Capella University 2 Plus 2 Feedback Guidelines Exercise Discussion HW Writing Assignment Help. Capella University 2 Plus 2 Feedback Guidelines Exercise Discussion HW Writing Assignment Help.
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please use attached guide
I was able to attend the webinar and engage with Dr. Harding and my classmates. It was a good experience just to see everyone and realize that I was not the only one struggling with some of the challenges that we all seem to be facing right now. Frankly, it felt good to simply verbalize how I had been feeling about things piling up with work and the second class starting and overlapping with this one. The Powerpoint was clear and to the point. Thank you for the information and the time to see everyone.
Capella University 2 Plus 2 Feedback Guidelines Exercise Discussion HW Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Grantham University Organizational Charts and Structures Business Finance Assignment Help
ONLINE ASSIGNMENT: Chapter 8 – Structuring Organizations for Today’s Challenges
Go to 12Manage Web Site at to complete the assignment below.
Company Structure and Organizational Charts
Research the following information: Investigate the various types of organizational charts. Write a one page report on your findings. Include the four types of organizational structures and give a brief description of each.
Textbook, Chapter 8
Required Website
Acceptable Length: Approx 1 page
Formatting Requirements: Double spaced, 12-point font, 1″ margins, etc..
To get a top score, your paper should: Display formatting requirements, address all issues/requirements for the assignment and the paper must be submitted in a timely fashion.
Include your name, the assignment name, and your course and section number at the top of the paper. Upload your assignment via the assignment link.
HSA 6505 Florida National University CH6 WK3 Health Care Risk Management HW Business Finance Assignment Help
Objectives: The presentation assignment has several goals. It requires students to apply concepts from Ethical Issues for Risk Managers and Assuring safety and Security in Healthcare Institutions. The process of Safety and security will allow students to practice close the Risk assessment and Failure modes of techniques for managing, a skill they will be using as Healthcare Administrator. In addition, presenters learn as they teach others and contribute multiple critical perspectives to class discussion.
Format and Guidelines:The student will create a Power Point Presentation from Chapter 6, Chapter 7 of the Textbook and the Article related to Week 3 (Choose your desire topic form these chapters). The Presentation should have a minimum of 12 slides, including Title Page, Introduction, Conclusion, and References.
The student must use other textbooks, research papers, and articles as references (minimum 3).
Originality: SafeAssign submission and APA style 7th edition Format are required.
- Title Page: Topic Name, StudentName
- Introduction: Provide a brief synopsis of the meaning (not a description) of the topic you choose, in your own words
- Content Body: Progress your theme, provide Material, illustrations and Diagram to explain, describe and clarify the Topic you choose.
- Conclusion: Briefly summarize your thoughts & conclusion to your critique of the articles and Chapter you read.
- References: The student must use other textbooks, research papers, and articles as references (minimum 3).
LED 201 Trident University International My Leadership and Personality Reflection Writing Assignment Help
Type A and Type B Stress Questionnaire
Download and save LED201 Module 1 survey.
Directions: Questions are composed of a pair of adjectives or phrases separated by a series of horizontal lines. The pairs have been chosen to represent two kinds of contrasting behavior. Each of us belongs somewhere along the line between the two extremes. Circle where you think you belong between the two extremes. Some of these questions are concerned with work experience. If you are not working, alter the question so it refers to your home life.
Total your score across the 20 questions. The lowest possible score is 20, the highest possible score is 100.
1 = Strongly agree with the statement on the LEFT hand side.
2 = Moderately agree with the statement on the LEFT hand side.
3 = Neither agree nor disagree with EITHER statement.
4 = Moderately agree with the statement on the RIGHT hand side.
5 = Strongly agree with the statement on the RIGHT hand side.
What Your Score Means
Look at the following list to identify where you fall along the Type A – Type B continuum.
