Can you write a 2-3 page paper on the below? Business Finance Assignment Help

Can you write a 2-3 page paper on the below? Business Finance Assignment Help. Can you write a 2-3 page paper on the below? Business Finance Assignment Help.

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This is the fifth component of your course project.

This week, you will conduct a securities assessment for your securities and complete your weekly portfolio analysis.

For your securities assessment, select several of the stocks in your portfolio with dividend and growth information, and complete the following:

  • Calculate their value using the dividend valuation model (DVM), including zero growth, constant growth, and variable growth.
  • Comment on the differences between the DVM value and the current market value.
  • Download a 6-month high-low-close chart for each of your securities from an appropriate Web site. Select one of your common stocks and download daily high-low-close prices for the past 8 weeks. Construct a point-and-figure chart, and comment on what you find.
  • Analyze how your portfolio returns would have been affected had you placed moving stop-loss orders at prices 10 percent below the market prices of your securities. Show when you would have been stopped out, and show the recalculation of the returns.

Note: This project scenario is based on the stock market games found on the Internet.

Include the following elements in your ongoing weekly portfolio analysis.

  • A weekly performance record of your portfolio, in comparison with a selected benchmark.
  • The background information on macroeconomic, industrial, financial market, political, or other news events that might affect the risk and return of the portfolio. You are encouraged to keep a weekly journal of these events. Note: You will be required to provide a summary of these events in an appendix of your final project paper.
  • A reassessment of asset investments, accompanied by detailed analysis and rationale.
  • A review of the changes in the risk of the portfolio and recalculation of the portfolio’s beta, based on your buying and selling of securities.
  • Your comments on trading activity (or turnover), including any contemporary factors (fiscal, economic, industry- or sector-specific, and political issues).

Title your 2–3-page analysis (including any graphics) “Securities Assessment,” and submit it to the assignment area. See the Securities Assessment Scoring Guide for the grading criteria for this assignment. Review the course project information for more details on your project.

Can you write a 2-3 page paper on the below? Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Quality Assurance Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Consider your results within the simulation. Please provide the warehouse manager a summative report of the main points of focus you wish to communicate regarding the challenge you just encountered. What realizations did you come to and when? Please respond with 200–300 words to the following questions:

  • When scheduling production of your products, what were the key factors considered?
  • Why is the reputation of an organization so important?
  • How do your customers differ from one another?
  • What were your holding costs?
  • When scheduling production of products, what are the key factors to consider?
  • Based on your overall performance, what are your thoughts on your overall experience of the simulation program? Did application of the skills you have learned help you to maximize your ability to meet your customer needs?


Vargas Family Case Study: Family Crisis Humanities Assignment Help

Read “Topic 7: Vargas Family Case Study.”

Part 1: Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT): Review the Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Manual located in the topical materials. Identify a specific presenting concern that one of the Vargas family members has identified this week. Create a “transcript” of the session where the therapist uses solution-oriented language to identify a solution to the problem. The transcript should be 500-750-words in length. Use the SFBT Manual transcripts as an example.

Part 2: Narrative Therapy: Identify one member of the Vargas family whose dominant story could use some re-writing. Consider the course of treatment and write a mid-treatment letter to the identified family member. See your book and the Dulwich Center for examples. The letter should be 500-750-words in length.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


DIigital Plant Collection Science Assignment Help


Laboratory Module 1. Introduction to BIO 1010L:
Getting Started

Digital Plant Collection Rather than have you collect plants and press them for credit, you will be collecting digital images of 5 (five) native2 plants (herbs, shrubs, trees, vines). You should ideally choose plants that are in flower, unless they are distinctive enough from the vegetative growth. You should also include several images for each plant, with close-ups of features used in their identification and a label. 2Native to southern Maryland or where you are currently.

Each plant should have a label.

• Label to include:  Scientific Name & Family  Common Name  Location (specific)  Habitat  Date  Collectors Name ( Your name here) & Collection Number

Plants of Southern Maryland


Genus species Authority

Common Name

Location Description & Habitat

Collector’s Name & Number Date
Note that the genus (Limnanthes below) and species (douglasii below) are in italics (in the old way, before computers, you had to underline the genus and species). The authority is the person who describes the species, usually a last name or initial(s) (for example, L is for Linnaeus, the father of plant taxonomy and R. Br. is for Robert Brown, an 18th C botanist famous for discovering the cell nucleus, cytoplasmic streaming and the namesake of Brownian motion)

For Example:

Plant images should be of reasonable quality/resolution. Enough to show details necessary to identify the plant.

