CAC Protection of Client Information from Cyberattacks Annotated Bibliography Humanities Assignment Help

CAC Protection of Client Information from Cyberattacks Annotated Bibliography Humanities Assignment Help. CAC Protection of Client Information from Cyberattacks Annotated Bibliography Humanities Assignment Help.

I’m working on a English writing question and need support to help me understand better.
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Two of the sources :


2. Attached below.

You have to find 4 more credible sources for the annotation bibliography.


Choosing an issue and an audience for your major argument essay will require research, to include gathering background information to teach yourself about the issue, help you better understand the multiple perspectives on the issue, determine your own stance, and identify an audience who disagrees, in part or in total, with your stance.

Setting out to gather this information is called exploratory research. You begin with a research question, but you don’t have to arrive at a thesis by the time you have compile this annotated bibliography. Your goal is to use these sources to educate yourself, understand both sides of the issue, and learn who has decision-making authority over it.


Part One: Compile Your Annotated Bibliography

List five highly credible sources that help you understand the scope of a current and unresolved issue in your field and the audiences who have decision-making authority over it. (NOTE: To arrive at six great sources, you will probably review many more than that). One of those sources must be from a scholarly journal. The remainder can be from the major newspapers, trade publications, notable blogs written by credentialed authors, and high-end periodicals.

Include sources that address the following aspects of research for Essay 2:

  • One source for background information about the issue (scholarly sources are usually good for this purpose)
  • One source that provides evidence about a potential audience, someone with decision-making authority over the issue you are investigating
  • Two sources that offer differing perspectives on the issue
  • One source the establishes why this issue is current and unresolved in your field

Part Two: Writing the Annotations

For each of your sources, you must write a rhetorical précis, a four sentence summary or “annotation” that does the following:

Sentence 1 Name of author and title of work [publishing information, date, and page numbers in parentheses]; a rhetorically accurate verb (such as asserts, argues, suggests, contends, believes, reports, indicates, insists); and a “that” clause containing the thesis or main argument of the work.

Sentence 2 A brief but accurate explanation of how the author develops or supports the thesis, usually in the same order as was developed in the essay.

Sentence 3 A statement of the author’s apparent purpose, followed by an “in order to” phrase.

Sentence 4 An explanation of how this source is relevant to your research and why you chose it.

Jane Goodall in “Primate Research is Inhumane” (Animal Rights: Opposing Viewpoints. Ed. Janelle Rohr. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven, 1989: 95-100) argues that most laboratories using primates engage in inhumane practices. She supports her argument through detailed descriptions of lab environments and draws special attention to the neglect of psychological comforts which these primates endure until they sometimes become insane. Her purpose is to speak on behalf of the chimpanzees in order topersuade her readers to see that if we do not fight for improvements in lab care, “we make a mockery of the whole concept of justice.” I chose this source because Goodall is a well-known subject matter expert and animal rights activist whose research shows animals can feel emotions, which provides an alternate perspective to other scholars who claim animals do not.

Part Three: Synthesize Your Sources

After you annotate your five sources, list your academic discipline and your narrowed research question.

Below that, write a two paragraph synthesis essay where you do the following:

  • Identify connections and differences you see among the sources you annotated
  • Explain how they are responding to ideas you see in other articles.
  • Identify the leading candidate for your audience that emerged from your research.
  • Cite the sources accurately using the documentation style appropriate for your academic discipline (MLA or APA).


1. Describe your experience shifting from the “collection” mode of traditional college research to an inquiry, or questioned-based, approach. How did having a question to answer to guide your research affect how you conducted your search and how will this shape your research process in the future?

2. How did synthesizing the sources you included help you refine your research question and/or influence your choice of audience?

CAC Protection of Client Information from Cyberattacks Annotated Bibliography Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Norwich University Economics for Public Administrators Essay Economics Assignment Help

Economics for Public Administrators

The course book: The Principles of Micro-Economics N. Gregory Mankiw 8th Ed

Ten Principles; Supply & Demand; Elasticity; Government Policies; Efficiency of the Market; Firm Behavior; Labor Markets.

The unintended consequences of policy interventions often arise from failing to understand the principles of market behavior and the incentives that drive individual and collective behavior.Choose a public policy issue that relates to one of the topics below, and explain the unintended consequences, market incentives, and individual incentives that explain the costs and benefits of different approaches to addressing the issue.Conduct some web research too on a real world example of this type of policy and explain how it did or did not meet the expectations of the model.

