C Programming, assignment help Programming Assignment Help. C Programming, assignment help Programming Assignment Help.
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Learner Objectives:
At the conclusion of this programming assignment, participants should be able to:
Analyze a basic set of requirements for a problem
Compose C language programs
Compile a program using Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
Execute a program
Create basic test cases for a program
Apply arrays, strings, and pointers
Summarize differences between array notation and pointer notation
Apply pointer arithmetic
Apply basic string handling library functions
II. Prerequisites:
Before starting this programming assignment, participants should be able to:
Access Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Design and develop a small or medium sized program in any language
Apply sequential, conditional, and iterative constructs
Design and implement user-defined functions
III. Overview & Requirements:
For each of the following problems create a separate Microsoft VS 2015 project, but within the same solution! Within each project you must have at least one header file (.h) and two source files (.c). However, I highly encourage you to separate your test driver code from your application/library code, which would require at least two more files (one .h and one .c). Before you turn in this assignment, be sure to place each project folder into a single <your last name>_pa1 folder.
1. Write a C program that sorts strings into descending or ascending order (determined by the user of the program). For this program you must declare an array of pointers to the strings, and perform the sorting without using strcpy ( ). Hence, you must manipulate the pointers to the strings only! Below is a pseudocode algorithm for bubble sort:
1. get values for n and the n list items (n represents the number of records in the file, list is an array of records)
2. set the marker U for the unsorted section at the end of the list (U is an integer index value)
3. while the unsorted section has more than one element do steps 4 through 8
4. set the current element marker C at the second element of the list (C is an integer index value)
5. while C has not passed U do steps 6 and 7
6. if the item at position C is less than the item to its left then exchange these two items
7. move C to the right one position
8. move U left one position
9. stop
You must develop your own program driver to illustrate that your sorting algorithm works!
2. Write a C program that recursively determines if a path exists in a maze. You must also write a function that accepts an 8 by 8 array of characters that represents a maze. Each position can contain either an X or a blank. Starting at position (0, 1), list any path through the maze to get to location (7, 7). Only horizontal and vertical moves are allowed. If no path exists, write a message indicating there is no path. Moves can be made only to locations that contain a blank. If an X is encountered, that path is blocked and another must be chosen. –-Source Hanly & Koffman, Problem Solving and Program Design in C.
3. Write a C program that encrypts and decrypts strings using the Caesar Shift Cipher. The shift value must be an integer, but may be positive or negative. If the shift value is 4, then an ‘A’ becomes ‘E’. If the shift value is -4, then ‘A’ becomes ‘W’. Note, the plaintext messages are encrypted using alphabetic characters only. Also, all characters in the messages must first be converted to uppercase before encrypting or decrypting them. Develop your own program driver to illustrate that your program works. You may use any library functions you wish.
C Programming, assignment help Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]
journal give me liberty: an American history, writing homework help Humanities Assignment Help
Using the book “give me liberty!: an American history (fourth edition)” written by Eric foner: complete the following.
You will make two separate journal submissions during this course. Each submission will be worth 100 points.
- Each submission will consist of 10 separate journal entries.
- Save the file containing your first set of 10 entries in .rtf (rich text format), and name the file Journal #1.
- For clarity and ease, please title your entries as Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, etc.
- Each separate journal entry should be a minimum of 150 words in length.
- Each entry should pertain to United States History prior to 1877.
- Each entry should be written in your own words.
- Submission of only half the required length/number of journals will earn half of the available points.
To gain a better understanding of journal entry expectations, please review the sample entry below:
Entry 1
What was the Declaration of Independence all about? It was written by Thomas Jefferson but was probably not signed on July 4th, 1776. It was written after hostilities had broken out. Lexington, Concord, Bunker Hill had taken place a year earlier. Why so late? The reason might be that the colonies were not yet united in their response to Britain. Many did not want to leave the empire only a few years earlier they had boasted about. Also, taking on the powerful British empire with trained troops seemed almost impossible. Several of the condemnations in the declaration were not true, and they were addressed to King George III rather than Parliament, which had the real power. It is quite possible that the colonial leadership did not want to attack a representative institution even though it was hardly representative of the people of Britain. Still, the declaration won widespread approval and helped to unite the colonists.
