Campbellsville University The Initiative of the Future of Life Institute Case Study Writing Assignment Help

Campbellsville University The Initiative of the Future of Life Institute Case Study Writing Assignment Help. Campbellsville University The Initiative of the Future of Life Institute Case Study Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a writing Case Study and need an explanation to help me learn.
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Elon-Musk donated $10 million to a foundation called the Future of Life Institute. The institute published an open letter from an impressive array of AI experts who call for careful research into how humanity can reap the benefits of AI “while avoiding its pitfalls.” Go online and find out about the institute’s initiatives.

1. What are its primary goals?

2. How can humans establish and maintain careful oversight of the work carried out by robots?

3. How valid are Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Stephen Hawking’s concerns?

4. What ETHICAL concerns should the public bear in mind as the technological revolution advances?

Sources: Future of Life Institute.

No Plagarism please

Campbellsville University The Initiative of the Future of Life Institute Case Study Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGT 421 SEU Communication Management & Barriers in An Organization Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management case study and need support to help me understand better.

Assignment Workload:

  • This Assignment consists Case Study.
  • Every student is to submit the assignment individually.
  • Word limit is given as minimum 1500.

Assignment Purposes/Outcomes:

After completion of Assignment-3 students will able to

Answer questions related to case study.

Assignment Regulation:

  • All students are encouraged to use their own word.
  • Student must apply “Times New Roman Style” with 1.5 space within their reports.
  • A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it.
  • Assignment -3 should be submitted on or before the end of Week-14.
  • Citing of references is also necessary.

Assignment Structure:





Case Study




Grading Criteria:

Marks Obtained






Case Study





XX.XX/ 05.00

Jerry and Communication Barriers -Effective Communication as a Motivator

One common complaint employees voice about supervisors is inconsistent messages – meaning.

one supervisor tells them one thing, and another tells them something different. Imagine you are the supervisor/manager for each of the employees described below.

As you read their case, consider how you might help communicate with the employee to remedy the conflict.

Jerry is a 27-year old who is a foodservice manager at a casual dining restaurant. Jerry is responsible for supervising and managing all employees in the back of the house. Employees working in the back of the house range in age from 16 years old to 55 years old. In addition, the employees come from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds. For many, English is not their primary language.

Jerry is SERV Safe® certified and tries his best to keep up with food safety issues in the kitchen but he admits it’s not easy. Employees receive “on the job training” about food safety basics (for example, appropriate hygiene and handwashing, time/temperature, and cleaning and sanitizing). But with high turnover of employees, training is often rushed, and some new employees are put right into the job without training if it is a busy day. Eventually, most employees get food safety training. The owners of the restaurant are supportive of Jerry in his food safety efforts because they know if a food safety outbreak were ever linked to their restaurant; it would likely put them out of business. Still, the owners note there are additional costs for training and making sure food is handled safely.

One day Jerry comes to work and is rather upset even before he steps into the restaurant. Things haven’t been going well at home and he was lucky to rummage through some of the dirty laundry and find a relatively clean outfit to wear for work. He admits he needs a haircut and a good hand scrubbing, especially after working on his car last evening. When he walks into the kitchen he notices several trays of uncooked meat sitting out in the kitchen area. It appears these have been sitting at room temperature for quite some time. Jerry is frustrated and doesn’t know what to do. He feels like he is beating his head against a brick wall when it comes to getting employees to practice food safety.

Jerry has taken many efforts to get employees to be safe in how they handle food. He has huge signs posted all over the kitchen with these words: KEEP HOT FOOD HOT AND COLD FOOD COLD and WASH YOUR HANDS ALWAYS AND OFTEN. All employees are given a thermometer when they start so that they can temp food. Hand sinks, soap, and paper towels are available for employees so that they are encouraged to wash their hands frequently.


1. What are the communication challenges and barriers Jerry faces? (01.50)

2. What solutions might Jerry consider in addressing each of these challenges and barriers? (01.50)

3. What Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) would be helpful for Jerry to implement and enforce? (02)


FAU Inventory System Marketing & Union Strategies in 21st Century Discussions Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business question and need guidance to help me learn.

