Cal Poly Pomona Bringing Foreign Sourced Products Into US Splendid Tea Research Writing Assignment Help

Cal Poly Pomona Bringing Foreign Sourced Products Into US Splendid Tea Research Writing Assignment Help. Cal Poly Pomona Bringing Foreign Sourced Products Into US Splendid Tea Research Writing Assignment Help.

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BaoBae is a company that is Headquartered in Hong Kong.When the company started 8 years ago, its main business was gifting of baby items.In 2019, the owner changed hands.The main business is still gifting of baby items, but the owner, Star Products, now uses BaoBae platform to sell other lines of products, such as Reishi Mushroom Supplement, Reishi Cookies and Chocolates, Organic Oolong Tea,Rosewater, and now Surgical Mask.The company wants to launch this platform to service the target market in Japan and in the U.S.


The objective of this term project is to do International Marketing Research to advise the company (client) as to how you would alter (if you determine so) the Product Positioning, Price, Distribution and Promotional Methods for the U.S. Market.

The product you will focus on is Splendid Tea sourced from Taiwan.The website is used just for product info for B2B.

This will be a series of assignments covering –

  • Secondary Research
  • Primary Qualitative Research – Observation
  • Primary Qualitative Research – Interview
  • Primary Quantitative Research – Survey

25 points

Individual work
Conduct Secondary Research

  • Familiarize yourself with the Splendid Tea that our client, Star Products HK, is selling.
    The price of the vacuum pack in a can is $30 wholesale and $50 MSRP.It is not the top of the line, but still is considered a premium product.

  • Research the oolong tea market in the U.S.This is a very competitive market with multiple products at various price points.

    • How many oolong tea brands are there in the U.S.?

    • How many oolong tea brands are carried at a typical American supermarket targeting an average tea drinker/nondrinker?
    • Name those brands.
    • List the prices of those brands.
    • How many oolong tea brands are carried at a health food store targeting tea drinkers who are more well-informed tea drinkers who consume tea for health benefits?
    • Name those brands
    • List the prices of those brands.
    • How many oolong tea brands are carried at Chinese or Asian supermarket targeting those comfortable with Chinese brands of tea?
    • Name those brands
    • List the prices of those brands
    • How many oolong tea brands are carried at Chinese Tea Specialty store targeting tea connoisseurs?
      (You will not be responsible to identify the brands at such stores since it will be a difficult task if you do not purchase anything at the store)
    • What is the price range of oolong tea?
    • Research at least 3 reasons why customers shop at these stores knowing that the prices may at higher.
  • Research consumers’ perception about tea.
    Because of the price point of the product, Splendid Tea will be marketed as a premium brand.

    Research what consumers perceive as “premium tea.”

    • How is “premium tea” defined?Price?Brand name? Origin of tea? Etc.
    • How important is the brand name?
    • Any type of tea considered better than others? Oolong, Jasmine, Green, Chrysanthemum, Puar, etc. What constitutes quality tea?
    • What is their understanding of Oolong?
    • What constitutes “premium tea”
      • Characteristic 1
      • Characteristic 2
      • Characteristic 3
    • What benefits are sought in “premium tea”? Health? Taste? Fragrance?

Now comes the crucial questions since these are the point of differentiation of Splendid Tea over competition.

  • Is where the tea is sourced important?
  • Are consumers aware that vast majority of tea must use insecticides?
  • Howe valuable is being insecticides-free?

Cal Poly Pomona Bringing Foreign Sourced Products Into US Splendid Tea Research Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SFU Ethical Issues in Information and Communication Technology Age Worksheet Computer Science Assignment Help

Topic: Social Implications and Computing Technologies
TEXT BOOK – From the E&T text BOOK : Ethics & Technology: Ethical Issues in an Age of Information and Communication Technology (5th ed.), Herman T. Tavani (author), John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (publishers)-E&T (2016)

  • Case Study #1 will be submitted to Turnitin to check for plagiarism (by the Professor).
    Step 1 : please read this article…
    Step 2 : For this Case Study Project, you will complete a Four-Step Analysis ( Attached the analysis file )

    Instructions and samples also attached
    Notes:1. Do not fill out the beige columns.2. Utilitarian Analysis

    • Know the estimates of each group of stakeholders. (Complete in Step 1. C.)
    • Perform this analysis top/down (YES/NO): in the HARMED cells and the BENEFITTED cells.
    • Use the documents under this tab to assist you on how to interpret your analysis.