For Instance: (see below)
Plants of California

Limnanthes douglasii R. Br.

Douglas meadowfoam

Stanislaus Co.: Williams Road, 0.5 miles South of Highways 120/108, 20 miles east of Oakdale. Moist depressions in abandoned pasture, 300 ft. north of road. Growing with Mimulus guttatus DC. And Ranunculus californicus Benth. Elevation: 400 feet.

Jane Q. Botanist 567 4 May 2001

Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) from Calvert County, MD.

Fig. Images with good (top) and poor (bottom) resolution.

The naming and classifying of plants is called taxonomy. A good source of information in determining the name of your plants is:

Enter either the common name or the scientific name (genus and species) and you will get the complete taxonomy of your plant.

A good plant field guide and a camera are essential to completing this assignment. If you don’t have a field guide, check with your family or friends. The library is another place to look. You can also purchase one in a bookstore or on line.

Check the calendar for the due date.

Please attach your plant collection to the assignment. See “Attach File” below


Legal Writing – Written Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help

Ann C. Dorite case, review her interview and your summary of her interview from module 02. For this assignment you just came out of a meeting with the partners of your firm, Susan & Winem. The meeting was short, but its contents were recorded by the partner’s secretary, Betsy M. Akurate, and she states that she will transcribe the meeting and provide a verbatim transcript below.

The firm’s partner, Rich N. Moore, asks you to stay after the meeting. He then asks you to write an internal memorandum with two parts. He specifically states that he wants you to submit the memorandum in one Word document to him and he will circulate to the other attorneys.

The first part of the internal memorandum, Mr. Moore tells you, should be a summary of the meeting you just attended. He says Ms. Akurate will email you the transcript of the meeting.

For the second part of the internal memorandum Mr. Moore wants you to read statutes and cases for Ms. Dortie’s case. He is concerned that since the client was walking in the street the city had no legal duty to maintain the streets in a reasonably safe condition.

Partner Moore tells you that the memorandum (i) should be no more than 4 pages as he has no time to read more than 4 pages; (ii) should only discuss the case authority he will give you; (iii) should update the cases and provide him with the citation to the most recent Illinois case on the subject of pedestrian use of roadways with a 1-2 sentence statement of what the rule of law in the case; (iv) should frame the issue in the second half of the memorandum for the Dorite case using the 123 Method; and (v) should provide a list of points and authorities at the end of your memorandum.

Partner Moore’s secretary, Ms. Akurate, then sends you a memo with the following information:

Read as background and include in your list of points and authorities but not discuss in your memorandam the following statutes:
a. 745 ILCS 10/3-102 (2015);
b. 740 ILCS 130/2 (2015);
Read and discuss only the following cases:
Curatola v. Niles, 154 Ill.2d 201, 608 N.E.2d 882 (1993);
Gutstein v. City of Evanston, 402 Ill. App.3d, 929 N.E.2d 680 (App.Ct. 2010); and
Vaugh v. City of W. Frankfort, 166 Ill.2d 155, 651 N.E.2d 1115 (1995)

The memo concluded by saying if you had any questions or wanted to clarify the directions you should contact Mr. Moore’s partner Dan Walker by email as Mr. Moore will be out of town for the next week. She also reminded you attorney Moore likes a table of points and authorities at the end of the memo so he can put in the file for quick reference.

I also uploaded a PDF that can help you out with this as well.



Developing use cases to support the ATM service Writing Assignment Help

Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA

As an intern software developer for a retail bank, you have been tasked with developing use cases to support the ATM service.

