Business data analysis, entity identification and E-R diagrams Business Finance Assignment Help

Business data analysis, entity identification and E-R diagrams Business Finance Assignment Help. Business data analysis, entity identification and E-R diagrams Business Finance Assignment Help.

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I need the this in Microsoft Visio, below are the links.………

Learning Objectives

  • Model Business Data
  • Complete E-R Diagram

Microsoft Visio

  • Required Software: Microsoft Visio (Links to an external site.)
  • Visio Resources: A beginner’s guide to Visio (Links to an external site.), (Links to an external site.)Microsoft Visio Tutorials (Links to an external site.)


Before attempting this lab, review the previous zoom session. ( Attached the documents from the session for reference Drawing1.pdf, Drawing1.vsdx and Entity.docx)

Lab homework: Sarahs Shortcakes ( Attached the doc Sarahs Shortcakes.pdf)

In this lab, analyze the above case study to determine the entities required for your database, the attributes of each entity, and the relationships required between the entities. Then construct a data dictionary describing each entity and the relationships between entities. After the data dictionary is complete, use it to cre ate an E-R diagram in Microsoft Visio.

Mimic the previous zoom session to analyze Sarah’s Shortcakes and create a data dictionary and E-R diagram.


  1. Complete your data dictionary in Microsoft Word.
  2. Complete your E-R diagram in Microsoft Visio then export to PDF.
  3. To complete this lab, upload these two files

Business data analysis, entity identification and E-R diagrams Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Business Venture Creativity assignment (short and fun powerpoint assignment) Business Finance Assignment Help

First week of the new semester Homework: Prepare a 5 minute PowerPoint presentation of a possible creative business venture idea. Make it so that it will be easy to present in front of the class. The goal is to demonstrate a creative idea and to demonstrate being a person to work with.

• Problem

• Solution

• How you will sell to customers

• how you make money

• Why you will succeed against competition (and who are they?)

Why will people want to join your team/idea rather than another person’s?


Case Brief Writing Assignment Help

A case brief is an organized, written summary of the essential elements of a judicial opinion. They are useful tools to assist you in learning to analyze the law. To brief a case, you must first carefully read the assigned cases to gain an overall understanding
of the facts of the case, the decision rendered by the court, and the reasoning behind the court’s decision. You will summarize what the justices said in the case. Write your brief as if you’re trying to explain your case to a classmate.

  • Address the following in 1,000–1,250 words:

    • Read and brief the following cases:

      • U.S. v. Bailey, 444 U.S. 394 (1980)

    • Your case brief should follow the format below:

      • Name of the case and citation: Title of the selected case
      • Facts of the case: Summary of the events, court timeline, evidence, and so forth
      • Legal issues: Issues that were present in this case
      • Court’s decision: The court’s decision and the conclusion to the case
      • Rationale: The reasoning behind the final decision (Why did the court rule this way?)
      • Dissenting opinions: Any disputing or disagreeing opinions with an explanation of what they were and why they were raised

  • Do you agree or disagree with the Court’s decision? Explain why you agree or disagree with the Court’s decision.
  • Your paper should include the definition of escape.

Be sure to reference all sources using APA style. Use at least 3 references for your paper.


analyze data on GDP and GDP per capita for China and India, and discuss the factors that help to explain their growth. Economics Assignment Help

Background data collection and analysis:

1. Download GDP data for China, India, and Canada starting in the year of the 1980s corresponding to the last digit of your B00 number. For example, if your B00 number ends in 5, collect data starting in 1985; if your B00 number ends in 7, collect data starting in 1987. Find data through the year 2018. Use the series GDP (constant 2010 US$).

2. For China, India, and Canada separately, calculate the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of GDP between your earliest year (selected according to the last digit of your B00 number) and the year 2018. (Note: The formula for CAGR is (end value/beginning value)^(1/number of years) – 1, × 100 to get a percentage.)

3. Construct a figure showing the GDP of China, India, and Canada on the same chart.

4. Download GDP per capita data for China, India, and Canada starting in the year of the 1980s corresponding to the last digit of your B00 number. Find data through the year 2018. Use the series GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$).

5. For China, India, and Canada separately, calculate the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of GDP per capita between your earliest year (selected according to the last digit of your B00 number) and the year 2018.

