Campbellsville University Digital Security Protection Measures Questions Computer Science Assignment Help. Campbellsville University Digital Security Protection Measures Questions Computer Science Assignment Help.
I’m working on a computer science discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.
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1. Visit the NetMotion Web site ( and access and read other Mobility XE success stories. Discuss the patterns that can be observed in the benefits that Mobility XE users have realized via its deployment and use.
2. Do some Internet research on the security implications of HIPPA requirements for hospital networks. Discuss the major types of security mechanisms that must be in place to ensure hospital compliance with HIPPA requirements.
3. Do some Internet research on the use of VLANs in hospitals. Summarize the benefits of using VLANs in hospitals and identify examples of how St. Luke’s could further enhance its wireless network by implementing VLANs
Campbellsville University Digital Security Protection Measures Questions Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Fort Valley State Module 2 Clients in Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
- Substance abuse counselors must be culturally and environmentally competent to treat clients. Being able to choose the correct approach and understand what the client needs to be successful is another must for the counselor. Identify the following cultural and environmental needs in order to meet the client’s needs where they are. You are a substance abuse counselor working for ABC treatment in downtown. You are working with Sally, a 25-year-old White female from the suburbs. Sally has come to you because she has become addicted to opiates. Sally explains that she was a nurse and was caught stealing morphine from the hospital. As a result her license has been suspended and is pending revocation. She has lost her job and is in danger of losing her housing. Sally has called her family who are willing to help her in the short term but cannot afford to support her through this process. Sally shares that she started using when she was 19 and her boyfriend at the time introduced her to marijuana. She quickly moved from marijuana to cocaine and then started using Percocet. Sally also explains to you that when she was 10, she was the victim of sexual assault. She did not share this with her family until she was 15. By then she was smoking cigarettes and her grades had dropped from As to Cs. Sally’s parents have been supportive throughout Sally’s life but did not know how to address the assault or changes in Sally’s behavior. Sally is dating a man who also abuses drug and has no desire to stop, despite Sally asking him to.
Identify the cultural and environmental needs that must be addressed in order to help Sally. Provide a justification for the needs that you have identified.
South University Online Week 2 The Self Discussion Questions Writing Assignment Help
This 3-4 page Project Assignment picks up the discussion of the self in the week 2 discussion by asking you to further explore the question of who you are. If any of the philosophers we read this session might agree with your view, identify the philosopher and explain their position on the self. If any might disagree, identify and discuss the points of disagreement. Personal experience is particularly relevant to this prompt, so feel free to compare your own ideas/experiences to the philosophical theories from the readings. You might consider the following questions as you develop your response:
- Does your essence determine your existence (as in the avocado view), or are you a product of your choices and environment (as in the artichoke view)? Or do you not have a solid, separate self at all (as in the non-Western views of the self)?
- Does race/sex/gender/class/sexual orientation play a role in who you are? Is gender identity a fixed biological reality? Why or why not?
Florida National University Social Networking and First Amendment Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help
For this assignment you must write a 2-3 page paper that discusses the following issues: (a) an analysis of the First Amendment and how it applies to this particular case, (b) an analysis of the Fourth Amendment and how it applies to this particular case, (c) an analysis of the ethical responsibilities of FaceKonnect and whether they acted ethically under these circumstances, and (d) an analysis of what is the likely outcome under this set of facts.
You work for FaceKonnect, a social networking company that allows users to connect with other individuals based on their location and employment. In order to sign up with FaceKonnect, individuals must create a profile with personal information regarding their name, age, gender, geographical location, job description, and hobbies. Once enrolled, users are also allowed to express their opinions about whatever they like or dislike on their profile, they can add “Konnections” (friends), and create groups. FaceKonnect is a big advocate for the First Amendment and seldom blocks users from posting comments. You are in charge of the Human Resources Department at FaceKonnect and have the following situation brought to your attention:
Stephanie has a FaceKonnect online profile where she has expressed some controversial ideas. In one post, Stephanie has encouraged her “Konnections” to go out and commit human sacrifices in the name of Satan, alleging that that is the only way to fix the vast problems of the world. She has other controversial posts where she speaks of her personal love for Satan and what people should do to make him happy. Stephanie also posted some disturbing pornographic images along with that post. FaceKonnect failed to do anything about Stephanie’s posts, as it overlooked them. The spouse of a woman that was abused and murdered by Peter, a Konnection of Stephanie’s who became so engulfed in Stephanie’s post that he began to worship her and felt that she was a messenger that had to be listened to, filed a civil suit against both Stephanie and FaceKonnect. In addition, the spouse wants both Stephanie and FaceKonnect to face criminal charges for the incident. The government has further issued a subpoena to FaceKonnect requesting that FaceKonnect provide the government with all of the personal information of all of its users in order to conduct a thorough investigation of FaceKonnect.
