Can you identify four minority groups and discuss each group’s unique relationship with the police? Business Finance Assignment Help. Can you identify four minority groups and discuss each group’s unique relationship with the police? Business Finance Assignment Help.
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There are four specific minority communities that have very different relationships with the police. On the basis of your weekly readings, identify four minority groups and discuss each group’s unique relationship with the police. Why does each group have a unique relationship with law enforcement? How have events such as September 11 and the Rodney King beating shaped this relationship?
What police practices might lead a person to believe that police are operating in a discriminatory manner? Provide examples of a police practice that might lead to a minority to think they are being treated in a discriminatory manner. Please look for current examples in the media to support your response.
Discuss the idea that most courtroom actors are white and those coming through the criminal justice system are minorities. If there were more minority actors, would minority defendants receive harsher or more lenient sentences? Please explain and justify your response.
Can you identify four minority groups and discuss each group’s unique relationship with the police? Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Research about South Africa Writing Assignment Help
Please do a research about south Africa with this song 46664 (songs) Represent my idea
Anti-Apartheid resistance
Nelson Mandela
46664 (songs)
Steve Biko
Write a 5-page paper that draws from your research from Assignment #1 and includes an additional two sources. Please format your paper appropriately. This paper should be considered a rough draft for your final paper, which is due May 8, 2019.
In the paper, address each of the prompts below; but you do not have to follow the order below:
- State your research issue and your perspective on the issue. Your perspective also includes questions you have about the issue and ways to address it. You may revise this from Assignment #1.
- Please write ✍?✍️ Easy and simple words and make mistakes in the writing not to be Professional.
PS Interpersonal Comm Writing Assignment Help
Part 1
Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
We encounter interpersonal communication situations on a daily basis whether we realize it or not. It is inevitable that you have had conversations that did not go the way you wanted them to go. People can often perceive things differently, the same message can be interpreted in a number of different ways.
Discuss one situation that didn’t go as you had anticipated and analyze why.
Your discussion should include the following:
- Summarize the situation:
- Who were you talking to?
- What was the subject?
- How did it go?
- Explain the following:
- How did the rules of conversation (ethics, listening effectively, patience, and non-verbal considerations) apply in this conversation?
- How did perceptions, both your own and the individual’s that you were speaking with, influence the direction of the discussion?
- Use sources:
- Use at least 1 source to support your ideas
- Cite this source at the end of your discussion post
Part 2
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
One of the most important ways to understand people is to get a sense of their self-concept. Self-concept refers to how people perceive themselves; it is a combination of your self-awareness and self-esteem. Self-concept often will dictate how an individual interpersonally communicates.
Consider the following scenario:
You are advising new students here at CTU. Your goal is to have your students be self-confident and well-adjusted. To help encourage the development of these qualities, you decide that you are going to create a one-page resource that provides an overview of self-concept. Within this discussion, please provide information on the key points that you would discuss within this resource.
- Summarize the situation:
- What is self-concept? Name all parts.
- What are some of the dangers of negative self-concept?
- What are some benefits of positive self-concept?
- Explain the following:
- How can someone improve his/her self-concept?
- Use sources:
- Use at least 1 source to support your ideas
- Cite this source at the end of your discussion post
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
An underrated aspect of interpersonal communication is listening. Many times, the success of a conversation will depend on whether one person took the time to actually listen to what the other person had to say.
Think about a time in which you had a conversation with someone and although you heard the words they spoke; you did not really listen. Did you ever wonder why this was the case? Take the time to describe the incident and then discuss the following:
- Summarize the situation:
- Who were you talking to?
- What was the subject?
- How did it go?
- Explain the following:
- What is the difference between hearing someone and listening?
- Which style of listening was used in this example and why?
- What are some of the barriers to effective listening present in your example?
- Use sources:
- Use at least 1 source to support your ideas
- Cite this source at the end of your discussion post
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
With any personal relationship, there is the potential for conflict. Whether it is in the workplace or in a person’s home life, conflict often occurs. In fact, it should be seen as natural and unavoidable in some respects.
Because this is the case, think about a time in which you had a conflict with someone and reflect on the following:
- Summarize the situation:
- What was the cause of the conflict?
- Was it one of the fundamental causes that often lead to conflict?
- How did you handle it?
- Explain the following:
- Was it the best way to handle it, or are there techniques that you should have used instead?
- Which technique that you have learned might have been helpful in this situation? Why? Use sources.
- Use at least 1 source to support your ideas
- Cite this source at the end of your discussion post
As you pursue your degree and beyond, you will work together with classmates, coworkers, direct reports, and supervisors. When you have individuals working together in pursuit of a goal, there will be some form of conflict among team members. This could be due to personality conflicts, disagreement over tactics, and so forth. Unfortunately, if not handled correctly, conflict can disrupt and destroy any team efforts and can destroy relationships. On the other hand, conflict offers the potential for learning and developing future relationships with individuals. For this assignment, you will look over a scenario and make use of all of your interpersonal skills gained in the course to resolve the conflict and repair the relationships.
Consider the following scenario:
You have just been transferred to a new department at your place of employment. Your first task in this new department is to take a lead project management role on a project that has been taking longer than the company had anticipated.
You decide that a great way to get to know the team is to have a lunch meeting in a private room at a local restaurant. You want to have a nice lunch and an informal conversation about the project to get a feel for why the project seems stagnant.
The team consists of Marisa whose specialty is in training and development, Joe who is the subject matter expert on the new product, and Christopher whose specialty is in information technology and programming. Everybody goes around the table and introduces themselves.
Your initial observations of each team member:
- Marisa seems to be very confident and driven in her statements. She has a rich background in training and development.
- Joe is very confident in his knowledge of the subject matter but is a perfectionist.
- Christopher is very quiet and reserved. You are unsure as to what country of origin he is from, but it is clear that English is a second language for him. You have heard that he is very good at what he does.
You also notice the following:
- Immediately Marisa begins talking and blaming the projects lack of success on Joe taking too long to get her the information she needs. Marisa’s role is to create the training plan for selling the new product and she needs Christopher to finish his work before she can launch the training to employees.