Labor – Respond with 250 words

What do you think the union strategies in the 21st century should be? What do you think are the strategic management and leadership issues pertaining to labor relations for managers and union leaders in the 21st century? Give an example in the public sector of where unions are headed?

Marketing- Respond with 250 words Read Online, Mobile, and Social Media Marketing in your textbook on page 468.

Marriott used the innovation lab as both a business promotion and a consumer promotion, which served different segments with different needs. Was that a wise strategy? Explain.

Operation- Respond with 250 words

Identify and explain the types of costs that are involved in an inventory system.


Anne Arundel Community College Risk Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing Discussion and need guidance to help me study.

This week we focused on risk management. Select from the list of risk categories below and discuss an example of a clinical issue that would fall under the category you chose.

Risk Categories:

  • Error: failure of a planned action to be completed as intended or use of a wrong plan.
  • Adverse event: when the injury is caused by medical management that resulted in a measurable disability.
  • Unpreventable adverse event: an adverse event resulting from a complication that could not be prevented given the current state of knowledge.
  • Near miss: an event that could have resulted in an accident, injury, or illness but did not by chance or timely intervention.
  • Sentinel event: an unexpected outcome involving death, serious physical or psychological injury, or permanent loss of function not related to the natural course of the patient’s illness.

Please do not share any patient sensitive information or organization information/identity in your response.

Please be sure to adhere to APA guidelines when citing sources. Also, as part of the discussion participation requirements, please be sure to respond to at least two peers each week.

This activity aligns with:

Course Outcome   1. Integrate nursing leadership concepts and theories into the various roles of the professional registered nurse to promote safe and high-quality nursing care.

AACN BSN Essential II.1: Apply leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in the provision of high-quality nursing care, healthcare team coordination, and the oversight and accountability for care delivery in a variety of settings.


ACCT 424 Saudi Electronic University Wk 12 Renewal Contribution Revenue Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting question and need support to help me understand better.

Q1. From the following financial values, calculate:


  • Claims Ratio
  • Expense Ratio
  • Combined Ratio
  • Return on Revenue
  • Return on Assets



Amounts ($)

Net Claim Incurred


Earned Contribution


Wakalah Fee


Commission Paid


Management Expense


Net Contribution


Gross Contribution


Total Profit for the Year


General Takaful Assets (Year 2010)


General Takaful Assets (Year 2011)


2. Prepare necessary journal entries from the following transactions related with a Takaful product.

  • Contribution received from new participants $1,000.
  • An amount of $2500 received as contribution renewal from participant.
  • Advanced contribution received from new participants $2000.



BADM 533 University of the Cumberlands Marketing Plan Question Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business multi-part question and need support to help me study.

The purpose of the project is to give your team an opportunity to apply what has been learned about marketing management (through course lectures, readings, research, and discussions) and expand research skills to develop a marketing plan. The plan will be for Magic Spoon a startup cereal company. Here are some resources to help you get started: Just require assistance in creating writing 2 parts of the Marketing plan: Missions and Value and Environmental Analysis & SWOT. Pages need to be 3-4 long with at least 3-4 supporting references. Format in the APA style and be mindful of citations and references.

BADM 533 University of the Cumberlands Marketing Plan Question Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGT 211 Saudi Electronic University Human Resource Management Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management case study and need support to help me understand better.

Read the case given below and answer the questions:

Halima, the owner and manager of a company with ten employees, has hired you to take over the HRM function so she can focus on other areas of her business. During your first two weeks, you find out that the company has been greatly affected by the up economy and is expected to experience overall revenue growth by 10 percent over the next three years, with some quarters seeing growth as high as 30 percent. However, five of the ten workers are expected to retire within three years. These workers have been with the organization since the beginning and provide a unique historical perspective of the company. The other five workers are of diverse ages.

In addition to these changes, Halima believes they may be able to save costs by allowing employees to telecommute one to two days per week. She has some concerns about productivity if she allows employees to work from home. Despite these concerns, Halima has even considered closing down the physical office and making her company a virtual organization, but she wonders how such a major change will affect the ability to communicate and worker motivation.

