available through online classroom) and Live Chat (Links to an external site.). Click on the Writing Center tab in the left-navigation menu to learn more about these tutoring options and how to get help with your writing.

Part 2
Prior to the end of this week, submit your Literary Analysis draft to the Ashford Writing Center’s Paper Review (Links to an external site.) service.

Be sure to carefully review the Writing Center’s feedback on your paper as you will be required to respond to it in Week 4. Additionally, the Writing Center will include a tracking number beginning with “ntp” at the top of your reviewed paper that you will need to input in a Week 4 discussion.


Bethel University Homeland Security Assessment Questions Law Assignment Help

1.What are the initiatives to help local communities mitigate or prepare against potential terrorist attacks? What mitigation/preparedness role does the private sector have in terms of homeland security assessment? Why is community preparedness an important component to homeland security?

(Minimum word count of 750. Must use scholar source. Must cite source. No plagiarism. )

2. How would a Homeland Security Assessment for an organization be incorporated into the organization’s business/operations plan? What benefits exist when using the Baldridge Criteria to conduct a Homeland Security Assessment? How does this compare to FEMA’s document (available at www.fema.gov) (FEMA 426, Reference Manual to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks against Buildings)? Discuss two factors to minimize damage to buildings caused car bombs.

(Minimum word count of 750. Must use scholar source. Must cite source. No plagiarism. )



Texas A & M International Effective Emergency Response Programs Paper Science Assignment Help

Given everything you’ve learned about fire safety and emergency response thus far in the course, including the cases of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory and what we have observed during 9/11 with the Twin Towers, what factors, technologies, and strategies do you think are most important when it comes to processes and programs to help ensure effective emergency egress? Provide data and statistics to support your position as you conduct research for your post. Consider human factors, technology, engineering controls, administrative controls, building codes and regulatory constructs, including the capacity of emergency response organizations.

Texas A & M International Effective Emergency Response Programs Paper Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Branding Prototype Philosophy Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

This week’s assignment applies everything you have learned. In a presentation (visual and audio), explain the following:

Stage of development your idea is in
Your product is revolutionary or evolutionary and why?
Perceptual map
Product’s attributes
Differentiation and branding
Philosophy to meet the user’s needs.
Your vision and goals
Your options for a visual include, but are not limited to:

Include a minimum of one scholarly source

Presentation of 5-7 minutes (visual and audio)

Format your paper according to APA guidelines

+6 hours extension can be provided in due time if will be needed.


Strayer Explain the Mission or Focus of Accounting Organizations Writing Assignment Help

For Project 2, select two (2) of the organizations below and write a 2-3 page paper in which you:


  • Briefly explain the mission or focus of the two (2) organizations you selected and cite at least two (2) sources for your information. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as appropriate sources. It is recommended that you refer to the organization’s websites or excerpts from their established publications.
  • Select a topic that one (1) of the organizations is currently focused on, or one that they consider a pressing issue or “hot topic.”
  • Summarize what the organization you selected is doing to address the issue you identified.
  • Explain how the issue you identified impacts how financial reports are produced.
  • This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format may be different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details (more information and an example is included in the Strayer Writing Standards left menu link).
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.


UOTC Principle of Incident Response and Disaster Recovery Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

The Principle of Incident Response and Disaster Recovery

Daily business management entails taking several risks in decision-making, which may at times, pose serious threats to the business or turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Threats negatively affect business operations, thus creating the need for any operational manager to come up with a recovery plan in the event of disaster. One business principle that creates better grounds for recovery from a disaster is the incident response and disaster recovery principle.