This questionnaire will give you some idea of where you stand with regard to Type A and Type B behaviors. The higher your score, the more you may be putting yourself under some risk of stress-related health problems. The concept of stress management has become popular in the modern workforce.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Reflect upon your results and write a 1- to 2-page paper discussing your results and how you will use your results to become a more effective leader. Discuss how your personality type relates to your stress level
APU Wk 7 Interview on Psychology by Professional Practitioner Interview Paper Humanities Assignment Help
- Assignment List
- Week 7 Interview Assignment
Week 7 Interview Assignment
DUE: Jul 19, 2020 11:55 PM
Grade Details
Grade | N/A ![]() |
Gradebook Comments | None |
Assignment Details
Open Date | May 31, 2020 12:05 AM |
Graded? | Yes |
Points Possible | 200.0 |
Resubmissions Allowed? | No |
Attachments checked for originality? | Yes |
Assignment Instructions
Week 7 Interview with a Professional
Total Points Possible 200
This assignment reflects weeks of thoughtful planning and execution by learners as the collective results of the interview with a professional practitioner in psychology are to be presented in the report submitted.
Interview Questions
- At least 20 interview questions should be submitted for review and approval in the Week 3 Forum.
- The interview cannot be conducted before questions have been approved; approval and/or revision requests will be sent by Message.
- Questions should inquire about job responsibilities; academic preparation for entry into the field including course work and practical hands-on training, on-the-job training and experience; continuing education and licensing requirements; recommended courses; job satisfaction, pay range and work environment; work/home life balance, avoiding “burn-out” and recommendations to those entering the field.
- Interviewees must have a masters or doctoral degree in psychology and can be working in any specialization in the field of psychology.
- ***Interviewee must have at least one year of experience in order to satisfy the experience needed to justify the question responses. See rubric for grading criteria regarding this. (Please see course instructor for special consideration)
- Interviews may be conducted on-site, by teleconference, or web conference.
- A brief letter of documentation from the interviewee indicating that the interview was conducted should be submitted to the course instructor’s MyCampus email address, available on the classroom Roster screen, the student should be copied on the email and maintain it for his/her records.
Articulating the questions asked during the interview and the interviewee’s answers, develop the paper to be submitted in Week 7.
- In the introduction of the report, identify the interviewee by his or her professional title, academic degree, and number of years of experience in an introduction paragraph prior to the first question/answer pair.
- Identify the questions asked by using bold font and note the response provided directly below, removing the bold font.
- Close the work with a substantive and cohesive section, describing what was learned during the interview, whether the interviewed provided insight that may serve may affect the direction of the student’s career path, and the most beneficial aspect of the interview assignment.
Include a minimum 8 to 10 pages, not including the required APA formatted title page; a reference page is NOT required as personal communications are not listed on reference pages.
The basic parts of a paper should also be included; these are the opening, introduction section, the body of the paper (substituted by the interview questions/answer section), and a conclusion that encompasses the points outlined in the instructions.
The APUS Library provides APA formatting resources at Writing@APUS. You may also see Purdue’s OWL for general APA formatting information and for formatting help on many topics.
All submissions are due by the end of Week 7, Sunday at 11:55 pm ET.
See the Grading Rubric Below
Black Panther Movie Presentation Writing Assignment Help
presentation should include ONLY 5 slides with images from the movie that illustrate the points that you are making.
Slide 1.) establish the general information about the movie that you are analyzing. Give the publication information, including years of release and major creators (authors, illustrators, screenwriters, and/or directors).
Slide 2.) provide a focused analytical commentary on what is “superheroic” about this movie, using the definitions we established in class. You will want to include at least one specific example.As a reminder, in class we said that a superheroic character exhibits charisma, personality, emotionality, courage, bravery, selflessness, a moral code, an interest in growing/learning/transformation, ambition, perserverance in the face of hardship, and a commitment to using their special gifts and abilities. We said that an author/creator who is superheroic: innovates, invents, inspires, influences, has imagination, and is introspective (i.e. sees the complexity in humanity and presents it in their characters and stories).
Slide 3.) analyze the movie by applying a literary study that are especially relevant to Race/Ethnicity/Diversity Studies,. You will want to include at least two examples.
Slide 4.) include a VERY BRIEF movie clip (one minute or less) to serve as an example of one of the points you make in #2 or #3.
