BUSI 691 LU Change Management in Community Healthcare Field Activity Business Finance Assignment Help. BUSI 691 LU Change Management in Community Healthcare Field Activity Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Each student will select an organization in which to complete a field activity. Note: The organization will remain anonymous. No part of any collection or analysis of data/information may be utilized or published beyond the course.
The field activity may be part of current employment, a formal or informal internship, apprenticeship or consultant. The student may use his/her current healthcare organization or an organization within the healthcare industry for which he/she is not currently employed. The specific name of the organization will not be revealed in the assignment to maintain anonymity. Current APA formatting must be used.
Field Activity Role Examples:
1.The field activity may be one in which the student is currently completing as part of his/her job responsibilities in a healthcare administration position.
2.The field activity may be one in which the student is assisting in an internship or apprenticeship in a healthcare administration capacity.
3.The field activity may be one in which the student is serving as a healthcare administration consultant in a healthcare facility.
4.The field activity may be one in which the student collects information/data for a specific healthcare organization.
Field Activity Project Examples (but not limited to the following):
1.Planning and scheduling projects
2.HR (staffing, performance management, scheduling)
3.Process Improvement
4.Quality Control & Improvement
5.Supply Chain/Inventory
7.Change Management
8.Team building
9.Communication Systems
10.Marketing Strategies
BUSI 691 LU Change Management in Community Healthcare Field Activity Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Pursuit of Personal Privacy Happiness and Property Rights Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Building block #1: 3 pages
In this essay you will simply combine your short papers 1 and 2 into a single essay about property, pursuit of happiness and privacy. Try to link the 2 parts of your paper as much as you can (perhaps with an intro or a transition paragraph that finds connections between the argument you make in the first part and the argument you make in the second part).
. Try to link the 2 parts of your paper as much as you can (perhaps with an intro or a transition paragraph that finds connections between the argument you make in the first part and the argument you make in the second part).
Short Paper 1 & 2 will be available to combine.
MKT 571 Phoenix Week 1 Company Revenues Analysis & Marketing Strategies Memo Business Finance Assignment Help
PART 1 –
This assignment is designed to help you analyze and interpret primary and/or secondary data and research. You are provided with a marketing data report that you are to review and analyze for basic executive level data insights and action.
Analyze the Week 1 Business Growth Overview dataset. This is a marketing report generated by an analyst for the Senior Vice President (SVP) of Marketing at a large corporation. The analyst is new and has provided summary data but no insights or commentary for the SVP.
Guidance: This data set is typical of real-world market data. You get a spreadsheet of numbers that need to be interpreted. MAKE SURE TO EXPLORE THE ENTIRE SPREADSHEET INCLUDING THE DEFINITIONS TABS, HIDDEN CELLS, ETC. Note the spreadsheet provides performance data for different periods of time (year over year 30 day, 90 day, and 6 month) for different market segments, and customers.
You are looking for any items or trends that stand out as anomalies. What are the general trends? Are there any areas that need attention? What what recommendations would you make based on the data?
Construct a minimum 525-word memorandum for the SVP providing insights and commentary. The memorandum should include your analysis of the following:
- Major areas of increase and decrease in revenue or type and/or category of business
- Trends that are evident in terms of revenue or type and/or category of business
- Insights that would help formulate marketing strategies to either continue growth or reverse decline. (WHAT SPECIFIC ACTIONS DO YOU RECOMMEND)
- Additional analysis you (if you were SVP) would like to build a marketing goal and strategy or strategies (and why)
You do not need to address all of the issues suggested by the data but look for a couple of items that stand out to you and describe your chosen items are important. MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE WHAT ACTIONS SHOULD BE TAKEN BASED UPON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED.
Throughout the weeks of this course you will be developing a marketing plan (refer to Marketing Plan and Outline document), section by section. The weekly work will then be combined into a complete plan submitted in week 6.
For the purposes of this project you are to select an existing company and an existing product or service that company offers. NOTE A COMPANY ALONE IS NOT SUFFICIENT. You must be specific about the product line or service selected. For example, Nike would be too broad. You would need to select a specific Nike product line, like consumer sports apparel, professional uniforms, shoes, etc.
You may want to choose a company and product or service that has data readily available so you can easily access information about customer demographic/psychographic data to provide insights. You should select a global or multi-regional (does business in more than one country) company and obtain two years of annual reports as well as two years of 10K reports (provides a comprehensive overview of the company’s business and financial condition and includes audited financial statements) for your data source.