6. Construct a figure showing the GDP per capita of China, India, and Canada on the same chart.

7. Bosworth and Collins (2008) use three variables to explain why GDP per capita has grown: physical capital accumulation, human capital accumulation, and openness. Download data on each explanatory variable for China and India starting in the year of the 1980s corresponding to the last digit of your B00 number and ending in the year 2018, or the latest year available. Use the series Gross fixed capital formation (% of GDP), School enrollment, secondary (% gross) (note: not available for each year), and Trade (% of GDP).

8. For China and India (separately), calculate the correlation coefficient between each explanatory variable and GDP per capita between your earliest year (selected according to the last digit of your B00 number) and the year 2018, or the latest year available.


In your essay, describe the growth performance of China and India, both in absolute terms and in per-capita terms. Compare the two countries to each other and to Canada, and discuss whether each explanatory variable helps to explain growth performance. Which of the three variables has the highest correlation with GDP per capita? Do Bosworth and Collins (2008) also find this variable to be important?

Detailed Instructions:

Your essay must have a title, an introduction, and a conclusion. Make sure to define your terms and provide appropriate background information. A suggested essay structure contains five paragraphs:

  • a first paragraph that briefly introduces the argument you will make in the essay;
  • and a fifth, concluding, paragraph that briefly describes the main points you have made in the essay.

a second paragraph describing and comparing how total GDP has changed over time;

a third paragraph describing and comparing how per-capita GDP has changed over time;

a fourth paragraph describing how well each explanatory variable explains China’s and India’s growth performance, including Bosworth and Collins’ findings;

The maximum length is 500 words plus a two-page data appendix; include a word count at the end of your submission. Include the grading rubric as the first page of your submission. Use Chicago or APA style, and write in 11- or 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins. Provide a bibliography listing the references you use, including the class PowerPoints if relevant. You must submit a hard copy (in class) and an electronic copy (on Brightspace) by the deadline. Please note that the electronic copy will be submitted to anti-plagiarism software.

Data Appendix:

The data appendix should include enough detail for the grader to determine that you downloaded the correct data and performed the calculations accurately; if not all of your data fits on two pages, you may decide to include only the first and last years of information. Required charts and figures go into the body of your essay; any supplemental charts and figures should be placed in your data appendix.


  • Late submissions: -10 points per day, starting immediately after 4:05 p.m.
  • Over 500 words: -1 point for each additional 50 words (e.g., -1 for 501 words, -2 for 551 words, etc).

If you submit only an electronic copy and no hard copy, you will receive a zero on the assignment.

If you submit only a hard copy and no electronic copy, you will receive a zero on the assignment.

No rubric: -1 point.

No data appendix: -2 points.

Data appendix over two pages: -1 point for each additional page.

No word count: -2 points.


CHFD 307 Week 2 Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Sexual behavior in adolescence can have a wide variety of consequences. In estimation, nearly half of all U.S. high school students have had sexual intercourse; the average age of first intercourse for boys and girls is 15. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an average of 40,000-80,000 new cases of HIV are reported each year; approximately half of the new infections are among people younger than 25. On average, 12 million new cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) being reported each year and adolescents have among the highest-reported rates of gonorrhea and Chlamydia. Drawing on material from the course, respond to the following questions:

1.) What cognitive and social factors contribute to high-risk sexual behavior in some adolescents?

2.) Should schools have sexual education programs in which they can inform and advise teens about sexual behavior, risk factors, and prevention? Why or why not?

Use the link below and the other readings in this week to help guide your discussion.



Strategic planning Business Finance Assignment Help

Week 1 – Assignment: Complete Simulation Practice Rounds and Assess Company Performance

Previous Next


Week 1 is focused on helping you to become comfortable using the CAPSIM simulation and using the results from one round to prepare decisions for the next round.

The training will teach you how the various business functions interact in the simulation, how to make decisions and then read the results. You will be making decisions that position your product against customer requirements, building a production process that allows you to meet the market demands for your products, how to finance those operations and how to improve processes and products through Research and Development and Total Quality Management. Finally, you will learn to read and interpret a full set of performance documents including Cash Flow Statements, Income Statements, Production and Sales summaries and the Balanced Scorecard.

