business assignment Business Finance Assignment Help

business assignment Business Finance Assignment Help. business assignment Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Imagine you are working with a partner to plan and host a workshop on leadership. There will be 100 people attending. Within this assignment you will be creating a document that discusses the main components of leadership and corporate culture.

Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:

  1. Address a key leadership trait that can assist in managing conflict.
  2. Discuss a tool or strategy a leader can adopt for improving communication within the organization.
  3. Describe some methods for motivating employees and improving behaviors within the workplace.
  4. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

business assignment Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

5 pages double spaced Writing Assignment Help

Full Topic:

Searle makes the following claim: “As long as the program is defined in terms of computational operations on purely formally defined elements, what the [Chinese Room] suggests is that these by themselves have no interesting connection with understanding. They are certainly not sufficient conditions, and not the slightest reason has been given to suppose that they are necessary conditions or even that they make a significant contribution to understanding” (418). Searle is claiming that there is no reason to accept that understanding arises from a computational system: a computational system is not sufficient for understanding and it may not even be necessary.

Dennett makes the following claim:“…for each predictively attributable belief, there will be a functionally salient internal state of the machinery, decomposable into functional parts in just about the same way the sentence expressing the belief is decomposable into parts— that is, words or terms. The inferences we attribute to rational creatures will be mirrored by physical, causal processes in the hardware…” (76). Dennett is claiming that the reason that the intentional strategy works is because the mind is computational. We are able to ascribe intentionality to other systems because minds are computational. This takes computational structure to at least be sufficient for intentionality. Present and explain Searle’s Chinese Room argument. Then, present and explain Dennett’s intentional strategy. Characterize the point of contention between the two views. Finally, pick a side: is Searle or Dennett right?

Defend your position being sure to consider at least one objection to your defense.

Two papers are attached.

The requirement must follow the writing style down here:


1. Identify the articles

2. describe the view

3. State your position


*Summary*: (1.5-2 pages)

1. summarize only relevant parts of the paper

2. searle

3. dennett

4. disagreemennt

(Logically organized, not chronologically)


*Critique / Argument*: Two ways chose one (*longer than summary*)

1. Define in terms of what’s problematic

* the reasons are false

* reasons are mistaken

* other things the author fail to note

2. Define what you agree with


*Counter example / Objection*:

1. How would someone challenge your argument

2. Be reasonable

3. provide reasons



* Brief Summary

* *no new information, claims, or criticisms**


University Library Case Study Law Assignment Help

University Library Case Study

University bookstore hired your Learning Team to design a new textbook
inventory system, including the following major processes:

  • Ordering textbooks
  • Receiving textbooks
  • Determining retail price and pricing used textbooks
  • Determining quantity on hand
  • Recording textbook sales and textbook returns

Create a 2-page document that summarizes the abstract data type algorithm headers for your textbook inventory system.

the abstract data type algorithm headers for the inventory system
above. Each header should include name, parameters, purpose,
preconditions, post conditions, and return value types. You may add
additional algorithms as required by your analysis.

Include the following:

  • a pseudocode definition for a textbook data structure
  • a pseudocode definition for a student data structure


Implementing Patient Portals Writing Assignment Help

Having a thorough project schedule, which is continually monitored and updated, is critical for a project to be successful. This assignment will build off the Unit 2 WBS and personnel chart that you created in Microsoft Project. Please open that file and proceed with the below tasks. Note you may want to review and incorporate feedback from your instructor from Unit 2 prior to completing this assignment. There are also instructions in the Unit 2 Project that tell you how you can download and install MS Project at no charge.

Prior to starting the assignment please watch the following videos:

  1. How to add in predecessors to your project (Links to an external site.)
  2. Critical Path (Links to an external site.)
  3. Project Resource Leveling (Links to an external site.)