Company and product selection is a critical part of this project. YOU WILL USE THE SAME COMPANY FOR WEEKS 2 through 6 assignments. You must ensure your proposed company can implement the marketing methods discussed in Marketing Management.
I strongly suggest you get the annual reports and 10K’s for your selected company BEFORE making your product selection. This helps assure you select a product line where the information needed is available. If you select your product THEN get the 10Ks, etc. you may find yourself challenged in getting the information you need.
Once you have selected your product or service, you must define the size and type of the selected company that provides the product or service (available from annual reports). This need not be elaborate but must include total number of employees, production volume, distribution methods, and so forth. Record this information in a summary document as outlined below.
Prepare a minimum 175-word summary document and send it to your instructor as a record of your selection. The summary document should include the following:
- Name of Company
- Location of Company Headquarters
- Name of Product or Service selected
- General description of company (number of employees, revenue, type of ownership, web page, etc.)
- General description of product or service
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. NO PLAGARISM
HI 253 PUG Effective and Efficient EHR and Coding Resources Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
EHR and Coding Resources Comparison:
You are the coding supervisor at a major acute care hospital. The hospital administration has been studying payment and outcome metrics for the institution, and realizes that the current electronic health records system may be outdated. You have been asked to create a report that answers the following question: “What EHR and coding resources would you recommend to the hospital administration to ensure that the most current ICD-10-CM/PCS codes are in use in your healthcare facility?” Your report should compare at least 3 EHR systems that you have been exposed to in this course (for example Nuance Clintegrity, 3M Encoder, VistA) or worked with in the past. Your comparison should include features such as coding resources, advantages/disadvantages, and computer system requirements for each system. Your report should include your final recommendation out of the three systems you review and the rationale for your decision. Your comparison report should be well-ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your report should include a comparison table that summarizes your findings. It is not necessary to follow paragraph style in the comparison table.
Submission requirements:
Your report should be 1 to 2 pages in length, not including the title or reference page. It should be written in paragraph style using Standard English (proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling). Your report should follow 6th edition APA formatting and citation style: 1 inch margins, double-spaced, and include a title page and reference page. Remember to list any references in APA format. At a minimum, there should be one reference for each system discussed.
SDSU ?Business Proposal International Food Processing LTD Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Business Proposal: International Food Processing LTD
Assignment: In -House-Business-Proposal for International Food Processing LTD
Subject: Making the move to reduce 75% of nonmanufacturing office personal in favor of “Work-at-Home” staffing.
Proposal submitted to: Buck Henry, Operations Manager
Scenario: International Food Processing LTD is a global distributions company specializing in processed dairy products. The Proposal will focus on the advantages, obstacles and implementation of a reduction of 75% nonmanufacturing office personal in favor of “Work-at-Home” staffing for International Food Processing LTD.
Time frame: 6 Months
Allotted Budget: $85, 0000.00
Requirements for this Individual Project:
- Write a five-page Business Proposal
- Proper Proposal format containing all major components
- Proposal should reflect research into viable options presenting a course of direction for the company.
- Highlight services, applications, and opportunities recommendations and conclusions.
- Don’t forget cost, ease, training and people required.
- Use everything for research! Check almanacs, encyclopedias, the Internet, and library databases for the most recent information, and pay close attention to what would best serve the companies interests.
- You are highly encouraged to include financials, action plan, and a social media strategy.
General Format
- The paper must be typed
- Use headings within the report when appropriate (please review Pages 433-452 for Parts of a Formal Report).
- For this report please include:
- Cover Page
- Memo of Transmittal
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Body of information
- Summary
- Conclusions / Recommendations
- Bibliography
- Note: The Cover Page. Memo of Transmittal, Table of Contents, and Bibliography will not be counted towards the five-page requirement.
- Plan the paper carefully as to develop an organized and non-redundant report. It should be organized and assembled as a continuous report and should not appear to be several independent segments bound together.
- You must have a minimum of five sources. Please cite your sources using MLA or APA Format – (the Writing Center can offer assistance if you do not know how to do this). Some other helpful sites are
- http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ (Links to an external site.), http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/557/01/ (Links to an external site.), http://www.cuyamaca.edu/tpagaard/EnglDept/Resources.htm (Links to an external site.)
In general, the proposal will be evaluated on its effectiveness.
