Can the assignment be cometed within 2 days? Business Finance Assignment Help. Can the assignment be cometed within 2 days? Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Assignment OverviewUnit 5 – Individual Project
3–4 pages, not including title and reference page
Ethics in Doctoral Research
Using the course readings and other scholarly sources that you have found, respond to the following questions:
- What is ethics in research, and why is it important?
- In what ways did the scholarly sources change your prior understanding of ethics (if at all)? In other words, what ideas in the sources made you think, “I never thought of that before” or “Wow, there is something I hadn’t considered?”
- What are your beliefs about ethics in research?
- Is APA citation a part of research ethics? Why or why not?
- How is plagiarism defined in research ethics?
- What is self-plagiarism, and how would you avoid it?
Chapter 2: Ethics
Wentz, E. (2014). Chapter 2: Ethics. In, How to Design, Write, and Present a Successful Dissertation Proposal (pp. 11-20). London: SAGE. doi: 10.4135/9781506374710
Can the assignment be cometed within 2 days? Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
I need help with my homework Humanities Assignment Help
Bullet the most important points of the article. Organize your thoughts carefully since you need to express yourself concisely.
Personal Reaction:
Bullet your personal reaction to the issue or topic presented? Highlighting what you thought about what you read. Be specific about what you liked or did not like, and why.
Connection to the Classroom:
Bullet how the article connects to what you are learning in this class and reading in the text. If you can, identify specific ideas you could apply in a classroom; tell what they are and why you think you will use them.
Assignment #4 – LionCloud (v 1.2) Programming Assignment Help
In this assignment you will extend the device driver you have been building in the previous assignments. Everything about the LionCloud device remains as before, except as described in the specification here. At the highest level, you will extend the code to support networking communication to a server program that implements the LionCloud devices. All of the extensions will be made to the functions modified in the previous assignments as well as a new file lcloud_client.c
Network Attached Lion Cloud
For this assignment, the operation of the LionCloud system is separated into two programs; the lcloud_client
program which you will complete the code for, and the lcloud_server
program which is provided to you. To run the program, you will run the server in one window and the client in another. You will use a local network connection (called the loopback interface to connect the two programs running on the same machine (yours).
The challenge of this assignment is that you will be sending your lcloud requests and receiving responses over a network. You must start with your code from assignment #3, as it requires it. The assignment requires you to perform the following steps (after getting the starter code and copying over needed files from your implementation of the previous assignments).
The first thing you are to do is to replace the all of the calls to IO bus request in your code to: LCloudRegisterFrame client_lcloud_bus_request( LCloudRegisterFrame reg, void *buf );
This function is defined in the new file lcloud_network.h and performs the same function as the original bus request function it is replacing.
The remainder of this part of the assignment is your implementation of the client_lcloud_bus_request function in the LCLOUD_client.c code file. The idea is that you will coordinate with the a server via a network protocol to transfer the commands and data from the client to the server. The server will execute the commmands and modify the device storage accordingly.
The first time you want to send a message to the server, you have to connect. Connect to address LCLOUD_DEFAULT_IP
To transfer the commands, you send the request values over the network and receive the response values. For each command the client will send the 64-bit register frame value (in network byte order) to the server. If the request has a non-NULL buffer (e.g., the operation is a LC_BLOCK_XFER, LC_XFER_WRITE
buffer will be sent over the network immediately following the register value.
The server will respond to each command with the 64-bit frame register return value (in network byte order). If the request has a non-NULL return frame (e.g., ope code is LC_BLOCK_XFER, LC_XFER_READ
), then the frame will be sent over the network immediately following the registers.
Note that you need to convert the 64 bit register values and Length values into network byte order before sending them and converting them to host byte order when receiving them. The functions htonll64 and ntohll64 are used to perform these functions respectively. The buffers are not numeric data, and thus don’t need to be put in network byte order.
You will use the network APIs described in the associated networking lecture to complete this assignment. Note that the last thing you should do in your client program after a LC_POWER_OFF
is to disconnect.
I have provided psuedo-code for the implementation of the network io bus in the file assign4-psuedocode.txt
in files section of canvas.
Assignment Details
Below are the step by step details of how to implement, test, and submit your device drivers as part of the class assignment. As always, the instructor and TAs are available to answer questions and help you make progress. Note that this assignment is complicated and will likely take even the best students a substantial amount of time. Please plan to allocate your time accordingly.
- From your virtual machine, download the starter source code provided for this assignment. To do this, go to the canvas website and download the file assign4-starter.tgz (you should be able to click the link here).
- Create a directory for your assignments and copy the file into it. Change into that directory.
