Capella University Assessment Health & Medical Final Risk Report Health Medical Assignment Help. Capella University Assessment Health & Medical Final Risk Report Health Medical Assignment Help.
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Assessment 4 Instructions: Recommendations and Action Plans
Prepare a final risk report (5-7 pages) that identifies privacy and security-related risks from throughout the quarter. Include evidence-based recommendations; action plans; and best practices, policies, and procedures to support the recommendations and action plans.
Throughout this course you have examined health care’s legal landscape, considering security and privacy safeguards set forth by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The HIPAA standards protect the security and privacy of health information. Health care organizations are responsible to ensure proper controls are in place to make data available, but also to protect patients. Privacy and security violations must be identified; preventive policies and procedures need to be put in place to mitigate risks related to those violations. Health care organizations often use risk reports to identify, assess, and monitor risks throughout the organization.
In this final assessment, the risk management director has asked you compile a report based on all of your findings throughout the quarter. The director has an executive meeting with various stakeholders and would like to discuss recent risk issues identified throughout the hospital. In addition to identifying the risks, you will also make evidence-based recommendations and develop action items for identified privacy and security risks.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
- Competency 3: Analyze the relationship between privacy and security in health care.
- Create evidence-based recommendations to avoid privacy and security violations identified in audit results.
- Competency 4: Analyze legal and ethical implications related to Health Information Management.
- Develop action plans to accompany recommendations.
- Describe best practices, policies, and procedures that directly support the recommendations and action plans.
- Summarize the use of HIPAA standards and legal and ethical implications relating to the recommendations and action plans.
- Competency 5: Communicate effectively in a professional and ethical manner.
- Create a clear, well-organized, professional final risk report that is generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
- Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.
To successfully prepare to complete this final course assessment:
- Review these three Vila Health media pieces:
- Review your three previous assessments:
- Assessment 1: You prepared a SWOT analysis focused on privacy and security-related issues.
- Assessment 2: You developed a release of patient information compliance checklist for hospital staff members to follow.
- Assessment 3: You wrote a security report that identified potential security and technical safeguard violations in Valley City Regional Hospital’s audit report. Your security report included evidence-based recommendations to address these potential violations and prevent them from occurring in the future.
Based on the content presented in these media pieces and the work you completed in your previous assessments, you will compile evidence-based recommendations; action plans; and best practices, policies, and or procedures to remedy the privacy and security issues that have surfaced at Valley City Regional Hospital.
In this final assessment, the risk management director has asked you to compile a final risk report based on all of your findings related to privacy and security. The director has an executive meeting with various stakeholders and would like to share the recent risk issues identified throughout the hospital. In addition to identifying the risks, you will also make evidence-based recommendations and develop action items for the identified privacy and security related risks.
Download the Final Risk Report Template and use it to complete your assessment. Follow these guidelines when completing your final risk report template:
- Introduction (1 to 2 paragraphs)
- The point of the introduction is to orient the reader to the information presented in the final risk report.
- Summarize the main types of risks identified at Valley City Regional Hospital.
- Summarize the mains types of recommendations; action plans; and best practices, policies, and procedures provided.
- Consider including a brief explanation of the differences among recommendations; action plans; and best practices, policies, and procedures.
- Identified Privacy or Security Risk (Column 1)
- In Column 1 you will create a master list of the privacy and security risks you uncovered throughout the quarter.
- Consider grouping the privacy risks together and the security risks together.
- Evidence-Based Recommendations (Column 2)
- In Column 2 enter your evidence-based recommendations to address the identified risk and prevent it from occurring in the future.
- Include three recommendations for each identified risk.
- Action Plans (Column 3)
- In Column 3 enter the action plans associated with each recommendation.
- Include three action plans for each recommendation. This will be a total of nine action plans for each identified risk.
- Best Practices, Policies, and/or Procedures to Support Recommendations and Actions Plans (Column 4)
- Pay attention to the distinctions among recommendations; action plans; and best practices, policies, and/or procedures when constructing your plan.
- Recommendations indicate what must be done.
- Action plans show how it must be done.
- Best practices, policies, and/or procedures outline how, by whom, and in which settings and circumstances the recommendations and action plans will be put into effect.