Slide 5.) a page indictating Works Cited and Works Consulted
Important: your PowerPoint presentation must include complete citations formatted according to MLA guidelines for any and every source that provides you with any information that you don’t know going into the research—any historical information whether or not you think it’s “common knowledge,” any information that you even summarize—and you must make sure that any words that you quote directly from your sources are in quotation marks, even if you’re just directly quoting a phrase. Your final slide should be a “Works Cited” PowerPoint slide, and your other slides should include in-text citations and attributive tags to indicate exactly what information you are taking from your sources, per MLA rules. failure to cite sources—whether in a typed research paper or in another format, such as a PowerPoint presentation—as an academic integrity violation. So what this means is that you need to keep track of where you’re getting your information while you are in the process of collection information, whether your sources are in a DVD extra feature, a Wikipedia page, or a scholarly article.
Black Panther Movie Presentation Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
The Defense of Iago Othellos Philosophy and William Shakespeare Paper Humanities Assignment Help
After reading Shakespeare’s Othello, review the questions at the end of the text and the checklist for Writing Effectively in your text.
Please write a defense of Iago.
You must include detailed evidence from the Othello to support your points.
Remember that you must have a strong thesis and provide analysis, not simply summary, as you respond to the question you have chosen.
Here are some additional resources to assist you:
About Shakespeare: (Links to an external site.)
On Writing about Drama:
Your paper must be a minimum of 3 full pages presented in MLA format.
Florida International University Health Information Exchange HIE Technology PPT Health Medical Assignment Help
create a power point using Technology Project Attached (use the information from the technology project but do not copy or paste from the paper) The power point should highlight the significance/importance of the tech project
Assignment #3
Individual PowerPoint Presentations
- (10 slides excluding title and reference page)
- Overview-Project Introduction & Description, Background of Topic (2 points)
- Project Significance, Goals & Objectives (2 points),
- Literature Review (2 points)
- Financial Analysis (3 points)
- Evaluation Plan (4 points)
- Summary of your execution plan (2 points).
since project will remain on the proposal stage include statistical analysis you might use if project
implemented in the future practice Proposed plan & Alternative plan (activities, Budget,
- Evaluation Plan (4 points)
- Summary of your execution plan (2 points).
America Public University Generalized Anxiety Disorder Diagnosis Paper Writing Assignment Help
- Assignment List
- Diagnostic Paper
Diagnostic Paper
DUE: Jul 19, 2020 11:55 PM
Grade Details
Grade | N/A ![]() |
Gradebook Comments | None |
Assignment Details
Open Date | Jun 1, 2020 12:05 AM |
Graded? | Yes |
Points Possible | 100.0 |
Resubmissions Allowed? | No |
Attachments checked for originality? | Yes |
Assignment Instructions
Diagnostic Paper Assignment
This assignment is due at the end of Week 7.
Students will select one psychological disorder described in your readings from the course textbook, Psychopathology: Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding, 4th edition (Maddux & Winstead, 2016). addressing the following points:
- Thoroughly describe the disorder in terms of symptom presentation and DSM-5 diagnostic criteria.
- Discuss treatment options for this disorder, being sure to outline both pharmacological and psychotherapy-based options.
- Select a minimum of one peer reviewed scholarly journal article from the APUS Library that relates to your selected diagnosis. Summarize the article and discuss how it relates to your selected diagnosis.
The required minimum length of this paper is 8 pages, in addition to a required a cover page and a reference list. Papers must comply with APA formatting rules, including font size and margins, and must have a scholarly focus and tone. Quoting of published material and use of the first-person “I” are not permitted and will result in point loss. All source material must be paraphrased into your own words and cited appropriately.
On submission your work will auto-run through’s plagiarism checker software.
The Diagnostic Paper should be attached under the appropriate Assignment tab and will be evaluated using the rubric below:
BUS 308 UArizona Assessing Statistics Magnitude Precision & Uncertainty Discussion Writing Assignment Help
The Final Paper provides you with an opportunity to integrate and reflect on what you have learned during the class.
The question to address is: “What have you learned about statistics?” In developing your responses, consider—at a minimum—and discuss the application of each of the course elements in analyzing and making decisions about data (counts and/or measurements).
In your paper,
- Discuss the following course elements:
- Descriptive statistics
- Inferential statistics
- Hypothesis development and testing
- Selection of appropriate statistical tests
- Evaluating statistical results.
The Final Paper
- Must be three to five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
- Must include a separate title page with the following:
- Title of paper
- Student’s name
- Course name and number
- Instructor’s name
- Date submitted
- Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
- Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
- Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
- Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
- Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center
- Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
[supanova_question] for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.