- Joe immediately becomes defensive and begins to yell at Marisa and tell her he is not putting his name on it until it is ready. He continues by telling Marisa that at this point she does not have the brain capacity to understand the product enough so he has to dumb it down for her.
- Christopher jumps in and tries to offer his insights and Marisa turns to him, tells him that his job is simply to create what she tells him to create, then continues to argue with Joe. Christopher looks down at the table and stops talking.
- Things are really starting to get heated and it is clear that this informal lunch meeting is quickly getting out of hand.
The description of this scenario can be downloaded here for future reference: Unit 5 Discussion Board Scenario.
- Summarize the situation:
- Write up a plan for resolving the conflict, getting the project back on track, and repairing the relationships of each individual involved.
- How can interpersonal communication skills be used to resolve the conflict between the teammates? [indent with bullet point] How would you address the situation with each of the three individuals in a respectful manner as well as take what they have said and done into consideration?
- Explain the following:
- Where are patterns of conflict that are occurring with each individual?
- How can these relationships be repaired using concepts of interpersonal communication such as power, listening skills, asking questions, cultural and personal sensitivity, empowerment, reframing, and any other conflict resolution strategies you find appropriate? Use sources.
- Use at least 1 source to support your ideas
- Cite this source at the end of your discussion post
For your discussion boards, this example shows how to cite a few websites and some academic journal articles. Please know this entry is meant to only serve as an example of a story that is supported by Interpersonal Communication terms, statements, and concepts.
This assignment is meant to be your own. You do not need to copy this text model. Your entry does not necessarily need to look like this text and certainly does not need to be this length if you prefer not to write so much.
Many of you are doing just fine with the way you are doing what you do. Read and implement the feedback I provide to you with each assignment, and your essay should be just fine as you improve from week to week. If you have any questions about APA or any other professional prose, please let me know. As I have told you on many occasions, email is typically the best way to reach me.
-James Cartee
Interpersonal Communications-COMS105
Unit 5 Discussion Board
Jamie Doe
Colorado Technical University
As the lead project manager in a new department, I am certainly feeling out of place as if I am intruding on what has been going on before I stepped in. But my duty is to take the lead and get the tasks rolling again in my place of employment. Initially I would make it clear to this cross-functional team that we need to get this stagnant project back on track and complete, before our lack of progress damages our brand product equity. This lack of organization would then cause customers to seek business elsewhere with one or more team members potentially quitting as well. I will have them all take a moment to get their feelings and nerves in check, and we will begin communicating with the Seven C’s of Communication. This exercise includes communication that is clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete, and most important of all, practicing courtesy to one another (Lee, Bristow, & Wong, 2018). First thing needing to be done, I would explain that we need to effectively resolve these present conflicts. The team should actively communicate as a group on what plan will be implemented to finish the project in a timely fashion. When figuring out the team’s communication types, each individual is under a different category of a defined communication type (McCarthy & Milner, 2013). Marisa seems to be in the blaming category as she constantly blames Joe for not getting her the information she needs to continue her role in this project. Joe seems to be the explosive type, becoming easily angered by the blame directed towards him from Marisa. Christopher then portrays the silent type by shutting down when his input is ridiculed and discredited. All these defined types of communication have serious impacts with unhealthy activities and side effects that will damper the mood of this project if everyone continues to operate on one’s self-motivations. We understand clearly that Joe is a perfectionist and wants to make sure that the product he creates is up to corporate standards. Even more importantly, as a team, we want to validate his feelings in this product creation process as he becomes ready with each procedural step in front of him. First and foremost, we need Joe to complete this project to the next step, so that the rest of the team can do their parts in the process as well.
We need to figure out what Joe needs to assist him with enhancing this product so that the item meets certain standards of approval. Then we can move it along to Marisa who will get the training plan ready for the team, so that Christopher will next create his own modules. Christopher’s completion of these modules will then give Marisa the capability to launch the training plan to the available employees. The process remains dependent on each person in each phase to reach the next stage of development. In this described scenario, the individuals continue to experience different patterns of conflict with Marisa and Joe being shouters and Christopher being a silent martyr (Gunther, 2018). Christopher tried to provide his input, and Marisa shut him out of the ‘conversation’ by yelling at him, while she and Joe were already shouting at one another simultaneously. The situation sounds like a high school pep rally of negativity with loud screaming. Christopher was unfairly attacked by Marisa, becoming the unjustifiable receiver of her criticism. We need to stop the shouting, listen respectively to one another, and take turns giving our input and opinions. We may then fully understand and cooperate with one another to finally finish this project and move forward to the next goals with a new project. Since we cannot work together while treating each other with respect, there was no way we could work together towards a common goal, everyone thinking of themselves before the whole team. The need to fix these damaged relationships is very important so future projects can move forward while employees are content in a positive work environment with limited stress.
In order to start the process of repairing these damaged relationships, I need the team to be open and honest about what has caused the conflict and what each can do to fix the issues at hand. The team members will apologize for offending and hurting the feelings of each other due to the yelling or negative criticism. Marisa is going to need to take a few breaths and calm down in order to avoid another unnecessary outburst. She must actively listen to Joe and Christopher. Joe will need to set aside some of his perfectionist ways and move the product to the next step so that Marisa and Christopher can then do their parts. There also needs to be some empathy towards Christopher’s sensitive personality. The team will potentially treat Christopher as needed by reframing, in other words, to see and say things differently than previously stated. Joe will constructively move forward after feeling stuck on his own job responsibilities to reach his goals for product completion. Joe will feel more empowered to act, secure in his own shoes (McNamara, 2012). Marisa will need to talk less and actively listen more in order to learn about the product to effectively have the training plan in place at the right time. Finally, Christopher’s work will then present his finished creation while training becomes launched to the employees for their educational needs (Phillips, 1997). “Seek first to understand, then to be understood” is a quote by Steven Covey (1989), the author of Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, meaning that in our own communications, we must ensure we understand others before we push to be understood. In order to accomplish this task, we will use interpersonal communication skills, including verbal and nonverbal communication, to effectively resolve the conflict, thus establishing a plan for carrying all projects to completion. We will need to put ourselves in others’ shoes and support them to do the same, using empathy, trying to understand the work process from different perspectives (Bran, 2018). Together we will collaborate and compromise to efficiently reach the planned goals and in turn, find a common agreed-upon strategy to complete all necessary projects delegated to the team by upper level management.