- Pay attention to the distinctions among recommendations; action plans; and best practices, policies, and/or procedures when constructing your plan.
- Summary (1 to 2 paragraphs)
- Briefly summarize the use of HIPAA standards and legal and ethical implications relating to the recommendations and action plans.
- Help Valley City Regional Hospital prioritize the most critical recommendations to implement first. Provide the rationale for your prioritization and substantiate your rationale with references to current, scholarly, and/or authoritative sources.
Additional Requirements
- Format: Complete your assessment using the Final Risk Report Template provided. Use Times Roman, 12-point type.
- Length: 5 to 7 pages.
- References: Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references. Include a separate works cited page for your references. For an APA refresher, consult this resource: APA Style and Format.
- Writing: Create a clear, well-organized, professional final risk report that is generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Resources: Best Practices
- Capella University Health Care Administration Undergraduate Library Research Guide.
- Please consult this guide as needed to conduct independent research on course topics. This resource will direct you to scholarly, peer-reviewed, and authoritative resources.
- Luoma, C. (2016). Being prepared in the age of HIPAA audits. Health Management Technology, 37(8), 24.
- Merrill, R. J., & Groden, S. L. (2017). A due diligence “to do”: Evaluate privacy and security compliance and calibrate risk prior to signing on the dotted line: Take steps now to mitigate the risk of non-compliance. Journal of Health Care Compliance, 19(3), 5–14.
- Strauss, L. J. (2017). The value of auditing and audit controls: Recent HIPAA settlement highlights the importance of audit controls. Journal of Health Care Compliance, 19(5), 43–53.
Resources: Innovation and Action Planning
- Burns, A. J., Johnson, M. E., & Honeyman, P. (2016). A brief chronology of medical device security. Communications of the ACM, 59(10), 66–72.
- Roemer, K. (2017). Innovations for healthcare that ensure patient privacy, while transforming care delivery. Health Management Technology, 38(10), 10.
- Wider, J. (2018). Telehealth impacts ROI, patient safety. Health Management Technology, 39(2), 6–11.
- Capella University Health Care Administration Undergraduate Library Research Guide.
Capella University Assessment Health & Medical Final Risk Report Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Harvard University Challenges Faced by Local Governments During Covid 19 Era Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
The COVID-19 pandemic reveals that the public sector is not only facing simple and complex problem, but also turbulent problems characterized by the surprising emergence of inconsistent, unpredictable, and uncertain events. Turbulent problems call for robust governance solutions that are sufficiently adaptable, agile and pragmatic to upheld a particular goal or function in the face of continuous disruption”.
In the light of this statement, discuss the challenges faced by local governments during COVID-19 era. With the help of examples, explain how local governments can raise their awareness about such emerging pandemic, meet future challenges and be able to convert their challenges into opportunities.
Rasmussen College Advantage of a Wider Confidence Interval Worksheet Mathematics Assignment Help
THIS IS WHAT THE INSTRUCTOR SAID I NEEDED TO FIX –You did a nice job overall making the necessary corrections. Please see my feedback below for each section of the Grading Rubric. Don’t forget that you have 1 more attempt to improve your score. If you have any questions at all, please reach out to your instructor, Allisha Wise.
- Overall Score: [2] Competence
- Correctly solved a majority of the problems. [2]
- Good job defining the variables in Q1 part c. Now, don’t forget to include the explanations for your answers as according to the instructions. You should explain why you chose the levels of measurement and descriptions for the variables.
- In Q4, each calculation needs an interpretation as opposed to a general explanation of the types of values. So, specifically discuss what each calculation means in terms of the context of the scenario.
- The skewness answer you provided is not correct.
- Good work overall though.
- Fairly complete and detailed steps are provided to explain how to solve the problem OR the steps provided have some errors. See above. [2]
- Explanations demonstrate a basic understanding of most of the statistical concepts and terminology, but some explanations may be incomplete or incorrect. See above. [2]
- The majority of variables, equations, and expressions are properly formatted. Don’t forget to apply the dollar symbols for every single calculation including the modes and max and min values as all are salary values. [2]
Argosy University Addictions Psychology Paper Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a psychology question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
The addictions field struggled for years to get substance addiction recognized as a serious life-threatening illness, if not treated. Incorporating the physiological and psychological models assists clients in understanding the medical ramifications, psychological triggers, and post-acute withdrawal symptoms connected with their substance use. These two models also help explain the etiology of recovery in the five competency areas: physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual.