% mkdir cmpsc311
% cp assign4-starter.tgz cmpsc311
% cd cmpsc311
% tar xvzf assign4-starter.tgz
% cd assign4
Once unpacked, you will have the starter files in the assign4 directory. All of your work should be done in this directory. - Copy over your file system and cache implementation file from the previous assignment. You are to complete the
program by extending the functions described above in thelcloud_filesys.c
, andlcloud_client.c
source code files. You are free to create any additional functions that you see a need for, so long as they are all in the same code file as they are used in. - Add comments to all of your files stating what the code is doing. Fill out the comment function header for each function you are defining in the code. A sample header you can copy for this purpose is provided for the main function in the code.
- To initially test your program, you will run it with sample workload files provided (note that for the assignment the manifest and workload files are in the
subdirectory of the assignment). The first step is to start the server program in a second terminal window. To do this, run the server program from the command line with sample input. E.g.,./lcloud_server -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4a-manifest.txt
To run your client, run the program in a separate window from the command line with workload input. E.g.,./lcloud_client -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4a-workload.txt
You must use the “-v” option before the workload filename when running the simulation to get meaningful output (but the program should work find without the -v option). You may wish to use the “-l [logile]” option to redirect your output to a file of either the client or server. Once you have your program running correctly, you see the following message at the end of the output:LionCloud simulation completed successfully!!! - Once you have the code working for the first workload, you will need to run the programs with each of the remaining manifests and workloads. There are five pairs of workloads you need to run together
./lcloud_server -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4a-manifest.txt
./lcloud_client -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4a-workload.txt
./lcloud_server -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4b-manifest.txt
./lcloud_client -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4b-workload.txt
./lcloud_server -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4c-manifest.txt
./lcloud_client -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4c-workload.txt
./lcloud_server -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4d-manifest.txt
./lcloud_client -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4d-workload.txt
./lcloud_server -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4e-manifest.txt
./lcloud_client -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4e-workload.txt
Note that there is a sixth manifest and workload you will not receive but be graded against as well. Expect that this last setup will test the limits of your code.
To turn in:
- Create a tarball file containing the
directory, source code and build files as completed above. Submit the program before or on the due date through the canvas system. Because we have to grade this assignment before the end of the semester, THERE WILL BE NO EXTENTIONS OR LATE PENALTIES SUBMISSIONS ACCEPTED. As in the previous The tarball should be namedLASTNAME-PSUEMAILID-assign4.tgz
, where LASTNAME is your last name in all capital letters and PSUEMAILID is your PSU email address without the “”. For example, the professor was submitting a homework, he would call the fileMCDANIEL-pdm12-assign4.tgz
. Any file that is incorrectly named, has the incorrect directory structure, or has misnamed files, will be assessed a 10% penalty. - Before sending the tarball, test it using the following commands (in a temporary directory — NOT the directory you used to develop the code):
% tar xvzf LASTNAME-PSUEMAILID-assign4.tgz
% cd assign4
% make
health law Health Medical Assignment Help
After reviewing your benchmark evaluation, senior leaders in the
organization have asked you to draft a policy change proposal and
practice guidelines addressing the benchmark metric for which you
advocated action.
In their request, senior leaders have asked for a proposal of not
more than 2–4 pages that includes a concise policy description (about
one paragraph), practice guidelines, and 3–5 credible references to
relevant research, case studies, or best practices that support your
analysis and recommendations. You are also expected to be precise,
professional, and persuasive in justifying the merit of your proposed
When creating your policy and guidelines it may be helpful to
utilize the template that your current care setting or organization
uses. Your setting’s risk management or quality department could be a
good resource for finding an appropriate template or format. If you are
not currently in practice, or your care setting does not have these
resources, there are numerous appropriate templates freely available on
the Internet
Ethics Paper Writing Assignment Help
Topic of the paper: Is adultery ever moral ?
Your paper must be 3-4 pages in length when printed in Times New Roman 12 point type, double-spaced, with one-inch margins on all
sides. Your paper must conform to the following format (aka, the “quaestio format”):
1. State your moral issue in a “yes/no” format.
2. Raise three (3) objections to the position you will argue for. For example, if you believe it is moral to plagiarize your
presentation, then raise the three best objections you can think of against your position.
3. Present the argument for your position following the guidelines outlined in the Ground Rules section, above.
4. Directly reply to the three objections you initially raised
For the format of the paper follow the exact example in the document attached.
Human disease and drug Humanities Assignment Help
Bryant & Stratton College
HCAS143 006 Human Disease and Drug Pharmacology
Culminating Case Study
Outcome(s) Assessed:
- Course Outcomes
- Explain the fundamental concepts and processes of diseases and/or conditions.
- Relate the causes and mechanisms of disease with the associated diagnosis, treatments, and medications typically prescribed.
- Institutional Outcome
- Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning – Follow established methods of inquiry and mathematical reasoning to form conclusions and make decisions.
