Capstone 4600 Health Medical Assignment Help

Capstone 4600 Health Medical Assignment Help. Capstone 4600 Health Medical Assignment Help.

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Project topic: Pain management or Safety choose one

Assignment Instructions

The Clinical Practice Project (CPP) is the culminating academic endeavor of nursing students who earn a baccalaureate degree in nursing from Ohio University. The project provides students with the opportunity to explore a problem or issue of particular professional interest that is somehow related to one of the following nursing QSEN competencies: patient-centered care, teamwork/collaboration, evidence based practice, quality improvement, safety or informatics (QSEN: Each of the QSEN competencies somehow link to nursing excellence. For your project you will need to:

1. Select an issue/problem that you have a professional interest in. Example: Creation of a patient education tool to prevent falls

2. Select a QSEN competency that relates to that problem. Example: Safety

3. Select a health care organization that can help support your issue: Example: The CDC

4. Develop a global objective: Example: At the completion of this project I will have developed a patient educational tool to present to staff on 1-South to be distributed to all patients on 1-South to prevent falls.

5. Develop at least four project objectives: Example:

a. Research current literature on the prevention of falls and patient educational material content.

b. Seek falls data from ABC Hospital quality department and specifically from the 1-South Unit.

c. Review data results and evaluate for trends.

d. Develop a patient educational tool on fall prevention.

e. Educate staff on use of the patient educational tool

f. Implement patient educational tool and present to at least ten patients on 1-South.

6. Develop possible resources needed to help meet your goals/objectives.

a. Meet with unit manager and seek approval on project implementation.

b. Review the CDC web site for current references and resources on fall prevention.

c. Create patient educational tool, copy and prepare to distribute.

d. Create a timeline to implement the patient educational tool.

This assignment is the first of five assignments to complete your Clinical Practice Project (CPP). Each weekly assignment will build upon the last one. It is very important that you follow the directions carefully and review your teachers document/grading rubric for comments so that you can improve each week.

This Form is to be typed.

Capstone 4600 Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Week 5 Volkswagen Beetle Ad Campaign Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

For your next campaign critique you will be critiquing the VW ad campaign. Remember, you should use the chapters in Twenty Ads That Shook the World as well as Adcult to help you answer these questions. There are also presentations, videos, and additional readings each week that will help you write your critique.

What were the important environmental factors (such as the economic, cultural/societal, legal/governmental, or business opportunities) that gave rise to a particular campaign?

Who were the major players in the creation and execution of the campaign, product, or idea?

How was the campaign, idea, or product “disruptive” for its time?

What current advertising campaign or ad do you believe uses some of the principles used in the campaign you critiqued? Briefly explain why.

Your paper should be 1 page typed, the answers numbered, and should be formatted using MLA.

I have attached the text that is needed to answer the questions. Please only use this text.


i need help with making a text base teaching lesson plan Humanities Assignment Help

I need help making a teaching with text lesson plan. We have to base it off of all my other lessons plans that I will post with this. It also has to go with my compelling question that I will have in one the files.

  • Consider if and how you might modify your text to make it more comprehensible for students. Do not just print something off and give it to students!
  • Make sure you give students a purpose for reading. Provide questions up front and help them get through the text itself. Follow with activities to review and connect.
  • Be sure that students have the source and contextual information they need. Make sure there is a citation, and add any info they need about an author or time period.
  • Give students guidance in reading and analysis of primary sources!
  • Tools that you can use:
    • Lexile analyzer
    • Modifying: consider unnecessary words/passages, difficult vocab, passive sentences, sentence length. Tell/show students how you’ve modified!
    • Planning questions for instruction.
    • Developing guiding handouts
  • Select a text or texts that you would want to teach as part of your unit. These can be verbal and/or visual.

    I need to have a graph or map with it to. When you make this lesson plan pick out 15 minutes of it that I can persent to my class to please like I had to do for other one.


I have an outline for the case study its on Starbucks Writing Assignment Help

It needs to be two pages!

The summary outline for two page cases is the following:

I. State clearly the main problem or challenge that management faces and other strategic issues in a paragraph or less.

  1. Do not recite what’s given in the case such as history
  2. Show evidence of the management weaknesses from the case, usually by analyzing the financial statements

II. Strategic Analysis

  1. Strategic Analysis tools:

a. Five forces model,

b. Strategic group map,



e. State the generic strategy and give reason and examples why your company fits this generic strategy

f. analyze the vision, mission, what are the core values, and value proposition,

g. other tools: SWOT, etc

III. Financial Analysis

  1. financial statement analysis
  2. ratio analysis
  3. Graphs and charts are highly recommended to show trend analysis, etc.

