BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS Andrew Gates and Larry Page just graduated from UC with a master’s degree in Information Technology. They want to set up their own server building company to help make networking of businesses run smoothly in their municipality. Th Business Finance Assignment Help. BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS Andrew Gates and Larry Page just graduated from UC with a master’s degree in Information Technology. They want to set up their own server building company to help make networking of businesses run smoothly in their municipality. Th Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Andrew Gates and Larry Page just graduated from UC with a master’s degree in Information Technology. They want to set up their own server building company to help make networking of businesses run smoothly in their municipality. The servers will play a key role in telephony, internet and intranet connections in corporate organizations and other institutions in the Hilton area. They know from independent investment research that IT businesses are striving and very profitable in the State of South Carolina where they want to locate the business. Andrew and Larry know that before they can invest their time and other resources in the project, they must obtain financing, which means that they must raise money to pay for the investment cost and other operating expenses. Because the company might not be listed in any capital market right away, they might not be able to raise equity funding publicly. Therefore, they are considering raising long term capital from various sources including angel investors, venture capital market, bank/finance companies’ long-term loans, crowdfunding, and initial public offerings (IPOs). They learnt in corporate finance course they took two years ago the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of business organizations (mainly sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability, and corporation). They are worried about the legal concept of limited liability and how it will affect their personal fortunes in the future in case the business fails. They are not very sure which form of business organization to set up to protect their personal liability and give them access to huge funding. Therefore, they are considering a partnership, a limited liability, or a corporation. A cash budget they prepared shows that $5 million seed money would be needed to hire programmers, buy computers, rent an office space, promote and market the business as well as to meet other business development expenditures. They have agreed to share profits and losses equally if they decide to form a limited partnership. The general partner will, however, be paid a fixed salary of $5,000 per month before taxes and other payroll deductions.
In order to make good and right decision, Andrew and Larry have approached you to help them understand the advantages and disadvantages of the various forms of business organizations and possible sources of funding for the business.
- Give 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of each of the following forms of business organization to Andrew and Larry:
- partnership,
- limited liability, and
- corporation
- Ultimately, what form of business organization would you recommend Andrew and Larry to consider. Why?
- Based on your recommendation above, explain to Andrew and Larry if the following sources of raising long-term capital are appropriate for them:
- angel investors (angels)
- crowdfunding
- venture capital
- initial public offering, and
- long-term debt
Andrew and Larry want to use financial planning models to prepare a projected (or pro forma) financial statement to determine the profitability and financial health of the business for the next year. Use the proforma financial statement below to answer the following questions:
($millions) |
Total operating revenues |
78 |
Less Expenses |
57 |
Less Depreciation |
9 |
Earnings before interest and taxes |
12 |
Less Interest |
2 |
Net income before taxes |
10 |
Less taxes @ 10% |
1 |
Net income |
9 |
Assets: |
Cash |
8 |
Other current assets |
18 |
Net Fixed Assets |
40 |
Total Assets |
67 |
Liabilities and Equities: |
Accounts payable |
12 |
long-term debt |
18 |
Stockholders’ Equity |
37 |
Total Liabilities & Equities |
67 |
a. What is the estimated profit of the business for next year?
b. Calculate the following profitability ratios and explain to Andrew and Larry whether the business looks profitable:
i. Profit margin
ii. Return on Assets
iii. Return on Equity
Also explain and calculate the:
iv. Operating cash flow
c. Assuming you project a 25% increase in operating revenue (sales) per year what will be the anticipated operating revenue in two years?
d. If net income is projected to increase by 10% per year, what will be the profit margin in next two years?
e. What will be the estimated earnings per share (EPS) next year if 1,000,000 shares are issued? (note: EPS = net income / total shares outstanding).
Ensure to answer all questions and plagiarism should be less than 15% for this assignment.
BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS Andrew Gates and Larry Page just graduated from UC with a master’s degree in Information Technology. They want to set up their own server building company to help make networking of businesses run smoothly in their municipality. Th Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
750 words business Law Writing Assignment Help
Provide your answers to the following questions in 2-3 pages.