Note: You will notice that this entry is greater than 150 words in length.
- Keep in mind that 150 words is the minimum length.
- There are no “right or wrong” answers, and it is not required that your instructor “agree” with your entry.
- You will be graded on how your entry demonstrates that you have read and thought about the material.
- You are encouraged to use the journal entries as study aids for the exams.
For this assignment I am needing 20 separate journal entries to be written. The first 10 will be on topics from chapters 1-8 and the next 10 will be based on chapters 8-15
Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes (KSAs), management assignment help Business Finance Assignment Help
Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes (KSAs)** Article is posted below*** Original and plagiarism free work***Answer in full complete sentences please with references attached.
Review the Training in Action 1-3 scenario titled, “Training
Needs in the Student Registration Office” in Chapter 1 of the
Blanchard and Thacker (2013) text. Assume that you were hired to
develop a training program for the Customer Service
Representatives (CSRs) as described in the scenario. Identify four
of the most important KSAs (Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes) a
training program for the CSRs must address and include your
reasoning for selecting these. Discuss the specific activities to be
performed in the five phases of the training process model: Analysis
Phase, Design Phase, Development Phase, Implementation Phase, and
Evaluation Phase.
Use this week’s lecture as a foundation for your initial post.
Incorporate into your discussion the transfer of training concepts from
the Jaidev and Chirayath (2012) article with an emphasis on
pre-training, during-training, and post-training activities. Utilize
concepts from the Develop a Training Plan video and the Blanchard and
Thacker (2013) text in your discussion. Should be 250
to 300 words.
1-3Training in Action Training Needs in the Student Registration Office
The offices of the president and provost at a large university were receiving many complaints about the registration office being unresponsive to student problems during registration for classes. The director of registration felt that, because of the high turnover in customer service representatives (CSRs) who handled student problems, most CSRs did not know the proper procedure. The director wanted to initiate training in registration procedures immediately and called in a consultant to help develop and conduct the training.
After listening to the director’s description of what was wanted, the consultant said, “You’re probably right. Of course, we could conduct a training needs analysis to clarify the exact nature of the performance problem.” The director was concerned about the time required for a needs analysis and wanted to get training started right away. However, in agreeing that the needs analysis would determine specific problem areas, the director said, “Okay, do the analysis, but let’s get started on training right away. I want them to know exactly what they are supposed to do.”
The needs analysis revealed the steps and procedures that an effective CSR was required to complete in dealing with an unhappy customer. For example, one of the first steps for the CSR was to identify and clarify the customer’s problem and to acknowledge the feelings the customer was displaying (e.g., anger or frustration) in a friendly and empathetic manner. Once these feelings had been acknowledged, the CSR was to determine the exact nature of the customer’s problem through nonevaluative questioning (i.e., determining the facts without placing blame for outcomes).
Interviews with the CSRs established that they all knew the correct procedure and most could quote it word for word. However, observation of the CSRs at work showed marked differences in how the procedure was carried out. Further analysis of each CSR’s skills in performing these tasks revealed that the primary causes of unsatisfactory performance were low skill levels and inappropriate attitudes. Even though nearly everyone “knew” what to do, some were not good at doing it. Others did not believe that it was important to follow every step. One CSR said, “Hey, if they get their problem solved, what do they care if I acknowledged their feelings?”
Certainly training was required in this case, but not the “knowledge” training the registration director thought was necessary. For those CSRs who lacked the behavioral skill to carry out the procedures, demonstrations and practice sessions with immediate feedback were provided. For those CSRs who had the skill but did not understand the importance of all the procedures, training sessions were conducted in which the CSRs reevaluated their attitudes through various educational and experiential activities.
comparing similar ages, statistics homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
•Section 2.1
26a) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqyblkTQ1mA –> bar graph video
•Section 2.2
9a) – 9e)
55) % change = difference in the %amounts / beginning %amount = Dec % – Jan % / Jan %
60) For
each variable, explain the type of graphical summary you might be able
to draw to provide a visual summary of the data. –> Ex: Age you can use a histogram or stem-and-leaf; ect
•Section 2.3
6) Look at the ages – are they comparing similar ages?