    3. Deontology Analysis

    • Remember if you identify a stakeholder whose rights are violated, you must identify ANOTHER stakeholder neglecting their duties.
    • Perform this analysis across (YES/NO): RIGHTS VIOLATED = DUTIES NEGLECTED.
    • Use the documents under this tab to assist you on how to interpret your analysis.

    4. Kant Categorical Analysis

    • Remember if you identify a stakeholder whose treated DISRESPECTFULLY, then the SAME stakeholder is being treated DIFFERENTLY.
    • Perform this analysis across (YES/NO): DISRESPECTFULLY = DIFFERENTLY. This application is also bi-directional.
    • Use the documents under this tab to assist you on how to interpret your analysis.

    5. Social Contract Theory Analysis

    • Remember the difference between Negative Rights and Positive Rights. Also, identify any implicit/explicit contracts involved among stakeholders.
    • The analysis DOES not require any calculations. Just fill out the cells. (The interpretation/outcome can only yield: YES or NO. There is no result in this theory analysis that yields: INCONCLUSIVE. HOWEVER, the theory can result in NOT APPLICABLE the issues involved in the article.)
    • Use the attached documents under this tab to assist you on how to interpret and understand your analysis.

    6. Virtue Ethics Theory Analysis

    • Remember this theory focuses on ‘what is the right thing to do in the situation’ based on virtuous character.
    • The analysis DOES not require any calculations. Just fill out the cells. (The interpretation/outcome can only yield: YES or NO. There is no result in this theory analysis that yields: INCONCLUSIVE. HOWEVER, the theory can result in NOT APPLICABLE the issues involved in the article.)
    • Use the attached documents under this tab to assist you on how to interpret and understand your analysis.


AUMC CDC Tweet Disease Control and Prevention from The Coronavirus Outbreak Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

Create a CD post as if it were to post to twitter for your organization – this post is about being creative and thinking about how you might make a tweet. To create a post, you can search for a news article, you can re-tweet from another organization, you can use data or stories from your textbook, or you can download any of the CDC social media toolkit (Links to an external site.) memes. Your post can be ‘global’ or focused on a specific country. Think about some #hashtags that you might want to include.

**Keep in mind that every tweet must be 280 characters (not words but characters – so each letter is a character)… this is why tweets are short. If you want to write more, then you have to create a series of tweets.

You can save the tweet as a screenshot and upload it as an attachment or picture to the post OR you can just provide the “tweet” text and a link to an article. link of the tweeter.


Stevenson University Me and Earl and the Dying Girl Essay Humanities Assignment Help

At this point in the drafting process for your second essay, you are going to write a draft of your introduction.

To succeed you must

  • Identify the author and novel: Jesse Andrews and Me and Earl and the Dying Girl;
  • Identify Bettelheim and The Uses of Enchantment as the theory you will apply; and
  • Establish your choice of character or characters to focus on.

If you are writing on Option #1, you must present this material in such a way that it moves logically toward this question: What happens when Bettelheim’s theories are applied to the Young Adult Novel Me and Earl and the Dying Girl; what do they reveal Andrews suggesting about the young adult experience?

However, instead of ending the paragraph with my question, you should end with your thesis, which should be an answer to my question.

If you are writing on Option #2, you must present this material in such a way that it moves logically toward this question: Can a young Adult Novel like Me and Earl and the Dying Girl perform the same functions for adolescents that Bettelheim says Fairy Tales perform for young children?

Again, instead of ending the paragraph with my question, you should end with your thesis, which should be an answer to my question.