Prepare a 6-7 page paper in which you:

  • Describe (in a one to two (1-2) page narrative) a use case, complete with typical and alternate courses, that documents the event of a bank customer withdrawing money from an ATM.
  • Illustrate the use case using Visio or a similar product.
  • Describe (in a one to two (1-2) page narrative) a use case dependency for making an account deposit. Illustrate this use case with Visio or a similar product.
  • Describe (in a one to two (1-2) page narrative) a use case dependency for making an account transfer. Illustrate this use case with Visio or a similar product.
  • Identify and explain at least one (1) ethical issue that the use case exposes in connection with the development or use of the ATM system.
  • Research and cite at least three (3) authoritative academic sources.
  • Summarize the various requirements modeling techniques.
  • Create a use case based on relating functional requirements.
  • Analyze and articulate ethical, cultural, and legal issues and their feasibilities among alternative solutions.
  • Use contemporary CASE tools in process and data modeling.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in systems analysis and development.
  • Write clearly and concisely about Systems Analysis and Development topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.
  • Research and cite at least four (4) authoritative academic sources
  • Request a design completed in Micro Soft Visio. Please let me know if you do not have Visio. If you do not have visio please list out equipment used in your excel diagram so that I may recreate in Visio.

Developing use cases to support the ATM service Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Did the cost surprise you?, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Answers can be short


Read the article located at:…

Consider the various costs articulated in the article about the cost of opening and operating a small proprietorship.

Select three costs that you learned about from the article, and in a paragraph each cost, answer the following questions:

Did the cost surprise you?
Would the cost dissuade you from opening a sole proprietorship?
How would a sole proprietor finance or fund this type of cost?


You’d like to incorporate your business in New Jersey. You live in New Jersey, plan to only do business in New Jersey, and hope to make a profit. To simplify this assignment, assume that your corporation will not be publically traded, but will instead be a close corporation.

Use your favorite search engine to find the New Jersey administrative agency that manages the corporate filing process in New Jersey. Visit their website and after reviewing the materials provided for those wishing to incorporate in New Jersey, answer the following questions.

1. What administrative agency is manages the filing process for incorporation in New Jersey?
2. Do you need to file form NJ-REG? Answer Yes or No and then fully explain how you found out the answer.
3. What is the filing fee payable to the state for your filing?


You are a now shareholder in your favorite corporation! Go to Your are going to review the filings of a corporation that you might want to invest in. Under “Filings & Forms” select “Search for Company Filings.” You will see a number of ways you can search – including the corporation name, ticker symbol, or location. So, think of a corporation you might want to invest in, find its forms, and answer the following questions:

1. What corporation did you select? What is the corporation’s ticker symbol?
2. Locate the most recent 10-K filing.
a. What is the state of incorporation.
b. What exchange is the stock trading on?
c. Are there any legal proceedings going on in the corporation? If so, what are they? (Note: if they are numerous, include the first, and then note how many additional legal proceedings are noted in the document.
d. Who is the Chairman of the Board of Directors?
3. Locate the most recent 14A filing.
a. When is the next (or immediately past) meeting of the shareholders?
b. Where is the meeting held?
c. What will shareholders be voting on at that meeting?


one pollutant ( flame retardants), chemistry homework help Science Assignment Help

i want you to a presentation slides for me.

just focus on these attached file points.

it is a group presentation about hydrocarbon. i will send you a lecture that will show you an example. and i will send you another lecture that can show the fate and source of some chemicals.

we have list of pollutants, each group will talk about one , our group will be talking about hydrocarbon.

i will be focusing on these attached file points.

I attached two lectures;
1- One has ppt example of one pollutant ( flame retardants), so that it can help you in how you do the slides ( photos, pullet points, etc)
2- the other lecture is about the source and fate of some pollutants, that might be useful

lecture will be useful to the sources and the fates of pollutants

I will be talking about 6 minutes

Us at least two reliable sources

If u use picture write about it in the note

it is just about hydrocarbons all hydrocarbons

you can’t say that there are heaps of hydrocarbons contamination

and mention the common of them if that’s possible

attached example like that


Qualitative Coding Humanities Assignment Help

Please use the attached Word Document to complete this assignment. I have taken the time to break down the steps with
directions for each part (the coding and the write up portions). The directions on this description are outlined from the Word Doc. Please be very
thorough and if done under the time limit I will tip additional to the normal
tip I give.

For this assignment you will analyze four transcribed interviews (IN APPENDIX) by inductively coding the data and developing at least 4 themes. There are 4 tasks for the coding and a small write up portion – Each section is developed from the transcript coding and building on the previous section. Pretty straight forward! Fill in each table under the tasks and highlight the transcripts for the Task 1 (Transcripts are in the appendix), you need 4-5 themes for Task 4.