As part of the training, you will complete the following:

  • Introduction Video and Quiz
  • Rehearsal Tutorial
  • Situation Analysis
    • See pages 1-2 of the document, “CAPSIM Situational Analysis Training,” for a visual on how to find the tutorials and situational analysis.
  • See pages 3-6 of the document, “CAPSIM Situational Analysis. Training” for the following:
    • Complete a minimum of TWO Practice Rounds.
  • Complete Financial Measures Template (see below. The template is loaded in your Books and Resources for this Week).

The instructor will check the simulation dashboard to confirm that you have completed these exercises. It is important that you spend the time during Week 1 doing these exercises to become comfortable with how the simulation works and what effects some of your decisions will have on the annual financials, etc. The simulation has a steep learning curve, so Week 1 is meant for you to become familiar with the simulation.

Please note that your grade in the course does not depend on how well you do in the simulation. In that sense, the “competition rounds” are a misnomer. You can do well or poorly in the rounds. It doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that you can understand and explain the effects that your decisions had on the financial results, which you will track weekly with the Financial Measures Template.

Complete the Financial Measures Template:

  • Financial Analysis is a comparative process. These numbers on their own do not always have a lot of meaning. For example, Cumulative Profits has meaning on its own, but it has greater meaning when compared against the competition or when looking at your own trends over time. Your analysis in Week 1 of the Practice Rounds or Competition Rounds will have to be made against the other five companies. After that, consider your trends over time as well as against the other companies.
  • Select a different measure each week and write a paragraph describing how that financial measure is created (e.g., ROS=Profit/Sales) and cite your source, what the financial measure tells the company, and how your performance compares with the competition and over time.
  • Upload your Financial Measures Template to the course room when you have completed all of the tasks using the Upload Assignment button below. Each week, you will update your Template with new results from each round.

Length: 1-2 Paragraphs: See directions in Financial Measures Template

Upload the Financial Measures Template and click the Submit to Dropbox button.

Strategic planning Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Rough Draft Humanities Assignment Help

Please submit a rough draft of Paper 1, of at least 500 words, by the deadline. Please submit your work in WORD format, as an attached file.

In your rough draft, aim for these things:

Identify and describe the thing you have chosen to analyze.

Begin to work your way through the rhetorical analysis of what you’ve chosen; focus on how the comedy works, what strategies or gimmicks the comedian or item is using to make people laugh, who the target audience is for the item you’ve chosen, etc.

My goal here is to make sure you are on the right path–that you’ve chosen wisely and that you have a basic grasp of what it means to write a rhetorical analysis, versus some other type of paper.


Powerpoint Humanities Assignment Help

The article by Karen Bolser and Rachel Gosciej. Millennials: Multi-Generational Leaders Staying Connected.

Read the article and write a Presentation, The presentation will last 10 to 15 minutes.

Comments on the article mainly focus on:

  1. What was the primary purpose or research question being addressed in the reading?
  2. What is currently known about that point or research question?
  3. If your reading represents an actual research study, how did the author/s design their study?
    If your reading is drawn from a traditional chapter or otherwise does NOT involve actual research, you will
    not address this numbered point.
  4. If your reading represents an actual research study, what are the research findings?
    If your reading is drawn from a traditional chapter or otherwise does NOT involve actual research, what
    does the author actually what us to learn?
  5. What are your thoughts regarding the reading as it relates to organizational leadership, negotiation, and
    conflict resolution? How do you think we can apply this reading as leaders of complex/formal


Need assistance with cleaning up this assignment, former tutor did not follow the instructions. Writing Assignment Help

For thesis:

  • Find additional sources, as needed, to include in your draft.
  • Learn how to write a review of the literature.
  • Do your research.

For current issues thread:

  • Read pp. 98-143 and answer questions as previously directed.
  • Respond to discussion questions and respond to submission of at least three classmates

For thesis thread:

  • Post a draft outline (outline) for your thesis
  • Comment of postings of at least three of your classmates

Submission Link:

  • Submit a review of the literature chapter of your thesis to your professor in the unit 3 assignment submission link.

I have attached my assignment and the comments from the professor.