Now that you have watched the videos, complete the following:

  1. Project Schedule
    • Set the beginning date to your project to the current date and then add in the predecessors to each of the tasks. Note you do not need to put predecessors on the heading or groupings – just the tasks where work is performed. You will see the dates will automatically update based on the durations that you populated from Unit 2.
    • The goal here is to allow project to automatically compute the project timeline and end date for you.
  2. Critical Path
    • Now show the critical tasks in Microsoft Project.
    • In the Gantt chart view, set to show the Critical Path.
    • Summarize in a Word document what tasks are part of the critical path.
  3. Resource Constraints/Leveling
    • Your project may or may not have resource constraints. A resource constraint would be called out by the red icon to the left of the task. This will commonly happen if you have multiple tasks occurring in the same timeframe, yet the assigned resources do not have enough time within that timeframe to complete the work.
    • Take a moment to write down the project end date and total duration.
    • Complete resource leveling by choosing “Level all” under the Resource tab
    • Did your project end date change? By how much? Offer a couple sentences within a Word document as to why the project end date did or did not change.

Ensure to submit your Project file and your Word file for grading.


3D CG Video composite using 3dMax Humanities Assignment Help

Use a 5 second video clip (with consistent perspective and track points, you need to place it on the surface of the place you want to record, its a square shape with 9 h). You must record it yourself you can use your phone and record a video from a place (example: you kitchen counter top, your office desk, etc.. )

Make sure you use media encoder to change your video’s format to AVI.

¤Create a 3-D Composite using a 3-D model (animated or not) that complements your scene

Use the following website to find free 3d models to use, for example a blender, pot, any item that you can place on the surface of the video content you recorded.

Then place the item (3d model) inside your video (Example: place a blender on the kitchen counter top)

¤Execute the project using CG compositing processes (camera tracking)
¤It’s important for the CG lighting and shadow casting to closely match the video.

Upload: 3 files
Final 3DS Max project file.
Final After Effects project file.
Final composite video render (mp4 video file).

see attached video, its an example of the outcome of this assignemnt. The balcony was recorded and the 3D Grill model was placed there using 3dmax)



Week 4 Discussion – Developing Your Design Presence Humanities Assignment Help

Week 4 Discussion – Developing Your Design Presence

22 unread replies.22 replies.

Initial post due by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. (MT of Week 4
Two replies due by Saturday, 11:59 p.m. (MT) end of Week 4 (60 pts)

Due Dates and Participation Requirements

Learning Objectives Covered

  • LO 03.02 – Discuss the importance of maintaining a professional graphic design presence

Career Relevancy

In this discussion, we will discuss the importance of establishing a professional network and presence as a graphic designer. This is relevant to your career as a professional graphic designer because if you do not have a presence in digital spaces as a graphic designer, you most likely won’t be found by clients. Potential employers also will most likely scour the web looking for information on you to see examples of your work before considering to hire you, thus your digital presence can also become a way you might be “interviewed.”

In addition, when beginning in graphic design much work comes via word of mouth. By cultivating a professional network of design contacts, you have a larger field of contacts who are much more likely to recommend you to clients and keep their eyes open for projects that might be a good fit for your skills.



Graphic designers most often help others build their own personal brand and digital presence. That said, it is equally important that designers themselves have a strong personal brand including a professional graphic design presence.

The following five reasons outline why maintaining a professional presence is particularly important:

  1. Stand out from the crowd
  2. Position yourself as an expert
  3. Show professional commitment
  4. Set expectations
  5. Build connections

Stand out from the crowd
The graphic design world is extremely competitive. Maintaining a personal presence helps you showcase your unique abilities and qualifications. This helps to set you apart from the thousands of other designers out there. In addition, showcasing your unique abilities helps clients find what they are looking for and ensures that you both are a good fit to work together.

Position yourself as an expert
Showing that you know how to effectively market yourself and showcase your own presence as a designer increases your credibility as a designer because it shows that you know how to practice what you preach. By being an expert in your own personal promotion, clients know that they can trust you to apply the same care to their brand and needs.

