Calculate Financial Ratios Writing Assignment Help

Calculate Financial Ratios Writing Assignment Help. Calculate Financial Ratios Writing Assignment Help.

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For the company you chose in the previous unit’s assignment, evaluate its health based on its financial statements (which you may download from EDGAR or the company’s website).

  • Compute the company’s current ratio, its debt ratio, its profit margin, and two other ratios you deem relevant to the understanding of the company as a whole.
  • Compare these ratios to industry standard calculations. Also, try to identify major changes in the company’s balance sheet and income statement from one year to the next to identify trends in the company’s health. Is it improving or deteriorating over time? Briefly comment (in approximately 250 words) on your assessment of the health of the company given its ratios and the changes in its financial statements over time.

Calculate Financial Ratios Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Resume Help Writing Assignment Help


I’m in a need of help with my resume. I have uploaded a draft of what I have. It’s from 2015 but from 2016 I have been full-time active military in a logistics position/ warehouse. I’m going for a warehouse position at a hospital. I will put the link to the job description here. Can you please make my resume look much more professional and show the good details that I can bring to a warehouse environment. Please look up 92Y or supply specialist to get bullet points. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.…


Analysis of Stock Exchange in GCC Countries Business Finance Assignment Help

– Introduction about Different Stock Markets

(write introduction about the stock market of GCC)(name, what do they provide, introduce briefly)

(do this for all GCC countries)

– Analysis and Interpretation

i. Qualitative Analysis: (for all 6 GCC countries) (paragraphs only)

– Market Capitalization

– Number of listed securities.

– Index movement for 5 years.

ii. Quantitative Analysis: (paragraph and calculations)

– Moving average of Muscat Security Market with the moving average of the rest 5 GCC countries (UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait)

– Correlation Analysis of selected Major Indices.

– Descriptive Statistics of Selected Major Indices.

* NOTE: the attached word file contain tables that needs to be filled which are related to GCC stock markets.(14 tables)

* Word Count = No word count as long you fulfill all the requirements.


Provide 2 Post with Questions Humanities Assignment Help

Complete the following:

In these chapters of Gladwell’s book, he brings his ideas to marketing, specifically how marketers judge, manipulate, and misjudge consumers. We are all consumers, so this chapter should be enlightening. How do we see biases complicating the differences between what we think we want and what we actually want? What surprised you about this chapter? Why? Feel free to bring Blink into the conversation.

End your post with two thought provoking questions with 150 words each for your classmates to answer in their response posts. Make sure to avoid yes or no questions and concentrate on questions that make your classmates connect to the material yet demonstrate an understanding of the reading.


Book Review on ” the reason you walk-Wab Kinew or Don’t tell Mummy Toni Maguire Writing Assignment Help



Choose a novel/autobiography to read. The objective of this assignment is to use this story as an example to demonstrate your understanding of course concepts. The primary source for the theory must be the course text. For each question, it is important to elaborate, explaining the links between the theory identified and the quotes chosen.

Below are some examples of books you might choose. Other books may be chosen, with the permission of the instructor. A movie or television show may be an alternative; however it is required that you discuss this with your faculty to explore the reasons for doing this and the implications.

1.Identify what type of abuse the main character was affected by. If the character was affected by multiple types of abuse, choose one type that you feel had the strongest impact on them or was the most prominent. Include a definition for this type of abuse and 2 quotes from the story to illustrate its occurrence. (4)

2.Identify 3 different factors that may contribute/lead to this type of abuse (causes/dynamics). Illustrate the existence of these factors with specific quotes, and explain how they contributed to the abuse. (6)

3.Identify 3 different typical child indicators (cues/clues) of this type of abuse. Explain the presence of these indicators in the story and illustrate with specific quotes. (6)

4.Identify 1 trait of a victim state of mind. Explain how this trait was displayed by the main character, illustrating with a specific quote. (2)

5.Identify 3 different traits of a survivor state of mind. Explain how these were displayed by the main character, illustrating with specific quotes. (6)

6.Imbed yourself in the story. Using “Strategies to promote resilience and healing” from the text, and using what you know about this individual in terms of their strengths, outline 3 specific, distinctly different, and detailed approaches you would use to facilitate their journey to survivor. Note that duty to report is a legal responsibility not a therapeutic intervention. (6)

7.Imbed yourself in the story and describe how you would advocate for this individual OR how you would engage them in an advocacy project. Identify what level of advocacy this is. Illustrate the rationale for your plan with a quote or details from the story. (2)

Length: Approximately 8 pages

Citations: in text citations and a reference list must be used for both course theory and quotes from the novel, APA format. Marks will be deducted as per the Program Guidelines for errors in spelling, grammar or citation

      • Toni Maguire, Don’t Tell Mommy: a true story of ultimate betray
      • Wab Kinew, The Reason You Walk: A Memoir


Needs Considerable Improvement

Needs Some Improvement


Use of course materials

Rarely or never uses course text for theory. Uses Wikipedia or Google searches.