Relevant Background Information:
This assessment will examine the student’s ability to identify signs, symptoms, lab/diagnostic testing, and medication use as it pertains to a specific disease/condition. In addition, the student will identify possible complications of the stated disease/condition as well as treatment options for the presenting patient. The knowledge and skills assessed will examine the student’s ability to identify disease specific information from a patient presentation.
Assessment Purpose:
To assess the student’s ability to identify specific signs, symptoms, and lab/diagnostic results associated with various disease/conditions.
Assessment Directions:
For this assessment, you will review one case study and complete four short answer questions based on the information provided. Provide your answers in a well-developed paragraph of 100 – 200 words for each question. Type your responses into a Word document with your name, date, and the title of this assessment at the top of the page. Total word count for this assessment should not exceed 800 words.
Human disease and drug Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Role of Coalitions and Leadership Writing Assignment Help
Overview: For Milestone Three of your final project, you will write a paper that analyzes the coalition and leadership for your chosen community organizing
a) Describe the role of the coalition, including the advantages and disadvantages of it being formed. If no coalition was formed, describe why you think it was
not and what the advantages might be of forming a coalition.
b) With respect to leadership, describe the structure for the experience, including leadership mapping tools used (if any), leadership development practices,
and how leaders participated in the leadership building process for other members of the coalition. Was there a succession plan? If so, how was it
determined? If not, what might be the benefits of having one?
This will be an opportunity to share more about how the group organized and how leadership was built within the experience.
Guidelines for Submission: Written components of projects must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. The paper should be 3–5 pages in length.
Act 4 Character Committee Presentation Humanities Assignment Help
create a presentation about your character in Act 4 based on the questions in the attached handout. You can use any format that will effectively communicate your information. Whatever your platform, please make it clear in a title page, caption, credit, what class you are in and who is in your group.
HamletCharacter Committees
As you read Act 4,
respond to the questions listed below on a separate sheet of paper/document. After Spring Break, you will “meet” with other students who studied the same character to prepare a ten-minute presentation on your character. This presentation should be informative and insightful. You may use any format that appeals to your group as long as your presentation includes the information asked for in the following questions. As usual, any conclusions you draw must be supported with textual references. Remember that the answers to the questions will provide you only with the raw data for your presentation. Your job is to assemble the data into an interesting and informative presentation.
Character Questions:
- What new information did you learn about your character in Act 4?
- In each scene where your character appears, what is his or her motivation and objective? In other words, what does he or she really want? (Sometimes this will be difficult to determine)
- How does your character feel about the events in Act 4? About Hamlet?
- What do other characters say about your character and how do they react to him or her? How does your character feel about other characters?
- How does your character affect the events of each scene in which he or she appears? How is he or she affected by the events of each scene in which he or she appears?
- How is your character important to this act? In other words, do you learn something new about the plot through him or her? Is the plot furthered by his or her actions? Do you gain any insights about Hamlet by comparing/contrasting him to your character?
- What questions are raised by your character’s words and/or behavior in this act?
- What questions that you’ve probably had are answered by your character’s words and/or behavior in this act?
You will be graded on the following criteria: Creativity/Originality & Presentation (15 points) and Content (20 points).
Organizational Behavior and Management Design Business Finance Assignment Help
Organizational Behavior and Management Design
Assignment Content
Using the organization Day Kimball Hospital Campus,
write a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper in which you apply the concepts of
organizational behavior and management in designing an organizational security
SPECIAL NOTE: This assignment should focus on the Hospitals
Campus organization’s security department NOT the organization itself. For
example, you will be addressing the CVS Security Department, not the CVS
Your design should be consistent with organizational
behavior and management theory and practices and include:
A mission
Code of ethics
Staffing needs
Roles and responsibilities of personnel
Applicable discussion of leadership, processes,
communication, and organizational behavior
Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines;
include a title page and if needed, a reference page with complete source
FINAL PROJECT: Verilog and Python Co-Simulation of Cache and Branch Prediction enabled MIPS Pipelined Processor Programming Assignment Help
In this project, you will implement identical [added for simplification:] ISA-level functionality in both your python and Verilog versions of the [added for simplification:] single-cycle and pipelined processor designs, respectively, and simulate an execution that begins [removed for simplification: in python, continues] in your Verilog model, and then resumes in your python emulation model. The additional functionality that you will be adding consists of caching and branch prediction hardware and two new instructions.
A) The specific configurations for the caches and branch predictor will be described below.
0) Base pipeline designs:
FDEMW 5-stage pipeline with branch resolution in D. Non-memory hazard detection in D. Always not-taken predictor. For your Verilog baseline, use the one provided in V1. [removed for simplification:The pipelined model of the PPSSM will be provided shortly. ] [added for simplification:] You will use the provided single-cycle PPSSM model for python emulation.
Multi-cycle IMEM and DMEM models will be provided for the optional sensitivity study.