Show professional commitment
Having an established personal graphic design presence as a professional shows that you are committed to your work and the field of design. A sense of stability helps to increase trust within the client relationship because clients know they can work with you long term on their brand or project needs.

Set expectations
Using your graphic design presence to showcase your own unique style and abilities means that you can give clients a sneak peek into who you are and how you work before they even meet you. This is very valuable because it helps to clarify expectations and again build trust amongst you and your client.

Build connections
Your personal graphic design presence acts as a marketing and promotional tool that works around the clock, showcasing your skillset and capabilities. In this way, you never know who may come across your work. Other designers may see your projects, be interested, and ask you to work with them in a collaborative manner. Clients may see your projects, be interested, and ask you to work with them to develop a design piece they need. Opening the potential to these connections is key because you never know where they might lead.

The design world is extremely competitive. If you do not maintain a strong presence as a designer, you will quickly fade into the background and be passed over. On the other hand, if you consciously cultivate a presence as a professional designer you will most likely reap many benefits.


For this discussion, imagine again that you are attending a networking event with several other designers. In the course of a conversation, one of the designers mentions that they are not comfortable sharing their work with others thus they have no professional design presence, online portfolio, etc. They ask your thoughts on the subject.

  • How might you explain to other designers who are resistant to an online portfolio why maintaining a professional design presence is so important?
  • What benefits might you highlight and why would you highlight them?
  • How might you describe the current professional design world?
  • Why might someone be hesitant to maintain their presence and how might you help them become more comfortable?

For your citation, you might use articles that show examples of the importance of a graphic design portfolio. You can also find articles from experts that suggest how designers go about marketing themselves.

Your initial and reply posts should work to develop a group understanding of this topic. Challenge each other. Build on each other. Always be respectful but discuss this and figure it out together.

Instructions (if needed) to upload and embed images to the discussion: (make sure you reference all images you use)

Reply Requirements

Per the Due Dates and Participation Requirements for this course, you must submit 1 main post of 150+ words, 1 citation, and reference, as well as 2 follow-up posts of 50+ words. Responses can be addressed to both your initial thread and other threads but must be your own words (no copy and paste), each reply unique (no repeating something you already said), and substantial in nature. Remember that part of the discussion grade is submitting on time (20%) and using proper grammar, spelling, etc. (20% per post).

Remember that part of the discussion grade is submitting on time and using proper grammar, spelling, etc. You’re training to be a professional—write like it.

Click here for info on the Institution Writing Guidelines (IWG) if you have questions.


Task Benchmark Examples below

The files below are PDFs showing A-level work by fellow students. The examples are provided to illustrate the quality of work needed to get an A on this task. Copying from the samples is considered cheating. Use the examples to inform your plan to create your own work. Look at the pieces for writing quality, use of citations, weaving outside sources and the author’s position together, ability to meet the goals of the task, and cohesion.

Week 4 Discussion – Developing Your Design Presence Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

LW management assignments Business Finance Assignment Help

Part 1

Go to one of your favorite stores and take a picture of something that catches your eye—the front entrance from the street, a display rack inside, a sign on the wall, etc. Upload the photo to the discussion thread and provide a summary of the following:

1. The products offered by the store you visited and why you like shopping there

2. What the photo shows us about the decisions the store has made regarding one or more of the 4 P’s

3. How these 4 P’s work together to keep you coming back again and again

Part 2

Find an article discussing the key characteristics of a successful manager. Post a link to the article in the discussion thread and provide a summary of the following:

1. What is the role and background of the author of the article?

2. What are the key characteristics of a successful manager detailed in the article?

3. What are your thoughts on these characteristics?

Part 3

Se attachment BUS assign 4

Part 4

Think about how human resources are handled at the company you work for, or one you have worked for in the past. In the discussion thread, comment on the following questions:

1. What steps of the human resources cycle does the company handle well? Why?

2. What steps of the human resources cycle are handled poorly? Why?

3. How is culture impacted by the Human Resources department?

Part 5

Find a recent article or video describing the competition between two or more businesses. Post a link to the article or video in the discussion thread and answer the following questions:

1. What are the competing businesses and what products do they sell?

2. Which company do you believe is winning the competition? Why?

Part 6

See attachment BUS assignment 5


Discussion – Ethics, Law, and Cultural Competence in Counseling Humanities Assignment Help



This assignment is for a discussion post. No set number of pages are required. It does not need to be long (about one page or less) but it needs to be very well written, scholarly, in a natural discussion tone, using APA.

