can you write me song? Writing Assignment Help

can you write me song? Writing Assignment Help. can you write me song? Writing Assignment Help.

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So, I wrote a book., and  I need to have a song in it. Two times.

I need two versions of the same song. The first time, it’s only a first or second draft, he will get to sing it, and she loves it and she will tell him he needs to work on the rhymes.

Then I need the final version, the final song, which has to look like a song and HAS to rhyme.

Writing comes easily to me, but it seems I suck in poems! I really need help. I need original work, it will be in my book, I can’t afford a lawsuit. I will even give you credit in my book if you would like. You never know, maybe this is your chance! You will get a signed book as well! 

I put some words together, for you to get inspired, you can use it, or you can do your own version. The story of the songs:

A rock star meets the girl of his dreams on the train. he travelled the whole night, alone, he was sad, depressed, lonely. He then, meets her and they talk, and they travel for hours, he loves her laugh, and her talks and they fall in love. he wonders if she loves someone, ih she wants to stay with him, if the ride will end, etc. So, the rock star met a gilr in the train and falls in love.

So, the song  HAS to have the words train, the girl from the train, was it a dream, ( it felt like a dream, or I am dreaming? ) laugh (the whole world shines when you laugh), maybe words ( she talked and laughed a lot). 

Please bid, only if you can do original work. Thank you so much! 

SONG “Girl from the train”

some random thoughts for your inspiration

There was a lonely train, and a lonely ride

And suddenly I saw your smile

You were nervous, and you were shy, 

And it felt I know you for ages

You are here, yet I am longing for you

I need to feel your soul, 

and I need to tough your  hair.

Are you a dream? 

Or there is a tomorrow?

Please be my girl from the train

There was a lonely train and a lonely ride

And your laugh brought me alive

The whole world is shining with you

the winter melts when you are laughing

there is summer in you laugh

and there is summer in your words.

I had to know what are your thoughts, 

I wanted to know who makes you cry,

and I needed to touch your hair and ease your pain.

I was wondering who is laughing with you

And I was hoping you will stay

It used to be a lonely ride, But now I found my dream girl

I wish this ride to last forever

because I found a girl in the train

a girl who makes me smile, and laugh

a girl who needs love

this is my girl from the train


can you write me song? Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Advocates of the psychoanalytic approach, which emphasizes identifying and resol Humanities Assignment Help

Advocates of the psychoanalytic approach, which emphasizes identifying and resolving the underlying causes of behavioral problems, challenge behavior therapists by predicting that other symptoms will be substituted for the ones treated unless the underlying causes are also treated.

Based on your readings and using strong critical thinking in this module as well as relevant outside sources:

  • Where do you stand and why?
  • To what degree do you accept the notion that events themselves do not cause emotional and behavioral problems but rather that it is our cognitive evaluation and beliefs about life events that lead to our problems?

Regarding Reality Therapy,

  • In what specific areas or situations might you have trouble allowing your clients to make self-evaluations and why?
  • Would you be inclined to impose your values or perceptions?
  • Would you be inclined to make evaluations for certain clients?
  • Can the concepts of Reality Therapy relate with those of Behavioral therapy and Cognitive therapy?

Include in this post the terms used and interventions suggested as we discuss this theory.

Don’t forget to include references from your readings and other research.


do you believe that pollution standards should be established for bottled water? Writing Assignment Help

environmental controversy focuses on bottled water in terms of its health, safety, and financial issues. People disagree on whether government or private groups should be designated to promote healthier water. What is your position? Review the background information. Then using the references along with resources from your own research, write a 1 page response to the questions below. Remember to cite your sources using proper APA format.

Background Information

Critics of bottled water note that the products often contain dangerous bacteria and other contaminants. They argue that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) needs to better regulate the contents of bottled water. Others argue that media watchdog groups and competition within the private sector, rather than more regulations, are the best solutions for improving the quality of bottled water.

Bottled water: More than just a story about sales growth; Stringent federal, state and industry standards help ensure safety, quality and good taste. (2007, April 9). PR Newswire. Retrieved October 8, 2009, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID: 1251895191).
Use these references to help answer the questions that follow. You may want to also search the Internet for additional resources.

Link to article

Lisa Turner. (2001, December). Toxins on tap? Better Nutrition, 63(12), 48-50. Retrieved October 8, 2009, from Research Library. (Document ID: 90062665).

Link to article

Brown, J. (2008, May). Water pressure. Vegetarian Times,(358), 29-31,6. Retrieved October 8, 2009, from Research Library. (Document ID: 1466274691).