Requirements:When you do this homework assignment, the final product should follow some basic guidelines of content and form:

  • This homework response should be double-spaced.
  • You will write one paragraph of 150 to 200 words.
  • The paragraph should include information that sets up the problem created by my question.
  • The name of the author and the title of the novel must appear before the thesis.
  • The name of Bettelheim and The Uses of Enchantment must appear before the thesis.
  • Your sentences should be clear and precise.
  • You will submit an electronic copy into Blackboard by the assigned due date.

I am attaching the assignment sheet for Essay #2 to this email.


Walden University Got What I Got Song Analysis & Personal Thoughts Discussion Writing Assignment Help

this is what they want me to do: Compare your artifact with your classmates’ posted artifacts. (Note: A song and a movie or a fashion element and a music video may have much in common, so do not limit yourself to comparing your artifact to one of the same type.) Consider what the artifact is conveying. What is its message? What response does it provoke in you? Analyze one specific issue that is addressed in both your artifact and your classmates’ artifacts.

this is my colleage’s posting:I chose the song Maverick City Music TRIBL Music Naomi Raine “The Story I’ll Tell” it is on ITunes top 100 Gospel and Christian song 2020, it has over two and half million downloads, the song became my favorite because it touched me at the time I really needed encouragement a friend of mine told sent me the link to the song, she raved on and on about it until I decided to listen to it and she was right I got hooked. My connection to the music is that it gives me an assurance that irrespective of what life may throw at me there is hope that all things will work out great., but most especially it’s that Maverick City Music created a place for diversity, it brings together people of different cultures and race. It’s a pop culture if we go by| Why Pop Culture? (Alexandra O. Phillipe at TEDxMileHigh) definition that “Pop Culture is a universal language that manages in all of it’s seemingly trivial glory to make us dream and smile to connect us across racial, political, and social divides.” The music group’s goal is to create an atmosphere of relaxation and diversity, which help lend a voice to “you are accepted” irrespective of your culture, race or political persuasion.

this is my posting: The modern popular culture sector is broad and intense; that is why it became split into groups. Due to the objective of this field of professionalism, contemporary popular culture is cleaved into the groups of animation, movies, advertising, and music.

The selected song for this discussion is the song referred to as ‘Got What I Got.’ The song, written by Michael Tyler, Thomas Archer, and Alex Palmer, became composed by Jason Aldean, an American ‘country music’ artist (Got What I Got, 2019). The song got unveiled in April 2020 as a subsequent single from Jason’s ninth workshop album. The music is popular because it has been listed among the top hundred songs by an American periodical magazine-Rolling stone-that prioritizes popular culture.

I initially came across the song via the internet. Currently, various individuals listen to music via streaming systems. Moreover, artists and songwriters may create their music (songs) and launch them through the internet to dodge music workshops. For ‘Got What I want’ piece, I found it on YouTube while streaming my favorite love songs. The song was among the current emerging famous popular culture songs. Since I was experiencing some relationship challenges, the song caught my attention, and I had to listen to it, maybe to get a better understanding of love affairs.

The message about contending with what an individual possesses or with the life a person is living fascinates me. The song clearly illustrates how an individual becomes fulfilled once they acquire what they had been praying for a long time (Got What I Got, 2019). The song’s symbolism reminds me of how I was eager to join college and the satisfaction I obtained after entering college. Besides, the soothing tone of pleasure in the song makes me like music more.



MGT 322 SEU Impact of Covid 19 on Domino Supply Chain Executive Summary Business Finance Assignment Help

No plagiarism. matching ratio should not exceed 5%.

I want original text answer.


  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

Use at least 3 scientific references to support your answers. Follow APA-style when referencing.

Critical Thinking

The purpose of this assignment is to identify and apply Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools to suggest supply chain process/logistics performance priorities. To this purpose, you should Study chapter 1, 2 and review Fast food industry /Food companies through secondary available information. Think about how you can apply the concepts/tools that you learned in this course.