Works Cited
Bran, R. (2018). THE ROLE OF ACTIVE LISTENING IN THE ACQUISITION OF SECOND LANGUAGES. Research and Science Today, (1) , 88. Retrieved January 28. 2019, from ProQuest Central Database.
Covey, S. R. (1989). The seven habits of highly effective people: Restoring the character ethic . New York: Simon and Schuster.
Gunther, R. (2018, June 15). Psychology Today. Retrieved from…
Lee, C., Bristow, M., & Wong, J. C. (2018). Emotional intelligence and teamwork skills among undergraduate engineering and nursing students: A pilot study. Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education, 8 (1). Retrieved January 28. 2019, from ProQuest Central Database.
McCarthy, G., & Milner, J. (2013). Managerial coaching: Challenges, opportunities and training. The Journal of Management Development, 32 (7), 768-779. Retrieved January 28. 2019, from ProQuest Central Database.
McNamara, C. (2012, February 2). Free Management Library . Retrieved from…
Phillips, P. (1997). The Conflict Wall. Educational Leadership, 54 (8), 43–44. Retrieved January 28, 2019, from Academic Search Complete Database.
*Please note this entry was provided by a student with this person’s knowledge and permission to utilize in future Communication courses. The names in this essay have been changed to protect the identity of those involved in the story. This specific example is meant to serve for educational purposes only. While these sources are real, the content of this essay may not reflect the actual content of each cited source. This assignment may have been changed from the original contents of this provided essay. Be sure that you always read the assignment directions very carefully to fully complete this assignment. This given example is not meant to be a source for any texts in this class. Do NOT use this demonstration entry for your own discussion board post!
LB Doctoral Business Finance Assignment Help
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Setting personal and professional goals and working toward them gives a sound perspective of what you want to achieve. Using the SMART model, your goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timely, and they should consider your environment. Complete the following:
- Provide a list of 3–5 personal and professional goals that you plan to complete. You may consider 3 goals that you have for the Doctoral Program in which you will be participating for the next 3 years.
- Explain how you intend to accomplish them.
- Post your updated goals for review, and respond to your feedback teammate.
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
In this course you will work toward focusing on establishing a topic for your Dissertation. Develop a list of 8-10 topics that interest you in your chosen concentration.
From this list of 8-10 topics, select 2-3 of the most interesting topics and describe why these 2-3 topics deserve to be researched. Each topic should be presented succinctly and supported by personal observations.
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
From a previous Discussion Board input, you described why 2-3 topics of interest deserve to be reached.
Select one of these 2-3 topics, and expand further on the details of this topic. Defend these 2-3 research topics in order to focus your dissertation research topic by the end of this course. What are the specific issues and/or problems associated with this topic that you are aware of?
- Did you find a lot of reference material or very little?
- How might you have to adjust your topics of interest based on this information?
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
You will be researching 3 topic ideas for your Individual Project assignment this week. Complete and discuss the following to prepare you for your next assignment:
- Assess your research abilities, and describe what assistance you will need over the next 3 years.
- What are the most important elements that should be addressed in your research?
Using scholarly format for your document, write a five page composition, using APA format and citations that addresses the following questions:
- What is your DM/DCS/DBA concentration and why did you choose it?
- Considering your Program (DM/DCS/DBA) your concentration, and your interests, what are the 1-2 research topics that you are focusing on for your dissertation?
- If your topic of interest were addressed through your research how would it inform, enhance, or otherwise improve your field?
- Now that you’ve answered these questions, write a brief introduction that tells the reader what the composition is about and how it is organized. Insert the introduction at the beginning.
Now that you’ve written your answers, write a conclusion for your composition – restating the major points. Your composition should now have this format (1) Intro, (2) Body, (3) Conclusion and (4) Reference page.
Note: For all IP assignments, you must have a cover page. Keep in mind the cover page and reference page are not included in the page count.
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Research is the foundation of this program. Discuss the following:
- What are your thoughts about research in general?
- Do you consider research important? Why or why not?
- Describe and discuss any research that you have done in the past.
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
What is an annotated bibliography? Discuss the following:
- Why are annotated bibliographies important to your research process? Include an explanation on the role they will play in your dissertation.
- Select at least 10 articles which you use to develop an annotated bibliography for your next Individual Project assignment.
Prepare a draft annotated bibliography. Select a topic, preferably one that you plan to focus on for your dissertation. Select 10 articles for the bibliography. The bibliography must have 10 entries critically analyzed, to include the following:
- Author’s abstract
- Your version of an abstract
- Strengths and weaknesses of each article
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Focus your discussion on the following questions:
- What is a literature review?
- What should be included in a literature review?
- Locate and provide a good literature review in your area of interest, and discuss its strengths and weaknesses.
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Focus your discussion on the following questions:
- What is action research?
- Describe any action research that you have employed in your educational pursuits or on the job.
- Discuss how you might use action research to conduct your research in terms of your currently selected topic? Provide several examples.
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Discuss qualitative and quantitative research by addressing the following points:
- Does one complement the other?
- Can you use both types of research within your research?
- Are integrity and credibility important in your research?
- Discuss how you have employed qualitative and quantitative research either in your educational pursuits or on the job.
Prepare a research strategy document that explores your use of qualitative, quantitative, or mixed research approach. The document should include the following:
- Describe which of the 3 approaches you would use to perform your dissertation research, and why.
- What instruments do you intend to use to support your selected research method?
- What process steps will you go through, including coordination with the Institutional Review Board (IRB), to ensure your research is conducted with integrity and in an ethical manner?
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
A growth edge or growing edge is a recognized area with potential for growth, development, and learning. For this Discussion Board, your growth edge represents where you are now and where you will be at the end of your dissertation research journey (who you will become). Focus your discussion on the following:
- Find a resource that explains how to determine your growth edge.
- Develop and share a narrative on what you believe your growth edge is in relationship to learning about the practice of research.
- Be sure to include an APA-formatted reference for the article your selected.
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Conduct a search for an article in your field of study pertaining to research ethics and discuss the following:
- How does the article relate to your general thoughts or beliefs on research ethics?