Incident response and disaster recovery plan comprises of relayed information to members of the staff on how to deal with a disaster after it has occurred. This principle majorly focuses on damage limitation to the business assets as prompt corrective measures are usually sought. Protection of business assets is paramount, and damage limitation becomes increasingly critical to the business mission and recovery success from the disaster (Mische & Wilkerson, 2016). In it, various definitions of what constitutes an incident are vividly explained, the person responsible for taking charge of the situation after a disaster occurs is mentioned, and also the viable plan of action in reaction to the disaster is outlined. In coming up with this plan, three phases are usually incorporated. There is the advanced planning and triage phase, running the incident phase and review as the final phase. Advanced planning and triage entail foreshadowing an incident even before it occurs, thus aiding in risk mitigation (Whitman, Mattord & Green, 2013). Triage entails giving precedence and priority to one incident over another due to its more likelihood of occurring. Running the incident involves running a simulation of the projected incident to establish its potential damage, and the review phase entails assessing the resilience of the current protection standards in place and coming up with countermeasures for the potential threat.

This principle is of utmost importance to any management of a business as it ensures for business continuity after a disaster. It reduces the impact that certain disasters have on business operations. Therefore, it should be the goal of any business manager to have an effective incident response and disaster recovery plan as it is critical to business success. However, threats to business operations constantly change, thus giving rise to the question, how much security is enough?

500-700 words.

All work should be cited in APA citation. Refer to the content area APA citations .

In order to receive full credit students need to respond to at least two post peers or the instructor post.


Whitman, M. E., Mattord, H. J., & Green, A. (2013). Principles of incident response and disaster recovery (2ndedition.). Cengage Learning.

Mische, S., & Wilkerson, A. (2016). Disaster and contingency planning for scientific shared resource cores. Journal of Bio-molecular Techniques: JBT. doi:10.7171/jbt.16-2701-003


SNHU Multimedia Presentation Final Project Humanities Assignment Help

HIS 100 Project 3: Multimedia Presentation Guidelines and Rubric


“If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday.”

Your final longer-term project in this course is to complete a multimedia presentation. The work you did on the Topic Exploration Worksheet in Theme 1 and the historical context and introduction in Theme 3 will directly support your work on this project.

One of the prime benefits of studying history is that it allows us to learn about who we are and where we came from. The people and events of the past can often shed light on the conditions and social norms of the present. Having historical awareness can inform various aspects of your life as well as future aspirations. Learning from past failures and successes can shape ideals and values for years to come.

This final longer-term project is designed to help you understand the fundamental processes and value of studying history. In the first project, you completed the Topic Exploration Worksheet on one of the topics or themes from the library guide. You investigated the types of research you might need to do to learn more about the topic and developed research questions. In Project 2, you used this worksheet to complete a research plan and introduction. You selected one of your research questions and did some secondary-source research, speculated on primary source needs, and used the information to write the introduction and thesis statement for a possible research paper.

In this third project, you will create a multimedia presentation that explores both major developments in historical inquiry and the value of examining history. This assessment addresses the following course outcomes:

  •  Investigate major developments in the progression of historical inquiry for informing critical questions related to historical narrative
  •  Articulate the value of examining historical events for their impact on contemporary issuesPromptNow that you have done some research with primary and secondary sources (using sources from the library guide for your chosen topic) and written an introduction for a possible history paper, you will turn your attention to thinking about the creation and value of historical inquiry. You will use the research you have done throughout this course, as well as course materials, to inform your thoughts. To present your opinions and observations, you will create a multimedia presentation (using a presentation tool such as PowerPoint or Prezi) that addresses the following critical elements. While these questions may seem “big,”remember that you are addressing them in a presentation, not a paper, and can use bullet points, visuals, or other methods. These critical elements will be evaluated from the information you provide in your multimedia presentation. Note: If using Prezi, be sure to include a Word document with notes. If using PowerPoint, be sure to use the speaker notes feature.

—Pearl Buck


Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Articulate how different historical lenses impact how people perceive an historical event. The lenses include political, economic, and social.

  1. Explain how historical lenses could be applied to your topic. For instance, are there aspects of this event that might interest a political historianand what are they?
  2. Choose one of the lenses referenced above, and detail how the historical narrative you started in your research and introduction might changethrough this lens. For instance, how might the “story” of your event change when studied through its political aspects?
  3. Discuss what conclusions you can draw about the “telling” of history in relation to the “teller.” How does this impact for you what “history” is?