Link to article

Krogstad, A. (2009, January). Purifying the business of selling water. E : the Environmental Magazine, 20(1), 10-11. Retrieved October 8, 2009, from Research Library. (Document ID: 1626604811).

Link to article

Knopper, M. (2008, May). Bottled water backlash. E : the Environmental Magazine,19(3), 36-39. Retrieved October 8, 2009, from Research Library. (Document ID: 1475949361).

Link to article


Based on what you have read, do you believe that pollution standards should be established for bottled water? What arguments most influenced your decision? How would you explain your position to someone who disagrees with you?


Need assistance with W5A2 please. Computer Science Assignment Help

Finally, it’s time for you to complete your portfolio!

Revise and complete your complete portfolio. Take the items listed below and put them in a compressed or zipped folder:

  • A completely filled out Portfolio Audit Form
  • Your PDF portfolio
  • The folder containing your digital website portfolio along with the URL where the site can be viewed live
  • At least one sample of a representative project you completed in a previous course
  • A 1-page self-reflection report in Microsoft Word to summarize your experience in preparing your website portfolio
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Included a completely filled out Portfolio Audit Form.


Included a PDF portfolio.


Provided the URL where the digital portfolio is hosted.


Included at least one sample of a representative project completed in a previous course.


Prepared a 1-page self-reflection report to summarize the experience in preparing a website portfolio.


Written components.




SaaS and Cloud Computing Computer Science Assignment Help

Discuss the fundamental advantages and disadvantages of using software as a
service (SaaS) within organizations. Next, give your opinion as to why SaaS has
become a common delivery model for many business applications.

  • Most experts believe that security is a concern
    when using a cloud computing platform, and users play an important role in its
    success. Imagine that you have been asked to provide suggestions for an
    organization that is planning to acquire a cloud computing provider. Select one
    (1) out of Gartner’s seven (7)cloud-computing security risks, and suggest one (1) way in which you would negative
    the chosen risk for the organization for which you are working. Justify your
  • This does not need to be extensive, 2-3 paragraphs will do. Just cover each point listed above. Original work only please.



    Alternative Worlds and the Future of International Relations Humanities Assignment Help

    Throughout the course, we have considered three key international interests:

    • Security: Involves the use of political, social/cultural, geographic/economic, and military elements of power to protect state and individual interests at home and abroad.
    • Identity: Comprised of four components: the differences between and among state values/goals, religions, ethnic groups, and governmental/non-governmental organizations.
    • Economy: Focused on how, when, where, and why money is appropriated and spent and these priorities almost always related to the most important interests of states.

    Ultimately, each state in the international system will establish goals and objectives concerning their current and future national interests. Each state will also apply appropriate international relations theories to accomplish impending security, identity, and economic interests. State leaders will routinely utilize different schools of thought concerning international relations to meet upcoming threats and opportunities. For example, along with “What should be done?” leaders must identify “who” will do it (i.e., the State, individuals, ethnic, nationalist, or religious groups, Inter-governmental organizations (IGOs), Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs)).

    This paper is designed for you to use your critical thinking skills to evaluate potential international relations challenges, apply core international relations theories, and understand how foreign policy is formed and implemented. You will also assess the efficacy of national instruments of power along with the utility of other governmental/non-governmental organizations and international law during the examination of selected future economic, political, military, cultural, and informational trends. Finally, you will develop a recommended solution to plausible international dilemmas.

    Throughout this course, we have been discussing the four “alternative worlds” found in the 2012 National Intelligence Council Report, Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds. For this paper, you will choose one of these “worlds,” that you did not discuss in your Week Two Assignment, and analyze this new scenario in your Final Paper. Choose from the following:

    1. Stalled Engines: A scenario in which the U.S. and Europe turn inward and globalization stalls.
    2. Fusion: A world in which the U.S. and China cooperate, leading to worldwide cooperation on global challenges.
    3. Gini-Out-of-the-Bottle: A world in which economic inequalities dominate.
    4. Nonstate World: A scenario in which nonstate actors take the lead in solving global challenges.

    Assume you are a special representative to the president of the United States assigned with the task of analyzing alternative future scenarios for the White House. Create a report to the president that explains the future scenario and its potential implications to the United States. Your paper should be organized into six sections:

    1. Introduce the future scenario you will be describing and provide a brief overview of the main points of the rest of your paper.
    2. Explain which international relations theory (or theories) you believe best describes, explains, and predicts the future scenario you choose.
    3. Examine a few key security, identity, and economic issues illustrated in this alternative world that could pose as threats to and/or as opportunities for United States’ interests.
    4. Provide recommendations on how the United States should prepare for these critical challenges to US national security, identity, and economic interests. Explain what tools (i.e., political, social/cultural, geographic/economic, military elements of power, international organizations, NGO’s) the United States should use to tackle these potential challenges to its goals/objectives.
    5. Explain what school of thought (or combinations of schools) would best support the decisions you have made.
    6. Conclude your paper with a brief review of your main points and overall argument/thesis.