IV. Recommendations

1. would you buy this company?

2. would you pursue a career at this company, why or why not?


Use SAS to do marketing analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

  • Use k-means methodology, form three (3) clusters for Connecticut zip Codes based on the income distribution of the household.For each Zip Code, use the percentage of tax filings (number of filings /total filings) in each “Adjusted Gross Income” category. Repeat the above analysis for the state of Alabama and compare the two states’ clusters (cluster centers) (50 points).
  • Consider the following survey of two car brands:


Body Type



































Perform the following analysis:

  • Tradeoff between price for Toyota-SUV and VW-SUV
  • Market share forecast for:
    • Toyota- Sedan- 25000
    • Toyota-SUV-25000
    • VW-Sedan- 25000
    • VW-SUV- 25000
  • Attribute importance



Populations Affected by Mental Illness Health Medical Assignment Help

Populations Affected by Mental Illness

Read chapter 24 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentation. Once done answer the following questions;

1. Explain and give some examples of the concepts of community mental health, and discuss the importance of community mental health promotion in special populations.

2. Describe the biological, social, and political factors associated with mental illness.

3. Describe different types of evidence-based treatment for mental disorders, including the use of psychotropic medication management, community case management, and crisis intervention. Give at least one example.

4. Describe the role of mental health nurses in the community.

As stated in the syllabus please present your assignment in an APA format, word document, Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard titled “week 14 discussion questions” for grading and for your peers to review and comment and in Turnitin to verify originality. A minimum of 2 evidence-based references (excluding the class textbook) are required. Two replies to any of your peers sustained with the proper references are required. A minimum of 700 words is required and please make sure you spell check your assignment for grammatical errors before you post it.

Populations Affected by Mental Illness Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

what are your best answers for these questions ? Writing Assignment Help


Date: The date goes here

To: Connie Wooledge, MSLM

From: Your name goes here

Enrolled in HRT 3410.03

Subject: Informational Interview with name goes here

Interviewee Name:Your content goes here

Interviewee Position/Title: Your content goes here

Interviewee Department: Your content goes here

Interviewee Company: Your content goes here

Interviewee Address: Your content goes here

Interviewee Phone: Your content goes here

Interviewee Email: Your content goes here

Please describe the leadership style(s) that the interviewee demonstrated in the interview.

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Give THREE examples to illustrate how the interviewee showed his/her leadership in the daily operation.

  • Here is where your content would go
  • Here is where your content would go
  • Here is where your content would go

Was the interviewee an effective leader? If so, please provide THREE evidences. If not, please recommend the ways on how he/she can be an effective leader.

Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.

  • Here is where your content would go.
  • Here is where your content would go.
  • Here is where your content would go.

Did the interviewee demonstrate as an ethical leader? If so, please provide THREE examples. If not, please suggest what he/she can do to become an ethical leader.

Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.

  • Here is where your content would go.
  • Here is where your content would go.
  • Here is where your content would go.


Interview Questions with insert name

  • How would you describe your management style?

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2. What are some mistakes that you think hospitality managers commonly make?.

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a. How do you “fix” any mistakes or make sure that they do not happen again?

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3. What do you think are some key qualities/characteristics and skills that a _________ manager at your level should have?

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4. Which skills to you believe have been most valuable in assisting you in your management role?

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5. What is the most challenging aspect of being a ___________ manager?

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6. What problem solving strategies do you use?

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7. What is the most difficult challenge that you have faced as a hospitality manager?

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8. What do you enjoy least about your job as a hospitality manager?

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9. What do you enjoy most about your job as a hospitality manager?

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10. How would you describe a typical work day for you?

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11. What strategies do you use to motivate employees and maintain morale?

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12. How do you measure employees’ success?

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13. What traits do you look for when hiring management employees?

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14. How long does it take for employees to complete the training program you offer?

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15. What is a competitive salary range for your position?

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16. Why do you like working for the company compared to your previous employer?

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17. What experiences have you had that helped you to get to your current position?