1) Additional instruction support:
MULTU, MFLO (needed by matrix multiplication benchmark)
2) Branch prediction extension:
2K entry bimodal table of 2-bit predictors, initial state t=10
32 entry BTB storing the contents, not the address, of the target instruction.
BTB caches the following supported types of branches and jumps {BEQ, BNE. J, JAL}.
JR/JALR are explicitly not cached in the BTB due to target indirection.
3) Instruction cache:
The instruction cache will be accessed in lieu of the IMEM. Misses in the instruction cache will be served from the IMEM. Since the IMEM is read-only, the instruction cache does not support writes and does not have a write policy.
2KB Direct mapped, block size 64 byte
4) Data cache:
The data cache will be accessed in lieu of the DMEM. Misses in the instruction cache will be served by the DMEM. The DMEM write policy is write-back and will stall-allocate on store misses. Evicted dirty lines must be written back to the DMEM.
2KB 2-way associative, inverse-MRU eviction policy (evict the block that is not the most recently used block – requires 1 bit of metadata per block: set MRU to 1 on accesses and set other block in the set’s MRU to 0, evict whichever block has MRU=0), block size 32 bytes.
B) Co-simulation
Once both your Verilog and Python simulation models can support the above modeled execution, the final task will be to support co-simulation, as follows:
0) Add state dumping/loading capability to your new branch and cache structures.
1) Add an instruction-fetched counter to your Verilog design. Count only correct path, non-flushed, successfully retrieved from cache instructions that actually get written into the IF/ID register. Add logic to A) stall fetch such that the 100th successfully fetched instruction is not treated as ever being successfully fetched and B) once all stages DEMW contain injected NOPs from the induced flush of the 100th instruction, dump the architectural state, BTB, BHT, and caches and exit simulation.
2) Resume your Verilog execution from the 100th instruction and run for an additional 100 instructions.
3) Resume your Python execution from the 100th instruction and run your program to completion.
Supporting scripts for input/output conversion between Verilog and Python will be provided (the required data is identical, but the formatting requires an automated conversion) (Pending)
Using the multi-cycle IMEM and DMEM models,
1) compute the AMAT and CPI impact of having vs. not having the caches for both NMM and BFS
2) rewrite your naive matrix multiplication benchmark to improve the cache hit rate
3) discuss why BFS is more difficult to optimize for both caching and branch prediction
% mkdir cmpsc311
% cp assign4-starter.tgz cmpsc311
% cd cmpsc311
% tar xvzf assign4-starter.tgz
% cd assign4
Once unpacked, you will have the starter files in the assign4 directory. All of your work should be done in this directory.
program by extending the functions described above in the lcloud_filesys.c
, lcloud_cache.c
, and lcloud_client.c
source code files. You are free to create any additional functions that you see a need for, so long as they are all in the same code file as they are used in.workload
subdirectory of the assignment). The first step is to start the server program in a second terminal window. To do this, run the server program from the command line with sample input. E.g.,./lcloud_server -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4a-manifest.txt
To run your client, run the program in a separate window from the command line with workload input. E.g.,
./lcloud_client -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4a-workload.txt
You must use the “-v” option before the workload filename when running the simulation to get meaningful output (but the program should work find without the -v option). You may wish to use the “-l [logile]” option to redirect your output to a file of either the client or server. Once you have your program running correctly, you see the following message at the end of the output:LionCloud simulation completed successfully!!!
./lcloud_server -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4a-manifest.txt
./lcloud_client -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4a-workload.txt
./lcloud_server -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4b-manifest.txt
./lcloud_client -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4b-workload.txt
./lcloud_server -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4c-manifest.txt
./lcloud_client -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4c-workload.txt
./lcloud_server -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4d-manifest.txt
./lcloud_client -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4d-workload.txt
./lcloud_server -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4e-manifest.txt
./lcloud_client -v workload/cmpsc311-assign4e-workload.txt
Note that there is a sixth manifest and workload you will not receive but be graded against as well. Expect that this last setup will test the limits of your code.
To turn in:
- Create a tarball file containing the
directory, source code and build files as completed above. Submit the program before or on the due date through the canvas system. Because we have to grade this assignment before the end of the semester, THERE WILL BE NO EXTENTIONS OR LATE PENALTIES SUBMISSIONS ACCEPTED. As in the previous The tarball should be namedLASTNAME-PSUEMAILID-assign4.tgz
, where LASTNAME is your last name in all capital letters and PSUEMAILID is your PSU email address without the “”. For example, the professor was submitting a homework, he would call the fileMCDANIEL-pdm12-assign4.tgz
. Any file that is incorrectly named, has the incorrect directory structure, or has misnamed files, will be assessed a 10% penalty. - Before sending the tarball, test it using the following commands (in a temporary directory — NOT the directory you used to develop the code):
% tar xvzf LASTNAME-PSUEMAILID-assign4.tgz
% cd assign4
% make