Career Academy of Texas Expansion of Yearly Execution Based Rewards HW Writing Assignment Help. Career Academy of Texas Expansion of Yearly Execution Based Rewards HW Writing Assignment Help.
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As the HR Chief at XYZ Ventures, Inc., it is your pleasure to declare the expansion of yearly execution based rewards for mid-level administrators or more. These rewards will require yearly execution surveys to perceive the measure of the reward. Draft a reminder disclosing this situation to this particular gathering of representatives.
The configuration of your reminder educates your representatives a great deal concerning your affability and demonstrable skill. Since you would prefer not to disturb any workers pointlessly, you ought to likewise be aware of your wording while clarifying socially touchy subjects. Give specific consideration to your update’s edges, line dispersing, text style type and size, and situation of notice parts, for example, the addressees, title, and body.
Suggested Association Header Start your reminder with the four standard notice heads (Date, To, From, Subject). Body/Conversation In the primary passage of the body, start off with the uplifting news. Notices don’t start with welcome or greetings. Clarify what elements could have added to this new turn of events (for example expanded deals, raising stock value, and so on.) and why the choice was made to compensate workers with the overflow reserves. The subsequent passage is the place you clarify the new procedure that the representatives can anticipate. Blueprint the way that surveys will be dealt with, and by whom. Don’t hesitate to be imaginative (yet to some degree sensible) while laying out how the exhibition scores will convert into rewards (for example level framework, status, commitment esteem). In the third section, make certain to approve any foreseen concerns workers may have about this alteration. Clarify the more noteworthy advantage in the drawn out this choice gives and finish up your update by showing how the peruser may get in touch with you on the off chance that he/she has any inquiries. All in all, this segment ought to be “short and sweet,” ensuring that the representatives comprehend what is anticipated from them.
Career Academy of Texas Expansion of Yearly Execution Based Rewards HW Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Ethical Dilemma with Special Needs Student Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. (2017). American Psychological Association. (Required sections: Preamble, General Principles, Section 3.10, and all of Section 8: Research and Publication). If the link does not work, here is the url:
You have learned the federal ethical guidelines regarding research in your CITI course training as well as the ethical standards set forth by the American Psychological Association in week 1 of this course. However, your personal ethics and worldview also shape how you interpret the standards in our field. In complex real-life scenarios, professionals may differentially weigh threats to our professional ethics code that result in various outcomes. The following scenarios are meant to help you develop and reflect on how you would choose to act in a professional research-related ethical dilemma. Note: the following scenarios were modified from a publication written by Hammersley and Traianou (2012) for the British Educational Research Association.
- When studying educational challenges when working with special needs students, a researcher is faced by a young adult with severe learning difficulties who demands to be included in the research project along with fellow members of the class, even though her parents have already refused on her behalf. The young adult is 18 years old. What should be the researcher’s response?
Write a professional letter to your graduate research advisor discussing the hypothetical situation (scenario) and how you think it should be handled. Make sure to include the following:
- A professional salutation and tone throughout the letter.
- Briefly describe the scenario and how you think it should be handled.
- Cite at least one ethical standard from the APA Code of Conduct (using both the number and its title – for instance 1.01 Misuse of Psychologists’ Work). Discuss its relevance specifically as it relates to your situation and your chosen response.
- State the name of the principle from the APA Code of Ethics you believe is most at risk in your selected scenario and if applicable, the federal principle most affected (from the Belmont Report). Discuss your rationale.
- Include citations throughout your letter and a complete reference section at the end of your letter using current APA style format.
Your thread must be at least 400 words.
American Psychological Association. (2017). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct (2002, Amended June 1, 2010 and January 1, 2017). Retrieved from
Hammersley, M. and Traianou, A. (2012) Ethics and Educational Research, British Educational Research Association on-line resource. Retrieved from
LBCC Perspectives of Globalization & Definition of Global Citizenship Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
1st Word DOC:
Write a short summary about.
What is your dream Job? Where?
Which country is the most overworked? (2:55 min)
What are the most advanced technological countries? (2:58 min)
What are the biggest companies in the world? (3:38 min)
15 of the most amazing jobs (10:00 min)
After watching the above videos in Lesson 1, write a 400 to 450 word discussion of your dream
job and where it would be located. Must show word count.
2nd Word DOC:
Part 1 (~200wds)
Explain the three perspectives of globalization. Which one do you think is closest to the truth, and why?
Part 2 (~200 wds)
Imagine a world in which an organization can confer global citizenship upon a person. What do you think the criteria would be for consideration?
-350-400 word essays addressing the questions stated in the assignment.
-cite and reference minimum three sources of information.
Selecting a Warehouse Location Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
All resources should be cited using CU Harvard style. • The final assignment must have a Title page, Table of Contents, References/ bibliography using CU Harvard Style and page numbers. • Title Page must have Assignment Name, Module name.
Duke University Media and Technology Interview & Reflection Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
The goal of these interviews is to explore how people you know use and think about media technologies.
How it works:
This assignment has two parts: an interview and a reflection.