- Discuss how each of the following topics listed below might be in comprehensive code of ethics and conduct.
- Based on your understanding of ethical issues at the workplace answer the questions of this small case.
- The workplace
- Gift, favors, and conflicts of interest
- Use of company assets and data safeguarding
- Product quality, safety, and environment matters
- Competition and antitrust law
- International Business Practice
In 2011, high-tech workers in Silicon Valley filed a class action antitrust suit against employers Apple Inc., Google Inc., Intel Corp., and Adobe Systems Inc. The complaint alleged that these high-tech companies agreed to not poach each other’s workers, thus limiting employee’s job mobility and artificially limiting their salaries. Noncompete contracts are unenforceable in California, so these human resources collusion strategy was sued as an alternative to prevent high-tech workers from departing to compete at other large companies. The trial court denies the companies motion to dismiss the case, shortly before trial, a settlement was reached between the parties for $415 million.
Case questions
- Was it ethical for these high-tech companies to agree not to hire each other’s employees? Explain
- Is it ethical to use legal means such as noncompete contracts to prevent workers from leaving to join another business? How is this case different?
- Which CSR view did the tech companies adopt in this case?
- Which CSR view would you apply to this issue, and how would it be resolved under your view?
Talent Management and Online Recruitment Business Finance Assignment Help
.5 page, comprehensive response, cover sheet not needed, references needed, references must include course book listed below.
Part A (Chapter 9)
1. After reading Chapter 9, attached (summary below), read the two articles listed below:
2. Answer the following questions:
Why is it important to establish the meaning of talent and talent management in a particular organizational setting?
How does the strategic direction of the organization influence human resource planning activities?
What are some potential disadvantages of using a packaged application to help automate the employee goal-setting process?
Why is it important to have an adaptable workforce in a global economy?
Chapter 9 Summary
The primary purpose of this chapter on the introduction to talent management (TM) was to investigate how an HRIS and other information systems can be used to support a talent management program. The importance of talent management was illustrated by examining the results of two comprehensive surveys. The origin of talent management and its fit with human resource planning (HRP) and human capital management (HCM) were discussed in detail. In addition, strategic HRM was covered, and its relation to corporate strategy was discussed.
The relationship between TM and performance management was explained as being critical to the effectiveness of the entire TM program. In addition, the chapter emphasized that the metrics from both the performance management and the TM programs could be entered on the balanced scorecard, which, in turn, contributes to the strategic HRM function. To understand a TM program, it is necessary to realize that the program reacts to labor and consumer market changes, producing a life cycle for TM. In developing and implementing a TM program, HR specialists must identify talented individuals by assessing the important personal attributes of employees and new hires.
A talent management program is part of the HRP function of an organization. One of the important ingredients for an effective HR plan is to have accurate and timely job descriptions based on job analysis. An HRP program consists of three phases: (1) estimation of the demand and supply of human capital to set HRP objectives, (2) planning HR programs, and (3) evaluation of HR programs and control through feedback on program outcomes. The HRP program will generate HR metrics that are useful for the organization in going through these three phases.
Long- and short-term strategies for TM were covered. When an external event occurs unexpectedly, such as the recent recession, a short-term strategy should be available. Conversely, the company should have a long-term strategy for TM, usually one looking 5 to 10 years into the future; this long-term talent management strategy is part of the overall corporate strategy. In this way, the TM program can make a major contribution to the immediate and future strategic positions of the corporation. A major aspect of a successful TM strategy, short or long, is to have an adaptable workforce. For example, cross-training employees on jobs is a way to increase the adaptability of the workforce. Finally, the value of a positive corporate culture in attracting talented individuals was discussed.
The link between TM and HRIS was also covered in this chapter. There are quite a few quality TM computer applications available to companies, and most have been used successfully. Recruiting talented individuals by using social networks has been increasing too, but companies should be aware of the limitations of this approach. Some questions were posed that people should keep in mind when using social networks for recruiting talent. The use of analytics in TM was described, particularly the use of business intelligence to produce TM analytics. The success of TM was covered and emphasized the use of metrics generated by the performance management program and entered on the HR balanced scorecard.