Task 1: Code the transcripts (4 TRANSCRIPTS ARE IN THE APPENDIX) and color code the transcript using a color for each key code. Do this in Word.

Task 2: Take those highlighted words and create a codebook below (FILL IN THE COLUMNS TO CREATE THE CODEBOOK)

Task 3: Expand on Task 2 and create a table (TABLE 1) of words or phrases that appear frequently.

Task 4: Based on Table 1 (TASK 3) and your coded transcript (TASK 1), create Tables 2 and 3 (THIS IS AN EXPANDED VERSION OF TABLE 1) for each theme.



Theater Essay, Satirical statement about social class, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Directions: Choose EITHER The Importance of Being Earnest OR No Exit and select a topic below. Write a multiple paragraph essay in which you directly address the issue presented. Use examples and quotes from the play for support.

Topic 1: Analyze the use of comedy in the play to explore a satirical statement it makes in regards to marriage, class or gender.

Topic 2: Do an in-depth analysis of the characters of the play. How are these characters used to satirize marriage, class or gender?

Topic 3: Focus on one satirical statement about marriage, class or gender. Write an essay in which you explore how you would adapt the play and what creative decisions you would make in order to highlight this theme. Be sure to discuss how specific scenes would be staged.

Requirements: Typed, double-spaced, four pages at a twelve-point font. Use MLA format. Sources can not be used or consulted.

Note: An A paper will have a thorough introduction that provides a set up for the analysis, a clear thesis that addresses the essay topic, a strong use of specific examples/quotes throughout the body, clear and distinct body points, a sound theme that provides a backbone to the analysis, well-structured individual paragraphs, a smooth recap at the end. An A paper will also be free of major writing and style errors.


Consider the various costs articulated in the article about the cost of opening and operating a small proprietorship.

Select three costs that you learned about from the article, and in a paragraph each cost, answer the following questions:

Did the cost surprise you?
Would the cost dissuade you from opening a sole proprietorship?
How would a sole proprietor finance or fund this type of cost?


You’d like to incorporate your business in New Jersey. You live in New Jersey, plan to only do business in New Jersey, and hope to make a profit. To simplify this assignment, assume that your corporation will not be publically traded, but will instead be a close corporation.

Use your favorite search engine to find the New Jersey administrative agency that manages the corporate filing process in New Jersey. Visit their website and after reviewing the materials provided for those wishing to incorporate in New Jersey, answer the following questions.

1. What administrative agency is manages the filing process for incorporation in New Jersey?
2. Do you need to file form NJ-REG? Answer Yes or No and then fully explain how you found out the answer.
3. What is the filing fee payable to the state for your filing?


You are a now shareholder in your favorite corporation! Go to Your are going to review the filings of a corporation that you might want to invest in. Under “Filings & Forms” select “Search for Company Filings.” You will see a number of ways you can search – including the corporation name, ticker symbol, or location. So, think of a corporation you might want to invest in, find its forms, and answer the following questions:

1. What corporation did you select? What is the corporation’s ticker symbol?
2. Locate the most recent 10-K filing.
a. What is the state of incorporation.
b. What exchange is the stock trading on?
c. Are there any legal proceedings going on in the corporation? If so, what are they? (Note: if they are numerous, include the first, and then note how many additional legal proceedings are noted in the document.
d. Who is the Chairman of the Board of Directors?
3. Locate the most recent 14A filing.
a. When is the next (or immediately past) meeting of the shareholders?
b. Where is the meeting held?
c. What will shareholders be voting on at that meeting?


one pollutant ( flame retardants), chemistry homework help Science Assignment Help

i want you to a presentation slides for me.

just focus on these attached file points.

it is a group presentation about hydrocarbon. i will send you a lecture that will show you an example. and i will send you another lecture that can show the fate and source of some chemicals.

we have list of pollutants, each group will talk about one , our group will be talking about hydrocarbon.

i will be focusing on these attached file points.

