CADD-127-0780, SURV-127-6118 Drawing 3D Civil Engineering Assignment Help. CADD-127-0780, SURV-127-6118 Drawing 3D Civil Engineering Assignment Help.
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Importing Points; Manipulation of Points; Creating Lines – worth a total of 50 points
Learning and understand the use of Points and lines within Civil 3D.
Download the following .TIF file: MS 00848-4.TIF
Open a file ASSIGNMENT2 drawing.
Create 2 points from coordinates from TIFF file.
Set Two Points; One at Station 153+30.75EC “SD” And Station 162+04.69 POT “SD”
(see MS 00848-4.PDF)
Insert TIFF file MS-00848-4 into drawing
Align TIFF file with the 2 points created
(use display order command to send TIFF file to the back)
Point Descriptions should be as follows:
Found Monument = FD 5” CONC MON; FD 0.75 IP; FD LD; FD CTRL MON
Set Monuments = SET LD; SET 2” IP; SET 1.0 IP; SET CTRL MON
Start by setting the points that are shown within the monument table.
Then continue with creating all the points within drawing.
Save Drawing and submit
CADD-127-0780, SURV-127-6118 Drawing 3D Civil Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Entrepreneurship & Intrapreneurship Unit 5 IP Business Finance Assignment Help
Part 1
Based on the work that you have done this term, complete the following sections for your venture’s business plan:
- Mission statement
- Vision statement
- The product or service
- What is your product or service, and how does it work? How does it benefit customers? How do you make it or how will you get it made?
- Market opportunity
What is your market? Include geographic descriptions, target demographics, and company profiles (if you’re B2B). In short: Who are your customers?
Why do customers need and why will they be willing to purchase your products and services?
How will you price your products and services? Will you be the low cost provider or provide value-added services at higher prices?
Is your market likely to grow? How much? Why?
How can you increase your market share over time?
What is the size of your intended market? What is the population and spending habits and levels?
What segment of your market will you focus on? What niche will you attempt to carve out? What percentage of that market do you hope to penetrate and acquire?
- Competitive environment
- Analysis of your competition
- identifying competitors and gauging their business and marketing strategies to understand both their strengths and weaknesses and those of your own business.
- An overview or what you know about them
- Who their target customers are
- A list of their products or services
- What media they use to market their goods and services
- Their current and past marketing strategies
- Their value proposition and effectiveness
- An analysis of all of the strengths and weaknesses of your competition (and your own company)
- A list of your main competitors
- Analysis of your competition
- Statement of ethics
- Statement of social responsibility
Take the written assignments provided and convert them into the required sections.
Note: Each section should be no more than 1,500 words; however, the following are some limitations:
- Your mission statement should be 1 paragraph maximum.
- Your vision statement should be 1 paragraph maximum.
- Your product or service description should be around 1,000 words.
- Your market opportunity and competitive environment sections should be no more than 1,500 words.
- Your statement of ethics should be no more than 2 paragraphs.
- Your statement of social responsibility should be no more than 2 paragraphs.
Part 2
- Use the business plan template i will provide, and customize it for the venture. Include the venture’s name, logo, and contact information. Fill in those sections that pertain to the work to be done in this assignment.
Prepare an 8 page APA style paper using the resources you have read in this course Computer Science Assignment Help
Prepare an 8 page APA style paper using the resources you have read in this course and at least 3 additional peer reviewed resources. Follow the writing requirements for this course. Include an introduction and conclusion in the paper. This paper should address the following questions:
(1) Does Blockchain technology have the potential to cause a shift in financial business practices that many experts are predicting? Explain why or why not. Support your answer with research.
(2) Is there evidence to suggest that Blockchain technology will change the way finance is applied and practiced? If there is, discuss that evidence. If there is not, what issues exist that impede its adoption?
(3) Which functions of financial management could be most impacted by Blockchain technology? How might the financial functions change? Support your answer with research.
Course writing requirements:
- References must be cited within your paper in APA format. Your reference page and in-text citations must match 100%. Papers without in-text citations will earn failing grades.
- Always include a cover page and reference page with all submissions (even initial discussion posts)
- Provide the exact web link on the reference page citations for all online sources – do not provide just the home page, but the exact link – I check all sources
- No abbreviations, no contractions – write formally
- Write in the third person formal voice (no first or second person pronouns)
- Write more than the minimum requirement of the word count assigned
- As always, the word count is only for the body of the paper – the cover page, reference page, and / or Appendix (if included) do not count towards the word count for the paper
- Indent the first line of each new paragraph five spaces
- Refer to the example APA paper in the getting started folder under the content tab if you need an example. Also, a Power Point is provided under the information tab that addresses APA format.