Halima shares with you her thoughts about the costs of health care on the organization. She has considered cutting benefits entirely and having her employees work for her on a contract basis, instead of being full-time employees. She isn’t sure if this would be a good choice.

Halima schedules a meeting with you to discuss some of her thoughts. To prepare for the meeting, you perform research so you can impress your new boss with recommendations on the challenges presented.

Assignment Question(s): (Marks 5)

1.Point out which changes are occurring in the business that affect HRM.(1.5)

2.What are some considerations the company and HR should be aware of when making changes related to this case study?(1.5)

3.What would the initial steps be to start planning for these changes?(1)

4.What would your role be in implementing these changes? What would Halima’s role be?(1)







Political Science Technology and Environment in China Essay Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a political science writing question and need support to help me learn.

After reading Politics & Society in Contemporary China as well as the report “Greening” China (Links to an external site.) and viewing the documentary, Shifting Nature (Links to an external site.) please answer the following questions in a paper. The minimum length is three full pages not including the title page. Papers should not exceed six pages. The list of cited sources should be added at the end. Sources should be reference in parentheses in the text of your paper (Larus 2020, page) or (“Greening” China 2021, page).

The documentary and report should be listed as:

Shifting Nature, Inside China, Part 3. Directed by Jonathan Lewis. Manchester, U.K.: Granada Films, 2007.

Be sure to include the frame in your reference ex: (Shifting Nature, 2007 10:15).

Nis Grünberg and Anna Holzman, Greening China: An Analysis of Beijing’s Sustainable Development Strategies, Mercator Institute for Chinese Studies, January 7, 2021,, 1-15.

You can download this report and you should cite the specific page.

  1. According to the video, the text and the report, what are the political and economic obstacles to protecting China’s environment?
  1. Is technology helping or hurting China’s environment? Please give two specific examples (one positive, one negative, 2 total examples) from the text, report and video to support your answer. There will be some overlap in the sources in their choice of technologies to discuss. So a better analysis of each of the 2 examples would draw from as many sources as possible. [Please note: You don’t need 2 examples from each source].
  1. What is the impact of environmental problems on the gap between the standard of living in China’s rural and urban areas? Please use the video and the text to support your answer.

Your paper should be double-spaced, with 1 inch margins, and use 12-point type.

  • How to Submit the Paper

Your paper should be uploaded as a Word document on Canvas. If you haven’t already done so, you must submit the Academic Integrity memo to receive a grade on this assignment.

This paper is due on Tuesday, April 20th at 11:59pm. Students are responsible for making sure their paper is uploaded successfully in the correct format (Word doc or docx). Late papers will be penalized ½ grade per day (including weekend days). Students are also responsible for saving their own work.

  • Proper Citation

Be sure to cite the text each time you quote from it. The author and page number should be cited in (Larus 2020, p. 12) after the punctuation mark.

You should not cite more than 1-2 pages at a time in any one reference, since you must refer to a specific point in the text. Ex: (Larus 2020, 42-43) is fine, but (Larus 2020, 42-52) is not.

You can never have too many references to the book or the film, but not citing the material properly will reduce your grade substantially.

If you use the author’s exact words, you must use a direct quote. This should only occur for short passages of 1-2 sentences. Ex:

Elizabeth Larus explains that “For Mao, it was not merely a question of adapting Marxism, but sinicizing it—giving it Chinese characteristics by enriching it with elements drawn from China’s experience.” (Larus 2020, p 48).

If you paraphrase (restate the author’s point in your own word), you still have to cite the specific passage in the text.

Ex: Elizabeth Larus explains that Mao blended Marxism with elements of Chinese experience. (Larus 2020, p. 48)

In citing material from the film, explain the specific scene ex: In the scene where the Deputy Minister of the Environmental Protection Administration is interviewed and include the frame (Shifting Nature, 2007, 10:12).

All papers will be checked for proper citation and p-l-a-g-i-a-r-i-s-m. Students who do not cite the material they use properly should expect to lose at least half their grade. Students who plagiarize a paper (see syllabus for details) will fail the course.