    The paper must be ten to twelve pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. You must use at least six scholarly resources, including the text and the National Intelligence Council Report, Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. For information regarding APA, including samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar.

    Writing the Final Paper
    The Final Paper:

    1. Must be ten to twelve double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
    2. Must include a title page with the following:
      1. Title of paper
      2. Student’s name
      3. Course name and number
      4. Instructor’s name
      5. Date submitted
    3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
    4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
    5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
    6. Must use at least six scholarly resources, including the text and the National Intelligence Council Report, Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds.
    7. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
    8. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

    Alternative Worlds and the Future of International Relations Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Construct a ten to thirty (10-30) page business plan Business Finance Assignment Help

    Use the attached financial spreadsheet for numbers and graphs, you need to develop a Ethics & Social Responsibility Assignment 3 Part 2 section

    The attached marketing plan needs to be greatly improved on…

    This assignment consists of two (2) sections: your final business plan and your business plan financials. Note: You must submit both sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment.

    You have completed all of the necessary sections of your business plan and will now create a final draft. Use any / all feedback you have received to polish your plan to the point that you could confidently show it to investors and potential partners or customers.

    Refer to the Outline of a Business Plan, beginning on p. 399 of the course text. (Click here for help accessing a specific page number in your eBook.) Not all businesses will include all of these components in this order, but use the outline as a guide. Specifically your plan will not require the Development, Milestones, and Exit Plan section of the business plan.

    Section 1: Business Plan (MS Word or equivalent)

    Construct a ten to thirty (10-30) page business plan. Note: Twenty (20) pages are sufficient for most businesses.

    1. Write a one to three (1–3) page executive summary for your business plan, in which you justify:
      1. A clear and concise business concept.
      2. A thoroughly planned business concept.
      3. A capable management structure.
      4. A clear-cut market need.
      5. Significant competitive advantages for your business.
      6. Realistic financial projections.
      7. That investors have an excellent chance to make money.
      8. A realistic and developed exit plan.

    Note: Read Chapters 4 and 18 of the course text: Successful Business Plan . Use the plan preparation worksheets on pp. 58–61 and the sample executive summaries on pp. 62–66 to help guide you, choose to write either a synopsis summary or a narrative summary, and include highlights from the each section of your business plan.

    Combine all of the sections stated below and revise your initial business plan draft, which you submitted in Week 8, based on feedback you have received.
    • Executive Summary
    • Company Description (Assignment 1)
    • Industry Analysis and Trends ( Assignment 1 )
    • Target Market ( Assignment 2 )
    • Competition ( Assignment 2 )
    • Strategic Position & Risk Assessment ( Assignment 1 )
    • Marketing Plan & Sales Strategy ( Assignment 2 )
    • Operations Plan ( Assignment 3 Part 1 )
    • Technology Plan ( Assignment 3 Part 1 )
    • Management & Organization ( Assignment 3 Part 1 )
    • Ethics & Social Responsibility ( Assignment 3 Part 2)

    need to complete the Ethics & Social Responsibility for the business plan
    section using the following information

    Note: The
    Ethics & Social Responsibility plan should account for approximately three
    to five (3-5) pages of the Business Plan Draft.

    Describe the ways in which your company is committed to being a
    good corporate citizen.


    o  Hints: Consider
    the following areas:

    §  Creating

    §  Following
    the laws of every jurisdiction in which your company operates

    §  Fair
    and honest treatment of employees

    §  Non-discrimination
    of employees and increasing diversity of your work force

    o  Hints: If your
    company is designed as a social venture—in which you have a primary purpose of
    achieving a social or environmental goal—describe what that goal is and what
    aspects of your company are designed to reach that goal. Provide a rationale
    for why you have or why you have not chosen this to be a social venture.

    Discuss how your company’s activities will affect the
    environment and identify the steps you will take to mitigate any negative


    o  Hints: As a
    beverage company, consider such issues as your choice of packaging, disposal of
    bottles / packages by consumers, and your use of resources, such as water in
    areas where water may be scarce.

    Determine any health issues / claims related to the product you
    are making, whether negative or positive. Suggest the strategy your company
    will use to mitigate any negative issues, and to ensure any positive claims are

    Many beverage products have negative health impacts on certain
    segments of a population (e.g., children, pregnant mothers, etc.). Suggest your
    company’s plan, through advertising, distribution, and / or other methods, to
    target and reach only appropriate market segments.