Your paper should be 4-5 pages double-spaced maximum, and include at least one graph to illustrate core concepts from the class.The aim of this assignment is to: 1) review material from the class to demonstrate your expertise in the course material and 2) conduct web research on an economic issue of your choosing.

Please put your name on your work, include citations and a bibliography, title your paper, indicate the option that you selected from the list below, and include page numbers.

Potential policy topics could include the following (choose only one):

  • Rent control laws are controversial public policies that can have negative effects on economic welfare.Based on the course material, explain the potential economic consequences of rent control laws in a given city, including their impacts on incentives for both producers of rental housing (landlords) and renters.Conduct web research on an example of a rent control policy in a city of your choosing, and explain how the experience of the city aligned with or deviated from these expectations.In your web research, include some explanation of factors other those addressed in the market models we studied that influenced the city’s experience.What conclusions do you draw about rent control policies as a result of this research?
  • Minimum wage laws are controversial public policies that can have negative effects on economic welfare.Based on the course material, explain the potential economic consequences of minimum wage laws in a given city or state, including their impacts on incentives for both employers (the ones “demanding” laborers) and persons working for minimum wage themselves (the ones “supplying” labor).Conduct web research on an example of minimum wage laws in a city or state of your choosing, and explain how the experience of the city or state aligned with or deviated from these expectations.In your web research, include some explanation of factors other those addressed in the market models we studied that influenced the city’s experience. What conclusions do you draw about minimum wage laws as a result of this research?
  • Limiting the consumption of certain goods and services when consumers have price inelastic demand presents unique challenges to policy makers.A common policy option has been to prohibit the use of such goods or services.For this option, you could choose one of two options:
  • Industries that operate as monopolies can have negative effects on economic welfare.Based on the course material, explain the potential economic consequences of monopolists in a given city or state, including their impacts on incentives for producers and consumers, including those that demonstrate varying levels of market power. Conduct web research on an example of monopolist supplier in a city or state of your choosing, and explain how the experience of the city or state aligned with or deviated from these expectations.Ideally, your examination will also address how government entities regulate the work of this monopolist.Your web research on this economic issue should include some explanation of factors other those addressed in the market models we studied that influenced the city or state’s experience.What conclusions do you draw about industry monopolies as a result of this research?
  • conduct web research on an example of the prohibition of a specific good or
  • conduct web research on a policy proposal to prohibit something that people already have access to in the U.S. but which has been prohibited somewhere else (another country). For option b, please provide some evidence-based explanation that the good or service in question has price inelastic demand and explain the experience of another country that has prohibited that thing.

service within a city or state (or even country) of your choosing,

Based on the option that you choose above (a, or b), present an economic argument, with an accompanying graph, of how you would expect the market participants to act in this context and what some of the unintended consequences of the policy may be (this is where you demonstrate what you know about price elasticity of demand & prohibition from class).Then, conduct web research on the issue that you identified above.Explain how the experience of the jurisdiction aligned with or deviated from the market model.Why was this the case?Did incentives change in the ways that you expected?What were some of the unintended consequences of the policy? What conclusions do you draw about the prohibition of the good or service that you selected for this example?


University of Miami Three of The Decision Making Models Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

In Durant’s chapter 6, he presents a number of models for policy decision making. Considering the material about the political system, and your experiences, discuss which models make sense to you, and don’t make sense to you. Explain your reasoning.

Instructions :

  • Responses will be 1-2 pages long, 12 pt. font, and double-spaced
  • Use proper grammar and are well written in an essay structure
  • Show strong critical thinking and thoughtful reflection
  • please spend more time developing your own thoughts and reflections of the readings.
  • APA style.
  • Note: You can add one quote from the text and focus on the personal thoughts and reflection of the reading



EDMG 220 AMU Mass Casualty Incidence Annex Case Study Writing Assignment Help

– This week, you will wrap it up by completing an Incident-Specific annex that would be included in an EOP.

Note: This assignment is much smaller in scale than the 2nd assignment, but a little more involved.


After reading the Comprehensive Preparedness Guide, write a Mass Casualty Incident Specific Annex describing the response to a high amount of casualties during a disaster in Bobsville.