Paper Rubric 206

Paper Rubric 206

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCites material correctly, according to the ins=tructio=ns in the assignment.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences sources each time they are used

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnswers the required questions thoroughly

50 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRelates video and written sources well to the questions

30 pts

Total Points: 100



CMSC 495 UMGC Open Source Software Discussion Response Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a computer science discussion question and need support to help me understand better.

For this week’s conference, respond to the following:

  • Find an article in an IEEE or ACM journal about open source software, or division of labor. Read and summarize the article, and give us your reactions to the article. Be sure to include a good citation to the article.
  • You are welcome to comment (nicely!) on the postings of other students.

Respond to Andrew:

For this assignment this week, I took a look at the article “Should You Adopt Open Source Software?” from researchers from the University of Antwerp. In this article, the authors take a somewhat more critical view of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) than is commonly presented as the zeitgeist of the IT world. Part of this appraisal starts with even the terminology that the study chooses to use when referring to this type of software, specifically omitting the “free” as part of what they conclude is that OSS (Open Source Software) often has hidden costs (through distros like Red Hat which charge for support and updates).

In addition to this, study authors found by talking to organizations which had chosen to deploy OSS Linux on servers or other critical infrastructure that often, these users found that they rarely used the sorts of features which are often toted as advantages of OSS. One of the biggest of these is typically purported to be source code access, so that organizations can make customizations or resolve problems at the core of the infrastructure that they have deployed, but the study authors quite rightly point out that even experienced programmers would find deploying and maintaining a custom Linux kernel to be very challenging. Support for OSS can also be somewhat challenging depending upon the product chosen, so care must be made (just like the purchase of any closed-source product) that the particular OSS chosen will have support which is available inside the deploying organization, from the developer, or from consultants, with that included as a part of the cost assessment for the product.

This is not to say that the authors don’t identify advantages to free and open source software, as there clearly are a great deal of advantages (of which we are all aware), but often the advantages which are touted most openly (and at times loudly) at least in the opinion of the authors require some qualifying statements beforehand to be accepted at face value.


Ven, Kris, Jan Verelst, and Herwig Mannaert. “Should You Adopt Open Source Software?” IEEE Software 25, no. 3 (May 2008): 54–59.

Respond to Lanxuan:

This article discusses the importance of open-source software licenses with the corresponding business models. Some are termed permissive licenses, and others are restrictive. The permissive licenses are the MIT, BSD, and Apache licenses. The restrictive licenses are the Mozilla public license, Lesser general public license, and General public license. These have differences that companies must distinguish and follow accordingly. Else, they may find themselves in a lawsuit. The correct license choice depends on whether the company is selling service, support, or software. Other factors which determine a company’s business model is the community and resources. It is interesting to note, but the authors state that there is a divide between openness and closed domain software development. For example, the right decision, as in Apple’s use of the BSD license or Android’s build, have interesting outcomes.


Lindman, J., Rossi, M., and Puustell, A. (2011). Matching Open Source Software Licenses with Corresponding Business Models. IEEE Software, 28(4), 31-35. Retrieved from


UCI Who is America and Voices of Freedom Questions Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need support to help me understand better.

Topic 1:

Read Who is America? From Oscar Handlin, “The Immigration Fight Has Only Begun” (1952) in Foner’s Give Me Liberty! page 725. Answer the 2 questions at the bottom of page 725. The questions are provided below:

a. Why does Handlin believe that basic premises of the immigration quota system has been disproven?

b. How does he invoke history to bolster his argument?

Topic 2:
Read the Voices of Freedom From Joseph R.McCarthy, Speech at Wheeling (1950) and From Margaret Smith, Speech in the Senate (1950) in Foner’s Give Me Liberty! pages 728 and 729. Answer the 3 questions at the bottom of page 729. The questions are provided below:

a. What kind of social resentments are evident in McCarthy’s speech?

b. What does Smith believe is the essence of freedom of speech?

c. What do these documents suggest how the Cold War affected discussion of freedom in the early 1950s?


Campbellsville University The Initiative of the Future of Life Institute Case Study Writing Assignment Help

Campbellsville University The Initiative of the Future of Life Institute Case Study Writing Assignment Help

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