– Before you start, think about who you want to interview. Ask yourself: – Is this person available for an interview? – Is it safe to speak with them? (Don’t forget that we’re in the midst of a pandemic!) – Do they really want to talk about media use? (For an interview like this, it’s a good idea to find a willing participant.) – What are the chances that I will learn something new from this person? (You never know what you will learn in advance, but it is worth considering. After all, the more similar a person is to you, the less likely it is (in general) that you will learn something new or unexpected.)
– Plan the interview. – Where will you hold the interview, and how? – If the interview will be in person (unlikely), think about how you can maintain distance while having a conversation. – If the interview will be electronically mediated (more likely), think about the tools you will use (Video? Audio? Text?) and the requirements of those tools (e.g., a solid internet connection, a quiet space to have a conversation). – How will you record the interview? – You do not have to record the interview, but a record will allow you to immerse yourself in the conversation and make it easier to complete the second part of the assignment, reflecting on the interview. – If speaking in person or via telephone, you might record audio. Video recording can be done on applications like Skype and Zoom. Text (e.g., an email exchange) is the easiest for you but the most work for your interviewee. – If you do record your interviewee, make sure to tell them beforehand. Many people are uncomfortable being recorded. – Plan your questions. (More on this below.)
– Ask ahead. By giving your interviewee at least a few days advanced warning, you show that you value their time. Of course, if they are happy to do the interview immediately, go for it!
– Hold the interview.
– Aim for a 20-30 minute discussion. – Interviewing is a surprisingly difficult task, even when talking to someone you know well, like a friend or family member. Being recorded can make things feel especially awkward. – This is very unlikely, but if you or your interviewee feels uncomfortable, end the interview. There is no need to damage a relationship for this assignment. – Most important: the best interviews are fundamentally conversations. – You don’t need to act or speak in a formal way. Be polite while being yourself. – Remember that another person has interesting and valuable experiences that you want to learn about. Furthermore, most people are happy to share them and are often flattered that you would ask. – It is advisable to prepare a list of questions in advance, but use your questions as a guide (rather than as a script). If your conversation moves away from the questions, that’s fine! – Asking the same questions to both interviewees can provide for some interesting comparisons of their answers. Conversely, be attentive to your interviewees’ answers and open to asking “follow-up” questions that you hadn’t prepared or expected to ask. – After listening to a response, you can also follow up by asking your interviewee for an expansion or clarification. – Avoid asking questions with a yes/no answer. Consider your questions to be prompts for them, more than direct questions. The more open-ended your questions are, the more freedom you provide your interviewee to tell you something unexpected and uniquely personal. At the same time, specific guidance can be helpful for interviewees, especially toward the beginning of interviews before they “loosen up.” You might consider asking them to describe a particularly memorable encounter or experience, or the first time the remember using a particular technology. – There are several ways to get a conversation back on track without being rude. You might say things like: – “That’s really cool. I want to come back to that, but first I wanted to ask about …” – “This makes me think about …” – Feel free to mix up the question order, or to skip questions that are redundant. Asking the same question repeatedly is a good way to bore or frustrate your interviewee. – Don’t forget to thank your interviewee for their time, even if you’re speaking with family or friends.
– Consolidate and reflect. – This is the second part of the assignment, which you will write up and submit to the Assignments Folder on the Sakai site no later than Thursday, May 28th. It contains three parts: – First, describe some of your findings. Did you learn anything surprising, interesting, or funny? Remember that what is not said can also be of interest. (2-3 paragraphs) – Second, use some of the concepts discussed in class to make sense of your discoveries. (2-3 paragraphs) – Third, briefly consider how you might follow up on your interview. If you were to speak with your interviewee again, what more would you like to learn? (1-2 paragraphs)
Sample Interview Questions
Here are some questions that you might ask. Feel free to modify these questions and/or add a few of your own. For instance, you might specify particular types of MT (e.g., smart phone; social media) or particular platforms (e.g., Zoom, Instagram).
– On media technologies (MT) – What does “media technology” mean to you? – When you think about MT, what comes to mind? – Do you have a favorite MT? What is it, and why?
– On media use – Which MT do you use? – How often do you use them? – Why do you use MTs? – How do you think your life would differ with different media?
– On comparative media use – How is your use of MTs different from those of your parents/friends/kids/coworkers? – Do you know someone who uses MT differently? What are those differences? What do you think about them?
– On historical comparative media use – How does your use of MTs differ now compared to when you were a child/teen? – What media did you use when growing up? What was it like? – How is today’s mediated world different? Do you think the changes are a good/bad thing?
– On media feelings and opinions – Are there any particular problems related to MT in our society? What are they? – If you could change any one thing about MT, what would it be and why?
HRM 481 Colorado State University Employee Development Plan Case Paper Writing Assignment Help
Stephanie has been working for Organization CDC for 15 years as an administrative assistant. Due to advances in technology, many of her responsibilities, which were described it in her job description no longer apply. Furthermore, the organization has begun to outsource many administrative type functions.