Part B – Chapter 10 attached, (summary below)
3. After reading chapter 10, attached, answer the following questions:
What are the pros and cons of recruitment and selection in an Internet context?
Provide examples of your personal experiences with online recruitment and selection.
Do you agree or disagree with online assessments during the recruitment and selection process? Why or why not?
Chapter 10 Summary
This chapter explained the intersection between the use of technology in the recruitment and selection process and the use of HRIS in organizations. This highlighted the need for HRIS experts to understand how to use the Internet for recruitment as well as selection-related data in order to provide strategic information to the company and demonstrate the return on the company’s investment in assessments. In addition, technology issues surrounding the selection process were addressed. Measurement properties of paper-and-pencil assessments and their computer versions were discussed. The mode of assessments that do not include measurements of ability is of little concern for researchers since giving these tests on paper will not result in a different measure from that obtained with a computerized test. However, there is clear evidence that the mode of administration (paper vs. computer) matters for ability tests that are speeded. The more speeded a test is, the more likely that there will be differences between the paper and computer test results. A second issue focused on in this chapter is the trade-off between fidelity and bandwidth. Technology has enabled organizations to create work sample simulations that represent the job with high fidelity. However, if the company then wants to use the simulation for a different business unit or job, the details that made the simulation highly appropriate in the first setting may interfere with its use in the other setting. In general, HRIS managers should keep in mind that, depending on the effort and expense one is willing to expend on assessment development and installation, lower-fidelity simulations or combinations of other types of assessments might be preferable. One of the final issues dealt with was unproctored testing, which can be convenient to both the applicant and the organization. Unfortunately, this means of delivering assessment gives way to a floodgate of concerns such as how to verify candidate identity, provide test security and eliminate cheating, and ensure fair access to testing for minorities. The chapter further examined the role that HRIS experts have to play in solving these problems through the use of technology and the decision to develop and use an HRIS.
Applying HRIS to Selection and Assessment
Selection systems are information management systems for organizational decision making and administration. Therefore, human resource information systems play an important part in their development and use. Where once these systems operated using local software and storage, the availability of cloud computing for remote storage, and licensed, remotely hosted software as a service (SaaS) now means that HRIS managers will frequently be partnering with or working for consulting firms offering assessment services. One uniquely HRIS-centered role is database design. Selection systems require the careful design of databases to store and keep track of selection data, both before and after individuals are hired, and the ability to link information in interrelated systems, such as candidate test data and demographics, employment data for those who are hired, and job movement and position histories within the company. Increasingly, HRIS experts will be called on to assist in integrating the organization’s various HR systems. At a minimum, integration involves linking data in two or more systems, such as the candidate and employee identification data, so that one may conduct database queries and follow individuals as their information passes through the different systems. Integration often also involves linking transactional operations in a system such that, after the first system has conducted a transaction that requires follow-up in the next system, the first system contacts the next system to launch the required transaction. For instance, once a candidate has completed an online application, he or she may be automatically sent to another Web-based application to complete an assessment. The HRIS manager must have a conceptual understanding of what it means to link a test delivery system with other systems, such as applicant-tracking systems. Another general HRIS role in selection systems is the development of scoring and decision rules and of the administrative functions of the system. Whether the output of the completed assessment is simple to interpret (e.g., pass/fail) or complicated (e.g., multiple sources of information, levels of performance, and data from various screening events that could follow), the HRIS expert who participates in the creation of scoring or decision rules must be sure that they are easy for the HR department and others to understand and apply consistently throughout the organization. Another key HRIS role is helping to design and apply the administrative functions of the system, the features permitting access to assessments results, and the right to distribute candidate information. Below are some more specific considerations for designing a computerized or Web-based selection system (Kehoe, Dickter, Russell, & Sacco, 2005):
- Test access and security: The HR department must decide how candidates will gain access to the test (By permission? Will there be prescreening? Is testing open to anyone?) and how the test content will be kept secure.
- Test inventory and administrative privileges: The HRIS expert must consider how the computerized tests will be purchased and inventoried (if accessed from a vendor) and the administrative privileges that determine
- who should be assigned the right to work with particular types of test data,
- whether there will be multiple levels of access, and
- whether individuals will be able to delegate record-viewing rights to others.