Grand Canyon University Investigation Measurement and Planning Precision Responses Writing Assignment Help
pls answer each DQ with 200-250 words
Distinguish between reliability and validity in research design. Using a translational research article from your graphic organizer, analyze the methods and results sections to discuss reliability and validity as it relates to the translational research. Include the permalink to the article in your reference.
When doing research it is important to ensure that measures used are both reliable and valid. Reliability and validity, are both important to research. They both refer to how well a method measures something and are concepts used to evaluate the quality of research. A test must be reliable to produce a valid result.
Reliability in research design refers to consistency across time (time-retest reliability), across items (internal consistency), and across researchers/ interrater reliability, the consistency in measurement over repeated measures (Nelson, 1980). It is understood that a reliable measure is one with a low random chance of error and is assessed by one of four methods. Retest, alternative-form test, split-halves test, or internal consistency test (Nelson, 1980). If you apply the same method to the same sample under the same conditions, this should render the same results, if not then the measurement may be unreliable.
Validity in research design is measuring what is intended to be measured, a valid measure are those with low nonrandom systemic errors (Nelson, 1980). Validity is measured by one of three methods which include content validation, criterion-related validation, and construct validation.
The translational research study I have chosen from my graphic organizer is 3076 Findings from the first year of California’s Workplace Violence Prevention in Healthcare standard (Title 8, Section 3342) (Odes, Hong, Chapman, 2019). Methods/study population: Reports submitted to CalOSHA pursuant to the WORKPLACE VIOLENT INCIDENT REPORTING SYSTEM FOR HOSPITALS are considered public record and available through the state Public Records Act (PRA) mandate. Records from 7/1/17-9/30/18 were obtained through the CalOSHA PRA request process. Descriptive statistics and correlations were calculated using Stata.
Records reporting 11,116 individual events of violence were analyzed. These results do not include reports submitted by the five California State Hospitals, a group of facilities which treated nearly 13,000 patients in 2017, many of whom have a psychiatric diagnosis and are undergoing treatment mandated by a judicial system. For each record 111 variable were reported, characteristics of workers involved, factors which may have triggered the event, and what measures were take to mitigate the situation during and after the incident.
Due to the underreporting of incidents from hospitals and California facilities that were not included in the study, this leads to challenges in defining the scope of the problem of WPV and the evaluation of the efficacy of interventions to address (Odes et al, 2019). Selection of the subjects threatens the validity.
Odes, R., Hong, O., Chapman, S. (2019). 3076 Findings from the first year of California’s Workplace Violence Prevention in Healthcare standard (Title 8, Section 3342). Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 3(S1), 117-118. Retrieved from:
Nelson, A. A. (1980). Research design: Measurement, reliability, and validity. American Journal of hospital pharmacy, 37(6), 851-857. Retrieved from:
Reliability and validity are concepts used to evaluate the quality of research. They indicate how well a method, technique or test measures something. Reliability is about the consistency of a measure, and validity is about the accuracy of a measure. It’s important to consider reliability and validity when either creating research design or evaluating one. They are closely related, but they mean different things. A measurement can be reliable without being valid. However, if a measurement is valid, it is usually also reliable. Reliability refers to how consistently a method measures something. If the same result can be consistently achieved by using the same methods under the same circumstances, the measurement is considered reliable. Validity refers to how accurately a method measures what it is intended to measure. If research has high validity, that means it produces results that correspond to real properties, characteristics, and variations in the physical or social world. Reliability can be estimated by comparing different versions of the same measurement. Validity is harder to assess, but it can be estimated by comparing the results to other relevant data or theory (Nelson, 1980). In my article, the trial was a cluster-randomized community-based diabetes prevention study conducted in predominantly African American, Christian churches. Clusters were defined as churches and selected from the North Texas region based on recommendations from the Community Advisory Board. Eligible churches were those with parishioners who were primarily African American and agreed to provide one or two peers to facilitate the intervention. Six churches were randomized to a faith-enhanced diabetes prevention program (F-DPP) while the remaining five churches were randomized to the standard diabetes prevention program (S-DPP). The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 42.08% before receiving the DPP intervention and 31.22% after the intervention that represented a 10.86% absolute reduction and a 25.81% relative reduction from baseline. The adjusted odds ratio (OR) of being free from metabolic syndrome at post-intervention in contrast to baseline was 2.14 (p = 0.02) (Dodgen, 2020).