- The purpose and main ideas are presented clearly.
- The Proposal is organized to be compatible with its purpose and audience.
- The Proposal uses the “You Attitude” of courtesy and consideration for its audience
- The Proposal presents all pertinent information and not unnecessary frivolous data as fill.
- Grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and vocabulary correct.
- Correct Business Proposal format.
- The Proposal was submitted on time in the correct delivery format (PDF).
Requirements |
Points |
Paper Submitted in correct delivery format (Adobe PDF or Word) |
25 |
Paper address required subject matter |
50 |
Paper has all major components and format of a Business Proposal (20 points for each missing component) |
100 |
No sign of Plagiarism |
25 |
Total |
200 |
Aveda Institute New York Visual Assets Representation and Composition Paper Writing Assignment Help
Background: According to Kirk (2016), composition is about how the elements will appear in your design.
Assignment: Write a research paper that contains the following:
- Discuss the visual assets such as charts, interactive controls, and annotations that will occupy space in your work.
- Discuss the best way to use space in terms of position, size, and shape of every visible property.
- Data representation techniques that display overlapping connections also introduce the need to contemplate value sorting in the z-dimension, discuss which connections will be above and which will be below and why. Show example using any chart or diagram of your choice.
Your research paper should be at least 3 pages excluding cover page and reference page.
APA format
at least 2 APA references, and typed in Times New Roman 12 font.
Include a cover page and a table of content.
Aveda Institute New York Visual Assets Representation and Composition Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SNHU Formal Methods in Software Development for Critical Systems PPT Writing Assignment Help
Overview Imagine you are the manager of a software development team working on new applications for your company, Optimum Way Development, Inc. Your company has just announced a new employee program where a select number of employees will be given paid time to perform research in an area of interest in their field. In order to apply, you must create a presentation that will be reviewed by a panel of executives in the company. These executives are business professionals who do not have technical education or experience.
Consider your own field of study (degree program) and what questions or issues you find interesting within this field. If you have trouble thinking of some, you can search the internet to see what professionals in the field believe are the most pressing questions or issues in the field today.
To complete this activity, address the following criteria:
- Create a presentation that explains what your area of interest is. In your presentation, do the following:
- Pose your specific research question on one specific, current issue in your field of study.
- Use communication techniques that are appropriate for the audience’s preferences and motivations.
- Articulate who the research will help. Include supporting details that explain the need for the research and the audience for the research.
- Create the speaker’s notes that would accompany each slide of the presentation. In the notes, use dialogue that communicates the appropriate main ideas to the audience.
Resources are not required, but any resources used must be appropriately cited using APA style.
Guidelines for Submission
To complete this activity, you must submit a research presentation.
Your research presentation must:
- Be at least 500 words (includes both the slide content and the corresponding speech)
- Be submitted in a presentation format (e.g., PowerPoint)
- Completely address all of the requirements in the Prompt section
- Include the speech that would accompany the presentation, either in the notes section of each slide or in an additional document
PUAD 750 Ohio State University Shopping Mall Part Simulation Strategy Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help
- Apply principles of ethics, leadership, and leadership communication
- Assess the importance and application of cultural competency
- Analyze a complex policy and negotiation situation from diverse perspectives
- Employ negotiation principles in a community scenario with conflicting parties and values
As a leader, you will frequently have to manage conflict and resolve disputes between diverse groups and individuals. Engaging in effective negotiation and conflict resolution requires you have a clear understanding of your ethical values and leadership approach, of the perspectives and values of others, and to employ creative problem solving and principled negotiation.
This week you analyze the simulation and your role in it.
Action Items
- Complete your assigned reading. Read all assignments associated with the St. Joseph Shopping Mall Case Simulation. Read the documents sent to you via your Franklin email account by your professor.
- Review the rubric.
- Quickly read the documents you received via email. Reflect on the questions listed in the Overview. Then re-read the case, taking notes, thinking critically about the information presented. Analyze the information you received, evaluate it, and synthesize it. Immerse yourself in your role. Identify the goals of your role.
- Develop a pre-negotiation strategy for achieving your goals. Note your thoughts and complete the Pre-Negotiation Assessment and Strategy Worksheet and also address the following questions
- Fairness and equity: What does fairness entail in this case? Must past inequities be addressed? How should the disproportionate burdens or costs and benefits across the community be viewed and/or addressed?