Comprehensive Preparedness Guide – Chapter 3 – Page 3-18 as well as Appendix C – Page C-27

Click here for an Incident-Specific Annex Example. The example provides you with additional information on an Incident-Specific Annex and shows what that Annex looks like. Note: The Incident-Specific Example document I have provided goes into much greater detail than is required for this assignment. The example is also a state incident-specific example. It is based on flooding but can be used as an example for any type of specific incident. This assignment is based on the local level. Local, state, and federal EOPs all come from the same FEMA template but are reworded to reflect the local, state, or federal entity. Your wording should reflect Bobsville.

You are also allowed to consult other sample ESF’s as a reference but you must write your Annex for Bobsville specifically.

You will use this document in future classes and execute this plan so help yourself by being thorough.

Citing and Referencing:

It is common practice in the Emergency Management field to share and adopt proven documents and templates which are then tailored to account for local hazards and resources available. Because of that, you do not need to cite or reference any sources you use to help in the development of your EOP.

Required Sections: The required sections I want in your Incident-Specific Annex are found below. Do not provide any more information than what is provided below. I also want everything neat and organized in your EOP.

This week’s assignment is similar to, but less involved than the Week 6 All-Hazards EOP but instead of being based on an all-hazards plan, it is based on a specific incident.

Page 1 – Cover Page (Be Creative)

Page 2 – Approval and Implementation Plan

Page 3 – Table of Contents

(You must number every page in the paper, either in the header or the footer and then in the Table of Contents, provide the section and page number for the major sections of the paper found in Bold font).

Page 4 to the end of the paper as follows:

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

1.2 Scope

1.3 Situation Overview to include the following three components:

1.3.1 Hazard Analysis Summary

1.3.2 Vulnerability Assessment

1.3.3 Capability Assessment

1.4 Planning Assumptions

2.0 Concept of Operations

2.1 Response and Recovery Agencies – Identify the departments and agencies designated to perform response and recovery activities and specifies tasks they must accomplish.

2.2 Coordination – Outline the integration of assistance that is available to local jurisdictions during disaster situations that generate emergency response and recovery needs beyond what the local jurisdiction can satisfy.

2.3 Mutual Aid Agreements – Provide coordinating instructions and provisions for implementing Mutual Aid Agreements (MAAs).

2.4 Direction, Control, and Communication – Specify the direction, control, and communications procedures and systems that will be relied upon to alert, notify, recall, and dispatch emergency response personnel; warn the public; protect residents and property; and request aid/support from other jurisdictions and/or the Federal Government (including the role of the Governor’s Authorized Representative).

2.5 Logistical Support – Describes the logistical support for planned operations.

3.0 Annex Development and Maintenance

Copying and Pasting:

It is best to not Copy and Paste information into the above sections as I have seen too many students forget to change the font or the formatting, and have even forgotten to take out other cities names. Huge points loss for these mistakes.

Additional Instructions:

You can either single space or double space your ESF, it is up to you, but you must utilize the Verdana 12 point black font along with 1-inch margins on the top, bottom, and sides of each page.


FSU Phenylketonuria Clinical Studies in Medical Biochemistry Question Science Assignment Help

You should read chapter 19 (Phenylketonuria) from your Clinical Studies in Medical Biochemistry textbook (by Rosenthal and Glew) then answer the following questions;

1.How would you justify the observation that two different patients possessing the same mutation in the PAH enzyme may exhibit very different phenotypes with respect to PA metabolism ?

2.How can you explain the observation that in some individuals with a mutation to the PAH enzyme outside the BH4-binding site show a decrease in serum PA levels when given dietary BH4 ?

3.What would you propose as the least expensive and most rapid method to identify the existence of a defect in BH4 metabolism as the cause of a patient’s PKU or HPA?

4.Based on metabolic pathways, what phenotypic differences would you expect to observe between individuals suffering from either a defect in BH 4 metabolism or a defect in the PAH enzyme?

Based on biochemical and physiological mechanisms, how can you explain impaired brain development as a consequence of uncontrolled PKU?



CSU Police Departments Improve Their Interactions with People of Color Paper Writing Assignment Help

Assignment #2: Opinion-Editorial on Relevant Social Issue. Due by end of Week 8. Reflecting on the sample opinion-editorials (op-eds) from your weekly reading and the lecture(s) from Professor Centanni, write a 500-700 word op-ed that enters the civic discourse in our current world about race in America.