- Create your own personal statement on research ethics, and share it in the Discussion Board.
- Be sure to include an APA-formatted reference for the article your selected.
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Focus on the following questions:
A scholarly or academic article tends to provide more in-depth coverage on a specific topic by presenting research findings to expand knowledge in a discipline. It is usually written by an expert in a formal structure that was reviewed and critically evaluated by a board of experts.
Locate and provide an example of both a good and a poor academic article in your area of interest, and describe the strengths and weaknesses of each article. Based on your analysis, discuss the following:
- What made this article a good or bad paper? Support your response.
- What would you do to improve upon each of the articles?
- Describe how the good article could be used by yourself or someone else in practice.
- Provide the URL link to the article so your peers and the instructor can read it.
Select a topic that you wish to pursue for your dissertation research. Prepare your final annotated bibliography for this topic. The bibliography should have at least 25 entries critically analyzed to include the following :
- Author’s abstract
- Your version of an abstract
- Strengths and weaknesses of each article
- List in alphabetical order
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
A practitioner article tends to be shorter in length than a scholarly article on a specific topic providing trends and reports on the industry versus research findings. It is usually written by a practitioner or specialty journalist as a short news item and is usually reviewed by a single editor.
Locate and provide an example of both a good and a poor practitioner article in your area of interest, and describe the strengths and weaknesses of each article. Based on your analysis, discuss the following:
- What made this dissertation a good or bad paper? Support your response.
- What would you do to improve upon each of the articles?
- Describe how the good article could be used by yourself or someone else in practice.
- Provide the URL link to the article so your peers and the instructor can read it.
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
A dissertation is much more detailed than a scholarly article, spanning a few hundred pages. Its aim is to demonstrate expertise as a scholar and is in a very formal structured format. A large part of a dissertation is devoted first to an extensive literature review of related work then to the methodology and results of the author’s research.
Locate and provide an example of a good dissertation in your area of interest, and describe its strengths and weaknesses. Based on your analysis, discuss the following:
- What made this a strong dissertation? Support your response.
- What are the specific chapters of this dissertation?
- What type of dissertation research approach was used: qualitative, quantitative, or mixed?
- Provide the URL link to the article so your peers and the instructor can read it.
Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Summative Discussion Board
Review and reflect on the knowledge that you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, write at least 3 paragraphs on the following:
- What were the most compelling topics learned in this course?
- How did participating in discussions help your understanding of the subject matter? Is anything still unclear that could be clarified?
- What approaches could have yielded additional valuable information?
The main post should include at least 1 reference to research sources, and all sources should be cited using APA format.
Research is the foundation of your doctoral studies. What you take from this class and move forward on your doctoral journey can have a tremendous impact on your success.
Understanding and incorporating Human Subject Protection is an essential element of ethical research. All doctoral students must take the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative course to develop comprehensive knowledge on the topic of human subject protection, regardless if you will have human subjects in your study, or not.
Part II
Prepare a two page paper that addresses the following:
- What is human subject protection?
- Why is it important to understand the subject of human subject protection?
- How does human subject protection contribute to ethical research?
- What was most surprising to you as you learned about human subject protection?
- DM, DCS, and DBA research is often low risk to human participants (compared to medical and psychological research). If this is the case, WHAT risks are common to DM, DCS, and DBA research? Why is it important to protect our human subjects and what are we often protecting them from?
CITI Program. (n.d.). Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative at the University of Miami. Retrieved from
Example of Article Citation for the Assignment
- Disaster Management: Lettieri, E., Masella, C., & Radaelli, G. (2009). Disaster management: Findings from a systematic review. Disaster Prevention and Management, 18(2), 117–136. doi: 10.1108/09653560910953207 ABI/INFORM
- Interpersonal Trust: Lewicki, R. J., Tomlinson, E. C., & Gillespie, N. (2006). Models of interpersonal trust development: Theoretical approaches, empirical evidence, and future directions. Journal of Management, 32(6), 991–1022. Doctoral Library-SAGE
- Organizational Justice/Fairness: Colquitt, J. A., Conlon, D. E., Wesson, M. J., Porter, C. O. L. H., & Ng, K. Y. (2001). Justice at the millennium: A meta-analytic review of 25 years of organizational justice research. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86, 425–445. LIBRARY
Native American artist Other Assignment Help
Exploring Native American Culture assignments are opportunities provided in each unit to research and gain insight into Native American culture through non-literary cultural artifacts. For Unit 1, complete the following assignment:
- Choose a Native American artist in a genre other than literature (film, art, music, etc.) OR a traditional Native American art form (dance, music, jewelry, etc.)
- Research the artist and/or the art form (minimum two sources)
- Compose a 2-3 paragraph essay that addresses the following:
- Summarize and explain how the artist’s work OR the art forms demonstrate Native American values
- Make connections between your research and the works we’ve read so far – what themes and values are similar? Be sure to cite any works you reference from the course readings.
- Include evidence in the form of quotes or paraphrased ideas from at least two sources complete with MLA citation.
Analyzing and Visualization Data Assignment. Other Assignment Help
This week we review how the data types influence the graphing types.
- Use RStudio to generate a word document with simple graphs of the following dataset: dataset_price_personal_computers.csv
- Review the slides to learn the data types requirements for each graph type: Analyzing and Visualizing Data – Selecting a Graph.pptx
- Use the following videos to learn the commands to produce simple graphs in RStudio: RStudio – Simple Graphs – Part 1 & RStudio – Simple Graphs – Part 2.
Graphs to Produce:
Pie Chart:
- Create a pie chart for the computer ram
- Label the ram sizes as follows: 2GB, 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 24GB, 32GB
- Title the pie chart as “Computer Ram”
- Color the pie chart using the rainbow option
Bar Plot:
- Create a barplot of the computer screen sizes
- Label the x-axis as “Screen Sizes”
- Label the y-axis as “Frequency”
- Title the barplot as “Computer Screen Sizes”
- Color the bars in the barplot any color you wish.
- Create a histogram of the computer prices
- Label the x-axis as “Prices”
- Title the histogram as “Computer Prices”
- Give the histogram any color you wish.