- Options for scoring: Will there be multiple ways to score an assessment, with a variety of possible scoring rules? How might examinees’ scores be compared with those of reference groups to make these scores more meaningful?
- Accessing results: In what data format and by what methods will test results be stored, transmitted, and interpreted?
- Applying test policies: What organizational requirements will affect the testing methods (e.g., systems that allow accommodations for disabilities) and the data that are kept and used (e.g., mandatory waiting periods before retests)?
A new area for HRIS is Big Data—large-volume datasets with a variety of information that may be collected rapidly. For example, information posted on social media not only is high-volume, but also contains text, Internet links, and photos, all of which are updated frequently. Data scientists have begun mining these data to learn about the people who post to social media sites, including their personality and attitudes toward work. Guzzo and colleagues (2015) provide numerous examples as well as cautionary advice regarding the analysis of Big Data. Of particular concern are the ethics of using such data, for example, when the individuals posting online did not give consent for their data to be used in research or to make application decisions, or where it might be possible to connect datasets in such a way that identifies people who posted information privately. Another concern is that such data might be incorrect. It may be difficult to amend one’s own inaccurate data online, or as a researcher, to verify the quality of the information gathered there. Big Data is a rapidly growing field that will be of interest to many who pursue a profession in HRIS.
Kavanagh, M. J., Thite, M., & Johnson, R. D. (2018). Human resource information systems: Basics, applications, and future directions (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Science Assignment Help
For this study, the following is your list of gaseous and vapor species with
Let CH3COCH3 ≡ A, CH2CO ≡ B, C ≡ .
CH3, H ≡ .
H, E ≡ C2H6, G ≡ H2, N ≡ CH4
Here are your reactions and rates: NOTE: M = third body (any molecule)
A B + C + H r1 = k1CA (1)
H + C + M N + M r2 = k2CHCCCM (2)
C + C + M E + M ??3 = ??3????
2???? (3)
H + H + M G + M ??4 = ??4????
2???? (4)
2.7 NACLA Report on the Americas Review #2 (ASSIGNMENT) Humanities Assignment Help
History 115—section 7440
Spring semester 2020
Professor Oscar Cañedo
Guidelines for NACLA assignment #2
This is the second installment of the two NACLA Report on the Americas reviews that you will submit for this class. This review is to be at least 3-4 pages and this due date of May 8, at 11:59 PM corresponds to the nations of South America. You can cover a topic from any of these nations and others in the continent: Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, etc. . To select an article, go to the General Forum and find the thread with articles on South America, then pick any one article from the list. The articles range in dates from early 2019 to April 2020.
Please submit your review through the Canvas in either of the following formats: doc, docx or PDF. Late papers will be accepted but only for one week after the assigned due date and will be assessed a full grade deduction. Please use both a title page and a works cited page (neither of these pages count toward your 3-4 pages of text). The two NACLA reports you submit will count as a combined 25% toward your final grade. In your works cited page, compose your article entry in a format like this:
Gabriel Hetland and George Ciccariello-Maher, “The State of the Left in Latin America: A Disillusioned Revolution in Venezuela,” NACLA Report on the Americas website (July 21, 2017).
Analytic/Argumentative Essay Humanities Assignment Help
This paper is to be an analytic argumentative essay,
3-4 pages
and typed, double-spaced,
in a normal size font (Times 12 or Verdana 11, for instance).
Please use only black type. You should follow MLA formatting and citation protocols.
No outside sources
Cite in mla
give examples from passage
must use two characters
underline thesis
for how to write a good, thorough, well-developed, analytic argument, but, in brief, a successful paper will include the following:
- a clear introduction that tells me what texts you will be using and what topic you will be exploring.
- an analytic argumentative thesis statement delivered in the first paragraph of the paper.
- a carefully and thoroughly developed argument that is sustained throughout the paper.
- a central idea, established in the introduction and thoroughly explained throughout the paper.
- clearly articulated connections between your ideas and the text.