I attached two lectures;
1- One has ppt example of one pollutant ( flame retardants), so that it can help you in how you do the slides ( photos, pullet points, etc)
2- the other lecture is about the source and fate of some pollutants, that might be useful

lecture will be useful to the sources and the fates of pollutants

I will be talking about 6 minutes

Us at least two reliable sources

If u use picture write about it in the note

it is just about hydrocarbons all hydrocarbons

you can’t say that there are heaps of hydrocarbons contamination

and mention the common of them if that’s possible

attached example like that


Qualitative Coding Humanities Assignment Help

Please use the attached Word Document to complete this assignment. I have taken the time to break down the steps with
directions for each part (the coding and the write up portions). The directions on this description are outlined from the Word Doc. Please be very
thorough and if done under the time limit I will tip additional to the normal
tip I give.

For this assignment you will analyze four transcribed interviews (IN APPENDIX) by inductively coding the data and developing at least 4 themes. There are 4 tasks for the coding and a small write up portion – Each section is developed from the transcript coding and building on the previous section. Pretty straight forward! Fill in each table under the tasks and highlight the transcripts for the Task 1 (Transcripts are in the appendix), you need 4-5 themes for Task 4.

Task 1: Code the transcripts (4 TRANSCRIPTS ARE IN THE APPENDIX) and color code the transcript using a color for each key code. Do this in Word.

Task 2: Take those highlighted words and create a codebook below (FILL IN THE COLUMNS TO CREATE THE CODEBOOK)

Task 3: Expand on Task 2 and create a table (TABLE 1) of words or phrases that appear frequently.

Task 4: Based on Table 1 (TASK 3) and your coded transcript (TASK 1), create Tables 2 and 3 (THIS IS AN EXPANDED VERSION OF TABLE 1) for each theme.



Theater Essay, Satirical statement about social class, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Directions: Choose EITHER The Importance of Being Earnest OR No Exit and select a topic below. Write a multiple paragraph essay in which you directly address the issue presented. Use examples and quotes from the play for support.

Topic 1: Analyze the use of comedy in the play to explore a satirical statement it makes in regards to marriage, class or gender.

Topic 2: Do an in-depth analysis of the characters of the play. How are these characters used to satirize marriage, class or gender?

Topic 3: Focus on one satirical statement about marriage, class or gender. Write an essay in which you explore how you would adapt the play and what creative decisions you would make in order to highlight this theme. Be sure to discuss how specific scenes would be staged.

Requirements: Typed, double-spaced, four pages at a twelve-point font. Use MLA format. Sources can not be used or consulted.

Note: An A paper will have a thorough introduction that provides a set up for the analysis, a clear thesis that addresses the essay topic, a strong use of specific examples/quotes throughout the body, clear and distinct body points, a sound theme that provides a backbone to the analysis, well-structured individual paragraphs, a smooth recap at the end. An A paper will also be free of major writing and style errors.


Consider the various costs articulated in the article about the cost of opening and operating a small proprietorship.

Select three costs that you learned about from the article, and in a paragraph each cost, answer the following questions:

Did the cost surprise you?
Would the cost dissuade you from opening a sole proprietorship?
How would a sole proprietor finance or fund this type of cost?


You’d like to incorporate your business in New Jersey. You live in New Jersey, plan to only do business in New Jersey, and hope to make a profit. To simplify this assignment, assume that your corporation will not be publically traded, but will instead be a close corporation.

Use your favorite search engine to find the New Jersey administrative agency that manages the corporate filing process in New Jersey. Visit their website and after reviewing the materials provided for those wishing to incorporate in New Jersey, answer the following questions.

1. What administrative agency is manages the filing process for incorporation in New Jersey?
2. Do you need to file form NJ-REG? Answer Yes or No and then fully explain how you found out the answer.
3. What is the filing fee payable to the state for your filing?


You are a now shareholder in your favorite corporation! Go to Your are going to review the filings of a corporation that you might want to invest in. Under “Filings & Forms” select “Search for Company Filings.” You will see a number of ways you can search – including the corporation name, ticker symbol, or location. So, think of a corporation you might want to invest in, find its forms, and answer the following questions:

1. What corporation did you select? What is the corporation’s ticker symbol?
2. Locate the most recent 10-K filing.
a. What is the state of incorporation.
b. What exchange is the stock trading on?
c. Are there any legal proceedings going on in the corporation? If so, what are they? (Note: if they are numerous, include the first, and then note how many additional legal proceedings are noted in the document.
d. Who is the Chairman of the Board of Directors?
3. Locate the most recent 14A filing.
a. When is the next (or immediately past) meeting of the shareholders?
b. Where is the meeting held?
c. What will shareholders be voting on at that meeting?


one pollutant ( flame retardants), chemistry homework help Science Assignment Help

i want you to a presentation slides for me.

just focus on these attached file points.

it is a group presentation about hydrocarbon. i will send you a lecture that will show you an example. and i will send you another lecture that can show the fate and source of some chemicals.

we have list of pollutants, each group will talk about one , our group will be talking about hydrocarbon.

i will be focusing on these attached file points.