Yoga Sutra Reading Assignment Writing Assignment Help

Write 1-2 pages about the included reading (white yoga sutra) answering one of the questions in the reading questions file. The paper should include 2 quotes from the reading at least. Different topics can be mentioned too as long as it has 2 quotes and following the rubric below. Also, an example paper is included under WRP 1 to give you an idea about the assignment.

The homework is due in the next 4 hours.

Rubric for Grading

There are four criteria for grading papers and essays for the exams. These are 1)

Argument, 2) Context and Analysis, 3) Evidence, 4) Writing. What these entail is

outlined here:

1) Argument:

This criterion is investigating whether ask you have a thesis or argument. More

points will be given for a more creative, focused and insightful thesis or argument.

If you do not have a thesis, you will get a zero on this criterion.


2) Contextualizing your arguments:

This criterion asks you to focus on the context, with its specific details relating to

what you argue in your essay. This is where you demonstrate engagement with

the readings, showing how well and how deeply you reference the various points

and perspectives in each of the readings. This is also where you will be given

points for accuracy, spelling, dates and other important contextualizing details.

engagement with the readings, which entails how well and how deeply you

reference the various points and perspectives in each of the readings- 30%

3) Evidence:

This criterion is about your use of sources from the reading to support your thesis.

You should quote directly from each of the readings assigned for that week, for a

minimum of two quotes for your reading responses. For the midterm exam essay,

quote several times from the various class sources. Similarly for the final exam

take-home essay, quote from the various class sources. You get credit from

quoting from class sources, but points are detracted if you quote from online

sources like Google or Wikipedia- 30%

4) Writing

This criterion addresses the quality of your prose and pays particular attention to

grammatical errors and then as you learn to avoid making errors, addresses the

style of your writing (avoiding passive voice, and varying sentence structure etc.)-


Thank you.



Week 1 is focused on helping you to become comfortable using the CAPSIM simulation and using the results from one round to prepare decisions for the next round.

The training will teach you how the various business functions interact in the simulation, how to make decisions and then read the results. You will be making decisions that position your product against customer requirements, building a production process that allows you to meet the market demands for your products, how to finance those operations and how to improve processes and products through Research and Development and Total Quality Management. Finally, you will learn to read and interpret a full set of performance documents including Cash Flow Statements, Income Statements, Production and Sales summaries and the Balanced Scorecard.

As part of the training, you will complete the following:

  • Introduction Video and Quiz
  • Rehearsal Tutorial
  • Situation Analysis
    • See pages 1-2 of the document, “CAPSIM Situational Analysis Training,” for a visual on how to find the tutorials and situational analysis.
  • See pages 3-6 of the document, “CAPSIM Situational Analysis. Training” for the following:
    • Complete a minimum of TWO Practice Rounds.
  • Complete Financial Measures Template (see below. The template is loaded in your Books and Resources for this Week).

The instructor will check the simulation dashboard to confirm that you have completed these exercises. It is important that you spend the time during Week 1 doing these exercises to become comfortable with how the simulation works and what effects some of your decisions will have on the annual financials, etc. The simulation has a steep learning curve, so Week 1 is meant for you to become familiar with the simulation.

Please note that your grade in the course does not depend on how well you do in the simulation. In that sense, the “competition rounds” are a misnomer. You can do well or poorly in the rounds. It doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that you can understand and explain the effects that your decisions had on the financial results, which you will track weekly with the Financial Measures Template.

Complete the Financial Measures Template:

  • Financial Analysis is a comparative process. These numbers on their own do not always have a lot of meaning. For example, Cumulative Profits has meaning on its own, but it has greater meaning when compared against the competition or when looking at your own trends over time. Your analysis in Week 1 of the Practice Rounds or Competition Rounds will have to be made against the other five companies. After that, consider your trends over time as well as against the other companies.
  • Select a different measure each week and write a paragraph describing how that financial measure is created (e.g., ROS=Profit/Sales) and cite your source, what the financial measure tells the company, and how your performance compares with the competition and over time.
  • Upload your Financial Measures Template to the course room when you have completed all of the tasks using the Upload Assignment button below. Each week, you will update your Template with new results from each round.

Length: 1-2 Paragraphs: See directions in Financial Measures Template

Upload the Financial Measures Template and click the Submit to Dropbox button.

Strategic planning Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Rough Draft Humanities Assignment Help

Please submit a rough draft of Paper 1, of at least 500 words, by the deadline. Please submit your work in WORD format, as an attached file.