READing “Thank You For Arguing,”pp. 110-150 (Ch. 11-13). pp. 151-188, 333-347 (Ch. 14-15, 28)

This is obviously a charged and sensitive set of issues. My goal in this unit is not to teach you what to think. Instead, I want to help each of you consider how you arrive at your beliefs. Part of that will be your ability to engage less with the conclusions of our sample texts and your own writing, and more with the norms of this writing genre. In other words, you will earn your grade by showing adherence to the norms of the genre, staying focused on the actual issue, and exhibiting writing mechanics indicative of an upper-division college student.

In order to guide each of you down an appropriate path of critical thought, I will provide a few prompts for you to choose from. Your op-ed should only address one of them, not multiple. For those of you who have an idea of your own, feel free to consult with me and I will help you target the idea in a sufficient manner.

While I will not grade you on your beliefs, I will be highly critical of your commonplaces, premises, and logical fallacies. Review Heinrichs’s chapters 14 and 15 to become more aware of how to avoid faulty foundations in your writing and in your thinking.

Be prepared to structure your pieces similar to the examples. For your op-ed, consider the following structure:

  1. Lede
  2. Thesis
  3. Argument
  4. 1st Point
  5. 2nd Point
  6. 3rd Point
  7. “To Be Sure” Paragraph
  8. Conclusion
    (*structure taken from The OpEd Project, n.d.)

For more information about what each of these elements entail, please see: (Links to an external site.)

Note: An average opinion-editorial contains between 12 and 20 paragraphs, so do not dedicate a single paragraph to each element outlined above. You may have to split some of the above ideas into multiple paragraphs.

In terms of citation practices, you will reference where your evidence comes from, but it will be cited according to journalistic standards rather than academic norms. You should not have a References or Works Cited page. Just make sure all information is accounted for in narrative citations. Your voice will be intellectual, but it will be less formal.

Prompts (select one, or consult with me to create your own)

1. Let’s assume that police departments will continue to be funded. What are some concrete steps that local governments and police departments can make to improve their interactions with people of color?

2. Let’s assume that police departments begin to lose their funding. What are some ideas for cities and municipalities to restart organizations that can serve and protect communities in ways that truly work for all members of society?

3. Let’s assume that there truly are officers of the law who do their jobs in a way that is beneficial for all members of society. How can these officers help re-shape policing in their departments? How can they reasonably look for – and hold accountable – officers who are not following reasonable protocol?

4. If you are in favor of athletes kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial inequity, what should society do to help the cause? What should other players do? What should the NFL do?

5. If you are against athletes kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial inequity, what are other forms of protest that would a) be more acceptable, b) garner as much attention, and c) actually help the anti-racism movement succeed?

6. What can Generation Z do next to help make sure the momentum around stopping racist practices in our country stop? What can older generations (Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers) do to help?

7. Let’s assume that privilege is undeniably a real thing. What are some concrete ways that people who were born into privilege can begin actively contributing toward equity in our country?


Your grade will be earned based on the following characteristics:

a) Genre expectations. This is an opinion-editorial intended for an audience of people who typically read newspapers and stay “tuned in” to world affairs. They do not inherently agree with your worldview, but they are open-minded to change.

DO: Use the academic voice (Links to an external site.). Write focused, effective ledes and arguments that meet the expectations of this genre. Appeal not only to logic, but also to emotion and credibility. Consider counterarguments in your piece, and address realistic (and reasonable) apprehensions your readers may have.

DON’T: Use formal language; cite your sources in an academic fashion; assume your reader understands your worldview; mistake your values for facts.

b) Formatting requirements. This paper must be formatted in a manner that looks like the sample opinion-editorials. Some students get creative and actually make their piece look like it was published in a newspaper – this is good. Revise carefully, as newspapers do not release op-eds with errors.

DO: Have a title and header (including your name and the date). Structure paragraphs in a manner that will create the most impact, which sometimes will include using the “single-sentence” paragraph or splitting an idea into multiple paragraphs. Single-space the piece and make it “look the part.” Stay within the word count window, as op-eds tend to have highly restrictive amounts of space in their publications.

DON’T: Use APA or MLA formatting; write a five- or six-paragraph essay; have a title page or a references list; forget to credit your sources in narrative form; leave out any of the above elements and expect to get an A!

c) Minimum assignment requirements. The requirement of 500 to 700 words must be strictly followed. Any less or more will result in a minimum of 10% point deduction. Part of good writing is editing to get it where it needs to be. Often op-eds require strict limitations because they are published on pages that have limited space; it’s vital that you follow the rule.

d) Grammar, usage, and mechanics. Revise your paper as you write, but also look over it before you submit. There have been excellent papers that have lost entire letter grades due to typos and lack of care. There have also been poorly written papers that gained points due to high levels of revision. Again, this is an area completely in your control. Go to the Writing Center; use Grammarly; ask a friend to read it. There are ways to get this part near perfect.