Dodgen, L., Kitzman, H., & Mamun, A. (2020). Reducing metabolic syndrome through a community-based lifestyle intervention in African American women. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases, 30(10), 1785–1794.
Nelson, A. Research design: measurement, reliability, and validity. American J Hosp Pharm. 1980 Jun;37(6):851-7. PMID: 7395882.
Reliability and validity both have their value in terms of research. Validity is defined as the extent to which a concept is accurately measured in a quantitative study and reliability relates to the consistency of a measure. Validity is a judgment based on various types of evidence. The relevant evidence includes the measure’s reliability, whether it covers the construct of interest, and whether the scores it produces are correlated with other variables they are expected to be correlated with and not correlated with variables that are conceptually distinct. The reliability and validity of a measure is not established by any single study but by the pattern of results across multiple studies. The assessment of reliability and validity is an ongoing process. ( 2020)
In 2016 there was a study that aimed to investigate the social and electronic media attention received by psychiatry research using the Altmetric attention scores (AAS) and the predictors of this public engagement. The researchers analyzed all research articles published in 2016 in the top 5 impact factor-based psychiatry journals. They extracted the AAS, various media (news, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) engagements, and citations received by each article using online database. Univariate and multivariate linear regression analysis was performed. A total of 360 research articles published in JAMA Psychiatry, The Lancet Psychiatry, World Psychiatry, American Journal of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics were included. The median AAS was 44 [IQR = 15 – 146] and median citations were 26 (14-47) with a significant but weak correlation (rs = 0.43; p = 0.001) between the two metrics. ( 2016) Given that this study is the first of its kind, we can not say there is solid evidence for the reliability of the study, however the validity of the study shows the social media highlights the interest of the public regarding mental health research. “Future studies should help understand the effect of social media engagement with psychiatry research, the means for harnessing it in disseminating new information, and the de-stigmatization of mental illness”.
Chiang, I.-C. A., Jhangiani, R. S., & Price, P. C. (2015, October 13). Reliability and Validity of Measurement. Research Methods in Psychology 2nd Canadian Edition.
ITS 532 UOTC Week 12 Mobile Application Developing Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Question 1:
Week 12 Discussion Topic: {2 Parts} Describe how web pages differ from apps and how apps differ from widgets. Discuss why developers say that HTML5 will drive mobile solutions.(250 Words for each part)
Question 2:
Write a paper on mobile cloud computing. The following are the items to discuss in the paper: (1200 words)
- Define and describe the mobile web.
- Describe the different generations of cell phones.
- Describe how smartphones differ from ordinary cell phones.
- Select a mobile or traditional website that interests you. Describe the site in terms of the ecosystem that makes up the site’s user experience.
ITS 532 UOTC Week 12 Mobile Application Developing Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Ohio University Identifying the important Social Determinants of Health in Kenya Email Health Medical Assignment Help
The purpose of this assignment is to create a professional email that would be sent to a healthcare provider outside of your discipline.
- Read the Instructional Materials on Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)
- Using the information in the readings, as well and any information you find on your own, create an email that identifies the important SDOH in the country you selected in Module I (Kenya).
- You can direct the email to any healthcare provider that is NOT a nurse. Make sure the discipline of the healthcare provider is clear in the email. You do not know whether the healthcare professional is or is not aware of the social determinants of health literature. Lacking this information means that the email must provide information without offending the individual. Address the following items:
- Explain to the healthcare professional the link between the concept of health status and social determinants of health.
- Identify which social determinants of health are relevant to the chosen country/community. Support your choices with scholarly references.
- Identify which global health indicators are useful in understanding the chosen health issue in the country/community identified in Module 1. If none of the key health indicators are applicable to the health issue, explain why. Support the response.