In your rough draft, aim for these things:

Identify and describe the thing you have chosen to analyze.

Begin to work your way through the rhetorical analysis of what you’ve chosen; focus on how the comedy works, what strategies or gimmicks the comedian or item is using to make people laugh, who the target audience is for the item you’ve chosen, etc.

My goal here is to make sure you are on the right path–that you’ve chosen wisely and that you have a basic grasp of what it means to write a rhetorical analysis, versus some other type of paper.


Powerpoint Humanities Assignment Help

The article by Karen Bolser and Rachel Gosciej. Millennials: Multi-Generational Leaders Staying Connected.

Read the article and write a Presentation, The presentation will last 10 to 15 minutes.

Comments on the article mainly focus on:

  1. What was the primary purpose or research question being addressed in the reading?
  2. What is currently known about that point or research question?
  3. If your reading represents an actual research study, how did the author/s design their study?
    If your reading is drawn from a traditional chapter or otherwise does NOT involve actual research, you will
    not address this numbered point.
  4. If your reading represents an actual research study, what are the research findings?
    If your reading is drawn from a traditional chapter or otherwise does NOT involve actual research, what
    does the author actually what us to learn?
  5. What are your thoughts regarding the reading as it relates to organizational leadership, negotiation, and
    conflict resolution? How do you think we can apply this reading as leaders of complex/formal


Need assistance with cleaning up this assignment, former tutor did not follow the instructions. Writing Assignment Help

For thesis:

  • Find additional sources, as needed, to include in your draft.
  • Learn how to write a review of the literature.
  • Do your research.

For current issues thread:

  • Read pp. 98-143 and answer questions as previously directed.
  • Respond to discussion questions and respond to submission of at least three classmates

For thesis thread:

  • Post a draft outline (outline) for your thesis
  • Comment of postings of at least three of your classmates

Submission Link:

  • Submit a review of the literature chapter of your thesis to your professor in the unit 3 assignment submission link.

I have attached my assignment and the comments from the professor.


Yoga Sutra Reading Assignment Writing Assignment Help

Write 1-2 pages about the included reading (white yoga sutra) answering one of the questions in the reading questions file. The paper should include 2 quotes from the reading at least. Different topics can be mentioned too as long as it has 2 quotes and following the rubric below. Also, an example paper is included under WRP 1 to give you an idea about the assignment.

The homework is due in the next 4 hours.

Rubric for Grading

There are four criteria for grading papers and essays for the exams. These are 1)

Argument, 2) Context and Analysis, 3) Evidence, 4) Writing. What these entail is

outlined here:

1) Argument:

This criterion is investigating whether ask you have a thesis or argument. More

points will be given for a more creative, focused and insightful thesis or argument.

If you do not have a thesis, you will get a zero on this criterion.


2) Contextualizing your arguments:

This criterion asks you to focus on the context, with its specific details relating to

what you argue in your essay. This is where you demonstrate engagement with

the readings, showing how well and how deeply you reference the various points

and perspectives in each of the readings. This is also where you will be given

points for accuracy, spelling, dates and other important contextualizing details.

engagement with the readings, which entails how well and how deeply you

reference the various points and perspectives in each of the readings- 30%

3) Evidence:

This criterion is about your use of sources from the reading to support your thesis.

You should quote directly from each of the readings assigned for that week, for a

minimum of two quotes for your reading responses. For the midterm exam essay,

quote several times from the various class sources. Similarly for the final exam

take-home essay, quote from the various class sources. You get credit from

quoting from class sources, but points are detracted if you quote from online

sources like Google or Wikipedia- 30%

4) Writing

This criterion addresses the quality of your prose and pays particular attention to

grammatical errors and then as you learn to avoid making errors, addresses the

style of your writing (avoiding passive voice, and varying sentence structure etc.)-


Thank you.



Week 1 is focused on helping you to become comfortable using the CAPSIM simulation and using the results from one round to prepare decisions for the next round.

The training will teach you how the various business functions interact in the simulation, how to make decisions and then read the results. You will be making decisions that position your product against customer requirements, building a production process that allows you to meet the market demands for your products, how to finance those operations and how to improve processes and products through Research and Development and Total Quality Management. Finally, you will learn to read and interpret a full set of performance documents including Cash Flow Statements, Income Statements, Production and Sales summaries and the Balanced Scorecard.