Case Scenario
Sam is a twenty-eight-year-old man who has lately been drinking a lot. He is also seeing a counselor, whom he told that his alcohol consumption has increased because he wants to regain the buzz in his life. He confessed that all his attempts to go without drinking had failed in only about four days of remaining sober. He also mentioned that when he attempted to refrain from drinking, he experienced mood swings, stomach irritation, and sleeplessness, but denied having tremors or shakes. However, Sam denied undergoing any prior treatment for alcoholism.
Sam told his counselor that he recently broke up with his girlfriend after he had two nearly fatal car accidents in the last six months. Both happened because he had been drinking heavily. However, Sam believes that their breakup was a result of his girlfriend overreacting after the accidents. Sam knows that he was a teenager when he lost his father due to alcoholism and that his uncle is facing serious medical complications due to his drinking.
Using the South University Online Library, research further on addiction.Based on your research, understanding, and the given scenario, answer the following:
- Using the DSM-V criterion, what would Sam’s diagnosis be? What intensity level (i.e., mild, moderate, or severe) would he be? Be sure to explain the diagnosis fully, including the concepts of withdrawal, tolerance, physical dependence, comorbidity, and psychological dependence.
Transparency and Accountability Governance Risk and Compliance Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
Seeking for research paper/essay writing assistance. There are 5 open questions around Governance, Risk and Compliance that would need to be addressed in consideration of the below requirements:
1. The assignment requires regulatory and compliance expertise from an excellent English speaker.
2. Answers should be made under US legislation (possibly New York) with some comparisons with the EU legislation. Field of choice: IT.
2. Please collate the assignment as a single document in a Microsoft Word format.
3. All marking is anonymous, which means your name should not appear on your work.
4. All work should be properly referenced. ?
5. The total word count for this assignment should be no less than 3,300 (approx 12 pages). This includes all in-text references and appendices but excludes any footnotes, reference page or contents page. N.B. Appendices should only be used in exceptional circumstances and should consist of only brief extracts or tables. ?
6. The number of words per part of the question should be in proportion to the number of marks allocated. ?
7. Please see below the questions – appreciate your efforts!
Explain why internationally agreed standards of regulation are important, highlighting the benefits from having these in place at both an international and jurisdictional level. Support your answer with relevant examples.
DRAFTING NOTES: Focus is on the different roles of internal stakeholders involved in supporting effective GRC practices within regulated firms and this could include those such as the board, the compliance function, risk management operations, for example. However, irrespective of the selections made it is how the writer support their selection (through consideration of relevant responsibilities, resulting activities and so on) and provide examples in doing so that will effectively demonstrate knowledge and understanding. Examples should therefore be apparent, ideally one for each of the stakeholders referred to, to illustrate how the activities of each contributes to the effectiveness of the approach overall. Types of topics that could be covered here include supporting effective culture, policies, systems, controls, training, education and so on, with, examiners assessing efficacy in how well these support their intended purpose and explanation provided.
Identify two regulatory directives or initiatives that have been implemented, or are in the process of being implemented, in a jurisdiction and sector of your choice. Consider the implementation process and show, through the use of practical examples, how this has impacted or has the potential to impact upon your chosen jurisdiction and sector, and on a particular regulated firm within that jurisdiction/sector.
DRAFTING NOTES: the goal is to demonstrate the relevance of the chosen bodies activities for the overall regulatory environment and also for a particular jurisdiction, so examiners would expect to see consideration of this in respect of topics such as international/local standards, jurisdiction/sector aims and objectives, global initiatives/focus, and such like, with practical examples provided in support of the commentary included.
Describe the assessment made by the regulator of a sector and jurisdiction of your choice prior to a firm being authorised by them. Within this, explain the purpose and methodology of this assessment, make clear the relevance of this for the firm and provide examples to illustrate the approach adopted.