Select a fast-food company of your choice, research the impact of Covid-19 on that company. Explain why you have come to your conclusions:

The Answer should be 4- 5 pages

The Answer must follow the outline points below:

Assignment Question(s):

1. Executive summary (no more than one page)

– Summarize, what is Supply chain process/logistics performance priorities, what Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools applied to achieve the company’s objective.

2. Background information

– Briefly introduce the company background (e.g., name, products, business size, location, internal/external interesting facts, etc).

3. Problem Description (Covid 19)

– Describe the objectives clearly and specifically.

– The objective may involve either logistics decision-making or process improvement.

4. Application of logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools applied

– Describe, what specific logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools be applied to achieve the objective. This section should make it clear that you understand the concepts/tools you are about to use.

5. Results

– Analyze the expected results of the proposed solution.

6. References

MGT 322 SEU Impact of Covid 19 on Domino Supply Chain Executive Summary Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Mountain View College The World Is Too Much With Us Poem Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Upload as a word or PDF document your final draft.


Write a 4-5 page essay
in MLA format (at least 4 scholarly sources). Using one of the attached
poems, identify a theme from which you can write a paper. You will not
be writing nor analyzing the poem. The poem is only to be used to
generate a topic.

Your paper should include all of the following elements:

  • Explanation of issues:
    Issue/problem to be considered critically is stated clearly and
    described comprehensively, delivering all relevant information necessary
    for full understanding.
  • Evidence:
    Information is taken from source(s) with enough
    interpretation/evaluation to develop a comprehensive analysis or
    synthesis. Viewpoints of experts are questioned thoroughly.
  • Position: Specific position is imaginative, taking into account the complexities of an issue. (This means that you have written a sophisticated thesis.) Limits of position are acknowledged. Others’ points of view are synthesized within position (Basically, these two things are the discussion of the opposing view and rebuttal.)
  • Conclusions and related outcomes: (Other terms might be “implications and consequences”)
    Conclusions and related outcomes are logical and reflect student’s
    informed evaluation and ability to place evidence and perspectives
    discussed in priority order.

Additionally, your essay will earn the highest points in the component area of written communication if it meets the following criteria.

  • Context of and Purpose for Writing: Demonstrate a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose of a proposal essay.
  • Content Development: Use appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to illustrate mastery of a proposal essay.
  • Genre and Disciplinary Conventions: Properly format and organize the essay in MLA style.
  • Sources and Evidence: Incorporate at least two citations in each paragraph from at least two library database sources.
  • Control of Syntax and Mechanics: Use graceful language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency, making almost no errors.


MAN 3301 UCF Keirsey Temperament Sorter & Tasty Catering Case Studies Writing Assignment Help


  1. Please complete the Keirsey Temperament Sorter.
    • What did you learn about yourself?
    • How could the instrument you completed be useful for employee development?
    • What might be some advantages of using this instrument?

    Write an essay of at least 300 words in APA style, with a reference page and cover page. APA requires double space. Your essay will be automatically submitted to Safe Assign so it can be checked for originality. There is not a target for matching but your instructor will be assessing that you have used your own words with proper in-text citations and quotation marks for direct quotes.



  • Which elements of a high-performance work system (people; technology; structure; task design; reward systems) does Tasty Catering seem to have?
  • Drawing from the principles in this chapter, briefly recommend one other way that Tasty Catering could maintain a high-performance work system (consider for example, the use of social media).

Write an essay of at least 300 words in APA style, with a reference page and cover page. APA requires double space. Your essay will be automatically submitted to Safe Assign so it can be checked for originality. There is not a target for matching but your instructor will be assessing that you have used your own words with proper in-text citations and quotation marks for direct quotes.