As part of the training, you will complete the following:

  • Introduction Video and Quiz
  • Rehearsal Tutorial
  • Situation Analysis
    • See pages 1-2 of the document, “CAPSIM Situational Analysis Training,” for a visual on how to find the tutorials and situational analysis.
  • See pages 3-6 of the document, “CAPSIM Situational Analysis. Training” for the following:
    • Complete a minimum of TWO Practice Rounds.
  • Complete Financial Measures Template (see below. The template is loaded in your Books and Resources for this Week).

The instructor will check the simulation dashboard to confirm that you have completed these exercises. It is important that you spend the time during Week 1 doing these exercises to become comfortable with how the simulation works and what effects some of your decisions will have on the annual financials, etc. The simulation has a steep learning curve, so Week 1 is meant for you to become familiar with the simulation.

Please note that your grade in the course does not depend on how well you do in the simulation. In that sense, the “competition rounds” are a misnomer. You can do well or poorly in the rounds. It doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that you can understand and explain the effects that your decisions had on the financial results, which you will track weekly with the Financial Measures Template.

Complete the Financial Measures Template:

  • Financial Analysis is a comparative process. These numbers on their own do not always have a lot of meaning. For example, Cumulative Profits has meaning on its own, but it has greater meaning when compared against the competition or when looking at your own trends over time. Your analysis in Week 1 of the Practice Rounds or Competition Rounds will have to be made against the other five companies. After that, consider your trends over time as well as against the other companies.
  • Select a different measure each week and write a paragraph describing how that financial measure is created (e.g., ROS=Profit/Sales) and cite your source, what the financial measure tells the company, and how your performance compares with the competition and over time.
  • Upload your Financial Measures Template to the course room when you have completed all of the tasks using the Upload Assignment button below. Each week, you will update your Template with new results from each round.

Length: 1-2 Paragraphs: See directions in Financial Measures Template

Upload the Financial Measures Template and click the Submit to Dropbox button.

Strategic planning Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Rough Draft Humanities Assignment Help

Please submit a rough draft of Paper 1, of at least 500 words, by the deadline. Please submit your work in WORD format, as an attached file.

In your rough draft, aim for these things:

Identify and describe the thing you have chosen to analyze.

Begin to work your way through the rhetorical analysis of what you’ve chosen; focus on how the comedy works, what strategies or gimmicks the comedian or item is using to make people laugh, who the target audience is for the item you’ve chosen, etc.

My goal here is to make sure you are on the right path–that you’ve chosen wisely and that you have a basic grasp of what it means to write a rhetorical analysis, versus some other type of paper.


Powerpoint Humanities Assignment Help

The article by Karen Bolser and Rachel Gosciej. Millennials: Multi-Generational Leaders Staying Connected.

Read the article and write a Presentation, The presentation will last 10 to 15 minutes.

Comments on the article mainly focus on:

  1. What was the primary purpose or research question being addressed in the reading?
  2. What is currently known about that point or research question?
  3. If your reading represents an actual research study, how did the author/s design their study?
    If your reading is drawn from a traditional chapter or otherwise does NOT involve actual research, you will
    not address this numbered point.
  4. If your reading represents an actual research study, what are the research findings?
    If your reading is drawn from a traditional chapter or otherwise does NOT involve actual research, what
    does the author actually what us to learn?
  5. What are your thoughts regarding the reading as it relates to organizational leadership, negotiation, and
    conflict resolution? How do you think we can apply this reading as leaders of complex/formal


Need assistance with cleaning up this assignment, former tutor did not follow the instructions. Writing Assignment Help

For thesis:

  • Find additional sources, as needed, to include in your draft.
  • Learn how to write a review of the literature.
  • Do your research.

For current issues thread:

  • Read pp. 98-143 and answer questions as previously directed.
  • Respond to discussion questions and respond to submission of at least three classmates

For thesis thread:

  • Post a draft outline (outline) for your thesis
  • Comment of postings of at least three of your classmates

Submission Link:

  • Submit a review of the literature chapter of your thesis to your professor in the unit 3 assignment submission link.