Box Plot:
- Create a boxplot of comparing the computer price and premium category
- Label the y-axis as “Price”
- Label the x-axis as “Premium”
- Title the boxplot as “Premium Computer Prices Distribution”
- Color the boxplot any color you wish.
Scatter Plot:
- Create a scatter plot of computer price and hard drive size
- Label the x-axis as “Hard Drive Size”
- Label the y-axis as “Price”
- Title the scatter plot as “Computer Price vs Hard Drive Size”
- Color the scatter any color you wish.
The Document should be an easy-to-read font in MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format).
Analyzing and Visualization Data Assignment. Other Assignment Help[supanova_question]
I would like to get the all the code for this problem solving in Python. i am using a window 10. My coding Environment is Visual studio code, with Python3 REPL. Computer Science Assignment Help
Initial Setup
Both you and your partner will need to get the starter code for your group using Git.
Method 1 – get your GitHub account set up and load a key first
- In VS Code, open the command palette and select the “Git Clone” option.
- When prompted for the repository URL, enter the
- Choose the “Open Repository” option in the window that pops up in the lower-right corner of the screen.
Method 2
- Follow this link to go to the assignment repo:
- Choose the “Clone or download” green button in the right portion of the window. Download the ZIp file and extract it wherever you want using the unzipper of your choice. You could also clone from here instead of from vscode, but again, you would need to have a valid GitHub account for that to work.
The repository should contain a file named
, which is where you will put all of the code you write for this assignment.
Next, you will need to install a few extra modules using Python’s “pip” installer.
- In VS Code, open up a Terminal window if you don’t already have one open. Recall that you can go to “View” and then “Terminal” to open the terminal.
- Make sure that your VS Code terminal is NOT running a Python REPL. If it is, exit the REPL using the “exit()” function.
- In the terminal, enter the following commands. Note that if you are using Windows, replace “python3” with “python”.
python3 -m pip install -U numpy
python3 -m pip install -U scipy
python3 -m pip install -U sounddevice - Test that it worked by starting a Python REPL (using the python or python3 command, depending on whether you are using Windows or macOS). In the REPL, test out the following imports to make sure you don’t get any errors.
import numpy
import scipy
import sounddeviceIf you run into any problems, check Piazza to see if you can find the solution there. Otherwise, post a new question or see me in office hours.
Note that for this assignment, it is strongly recommended that you do the coding only on one of your computers. You may “Sync” on the other computers, but to avoid headaches with conflicting changes, which we haven’t learned to deal with in Git, you should only make changes to the code using one computer.
Also, remember when VS Code closes your repository when you exit and restart it. Use the “Open Recent” option (in the “File” menu) to reopen it if you can’t find it.
We also recommend that you stage changes, commit those changes, and sync the changes every time you finish one of the functions you write. This ensures that you won’t lose any of your work in case your computer gets lost or a file gets accidentally deleted.
Sounds are waves of air pressure. When a sound is generated, a sound wave consisting of compressions (increases in pressure) and rarefactions (decreases in pressure) moves through the air. This is similar to what happens if you throw a stone into a pond: the water rises and falls in a repeating wave.
When a microphone records sound, it takes a measure of the air pressure and returns it as a value. These values are called samples and can be positive or negative corresponding to increases or decreases in air pressure. Each time the air pressure is recorded, we are sampling the sound. Each sample records the sound at an instant in time; the faster we sample, the more accurate is our representation of the sound. The sampling rate refers to how many times per second we sample the sound. Sampling rates of 11025 (bad quality; e.g. for VOIP conversations), 22050, and 44100 (CD quality) are common; the higher the sample rate, the better the sound quality.
For sounds recorded in mono, a sample is simply a positive or negative integer that represents the amount of compression in the air at the point the sample was taken. For sounds recorded in stereo (which we use in this assignment), a sample is made up of two integer values: one for the left speaker and one for the right.
The sound
module (given as part of the starter code) contains functions for working with sound files.
Some of the sound files in this assignment are modified versions of sounds from
Using the During the lab, you should have already encountered all the functions and methods you need from the sound module.
The following table is a list of all functions in the sound
Function Explanation sound.load_sound(filename)
Returns a new sound object from file filename
Returns a silent sound of length
samples sound.copy(snd)
Returns a copy of sound snd
Plays sound snd
Stops playing sound snd
Returns the number of samples in sound snd
The following table lists the methods in the Sound
Method | Explanation |
Sound(filename) |
Returns a new sound object from the filename . |
copy() |
Returns a copy of the sound object |
play() |
Plays the sound object |
stop() |
Stops playing the sound object |
get_sample(index) |
Returns the Sample found at index index . |
Finally, the following table shows methods in the StereoSample
Method | Explanation |
get_left() |
Returns the left channel of the sample |
get_right() |
Returns the right channel of the Sample. |
set_left(value) |
Sets the left channel of the sample to value |
set_right(value) |
Sets the right channel of the sample to value |
get_index() |
Returns the index of the sample |
You can also use the looping syntax for sample in snd
to iterate over all samples in snd
, as demonstrated below.
# print all of the samples in the sound object
for sample in snd:
For this assignment, you are not allowed to use the crop
function. Other than crop
, all the functions in the sound module are available for your use. However, it’s not necessary to go searching for other functions. You can write a perfect solution using only the functions in the table above!
If you want to save any of your sounds as wav files, you can do so using the sound.save_as
function. However, make sure you don’t use this function in the code that you hand in.
You may be more familiar with MP3 files than wav files. The major difference between the two is that wav files don’t use any compression, whereas MP3 files use lossy compression. Lossy compression results in MP3 files that are poorer quality, but much smaller, than wav files.
Problem 1: Removing Vocals
Listen to the wav file with vocals (love.wav
) in your repository folder. (Note: You can play WAV files in Windows Media Player (Windows 10) or iTunes (macOS) after you download them. You’ll also find it convenient to play sounds from within Python itself.)
The function you write for this problem, remove_vocals
will be able to take a sound object created from that file, and produce a new sound object that is the same as the original sound but with vocals removed. The header for this function is given below.
def remove_vocals(snd):
The remove_vocals
function takes a sound object snd
as a parameter, and creates and returns a new sound with vocals removed using the algorithm described below. The new sound has the same number of samples as snd
. (Remember: The original sound, snd
, should NOT be modified.)