Occasional use of course text for theory.

Consistent use of course text for theory.

Elaboration, critical thinking

Rarely elaborates on ideas. Discussion is very general.

Occasionally elaborates on ideas. Some specific points.

Consistently elaborates on ideas. Specific and detailed.

Use of quotes from novel

Quotes chosen are not relevant, or effectively linked to, the theory being discussed.

Occasionally chooses quotes that are relevant and well linked to the theory.

Quotes chosen are relevant and strongly linked to the theory.

Relevance to CYC practice

Approaches are rarely or never based in CYC practice. Are arbitrary or interventions that might more likely be used by another professional.

Occasional use of CYC based approaches.

Excellent use of CYC based approaches. Relational, strength based and realistic.

Number of ideas/quotes

Rarely provides the required number of points.

Occasionally provides the required number of points.

Consistently provides the required number of points.



do an outline of the topic fingerprint Writing Assignment Help

The topic is: Fingerprints

I need you to do an outline and the paper.

The topic is: Fingerprints

The purpose of this paper is to develop an argument on a specific topic and provide persuasive support for your thesis, using strong reasoning and clear evidence. Sources obtained through research on a specific topic should be expanded upon and developed into a formal, well-written, persuasive research paper. A formal research paper will follow certain grammatical conventions not found in less formal writing styles, such as reaction papers, film reviews, etc.

Audience: an academic audience and all others interested in the topic

Purpose: develop an argument and provide persuasive support for your thesis using strong reasoning and clear evidence.

Length: 8-10 typed pages (see general instructions above)

Format: APA Style

Topic Selection: The topic for your research paper can be your choice of any substantive or theoretical concepts in the field of forensics/crime scene investigations.

do an outline of the topic fingerprint Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

argumentation paper Writing Assignment Help

Write a fully fleshed out Argumentation paper on a debatable topic that interests you. Avoid logical fallacies, include plenty of logical analysis and concrete evidence (from credible sources) in your appeal, and carefully consider a primary counterargument to your stance and (respectfully) refute it. Here are some sample controversial statements you might consider arguing for or against:

  1. Technological advances are on pace to create a jobless society, in which guaranteed minimum incomes will become necessary

This paper should include properly cited quotes or paraphrases from at least three credible sources to support your thesis.

Your essay should contain a thesis statement that gives me an idea of how you will back this point up and how your support will be organized throughout. It should also fulfill the other requirements of your rubric.

1200 words (four pages double spaced 12 point font). Please include your name, a title, the date, and your class hour at the top, as well as page numbers throughout.

Should be divided into 5 paragraphs.

Topic,point 1,2,3,and conclusion.

every support point should included cited quotes(reference)


Interpretation Rhetorical Strategies Humanities Assignment Help

For this section of your portfolio, consider the overall purpose of your author’s work and how he or she crafts the text to achieve it. Before going further, think about passages from “Killing Kennedy By Bill O’ Relly”in which you quickly observed the author using notable rhetorical strategies to achieve an effect, and subsequently, his or her purpose.

Select a passage from your book of at least 300 words in length. Re-read the passage carefully. Then, in a well-written essay, analyze the rhetorical strategies the author used to achieve his or her purpose, effect, or message.


D r. Monica Sharif BUAD499: Final Exam Assignment Writing Assignment Help

Good evening I need help creating the following paper. In addition, I will attach three papers that I wrote during the semester. I would like some information from those three papers to be included in this final essay. During the semester I was a part of the orange team. In the beginning of the simulation we would always score in the middle against our competitors. My team was very dysfunctional and waited to the last night to come up with any strategy to just have an in put. I used my background in Accounting,finance, logistics ad tansportiion to effectivily implement a Plan to get my group out of the bottom. I would go through abnd critically analysis every tab in the simulation and input estimated amounts that were reasonable and would help my group generate a large profit.

In addition, I received great stragicall planning for my group weekly decision From Eric who was a member of a group called Arch angle. The strategies I learned from these simulation is critical thinking, research, having to keep an competitive advantage aginst competitors.


Astah model – System Analysis and Design Computer Science Assignment Help

Astah model (link) is already half way done. The direction might look long but you actually only have to do the part that I highlighted in bold, other than that are information to be known and direction, it will help you understand the assignment better. Don’t take this assignment if you don’t know about Astah and System Modeling, because I seriously need at least a 95 for this assignment.

Astah file:…


Nick’s Bike Rental Shop rents bicycles on Tybee Island in Georgia.Bikes are rented by the hour to customers who must pay by credit card in case the bikes are not returned or returned with damage.