I have attached my assignment and the comments from the professor.


Yoga Sutra Reading Assignment Writing Assignment Help

Write 1-2 pages about the included reading (white yoga sutra) answering one of the questions in the reading questions file. The paper should include 2 quotes from the reading at least. Different topics can be mentioned too as long as it has 2 quotes and following the rubric below. Also, an example paper is included under WRP 1 to give you an idea about the assignment.

The homework is due in the next 4 hours.

Rubric for Grading

There are four criteria for grading papers and essays for the exams. These are 1)

Argument, 2) Context and Analysis, 3) Evidence, 4) Writing. What these entail is

outlined here:

1) Argument:

This criterion is investigating whether ask you have a thesis or argument. More

points will be given for a more creative, focused and insightful thesis or argument.

If you do not have a thesis, you will get a zero on this criterion.


2) Contextualizing your arguments:

This criterion asks you to focus on the context, with its specific details relating to

what you argue in your essay. This is where you demonstrate engagement with

the readings, showing how well and how deeply you reference the various points

and perspectives in each of the readings. This is also where you will be given

points for accuracy, spelling, dates and other important contextualizing details.

engagement with the readings, which entails how well and how deeply you

reference the various points and perspectives in each of the readings- 30%

3) Evidence:

This criterion is about your use of sources from the reading to support your thesis.

You should quote directly from each of the readings assigned for that week, for a

minimum of two quotes for your reading responses. For the midterm exam essay,

quote several times from the various class sources. Similarly for the final exam

take-home essay, quote from the various class sources. You get credit from

quoting from class sources, but points are detracted if you quote from online

sources like Google or Wikipedia- 30%

4) Writing

This criterion addresses the quality of your prose and pays particular attention to

grammatical errors and then as you learn to avoid making errors, addresses the

style of your writing (avoiding passive voice, and varying sentence structure etc.)-


Thank you.



Week 1 is focused on helping you to become comfortable using the CAPSIM simulation and using the results from one round to prepare decisions for the next round.

The training will teach you how the various business functions interact in the simulation, how to make decisions and then read the results. You will be making decisions that position your product against customer requirements, building a production process that allows you to meet the market demands for your products, how to finance those operations and how to improve processes and products through Research and Development and Total Quality Management. Finally, you will learn to read and interpret a full set of performance documents including Cash Flow Statements, Income Statements, Production and Sales summaries and the Balanced Scorecard.

As part of the training, you will complete the following:

  • Introduction Video and Quiz
  • Rehearsal Tutorial
  • Situation Analysis
    • See pages 1-2 of the document, “CAPSIM Situational Analysis Training,” for a visual on how to find the tutorials and situational analysis.
  • See pages 3-6 of the document, “CAPSIM Situational Analysis. Training” for the following:
    • Complete a minimum of TWO Practice Rounds.
  • Complete Financial Measures Template (see below. The template is loaded in your Books and Resources for this Week).

The instructor will check the simulation dashboard to confirm that you have completed these exercises. It is important that you spend the time during Week 1 doing these exercises to become comfortable with how the simulation works and what effects some of your decisions will have on the annual financials, etc. The simulation has a steep learning curve, so Week 1 is meant for you to become familiar with the simulation.

Please note that your grade in the course does not depend on how well you do in the simulation. In that sense, the “competition rounds” are a misnomer. You can do well or poorly in the rounds. It doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that you can understand and explain the effects that your decisions had on the financial results, which you will track weekly with the Financial Measures Template.

Complete the Financial Measures Template:

  • Financial Analysis is a comparative process. These numbers on their own do not always have a lot of meaning. For example, Cumulative Profits has meaning on its own, but it has greater meaning when compared against the competition or when looking at your own trends over time. Your analysis in Week 1 of the Practice Rounds or Competition Rounds will have to be made against the other five companies. After that, consider your trends over time as well as against the other companies.
  • Select a different measure each week and write a paragraph describing how that financial measure is created (e.g., ROS=Profit/Sales) and cite your source, what the financial measure tells the company, and how your performance compares with the competition and over time.
  • Upload your Financial Measures Template to the course room when you have completed all of the tasks using the Upload Assignment button below. Each week, you will update your Template with new results from each round.