The algorithm works as follows. Any given sample in snd
contains two integer values, one for the left channel and one for the right. Call these values left
and right
. For each sample in snd
, compute (left – right) / 2, and use this value for both the left and right channels of the corresponding sample in the new sound you are creating.
Here’s an example. Let’s say that snd
contains the following three samples, each composed of two values:
- (1010, 80)
- (1500, -4200)
- (-65, 28132)
Your program will produce a new sound consisting of the following three samples:
- (465, 465)
- (2850, 2850)
- (-14098, -14098)
If you do the math, you’ll notice that the values in the third sample should have both been the fractional number -14098.5; but sample values must be integers. Make sure you use the “floor division” operator in (i.e. “//”) to produce an integer rather than a floating point number. Keep this in mind for all of the functions you write in this assignment.
Example Usage
Below is a short bit of Python code that shows how you could use the function you just wrote. This code is written assuming you are using the Python REPL, which you started while in your repository directory.
import sound
import comp110_psa2
love = sound.Sound("love.wav")
love_no_vocals = comp110_psa2.remove_vocals(love)
Why This Algorithm Works
For the curious, a brief explanation of the vocal-removal algorithm is in order. As you noticed from the algorithm, we are simply subtracting one channel from the other and then dividing by 2 (to keep the volume from getting too loud). So why does subtracting the right channel from the left channel magically remove vocals?
When music is recorded, it is sometimes the case that vocals are recorded by a single microphone, and that single vocal track is used for the vocals in both channels. The other instruments in the song are recorded by multiple microphones, so that they sound different in both channels. Subtracting one channel from the other takes away everything that is “in common” between those two channels which, if we’re lucky, means removing the vocals.
Of course, things rarely work so well. Try your vocal remover on this badly-behaved wav file (cartoon.wav
). Sure, the vocals are gone, but so is the body of the music! Apparently some of the instruments were also recorded “centred,” so that they are removed along with the vocals when channels are subtracted. When you’re tired of that one, try this harmonized song (harmony.wav
). Can you hear the difference once you remove the vocals? Part of the harmony is gone!
Grading The remove_vocals
function is worth <#points 7 pts>, broken down as follows.
- Vocals correctly removed using specified algorithm. <#points 3 pts>
- Effect works on all samples in sound. <#points 1 pts>
- Original sound not modified. <#points 2 pts>
- Correct docstring comment at beginning of function and appropriate comments in the body of the function. <#points 1 pt>
Problem 2: Fading In and Out
For this problem, you will be writing three functions that will produce fade-in and fade-out effects. As with Problem 1, these functions should not modify the original sound object: they should create a copy of that original, modify the copy, then return that copy.
Start this problem by implementing the fade_in
function, whose function header is given below.
def fade_in(snd, fade_length):
This function takes a sound object and an integer indicating the number of samples to which the fade-in will be applied. For example, if fade_length
is 88200, the fade-in should not affect any sample numbered 88200 or higher. (Reminder: The first sample in a sound is numbered 0.)
Before we discuss how to accomplish fade-in, let’s get acquainted with some fading-in. Listen to this monotonous sound of water bubbling (waver.wav
). The volume is stable throughout. Now, with the call fade_in(water, 88200)
(where water
is a sound object loaded with the water sound), we get water with a short fade-in. Notice how the water linearly fades in over the first two seconds, then remains at maximum volume throughout. (88200 corresponds to two seconds, because we’re using sounds recorded at 44100 samples per second.) Finally, with the call fade_in(water, len(water))
, we get water with a long fade-in. The fade-in is slowly and linearly applied over the entire duration of the sound, so that the maximum volume is reached only at the very last sample.
To apply a fade-in to a sound, we multiply successive samples by larger and larger fractional numbers between 0 and 1. Multiplying samples by 0 silences them, and multiplying by 1 (obviously) keeps them the same. Importantly, multiplying by a factor between 0 and 1 scales their volume by that factor.
Here’s an example. Assume fade_length is 4, meaning that I apply my fade-in over the first four samples (samples numbered 0 to 3). Both channels of those samples should be multiplied by the following factors to generate the fade-in:
Sample Number | Multiply By... |
0 | 0.0 |
1 | 0.25 |
2 | 0.5 |
3 | 0.75 |
3 | Do Not Modify the sample
Grading The fade_in
function is worth <#points 6 pts>, broken down as follows.
- Correct fading in effect. <#points 2 pts>
- Fading effect only for the specified number of samples. <#points 2 pts>
- Original sound not modified. <#points 1 pts>
- Correct docstring comment at beginning of function and appropriate comments in the function body. <#points 1 pt>
Now you will need to write a fade_out
function, with header given below.
def fade_out(snd, fade_length):
This function again takes a sound object and an integer indicating the length of the fade. However, this time, the fade is a fade-out (from loud to quiet), and the fade-out begins fade_length
samples from the end of the sound rather than from the beginning. For example, if fade_length
is 88200 and the length of the sound is samp
samples, the fade-out should only affect samples numbered samp
-88200 up to samp
Let’s use a raining sound to demonstrate (rain.wav
). As with the water bubbling above, the volume is stable throughout. Now, with the call fade_out(rain, 88200)
(where rain is a sound object loaded with the rain sound), we get rain with a short fade-out. The first few seconds of the rain are as before. Then two seconds before the end the fade-out starts, with the sound progressing toward zero volume. The final sample of the sound has value 0.
The multiplicative factors for fade_out
are the same as for fade_in,
but are applied in the reverse order. For example, if fade_length
were 4, the channels of the fourth-last sample would be multiplied by 0.75, the channels of the third-last sample would be multiplied by 0.5, the channels of the second-last sample would be multiplied by 0.25, and the channels of the final sample in the sound would be multiplied by 0.0.
Grading The fade_out
function is worth <#points 6 pts>, broken down as follows.
- Correct fading out effect. <#points 2 pts>
- Fading effect only for the specified number of samples. <#points 2 pts>
- Original sound not modified. <#points 1 pts>
- Correct docstring comment at beginning of function and appropriate comments in the function body. <#points 1 pt>
For the last part of this problem, you will write a function named fade
def fade(snd, fade_length):
This one combines both fading-in and fading-out. It applies a fade-in of fade_length
samples to the beginning of the sound, and applies a fade-out of fade_length
samples to the end of the sound. Don’t be concerned about what to do when the fades would overlap; don’t do anything special to try to recognize or fix this.