- Community decision-making: How can multiple parties with diverse interests and views arrive at decisions for addressing areas of disagreement? Is it possible that a fair process can produce unjust and racist outcomes? At what level should siting decisions be made?
- Long- and short-term impacts: Should the city or a specific industry be held responsible for rectifying environmental and health impacts that are the result of long term, cumulative exposure to risky substances?
- Cultural Competency: What cultural competence skills were helpful in this situation? And/or what additional ones should be employed?
Attached you will find
- Shopping Mall Part A – Structuring the Process
- Role Description: St. Joseph Planning Department —- that is my role. This is a role play exercise that should get you thinking about different perspectives, competing interests, fairness, community decision-making, environmental impacts, negotiations, and long- and short-term impacts.
What Is the Design Argument for the Existence of God Questions Humanities Assignment Help
Choose one question to answer (300 words) Read book PART III 8&9
2 Feedback for posts I provide (each 150 words)
- What is nihilism? Why might someone hold that without God nihilism is inevitable? Would they be right to do so?
- What is meant by ultimate justice? Does an objective morality demand ultimate justice? If so, why might this require there to be a God? Does it?
- Does an objective morality demand that there is an objective moral authority? If so, then is God the only kind of entity that could play this role? What would the Kantian say is the source of an objective morality?
- What is the design argumentfor the existence of God? Is it plausible?
- What is the cosmological argumentfor the existence of God? Is it plausible?
- What is the problem of evil? Why does this raise a difficulty for the existence of (a perfectly good) God?
- What is the Divine Command Theoryof morality? What is the Euthyphro problem, and how does it create difficulties for divine command theory?
- What is life like in the ‘state of nature’, according to Hobbes? Is Hobbes right that people are in their nature egotistical?
- What is the social contractthat Hobbes sets out, and how it supposed to help us avoid the terrible fate of living in a state of nature?
- Why does Hobbes hold that we have tacitly consented to the social contract? Is he right? (Is it even possible to tacitlyconsent to a contract?)
- How is social contract theory meant to provide a rational foundation for morality, even while granting that morality is a social construction? Is it successful in this regard?
- What is the Leviathanthat Hobbes describes, and why does he think that it is necessary?
- What is the free-rider problem, and how does it affect the Hobbesian view? Does it pose a seriously difficulty for the position?
- What does Rawls mean by the veil of ignorance, and how is this notion meant to help us identify what a just society looks like?
- Why does a Rawlsian account of a just society struggle to capture the way in which we are often partialin our moral judgements (e.g., in how we are more concerned to help those in need who are closest to us)? Is this a problem for the view?
- Is it psychologically possible to reason under a veil of ignorance as Rawls maintains?
- How plausible is it that if we do reason under a veil of ignorance that we will converge on a particular conception of a just society? How might we end up with competing conceptions of a just society?
HCM 490 SNHU John Hopkins Hospital Educational Research Discussion Writing Assignment Help
The goals will inform your SWOT Analysis and Assessment section of your strategic plan. Remember that your project goals should be specific and measureable.
Weak goal: Increase number of patients who use urgent care.
Strong goal: Increase daily volume of urgent care use by 5% each month or 50% over one year.
It can be helpful to review the needs of each stakeholder to ensure your project goals are addressing their needs.
In the discussion topic, complete the following:
- Provide at least three goals of your strategic plan.
- What population is affected? Why?
- How will you measure the success of your goals?
In response to your peers, review their initial posts. Are their goals measurable? Explain.
- Fairness and equity: What does fairness entail in this case? Must past inequities be addressed? How should the disproportionate burdens or costs and benefits across the community be viewed and/or addressed?
- Community decision-making: How can multiple parties with diverse interests and views arrive at decisions for addressing areas of disagreement? Is it possible that a fair process can produce unjust and racist outcomes? At what level should siting decisions be made?
- Long- and short-term impacts: Should the city or a specific industry be held responsible for rectifying environmental and health impacts that are the result of long term, cumulative exposure to risky substances?
- Cultural Competency: What cultural competence skills were helpful in this situation? And/or what additional ones should be employed?
Attached you will find
- Shopping Mall Part A – Structuring the Process
- Role Description: St. Joseph Planning Department —- that is my role. This is a role play exercise that should get you thinking about different perspectives, competing interests, fairness, community decision-making, environmental impacts, negotiations, and long- and short-term impacts.