GOVT 2306 Brookhaven College Disaster Management and Funding Policy Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing good. I am currently looking for someone who could help me to finish some assignment in my Texas Government course, and hopefully we will work together through this course this semester. This assignment will include:

1/ Discussion and response activity. You would need to create a thread in my Blackboard Texas Government Course to discuss the topic in your own words (Minimum 200 words) (Due on October 21st) , and respond to a classmate’s thread your thoughts (minimum 100 words) (Due on October 28th). This is discussion topic:

Some states are, or are in the process of, enforcing strict voter ID laws. These are aimed at decreasing voter fraud; however, some have argued that stricter laws will make it much harder for certain groups, such as minorities and the poor, to vote. Do you think that stricter voter ID laws are necessary? If so, why? If not, why not? Do you think they will have an adverse effect on certain groups?

2/ Policy Proposal Paper. You would choose ONE topic and write a paper. It should be one to two pages length and followed the requirements

Choose one of the following topics:

  • Infrastructure development and funding
  • Disaster management and funding
  • Federal oversight of special education in Texas
  • Environmental policy and air pollution control permitting
  • Environmental policy and deep-water drilling
  • Unaccompanied migrant children in state shelters
  • Effects of redistricting on minority voter turnout in Texas
  • Death penalty and intellectual disabilities
  • Security of state elections from foreign interference

I will provide my ID and Password to access my Blackboard account, also information to help you achieve the target I much as I could. Looking forward to working with you longterm in this semester. Have a great day and take care !


SMC Tax Accounting Deductions and Losses & Adjusted Gross Income Outline Writing Assignment Help

please read my professor’s instruction and pay attention that it must be in your own words, I’m gonna sent you the sample outline to get the idea,3 pages are enough for each chapter in single space( chapters 6,7,8,9) Also I’m gonna give you the slides so you can see what material my professor will cover and then you need to read the chapter in the book and prepare the please check the slides first to see what stuff you need to read in the book. so you need to summarize the material that my professor covers in her slides. Don’t write really long sentences, you can have bullets style. please please write it in your own words.

You must prepare a typed outline in Word of up to 10 pages for each chapter covered on an exam (double spaced, one-inch margins, 12-point font). Instead of double spacing your outline, you can single space with a maximum of five pages per chapter. Please put your name at the top of the first page and number each page at the bottom. The outline is a learning tool, not a make-work assignment. The purpose of the outline is for you to summarize the tax rules in an organized fashion to aid in your learning process and to use as a reference during exams. Due to time constraints of the exam, however, limited time will be available to refer to the outline. I have included a sample outline for corporate formation, posted on Canvas for the first week of class. You may organize your outline in the way that is most helpful to you, including, for example, using flow charts. You must submit your outline via Canvas as a Turnitin Assignment before the class time in which the exam is given. Be sure and allow sufficient time to upload your outline, considering potential technical difficulties. For outlines that cover two chapters, put both chapters in one document or you will only be to upload one outline. An originality check will be run through Turnitin. You must prepare your own outline in your own words. Statements from other materials, other students’ outlines, test bank questions, the textbook, problems covered in class, powerpoints from the class or other source, etc., may not be copied into your outline. Do NOT include screen shots of MyAccountingLab answers or sections of the book or any other resource.


  • What did you learn about yourself?
  • How could the instrument you completed be useful for employee development?
  • What might be some advantages of using this instrument?

Write an essay of at least 300 words in APA style, with a reference page and cover page. APA requires double space. Your essay will be automatically submitted to Safe Assign so it can be checked for originality. There is not a target for matching but your instructor will be assessing that you have used your own words with proper in-text citations and quotation marks for direct quotes.



  • Which elements of a high-performance work system (people; technology; structure; task design; reward systems) does Tasty Catering seem to have?
  • Drawing from the principles in this chapter, briefly recommend one other way that Tasty Catering could maintain a high-performance work system (consider for example, the use of social media).

Write an essay of at least 300 words in APA style, with a reference page and cover page. APA requires double space. Your essay will be automatically submitted to Safe Assign so it can be checked for originality. There is not a target for matching but your instructor will be assessing that you have used your own words with proper in-text citations and quotation marks for direct quotes.