To avoid duplication of code, your implementation of fade
must make calls to your fade_in
and fade_out
Try out your fade
on one more wav file (grace.wav
). This one has a particularly abrupt beginning and end, which your fade function should be able to nicely finesse. This is a large file and can take a minute or two to process on a slow computer; test with smaller files first.
Grading The fade
function is worth <#points 4 pts>, broken down as follows.
- Correct fading out effect. <#points 1 pt>
- Fading effect only for the specified number of samples. <#points 1 pt>
- Uses
functions to implement this function. <#points 1 pt> - Correct docstring comment at beginning of function and appropriate comments in the function body. <#points 1 pt>
Problem 3: Panning from Left to Right
In this problem, you will write a single function that creates a panning effect, where sound moves from the left speaker to the right speaker. As in the previous problems, the function in this part should not modify the sound object it is passed; it should create and return a new sound object.
def left_to_right(snd, pan_length):
This function takes a sound object and an integer indicating the number of samples to which the pan will be applied. For example, if pan_length
is 88200, the pan should not affect any sample numbered 88200 or higher.
Let’s listen to what panning sounds like. Here’s an airplane sound (airplane.wave
). The entire sound is centred, and does not move in the stereo field as you listen. Now, with the call left_to_right(airplane, len(airplane))
(where airplane is a sound object loaded with the airplane sound), we get this airplane panning from left to right sound. The sound starts completely at the left, then slowly moves to the right, reaching the extreme right by the final sample.
Getting a sound to move from left to right like this requires a fade-out on the left channel and a fade-in on the right channel.
Here’s an example. Assume pan_length
is 4. The following table indicates the factors by which the channels of these samples should be multiplied:
Sample Number | Multiply Left Channel By… | Multiply Right Channel By… |
0 | 0.75 | 0.0 |
1 | 0.5 | 0.25 |
2 | 0.25 | 0.5 |
3 | 0.0 | 0.75 |
3 | Do Not Modify the sample | Do Not Modify the sample
If you run left_to_right
on only a prefix of a sound (i.e. you use a pan_length that is less than the length of snd
), you’ll get strange (though expected) results. For example, if you pan the first 441000 samples of love.wav, you’ll hear it pan from left to right over the first ten seconds, then you’ll hear a click followed by the remainder of the song played in the centre.
To understand how this function works, it might help to think of changing the volume using two volume controls: one for the left channel and one for the right. To make the sound seem like it’s moving from left to right, you slowly lower the volume in the left ear and raise the volume in the right ear. There is no copying going on between the two channels. And for the record, this technique only works when corresponding samples of both channels are the same: experiment with this dog and lake sound (doglake.wav
) to see what happens when channels contain different sounds.
Grading The left_to_right
function is worth <#points 4 pts>, broken down as follows.
- Correct panning effect. <#points 2 pts>
- Panning effect only for the specified number of samples. <#points 1 pts>
- Correct docstring comment at beginning of function and appropriate comments in the function body. <#points 1 pt>
You will write a short essay of approximately 300-500 wordsin proper Standard English, using concrete examples to support your ideas. Humanities Assignment Help
Essay: You will write a short essay of approximately 300-500 wordsin proper Standard English, using concrete examples to support your ideas.
Take notes over the 3 videos below (CC available in the close caption link on the left navigation bar for the first video; the second has built-in captions; the third has a CC button on the bottom right of the video screen) and cover all of the following topics in your essay:
Cover the how and why for each:
art collections are built, both the general trend for early museums in the US and for specific smaller, specialized, or minority museums
changes in audiences
changes in building styles and technology
issues of repatriation
considerations of cultural issues, including but not limited todecolonization [covered in video 2]
[use the third video to help explain how all museums tell stories, including colonization of ideas and artifacts and the need for decolonization]
Also include other things you find interesting. If outside resources are used, you must provide a works cited with MLA citations.
Video 1:
Riches Rivals & Radicals: 100 Years of Museums in America
User: n/a – Added: 12/11/09
YouTube URL: HYPERLINK “” t “_blank”
Video 2:
Why We Need To Decolonize The Brooklyn Museum | NowThis
User: n/a – Added: 5/16/18
YouTube URL: HYPERLINK “” t “_blank”
Video 3:
The danger of a single story | Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
User: n/a – Added: 10/7/09
YouTube URL: HYPERLINK “” t “_blank”
Comments: Due one week after essay deadline. This participation is graded.
Take the time to read at least two other classmates’ threads and make substantive comments (more than “I agree,” “Good job,” or “Cool,” etc.) on them.
This means you must elaborate, debate, and/or formulate questions based on their essays. Give specific examples to clarify your ideas.
Provide a relevant outside related source with working link or embedded content.
Examples are news items and videos from credible sources.
Do not reuse instructor-provided content.
Minimum 5 sentences/60 words.
Maintain decorum and proper grammar.
*** You must post your essay by the deadline in order to comment by the following deadline. Anyone not posting an essay will be unable to earn points for the assignment.
13 mins ago
Economic Decision-Making & Risk Management Engineering Assignment Help
Guidelines for the semester research paper:
- The report should contain the following contents: Cover page, Table of Contents, Table of Figures, In-Text Citations, and Reference List (or Bibliography). References and citations should be completed using APA style.
- The final project report will be due at the end of the term and must be based on the project report format stated below. The final project paper must be typed, 12 font, and is restricted to a length of 10,000 words (1 ½ spacing).
- 1-Inch Borders.
- Do not add extra white space (unnecessary white space will negatively impact final grading).
- Can use heading 1 or heading 2 (if necessary).
- Each page should have a Roman numeral page numerator at the bottom center of each page.
- Remember to keep the project report concise and succinct. Grammar/spelling will be considered as the submissions are graded.
- Resources used must be from published journals and literature from the last 4 years from research date.
- You must have AT LEAST 20 resources cited and used in your paper.