- Use double-spacing / zero point line spacing, a running header, page numbers, and left justify the margins.
Summary of the article Writing Assignment Help
500 words Course name: Strategic Application in Project Management
- Project Plan: Project Schedule and Budget (Team Assignment): Develop a realistic project schedule taking in account non-workdays and holidays and a realistic budget (including foreign countries if applicable). Conduct research and use selected industry salaries, wages, and costs, etc. Create the schedule and budget in MS Project or MS Excel and transfer to the MS Word document. The MS Project /MS Excel file will be turned in with the MS Word document. Format the paper (in MS Word) according to APA in terms of citations and references
- Project Plan: Risk Analysis and Change Control Management (Team Assignment): Develop a risk management plan identifying at least five primary risks that are relevant to the chosen project. Create a risk assessment matrix table in MS Word and quantify the likelihood and probability of the risk occurring, identify the effect of the risk, provide an overall risk assessment score, estimate when the risk could occur, and provide a risk control matrix, also in MS Word, explaining how each risk will be controlled. Then, develop the change control management plan describing how changes to the project scope, timeline, and budget for the chosen project will be requested, reviewed, approved, reported, and communicated. Additionally, identify who will be responsible for managing the change control process, reviewing and approving the change requests, and communicating the approved changes to project stakeholders and explain the role of change control management and discuss how changes to the project schedule and project budget will be managed. Format the paper (in MS Word) according to APA in terms of citations and references. You are required to cite any paraphrases, quotations, or support for your opinions/assertions; providing appropriate references on the references page.
- Project Plan: Execution, Monitoring and Control (Team Assignment): In an essay, between 1,000 and 1,500 words, identify the steps taken to assemble, develop, and manage the project team and explain how the project execution will be managed and monitored. Explain the importance of project sponsorship and project leadership during project execution, and identify the method and explain the rationale of measuring and reporting project progress and performance. Format the paper (in MS Word) according to APA in terms of citations and references.
Looking for with amazing Research Paper skills and knowledge on Information Technology someone to work with me for a Research paper Writing Assignment Help
This is a Weekly process of initially Selecting the Topic and write 100 words on choosing a topic. Next week its gonna be a abstract etc etc it goes on like that.
This week I need to select a topic and write a 100 words, and then needs to assists me through out the project each week
Right now I need to select a Topic related to my field. Below is the topic suggestion from professor and my job description
I am a Linux Systems Administrator.
Below is job description:
• Experience as a Linux Systems Administrator
• Demonstrated experience – Linux administration
• Demonstrated experience with VCenter (audit, monitoring, and resource adjustments)
•AWS (Cloud) knowledge/expertise. Demonstrated experience Linux security.
• Experience managing hardware to include hardware administration: enterprise server racks, attached storage, and/or SAN storage
But what you are exactly planning to do in your research topic?
I suggest using your good experience in these platforms and link it to real life cases.
Did you work on AWS-green grass for example? Linking the cloud/Edge computing to Industry 4.0? what are the challenges /solutions/security issues?
Take real example and implement it using AWS/Respberry PI?
please follow APA no plagarism and references and cation must Engineering Assignment Help
Qualitative vs Quantitative
Background: Quantitative data can be measured and documented with numbers. Additionally, quantitative data can be represented as quantities. On the other hand, qualitative data is not measured with numbers, but it is represented by qualities. For example, I use quantitative methods to conduct my PhD research because I like working with counts and measures.
Assignment: Write a research paper the contains at least the following using your own wording. Please reword all information you gather from all sources used. Use your own wording – always.
Discuss Quantitative Methodology
Discuss Qualitative Methodology
Compare and contrast qualitative data vs quantitative data
Your research paper should be at least 3 pages (800 words), double-spaced, have at least 4 APA references, and typed in an easy-to-read font in MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format). Your cover page should contain the following: Title, Student’s name, University’s name, Course name, Course number, Section, Professor’s name, and Date.
Submit your assignment on or before the due date.
please follow APA no plagarism and references and cation must Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Answer this questions Humanities Assignment Help
Here is the link to the video, after watching it pleases respond to this questions. This is for a sociology class. It would be between 1-2 pages after responding to all of the questions.
1.Why is Horton labeled “deviant” in the story?
2. Use the three elements of constructionism to discuss Horton’s “deviance.”
Relativism – Discuss context as it relates to Horton’s “deviance.”