DRAFTING NOTES: The writer shall select an example of failure in corporate governance in a regulated firm that has occurred within the last five years. Unfortunately, there are many of these to choose from (a number of which are referred to throughout the earlier Units of the course text). Having selected such an example, an effective answer should briefly describe what happened (with an emphasis required here on a description, rather than more generally writing about, together with relative brevity) then assess the consequences for the firm involved (so there should be some form of assessment apparent). The writer should provide their views, therefore views should be apparent, on the lessons that could be learned from that failure – this is the focus of the latter part of the question. Focus here is to demonstrate practical understanding of corporate governance and its relevance
Thomas is a member of the compliance function team at a firm regulated in a jurisdiction and sector of your choice. He has been asked by his line manager, the head of regulatory compliance, to contribute to an upcoming training day for new members of the team by preparing a paper to act as the basis of part of the training. In this, he has been asked to demonstrate why and how a wide range of matters – such as an economic downturn, the emergence of scandals, or other such significant events – have the potential to influence the development of regulation in that jurisdiction, and to explain the relevance of this development for firms regulated within that jurisdiction and sector.
With reference to the above scenario and to the fundamental objectives of regulation:
discuss why and how matters such as an economic downturn, the emergence of scandals, or other significant events have the potential to influence the development of regulation in your chosen jurisdiction and sector, and
highlight and recommend the most important messages you, as a compliance professional, would want to ensure were communicated to new staff members attending a training day (such as that referred to in the scenario), supporting your views with reasoning and examples.
DRAFTING NOTES: This question draws on topics referred to across the earlier units of the course text. Regulatory focus, themes, supervision requirements, fit and properness test, and wider topics such as reputation are all possible considerations in answering this question, which references the information provided by fines to act as a backdrop to assessing the writer’s understanding of why the regulator’s focus is of importance to regulated firms. In a satisfactory answer, the writer should identify one of the themes evident from recent fines issued by a regulator of a sector of their choice, selecting appropriate examples to illustrate their views. Themes such as focus on individuals, honesty and integrity, system and control failings, size of fines, etc. are examples of what might be apparent but here it is again not so much the theme that the candidate highlights but how they have supported their comments on this through their selection of examples to illustrate their views that is most important. Specifically, the writer need to discuss (i.e. there should be inclusion of the facts and some interpretation from different sides of the argument, with the aim of arriving at a conclusion, rather than just writing generally around the subject matter) and make clear what can be inferred from these themes about the current and intended focus of the regulator (this is an opportunity for the candidate to demonstrate their knowledge about the current and intended focus and the way in which the regulator is prioritising action in these areas), then explain (so an explanation should be apparent, again rather than just writing about) the relevance of this theme to a firm authorised by that regulator (for example covering topics such as prioritisation of issues, hot topics, areas of focus within the firm, etc., as appropriate re the nature of that firm and its products/services)
The transparency and accountability of the regulator is crucial to the effectiveness of the regulatory system.
With reference to the chosen jurisdiction, regulated sector of IT and to the above statement, evaluate the responsibilities of the regulator(s), showing how the regulator’s transparency and accountability is ensured and demonstrating the relevance of this for the effectiveness of the regulatory system overall. You should include examples to support the points made.
DRAFTING NOTES: This question provides the writer with an open opportunity to demonstrate their thinking around a topic of practical relevance, consideration of which is inherent within the field. Reasonable responses will demonstrate consideration of the various factors that contribute to the statement and discuss these (i.e. there should be inclusion of the facts and their interpretation from different sides of the argument, with the aim of arriving at a conclusion) however the broad nature of the question phrasing gives scope for the writer to be open in their approach and, in so doing, provides more able individuals with the opportunity to really demonstrate depth of practical understanding around the issues at hand. In an effective answer, the question posed in the statement will have been addressed – essentially this should form the backdrop to the discussion. There should be some form of evaluation of the impact of the different approaches in the context of its impact on GRC activities, which requires the writer to consider the impact of working in an environment/within a culture of just meeting minimum requirements (for example with a focus on box ticking, doing the minimum possible, etc.) compared to working in one in which all act in an ethical way more generally (i.e. where meeting expectations re compliance is part of normal day-to-day business practice). Each of these opposing types of business culture would have a definite practical impact in terms of how the firm and those within it viewed compliance and related activity, with obvious consequences for many, including the compliance function and how they approach their role. In short, numerous topics for the writer to choose from in their discussion, with examiners expecting to see addressing of the different elements and assessing predominantly on how effectively the writer have utilised their choice of topics to address the main focus of the question. The writer should include examples that relate to the chosen topics and their discussions around them. Real life examples would be useful, whilst illustrative examples are of course acceptable.