- paragraphs that each explore one idea and move the argument forward
This paper is intended to be a moderate exercise in close reading and analysis. I want to see you working with portions of texts — reading closely and drawing inferences about the significance of details that you notice. Listed below are a number of broad essay topics. Your task is to find a narrow focus for whichever topic you choose. The best essays will focus closely on brief passages from the text in order to answer the broad question that I have asked. Your essay should seek to answer the question through a careful, close reading of the text, not through generalizations. Be sure to offer discussion explaining what, in the text, leads you to interpret it the way you do.
As you begin to think about the direction you want to go with your paper, the first and most important thing you want to do is make sure that you have defined a clear, specific, and limited focus. A large subject area is great to get you started – that’s what I have given you in the topic questions I posed – but that is only the first step. From there you need to narrow things down into a more specific topic. You will want to select specific passages to write about that address the focused topic you have selected.
The best papers always find specific passages to focus on – to read (analyze) thoughtfully, carefully, and pointedly for the audience. You will be using those passages to illustrate or illuminate some point that you are making about the topic.
Example of proper layout and expectations:
To begin:
Offer a thesis or topic sentence indicating your basic observation or assertion about the text or passage.
Offer a context for the passage without offering too much summary.
Cite the passage (using correct format).
Then follow the passage with some combination of the following elements:
Discuss what happens in the passage and why it is significant to the work as a whole.
Consider what is said, particularly subtleties of the imagery and the ideas expressed.
Assess how it is said, considering how the word choice, the ordering of ideas, sentence structure, etc. contribute to the meaning of the passage.
Explain what it means, tying your analysis of the passage back to the significance of the text as a whole. That is, relate it to the thesis of your paper.
Repeat the process of context, quotation, and analysis with additional support for your thesis or topic sentence.
Assignment: Select two characters from the Prologue whom Chaucer seems to be satirizing and explain the satire.
Here is the reading: No Fear/ The Canterbury Tales
Analytic/Argumentative Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Assignment 6 (IT 472) Computer Science Assignment Help
Create a use case diagram that would illustrate the use cases for the following online university registration system: The system should enable the staff members of each academic department to examine the courses offered by their department, add and remove courses, and change the information about courses (e.g., the maximum number of students permitted). It should permit students to examine currently available courses, add and drop courses to and from their schedules, and examine the courses for which they are enrolled. Department staff should be able to print a variety of reports about the courses and the students enrolled in them. The system should ensure that no student takes too many courses and that students who have any unpaid fees are not permitted to register. (Assume that a fees data store is maintained by the university’s financial office, which the registration system accesses but does not change.)
Submit a two to Three-page paper in APA format. Include a cover page, abstract statement, in-text citations and references.
The team project of creating a healthcare organization Business Finance Assignment Help
In considering the financial requirements for starting a new hospital outpatient physical medicine and rehabilitation service, use the attached cash and accrual spreadsheet formats to enter the information related to the projections of activity, income/revenue and disbursements/expenses in the first and second years of operation.Note that the cash projections should take into account the delay for first payments from the third-party payers.The following provides information about assumptions for the plan.
What I am responsible for is to do the spreadsheet that I post, so tutor just put specific forecasting numbers on that sheet according to the clear requirements. The professor said the most important thing is to let us to know the operation format of healthcare organization rather than the right number, so don’t worry about the data that is right or not, just keep is reasonable.
I post the requirements of team project for all teams, specific requirement for our team and that spreadsheet. I also post 2 text books that I posted to you before, which is helpful to understand the concept and meaning of some words from the spreadsheet.
design a datapath with ISA Properties Engineering Assignment Help
Given the following ISA description and the listing of instruction encodings and RTNs, draw the datapath, describe the control signals and complete the control table. For your datapath, you can use Logisim to implement the circuit or use a vector graphics/schematic drawing tool (e.g. LibreOffice Draw, MS Visio, MS PowerPoint). If you prefer, you can simply draw on paper and scan (or take a high-quality, well-lit photo). But, please make sure the lines are clearly visible, and the connections are as straight and short as possible. It is usually a good idea to use the first draft to get an idea about how to properly place everything and make a second drawing from scratch.
unit plan for psych Humanities Assignment Help
I have attached rubrics and guidelines, a website link for additional info and an example of how the project should look like.