I have uploaded files that help you
if there’s anything not clear just let me know
RW management Writing Assignment Help
Within the Discussion Board area, write 300-500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
- Discuss a leader’s effectiveness using utilitarianism as the ethical decision-making approach in regard to the health care challenges set forth by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010.
- Answers can be in the form of classical utilitarianism, consequentialism, rule consequentialism, or rule utilitarianism.
You are the CEO of a 200-bed acute care facility and are challenged with the mandates of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) 2010. More specifically, you must lead your institution in changing reimbursement processes from fee-for-services to bundled payments.
- In a PowerPoint presentation of 6-8 slides, not including title slide and reference slide and with 100-200-word speaker notes per slide, identify and discuss the best and the least-effective leadership approaches to implement a process change within your finance department.
Your presentation should cover the following points (Lazerow, 2011):
- History of PPACA 2010
- How bundle payments are processed
- How health care facilities price their services
- How this service was established
- What benefits this has for the health care facility
- How physicians and hospitals determine better patient services, lower costs, and increase quality of patient encounters
- Halo or spillover effect
Include the following in your PowerPoint presentation:
- Speaker notes
- Cover page
- Conclusion
- References using APA formatting for all citations
Lazerow, R. (2011). The top questions about Medicare’s bundled payment program: You asked. We answered. The Daily Briefing. Retrieved from…
Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
- Discuss the ethical role of a manager in a long-term care facility when faced with a family decision to withhold nutrition and fluids to a terminal and semi-comatose patient.
- Refer to Hodgson’s ethical decision-making framework or other ethical decision-making frameworks of your choice.
An Appalachian patient in your health care facility wishes to stop treatment for his stage 4 bone cancer. His family is adamant that he continue the treatments. There have been multiple incidents where the family has verbally abused the nursing staff for consenting to the patient’s wishes. You decide to convene the ethics committee. Discuss this in a paper of 3–4 pages, including the following:
- Using the ethical decision-making frameworks of your choice, how will you lead this committee?
- Who would you include in the committee?
Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
You are the chief financial officer (CFO) of a home health corporation. You have been asked by the board of directors to develop an overview of the cost reimbursement available from private, state, and federal agencies for high-technology home care being delivered to the corporation’s current patients. Discuss the following:
- Investigate and predict what impact the baby boomers will have on this issue (including the understanding that since 2011 more than 10,000 people are applying for and receiving Medicare each month).
Your health care organization has decided to undergo a major restructuring to better align with the new Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010. You have been tasked with developing a managed care organization (MCO) and health maintenance organization (HMO) that will have as its core mission the ethical treatment of patients in their health care needs. Discuss the following in a double-spaced paper of 3–4 pages:
- Define and propose what structure your MCO/HMO will use to maximize the ethical delivery of health care to your patients.
- Research the library and other resources detailing best practices in MCO/HMO structuring to defend your answer.
Your first task is to post your own Key Assignment Outline to the discussion area so that other students are able to review your plan. Attach your document to the main discussion post, and include any notes that you feel are appropriate. The purpose of this assignment is to help improve the quality of the Key Assignment Draft that you will complete next week.
In a PowerPoint presentation of 6-8 slides not including title page and reference page (with 100–200 words of speaker notes per slide), complete the following:
- Develop a Health Organization Disaster Planning and Response Strategy that links federal, state, and local agency authorities and reflects the potential ethical decision-making that a health care leader may be confronted with.
- This Power Point presentation will be shown to your facility’s board of directors in their next planning meeting.
- Include ethical theories and principles that support the infrastructure of the strategy.
The presentation should cover the following points:
- Description of the ethical decision-making model
- The goal(s) of the strategy
- Details about using the ethical decision-making model of your choice
- Types of ethical decision-making problems
- Information on how federal, state, and local governments should distribute resources
- Information on compensation and allocation of resources
- A plan for deployment of personnel
- A plan for preparing the personnel and facility
- Practicing disaster preparedness competencies
The PowerPoint presentation should include the following:
- A cover slide
- Speaker notes
- A conclusion
- References
Within the Discussion Board area, write 100 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Summative Discussion Board
Review and reflect on the knowledge you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, write at least 3 paragraphs on the following:
- What were the most compelling topics learned in this course?
- How did participating in discussions help your understanding of the subject matter? Is anything still unclear that could be clarified?
- What approaches could have yielded additional valuable information?
- The main post should include at least 1 reference to research sources, and all sources should be cited using APA format.
Part 1
Based on comments from your instructor and peers in Week 4, edit and refine any sections of your Health Organization Disaster Planning and Response Strategy. You should have done the following in Week 4:
- In a PowerPoint presentation of 6-8 slides not including title slide and reference slide (with 200–250 words of speaker notes per slide), complete the following:
- Develop a Health Organization Disaster Planning and Response Strategy that links federal, state, and local agency authorities and reflects the potential ethical decision making that a health care leader may be confronted with.
- This PowerPoint presentation will be shown to your facility’s board of directors in their next planning meeting.
- Include ethical theories and principles that support the infrastructure of the strategy.
The presentation should cover the following points:
- Description of the ethical decision-making model
- The goal(s) of the strategy
- Details about using the ethical decision-making model of your choice
- Types of ethical decision-making problems
- Information on how federal, state, and local governments should distribute resources
- Information on compensation and allocation of resources
- A plan for deployment of personnel
- A plan for preparing the personnel and facility
- Practicing disaster preparedness competencies
The PowerPoint presentation should include the following:
- A cover slide
- Speaker notes
- A conclusion
- References
Part 2
To your presentation, add an additional 4-7 slides (with 200–250 words of speaker notes per slide) covering the following:
- Discuss 1 leadership approach using ethical decision-making models that a health care leader would use to implement the Health Organization Disaster Planning and Response Strategy.
To complete this part of the assignment, review the references listed below.
Bonde, S., & Firenze. P. (2013, May). A framework for making ethical decisions. Retrieved from…
Bowen,S.A. (2015, July 15). How would Kant approach this? A model for ethical healthcare business decisions. Leadership+. Healthcare Financial Management Association. Retrieved from…
Section C. Ethical Frameworks. Practical Guide to Clinical Ethics Support. (n.d.). UK Clinical Ethics Network. Retrieved from…