St. Thomas University External Factors that Influence Nurse Management Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
Module 3 Assignment: Summary and Analysis of Nurse Manager Interview Submission
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Interview a nurse manager to explore the external factors that influence decision making such as health policy, regulatory requirements, accreditation, health care financing. Write a 4 – 5 page paper summarizing and analyzing your interview with the nurse manager. Rubric is at the end of the syllabus. i am Icu NURSE i work @ mount sinai medical center at miami beach florida. you can talk about anything all good things the manager can do 🙂 Due in module 3 Goal: Identify the external factors that influence nurse manager’s decision making. Content requirements for this assignment: 2. Perceptions related to impact on health policy on decision. Perceptions related to impact of regulatory agencies on decision making. Perceptions related to impact of health care financing on decision making. Format Requirements: The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling. The paper is to be no shorter than 4 pages; nor longer than 5 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page. Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to APA style (the library(Links to an external site.) has a copy of the APA Manual). Your paper should be formatted per APA and references should be current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions). |
St. Thomas University External Factors that Influence Nurse Management Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MATH 160 Grossmont College National Health Statistics Questions Mathematics Assignment Help
first one
The National Health Survey uses household interviews to describe the health-related habits of U.S. adults. From these interviews they estimate population parameters associated with behaviors such as alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, and hours of sleep for all U.S. adults.
In the 2005-2007 report, they estimated that 30% of all current smokers started smoking before the age of 16. Imagine that we want to verify this estimate. So we randomly select a sample of 100 smokers and calculate the proportion who started smoking before the age of 16. How much error do we expect in the sample proportions if the 30% is correct for the population overall? Use the applet and a give an error based on 2 standard deviations.
Here’s the applet for the simulation:
the second one
A Gallup poll conducted in November of 2011 asked the following question, “What would you say is the most urgent health problem facing this country at the present time?” The choices were access, cost, obesity, cancer, government interference, or the flu. The responses were access (27%), cost (20%), obesity (14%), cancer (13%), government interference (3%), or the flu (less than 0.5%).
The following is an excerpt from the Survey Methods section. “Results for this Gallup poll are based on telephone interviews conducted Nov. 3-6, 2011, with a random sample of 1,012 adults ages 18 and older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia. For results based on a total sample of national adults, one can say with 95% confidence that the maximum margin of sampling error is ±4 percentage points.”
If we accept the maximum margin of sampling error provided above, find a 95% confidence interval to estimate the percentage of U.S. adults who feel that access to healthcare is the most urgent health problem facing this country. Interpret your interval in context.
Colorado State University Pueblo Malcolm X Influential Leaders Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
There are seven influence tactics an individual can use to influence others: silent authority, assertiveness, information control, coalition formation, upward appeal, persuasion, impression management, and exchange.
- Select a well-known leader, alive or deceased, and conduct research on the influence tactics he or she has used to influence others. Identify the tactics and the specific situations in which they were used.
- Based on your research, determine which tactics were the most successful for this leader.
- Write a paper which examines the leader’s use of tactics to influence followers.
Paper Requirements:
- Your paper should include an introduction and a conclusion and should be 5-6 pages long, not including the title or reference pages, which you must include.
- Incorporate two scholarly references that are not required readings for this module.
- Use APA formatting to the paper
Stanford University Racial Disparities in Higher Education Data Report Humanities Assignment Help
The Institutional Disparities Report is supposed to examine existing disparities within a social institution, preferably education (eg, high school completion rates, college attendance, etc.). However, if there are no educational disparities of interest to you, there are disparities existing within virtually every sector of society. Here are just a few examples of existing disprities:
- Arrest rates of Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Whites, etc.
- Conviction rates of people of color versus whites
- Health disparities among people of color versus whites
- Lack of access to care among people of color versus whites
- Home ownership among Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Whites, etc.