    • The Financials ( Week 7 Discussion )
    1. The Financials and the Management description—must spark enough interest to convince a reader to continue. Enhance the two (2) mentioned sections to appropriately engage the reader.
      • Hints: The financial section of your business plan will be derived from the previously completed financial worksheets.
    2. Format your assignment according to these formatting requirements:
      • Cite the resources you have used to complete the exercise. Note: There is no minimum requirement for the number of resources used in the exercise.
      • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
      • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

    Section 2: Business Plan Financials (MS Excel worksheets bundled with course textbook)

    1. For year one, submit a revised Income Statement, Cash Flow Projection, and Balance Sheet from the “Business Plan Financials” Excel template based on your feedback from Project Deliverable 4: Business Plan – Draft .

    Use this template APA_Template_With_Advice_(6th_Ed) .doc

    Paper must meet the A standard described below

    Unacceptable 0 – 69% F    Fair 70 – 79% C Proficient 80 – 89% B

        Exemplary 90 – 100% A

    1. Write a one to three (1–3) page executive summary for your business plan, in which you justify: a. A clear and concise business concept. b. A thoroughly planned business concept. c. A capable management structure. d. A clear-cut market need. e. Significant competitive advantages for your business. f. Realistic financial projections. g. That investors have an excellent chance to make money. h. A realistic and developed exit plan.


    Points Range: 0 (0%) – 10.35 (6.9%)

    Did not submit or incompletely wrote a one to three (1–3) page executive summary for your business plan, in which you justified: a. A clear and concise business concept. b. A thoroughly planned business concept. c. A capable management structure. d. A clear-cut market need. e. Significant competitive advantages for your business. f. Realistic financial projections. g. That investors have an excellent chance to make money. h. A realistic and developed exit plan.



    Points Range: 10.5 (7%) – 11.85 (7.9%)

    Partially wrote a one to three (1–3) page executive summary for your business plan, in which you justified: a. A clear and concise business concept. b. A thoroughly planned business concept. c. A capable management structure. d. A clear-cut market need. e. Significant competitive advantages for your business. f. Realistic financial projections. g. That investors have an excellent chance to make money. h. A realistic and developed exit plan.



    Points Range: 12 (8%) – 13.35 (8.9%)

    Satisfactorily wrote a one to three (1–3) page executive summary for your business plan, in which you justified: a. A clear and concise business concept. b. A thoroughly planned business concept. c. A capable management structure. d. A clear-cut market need. e. Significant competitive advantages for your business. f. Realistic financial projections. g. That investors have an excellent chance to make money. h. A realistic and developed exit plan.



    Points Range: 13.5 (9%) – 15 (10%)

    Thoroughly wrote a one to three (1–3) page executive summary for your business plan, in which you justified: a. A clear and concise business concept. b. A thoroughly planned business concept. c. A capable management structure. d. A clear-cut market need. e. Significant competitive advantages for your business. f. Realistic financial projections. g. That investors have an excellent chance to make money. h. A realistic and developed exit plan.


    2. Combine all of the sections stated below and revise your initial business plan draft, which you submitted in Week 8, based on feedback you have received.


    Points Range: 0 (0%) – 41.4 (27.6%)

    Did not submit or incompletely combined all of the sections stated below and did not submit or incompletely revised your initial business plan draft, which you submitted in Week 8, based on feedback you have received.



    Points Range: 42 (28%) – 47.4 (31.6%)

    Partially combined all of the sections stated below and partially revised your initial business plan draft, which you submitted in Week 8, based on feedback you have received.



    Points Range: 48 (32%) – 53.4 (35.6%)

    Satisfactorily combined all of the sections stated below and satisfactorily revised your initial business plan draft, which you submitted in Week 8, based on feedback you have received.



    Points Range: 54 (36%) – 60 (40%)

    Thoroughly combined all of the sections stated below and thoroughly revised your initial business plan draft, which you submitted in Week 8, based on feedback you have received.


    3. The Financials and the Management description—must spark enough interest to convince a reader to continue. Enhance the two (2) mentioned sections to appropriately engage the reader.


    Points Range: 0 (0%) – 20.7 (13.8%)

    Did not submit or incompletely enhanced the two (2) mentioned sections to appropriately engage the reader.



    Points Range: 21 (14%) – 23.7 (15.8%)

    Partially enhanced the two (2) mentioned sections to appropriately engage the reader.



    Points Range: 24 (16%) – 26.7 (17.8%)

    Satisfactorily enhanced the two (2) mentioned sections to appropriately engage the reader.