It will involve reading material (see additional doc). I have included extra time for this.

A response to two of the other discussion posts will be required but I will send that as a separate assignment later.

(I have included all sign in info for ebook on the doc attached)

Discussion – Week 1


Top of Form

Ethics, Law, and Cultural Competence in Counseling

Ethics are not just abstract concepts; they are part of who we are. During our daily personal and professional interactions, we are faced with numerous challenges in practicing these concepts. Common ethical challenges often involve a balancing of beneficence and nonmaleficence, which are foundational definitions of ethics. This balance is between benefits and risks, and it plays a role in nearly every clinical decision you will make.

From developing treatment planning choices, office practices such as confidentiality and record keeping, and other professional behaviors, ethics provides the framework for defining how we should do what we do. However, the counseling field is not immune from a myriad of ethical challenges that require professional counselors to understand how ethics guides their profession. When providing counseling services to clients, counselors must also consider the implications of law and cultural competence in the profession. Ethics provides the foundation for working with all clients, however, counselors must apply the foundational definitions of ethics within the constraints of law and cultural competence. Understanding and integrating ethics, law, and cultural competence in day-to-day activities is a skill that all professional counselors should adopt.

For this Discussion, review the Learning Resources for this week and consider the foundational definitions of ethics. Reflect on the relationship between ethics, law, and cultural competence in the counseling profession.

Post by Day 3 apprehensions or challenges about ethics and law related to your future counseling practice and explain why. Then provide two foundational definitions of ethics related to counseling and explain the importance of both.
Finally, explain the evolving relationship between ethics, law, and cultural competence in counseling.

Be sure to use the Learning Resources and the current literature to support your response.

Respond by Day 6 to two colleagues who had a different perspective on the evolving relationship between ethics, law, and cultural competence.

Bottom of Form

Weekly Instructions…

Week 1: Introduction to Ethics and the Law


Ethics and legal issues are rarely black and white. Instead, many shades of gray are inherent to the counseling profession. Why do ethical challenges run rampant in this field? What are the foundational principles of ethics and how do they influence law?

Knowing what to do, when, and why in addition to understanding the link between ethics and legal issues is paramount to professional practice. Practicing as a counselor requires adherence to ethical codes; it should be a way of being—a philosophical underpinning in your practice and an automatic part of your interactions with clients.

Yet, you might be asking yourself, “why are there so many potential ethical challenges?” For one thing, “do no harm” may be far more complicated than it sounds. Can you discuss a client’s severe needs to an official? What do you do if you see a client during a family outing? Understanding the relationship between ethics, legalities, and practice is a complex, yet integral component of effective counseling.

This week, you explore the foundational principles of ethics within the context of clinical mental health counseling. You examine the relationship and interplay between counseling practice with respect to sensitivity to diversity and adherence to court rulings. You also examine the evolving nature between cultural competence and ethics. Finally, you explore the contemporary relevance of the philosophical underpinnings of ethical codes.


Students will:

Evaluate apprehensions of ethics and law
Analyze foundational definitions of ethics
Analyze the evolving relationship between ethics and law
Analyze contemporary relevance of the philosophical underpinnings of ethical codes Analyze the evolving relationship between cultural competency and ethics

Please proceed to the Learning Resources.


Week 1 Discussion

Discussion 1: Ethics, Law, and Cultural Competence in Counseling

Ethics are not just abstract concepts; they are part of who we are. During our daily personal and professional interactions, we are faced with numerous challenges in practicing these concepts. Common ethical challenges often involve a balancing of beneficence and nonmaleficence, which are foundational definitions of ethics. This balance is between benefits and risks, and it plays a role in nearly every clinical decision you will make.