- Income inequality, etc.
Once you have identified an existing disparity, then you should research and write about it. Your paper should include an introduction that briefly describes the problem. Then, you should write a background section that provides a bit more detail of the problem. Then, you should have a literature review section that discusses what scholars have revealed about the problem based on their own research. The lit review section should include a minimum of five peer-reviewed sources. You have access to the College’s online database to extract peer reviewed journal articles. Your paper should then describe the methodology used to collect the data that you are presenting as part of your analysis. Specifically, how did they identify the sample? What types of statistical analyses were conducted? In your findings section, you should present the data – either in table or chart. Then, after completing your analysis, you should write a conclusion with recommendations.
W 3 Religious Belief System and The Philosophical World Views Paper Humanities Assignment Help
There will be three separate assignments
1- Write for discussion 250-300 words
2-Replay to 5 students and I will be posting there post after two to 3 days
3-Write 1 to 2 pages as I will write the requirements
1- The discussion
Please share your current religious belief system and the philosophical world views that are foundational to it. This last part is super important and should be the focus of your post. For instance, mine is a “spiritual, not religious” concept that sees all life as equally sacred and wondrous. There is no god figure and humans are not intrinsically more valuable than any other organic life on planet Earth. Since I view myself as a part of the whole where we are all on a level playing field, my code of conduct reflects that. Am I 100% stellar in my actions? No! Am I aiming to be? You bet 🙂 For my post on this, I would expound further on my ideas. Also, be SURE to include concepts from the text in your initial posts and discussion. Does your belief system fall under the categories of concepts discussed in the text?
SUPER IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be respectful of your classmates in this thread!!!!!!!! Everyone has a right to their stance and usually people hold their religious views very close to their hearts. Do NOT use your views to put down others. An example of this is to say something like “abortion is murder.” So, if someone else has chosen abortion, this triggers all kinds of challenging feelings. Another example is “being gay is a sin.” If someone is gay, more challenge. Get it? Present your views without laying out the judgments on other people that may be associated with it.
Your initial post of approximately 250 words is due Thursday, and then continue to log back in for a bit each day to reply to others and see if they have replied to you. This is a DISCUSSION thread. Minimum of 5 replies to others throughout the rest of the week, NOT JUST ON THE LAST DAY.
2- the paper
This week utilizes the fourth chapter in the textbook, Philosophy, Religion, and God. Please read the chapter thoroughly. This is my favorite chapter, as it addresses a topic that many of us are well conversant in already.
I love this topic! Religion has been the #1 hot button issue since the beginning of human history. Well, maybe not the very beginning, but dang close! Look at all the wars that have been fought over it. Look at all the misunderstanding and profiling that has gone on, the intense bigotry, the astounding assumption that I AM RIGHT AND YOU ARE WRONG that has resulted in endless suffering and misery. It’s ridiculous!
Let’s take a step back and consider our own beliefs and where they came from. Are they the only possible ones that could be correct? What does “correct” mean anyway? If there was ever an area of human life that needs a whole lot more “live and let live”, it’s in the realm of religion.
Please read the entire chapter thoroughly and consider the various viewpoints of atheism, agnosticism, monotheism, Eastern religious views, feminist theological views, and the concepts of the major philosophers presented.
There is a wonderful world of diversity of thought that we can learn from! How rich the various spiritual and theological traditions! What purpose does religion serve in our lives? If we are nonreligious, what purpose does that serve? How have we changed our beliefs from the religion of our childhoods? How helpful is it to put someone down for not believing what we do? How helpful is it to demonize them? There is so much to learn from one another in this regard.
Work for this week:
Read the chapter.
Take part in the Discussion thread for this week under the Discussions tab.
Write a short paper defining the following: atheism, agnosticism, monotheism, and identify some key points of Mary Daly’s feminist critique of traditional religion. Be concise and brief, but accurate! A couple of well written paragraphs is fine. Submit in BB.
3- the students post I will provide it later
you have to replay to them as 150-300 word for each
Capella University Assessment Health & Medical Final Risk Report Health Medical Assignment Help
Capella University Assessment Health & Medical Final Risk Report Health Medical Assignment Help