Subjectivism – How does Horton experience being labeled “deviant?”
Voluntarism – How does Horton express his free will in making the choice to save Whoville?
3. Use the symbolic interactionist perspective to explain the different responses to the dust speck in the story (what does the dust speck mean to the different characters). Note the consequences for the characters based on their interpretation of this symbol.
4. Consider labeling theory…
Which characters are the labelers? How are they depicted? How do they ensure that Horton is labeled “deviant (hint: a form of informal social control)?”
5. Chambliss’ legal reality theory suggests that those who enforce the law (police, prosecutors, judges) are essentially working to protect the interests…political, economic, moral…interests of those belonging to the dominant power structure. What we see here is that the powerless are not treated equally under the law (law in action/law on the books).
Who are the enforcers in the story? Why do you think it’s so easy for them to condemn Horton to being “roped & caged?” Can you think of a current social issue where a powerless group has been demonized by the powerful & mainstream thinkers who don’t question the those in power? How likely is it that Jane Kangaroo would have been treated the same as Horton? Explain your answer.
6. Ultimately, the Whos save themselves by rising up & being heard. Do you believe that speaking out, ie. protesting for stricter gun control, professional football players taking a knee during the National Anthem, Black Lives Matter… can make a difference the U.S. today? Please note that these groups are often viewed as social “deviants.”
Annotated Bibliography: Racism in the U.S. 6 sources 200-250 words each Humanities Assignment Help
Hi there,
This assignment is an Annotated Bibliography on Racism in the U.S. I included the 6 sources below, which will be 200-250 words for each source. All of the instructions and examples are below. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Getting Started:
You must use six academic journal articles and/or books for this assignment.
What is an annotated bibliography?
An annotated bibliography is a list of citations and critical summaries of books and
articles on a topic. The annotated bibliography looks like a Reference Page but includes an
annotation or summary after each source cited. An annotation is a short summary of a source.
(See example below.)
For this assignment please provide the citation for each source and a summary of each source.
The summary should include:
Research methods employed by book’s/article’s author (researcher)
Main points/arguments of the book/article
Why is the source relevant to your project?
This assignment is to be typed using Times New Roman, 12-point font. The document should be
double-spaced and have 1-inch margins all around. Each entry should be 200-250 words. College
level writing is expected for this and all assignments.
Please use 12-point Times New Roman font.
Please use 1-inch margins all around
Single-space the citation and double-space annotation (summary).
The bibliography should be in alphabetical order.
Examples: This is what an annotated bibliography would look like.
*Note that the references are in alphabetical order.
Becker, Davida, James P. Thing, Lourdes Baezconde-Garbanati, Seth J. Schwartz, Daniel W.
Soto and Jennifer B. Unger. 2014. “Cultural Measures Associated with Sexual Risk Behaviors
Among Latino Youth in Southern California: A Longitudinal Study.”
Perspectives on Sexual and
Reproductive Health
The authors, researchers at the Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Research
cultural variables have been associated with sexual risk behaviors among Latino youth, but
findings across studies are inconsistent. This researcher is a quantitative longitudinal study of
acculturation patterns among Latino youth in Southern California from 2005 to 2012. Data from
995 participants were used in logistic and ordered regression analyses to test whether cultural
variables measured in high school were associated with sexual risk behaviors in emerging
adulthood, and whether gender moderated these associations. Results suggests that the cultural
value of respect for parents was negatively associated with participants’ odds of reporting an
earlier age at sexual debut (odds ratio, 0.8) and condom nonuse at most recent sexual
intercourse (0.8). A measure of acculturation reflecting U.S. cultural practices was positively
associated with the likelihood of being sexually experienced (1.2), having concurrent sexual
partners (1.5) and, among males only, having a greater number of sexual partners (1.3). Second-
and later-generation immigrant youth had lower odds of not using a condom at most recent
sexual intercourse than first-generation youth (0.6 and 0.5, respectively). Strength of
endorsement of Latino cultural practices was negatively associated with females’ lifetime
number of partners (0.8), but positively associated with males’ (1.4). Data analysis conclusions:
The cultural measures associated with Latino youths’ sexual behaviors differed across outcomes
and by gender. Further understanding of these associations and their underlying mechanisms
may help inform the development of culturally sensitive sexual health interventions.
Our research project for Sociology 4 looks at sexuality among racial/ethnic
minority college students. Thus, this research is relevant to our project because it suggests that
cultural factors correlate with sexual risk behaviors such as sexual experience, age of sexual
debut, condom use and number of sexual partners. Further, gender was found to be correlated to
both cultural measures and sexual behavior outcomes.