Stephanie is a valuable member of the workplace and is highly respected by those in charge. In fact, for 10 years, Stephanie worked directly for the CEO, who still sings her praises.
Given Stephanie’s relationship with the organization, as well as her desire to continuously improve, it has been determined that Stephanie will fulfill the function of a data analyst assistant. Stephanie’s new responsibilities encompass generating reports, analyzing the information presented on these reports, and presenting and distributing report data.
While Stephanie has taken one statistics course in college, her statistics knowledge is lacking. Therefore, in order to assist her during this time of transition, you have been asked to design a personalized employee development plan. You know that Stephanie needs to develop her statistical and analytical knowledge, so, consider this as her area of improvement.
For the purpose of this assignment, do the following-
- Include SMART goals that Stephanie needs to achieve.
- Compile a list of developmental activities and explain what resources are needed to complete these activities.
- Explain how knowledge will be assessed. Specifically, what does success look like?
- Explain how the Human Resources (HR) Department can assist Stephanie in achieving her goals.
HRM 481 Colorado State University Employee Development Plan Case Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy Beowulf Fight and Heroism Paper Humanities Assignment Help
1.)In 3-5 sentences and in your own words, retell/paraphrase the events of Beowulf’s fight with Grendel, and remember to cite paraphrases either by page number or line number. (2 points for a clear explanation + 1 point for citing the text = 3 points total)
2.) Can you provide an example – with page number reference – from before line 1000 that demonstrates that Beowulf is a wonderful hero? (2 points for a clear explanation + 1 point for citing the text = 3 points total)
3.) In 3-5 sentences and in your own words, retell/paraphrase the events of Beowulf’s fight with Grendel’s mother, and remember to cite your paraphrases either by page number or line number. (2 points for a clear explanation + 1 point for citing the text = 3 points total)
Rutgers State University Bumping Into Mr Ravioli by Adam Gopnik Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Adam Gopnik, “Bumping Into Mr. Ravioli”
Malcolm Gladwell, “Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted”
Adam Gopnik is concerned that technology has become a substitute for and an impediment in our ability to engage in meaningful communication, and that we have fallen prey to a culture of busyness – one that has been both broadened and complicated by the various forms of digital media. Malcolm Gladwell expresses skepticism about technology’s ability to fulfill vital social, political, and emotional needs, and about the possibilities of using digital technology for positive social change. Both authors question the kinds of ties we lose and gain in the shift from traditional to virtual forms of interaction, making readers wonder if technology is really to blame for the weakening of social ties or if we are simply redefining how these ties bind us together. Using ideas and evidence from Gopnik’s and Gladwell’s texts, develop an essay that answers the following prompt: How is the transition to a ‘wired’ or ‘plugged-in’ society transforming our increasingly busy lives, and our ties to one another, for better or for worse?
Reminders Before You Get Started:
– Develop a clear position that persuades the reader of a connection between the two texts
– Include quotes from both readings in every paragraph, working always to make connections between the two texts
– After each quote, explain how you are interpreting or using it to support your position or thesis
– Include topic sentences that introduce the main point of the body paragraph and concluding sentences that sum up the argument you made within it
ITS 835 UOTC Risk Management Chief Risk Officer & Strict Measures Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Chapter 18 presented special risk management issues with Blue Wood Chocolates, and chapter 19 presented various financial risks at Kilgore Custom Milling.
To complete this assignment, you must do the following:
A) As indicated above, if Blue Wood Chocolate and Kilgore Custom Milling are to develop a risk management framework, who should lead the process at each company? Should a Chief Risk Officer (CRO) be appointed? If so, to whom should he/she report and have access to? How could smaller companies without the resources for a dedicated CRO deal with ERM? What is the role for the board in such a process?
NOTE: These discussions should be informal discussions, NOT research papers. If you MUST directly quote a resource, then cite it properly. However, I would much rather simply read your words.
University of Maryland Business Entities and Shareholders Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
For Assignment 1, you will conduct research on, consult your textbook, and refer to other similar, reputable resources on taxation. Your goal is to compare the three major forms of corporate organizations: partnerships, s-corporations, and corporations. You will then select a domestic organization, identify its entity type, and describe how the organization’s tax methods are detailed in its financial report.
To complete Assignment 1, write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you do the following:
- Compare and contrast the tax rules and treatment applicable to those three forms of organization and the major way in which the tax treatment affects the shareholders or partners.
- Explain at least two reasons why a business owner might opt for one form of organization over another. Provide support for your rationale.
- Identify two sources of tax guidance (e.g. IRS code, Revenue Procedure) for each form of organization and how it defines a component of the tax policy for that form of organization.
- Research an organization by identifying its entity type (corporation, s-corporation, or partnership) and describe how that organization’s tax methods are detailed in their financial reports.
- Go to to locate at least three quality academic resources for this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
- This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
- Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the source list are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Evaluate the tax rules and treatment applicable to organizations and their impact on shareholders.
Career Academy of Texas Expansion of Yearly Execution Based Rewards HW Writing Assignment Help
Career Academy of Texas Expansion of Yearly Execution Based Rewards HW Writing Assignment Help