Please be in touch with any questions, and carefully watch the lecture videos that help with this assignment. It regularly frustrates students who do not seek outside help to see how “harsh” the grades are. The grades are not harsh if you take all necessary, mindful steps to achieve them. I will say this one last time: THE RESOURCES ARE ALL HERE FOR YOU (including the professor himself), SO DO NOT EXPECT AN ‘A’ OR EVEN A ‘B’ IF YOU DO NOT TAKE THE TIME TO TEND TO EVERY SINGLE ISSUE ABOVE.

How do I get started?

Step 1: Pick your issue. Narrow it down if you need to. For help selecting and narrowing your issue, see the following resource: (Links to an external site.)

Step 2: Decide who “holds a stake” in the matter. This will be your audience. What do they have to gain? What do they have to lose? Why does this matter?

Step 3: Write the opinion-editorial according to the norms online and from lecture. The op-ed should be between 500 and 700 words in length, and it should include appropriate appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos, where appropriate. Citations should follow typical journalistic norms (i.e., introduced as a lead in to the text or as a tag after – not parenthetically cited like APA/MLA).

Step 4: REVISE! Make sure each are well-edited, concise, and effective.

CSU Police Departments Improve Their Interactions with People of Color Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

WRTG 391 UMGC Research Techniques Understanding to Find Sources Essay Writing Assignment Help

For this discussion, you’ll practice research techniques that will help you understand how to find sources for the various assignments in WRTG 391.  

Here’s how to start: 

  • Watch Library Tutorials #1, #2, and #3. Links to these videos appear at the top of this week’s Content list. They demonstrate strategies to use when finding articles through OneSearch, a research tool that allows you to search on many databases at one time.
  • Read the case below and complete the following tasks.

Assume you work for a company that is hiring more and more “Generation Z” employees.

Your supervisor has asked you to conduct research on issues regarding employees from Generation Z. She’s heard that Generation Z may have different expectations of the work environment from those from older generations. In addition, she mentions that Generation Z might have different habits with regard to their use of technology.

In short, she has a vague idea about this generation, but nothing very definite—and she’d like to learn more. 

Because she needs basic information, your task is to conduct a very general search on Generation Z and their work or technology habits’You dont need to focus your topic now, although she may ask you for more information at a later date.

Here’s what you’ll need to do: 

(1) Using the strategies discussed in Video Tutorial #1, search on some terms to find your articles. Your search can be broad at this stage. 

– List the topic you searched (e.g., “post-millennials”)

– List your search terms. Include at least three (3) terms. (e.g., “employees”)

(2) Write the titles of the four articles and the journals in which they appeared.  (e.g., “Understanding Generational Differences in Workplace Environments,” Harvard Business Journal

(3) Using the strategies discussed in Library Video #2, conduct a new search on a topic that’s either related to your major or to your work. As the video demonstrates, use quotation marks around your search phrase. 

– List your search phrase(s). (e.g., “academic writing”)

– List how many search results you received. (e.g., 151,022)

(4) Focus your search from question #2 by using the SU-subject terms option from the drop-down menu for one of the rows.

– List the number of search results you have after limiting the search by using SU-subject terms. (e.g., 583)

(5) Finally, using the strategies mentioned in Video Tutorial #3, locate the research guide for your major. If you haven’t declared a major yet, please select one that interests you from drop-down menu. 

– Describe any interesting resources you’ve discovered (1-2 sentences). (e.g., “Under ‘Research Guides for Writing,’ I found a link to a helpful website, Purdue OWL Writing Resources. It includes tips on everything from grammar to APA, MLA, and CMS citations.”)

Library Tutorial 1:

Library Tutorial 2:

Library Tutorial 3:

UMGC Library OneSearch:


Campbellsville What Is Information Governance and Why Is It Important Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Your final project paper is broken down into 3 parts, worth a total of 600 points towards your final grade. This milestone is worth 100 points.

For this piece of that assignment, you will write the introduction to your final portfolio project (2-3 pages), comprehensively describing the industry you are choosing to use in the paper and preliminary challenges with information governance that you have identified. Be sure to utilize 3-5 sources from the UC Library.