GOVT 2306 Brookhaven College Disaster Management and Funding Policy Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing good. I am currently looking for someone who could help me to finish some assignment in my Texas Government course, and hopefully we will work together through this course this semester. This assignment will include:

1/ Discussion and response activity. You would need to create a thread in my Blackboard Texas Government Course to discuss the topic in your own words (Minimum 200 words) (Due on October 21st) , and respond to a classmate’s thread your thoughts (minimum 100 words) (Due on October 28th). This is discussion topic:

Some states are, or are in the process of, enforcing strict voter ID laws. These are aimed at decreasing voter fraud; however, some have argued that stricter laws will make it much harder for certain groups, such as minorities and the poor, to vote. Do you think that stricter voter ID laws are necessary? If so, why? If not, why not? Do you think they will have an adverse effect on certain groups?

2/ Policy Proposal Paper. You would choose ONE topic and write a paper. It should be one to two pages length and followed the requirements

Choose one of the following topics:

  • Infrastructure development and funding
  • Disaster management and funding
  • Federal oversight of special education in Texas
  • Environmental policy and air pollution control permitting
  • Environmental policy and deep-water drilling
  • Unaccompanied migrant children in state shelters
  • Effects of redistricting on minority voter turnout in Texas
  • Death penalty and intellectual disabilities
  • Security of state elections from foreign interference

I will provide my ID and Password to access my Blackboard account, also information to help you achieve the target I much as I could. Looking forward to working with you longterm in this semester. Have a great day and take care !


SMC Tax Accounting Deductions and Losses & Adjusted Gross Income Outline Writing Assignment Help

please read my professor’s instruction and pay attention that it must be in your own words, I’m gonna sent you the sample outline to get the idea,3 pages are enough for each chapter in single space( chapters 6,7,8,9) Also I’m gonna give you the slides so you can see what material my professor will cover and then you need to read the chapter in the book and prepare the please check the slides first to see what stuff you need to read in the book. so you need to summarize the material that my professor covers in her slides. Don’t write really long sentences, you can have bullets style. please please write it in your own words.

You must prepare a typed outline in Word of up to 10 pages for each chapter covered on an exam (double spaced, one-inch margins, 12-point font). Instead of double spacing your outline, you can single space with a maximum of five pages per chapter. Please put your name at the top of the first page and number each page at the bottom. The outline is a learning tool, not a make-work assignment. The purpose of the outline is for you to summarize the tax rules in an organized fashion to aid in your learning process and to use as a reference during exams. Due to time constraints of the exam, however, limited time will be available to refer to the outline. I have included a sample outline for corporate formation, posted on Canvas for the first week of class. You may organize your outline in the way that is most helpful to you, including, for example, using flow charts. You must submit your outline via Canvas as a Turnitin Assignment before the class time in which the exam is given. Be sure and allow sufficient time to upload your outline, considering potential technical difficulties. For outlines that cover two chapters, put both chapters in one document or you will only be to upload one outline. An originality check will be run through Turnitin. You must prepare your own outline in your own words. Statements from other materials, other students’ outlines, test bank questions, the textbook, problems covered in class, powerpoints from the class or other source, etc., may not be copied into your outline. Do NOT include screen shots of MyAccountingLab answers or sections of the book or any other resource.


  • What did you learn about yourself?
  • How could the instrument you completed be useful for employee development?
  • What might be some advantages of using this instrument?

Write an essay of at least 300 words in APA style, with a reference page and cover page. APA requires double space. Your essay will be automatically submitted to Safe Assign so it can be checked for originality. There is not a target for matching but your instructor will be assessing that you have used your own words with proper in-text citations and quotation marks for direct quotes.



  • Which elements of a high-performance work system (people; technology; structure; task design; reward systems) does Tasty Catering seem to have?
  • Drawing from the principles in this chapter, briefly recommend one other way that Tasty Catering could maintain a high-performance work system (consider for example, the use of social media).