Be sure to back up your opinions with information learned throughout the course and in reference to your chosen topic. on your conclusions, articulate the value of studying history.

II. Based
A. Describe how you could apply to our lives today what you have learned from the event you have studied. Be sure to reference specific

contemporary issues. For instance, what specific issues that we encounter today could benefit from lessons learned from your event?

  1. Discuss your opinion of the adage that “history repeats itself.” Do you agree or disagree? Be sure to explain why you have this opinion withinformation you have learned throughout the course and in your research of your topic.
  2. Discuss your obligation as a citizen of your society to understanding the history behind issues that impact you every day. For instance, what civicduties you can be better at if you know more about their history? How can being a more informed member of society benefit you and society?Supporting Work and Resources

For support on developing a multimedia presentation, refer to the PowerPoint Training (Windows PC or Mac) or Prezi Training Atomic Learning tutorials. Log in to Atomic Learning using your SNHU email address as your username and your SNHU email password as your password. Be sure to include notes as needed in your presentation in order to meet the outlined critical elements.

Project 3 Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your multimedia presentation should be approximately 10 to 12 slides. You are encouraged to include a combination of text, visuals, and sound in order to support your work. Note: If using Prezi, be sure to include a Word document with notes. If using PowerPoint, be sure to include speaker



Critical Elements

Exemplary (100%)


Proficient (85%)

Needs Improvement (55%)

Not Evident (0%)


Historical Lenses: Your Topic

Meets “Proficient” criteria andchoice of historical lenses and details demonstrates insight into the topic

Explains how various historical lenses could be applied to the topic

Explains how various historical lenses could be applied to the topic but is overly generalized or has inaccuracies

Does not explain how various historical lenses could be applied to the topic



Critical Elements

Exemplary (100%)

Proficient (85%)

Needs Improvement (55%)

Not Evident (0%)


Historical Lenses: Historical Narrative

Meets “Proficient” criteria anddetails demonstrate highly developed connections between the narrative and the lens

Details how the historical narrative begun in the research and introduction might change through a chosen historical lens

Details how the historical narrative begun in the research and introduction might change through a chosen historical lens but is cursory or has inaccuracies

Does not detail how the historical narrative begun in the research and introduction might change through a chosen historical lens


Historical Lenses: Conclusions

Meets “Proficient” criteria anddetails demonstrate highly developed connections between conclusions and course information


Discusses conclusions drawn about the “telling” of history in relation to the “teller,” backed up by information learned throughout the course

Discusses conclusions drawn about the “telling” of history in relation to the “teller,” but lacks backup by information learned throughout the course, or is cursory or has inaccuracies

Does not discuss conclusionsdrawn about the “telling” of history in relation to the “teller”


Value: Our Lives

Meets “Proficient” criteria andconnections between past and present demonstrate a nuanced insight into historical application

Describes what can be applied from studying the event to current day, referencing specific contemporary issues

Describes what can be applied from studying the event to current day but lacks reference to specific contemporary issues, or is cursory or has inaccuracies

Does not describe what can be applied from studying the event to current day


Value: Opinion

Meets “Proficient” criteria andconnections between opinion and course information demonstrate a nuanced insight into historical application


Explains opinion of the adage that “history repeats itself” and is backed up by information learned throughout the course


Explains opinion of the adage that “history repeats itself” but lacks backup by information learned throughout the course, or is cursory or has inaccuracies

Does not explain opinion on the adage that “history repeats itself”


Value: Obligation

Meets “Proficient” criteria andconnections between citizen obligations and impactful issues demonstrate a nuanced insight into historical application

Discusses obligation as a citizen of society to understand the history behind impactful issues


Discusses obligation as a citizen of society to understand the history behind impactful issues but is overly generalized

Does not discuss obligation as a citizen of society to understand the history behind impactful issues


Articulation of Response

Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format

Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas


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BUS409 North Park University Core Assessment – Research Exercise Writing Assignment Help

BUS409 North Park University Core Assessment – Research Exercise Writing Assignment Help

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