Length: 1-2 Paragraphs: See directions in Financial Measures Template

Upload the Financial Measures Template and click the Submit to Dropbox button.

Strategic planning Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Rough Draft Humanities Assignment Help

Please submit a rough draft of Paper 1, of at least 500 words, by the deadline. Please submit your work in WORD format, as an attached file.

In your rough draft, aim for these things:

Identify and describe the thing you have chosen to analyze.

Begin to work your way through the rhetorical analysis of what you’ve chosen; focus on how the comedy works, what strategies or gimmicks the comedian or item is using to make people laugh, who the target audience is for the item you’ve chosen, etc.

My goal here is to make sure you are on the right path–that you’ve chosen wisely and that you have a basic grasp of what it means to write a rhetorical analysis, versus some other type of paper.


Powerpoint Humanities Assignment Help

The article by Karen Bolser and Rachel Gosciej. Millennials: Multi-Generational Leaders Staying Connected.

Read the article and write a Presentation, The presentation will last 10 to 15 minutes.

Comments on the article mainly focus on:

  1. What was the primary purpose or research question being addressed in the reading?
  2. What is currently known about that point or research question?
  3. If your reading represents an actual research study, how did the author/s design their study?
    If your reading is drawn from a traditional chapter or otherwise does NOT involve actual research, you will
    not address this numbered point.
  4. If your reading represents an actual research study, what are the research findings?
    If your reading is drawn from a traditional chapter or otherwise does NOT involve actual research, what
    does the author actually what us to learn?
  5. What are your thoughts regarding the reading as it relates to organizational leadership, negotiation, and
    conflict resolution? How do you think we can apply this reading as leaders of complex/formal


Need assistance with cleaning up this assignment, former tutor did not follow the instructions. Writing Assignment Help

For thesis:

  • Find additional sources, as needed, to include in your draft.
  • Learn how to write a review of the literature.
  • Do your research.

For current issues thread:

  • Read pp. 98-143 and answer questions as previously directed.
  • Respond to discussion questions and respond to submission of at least three classmates

For thesis thread:

  • Post a draft outline (outline) for your thesis
  • Comment of postings of at least three of your classmates

Submission Link:

  • Submit a review of the literature chapter of your thesis to your professor in the unit 3 assignment submission link.

I have attached my assignment and the comments from the professor.


Yoga Sutra Reading Assignment Writing Assignment Help

Write 1-2 pages about the included reading (white yoga sutra) answering one of the questions in the reading questions file. The paper should include 2 quotes from the reading at least. Different topics can be mentioned too as long as it has 2 quotes and following the rubric below. Also, an example paper is included under WRP 1 to give you an idea about the assignment.

The homework is due in the next 4 hours.

Rubric for Grading

There are four criteria for grading papers and essays for the exams. These are 1)

Argument, 2) Context and Analysis, 3) Evidence, 4) Writing. What these entail is

outlined here:

1) Argument:

This criterion is investigating whether ask you have a thesis or argument. More

points will be given for a more creative, focused and insightful thesis or argument.

If you do not have a thesis, you will get a zero on this criterion.


2) Contextualizing your arguments:

This criterion asks you to focus on the context, with its specific details relating to

what you argue in your essay. This is where you demonstrate engagement with

the readings, showing how well and how deeply you reference the various points

and perspectives in each of the readings. This is also where you will be given

points for accuracy, spelling, dates and other important contextualizing details.

engagement with the readings, which entails how well and how deeply you

reference the various points and perspectives in each of the readings- 30%

3) Evidence:

This criterion is about your use of sources from the reading to support your thesis.

You should quote directly from each of the readings assigned for that week, for a

minimum of two quotes for your reading responses. For the midterm exam essay,

quote several times from the various class sources. Similarly for the final exam

take-home essay, quote from the various class sources. You get credit from

quoting from class sources, but points are detracted if you quote from online

sources like Google or Wikipedia- 30%

4) Writing

This criterion addresses the quality of your prose and pays particular attention to

grammatical errors and then as you learn to avoid making errors, addresses the

style of your writing (avoiding passive voice, and varying sentence structure etc.)-


Thank you.


Business data analysis, entity identification and E-R diagrams Business Finance Assignment Help

Business data analysis, entity identification and E-R diagrams Business Finance Assignment Help

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