- While it is unlikely that you would use reference citations in an email, a minimum of two (2) references must be included in this email. Skolnik does NOT count as one of the references but may be used to support information. References should be no later than 5 years.
- The length of the email is to be between 200-350 words.
Journal Articles:
Malka, S.T., Kessler, C. S., Abraham, J., Emmet, T. W., & Wilbur, L. (2015). Professional e-mail communication among health care providers: Proposing evidence-based guidelines. Academic Medicine, 90(1), 25-29.
Click here to download the article
Social Determinants of Health
Watch VideoDuration: 6:28
Other Documents:
Office of Intramural Training and Education. (2010). Guidelines for writing professional e-mail.
Click here to download the document
Stolley, K., & Brizee A. (2017). Email etiquette.
Click here to download the document
World Health Statistics (2012).
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). Social determinants of health: Know what affects health. (2020). Social determinants of health.
World Health Organization. (2020). Social determinants of health.
SO351 Grantham University Technological Advancement in Healthcare Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Read the following article:
Choose one of the following 10 advancements mentioned in the article.
1.Electronic Health Record
4.Portal Technology
5.Self-Service Kiosks
6.Remote Monitoring Tools
7.Sensors and Wearable Technology
8.Wireless Communication
9.Real-Time Locating Services
10.Pharmacogenomics/genome sequencing
Referring to the chosen category from above, write a 3-5 page, APA formatted essay, addressing the following:
Provide a brief summary of a situation in which you experienced the technological advancement category you selected.
Was this experience positive or negative? In your opinion, what components allowed that to be positive or negative?
Describe how this technological advancement provided a result, and/or information that may not have been gained without the application of this technology.
Do you foresee this technology being utilized in the future? If so, what potential changes may take place in the future? If not, why do you feel that way?
Explain how you feel this technological advancement will help or hinder jobs within the healthcare field.
CP 001 Harvard University Early Childhood Development Presentation Writing Assignment Help
For this Capstone, you will create a multi-media portfolio that showcases your ability to apply your knowledge and skill in authentic ways in three of the following areas of expertise:
- Early Childhood Development
- Perspectives on Diversity and Equity
- Communication and Collaboration in the Early Childhood Field
- Foundations: Early Childhood Studies
- Issues and Trends in the Early Childhood Field
- Effective Programs &Practices
- An Area of Expertise from your specialization
Before you begin to construct your Portfolio, you will need to obtain the approval of the Faculty member who is serving as Subject Matter Expert (SME) for the Capstone. Arrange a time to discuss your portfolio with the SME and submit the Capstone Proposal Form to your SME for a signature. Attach the signed form to your Portfolio before final submission to the platform.
Your Capstone must:
- Reflect the criteria provided in the Rubric, which provides information on how the Assessment will be evaluated.
- Adhere to the required assignment length.
- Use the APA course paper template available here for the written rationale portion of the Capstone.
Professional Skills: Written Communication, Oral Communication, Technology and Critical Thinking are assessed in this Competency. You are strongly encouraged to use the Writing Checklist and to review the Rubric prior to submitting.
This Assessment requires submission of multiple files.
- One (1) file must be a Word document that includes your written rationale for each artifact.
- The remaining files will depend upon the type of artifact provided.
- Please condense your video or multimedia files even if they span more than one Area of Expertise.
Save the written rationale as CP001_firstinitial_lastname (for example, CR003_J_Smith). Save each artifact as CP001_firstinitial_lastname_art1, CP001_firstinitial_lastname_art2, etc. When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.
Note: You must obtain written permission to use photographs or video of all individuals who appear in still photos or videos. If minors appear in your photos or video, you must obtain permission from parents or legal guardians. Use the Walden University Release Form provided. Be sure to save the original copies of the permission forms in your files.
Also, if you are creating a video, be mindful of the file size and try to reduce it, if needed, according to the instructions provided here.
Submit the following Portfolio of items:
- Signed Capstone Proposal Form
- Three artifacts
- Written rationale for each artifact (2–3 pages each)
Note: Due to the length and complexity of the Capstone, please be aware the Assessor has up to five (5) days (120 hours) to return results to you.
Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.