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18. Why did you decide to get into the hospitality industry? Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go. Here is where your content would go.

19. Why did you decide to work for this company?

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20. Is there anything that you would do differently in your career as a hospitality manager?

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21. How important is it to a management career to have a university degree in hospitality management?

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22. As a manager, what would you recommend that I focus on learning that will benefit me in my career?

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23. Why do you think there is so much turn-over in hospitality management?

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24. Do you have any recommendations/suggestions for me in my hospitality management job search?

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Fully describe a national or international labor relations event/conflict within the past 5 years, making the case for each side. Then pick a side and provide a comprehensive rationale for why you chose that side. Business Finance Assignment Help

Fully describe a national or international labor relations event/conflict within the past 5 years, making the case for each side. Then pick a side and provide a comprehensive rationale for why you chose that side. Examples of labor relations events/conflicts include organized protests, work stoppages, arbitration cases, and lawsuits. The paper may reference notes and materials provided in the course, but most of the content should originate from outside of class with at least three different references cited. The case paper should be at least 8 but not more than 10 pages in length (including small pictures, graphics, tables, quotes, etc.). Papers must be typed, double-spaced, using 12pt. font with one-inch margins, page numbers, with a title page (title page does not count as a page) that includes the student’s name, assignment and course number. All papers must use APA or other appropriate guidelines for citing materials that are not the original ideas of the student.


Lesson Plan Humanities Assignment Help

Writing Lesson Plan Objectives

In order to properly serve your students you must be able to write lesson plans with good objectives so that you can assess all of your students. Lesson plans can have 4 different sets of objectives:

a. Motor objectives- what are you expecting the students to be able to do (e.g., shoot a ball using the B.E.E.F method – bend knees, elbow facing the target, eyes on target, follow through). A good motor objective should have a task, a situation, and a criterion. Here is an example of a good motor objective:

The student will be able to pass a basketball to a classmate standing 8 feet away using the proper mechanics (elbows out, ball chest high, step toward target, extend elbows, follow through) 4 out of 5 times during practice, scrimmage, or small-sided game.

Task- pass the basketball to a teammate standing 8 feet away

Situation – practice, scrimmage, or small-sided game

Criteria – 4 out of 5 times

b. Affective objectives- how the student will address their emotions/feelings within the lesson. You can write an objective that states that the student will honor a fair play contract that you have written. Within the fair play contract, you will make sure that the students adhere to the rules of the gym such as no yelling at classmates, display good sportsmanship, and other behaviors that exemplify safe play.

c. Cognitive objectives – this objective should state what you want your student to know at the end of the lesson. An example should be that I want my students to know and be able to write or recite the B.E.E.F. method

d. Physical activity objectives– this objective should state what you want your students to accomplish as it pertains to physical activity or movement during the class. An example would be to move at least 500 steps as counted by the pedometers (step counters) that you would have them to wear.

With that, I want you to write 1 objective for each type of objective that I have listed above (motor, affective, cognitive, and physical activity) for a lesson that you create on any sport that you choose. You do not have to write a whole lesson plan; I only want you to write the objectives. You choose the sport and the skill that you would like to work on.

The one thing that I ask you to do is to write the lesson for a student with a visual impairment (limited to no sight).

For the motor objective, your objective must contain a task, a situation, and a criterion

For the affective objective, please list at least 5 expectations that you have that pertain to student behaviors in the class

For the cognitive objective, please list 2 things that you expect your students to know that are directly tied to your other objectives

For the physical activity objective, list 2 things that you want you students to accomplish throughout or at the end of the lesson


Description cocktail Other Assignment Help

HOST 1066: Re-create a Daiquiri Assignment


1. Explain the reasoning behind your modified cocktail’s name?

2.Discuss your choice of glassware:

3.Provide your recipe below.Use a format similar to that in the bar manual.Make sure EVERY step is followed in order so that anyone could recreate your cocktail.If you made syrups, be sure to include the recipe for making your syrup.

4.Discuss your procedure (build, shake, stir, et cetera.Why did you choose this procedure over another one?

5.Discuss your choice of garnish/ingredients:

6.What is the cost and cost percentage of your cocktail?Explain your reasoning behind the price.This includes describing the type of venue and target market/demographic.


Capstone 4600 Health Medical Assignment Help

Capstone 4600 Health Medical Assignment Help

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