I attached two lectures;
1- One has ppt example of one pollutant ( flame retardants), so that it can help you in how you do the slides ( photos, pullet points, etc)
2- the other lecture is about the source and fate of some pollutants, that might be useful

lecture will be useful to the sources and the fates of pollutants

I will be talking about 6 minutes

Us at least two reliable sources

If u use picture write about it in the note

it is just about hydrocarbons all hydrocarbons

you can’t say that there are heaps of hydrocarbons contamination

and mention the common of them if that’s possible

attached example like that


Qualitative Coding Humanities Assignment Help

Please use the attached Word Document to complete this assignment. I have taken the time to break down the steps with
directions for each part (the coding and the write up portions). The directions on this description are outlined from the Word Doc. Please be very
thorough and if done under the time limit I will tip additional to the normal
tip I give.

For this assignment you will analyze four transcribed interviews (IN APPENDIX) by inductively coding the data and developing at least 4 themes. There are 4 tasks for the coding and a small write up portion – Each section is developed from the transcript coding and building on the previous section. Pretty straight forward! Fill in each table under the tasks and highlight the transcripts for the Task 1 (Transcripts are in the appendix), you need 4-5 themes for Task 4.

Task 1: Code the transcripts (4 TRANSCRIPTS ARE IN THE APPENDIX) and color code the transcript using a color for each key code. Do this in Word.

Task 2: Take those highlighted words and create a codebook below (FILL IN THE COLUMNS TO CREATE THE CODEBOOK)

Task 3: Expand on Task 2 and create a table (TABLE 1) of words or phrases that appear frequently.

Task 4: Based on Table 1 (TASK 3) and your coded transcript (TASK 1), create Tables 2 and 3 (THIS IS AN EXPANDED VERSION OF TABLE 1) for each theme.



Theater Essay, Satirical statement about social class, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Directions: Choose EITHER The Importance of Being Earnest OR No Exit and select a topic below. Write a multiple paragraph essay in which you directly address the issue presented. Use examples and quotes from the play for support.

Topic 1: Analyze the use of comedy in the play to explore a satirical statement it makes in regards to marriage, class or gender.

Topic 2: Do an in-depth analysis of the characters of the play. How are these characters used to satirize marriage, class or gender?

Topic 3: Focus on one satirical statement about marriage, class or gender. Write an essay in which you explore how you would adapt the play and what creative decisions you would make in order to highlight this theme. Be sure to discuss how specific scenes would be staged.

Requirements: Typed, double-spaced, four pages at a twelve-point font. Use MLA format. Sources can not be used or consulted.

Note: An A paper will have a thorough introduction that provides a set up for the analysis, a clear thesis that addresses the essay topic, a strong use of specific examples/quotes throughout the body, clear and distinct body points, a sound theme that provides a backbone to the analysis, well-structured individual paragraphs, a smooth recap at the end. An A paper will also be free of major writing and style errors.


Consider the various costs articulated in the article about the cost of opening and operating a small proprietorship.

Select three costs that you learned about from the article, and in a paragraph each cost, answer the following questions:

Did the cost surprise you?
Would the cost dissuade you from opening a sole proprietorship?
How would a sole proprietor finance or fund this type of cost?


You’d like to incorporate your business in New Jersey. You live in New Jersey, plan to only do business in New Jersey, and hope to make a profit. To simplify this assignment, assume that your corporation will not be publically traded, but will instead be a close corporation.

Use your favorite search engine to find the New Jersey administrative agency that manages the corporate filing process in New Jersey. Visit their website and after reviewing the materials provided for those wishing to incorporate in New Jersey, answer the following questions.

1. What administrative agency is manages the filing process for incorporation in New Jersey?
2. Do you need to file form NJ-REG? Answer Yes or No and then fully explain how you found out the answer.
3. What is the filing fee payable to the state for your filing?