Campbellsville Basics of IP Address and How It Is Functioned in Network System Ques Writing Assignment Help

There are 3 questions in the attached memo and I ned to answer them based on the topics below. I have attahched the resume for the third question.

Each answer should be in 4 to 5 sentences and everthing has to be in own words with no references please

Goals for this week and their relationship to our course objectives

This week our learning materials, activities, and assignments will help you achieve these goals:

  • Successfully convert decimal to binary
  • Understand IP classes and subnetting
  • Explain DHCP and DNS uses in networking

which will assist you in achieving these course objectives:

  • Evaluate and Explain network transmission, and internet transmission protocols such as DHCP, DNS, TCP, UDP, RDP, etc. Describe network security fundamentals
  • EvaluateIPv4and IPv6 addressing and subnetting


UNH Assessing & Developing a Team for A Mission to Mars Management Question Writing Assignment Help

Watch the re:Work video on assessing and developing a team for a mission to Mars. (Links to an external site.)

Then, answer the following questions (please note: you should be familiar with the content in ch. 6 before answering these):

  1. What criteria (performance outcomes) did NASA use in the selection process of team members for the mission to Mars?
  2. What are some of the predictors (assessments that are used to predict performance) that Dr. Blackwell-Landon notes were particularly important in their team selection process?
  3. The research scientists at NASA make the assessment context and process as similar to the actual working conditions of the Mars team as possible. In other words, the research and assessment team has spent considerable time mimicking the the conditions and environments on Mars in their assessments. Why is creating alignment between assessment conditions and actual workplace conditions important for all organizations?
  4. What is an example of how you think your team can incorporate the work environment or job characteristics into the measurement of the tasks associated with your job?
  5. What other questions do you have about assessment broadly or in the context of the Mars mission specifically?


Then, answer the following questions (please note: you should be familiar with the content in ch. 6 before answering these):

  1. What criteria (performance outcomes) did NASA use in the selection process of team members for the mission to Mars?
  2. What are some of the predictors (assessments that are used to predict performance) that Dr. Blackwell-Landon notes were particularly important in their team selection process?
  3. The research scientists at NASA make the assessment context and process as similar to the actual working conditions of the Mars team as possible. In other words, the research and assessment team has spent considerable time mimicking the the conditions and environments on Mars in their assessments. Why is creating alignment between assessment conditions and actual workplace conditions important for all organizations?
  4. What is an example of how you think your team can incorporate the work environment or job characteristics into the measurement of the tasks associated with your job?
  5. What other questions do you have about assessment broadly or in the context of the Mars mission specifically?


Then, answer the following questions (please note: you should be familiar with the content in ch. 6 before answering these):

  1. What criteria (performance outcomes) did NASA use in the selection process of team members for the mission to Mars?
  2. What are some of the predictors (assessments that are used to predict performance) that Dr. Blackwell-Landon notes were particularly important in their team selection process?
  3. The research scientists at NASA make the assessment context and process as similar to the actual working conditions of the Mars team as possible. In other words, the research and assessment team has spent considerable time mimicking the the conditions and environments on Mars in their assessments. Why is creating alignment between assessment conditions and actual workplace conditions important for all organizations?
  4. What is an example of how you think your team can incorporate the work environment or job characteristics into the measurement of the tasks associated with your job?
  5. What other questions do you have about assessment broadly or in the context of the Mars mission specifically?


Then, answer the following questions (please note: you should be familiar with the content in ch. 6 before answering these):

  1. What criteria (performance outcomes) did NASA use in the selection process of team members for the mission to Mars?
  2. What are some of the predictors (assessments that are used to predict performance) that Dr. Blackwell-Landon notes were particularly important in their team selection process?
  3. The research scientists at NASA make the assessment context and process as similar to the actual working conditions of the Mars team as possible. In other words, the research and assessment team has spent considerable time mimicking the the conditions and environments on Mars in their assessments. Why is creating alignment between assessment conditions and actual workplace conditions important for all organizations?
  4. What is an example of how you think your team can incorporate the work environment or job characteristics into the measurement of the tasks associated with your job?
  5. What other questions do you have about assessment broadly or in the context of the Mars mission specifically?


CAC Protection of Client Information from Cyberattacks Annotated Bibliography Humanities Assignment Help

CAC Protection of Client Information from Cyberattacks Annotated Bibliography Humanities Assignment Help

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