8a) look at the vertical axis – is there an issue with it?
8b) look at the years do you see any discrepancies?
•Section 3.1
24a) median -> make sure you put the data in order first:
24b) median –> make sure you put the data in order first:
16) mean: => Sum / n median: => make sure you put in order first
mode: => most that occurred?
34) multiply the students height by 14 and then add in the other and divide by the total number of students:
•Section 3.2
36a) formula: (1 – 1/k^2)*100%:
36b) formula: (1 – 1/k^2)*100%:
36c) formula: (1 – 1/k^2)*100%:
40) If all values in the data set are identical, then will there be any variance?
•Section 3.3
4) the mean and standard deviationMean: u =
The mean is the average of the numbers. It is easy to calculate: add up all the numbers, then divide by how many numbers there are. In other words it is the sum divided by the count.
Standard Deviation:
set up this chart:
Class Midpoint Xi frequency, fi Xi fi x^2 i xi^2 fi
0-17 0+18/2 = 9 15,451 139,059 81 1,251,531
18-24 18+25 / 2 = 21.5 6,071 130,526.5 462.25 2,806,319.75
65 and older
find these sums Sum fi Sum Xi Fi Sum xi^2 fi
12) Cost per pound: Xbar = SumWiXi / Sum Wi
Organization and Classification of Federal Agencies, communications homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
Organization and Classification of Federal Agencies” Please respond to the following:
•The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) is the law under which U.S. government federal regulatory agencies create the rules and regulations necessary to implement and enforce major legislative acts. Speculate as to what might happen if these agencies become indiscriminant in their rule-making activities.
•Assess the effectiveness of the constitutional principle that the legislative, executive, and judicial functions of government should not exist within the same person or group of persons. Provide an example of an instance when this principle does not work as intended.
Powers of Administrative Agencies” Please respond to the following:
•Choose three administrative agencies and explain the direct impact these have had on your life.
•From the e-Activity, Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. filed a complaint in the United States District Court challenging the OSHA’s Data Collection Initiative as unlawful. The court concluded that it lacked subject matter jurisdiction over the complaint, and that the company must pursue its claims through the review process prescribed by the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Summarize how this example of judicial review contributes to the effectiveness of the legal system.
Applying What You Have Learned” Please respond to the following:
•Research your chosen careers in the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook located at http://www.bls.gov/ooh/ or by using other career resources. Next, discuss at least two (2) opportunities that will utilize the skills of professional writing and communication within your career.
•Share your thoughts on the importance of professional writing and communication as a career development skill.
What will happen if in a C program you assign a value to an array element whose Programming Assignment Help
What will happen if in a C program you assign a value to an array element whose subscript exceeds the size of array?
A. | The element will be set to 0. |
B. | The compiler would report an error. |
C. | The program may crash if some important data gets overwritten. |
What will happen if in a C program you assign a value to an array element whose Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]
THIS IS ALGEBRA PLEASE HELP Mathematics Assignment Help
Suppose y varies inversely with x. Write an equation for each inverse variation.
x = 7 and y = 13
i don’t know why char don’t wanna go throw? Programming Assignment Help
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
int age;
char =’M’;
cout<<” How old are you?n”;
cout<<“are you member in this club?n”;
In C, if you pass an array as an argument to a function, what actually gets pass Programming Assignment Help
In C, if you pass an array as an argument to a function, what actually gets passed?
A. | Value of elements in array |
B. | First element of the array |
C. | Base address of the array |
D. | Address of the last element of array |
What does the following declaration mean? Programming Assignment Help
What does the following declaration mean?
int (*ptr)[10];
A. | ptr is array of pointers to 10 integers |
B. | ptr is a pointer to an array of 10 integers |
C. | ptr is an array of 10 integers |
D. | ptr is an pointer to array |