    Points Range: 27 (18%) – 30 (20%)

    Thoroughly enhanced the two (2) mentioned sections to appropriately engage the reader.


    4. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements


    Points Range: 0 (0%) – 15.52 (10.35%)

    More than 6 errors present



    Points Range: 15.75 (10.5%) – 17.78 (11.85%)

    5-6 errors present



    Points Range: 18 (12%) – 20.02 (13.35%)

    3-4 errors present



    Points Range: 20.25 (13.5%) – 22.5 (15%)

    0-2 errors present


    5. For year one, submit a revised Income Statement, Cash Flow Projection, and Balance Sheet from the “Business Plan Financials” Excel template based on your feedback from Project Deliverable 4: Business Plan – Draft.


    Points Range: 0 (0%) – 15.52 (10.35%)

    Did not submit or incompletely, for year one, revised the Income Statement, Cash Flow Projection, and Balance Sheet from the “Business Plan Financials” Excel template based on your feedback from Project Deliverable 4: Business Plan – Draft.



    Points Range: 15.75 (10.5%) – 17.78 (11.85%)

    Partially, for year one, revised the Income Statement, Cash Flow Projection, and Balance Sheet from the “Business Plan Financials” Excel template based on your feedback from Project Deliverable 4: Business Plan – Draft.



    Points Range: 18 (12%) – 20.02 (13.35%)

    Satisfactorily, for year one, revised the Income Statement, Cash Flow Projection, and Balance Sheet from the “Business Plan Financials” Excel template based on your feedback from Project Deliverable 4: Business Plan – Draft.



    Points Range: 20.25 (13.5%) – 22.5 (15%)

    Thoroughly, for year one, revised the Income Statement, Cash Flow Projection, and Balance Sheet from the “Business Plan Financials” Excel template based on your feedback from Project Deliverable 4: Business Plan – Draft.


    Answer the ques with at least 300 words Writing Assignment Help

    1. Read the prompt carefully and research an answer
    2. Try explaining the concept verbally to someone to see if your explanation is clear
    3. Write an explanation of the concept as if it were an email to a friend
    4. Cover all the questions asked in the prompt. Your best bet is to start a paragraph for each part of the prompt and lead with what that part of the prompt asks.
    5. Write at least 300 words
    6. Include at least two sources (one that is not Wikipedia) at the end of the email. A URL and title is all that is needed for the source.

    the ques;

    How does the internet transfer information? Use the idea of a packet.


    Frank Smith Plumbing Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

    Analyze the case study, “Frank Smith Plumbing.” (Attached)

    Analyze the “Frank Smith Plumbing’s Financial Statement” spreadsheet. (Attached)

    Compare the cost of the truck to the cash flow records

    Compile your calculations in a Microsoft® Excel® document

    Develop a 1,050-word analysis and include the following:

    • Explain why limited leverage is good for business.Show the profitability of the project so that Stephanie can convince her father to purchase the truck by borrowing money.
    • Explain how Stephanie should convince her mother that it is inappropriate to call the bank manager and his wife for assistance in getting the loan approval?
    • Analyze whether the investment in the truck is profitable.
    • Explain whether it is more beneficial for Frank to close his business.
    • Explain what you would do in this same situation.

    Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines. (Use attached template) 



    New Media and Political Communication Humanities Assignment Help

    The growth of the Internet has presented candidates a new method by which to communicate with voters. Candidates now use websites, social networking platforms, cell phone applications and other mobile devices to reach potential voters. Conduct an analysis of the emergence of New Media (Internet and Mobile devices) and its effect on political communication and voter behavior. Use this general outline to conduct your comparison. The analysis should be three to four double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages). Use at least three resources other than the course textbook to support your analysis. 

    1. Introduction (1/2 page)
    2. Describe the emergence of New Media (internet and mobile devices) in the increase of political communication. (one to two pages)
      • When did candidates begin using New Media to reach potential voters?
      • What has been the trend for New Media use in reaching potential voters?
    3. Analyze and evaluate the main strengths and weaknesses of New Media growth in candidate communication with the electorate and the effect of New Media on political communication utilizing both quantitative and qualitative data as support. (one to two pages)
      • How has the use of New Media changed political communication?
      • How has New Media expansion changed voting behavior?
      • What do you expect the future of New Media and political communication to be like? How will it change and what will happen to traditional media outlets?
    4. Conclusion (1/2 page)

    Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

    [supanova_question] for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

    [supanova_question] for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

    [supanova_question] for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


    can you write me song? Writing Assignment Help

    can you write me song? Writing Assignment Help

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