You are a now shareholder in your favorite corporation! Go to Your are going to review the filings of a corporation that you might want to invest in. Under “Filings & Forms” select “Search for Company Filings.” You will see a number of ways you can search – including the corporation name, ticker symbol, or location. So, think of a corporation you might want to invest in, find its forms, and answer the following questions:

1. What corporation did you select? What is the corporation’s ticker symbol?
2. Locate the most recent 10-K filing.
a. What is the state of incorporation.
b. What exchange is the stock trading on?
c. Are there any legal proceedings going on in the corporation? If so, what are they? (Note: if they are numerous, include the first, and then note how many additional legal proceedings are noted in the document.
d. Who is the Chairman of the Board of Directors?
3. Locate the most recent 14A filing.
a. When is the next (or immediately past) meeting of the shareholders?
b. Where is the meeting held?
c. What will shareholders be voting on at that meeting?


one pollutant ( flame retardants), chemistry homework help Science Assignment Help

i want you to a presentation slides for me.

just focus on these attached file points.

it is a group presentation about hydrocarbon. i will send you a lecture that will show you an example. and i will send you another lecture that can show the fate and source of some chemicals.

we have list of pollutants, each group will talk about one , our group will be talking about hydrocarbon.

i will be focusing on these attached file points.

I attached two lectures;
1- One has ppt example of one pollutant ( flame retardants), so that it can help you in how you do the slides ( photos, pullet points, etc)
2- the other lecture is about the source and fate of some pollutants, that might be useful

lecture will be useful to the sources and the fates of pollutants

I will be talking about 6 minutes

Us at least two reliable sources

If u use picture write about it in the note

it is just about hydrocarbons all hydrocarbons

you can’t say that there are heaps of hydrocarbons contamination

and mention the common of them if that’s possible

attached example like that


Qualitative Coding Humanities Assignment Help

Please use the attached Word Document to complete this assignment. I have taken the time to break down the steps with
directions for each part (the coding and the write up portions). The directions on this description are outlined from the Word Doc. Please be very
thorough and if done under the time limit I will tip additional to the normal
tip I give.

For this assignment you will analyze four transcribed interviews (IN APPENDIX) by inductively coding the data and developing at least 4 themes. There are 4 tasks for the coding and a small write up portion – Each section is developed from the transcript coding and building on the previous section. Pretty straight forward! Fill in each table under the tasks and highlight the transcripts for the Task 1 (Transcripts are in the appendix), you need 4-5 themes for Task 4.

Task 1: Code the transcripts (4 TRANSCRIPTS ARE IN THE APPENDIX) and color code the transcript using a color for each key code. Do this in Word.

Task 2: Take those highlighted words and create a codebook below (FILL IN THE COLUMNS TO CREATE THE CODEBOOK)

Task 3: Expand on Task 2 and create a table (TABLE 1) of words or phrases that appear frequently.

Task 4: Based on Table 1 (TASK 3) and your coded transcript (TASK 1), create Tables 2 and 3 (THIS IS AN EXPANDED VERSION OF TABLE 1) for each theme.



Theater Essay, Satirical statement about social class, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Directions: Choose EITHER The Importance of Being Earnest OR No Exit and select a topic below. Write a multiple paragraph essay in which you directly address the issue presented. Use examples and quotes from the play for support.

Topic 1: Analyze the use of comedy in the play to explore a satirical statement it makes in regards to marriage, class or gender.

Topic 2: Do an in-depth analysis of the characters of the play. How are these characters used to satirize marriage, class or gender?

Topic 3: Focus on one satirical statement about marriage, class or gender. Write an essay in which you explore how you would adapt the play and what creative decisions you would make in order to highlight this theme. Be sure to discuss how specific scenes would be staged.

Requirements: Typed, double-spaced, four pages at a twelve-point font. Use MLA format. Sources can not be used or consulted.

Note: An A paper will have a thorough introduction that provides a set up for the analysis, a clear thesis that addresses the essay topic, a strong use of specific examples/quotes throughout the body, clear and distinct body points, a sound theme that provides a backbone to the analysis, well-structured individual paragraphs, a smooth recap at the end. An A paper will also be free of major writing and style errors.


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Can you write a 2-3 page paper on the below? Business Finance Assignment Help

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