Write an essay of at least 300 words in APA style, with a reference page and cover page. APA requires double space. Your essay will be automatically submitted to Safe Assign so it can be checked for originality. There is not a target for matching but your instructor will be assessing that you have used your own words with proper in-text citations and quotation marks for direct quotes.



GOVT 2306 Brookhaven College Disaster Management and Funding Policy Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing good. I am currently looking for someone who could help me to finish some assignment in my Texas Government course, and hopefully we will work together through this course this semester. This assignment will include:

1/ Discussion and response activity. You would need to create a thread in my Blackboard Texas Government Course to discuss the topic in your own words (Minimum 200 words) (Due on October 21st) , and respond to a classmate’s thread your thoughts (minimum 100 words) (Due on October 28th). This is discussion topic:

Some states are, or are in the process of, enforcing strict voter ID laws. These are aimed at decreasing voter fraud; however, some have argued that stricter laws will make it much harder for certain groups, such as minorities and the poor, to vote. Do you think that stricter voter ID laws are necessary? If so, why? If not, why not? Do you think they will have an adverse effect on certain groups?

2/ Policy Proposal Paper. You would choose ONE topic and write a paper. It should be one to two pages length and followed the requirements

Choose one of the following topics:

  • Infrastructure development and funding
  • Disaster management and funding
  • Federal oversight of special education in Texas
  • Environmental policy and air pollution control permitting
  • Environmental policy and deep-water drilling
  • Unaccompanied migrant children in state shelters
  • Effects of redistricting on minority voter turnout in Texas
  • Death penalty and intellectual disabilities
  • Security of state elections from foreign interference

I will provide my ID and Password to access my Blackboard account, also information to help you achieve the target I much as I could. Looking forward to working with you longterm in this semester. Have a great day and take care !


SMC Tax Accounting Deductions and Losses & Adjusted Gross Income Outline Writing Assignment Help

please read my professor’s instruction and pay attention that it must be in your own words, I’m gonna sent you the sample outline to get the idea,3 pages are enough for each chapter in single space( chapters 6,7,8,9) Also I’m gonna give you the slides so you can see what material my professor will cover and then you need to read the chapter in the book and prepare the please check the slides first to see what stuff you need to read in the book. so you need to summarize the material that my professor covers in her slides. Don’t write really long sentences, you can have bullets style. please please write it in your own words.

You must prepare a typed outline in Word of up to 10 pages for each chapter covered on an exam (double spaced, one-inch margins, 12-point font). Instead of double spacing your outline, you can single space with a maximum of five pages per chapter. Please put your name at the top of the first page and number each page at the bottom. The outline is a learning tool, not a make-work assignment. The purpose of the outline is for you to summarize the tax rules in an organized fashion to aid in your learning process and to use as a reference during exams. Due to time constraints of the exam, however, limited time will be available to refer to the outline. I have included a sample outline for corporate formation, posted on Canvas for the first week of class. You may organize your outline in the way that is most helpful to you, including, for example, using flow charts. You must submit your outline via Canvas as a Turnitin Assignment before the class time in which the exam is given. Be sure and allow sufficient time to upload your outline, considering potential technical difficulties. For outlines that cover two chapters, put both chapters in one document or you will only be to upload one outline. An originality check will be run through Turnitin. You must prepare your own outline in your own words. Statements from other materials, other students’ outlines, test bank questions, the textbook, problems covered in class, powerpoints from the class or other source, etc., may not be copied into your outline. Do NOT include screen shots of MyAccountingLab answers or sections of the book or any other resource.


  • What did you learn about yourself?
  • How could the instrument you completed be useful for employee development?
  • What might be some advantages of using this instrument?

Write an essay of at least 300 words in APA style, with a reference page and cover page. APA requires double space. Your essay will be automatically submitted to Safe Assign so it can be checked for originality. There is not a target for matching but your instructor will be assessing that you have used your own words with proper in-text citations and quotation marks for direct quotes.