[*You could elaborate on some of the findings through language that is more accessible, or that
describes overall themes instead of specific numbers, or statistical terminology. In other words,
put this more into language that describes to you what the major findings reveal about Latinx
youth, acculturation and sexual behavior. ]
Thing, James. 2010. “Gay, Mexican and Immigrant: Intersecting Identities among Gay Men in
Los Angeles.”
Social Identities
16(6): 809-831.
This research draws on a multi-sited ethnographic research study of sexual identity formation
among self-identified gay Mexican men in Los Angeles, Mexico City and Cuernavaca. Relying
primarily on in-depth interviews with 24 gay immigrant men and extensive participant
observation in Los Angeles, this research explores the intersection of sexuality, social class,
ethnicity and immigration in the participants’ daily lives and identity formation processes, the
potential ways that transnational social networks shape their identities, and the ways that
sexuality impacts the contours of their transnational networks. This article argues that the
participants’ identities as gay men are best understood as hybrid constructions that integrate
elements of the gender-stratified activo/pasivo model of homosexuality and the object-choice
gay model of homosexuality, and that the integration of these models into their identities is
impacted by social class, geography, and immigration. Further, this paper argues that the
subjectivities of the gay immigrant men in this study are best understood within a transnational
intersectionality framework which conceptualizes identities as hybrid constructions that are
produced through the interaction of several salient social forces.
Our research project for Sociology 4 examines sexuality among gay men. This research is
relevant to our project because it examines the formation and articulation of gay identities
among Mexican men. More specifically, this research shows how social class, immigration, and
participation in transnational social networks shape the formation of what the author calls hybrid
sexual identities that draw from elements of the actiivo/pasivo model and object-choice model of
Please use the American Sociological Association formatting style. The bibliography must have
a cover page with the names of all the group members, topic, date of presentation, and course
section number. For examples of how to list your references see the links below. These are from
various universities or sociology resource pages.……
Article: One author
Thing, James. 2010. “Gay, Mexican and Immigrant: Intersecting Identities among Gay Men in
Los Angeles.”
Social Identities
16(6): 809-831.
Article: Two or more authors
Becker, Davida, James P. Thing, Lourdes BaezcondeGarbanati, Seth J. Schwartz, Daniel W.
Soto and Jennifer B. Unger. 2014. “Cultural Measures Associated with Sexual Risk Behaviors
Among Latino Youth in Southern California: A Longitudinal Study.”
Perspectives on Sexual and
Reproductive Health
Welch, Kathleen E. 1999. Electric Rhetoric: Classical Rhetoric, Oralism, and a New Literacy.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Presentation—–History of Photography Writing Assignment Help
Class: History of Photography
Need: Powerpoint, Simple speaker’s notes under powerpoint, A page script for presentation (use own word, easy to read)
Presentation content: The artist Claude Cahun (链接到外部网站。)Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of this web page and check out the other links. Here are more images: (链接到外部网站。) Those images labelled “Marcel Moore” were taken by her partner.
Brief: The subjects of class next week will be “Self-Fashioning/Self-Representation” and “Private and Public Histories”. First, we will examine how groups often categorized in limiting ways by gender, race and class in the late 19th and early 20th centuries represented themselves outside those categories or even within them in new ways. Secondly, we will examine two case studies in which images which were once private gained cultural significance as they passed into the public domain.
Let’s try to keep presentations 5-7 minutes long; what the most important things are to remember about your development or artist. If you use quotes, please keep them brief. I have linked to articles or information I’d like you to use in your presentations but you are not limited to that, of course.
Example attached below
Final Exam Health Medical Assignment Help
4.5 points
4.5 points
4.5 points
4.5 points
4.5 points
4.5 points
4.5 points
4.5 points
4.5 points
[supanova_question] Those images labelled “Marcel Moore” were taken by her partner.
Brief: The subjects of class next week will be “Self-Fashioning/Self-Representation” and “Private and Public Histories”. First, we will examine how groups often categorized in limiting ways by gender, race and class in the late 19th and early 20th centuries represented themselves outside those categories or even within them in new ways. Secondly, we will examine two case studies in which images which were once private gained cultural significance as they passed into the public domain.
Let’s try to keep presentations 5-7 minutes long; what the most important things are to remember about your development or artist. If you use quotes, please keep them brief. I have linked to articles or information I’d like you to use in your presentations but you are not limited to that, of course.
Example attached below