The people involved with Nick’s Bike Shop are the customers and the staff.For the customers, Nick’s need to know their drivers license number and issuing state as identifiers, along with their last name, first name, address, state, zip code, credit card number, CC type, and the CC expiration date.For the staff, Nick’s need to know their employee ID, last name, first name, address, state, zip code, and date of hire.

There are two main events that occur at Nick’s Bike Shop, checking out bikes and checking in bikes.Both of the events are initiated by the customer with the staff responding.

The other things Nick’s Bike Shop needs to keep track of are the rental agreements and the bike inventory.For each rental agreement Nick’s needs to know which customer rented which bike on what date as identifiers, the check out time, the check in time, and if there was any damage to the bike at check in.For the bikes, Nick’s need to know the bike’s ID number, it’s description, and the cost per hour.

A customer may rent many different bikes and a bike may be rental by many different customers.A rental agreement may be for one or more bikes, however, each rental agreement is associated with only one customer, not matter how many bikes are associated with the rental agreement.Each rental agreement is completed by a single staff member although a staff member may complete many rental agreements.

When a customer check out a bike, the staff member will record the customer’s information and specific bike they want to rent, then check to see if the customer has ever damaged a bike in the past and check that their credit card is valid.If the customer has ever damaged a bike or if their credit card is not valid, the rental agreement is terminated, otherwise the bike is issued.


Business Object Classes, Attributes, and Diagram

Within the Business Object Model Package/Folder within the Logical View:

Create Business Object Classes for Rental Agreement and Bike Inventory and populate them with attributes and data types.

Create a Class Diagram that shows the two actors and two classes and the associations and multiplicities between the actors and classes.

Activity Diagram with Objects and Object Flows

Within the Check Out Bike use case:

Update the Activity Diagram for the Check Out Bike use case to show the objects (with names) and object flows required for each activity.

Sequence Diagram

Within the Check Out Bike use case:

Create a Sequence Diagram for the Check Out Bike use case (include Boundary and Control classes.)Include a return message for each message on the Sequence Diagram.Add methods/operations to the Actors and Business Object Classes that correspond to each message and associate the methods/operations with each message.


Attach your Astah file to the Final Exam folder in the Dropbox in D2L and submit.



Nick’s Bike Rental Shop rents bicycles on Tybee Island in Georgia.Bikes are rented by the hour to customers who must pay by credit card in case the bikes are not returned or returned with damage.

The people involved with Nick’s Bike Shop are the customers and the staff.For the customers, Nick’s need to know their drivers license number and issuing state as identifiers, along with their last name, first name, address, state, zip code, credit card number, CC type, and the CC expiration date.For the staff, Nick’s need to know their employee ID, last name, first name, address, state, zip code, and date of hire.

There are two main events that occur at Nick’s Bike Shop, checking out bikes and checking in bikes.Both of the events are initiated by the customer with the staff responding.

The other things Nick’s Bike Shop needs to keep track of are the rental agreements and the bike inventory.For each rental agreement Nick’s needs to know which customer rented which bike on what date as identifiers, the check out time, the check in time, and if there was any damage to the bike at check in.For the bikes, Nick’s need to know the bike’s ID number, it’s description, and the cost per hour.

A customer may rent many different bikes and a bike may be rental by many different customers.A rental agreement may be for one or more bikes, however, each rental agreement is associated with only one customer, not matter how many bikes are associated with the rental agreement.Each rental agreement is completed by a single staff member although a staff member may complete many rental agreements.

When a customer check out a bike, the staff member will record the customer’s information and specific bike they want to rent, then check to see if the customer has ever damaged a bike in the past and check that their credit card is valid.If the customer has ever damaged a bike or if their credit card is not valid, the rental agreement is terminated, otherwise the bike is issued.


Business Object Classes, Attributes, and Diagram

Within the Business Object Model Package/Folder within the Logical View:

Create Business Object Classes for Rental Agreement and Bike Inventory and populate them with attributes and data types.

Create a Class Diagram that shows the two actors and two classes and the associations and multiplicities between the actors and classes.

Activity Diagram with Objects and Object Flows

Within the Check Out Bike use case:

Update the Activity Diagram for the Check Out Bike use case to show the objects (with names) and object flows required for each activity.

Sequence Diagram

Within the Check Out Bike use case:

Create a Sequence Diagram for the Check Out Bike use case (include Boundary and Control classes.)Include a return message for each message on the Sequence Diagram.Add methods/operations to the Actors and Business Object Classes that correspond to each message and associate the methods/operations with each message.


Attach your Astah file to the Final Exam folder in the Dropbox in D2L and submit.



Nick’s Bike Rental Shop rents bicycles on Tybee Island in Georgia.Bikes are rented by the hour to customers who must pay by credit card in case the bikes are not returned or returned with damage.