  • Which elements of a high-performance work system (people; technology; structure; task design; reward systems) does Tasty Catering seem to have?
  • Drawing from the principles in this chapter, briefly recommend one other way that Tasty Catering could maintain a high-performance work system (consider for example, the use of social media).

Write an essay of at least 300 words in APA style, with a reference page and cover page. APA requires double space. Your essay will be automatically submitted to Safe Assign so it can be checked for originality. There is not a target for matching but your instructor will be assessing that you have used your own words with proper in-text citations and quotation marks for direct quotes.



GOVT 2306 Brookhaven College Disaster Management and Funding Policy Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Hello everyone, I hope you are doing good. I am currently looking for someone who could help me to finish some assignment in my Texas Government course, and hopefully we will work together through this course this semester. This assignment will include:

1/ Discussion and response activity. You would need to create a thread in my Blackboard Texas Government Course to discuss the topic in your own words (Minimum 200 words) (Due on October 21st) , and respond to a classmate’s thread your thoughts (minimum 100 words) (Due on October 28th). This is discussion topic:

Some states are, or are in the process of, enforcing strict voter ID laws. These are aimed at decreasing voter fraud; however, some have argued that stricter laws will make it much harder for certain groups, such as minorities and the poor, to vote. Do you think that stricter voter ID laws are necessary? If so, why? If not, why not? Do you think they will have an adverse effect on certain groups?

2/ Policy Proposal Paper. You would choose ONE topic and write a paper. It should be one to two pages length and followed the requirements

Choose one of the following topics:

  • Infrastructure development and funding
  • Disaster management and funding
  • Federal oversight of special education in Texas
  • Environmental policy and air pollution control permitting
  • Environmental policy and deep-water drilling
  • Unaccompanied migrant children in state shelters
  • Effects of redistricting on minority voter turnout in Texas
  • Death penalty and intellectual disabilities
  • Security of state elections from foreign interference

I will provide my ID and Password to access my Blackboard account, also information to help you achieve the target I much as I could. Looking forward to working with you longterm in this semester. Have a great day and take care !


SMC Tax Accounting Deductions and Losses & Adjusted Gross Income Outline Writing Assignment Help

please read my professor’s instruction and pay attention that it must be in your own words, I’m gonna sent you the sample outline to get the idea,3 pages are enough for each chapter in single space( chapters 6,7,8,9) Also I’m gonna give you the slides so you can see what material my professor will cover and then you need to read the chapter in the book and prepare the please check the slides first to see what stuff you need to read in the book. so you need to summarize the material that my professor covers in her slides. Don’t write really long sentences, you can have bullets style. please please write it in your own words.

You must prepare a typed outline in Word of up to 10 pages for each chapter covered on an exam (double spaced, one-inch margins, 12-point font). Instead of double spacing your outline, you can single space with a maximum of five pages per chapter. Please put your name at the top of the first page and number each page at the bottom. The outline is a learning tool, not a make-work assignment. The purpose of the outline is for you to summarize the tax rules in an organized fashion to aid in your learning process and to use as a reference during exams. Due to time constraints of the exam, however, limited time will be available to refer to the outline. I have included a sample outline for corporate formation, posted on Canvas for the first week of class. You may organize your outline in the way that is most helpful to you, including, for example, using flow charts. You must submit your outline via Canvas as a Turnitin Assignment before the class time in which the exam is given. Be sure and allow sufficient time to upload your outline, considering potential technical difficulties. For outlines that cover two chapters, put both chapters in one document or you will only be to upload one outline. An originality check will be run through Turnitin. You must prepare your own outline in your own words. Statements from other materials, other students’ outlines, test bank questions, the textbook, problems covered in class, powerpoints from the class or other source, etc., may not be copied into your outline. Do NOT include screen shots of MyAccountingLab answers or sections of the book or any other resource.


Cal Poly Pomona Bringing Foreign Sourced Products Into US Splendid Tea Research Writing Assignment Help

Cal Poly Pomona Bringing Foreign Sourced Products Into US Splendid Tea Research Writing Assignment Help

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