Note that your Portfolio will be evaluated holistically and should reflect your unique professional identity and perspective. Click each of the items below to complete this assessment.
Before You Begin
Before you begin to construct your Portfolio, you will need to obtain the approval of the Faculty member who is serving as Subject Matter Expert (SME) for the Capstone. Arrange a time to discuss your portfolio with the SME and submit the Capstone Proposal Form to your SME for a signature. Attach the signed form to your Portfolio before final submission to the platform.
Areas of Expertise
For each area of expertise chosen:
- Create an original artifact that provides evidence of your ability to apply your knowledge and skills. The artifacts must provide evidence of your ability to effectively use technology tools and use effective oral presentation skills.
- Provide a written rationale that explains the relevance of your artifact to a real-world issue or challenge in the early childhood field.
Here are a few examples of the kinds of artifacts that might effectively evidence your knowledge and skills. These examples should not be construed as recommendations or limitations. They are intended to provide you with a starting point for your own ideas.
Early Childhood Development
- A series of 7–10 podcasts highlighting relevant child development topics for families in an early childhood care and education program
Effective Programs & Practices
- A “Day in the Life” video, photo essay, or slide presentation of you, showcasing your effective classroom or administrative practices
Foundations: Early Childhood Studies
- A workshop related to specific professional values that you design and implement to promote the professional development of early childhood professionals in an authentic setting
Developing People and Leading Teams (Specialization)
- A 360⁰ review of your leadership in your current professional role, including a written, audio, or video reflection of what you learned from the process
Teaching and Learning in Preschool Settings (Specialization)
- A preschool curricular unit that integrates three or more content areas that includes use of technology and incorporates differentiated instruction to addresses the needs English language learners and children with exceptionalities
- A professional development workshop focusing on preschool teaching and learning that you design and implement to promote the professional growth of early childhood professionals in a preschool setting
California University of Management and Sciences Trader Joe & Starbucks Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
2 different cases
1. Case 13. Trader Joe’s: A remarkably quirky- and successful grocery retailer
2. Case 25. Starbucks, 2015
The case study is a fundamental learning method as the business discipline is by nature an applied science. First, you skim a case for the basic facts: What company? Who are the principal actors? What are the key events? Then, go back and reread the case carefully with a focus on defining the challenge(s)/problem(s) to be addressed.
In general, there are no “right” or “wrong” answers for a specific case – different approaches and insights are possible, depending on your perspective and approach. However, application of knowledge and analytical models we cover in this course is an essential part of the case analysis. Regardless of your approach, I will expect you to draw logical conclusions and (if appropriate) make recommendations that: (a) address the identified strategic issues; (b) follow logically from your analysis and conclusions; and (c) make sense (are feasible) in the context of the case situation.
In short, case analysis assignments are designed to evaluate and develop your skills in:
Identifying key strategic issues (decisions or actions required in a given situation; description of the challenge(s) to be addressed)
Analyzing business situations (choosing appropriate analytical tools/frameworks from those introduced in the course; understanding the organizational and environmental contexts, identifying and analyzing opportunities and threats, and competitive advantages and disadvantages; and evaluating options)
Recommending specific strategies and actions (to address the identified strategic issues).
The length of each case analysis report should be approximately 3 to 4 pages, double spaced, including figures, tables, and references.
Here are a few examples of the kinds of artifacts that might effectively evidence your knowledge and skills. These examples should not be construed as recommendations or limitations. They are intended to provide you with a starting point for your own ideas.
Early Childhood Development
- A series of 7–10 podcasts highlighting relevant child development topics for families in an early childhood care and education program
Effective Programs & Practices
- A “Day in the Life” video, photo essay, or slide presentation of you, showcasing your effective classroom or administrative practices
Foundations: Early Childhood Studies
- A workshop related to specific professional values that you design and implement to promote the professional development of early childhood professionals in an authentic setting
Developing People and Leading Teams (Specialization)
- A 360⁰ review of your leadership in your current professional role, including a written, audio, or video reflection of what you learned from the process
Teaching and Learning in Preschool Settings (Specialization)
- A preschool curricular unit that integrates three or more content areas that includes use of technology and incorporates differentiated instruction to addresses the needs English language learners and children with exceptionalities
- A professional development workshop focusing on preschool teaching and learning that you design and implement to promote the professional growth of early childhood professionals in a preschool setting