This project consists of 3 primary parts:
A Unit Plan: a unit plan is a lesson plan with enough material for 3-5 days of instruction.
5 sections of written material
Materials (Powerpoints, worksheets, quizzes, diagrams, games, activities, etc.)
Review the unit plan materials in the “Lesson Plan Documents” folder in this module.
Unit plan rubric
Lesson Plan Documents
ooutline – shows the format for the lesson plan part of the project
oguidelines – shows the same outline with a description of the information that must be typed in each section of the lesson plan
obehavioral objectives – instructions for writing the objectives in the lesson plan
ofirst grade lesson plan: a one day lesson plan provided to show the elements of the plan
osample project – the lesson plan, written sections, and materials
Your unit plan must follow this outline format; it will look like the outline and the sample plans.
You are encouraged to look up lesson plans available online on your topic and level to help you. It is ok to use these in your unit. Because you have not yet taken methods classes, you are not expected to know everything about appropriate teaching methods. You may also use worksheets, quizzes, diagrams, and other materials that you find. You are not required to create these.
All elements of your plan must be compatible with your theory/approach. In addition to the plan itself, you must include 5 sections of written material, with approximately two double spaced pages for each:
1.your theory of learning and how it was integrated into your unit;
Examples: Development, Piaget, Vygotsky, Erikson, Kohlberg, Brofenbrenner, Behaviorism, Operant Conditioning, Humanism, Maslow, Multiple Intelligences, Bloom’s Taxonomy, Cognitivism, Information Processing, Learning Strategies, Constructivism, Direct Instruction, Fluency Learning, Social Cognitive Theory, Bandura, or any theory/approach for teaching and learning in the text or elsewhere.
2.a classroom management plan compatible with your theory/approach;
3.your plan for addressing diversity issues, such as ability, gender, race, ethnicity, language, and socioeconomic status
4.various aspects of your learning environment, such as physical arrangements, creating a positive environment, and procedures
5.a list of references (all the sources you used for your unit).
This project consists of 3 primary parts:
A Unit Plan: a unit plan is a lesson plan with enough material for 3-5 days of instruction.
5 sections of written material
Materials (Powerpoints, worksheets, quizzes, diagrams, games, activities, etc.)
Review the unit plan materials in the “Lesson Plan Documents” folder in this module.
Unit plan rubric
Lesson Plan Documents
ooutline – shows the format for the lesson plan part of the project
oguidelines – shows the same outline with a description of the information that must be typed in each section of the lesson plan
obehavioral objectives – instructions for writing the objectives in the lesson plan
ofirst grade lesson plan: a one day lesson plan provided to show the elements of the plan
osample project – the lesson plan, written sections, and materials
Your unit plan must follow this outline format; it will look like the outline and the sample plans.
You are encouraged to look up lesson plans available online on your topic and level to help you. It is ok to use these in your unit. Because you have not yet taken methods classes, you are not expected to know everything about appropriate teaching methods. You may also use worksheets, quizzes, diagrams, and other materials that you find. You are not required to create these.
All elements of your plan must be compatible with your theory/approach. In addition to the plan itself, you must include 5 sections of written material, with approximately two double spaced pages for each:
1.your theory of learning and how it was integrated into your unit;
Examples: Development, Piaget, Vygotsky, Erikson, Kohlberg, Brofenbrenner, Behaviorism, Operant Conditioning, Humanism, Maslow, Multiple Intelligences, Bloom’s Taxonomy, Cognitivism, Information Processing, Learning Strategies, Constructivism, Direct Instruction, Fluency Learning, Social Cognitive Theory, Bandura, or any theory/approach for teaching and learning in the text or elsewhere.
2.a classroom management plan compatible with your theory/approach;
3.your plan for addressing diversity issues, such as ability, gender, race, ethnicity, language, and socioeconomic status
4.various aspects of your learning environment, such as physical arrangements, creating a positive environment, and procedures
5.a list of references (all the sources you used for your unit).