From developing treatment planning choices, office practices such as confidentiality and record keeping, and other professional behaviors, ethics provides the framework for defining how we should do what we do. However, the counseling field is not immune from a myriad of ethical challenges that require professional counselors to understand how ethics guides their profession. When providing counseling services to clients, counselors must also consider the implications of law and cultural competence in the profession. Ethics provides the foundation for working with all clients, however, counselors must apply the foundational definitions of ethics within the constraints of law and cultural competence. Understanding and integrating ethics, law, and cultural competence in day-to-day activities is a skill that all professional counselors should adopt.

Review the Learning Resources for this week and consider the foundational definitions of ethics. Reflect on the relationship between ethics, law, and cultural competence in the counseling profession.

Post by Day 3 apprehensions or challenges about ethics and law related to your future counseling practice and explain why. Then provide two foundational definitions of ethics related to counseling and explain the importance of both.
Finally, explain the evolving relationship between ethics, law, and cultural competence in counseling.

Be sure to use the Learning Resources and the current literature to support your response.

Respond by Day 6 to a colleague who had a different perspective on the evolving relationship between ethics, law, and cultural competence.

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Learning Resources…

Week 1 Learning Resources

This page contains the Learning Resources for this week. Be sure to scroll down the page to see all of this week’s assigned Learning Resources. To access select media resources, please use the media players below.

Required Resources


Course Introduction (located in the left navigation bar)
Remley, T. P., Jr., & Herlihy, B. (2016). Ethical, legal, and professional issues in counseling (5th ed.).

Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Chapter 1, “Introduction” (pp. 2–24)

Chapter 3, “Multicultural Competence and Social Justice” (pp. 58-78)
American Counseling Association (ACA). (2014). 2014 ACA code of ethics [White Paper]. Retrieved


American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA). (2015). 2015 AMHCA code of ethics [White Paper]. Retrieved from /DownloadDocumentFile.ashx?DocumentFileKey=d4e10fcb-2f3c-c701-aa1d-5d0f53b8bc14

Please proceed to the Discussion.

Return to top

Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus. (I have also sent individually in separate documents)


methodology and research Humanities Assignment Help

Part 1

Discussion: Methodology and Research

Sociology merges two important academic objectives: research and theory. The social world can be studied and can be analyzed. To make sense of the social world, sociologists employ scientific research methods to ascertain data, which can then be used to make generalizations. Read the following section from the textbook: p. 41-52, then link to the following website: (Links to an external site.)

In particular, check out these links within the site: (Links to an external site.);example=75 (Links to an external site.)

After you have read and checked out the website, respond to the following discussion questions:

  1. Using the reading material, describe the method employed in the website.
  2. What are the important findings that the videos provide about public services and human development trends?
  3. Why is research about social issues important? In other words, in what ways is research useful?
  4. What did you like or dislike about the presentation of data? Why is presentation of data important?

Directions: You must submit ONE primary post for this discussion topic (minimum 300 to 500 words)

Part 2

What is society?

  • How does society work?


Student Discussion Response Writing Assignment Help

I need a post consisting of at least 250 words. The response is to another student’s original post. I’ve attached the original instructions for reference. The student’s response is attached.

  1. Respond to at least one (1) classmate and give that person advice on which capstone client might be best to select (and why). Also describe how you think your classmate can best help that client (e.g., focusing on social media campaigns, focusing on branding, etc.).
    1. As a guide for high quality response posts, use the RISE model, which encourages the steps of reflection, inquisition, suggestion, and elevation.
    2. When analyzing your classmate’s work, please be sure to support each of your points with relevant evidence. You should have researched facts based on this week’s readings and tutorials. Avoid unsourced opinion or conjuncture.
    3. Your citations must be in APA format.


business assignment Business Finance Assignment Help

business assignment Business Finance Assignment Help

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