The people involved with Nick’s Bike Shop are the customers and the staff.For the customers, Nick’s need to know their drivers license number and issuing state as identifiers, along with their last name, first name, address, state, zip code, credit card number, CC type, and the CC expiration date.For the staff, Nick’s need to know their employee ID, last name, first name, address, state, zip code, and date of hire.

There are two main events that occur at Nick’s Bike Shop, checking out bikes and checking in bikes.Both of the events are initiated by the customer with the staff responding.

The other things Nick’s Bike Shop needs to keep track of are the rental agreements and the bike inventory.For each rental agreement Nick’s needs to know which customer rented which bike on what date as identifiers, the check out time, the check in time, and if there was any damage to the bike at check in.For the bikes, Nick’s need to know the bike’s ID number, it’s description, and the cost per hour.

A customer may rent many different bikes and a bike may be rental by many different customers.A rental agreement may be for one or more bikes, however, each rental agreement is associated with only one customer, not matter how many bikes are associated with the rental agreement.Each rental agreement is completed by a single staff member although a staff member may complete many rental agreements.

When a customer check out a bike, the staff member will record the customer’s information and specific bike they want to rent, then check to see if the customer has ever damaged a bike in the past and check that their credit card is valid.If the customer has ever damaged a bike or if their credit card is not valid, the rental agreement is terminated, otherwise the bike is issued.


Business Object Classes, Attributes, and Diagram

Within the Business Object Model Package/Folder within the Logical View:

Create Business Object Classes for Rental Agreement and Bike Inventory and populate them with attributes and data types.

Create a Class Diagram that shows the two actors and two classes and the associations and multiplicities between the actors and classes.

Activity Diagram with Objects and Object Flows

Within the Check Out Bike use case:

Update the Activity Diagram for the Check Out Bike use case to show the objects (with names) and object flows required for each activity.

Sequence Diagram

Within the Check Out Bike use case:

Create a Sequence Diagram for the Check Out Bike use case (include Boundary and Control classes.)Include a return message for each message on the Sequence Diagram.Add methods/operations to the Actors and Business Object Classes that correspond to each message and associate the methods/operations with each message.


Attach your Astah file to the Final Exam folder in the Dropbox in D2L and submit.



Nick’s Bike Rental Shop rents bicycles on Tybee Island in Georgia.Bikes are rented by the hour to customers who must pay by credit card in case the bikes are not returned or returned with damage.

The people involved with Nick’s Bike Shop are the customers and the staff.For the customers, Nick’s need to know their drivers license number and issuing state as identifiers, along with their last name, first name, address, state, zip code, credit card number, CC type, and the CC expiration date.For the staff, Nick’s need to know their employee ID, last name, first name, address, state, zip code, and date of hire.

There are two main events that occur at Nick’s Bike Shop, checking out bikes and checking in bikes.Both of the events are initiated by the customer with the staff responding.

The other things Nick’s Bike Shop needs to keep track of are the rental agreements and the bike inventory.For each rental agreement Nick’s needs to know which customer rented which bike on what date as identifiers, the check out time, the check in time, and if there was any damage to the bike at check in.For the bikes, Nick’s need to know the bike’s ID number, it’s description, and the cost per hour.

A customer may rent many different bikes and a bike may be rental by many different customers.A rental agreement may be for one or more bikes, however, each rental agreement is associated with only one customer, not matter how many bikes are associated with the rental agreement.Each rental agreement is completed by a single staff member although a staff member may complete many rental agreements.

When a customer check out a bike, the staff member will record the customer’s information and specific bike they want to rent, then check to see if the customer has ever damaged a bike in the past and check that their credit card is valid.If the customer has ever damaged a bike or if their credit card is not valid, the rental agreement is terminated, otherwise the bike is issued.


Business Object Classes, Attributes, and Diagram

Within the Business Object Model Package/Folder within the Logical View:

Create Business Object Classes for Rental Agreement and Bike Inventory and populate them with attributes and data types.

Create a Class Diagram that shows the two actors and two classes and the associations and multiplicities between the actors and classes.

Activity Diagram with Objects and Object Flows

Within the Check Out Bike use case:

Update the Activity Diagram for the Check Out Bike use case to show the objects (with names) and object flows required for each activity.

Sequence Diagram

Within the Check Out Bike use case:

Create a Sequence Diagram for the Check Out Bike use case (include Boundary and Control classes.)Include a return message for each message on the Sequence Diagram.Add methods/operations to the Actors and Business Object Classes that correspond to each message and associate the methods/operations with each message.


Attach your Astah file to the Final Exam folder in the Dropbox in D2L and submit.


Calculate Financial Ratios Writing Assignment Help

Calculate Financial Ratios Writing Assignment Help

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